How to make a smoke shop. Organization of a workshop for smoking meat and fish

The smoking shop is a business, the profitability of which is more than 50%. Especially popular are small workshops that produce products from fresh raw materials. Their main competitors are meat processing enterprises, which often use products that expire rather quickly. This affects the taste, as well as the demand for products. Before opening an enterprise, it is necessary to carefully consider the business plan of the smokehouse.


The following types of products are produced in the smoking shops:

  • salted, dried and smoked fish;
  • minced fish and deep-frozen fillets;
  • smoked and boiled-smoked pork, beef, poultry and lard;
  • smoked cheese.

Often, the shop starts its activity with poultry meat, which can be easily processed. It is on this meat that all the subtleties of production technology are mastered.

Today, smoked fish is very popular and therefore your own fish smoking workshop can become quite profitable. There is also always a demand for smoked meat products.

Market analysis

When planning the opening of your smoking shop, it is imperative to analyze the market of the city and region and choose for production exactly the type of product that is in demand. Or you should choose the type of product that will come out cheaper thanks to local crafts.

Using such a deep analysis, a businessman will understand how to choose competitive behavior and what niche to occupy. It is important that your products are not inferior to competitors in quality, and also have a lower cost. Also, the received product must be officially recognized after verification in test laboratories.

Forming your business

First of all, to open your workshop, you must be registered as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The choice of form directly depends on the scale for which the enterprise is designed.

If the production is small and you are going to sell products in small batches in small stores, then you can register as an individual entrepreneur. This procedure takes up to 5-7 days and the state duty for it is only 800 rubles.

If you plan to carry out large deliveries, then it would be best to register as a legal entity. Do not forget that for the legal operation of the business, you will need permission from the SES, the fire department and other authorities. Also, when making bulk purchases of raw materials from a supplier, it is imperative to take a veterinary certificate and a certificate for each batch. In addition, finished products are also subject to certification. The overall organization of your case will take approximately two weeks.

Workshop room

Starting your business from scratch is always risky, and that is why you should not immediately spend finances on buying a room, but it is better to rent it.

The lease agreement must include the following:

  • the term of the proposed lease;
  • your rights and obligations as a tenant;
  • your landlord's responsibilities;
  • the amount and timing of the exact calculation of the lease;
  • the amount and terms of calculation for various operating payments;
  • termination conditions in the event of various unforeseen (which still need to be foreseen) circumstances and the end of the lease agreement.

Read also: Tire recycling as a business

The rental price is approximately $10 per sq. meter. For a smoke shop, for example, a former dining room with an area of ​​50 sq. m. depending on the scale of production.

Zoning of the premises

Any room must be divided into separate rooms in which each individual production stage will take place. The floor plan should include areas for the following activities:

  • defrosting of raw materials;
  • its cuttings;
  • production;
  • product packaging;
  • product storage (cold storage);
  • container processing;
  • storage and drying of containers;
  • content of consumables;
  • storage of packaging materials, etc.


The equipment for the smoking shop will require special equipment. Need to purchase:

  1. Washing baths, which must be written for washing what they are used for.
  2. Defrost racks.
  3. Refrigeration equipment.
  4. Cutting table.
  5. Installations for various types of smoking.
  6. Brine containers.
  7. Minced meat injector.
  8. Knives that must be in special sheaths.
  9. Chips for smoking.
  10. Vacuum packaging equipment.
  11. Change of clothes for workers, which must be changed every day.

Today on the market you can see equipment, both domestic and foreign. All of them differ in their technological characteristics.

Foreign-made equipment should be chosen if it is planned to process about ten tons of raw materials into knocks in the workshop. Smokehouses of domestic production are suitable for smaller enterprises. When loading up to 300 kg of raw materials per day, domestic smokehouses are able to ensure proper profitability. In the future, such installations can be used to assemble a whole line that will allow processing 8-10 tons of raw materials. Such a line will cost much less than an imported one, but at the same time, as some entrepreneurs note, it is less convenient to use.

