The customer is always right when not needed. Why the customer is not always right

The statement "The customer is always right" is often an outright lie. Sometimes the client is very wrong.

“The customer is always right” is one of the basic principles of trading. However, like many trading principles, it can be confusing. In fact, customers often turn out to be wrong, and you need to learn how to properly respond to this. Here are our tips.

1. When a client requests a free consultation

Sometimes potential clients will insist that you do some significant work, and then they will decide whether they should buy your product (“We will consider you if you write us a detailed proposal for 50 pages”). If you write such an offer, it is likely that it will be made into a specification that will be shown to your competitors.

How to respond: Demand benefits or pay in return for substantial work. For example, if you are writing a proposal, insist on presenting it to the entire top management of the company.

2. When a client asks you to act unethically

Unfortunately, for many of us, corruption is becoming a huge problem. In some parts of the world, although bribes and kickbacks are an essential part of business, it is wrong to do business with unethical companies, because sooner or later they will do dishonest to you.

How to React: Refuse to Work with criminals. Yes, you may be outflanked by less discerning competitors, but they are the ones who will be in the line of fire when the secret becomes clear.

3. When the client asks too much

Some customers believe that the only successful negotiating position for them is to get the supplier to lower the price as much as possible. However, deals that benefit only one side often result in mutual losses. If the supplier cannot earn, he will not be able to work.

How to respond: If the client starts asking too much, be prepared to get up and leave. Believe me, such a client is not worth the sacrifices that you are willing to make.

4. When the client is subject to prejudice

Surprisingly, this still happens. There are still people in the world who will not make a deal if the seller is a woman, a representative of sexual minorities or a different race. And one day female director refused the contract only because a man came to the negotiations.

How to respond: Don't start cooperating with bigots. Remember: approaching a skunk, you yourself involuntarily begin to smell just like him.

5. When the customer intends to misuse the product

Sometimes company representatives buy products for personal rather than business purposes. For example, sometimes a person wants to find a supplier from a particular industry in order to sniff out how that industry works. Most of the privatization falls under this category. public services.

How to respond: Avoid these "opportunities" unless you plan to feed from the same feeder.

6. When the client is being rude

Very often sellers become victims of rudeness and insults. Often sellers allow buyers such treatment - after all, "the customer is always right."

Nothing like this. If the client behaves infantile and unprofessional then he is wrong.

How to respond: Make it clear that you will not tolerate this kind of behavior. If the person can't hear you, say goodbye to them. Before you start working with this type again, make a written agreement about professional behavior.

7. When the client refuses to take obligations

Sometimes clients make promises - sometimes even in writing - and don't keep them. And although there is an excuse for everything, in this case the customer is wrong, because the supplier plans his activities on the basis of the proved erroneous belief that the buyer will remain true to his promises.

How to respond: If this is the first time this has happened, shrug your shoulders. If this has happened twice, wave goodbye. Or, as one of the US presidents said: "Fool me once - shame on you, fool me twice - shame on me."

We in the CD, perhaps, have nothing to add to this list. And you?

Do you also believe that “the customer is always right”? Are you ready to endure any abomination and antics on the part of inadequate customers, just to sell part of your goods and services, having received a meager profit, because, focusing on the phrase "the customer is always right", you limit your business in income?

After all, making a profit by serving inadequate customers is difficult, difficult, long ... Therefore, in this article, let's discuss together whether the client is always right.

Why the customer is not always right

1. Undeserved advantage of inadequate clients. You know that not all customers are useful and necessary for your business. Here we can recall the Pareto rule, when 20% of actions bring 80% of the result. So it is with customers: 20% of customers can bring 80% of the profit if they are adequate and well-mannered customers who are in love with your product and company. Therefore, carefully select your clients with whom you will work.

If a client is rude to your manager, demands something that is not included in your services and duties, allows himself to call you at three in the morning to find out where terminal D at Sheremetyevo is, just because he bought a ticket to Egypt from you, feel free to fire this customer!

Because hiding behind the phrase "the client is always right" we give tacit consent to the inappropriate behavior of some people. And if a person also justifies his rudeness with this phrase, then he has no other arguments, and why do you need such a client?

