Business on children's entertainment: trampolines. How to open a trampoline center: business plan with calculations Trampoline center business plan doc

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The trampoline park is a new type of sports and entertainment services. This business is actively gaining momentum in our country and is still considered a novelty. In large cities, you can only meet the opening of the first halls. For example, in our city (600 thousand inhabitants), the first trampoline center was opened only at the end of 2015. Although in the same St. Petersburg there are already more than 20 such trampoline halls.

At the same time, being not the first in your city to launch such a project, you can save a lot on attracting customers. It is much easier to work with an already prepared audience, which competitors managed to introduce to this kind of entertainment. And if you have some advantages, for example, in the location of the complex, price and service, you can lure away the lion's share of customers.

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Meanwhile, the audience for this entertainment (or sports direction) is quite wide. Private clients are fans of parkour and extreme sports: kite, wake, alpine skiing, freestyle (skiing). Children, schoolchildren, university students love to jump on trampolines. Not infrequently, women come here to do "original" fitness (mostly in groups). Corporate events, master classes and children's parties are also held. In general, attracting customers should not be a problem. Moreover, with the development of social networks, information about the opening of a new unique trampoline complex spreads in a matter of days. So almost from the first days you can expect good attendance.

What equipment to choose for a trampoline room

The area of ​​​​the room where it is planned to install a trampoline hall should be at least 200 square meters. m. In such a space, four trampolines can fit, that is, 50 square meters each. m. for each. In large shopping and entertainment complexes, trampoline parks with an area of ​​​​300 - 1000 square meters are installed. m. It is worth noting one design feature of trampolines - their dimensions. This allows you to save on finishing and repairing the premises, since the installed equipment will largely cover the walls and floor. The price tag for trampolines may vary, depending on the manufacturer and condition (new or used). On average, for equipment 1 sq. m. it takes about 3500 r. Accordingly, a small park of 200 sq. m. will cost about 700,000 rubles. This is a new option. On the used market equipment can save up to 20 - 30%.

How much can you earn on a trampoline park

To begin with, we list the main ways to generate income for the trampoline complex:

  • One-time visits, the average price tag for Russian cities is 300 rubles. / 45 minutes. On average, you can count on 25 people per day or 750 people. per month. Potential revenue in this area is 225,000 rubles. per month
  • Corporate events, birthdays - an average of 5000 rubles. for one event. It is realistic to hold up to 6 such events per month. Potential income - 30,000 rubles.
  • Classes for students - 2500 rubles. per group, an average of 5 lessons per week. Total revenue - 50,000 rubles.
  • You can also conduct master classes, fitness, classes for extreme groups. The average income from a lesson is 3000 rubles. Ten classes per month will bring another 30,000 rubles.

The total turnover per month is 335,000 rubles. It should be noted that the above calculations are typical for cities from 250 to 500 thousand inhabitants. In larger cities, the price tag will be higher, and the turnover, respectively, too (from 400 thousand rubles). But you will probably not work alone in the city. Further expenses (per month)

  • Room rental (not a shopping center) - 100,000 rubles. for 200,000 sq. m.
  • Administrator salary - 1000 rubles. for a working day. Requires 2 people for shift work. General expenses - 60,000 rubles. plus 20 000 rub. for insurance premiums.
  • Trainer's salary - 600 rubles. in shift. A minimum of 2 trainers is required. Total - 36,000 rubles. + 12 000 rub. for insurance premiums.
  • Advertising expenses (signboard, support for the site and groups in social networks, holding contests and promotions) - 15,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Total total expenses - 253,000 rubles. From here you can calculate the net profit: 335,000 - 253,000 \u003d 82,000 rubles. per month. Minus taxes (simplified, 15% of profit) you can count on a net profit of 69,700 rubles. With an initial investment of 800 - 900 thousand rubles. (purchase and installation of 4 trampolines) payback comes after 11 - 13 months of work.

