Mini business: production of crumb rubber tiles. Business plan: production of rubber crumb Equipment for the production of rubber crumb

One of the options for organizing production at home is the production of crumb rubber. Today, this direction is quite promising, and the niche itself, despite the low entry threshold, is not overly busy. On the territory of the CIS, the number of competitors in this area remains relatively small, which eliminates the possibility of monopolization of even a part of the market. If we talk about the regions, then it is worth noting the rather large dispersal of suppliers, which opens up prospects in places remote from the points of manufacture of crumb rubber. The demand for these products continues to grow steadily, and the scope of its application is steadily expanding.

The manufacture of crumb rubber, like other industries, is highly dependent on distribution channels. The demand for it is steadily growing, which allows, with the right organization of the business, to sell this product in the required volumes. This production does not require high qualifications and does not require the use of high-tech equipment. Depending on the amount of investment available, the payback period can vary from 0.5 to 2 years. There are various factors and risks that can reduce the efficiency of a business, but there is also the possibility of increasing its attractiveness for an investor.

Crumb rubber production

First of all, it is worth making a calculation to determine the optimal volume of production. The lower it is, the lower the turnover and the longer the payback, however, with excessive output of crumb rubber, you can be bankrupt. To make a decision, you need to rely on several factors. The first step is to assess the constraints imposed by the existing project budget. How much money do you have in your personal accounts, how much can you get from a bank as a loan, how much are investors willing to provide?

The bottom line is that the production of rubber crumb makes it possible to choose virtually any volume of production due to the flexibility of technology and equipment (compare with). Based on the existing conditions, it is better to choose the most optimal option or combine two directions in the same territory with capital and excess space.

You can start with small volumes. Subsequently, it is possible to build a large-scale plant for the production of crumb rubber with a total area of ​​​​several thousand "squares". It should be understood that for such a project it will be necessary to prepare approximately several tens of millions of rubles. A number of regions will be able to serve such a giant, it will be able to claim one of the leading places in its direction throughout the country. Not everyone has that kind of money. Therefore, the minimum option is often the most acceptable, which will allow you to arrange the first deliveries in the shortest possible time, and then smoothly move on to expanding your own capacities.

It is also important to be aware of the size of the market. If there are few consumers of goods in the region or there are already competitors, then it sometimes decreases by a fairly large amount. Of course, for those who have a sufficiently large capital at their disposal, it is possible to increase production and establish work with a large wholesale customer even in another region, and ensure profits due to large product turnovers at a small margin. In some embodiments, approximately 2.5 tons of crumb rubber can be produced daily to interest such a consumer. For conditions of high competition, it is necessary either to open a mini-factory in another region, or to abandon this direction. For example, you can replace the production of crumb rubber with the resale of cheap things.

In any case, preliminary marketing research is necessary. After evaluating supply chains, marketing and competition, you can plan for several years. At the same time, it is often profitable to start with a small workshop, and then order additional lines of equipment. It is advisable to work out various options as much as possible so that when faced with some difficulties, promptly respond to obstacles and resolve relevant issues without any financial losses.

The price of equipment for the production of rubber crumb

If you organize a line that allows you to produce crumb rubber with a capacity of 600 kg / h, then you will need the following equipment:

  • Bead cutting machine - 250-280 thousand rubles;
  • Machine for processing bead rings - 290-315 thousand rubles;
  • Tape cutter - 325-360 thousand rubles;
  • Chip cutter - 360-430 thousand rubles;
  • Shredder for grinding rubber complete with a direct conveyor - 2.6-2.75 million rubles;
  • Impact crusher - 650-700 thousand rubles;
  • Vibration separator complete with filter, cyclone and exhaust hood - 360-400 thousand rubles;
  • Magnetic separator complete with two bucket conveyors - 320-370 thousand rubles;
  • Vibropneumocomplex with a bucket conveyor - 350-380 thousand rubles;
  • Vibrating sieve complete with bucket conveyor - 315-340 thousand rubles;
  • Electrical equipment - 290-340 thousand rubles.