Indeed, in fact, the client is not always right, but we justify his behavior and allow us to continue to be treated like this.

2. What about your employees? If you are guided by the phrase that your customers are your business, then you are deeply mistaken. Your employees are your business. We have said many times that your employees know the most about your business and your customers. In case of failure with the business, you can reorient the project to another niche, but your employees, your team, their experience and skills will remain with you.

Therefore, chastising employees in front of customers, taking the side of inadequate customers who raise a scandal out of the blue just because the seller was currently serving another client, you lose respect and reduce the motivation of your employees. And recognition at work is part of your staff's motivation. Without this, you will not be able to keep smart people on the team.

Therefore, some clients still need to be explained that they are wrong and if they are not satisfied with your service, then you better leave them, because you want to work with people who are on the same wavelength with you and respect your staff and your company.

3. You are losing other customers. The client is not always right, but if you promote this well-known phrase of Mr. Selfridge, uttered by him back in 1909, then you automatically encourage any requirements of your clients, even those that you are not obliged to fulfill. By doing all sorts of pleasing to inadequate customers who, perhaps, came to you to ignite a conflict, but were not going to buy at all, you deprive those who were ready to buy.

Besides, clients arguing squabbles in front of other clients ruin your reputation, and why do you need it? And employees, knowing that you are on the side of all customers, even those who are wrong, will begin to hate absolutely all customers, smile and work through “I don’t want to”, and customers will definitely feel it ...

Thus, we found out that the client is not always right, and we really hope that if you are characterized by perfectionism in business, then you will reconsider your point of view and choose only those clients with whom you want to work and cooperate with whom you are pleased. Everyone will benefit from this - you, your team and the business as a whole!

Starting your internet project? We invite you to the online meeting "How to collect subscribers and turn them into money." We will tell you how to create an asset on the Internet that will bring you a stable income in 100 days.

If you are still afraid to ask for feedback from your customers because you think that your product is not that good and you will not get positive recommendations, then you are losing profits, reputation and customers!

If a client's requirements conflict with your values, that's not your client. Choose values. Strict adherence to this rule helped Vladimir Mozhenkov, the founder of the Avtospetstsentr group of companies, become the largest Audi dealer in Europe. He talks about this and his other business principles in the book “CEO. 17 rules of positive management in Russian”, which was published by the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house with the support of the Odnazhda Laboratory. "Secret" publishes a fragment dedicated to the limits of customer orientation.

No, there is no typo in the title. Yes, the customer is not always right. I also heard this phrase a thousand times without the “not” particle, but the more I managed own business, the more often I came across situations where this rule does not work.

Here is just one such example.

We had one client, and a regular client, from among those whose problems I am ready to solve personally. And then one day my secretary transfers his call to me. The voice is terribly dissatisfied.

Hello! Hello! I am such and such. Do you remember me?

Hello. Of course I remember.

I'm calling this sheep of yours in the call center, and she hangs up. Dismiss her! Otherwise, I will not buy a car from you anymore.

Very strange. But don't worry. We'll figure it out and get back to you.

What is there to find out! I'm telling you - hangs up when a client is talking to her. Fire her without a fight!

No, let me find out what's going on. It won't take more than an hour.

I call COO Eduard Gusar and instruct him to urgently check the signal, since all our conversations are being recorded. We rewind the record back, listen. Long beeps. The girl Anna - “this sheep” - picks up the phone, politely introduces herself, asks questions, answers according to the rules. Questions seem redundant to the client, he immediately begins to swear: they say, why are you twisting an ox for me here, let's go straight to the main thing. She reprimands him. In response, his mat becomes multi-storey. Anya hangs up, and she does the right thing: this is prescribed by our rules. He calls again, demands to be connected with her and again begins to educate her with obscenities. She hangs up again and does the right thing again. Idiot? Idiot.