Pitfalls (search for premises)

One of the most difficult tasks when organizing an indoor trampoline park is finding a place. The purchase of equipment, the registration of an individual entrepreneur, the search for personnel - these are all “flowers” ​​and completely solvable problems. Finding the right space, however, is not an easy task. The fact is that there are a number of requirements that complicate the selection of premises. For example, the height of the ceilings - it must be at least 6 meters. Accordingly, semi-basement premises (like boxing schools), premises on the first floors of apartment buildings, etc., disappear. Add to this the appropriate size of the area for installing trampolines, which is at least 200 square meters. m. There is not so much choice. The most famous option is shopping and entertainment centers. But, as you understand, the price of rent in some shopping centers, especially popular ones, “bites” very much. At a price per square of 1500 - 3000 rubles. you will pay for the rent all the monthly proceeds. So, here you need to think carefully and weigh everything. You can also look for the premises of former schools, where gyms once functioned. But such objects are not in every city. As soon as you find a suitable room, you can proceed to the rest of the points, in particular, to the search for suppliers of trampoline parks. Here we are no longer clues, since there are quite a few such manufacturers, including in Russia. Stable demand for such a service goes on almost all year round. The so-called "drawdown" is observed only in summer, when revenue falls by 15 - 20%. According to experts, the average business margin is 40%. To increase profitability, the owners, in addition to the trampolines themselves, install a climbing wall, a dodgeball arena, a parkour park, and a cafe. In general, they open a full-fledged sports and entertainment complex under the roof. Of course, this increases the cost of the project at times, but the return, you see, will be completely different.

How to start opening a trampoline park

The first trampoline center appeared in Australia, in a small town inhabited by only 11 thousand people, and immediately became in demand. In Russia, this type of business is also suitable for small settlements, especially since it does not require special investments. The most important thing is to find a suitable room, which is not so easy. You should start with his search

How much money do you need to start a business

To start, 250-300 thousand rubles is enough. To open a business you need:

  • room 200-300 sq.m.;
  • trampolines;
  • knowledgeable instructors.

It is better to start with the choice of premises, and then deal with the paperwork and the search for clients.

What documents are needed to open a trampoline park

When starting registration, you need to prepare: an application, documents on payment of the State Duty, a photocopy of the passport and TIN (for individual entrepreneurs).

Which taxation system to choose

It is better to choose a simplified taxation system.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a trampoline park

OKVED code 93.2 "Activities in the field of recreation and entertainment."

Do I need permission to open

The legislation does not provide for the registration of trampolines. The permission of Rospotrebnadzor is not required. But to start a business, you may need a passport for an inflatable trampoline and a lease agreement for the premises.


Trampoline business is one of the varieties of seasonal entrepreneurial activity, which involves high profits. But even here there are certain risks that can lead a businessman to financial losses. To avoid various adverse situations, it is necessary to calculate all possible negative, positive factors, create an ideal business development plan.

Attractions are a fairly simple way to make a profit. To open a business, you just need to register as a legal entity, purchase a trampoline and start making money.

How are the competitors doing?

Competition, as in any other business, of course, is present. But if we imagine the number of residents with young children in one particular city and the number of trampoline owners, it immediately becomes clear that in this area of ​​business, the niche is practically free.

Small attractions can be mounted on beaches, parks, any large shopping center will do. In such places there will always be customers who want to please their own child.

How does seasonality affect the profitability of a trampoline business?

Many novice businessmen are scared away by the idea of ​​opening attractions because of the seasonal type of earnings. In order for this type of activity to be profitable all year round, a large shopping center is ideal for renting premises. It is mandatory to conclude an agreement with his management. In this case, the income will compete with the profit received during the warm period.

The shopping and entertainment center, in the case of renting premises in it, does not exclude the possibility of simultaneously conducting open-air business during the warm period. To do this, you just need to purchase several sets of equipment.

The idea of ​​making money on trampolines is quite old, but despite this, it is in great demand among private entrepreneurs.

Outdoor trampolines

Kit cost

How much does the kit cost? Inflatable trampolines of large sizes approximately cost from 100,000 rubles. There are no price restrictions, it can be said, it all depends on the financial capabilities of a novice entrepreneur. You can buy ready-made inflatable trampolines of a standard design, or you can make them to order.

There are two types of structures:

  • Inflatable in the form of a room. Such a kit can be purchased up to 100 thousand rubles.
  • Inflatable trampolines in the form of a hill. Such products are much more expensive - approximately 130 thousand rubles.

How to choose the right trampoline?

The choice of a particular design depends on its future location:

  • Any entertainment attractions are primarily aimed at children. Therefore, inflatable trampolines should be placed in places where there are other children's attractions. For such places, the most optimal option is a design in the form of a slide.
  • Shopping center, cafeterias are the most visited places by people. Here you can install a trampoline in the form of a room. For example, parents, relaxing at a table in a cafe who visited the mall, will send their child to the playroom with great pleasure.


When buying a trampoline, first of all, you need to pay attention to its quality. On sale today there are products of Chinese and domestic manufacturers. The main quality criterion is the material used in production.