Equipment processing

A prerequisite is the presence in the smoking room of the hood and good ventilation. Doors and hatches must close tightly.

If possible, slats and skewers should be purchased immediately in double quantities, since they must be processed daily. They are cleaned, washed in a 1% soda solution and scalded with boiling water. Once a week, it is necessary to process the smoking chambers.

It is also worth buying thermometers and moisture meters to measure indicators in the chambers where the products are being prepared for sale. All readings of measuring instruments are recorded in a special log.

Disinfection should not be neglected either. After each shift, cutting boards are soaked in a solution of soda ash (5%), and then dried well. Tables for cutting should be disinfected twice a day.


To work in your smokehouse, you will need to attract additional labor. To increase the profitability of the project, in the first year and a half, you can ask your relatives and family members to work in the shop. Thanks to this step, you can reduce the cost of paying salaries.

For a small workshop, two or three people will be enough. It will also be necessary to hire an accountant who will compile statistical reports, deal with tax deductions, and analyze the financial condition. An entrepreneur can take on such functions as process management, the purchase of raw materials, and the sale of products.

For all those interested in the question “Smokehouse as a business: profitability, reviews”, we offer a brief overview of the enterprise, and also provide a business plan with calculations.

Business overview and market features

Today, the market offers special solutions designed just for small businesses. With the help of such smokehouses, you can cook meat, fish, lard, etc. This option does not require significant investments, but at the same time it can bring potentially large income.

To successfully develop a business, you need to conduct market research. It will be necessary to establish a general pricing policy in the region, a range of competitors' products, to identify the smoked products most in demand among buyers, and to get acquainted with an example of each. It is also mandatory to find partners through which all products will be sold.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Independence, which will allow you to plan the schedule of the working day.
  2. Ease of learning technology.
  3. Compactness.
  4. Opportunity to work at home.
  5. Stable income.
  6. Good ROI – The initial investment for a small production of smoked foods can be recouped in as little as six months.
  7. Possibility of scaling - to increase the production of smoked meats, it will be enough to purchase a second smokehouse.
  • financial risk;
  • difficulties in obtaining permits;
  • constant haste, as the party has to cook quickly;
  • rapid drop in product quality;
  • difficulties in finding suppliers and buyers.

Here you can download for free ready to use as an example.


In addition to the self-evident registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC (the best option is an individual entrepreneur with a simplified tax system), a number of permits will be required to successfully start a smoking business. Among them:

  1. Permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  2. Permissions from Rosprirodnadzor and Rostekhnadzor, fire service.
  3. The conclusion of the veterinary organization.

All these papers will be required even if you plan to run a business of smoking chicken, fish or meat at home. Without them, it is almost impossible to establish sales of products to retail chains. You should also be prepared for periodic inspections of the SES, which will take samples of finished products to assess the quality.

Location selection

Home smoking or meat can be organized right on your site. To do this, you will have to take the garage or find a small nook in the backyard. A large company will simply not do without its own workshop.

When choosing a room, it must be taken into account that old buildings are almost guaranteed to require repair and re-equipment for the needs of production. There are also quite clear state regulations:

  • The floor area must be at least 100 square meters.
  • The minimum distance to residential properties must be at least 300 meters.
  • All major communication systems must be connected to the workshop.
  • It is imperative to arrange bathrooms, changing rooms, etc. on the territory.
  • Premises should be provided for the storage of raw materials (and all production components), its salting, and packaging.

Smoker selection

There are many types of smokehouses in the stores. Despite the similar appearance, they can run on coal, electricity or gas. The best option for a small production will be electric smokehouses, as they are economical, and their installation is not difficult.

Capacity varies from model and can range from 5 to 100 kg. It is recommended to give preference to options made of stainless steel. They belong to the middle price segment, and the service life of the device reaches 15 years.

Combined installations are often equipped with a special smoke generator. They allow both hot and cold smoking, and the built-in generator automatically loads new chips to create smoke.