What am I like CEO should I do in such a situation? Whom to donate conscientious employee or a rude client? Let's say I choose the first one. And now a bad person will buy another expensive car from us, we will earn on the deal, but some side costs are inevitable. Firstly, I will have to look for a new employee, spend time, effort, and therefore money. Secondly, the whole team will see that because of the idiot client, the fool manager fired a good specialist Anna and went against own principles. This is a direct path to a state of war in at least one of our units. The entire team will be demotivated, which means sales will fall. Finally, thirdly, a bad person will now always behave this way, and it is not a fact that among our customers he is the only one with such inclinations. And if I choose the principle “the client is always right”, then I will have to go along with everyone and fire my innocent employees almost every month.

Of course, I did not comply with his ultimatum. An hour later we called him back, and as soon as he found out that we listened phone conversation, hung up the phone. Because, of course, in the depths of his soul he understood that even though he was a client, in a particular case he was deeply wrong.

If you choose the principle "the customer is always right", you will have to follow the lead of everyone

When the demands of your customers are in stark contrast to your principles and values, you need to choose principles and values. This is just one typical example of the conflict between "customer right" and "company right." Another more important but less obvious example is when customer preferences conflict with your business strategy itself.

You will probably experience cognitive dissonance again now, but not all people who come and offer you money are called customers. Clients are their own and others. This, of course, does not at all imply that money should be given up (although in some types of business this happens). But it is definitely not worth focusing on these people in your strategy.

Someone who tries to please everyone at any cost potential buyer eventually loses. It is impossible to please everyone. One wants the car to be as cheap as possible, and let it be sold at least in a pigsty. For another, the price is of secondary importance, but he needs the buying ritual to match his status. One takes an A3 because he didn't have enough money for an A4, and the other one has enough money for a helicopter, but he buys an A3 for his wife because she likes small cars.

Separate story - corporate clients. Tell you how Audi took over China?

Those who have been to this country will confirm that the favorite car of Chinese officials is the Audi Long series. "Mercedes" and "BMW" came to this country late and could not take revenge. Audi was the first of the European premium brands to build a factory in China, and officials began to drive these cars, because there was nothing cooler. The most high-ranking civil servants chose A8L, not the highest-ranking - A6L, even simpler - A4L. A self-respecting Chinese official will not buy an A6, but an A4L, because if you don’t drive the Long series, then who are you at all. By the way, the Germans produce such exotic models only in China, and nowhere else.

Mercedes and BMW came to China just when Audi produced and sold 6,000 Long series cars. At this point, competitors had a chance to push Audi in the market, but they missed it thanks to a small but very timely marketing trick from Audi. One fine day, all the drivers of Chinese officials who drive the Long series received a gift - an Audi branded leather jacket. Expensive, very good, for 250 Deutschmarks. For people with a salary of $150, it's enough to fall in love with the Audi brand forever. And a personal chauffeur is a person who blows his boss in the ears, what kind of car to buy, and he trusts him. Therefore, when it came time to change cars, the officials again sat on the "Audi". And if marketers would prefer to fight for the hearts of end customers, that is, the civil servants themselves, like Mercedes and BMW? Losses in this battle would be inevitable, and acquisitions would be much more expensive.

So I repeat: not every customer is always right. How many clients, so many rightness. And your task is not to please everyone, but to, given the variety of preferences, build an optimal sales strategy for your company and work only for your client. The rest will come by themselves.

When the requirements of buyers grossly contradict your principles, you need to choose principles

The task of customer orientation. You are a waiter. Two customers came to your restaurant. One ordered tea, and the other a little later - expensive cognac. Who will you serve first?

Most people in my workshops say, "The one who ordered the tea because he ordered first." The answer is incorrect. First you need to serve the one who ordered cognac. "But why? listeners object. “After all, for an institution, all customers must be equally desirable and dear.” Yes, of course, everyone needs to be served with dignity, and it is unacceptable for a client with tea to feel flawed. But if we talk about the development of the restaurant as a whole, then the priority is for those customers who order expensive cognac. Because a client with tea may be limited to tea. And you hardly want to build a business on those who come to the restaurant to drink only tea. You need customers who order expensive cognac, steak, dessert, and much more.