  • Domestic attractions are produced only from expensive raw materials. The cost of trampolines, respectively, is high. The weight of a good quality product is not less than 0.65 kg / per square meter.
  • Chinese designs are made from cheaper raw materials, cost less, but wear out faster. The mass of such products will be only about 0.45 kg / sq. meter.

Business payback calculation

  • The average salary of a worker who will “stand on a trampoline” is about 20 thousand rubles.
  • Rent of the territory for the installation of equipment - 7 thousand rubles.
  • Taxation - 7.5 thousand.
  • The price for the provision of services is 70 rubles per client.
  • The duration of the season is 3 months (it is necessary to take into account adverse weather conditions for the provision of services, other factors). In total, full working days per season can be from 60 to 70.

How much will be the profit? Such a mini-entertainment center for children with a working day of more than 3 hours, with a flow of customers from 100 people a day, will justify the costs in one season. Attractions will bring profit for the entire season of more than 400 thousand rubles.

The idea of ​​entrepreneurial activity on trampolines with an income of 50–70,000 rubles is today in the top ten best ideas for running a seasonal business!

Travel business

The idea of ​​​​opening such a business involves making a profit all year round. Services in this case can be provided in summer, winter. There is no need to buy an oversized trampoline. The dimensions of the product should be minimal so that there are no difficulties during its transportation. The total area should be no more than 20 square meters. meters.

If you use a shopping center for business, then the trampoline should be in the form of a room. Attractions with a slide are much more problematic. Such a trampoline will cost the entrepreneur relatively inexpensively - about 70,000 rubles.

Basic expenses

  • The cost of transportation if you have your own vehicle for one trip will be about 1000 rubles.
  • A hired worker for the installation of equipment for one trip will cost 500 rubles.
  • The rent for a working day is approximately 800 rubles or 10 percent of the daily income.

As a result, the total expenses for one working day will be up to 2.5 thousand rubles. But, you need to remember about the monthly payment of taxes - 7 thousand rubles.

In order for the entertainment mini-center to justify the goals of the entrepreneur, it is necessary to carry out at least six trips per month and provide services to at least 50 children. At first glance, these are unrealistic figures, but during the summer season many more trips can be made.

The most ideal places for doing this business are children's institutions: schools, kindergartens!

Profitability of traveling business on trampolines

For example (in rubles):

  • About 250 children are served for one trip.
  • There are six visits per month.
  • The average cost of the services provided is 50.
  • The approximate monthly revenue with a constant visit to the attraction by a large number of children will be 75 thousand rubles.
  • Monthly expense - 16 thousand.
  • Net profit for the month - 59 thousand rubles.

The practice of running an outbound business on trampolines shows that in one working day the number of children using the services is up to 300 people. When calculating, only 250 people were taken, the profit amounted to 59 thousand rubles. In reality, much more income is possible.

Costs that depend directly on profits may also differ from the calculations made.. Rental costs are also directly proportional to income. That is, the higher the income, the higher the costs.

All options for providing entertainment services on a trampoline in the summer are highly profitable. This type of commercial activity overtakes many other business ideas.


Let skeptics continue to believe that the trampoline business has long been outdated as a business idea. The main thing to understand is that any other ideas of entrepreneurial activity were also not created today. The most promising ideas can only be borrowed. You can feel the benefits of this business in full only with a competent approach to business, as well as perseverance.

Risks accompanying a major business and involving large losses, taxes, do not apply to this type of activity.

Andrei Solovyov and Dmitry Sobodarev offered Muscovites a new type of leisure - trampoline centers with cafes and play areas. He was to his taste - there are already six centers in the network, the total revenue of which in 2016 amounted to 173 million rubles.

(Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

"Pulled on a trampoline"

“I worked as a lawyer and have always been involved in extreme sports: paragliding, snowboarding and windsurfing. Once I was drawn to the trampoline, and I could not stop. At some point, I realized that I wanted to turn my hobby into work, ”says Andrey Solovyov, co-founder of the Weightlessness trampoline center network.

Back in 2012, while traveling through Europe and North America, he drew attention to the common trampoline parks there - large premises with several trampolines, a family cafe and other entertainment under one roof. The boom of such entertainment centers has not yet reached Russia: professional trampolines here were usually in sports schools and were intended exclusively for training, and children's trampolines, which were located in parks and entertainment centers, could hardly interest adults.

Returning from a trip, Solovyov told his friend Dmitry Sobodarev, an entrepreneur who was then organizing a network of small gyms, about what he saw. The idea with trampolines seemed promising. “In Moscow then, everyone, including me, was passionate about fitness and training,” says Sobodarev. — I thought that if we make an entertainment center and a sports school at the same time, we can interest both adults who need professional classes and children who are interested in the entertainment component. Opening a small center with a couple of trampolines is a road to nowhere.”