Such devices use special briquettes with sawdust for their work (by the way, the production of wood chips for smoking can also become a successful business). This idea allows the device to work without interruption for up to 8 hours. The average price of the described smokehouse is 150 thousand rubles.

Alternatively, you can order the creation of a smokehouse from private craftsmen, but then there is a high risk of receiving low-quality goods. It is worth resorting to the method only if you are really confident in the quality of the craftsman's work. You will also need to get drawings.

In general, when choosing a smokehouse, one should rely on the material from which it is made, the capacity of the chamber, the type of fuel, possible smoking methods, the type of wood chips, the presence or absence of a water seal and additional functions.

All of the above is also true for large smokehouses designed for entire production workshops. Such giants are capable of processing up to 10 tons of products per day or more.

Hot or cold smoking?

Depending on the temperature, there are two types of smoking: cold and hot. In the first case, the temperature inside the smokehouse is set at 55-120 degrees, in the second it does not exceed 35 degrees.

The methods and time of processing the product also vary. For a hot technique, several hours will be enough, in the case of a cold one, time goes on for a day. At the same time, the shelf life of a hot-smoked product does not exceed 3 days, and a cold-smoked product exceeds this period several times.

It is important to understand that there is a buyer for any product. However, the features of the technology show that in practice it is still better to prefer hot smoking, since its technology is easier to calculate. In this case, it is cost-effective to prepare products in relatively small batches and on order.

Workshop equipment

In addition to the smokehouse itself, a number of other devices will be required to complete the workshop. You should not immediately buy the most expensive models, it is quite possible to get by with cheaper equipment, especially at first. A good option would be to purchase a full-fledged industrial line that will provide proper performance. The following items will also come in handy:

  1. Refrigeration units.
  2. Tables for cutting a smoked product.
  3. Knives, boards and containers.
  4. Scales.
  5. Skewer.
  6. Carts.

Of course, the list is far from complete - it will vary due to the characteristics of the enterprise itself.

As for working from home, a mini-line will suffice here. The purchased equipment will take on most of the tasks and please with a capacity of up to 5 tons per day.

Sales of products

Experts recommend adapting to the buyer whenever possible, that is, starting with popular products and then expanding production. You should not limit the assortment - there is a buyer for any product, so the wider the choice, the more profit it promises.

At the initial stages of work, it is not worth trying to compete with large manufacturers. It's easier to start on a small scale, at least until sales points are established. For example, you can sell products on your own in the markets, through friends or via the Internet. Finally, you can try contacting the stores directly.

Over time, you should think about advertising by placing ads on boards, offering goods on specialized forums on the Internet. A good move would be to emphasize that everything is made according to our own recipes from environmentally friendly raw materials (which can be purchased on the farm when it comes to working with chickens, for example). If the product really turns out to be tasty, there is no doubt that word of mouth will spread the word about it.

As production grows, it will be possible to open your own store, and then a distribution network. However, this will require a completely different level of expenditure, because you will need to buy a lot of equipment, as well as hire staff.

Income and payback

Consider the situation on the example of smoking mackerel, which is always in good demand.

With an average wholesale price of fish in the region of 150 rubles per kilogram, the finished product can be sold at twice the price. However, it should be understood that in the process shrinkage of raw materials occurs. Weight loss can be up to a third, depending on the smoking temperature.

Let's take smoking at a temperature of 55 degrees as an example. If you smoke 50 kg of fish, about 40 kg will remain, which will give about 12 thousand rubles when sold. At the same time, about 7 thousand rubles will be spent on the purchase of raw materials. The production time of a batch is several hours, so it is possible to set up daily production. In a month, it will be possible to gain about 150 thousand rubles.

Part of the amount will go to taxes, rent and bills, so that in the end there will be about 100 thousand rubles.

Similarly, you can calculate the profitability of the production of other types of smoking. According to statistics, the purchase of a smokehouse pays off in a couple of months, and all initial expenses can be reimbursed within six months, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Business plan

Briefly, the costs can be entered in the table:

These numbers are approximate.

Video: smokehouses for small businesses.