At least, it was this strategy that allowed my own company to become the best Audi dealership in Europe very soon. Our "cognac" was the model "Audi A8", on which I made a bet. A8 is the most expensive product in the Audi brand line. The sale of another such machine is an event even at the level of the entire concern. Only the richest people buy it. And if a person is able to buy a car for more than 100 thousand dollars, most likely he can buy an A3 for his wife, an A6 for his parents, an A4 for his children, and just in case, a Q7 or RS-6 for himself. In addition, many people from his environment are guided by this person and build their consumer preferences, imitating him. An ambitious employee of his company probably dreams of the same car as the boss, and someday he will fulfill his dream. With his friends and business partners, this person also discusses brands of cars, and if we provide him high service, then he will become our apostle in the most solvent environment.

At first we thought we were learning how to sell expensive cars. But it turned out that by learning how to sell premium, we found the right strategy for selling everything. model range. The buyer of A8 is a comet, in the tail of which buyers of other brands fly to us. That is why I built the entire sales strategy specifically for him. We advertised only in those media that are read, watched, listened to by people with a wealth that allows them to buy an A8. We preferred to hire salespeople over 30 and even 40 years old, because they are more suitable for the age category of A8 buyers and will be better able to communicate with them. We began to train our staff to sell expensive brands and built a motivation system so that people would think first of all about how to sell more A8 cars.

Finally, we were the first in Moscow to give a replacement car free of charge to everyone who came to us for service on premium-class cars of other brands. Which brand? That's right, A8! So we achieved two goals. First, we received regular customer at least for our service, because at that time no one else offered replacement cars of this level, it was something from the realm of fantasy. Now the client will not only always be repaired by us, but will tell all his friends, and many of them will follow. And secondly, while he rides the A8, he will appreciate all its advantages and, when the time comes to change the car, he will most likely think about changing the brand at the same time. This is how we transferred thousands of fans of other brands to Audi: Mercedes, BMW, Volvo, Saab.

The book was provided by the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house.

Ilma Safronova

Consultant in the field of analysis of a person, his condition, environment and events of his life, as well as the formation and correction of events. Litovka, has been living in Norway for 11 years. Actively works with multilingual clients around the world.

At the start, it is important to decide on the niche of activity and the criteria for potential customers - who do you contact, for whom do you provide your services and products, who do you want to see on your list.

Thanks to my consulting experience, I realized that clients need to be chosen wisely, for their own and their own good. Think carefully not only about those to whom I intend to offer my services, but also about those who cannot become my client, subscriber, whom I am ready to refuse, without being tempted by their personal qualities, persistent requests and readiness to generously bestow.

Yes, you understood correctly - not all clients need to say yes. Violating the generally accepted commandment of business, I argue that the client is not always right and not every client is yours. If you choose the most easy way- do not filter customers, as long as they are and pay, I assure you, very soon you will feel, and then you will understand what a heavy burden you have shouldered.

There are different situations in which it is necessary to say “no”.

1. The client persistently demands a guarantee and shifts all responsibility to you

You need to be honest - no one can give 100 percent guarantees.

Even if you are a popular singer with a professional support team, this does not mean that your song from the new album will be a #1 hit. Even a high-level expert is not able to know everything and can make mistakes. And that's okay. Even for your favorite child, you can't pass it life path and protect against errors.

2. The client wants something that does not match your abilities, skills and values.

If a client demands a magic strategy from you with a guarantee that it will bring him a million dollars in income in the near future, and you understand that this is unrealistic, then immediately say “no” to him.

If you run a copywriting blog, run a writing course, or work in a publishing house, that doesn't mean you have to write every word of your client's future bestseller. Firstly, this is not your direct responsibility, and secondly, this is not your goal.

If someone hopes that Cinderella will turn into a prom queen overnight and comes with such a request - say straight out that you are not the Fairy Godmother or Harry Potter, and science fiction is not your field of activity.

3. The client has already received assistance on a specific issue

If you work in the service sector, conduct consultations, then you can calmly say “no” to a person who is applying for the same issue and has already received help from you. Don't tie your clients to you.

4. The client refers to a third party

When they come and ask to help their husband, wife, children, mom, dad, friend or bring them by the hand, you need to refuse and explain that this is incorrect. You can work only with those who apply themselves, on their own initiative.