The idea was new and unusual, so for a long time the friends could not decide on the equipment, footage and internal arrangement of the center. The fact is that to open a trampoline park, you need a large area (from 1000 sq. M), ceilings at least 5 m high, as well as high-quality ventilation, air conditioning and heating. Solovyov and Sobodarev spent more than a year searching for such a room, thinking through internal logistics and analyzing the market for trampoline equipment suppliers.

The friends decided that they would open a trampoline park in some shopping center, so that some of the visitors would come to have fun after shopping. But it was almost impossible to find a suitable large space in one of the existing shopping centers, and renting within the Moscow Ring Road was too heavy for partners. Therefore, after several months of searching, they rented a room of 1800 square meters. m in the still unfinished China Town shopping center in Northern Butovo. 4 million rubles were immediately spent on rent and a security deposit, and it took another six months to wait for the completion of construction.

The partners themselves equipped their park together with the workers. “We experienced for ourselves how trampolines are pushed, whether we built it right or not,” Dmitry recalls. If the trampolines did not push well, then the companions immediately replaced them. The fact is that in order to assemble trampoline zones - an elastic coating and soft tracks (linings) around - they opened their own workshop, where they sew trampoline sheets of the right size. In early 2014, Solovyov and Sobodarev rented 100 sq. m in the Moscow region, purchased two sewing machines and two cutting tables, hired five craftsmen to sew the fabric and assemble the covers. The total investment in the launch of the workshop amounted to 1.5 million rubles, but the partners immediately received a powerful competitive advantage.

“From the very beginning, we understood that buying ready-made trampolines from outside would be, firstly, many times more expensive, and secondly, it would be more difficult in terms of maintenance. The wear of the trampoline cover and lining is large, so it is important to be able to quickly replace them, and not wait for the supplier to ship, says Solovyov. “We also understood that we would expand, so the launch of our own workshop only played into our hands.” The partners turned out to be right - now in the centers every week they have to replace up to 20% of the trampoline canvas. You can, of course, less often, but then the wear is evident, the trampolines look untidy.

Sports and money

In March 2014, the first Zero Gravity Center was opened with 64 trampolines, a foam pit, a climbing wall, a play area and a cafe. The total investment amounted to about 50 million rubles, half of which was made by Andrey and Dmitry, and half by their three friends who became shareholders of the business.

It immediately became clear that the initial calculation for the flow of visitors to the shopping center did not materialize - the next mall simply did not arouse much interest among the surrounding residents. But even before the opening of the trampoline park, partners began to visit all schools and kindergartens in the area, talking about the benefits of trampolines and the opportunity to visit their center soon. They created a website (it took about 100 thousand rubles) and launched an advertising campaign on the Internet.

Dmitry Sobodarev (right) and Andrey Solovyov (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

For the first six months of operation, the revenue was barely enough to cover rent and pay salaries to employees, but then the institution began to work in plus. People from all over Moscow began to come to Zero Gravity, Solovyov recalls: “At first it was a novelty: customers came, tried, but usually did not return. In order to keep them, it was necessary to somehow work extra. And we began to come up with different sections and special classes.

The partners understood that it was necessary to create a trampoline school for children and adults, where people would be constantly engaged. This attracted customers during weekdays and the low season - in summer, attendance at parks is usually four times less than in autumn and winter.

“Finding a professional instructor who is ready to be responsible for the safety of clients turned out to be more difficult than we thought,” Dmitry admits. “First, we hired young people through an ad. But very soon they all said that they could not work: they could not withstand the ten-hour load. And most importantly, they constantly wanted to prove to each other and clients that they jumped the coolest. We needed people who have already proved everything to everyone and understand that the safety of the client is above all.”

Entrepreneurs decided through acquaintances to look for acrobats and trainers from circuses and sports schools. The idea worked: a month later, three professional acrobatic trainers came to work with them - Alexei Shtyrev, Alexander Komissarov, Vladislav Sokolov - and ex-Cirque du Soleil artist Evgenia Borovikova. Now these coaches train staff for all clubs in the network.

With the advent of the trampoline school and professional trainers, the number of adult clients has increased to 50%; At first, people, as a rule, came only with children. “For a month of training on a trampoline, you can lose 5-6 kg. In fitness clubs, this is difficult to achieve, so when adults began to see the result, it ceased to be just entertainment for them, ”says Solovyov.