Salo is a delicacy, a cold appetizer, a product that will not leave anyone indifferent. Suffice it to recall that already in the 7th century there are references to the use of fat for food. And in the 16th century, lard was an export product and was sold to foreign countries. And now there is a very high interest in lard as a means of earning.

Salo is eaten fresh, boiled, salted, smoked, stewed and even fried. With spices or vegetables. There are no carbohydrates in lard, which makes it the mainstay of most carbohydrate-free diets, which are among the most comfortable and easy diet plans (I would not refuse a lard diet either). There are many legends, stories and anecdotes about lard. But, today, we will tell only the facts.

The classic thickness of the “correct” fat is 4–5 cm. Connoisseurs and connoisseurs of this product choose only such pieces, the thickness of which is close to the ideal 4 cm. Less thin fat indicates that the pig was young (lard is considered poor), and thicker fat is a sign old pigs, the fat from such pigs is of poor quality and is chewed like chewing gum.

Signs of good lard are a tender and soft fatty structure, almost transparent pieces of the finished product that melt in your hands. Long-term studies of this product and various breeds of pigs have shown that the most stable and high-quality products are made from meat and lard breed " Mirgorodskaya tallow”- no breed can be compared with it. It is the lard of Mirgorod pigs that falls into the “quality standard” - the tallow layer in this breed is from 4 to 5 cm.

Breeding pigs for fat

One of the fundamental types of business in lard is the breeding of meat and lard breeds of pigs, in which the main weight is lard. For example, the above-mentioned Mirgorodskaya was bred more than 80 years ago precisely for the sake of fat and is still very popular. Of course, now there are other breeds of meat and greasy pigs, but experienced breeders are trying to use Mirgorod. This breed is most widespread in Ukraine. And Ukrainians know a lot about fat.

Mirgorod pigs, like most other breeds of pigs, are unpretentious in feed and maintenance. From early spring to late autumn, animals can be kept in an open corral. But, they do not tolerate the open sun and frost. In this case, a summer canopy and a winter insulated pigsty are needed. The first 100 kg of pigs of the Mirgorod breed are gaining by the age of 6 months of fattening. An adult weighs up to 300 kg. Slaughter yield reaches up to 60%.

In addition to this meat-fat breed, the following are widely used: Duroc, Large White (the main breed for breeding), Lithuanian White, Landrace, Urzhum, Latvian White, Estonian Bacon, North Caucasian, Belarusian Black-and-White, Kalinin, Lapshinsky, Livenskaya, Breitovskaya .

Salo (prepared lard is called lard) and lard products are regulated GOST R 52427-2005 and GOST R 55485-2013.

We will not write about the bacon resale business, it is no different from any resale business.

Business in the production of lard and bacon products

In Slavic countries, salo is traditionally consumed in large quantities. Therefore, the lard business is profitable. So, the cost of raw lard in a wholesale batch starts from 100 rubles per kg. And finished products - from 200 rubles / kg. The benefit is obvious. If not, then it is enough to remember that lard, salt, pepper, and garlic are used for the traditional recipe. Nothing fancy or expensive. Any housewife can cook lard, but because of not wanting to mess around and wait (the average time to readiness is 2 months), they prefer to buy ready-made.

The main demand is bacon prepared according to the following recipes: salted bacon, pickled lard in brine, smoked bacon and stewed lard.

Plan for the implementation of the finished product - you can mass-produce for the next resale to wholesalers (nameless or under your own brand), or sell it yourself through your points of sale. The business is very capacious and there is a demand for both home-made products and those produced on an industrial scale. In the case of home products, the sale can be organized without additional bureaucracy and the organization of a legal entity, veterinary conformity of the products is enough. How to do this, we have repeatedly written in various articles, for example. However, if you want to get into a commercial party, then it is better to register legally.

Fat smoking business

Due to the fact that smoked lard is very popular due to its dietary qualities, it is quick to prepare (you don’t have to wait several months before being ready) - this type of product as a business can be singled out separately.