5. The client does not comply with ethics, does not respect personal space and rights

Never fit in. As soon as you feel the energy, catch the client's mood - positive or negative - trust your feelings. Don't say yes when your heart tells you no. If people turning to you tire you, create physical, emotional and psychological discomfort - learn to refuse.

Somehow, one persistent lady sought my favor and wanted to get my support at any time and for any reason. It all started with flattery, turning into endless complaints. I patiently reconciled, and later, when I refused to help, absolutely inadequate claims and revenge rained down on me in social networks.

Were there any prerequisites for this to happen? Certainly. But due to my inexperience, I honestly tried to help everyone without exception and often did it for free.

After that, I began to think - do I need such a client, do I want such people to come to my programs, seminars and poison the whole group with their negative energy? Of course not.

Recall that when you chose a client who was desperate, pushy, panicking, or pressing on your pity or sympathy, your interaction was just as tense and flawed.

6. The client deprives you of your privacy and free time

All extra work must be paid. But think carefully about whether it is always worth 100% getting involved in the work.

The additional load will certainly affect your relationships with loved ones. No money, gifts, flattering words addressed to you can compensate for this.

7. The client cannot pay for your services or goods

In business, everything is built on profit and profit. Both sides want only this. Therefore, there is no place for lyrical digressions.

If a person cannot or does not want to pay, begins to bargain, offers barter, tries to arouse sympathy or guilt in you, puts you in an uncomfortable position - without any doubts and regrets, refuse immediately.

What will it give you?

First, you will have free time - the biggest luxury. You will be able to save personal energy, health and money.

Secondly, you will be able to focus on customers that match your needs and that you can actually help. So you will ensure yourself the pleasure and the desired income.

How to properly refuse

Write right now:

1. What qualities should your client, buyer, subscriber, fan have? Are you suitable for each other? In what?

2. What qualities do unwanted clients have? Who will you not interact with under any circumstances?

3. Think about and prepare your “waiver package” in advance.

Compose, make a copy and save. If necessary, it will be enough for you to enter your full name in it. person contacting you and quickly send your answer.

Start your letter with gratitude for the appeal, for the trust, then report the refusal. You can explain or not explain the reason - it's your right. At the end, encourage the applicant, give some recommendations on how he can help himself through your free resources, or advise him to contact other specialists.

Don't be afraid to say no, arguing that this is how you send potential customers into the hands of competitors. You don't need all the clients, subscribers, fans. You need to match your goals, values ​​and real opportunities clients. Only in this way can you be as useful and successful as possible.

"The customer is always right!"- this phrase, at one time, powerfully influenced not only the minds of business owners, but also the minds of buyers. Naturally, such a phrase could only be invented abroad, which happened in 1909 in England. The founder of the chain of stores, Harry Gordon Selfridge, became the author of this famous phrase.

His department store Selfridges & Co is still considered one of the best in London, and indeed in all of Europe. It was he who first offered to create such conditions for his customers so that they come to his store not only for a one-time purchase, but also want to spend more time there. To do this, for the first time in the world, a cafe appeared on the territory of the store, where customers could spend their free time before or after the purchase. But, back to the point.

A bit of history

So what made Selfridge say the phrase for the first time: "The customer is always right"? It turns out that this phrase was not a businessman's customer service philosophy, but just a method of working with demanding clients, it made the client feel special, significant. Such an attitude instilled respect and trust in the client - it was just a sales tool, but by no means a covenant in trade. The buyer, realizing that he had never been served like this anywhere, returned more often for repeated purchases.

Mistaking the phrase: "The customer is always right" for a win-win business strategy, entrepreneurs simply put customers on their heads, allowing them the unacceptable.

In America, this did not last long, which cannot be said about our post-Soviet space. American businessmen, executives, managers, very soon realized that the client can go at number 2, but effective employees deserve the first number, because the company's profit and the quality of service depend on them. Hull Rosenbluth even published a book called: "Put the customer second and your employees first and make sure they do their best."

The customer is always right until proven otherwise!

The point is that the phrase "The customer is always right" on the lips of not only managers, salespeople, and other service personnel, it has settled in the minds of buyers for a long time. They bang their fist on the table, insult employees, complain about the company at every opportunity, and this causes a lot of problems for the business.