Hopping across the country

By March 2016, the first "Weightlessness" recaptured the investment. Solovyov and Sobodarev decided to invest all their profits in the opening of new trampoline parks. “The niche started to fill. The business seems simple: any students who can jump can rent a hall, put up two trampolines and call themselves a trampoline center,” says Sobodarev. - Some of these centers were closed, and some grew into bigger players, rented more premises. In such conditions, the one who first went to the regions won.

In early 2016, friends found premises in Petrozavodsk and Kaluga, and then in Nizhny Novgorod and Voronezh. As a rule, they invested together with local partners. For example, according to SPARK-Interfax, Neuvesomost-NN LLC in Nizhny Novgorod is 50% owned by local entrepreneur Dmitry Galkin, and 50% by Andrey Solovyov. In Kaluga, Anton Krakov controls 60% of the local Neuvesomest LLC. The exception was a project in Petrozavodsk, where the partners launched a turnkey trampoline center for a local entrepreneur who became a 100 percent owner. Nevertheless, all centers operate under the Weightlessness brand, the Moscow office provides them with trampolines and consults.

On average, it takes two months from renting a room to opening a new center, investments are about 35 million rubles. The largest "Weightlessness" was the center in Voronezh (3000 sq. m), the rest of the trampoline parks of the network occupy an average of about 2 thousand sq. m. m. Each center employs an average of about 30 people, including ten trainers.

“We did not know whether there would be demand in the regions, but in Moscow for a long time we could not find a room whose rent would fit into the business model. And then - if you have already gone knee-deep, then you will go up to the chest, ”Sobodarev laughs.

Each center was complemented with something new - a dance or choreographic hall, a Pilates studio or an acrobatics room. “Thanks to the presence of our own production, the business has turned into a giant Lego constructor for us: we see the room and understand how and with what it can be filled,” says Dmitry. In parallel with the opening of new centers, friends were finalizing and modernizing trampolines - they tried a different number of loops for greater elasticity of trampoline canvases, and selected glue that would hold better.

But the main changes affected the cafe. In Butovo, entrepreneurs initially had a democratic buffet, but by now it has been turned into a full-fledged restaurant with its own kitchen. “People are not interested in grabbing a sandwich here and running away, they are interested in eating a full meal,” Sobodarev notes. Thanks to the fact that a full-fledged kitchen appeared in the center, requests for organizing children's birthday parties began to arrive. Other centers of the network also began to open restaurants. Now catering accounts for 35% of the chain's turnover.

The total revenue of the Weightlessness network for 2016 amounted to 172.8 million rubles, profit - 32 million rubles, according to the calculations of entrepreneurs. In August 2017 alone, the network was visited by 17.5 thousand people, half of them were adults.

At the beginning of 2017, Andrey and Dmitry invested everything they earned in the opening of a new center in Moscow near the Savelovskaya metro station. The launch of two more metropolitan centers is scheduled for the end of this year. They are easier to control than establishments in the regions, and the demand in Moscow is still higher.

According to the 2GIS service, 59 trampoline centers are currently operating in Moscow and the region. Weightlessness's main competitors are the On the Trampoline, Sky and JustJump! networks. Prices are about the same for everyone - 700-1000 rubles. for an occupation. According to partners, there is still no tough competition in the market - new projects, as a rule, find their customers. Usually small centers are closed, where there are no additional services and professional trainers. “The main thing is that strict safety standards appear in all centers and people are not afraid to jump, then there will be enough customers for everyone,” Andrey Solovyov is sure.

Andrey Solovyov (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

View from the outside

“People were convinced that trampolines were for children”

Irina Ponamareva, Head of JustJump!

“In 2014, when we entered the market, trampoline centers in Russia could be counted on the fingers. People did not yet understand what we were doing, and they were convinced that trampolines were for children. I had to explain to them that this is not only entertainment, but also a sport for everyone. On trampolines, you can do both general physical training, replacing fitness with this, and acrobatics, practicing complex elements that can be useful in other sports. So there was little competition, but the awareness of the trampoline centers was low. At the same time, in the US and Canada, trampolines were at the peak of popularity.

Now the market is gradually saturated, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where competition is becoming quite tangible. Thanks to the development of the entire industry, the awareness of the population about trampoline centers has also increased. It used to be new and people would go to a certain trampoline center on the other side of the city, but now they are starting to choose places closer to home or work. There are also centers in the regions, but there is less competition.