Despite the difference in cooking technology, the production of smoked bacon is just as cheap as the traditional one. The installation for smoking lard costs no more than 20 thousand rubles, its cost will pay off for 2 cooked batches. Raw materials and spices for smoking are cheap.

The plan for the sale of finished products does not differ from the sale of salted lard, start-up capital can be earned on a home business. In the future, the commercial party will require legal registration.

When choosing fish smoking as a business, you need to understand that this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity has quite high competition in the market. Many entrepreneurs are engaged in smoking at home, while also being fishermen. This article will discuss how to set up a business, what nuances must be taken into account and what to look for when organizing your own smoking production.

general information

Like any other business, the smoking business has a number of its own characteristics. If you plan to open a production facility aimed at a wide range of consumers, you should equip the premises, following numerous sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The situation is much simpler if you want to start smoking fish at home for personal consumption and for minimal sales in the local market. This will require very little investment and a little of your own effort. Let's talk in detail about what is needed to create your own mini-production.

First steps

Considering fish smoking as a business, it should be understood that in the first place you will need production facilities. This will be the main and most costly part of the future business. Not everyone can afford to build their own turnkey smoking shop, so entrepreneurs prefer to rent ready-made production facilities.

Since there are a lot of requirements for the premises, canteens in industrial areas can be considered as an object. In addition to the fact that they are being built in accordance with all regulations and norms, their location will correspond to one of the conditions for the creation of a smoking shop, namely: its location is not less than 300 meters from residential buildings.

The direction you have chosen has a high level of risk according to the SES classification. That is why this body has a lot of requirements and standards for the opening of the workshop.

SanPiN norms

SanPiN sets out in detail the rules for organizing the production and sale of fish products. We will not describe in detail the entire section, but only dwell on those points that relate directly to the smoking shop.

Requirements for the organization of a smokehouse

1. The production of smoking fish products, in addition to the premises where the main technological processes are carried out (cutting, defrosting, salting and leveling), must necessarily be equipped with the following rooms:

  • a refrigerated room for a daily supply of raw materials;
  • room for the preparation of saline solution;
  • a room for packaging finished products;
  • refrigerator for temporary storage of finished products;
  • a room for sanitizing returnable packaging;
  • a room for drying and storing containers;
  • container warehouse with a site for its repair;
  • a room for storing sawdust and fuel, as well as detergents and disinfectants, smoke liquid;
  • storage room for auxiliary and packaging materials.

2. Smoking chambers must be equipped with tight-closing doors, hatches and mechanical exhaust ventilation.

3. Elements of the smokehouse (ramrod, slats, etc.) must be doubled. They are sanitized once per shift. Chambers and cages are treated once a week.

4. Thermometers, psychrometers and moisture meters should be installed in smoking chambers to control temperature and humidity. Their testimony is recorded in special journals. Hot smoked fish must have an inside temperature of at least 80 degrees.

5. Raw materials for the production of smoked products must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents.

6. Finished products must be quickly cooled (to a temperature of 20 degrees), packed and placed in a refrigerator. Until the moment of sale, hot smoked products should be stored at a temperature of -2 ... +2, cold smoked - -5 ... 0 degrees.

7. Hot-smoked fish before freezing should not be stored for more than 12 hours from the moment it was unloaded from the smoking oven. Freezing of fish occurs immediately after cooling, the temperature should not exceed minus 18 degrees.

8. Containers for packaging (boxes) of smoked fish must have openings on the end sides.

9. When producing smoked balyk products in small packages, it is necessary that all inventory has its own marking.

10. Slices and pieces are stacked with special forks or spatulas.

11. Tables, cutting boards that are used in the processing of fish must be washed with a hot solution of soda ash (5%), then disinfected, rinsed and dried.

12. The export of finished products and the supply of raw materials must be carried out through separate entrances and elevators.

13. Transportation, storage and sale of hot and cold smoked finished products must be carried out in accordance with the requirements for perishable products.