The client can call the manager and humiliate in front of all the employees and visitors of the store, demanding his rightfully and without. Hiding behind this phrase, once taken out of context, the buyer is convinced that for him the framework of the law and moral norms disappear, because he is always right! The full sentence was: "The customer is always right until proven otherwise!", but everyone remembered only the first three words.

Businessmen soon realized that this phrase only causes harm to customer service, because service begins with the comfort that employees should create with their work, and this phrase encouraged them to hate customers and the employer. Educated people looked at the behavior of impudent and ill-mannered buyers and began to behave in the same way. "Why not? Make a scandal, but get a discount - it's great!

Communication scripts and a performance called “We are glad to see you!”, do not work, because customers always feel a soulless imitation good service and understand that they are not really happy, that they are simply tolerated. This makes them very angry! Thus, in companies in which a client-oriented strategy is in the first place today, the concept of an internal client of the company appeared, i.e. employee. It is from him that true customer service comes, but not from the phrase "The customer is always right", which unties the hands of customers and turns the staff into slaves. In the article "" you will find many answers to this.

The bitter truth about our clients

Our service can still be divided into cold: "The customer is always right" and to be honest: "Every whim for your money". These phrases are mirrored - one is broadcast by the client, and the other by the employee. The second phrase has become a new, often criticized, customer service philosophy: “If you want something special - pay, and everything will be!”. It is she who establishes the relationship between price and quality of service, the more expensive the product or service - the more expensive their cost.

The level of cultural development of people here and in Europe is very different, there are enough idiots everywhere, but our buyer is not used to truly high-quality service, and the phrase: "The customer is always right!", It just heats up his blood. Combine this with low income and lack of education and you have a combo that will destroy your business.

Trying to create an intrusive service under the guise of customer focus and the slogan: "The customer is always right!", you will not get any loyal customers or profits. In the service sector, as in sales, a lot depends only on the “right” employees who should fill jobs in the labor market. Read about what an ideal salesperson should be.

Why the phrase: "The customer is always right!" Doesn't work?

It is very difficult to convey to the masses an erroneous interpretation of the phrase under discussion, since the people who broadcast it have never found themselves in a situation where a client wants to spit in your face for their money or humiliate you in public, simply asserting themselves and hiding behind an indestructible phrase: "The customer is always right".

It is worth the client to muster up the courage and say something like: “But I want this particular model, and right now! Otherwise, I will complain!” and you can see how instead of a constructive dialogue, it turns out a farce with threats and insults on his part. Culturally respond to the negative and put the client in the place, according to the philosophy: "The customer is always right!", the employee is not eligible, and as a result, you get a stream of screaming and demanding custom customer service.

No need to endure excessive rudeness and ignorance of the client, but the phrase: "The customer is always right!", makes the staff do it, provoking the buyer to impudence.

This is how the myth spreads that money can buy everything, including the right to violate moral and ethical standards. Will the slave employee want to sincerely help the client? No, this is not part of his first-class script, he acts stupidly according to instructions, soulless and without sympathy, but according to the pure philosophy of the phrase: "The customer is always right!". Where is the customer focus in all of this? Remained overboard, along with the right to object to the client on his wrong.

So in sales, employees of different companies are very different, and this is understandable because their bosses live by different philosophies. When in response from an employee you hear phrases full of artificial meaning, emotional falsehood, you understand that you need to run away from here, here people simply put up with their work and want to earn money. And vice versa, when a sincere desire to help a client is seen in the eyes of an employee, without any underlying reason, then trust and loyalty simply begin to fly into the sky. Normal and well-mannered people love the appropriate attitude towards them, hence loyalty, repeat sales, image. Too bad it happens so rarely.


Those who understand the concepts and basics of real customer service understand that not all customers are valuable. Yes, you heard right - not all customers need to be held down and thrown at their feet. There are those who have no boundaries of decency, and brakes too. Such clients are not only useless, but also harmful to the company, it is better to let them go in peace, there are a lot of similar examples in world practice. Draw conclusions and good customers for you!

What do you think about this? Write in the comments!