The competition of trampoline centers is based on pricing, including loyalty programs, the number and variety of services offered. But it is also important to pay attention to the safety of the trampoline equipment and the qualifications of the trainers.

As far as I know, the only Russian supplier that produces trampoline equipment in accordance with international standards is Akrosport. They have their own design bureau, where trampolines are made for professional competitions, gyms, and entertainment centers.

Own production is a very controversial issue. This should be done by specialists. I have more confidence in the equipment of a supplier who has been on the market for 20 years. Many people think: what to do there, weld a steel frame, stretch the nets, install springs, throw mats - and that's it. But this is not so: to assemble a trampoline, you need to know what springs should be, what tension should be so that the nets do not break, etc. We also had ideas to make arenas on our own, but we preferred to buy equipment from Akrosport and did not did not regret it.

Today, the main players in the market are us, Weightlessness, Trampoline and Sky. The rest are non-network centers. It is believed that the threshold for entering the trampoline business is quite low: investments are small, and, unfortunately, there are no legislative norms that regulate the activities of trampoline centers. This is where the solo players come in. But not all of them provide high-quality services and withstand competition.

"All and sundry now make trampolines"

Nikolai Makarov, President of the Russian Trampoline Federation and Head of Akrosport

“Many people have now felt that they can offer the service of entertainment trampoline centers to the population: if so many trampoline centers open, then there is a demand. The quality we meet in some centers leaves much to be desired. All and sundry now make trampolines, not understanding and not knowing the usual production standards. Non-professionals without proper education work in trampoline centers. This is a big problem. It’s good if they are gymnasts or acrobats, but ideally, trampolines should work.

Our company has been producing trampolines for all-Russian competitions since Soviet times. Now we are assembling turnkey entertainment trampoline centers. I doubt that anyone can compare with us in terms of quality.”

Every year, the entertainment industry offers the latest technically sophisticated attractions for the consumer. They amaze with variety, modifications, additional functions and scale. The price of such equipment can reach millions of rubles. But, time passes, and the demand for entertainment gradually fades away. It is impossible to artificially maintain the client's interest in a particular installation or complex. This is due to the fact that the thirst for adrenaline is increasing, and modern man is looking for new opportunities to achieve it.

However, among the technical monsters, trampolines have occupied their niche. It would seem that an elementary design without complex elements, but is popular at all times and at almost any age. Soft installations have long gone beyond complex playrooms. Separate placement allows you to consider them as a full-fledged trampoline business plan.

The target audience

The trampoline business has no clear age limits. Visitors and regulars of the attraction are active children and adults. It can be representatives of street sports:

  • parkour;
  • freestyle;
  • jumping;
  • skateboard.

Some areas of fitness training involve jumping with elements of gymnastics. Serious athletes train the vestibular apparatus with trampolines. Such institutions are also chosen by heads of firms for team games, team building.

The flow of visitors will depend on the location. In percentage terms, if you organize a business in a shopping and entertainment center, it looks like this:

  • Preschool age - 15%. Children up to 7 years old.
  • Schoolchildren and teenagers - 65%. Age from 7 to 18 years.
  • Adults - 20%.

All orientation goes to the middle group. In the future, the work schedule, placement, marketing development plan will depend on this.

Room selection

It is easy to open a trampoline center, it is more difficult to choose the right room. A minimum of 350 sq.m. is required. Choose a room with high ceilings, considering the type of equipment:

  • 6 meters - for standard jumps;
  • 8 meters - for professional athletes and acrobatic elements.
  • 5 meters is the standard for the children's area.

Don't forget load-bearing floors. The load on them is not less than 400 kg / sq.m.

According to psychologists and experts, a visually spacious area on a subconscious level guarantees the visitor their own safety. Pay attention to this aspect. The occupied meters for installations make up 65% of the total space.

Depending on the format of the institution, choose a room. An entertainment and park complex implies a large separate building with several rooms or one wide one. The sports and training base has professional equipment in its arsenal, classes are held with a coach by appointment.

Entrepreneurial people buy or rent abandoned industrial buildings, make repairs, equip the premises and work successfully. Such lofts are distinguished by high ceilings, huge window openings, good ventilation and air circulation.

Some formats require additional meters for preparatory activities: jogging, warming up, elementary simulators, wall bars. A locker room and a bathroom are necessary for sports arenas. If accommodation is planned in a shopping center, visitors can use the restroom of the complex.

Technical equipment

From the business idea of ​​a trampoline center, we move on to equipment. It is important to choose a reliable supplier here. This market segment is not developed at a sufficient level, so 80% of the representatives are amateurs without experience and good offers. China produces over 90% of installations. Certificates of conformity to GOST, a technical passport issued by the manufacturer are required.