At the same time, it is important to understand that the height of the room must be at least 5 meters, while the total area for equipment capable of providing such production volumes must exceed 150 square meters.

Advice: to save money, separate equipment can be purchased from the hands, however, it is advisable to refuse used conveyors if you cannot strictly control their condition. This element of the production line can fail at the most inopportune moment and cause downtime of the entire equipment. Even if this or that used device is supplied by the seller along with the conveyor, purchase a new one and install it right away.

Rubber crumb production technology

Almost any pneumatic chambers and tires can be used for production. The presence of fabric or metal fibers in their composition will not become an obstacle. Among the technologies for the manufacture of rubber crumb, the most common are grinding by the shock wave method and mechanical processing. The first method is a more modern approach, but the second is more widely used. The bottom line is that the line for the production of crumb rubber by shock wave grinding requires the use of more expensive equipment.

The advantages in this case will be a reduction in energy costs and the space occupied by the equipment. Such equipment for the production of crumb rubber is perfect for medium and large-scale production, but the use of technology with mechanical grinding is more preferable due to cost reduction and, as a result, increase in economic feasibility.

Rubber crumb business plan

It is possible to organize the production of crumb rubber with relatively low amounts of capital. The simplest production lines occupy about 60 square meters, require a power supply network that provides a stable voltage of 380 V, and only two people to maintain equipment in one shift. To organize continuous work, at least 8 hired employees will be required.

It is important to take into account other points, including the need for storage facilities for raw materials and finished products. In this case, the first should be approximately 4 times or more higher than the second, based on practical considerations. If we talk about exact numbers, then you should focus on 200 and 50 "squares" at least.

  • Equipment and raw materials - 70-150 thousand dollars, depending on the manufacturer and the distance from the seller to the place where the technical line is organized;
  • Conducting examinations and obtaining quality certificates - 2 thousand dollars;
  • Warehouse rental - 3-8 thousand dollars, depending on the region and conditions;
  • The salary for all staff is 5-10 thousand dollars (hired workers for line maintenance and sales department employees).

In total, we have 80-170 thousand dollars based on the first month. Then there will be the cost of raw materials and wages, they may be added to advertising and expenses for other needs. Ideally, the revenue will cover all costs at once, but it is desirable to have a capital reserve to ensure the operation of the line. If such costs are prohibitively high, consider . It may be easier to finance another direction. It should be understood that for a line that can produce 500 kg / h of crumb rubber, the cost of equipment alone can exceed $ 1.5 million, or can be 10 times cheaper.

As a rule, the more power, the higher the associated costs, but when buying the entire production line, you can save a lot. In general, start-up entrepreneurs can provide considerable assistance. In rural areas, it is difficult to find production facilities of the required area and characteristics; there will be problems with the supply of raw materials and the shipment of crumb rubber due to infrastructure difficulties. The situation is different with .

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You can increase the economic efficiency of your production if you produce not only rubber crumb, but use part of it to create finished products, for example, rubber tiles. Of course, this will require additional investments, but it is possible to expand the business in this direction after the full payback of production, which usually takes 4-6 months. If it is possible to finance the necessary expenses, the production of rubber crumb will be a fairly profitable enterprise, and will also have promising opportunities for further development and expansion.

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Modern production of rubber crumb from tires is easy to organize if you have high-quality equipment. Most often, it is sold in ready-made kits, which greatly simplifies the opening of your own business. However, just one mixer is enough to get started. How to choose equipment, what characteristics to pay attention to and how much money will you have to spend on it?

Rubber crumb is most often made from old car tires. This is a promising business in the field of secondary raw materials. Car tires belong to waste of the 4th hazard class. This category also includes, for example, batteries, plastic containers, sand and wood chips contaminated with oils or petroleum products.