In addition to the SES, it is necessary to coordinate the opening of production with Rosprirodnadzor, the veterinary and fire services, and Rostekhnadzor.

Equipment costs

Equipment for smoking fish can be purchased and installed with a relatively small amount of money available - about 300 thousand rubles. This is taking into account the fact that you will purchase it not new, but used. For work you will need:

  • refrigerators for storage of raw materials;
  • baths for washing and salting products.

Smoker selection

There is a large selection of smoke chambers with different technical characteristics on the market today. Imported smoking equipment can provide minimal profitability when processing from 8 to 10 tons per day. Small enterprises that do not have such volumes may pay attention to domestic units. Their price starts from 130 thousand rubles.

Smokehouses for small businesses make it possible to make production profitable when loading 200-300 kg per day. This can be a good option not only for start-up entrepreneurs, but also for those who are going to expand. Having assembled a line of 5-6 units, it is possible to ensure the processing of 8-10 tons of finished products per day. Smokehouses for small businesses will increase the economic efficiency of the equipment.

Raw material

Now let's talk about raw materials. Namely, about what will be smoked and where to come from. You need to develop a range of products based on the culinary preferences of the inhabitants of your region. It is also desirable to buy fish in your city or region. This moment is fundamentally important, since only by reducing the time of transportation will you be able to get a high-quality and fresh product that has all the necessary documentation.

Therefore, when choosing fish smoking as a business, carefully study the market of raw material suppliers so as not to incur losses in the future. After all, you risk not only your money, but also the taste of the product. Focusing on small industrial volumes, you should not order 20 tons of fish.

Quality issues of purchased raw materials and finished products are among the most important that you may encounter when starting a business. Without the necessary education in this area, think about a technologist and a specialist in quality control of incoming products. The latter may be part-time and a veterinarian. He has the right to write out all the necessary accompanying documents for finished products.

Sales and risks

An entrepreneur who smokes fish at home does not expect a big sale. It is enough to have a point in the local market, regular customers, and the products will be sold out. Another thing is if the volumes of finished smoked fish are quite high, and sales are not properly established. Products are stored in a warehouse for a long time and deteriorate due to short sales periods.

A well-established sales network will be the key to success. You can conclude contracts with large retail chains. But you should evaluate the share of risks when working with such giants. They tend to greatly inflate retail prices, while achieving maximum profit. Customer demand is down, stock is spoiled due to short shelf life, and you have returns of expired products from customers.

A good solution would be to open your own small outlet. In addition, you can provide products for sale to small stores, where, subject to a certain level of retail prices, you can get guaranteed sales of your products and low returns.


When choosing fish smoking as a business, do not forget that the basis of the enterprise should be the high quality of your products. By sticking to traditional recipes, using fruit sawdust and firewood, and purchasing high-quality and fresh raw materials, you will be able to win the trust of customers and earn a good reputation for your company. And that is the key to a successful business.

Smoked meats are always in great demand among the population of our country. Such food cannot be called healthy, but despite this, it does not disappear from store shelves. Modern manufacturers are trying to simplify the technology for preparing delicacies, using liquid smoke for smoking. But nothing can replace the taste of real smoked meats. On the market, you can buy mini smokers for small businesses and use them to produce quality natural products.

Smoking equipment is professional and household. Household smokehouses are designed to cook 5-15 kg of products. Using such equipment, you can easily provide for the needs of the family. If you want to make a mini-smoking shed your business, you will have to purchase a more spacious smoke cabinet, as well as allocate a separate room for this. You can smoke hot or cold. In domestic conditions, the method of hot smoking is used. This is a less laborious process that takes a little time. You need to smoke meat or fish for several hours at a certain temperature.

Smokehouse as a business

Before opening a mini-smoker, you must:

  • Choose a room.
  • Buy equipment.
  • Buy products.

Such a business should be started by those entrepreneurs who are engaged in or. Delicacies are obtained from meat or fish products that have a longer shelf life. In addition, they can be sold at a high price.

Benefits of a mini smokehouse

  • High performance;
  • Ability to work in semi-automatic mode;
  • Various types of smoking.