At this stage, decide on the direction on which the devices depend. In a standard institution for children and adults with accommodation in a shopping center, 5 trampolines of 50 square meters are required. meters. In total, the coverage will be 250 sq.m. Basic units:

  • lining mats;
  • trampoline net tension;
  • springs and fasteners;
  • inflatable trampoline with a slide;
  • pool filled with foam figures or plastic balls.

In addition to a professional environment, get:

  • changing shops;
  • tables and chairs for waiting;
  • reception desk;
  • place of technical staff and instructor;
  • flooring.

Weight 1 sq. meters of quality trampoline material is 650 grams. The mass of the whole attraction reaches 700 kg. Inflatable complexes are produced by sewing, the lines are welded with a special industrial press. The kit includes an electric pump for uninterrupted maintenance of pressure inside.

If there is no climate system in the future room, purchase a high-power industrial air conditioner. For a musical background, place acoustics around the perimeter. Without a modern fire alarm system, the work of any public center is impossible.

Equip the client area with video surveillance. Recordings from cameras will be useful in resolving conflict situations and controversial issues that may arise in the course of work.


Trained employees are as important as the previous points. Before you open a trampoline center, select staff. Trampolines are a traumatic business and the employee is responsible for the life and health of visitors, so hiring young people and students who are looking for casual jobs can result in serious consequences. For a small establishment:

  1. Operator-instructor. Minimum 2 people.
  2. Administrator. His authority includes settlements with clients, maintaining social networks and a website, and consulting by phone.
  3. Cleaning woman.
  4. Security guard.
  5. Accountant. This position may be available remotely.
  6. If the institution has a cafeteria - a bar employee.

For example, a bungee ride with rubber bands needs the help of an instructor. Choose strong, physically fit guys from professional sports. For them, such an offer is attractive - in their free time, athletes can conduct personal training.

Personnel need to systematically undergo targeted briefings. Preparatory courses or attendance at first aid seminars - predominantly.

Business registration

Before you buy inflatable trampolines for your business, register your business and collect the necessary permits.

As in any other case, there is a right to choose to open. In the first case, a minimum number of documents is required, and the state duty is 1000 rubles. The taxation system is also simplified. The state provides benefits for individual entrepreneurship. But such a legal organization provides very modest opportunities in terms of further development.

Choosing the Company, you can easily create a large-scale project with further branching of branches and even cooperation with foreign partners. An LLC requires an authorized capital of 10,000 rubles. and a developed regulation, where job descriptions, goals, types of activities, organizational relations, features of the implementation of activities, and the procedure for liquidation are prescribed.

When registering, indicate the following OKVED codes:

  • 40.4 - Rental of inventory and equipment for recreation and leisure.
  • 33 - Activities of fairs and amusement parks.
  • 72 - Other activities for the organization and conduct of recreation.

Without the appropriate permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire inspector, Rospotrebnadzor, it is impossible to start work. Each trampoline must be registered with Gostekhnadzor. The following package of documents is required:

  1. Lease agreement or title documents for land and premises.
  2. Assigned Qualified Personnel: Engineer, Technician, Maintenance Specialist.
  3. Conclusion of laboratory studies on fastenings and systems of trampoline equipment.
  4. Statement.

After submitting all the papers, expect the visit of the inspector for an engineering inspection. After that, the corresponding document is issued. You need to obtain an operating permit every year. It's easier to get it than registration.

The equipment does not require sanitary and epidemiological control. Enough hygienic conclusion.

Cost calculation and payback

Calculating expenses and income is an important part of a business plan. The biggest cost is equipment. A quality trampoline is not cheap. The price of one canvas with a complete set starts from 40,000 rubles. A quality unit with a service life of 5 years costs 100,000 rubles. On average, 500,000 rubles are needed for technical equipment.

Office equipment, reception desk, locker room and bathroom equipment- 300,000 rubles. Registration of documents, licenses and permits- 10,000 rubles. With income taxation, contributions to the state are 6% of profits.

Wage operator - 15,000 rubles, administrator - 15,000 rubles, accountant - 18,000 rubles, cleaners - 7,000 rubles.

Monthly rent and utility bills- 150,000 rubles. Repair, installation of video surveillance, air conditioners, music speakers, lighting- 300,000 rubles.

Total initial investment- 1.5 million rubles. These figures may increase or decrease depending on the region, the scale of the enterprise.