To legalize your business, you should register as a private entrepreneur. Since you will be engaged in food production, you need to obtain permits from the SES, firefighters and other authorities. Do not forget to take quality certificates from suppliers of raw materials. To obtain permission to trade products, you must pass a special test. You do not need to draw up any documents for a mini smokehouse for the home, since you will cook food in it for personal purposes.


For a mini smokehouse, you do not need a large area, because modern equipment has a fairly compact size. It can be dismantled at any time and transported to another place without any problems.

For the first time, you can rent a small room and place several smoking units in it.


The choice of smoking equipment for a small business largely depends on the entrepreneur's starting capital. For the first time, you can purchase an inexpensive installation. Entrepreneurs who open large enterprises immediately buy industrial smokehouses, which are distinguished by high power. In addition, you need to buy refrigerators for storing finished products and various kitchen utensils.

Scheme of a mini smokehouse

On the market, equipment for the smoking shop is presented in a wide range. The units have different technical characteristics and the ability to adjust the operating temperature. Imported cold-smoked mini-smoking shed can process up to 10 tons of products per day.

It is advisable to purchase a unit in which you can use different smoking methods. You can cook any meat delicacies, fish or poultry in it.

Such equipment can operate in different modes:

  • Cooking;
  • smoking process;
  • Drying;
  • Roasting.

Humidity and temperature can be adjusted in the chamber.

Factory mini-smokers for hot smoking are more often used at home, because such products have a short shelf life.


When compiling a business plan for a smokehouse, do not forget to take into account the attendants. If you are just starting a business, you can hire two assistants. For large-scale production, more workers will be needed.

In addition to the meat deboner and the worker who maintains the smoking equipment, you will also need an accountant. To sell products on the spot, open a small shop near the smokehouse.

It is desirable that people who work in a mini-smokehouse know their business well, since the success of any business largely depends on the staff.

Raw material

Products for smoking must be chosen very carefully. First of all, if you want to open a smokehouse as a business, carefully research the market and study the demand. Do not save on the purchase of raw materials. If the product does not inspire confidence, it is better to refuse it. It is enough to spoil your reputation with a low-quality product once and sales will immediately fall.

The most popular product is smoked red fish and meat. It is pointless to buy it in or supermarkets, since interest has already been charged on the cost of the goods. To get a good profit, you need to find a reliable supplier who works or a fish factory. Usually in such places, products are given a quality certificate, so there will be no problems with its sale.


Since the price of a mini smokehouse is quite affordable, you can do this business with a small start-up capital.

Money will be needed for:

  • Purchase of equipment - 20-60 thousand rubles;
  • Raw materials - 15-20 thousand rubles;
  • Electricity - 5 thousand rubles;
  • Room rental - 10 thousand rubles;
  • Transportation costs - 5 thousand rubles.

Sales of products

Smoked meats can be sold in your own shop or in bulk to supermarkets, as well as to sellers in the market. Over time, when production expands, the number of points of sale should be increased. Many enterprises accept orders for the production of smoked meats for weddings or other celebrations from customers' raw materials. This provides additional income.

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The design of a home smokehouse

You can build a mini-smokehouse with your own hands on a personal plot. To do this, you will need a metal barrel, some bricks and rebar.

Phased construction of a smokehouse:

  • Dig a place for a hearth;
  • Dig a trench under the chimney;
  • Place the barrel on the bricks.

Smoke from the hearth will enter the barrel through the chimney. In it, products intended for smoking hang on metal rods.

Bricks are needed in order to pave the hearth. The chimney is covered with asbestos-cement slabs that can withstand high temperatures. The barrel should be covered with some kind of dense cloth. This is the easiest way to get homemade smoked products.

Now you have a rough idea of ​​​​how to make a mini smokehouse yourself. It's a simple, low-investment process that ensures you always have fresh smoked products on your table.

By the way, a home mini-smoker will bring a good income if you sell products to acquaintances or friends. You can also make smoked meats to order in small shops.