The cost of visiting the entertainment area varies, and the rates depend on the time, duration of the session and the type of attraction. Income directly depends on your business conditions and surrounding competitors.

According to experts, the net profit in high reaches 60,000 rubles. It is affected by seasonal fluctuations. For sports and specialized arenas, develop season tickets.

At first glance, a frivolous business has a high profitability. Payback occurs after a year. The right marketing, advertising campaigns, promotions and events will turn jumping into the air into a cash equivalent.

Use Rubitime's online booking CRM system: the service will help you analyze the performance of your business and interact productively with your customers.

In this material:

Before you open a trampoline center, you need to decide on its format. Currently, the following types of organizations are the most popular in this area. Amusement and park complexes - a group of trampolines of various sizes, combined into a single field with a wear-resistant jumping surface. Commercial trampolines do not allow you to reach the jump height required in sports, but for the entertainment of children and adults, this is just what you need. Since such a center is designed for a large number of visits, it can be located in amusement parks, on beaches and in front of shopping centers.

The sports and training format implies pre-registration of clients and guaranteed time spent on the site. Proximity to the place of residence of potential customers in this case does not play an important role. Clients will go to a qualified coach from any part of the city. Visitors to the sports complex can be both athletes and amateurs. This format of the institution involves the holding of sports events for adults and children. Holding children's holidays brings a good income to the owner of the trampoline center.

The free economy format is popular in small towns where it is possible to rent former warehouse and production facilities at an affordable cost. The opening of such a center does not require major repairs and convenient access roads. Minimal amenities, an equipped entrance group, changing rooms and showers - everything that is necessary for the normal functioning of a trampoline center of this format. The popularity of the enterprise is ensured by the low price of the entrance ticket.

How to choose a room for a trampoline center?

A room of the appropriate area, which has a convenient location, is the key to the success of any enterprise. The choice of premises for sports centers can be difficult. The height of the ceilings in the room must exceed 6 m for amateur trampolines and 8 m for sports ones. For the installation of trampolines of small sizes, designed to be visited by young children, rooms with a ceiling height of 5 m can be considered. Buildings with low ceilings can also be considered if it is possible to make an artificial recess in the floor.

The criteria for choosing a room depend on the format of the trampoline center being opened. To open a sports and training center, you can rent a room in any area of ​​the city. It must have convenient access roads, because most customers will come by private car. After renting the premises, it is necessary to make cosmetic repairs. At least 200 m² of area should be allocated for a sports and training hall, and one should not forget about the administrative department.

When opening an entertainment and park center, premises in shopping and entertainment centers should be considered, the equipment of locker rooms and showers in this case is not mandatory. In addition to trampolines, there should be free places for recreational activities in the room. As a rule, the cost of renting premises for entertainment establishments is lower than for retail ones. When renting premises for a free-economic format trampoline center, the choice of premises is determined by its cost.

When organizing a sports and training complex, which will also be engaged in holding children's events, it should be understood that not all trainees will like the constant noise and screams. In turn, not every parent will agree to bring the child to the gym where extreme athletes will train. If your trampoline center becomes the only one in the city, you may be able to combine several formats. However, with the emergence of competitors specializing in a particular area, your customers may begin to visit their establishments.

Should I complement the trampoline center of a fast food cafe? If you have insufficient experience in this area, it is not worth the risk. Catering is another line of business that requires a serious approach to organizing places to store and prepare food. More relevant is the organization of free food places, which, for a fee, you can visit with your own products. It is worth considering the installation of vending machines for the sale of coffee and fast food.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to organize a sports school on the basis of a trampoline center. Since the training and education of athletes capable of achieving certain results is possible only on the basis of the school of the Olympic reserve.

Business competitiveness analysis

There are children's and youth sports schools in many cities, including those that teach children in areas involving the use of sports trampolines.

As a rule, they are fully involved in children and adolescents, so access to people who want to engage in an amateur format is closed. And the state of such establishments leaves much to be desired. Thus, sports schools are not able to provide stable attendance to interested amateurs.

You can evaluate the competitiveness of a business based on the attendance of private sports centers already existing in your city.

At the same time, one should take into account how correctly they conduct an advertising campaign, whether customers are satisfied with their work, whether all the necessary amenities are available. Opening an enterprise that will become the second or third in a large city is normal.

The owners of existing organizations laid the foundation for the popularity of this business line. With the right approach to organizing and running a business, the right attitude towards customers, a good location and an adequate price for renting a room, your business will bring a stable profit. Financial investments pay off in 2-3 years, the risks are assessed as medium.

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