Tires must be disposed of according to special rules: motorists must take them to special centers and pay for recycling. In practice, most car owners neglect these rules. As a result, tires end up in ordinary landfills, or lie in forests and along highways for years.

Such waste does not pose a great danger to humans, but does not naturally decompose in nature. They must be disposed of in a special manner. The simplest recycling of worn tires is grinding to the state of crumb rubber. But rubber crumb is not waste, but a very valuable resource, which can be used in production.

Most often, recycled tires are used to make rubber tiles, an anti-slip finishing material needed to cover indoor and outdoor surfaces. The quality properties of rubber tiles are very good, and the fact that they are made from recycled materials only adds to their value.

Why Tire Recycling Business is Profitable

Starting your own business in the field of rubber crumb and tile production has many prospects. With a relatively low investment, most of which will be the price of equipment, such a business promises to reach a net profit after a few months of operation.

The production of crumb from automotive rubber is beneficial for several reasons. First, this highly profitable business. The entrepreneur, in fact, uses waste as a raw material (which can even be delivered to him for free), and at the output he has a high-quality and sought-after building material.

Secondly, in most regions this niche is free. Complex enterprises for the processing of this type of waste are a novelty for Russia. Therefore, businessmen who manage to open production in their city earlier than others have high competitive advantages.

Thirdly, the problem of recycling old tires is very acute. They do not decompose in the natural environment, pollute the environment, lie in landfills for years or, worse, remain where unscrupulous car owners left them. This a headache for regional authorities and environmental structures. For this reason, an entrepreneur who promises to solve the problem of old tires has the right to count on state support.

Technique for rubber crumb: mixer or mixer

The main apparatus, which is necessary for the processing of automotive rubber and similar waste to the state of rubber particles, is a mixer or mixer. The cost of equipment for the production of crumb rubber, that is, such a mixer, starts from 60 thousand rubles.

The price depends on the manufacturer, power and load of the device. Such a mixer grinds tires to a state of particles from 1 to 5 millimeters, if necessary, mixes them with glue and dyes - to obtain a rubber coating or a mixture for tiles.

The principle of operation of the mixer for tires

The principle of operation of such a mixer is quite simple. Cleaned, fat-free rubber tires (or similar waste) are immersed in the machine's tank. If it is not a crumb that is being prepared, but a mixture for coating or tiles, glue and, if necessary, dyes are added to the rubber. Next, the mixer mixes all the components.

Workers unload the crumb or mixture from the tank (remove the removable tray), and new raw materials are loaded into the tank. The processing speed of one batch directly depends on the power of the mixer engine. On average, one batch lasts 2-3 minutes, so during the working day you can get several dozen batches of crumbs of 50-70 kilograms.

The main apparatus that is necessary for the processing of automotive rubber and similar waste to the state of rubber particles is a mixer or mixer.

Types of mixers

Most devices on the market are divided into 2 types:

  • screw - grinding of raw materials occurs with the help of a knife;
  • bladed - the blades grind the raw material to the state of crumbs.

Fundamentally, they do not differ in terms of quality. Screws are usually more mobile: they can be used not only in the workshop, but also on site, when laying a seamless rubber coating. Vane machines are equipped with larger tanks and produce large batches of particles.

Choosing a mixer: what to look for

How to choose a crumb rubber mixer? Novice entrepreneurs do not yet know all the intricacies of the work ahead, so they often make the wrong choice. When buying, pay attention to the following details and characteristics:

  1. The ratio of tank volume and power. The larger the load, the more powerful the mixer must be. Otherwise, it will grind raw materials poorly, overheat and wear out. For example, for a standard 70-liter tank, the power should be above 1.5 kW.
  2. Belt driven mixers last less. The belt spins and impairs mixing, and wears out over time.
  3. Faucets with removable tanks are not as convenient as it seems at first glance. The fact is that the large weight of a full tank (about 70 kilograms) makes it difficult to quickly and easily unload the crumb. In addition, the mixture of them must be poured into separate containers (if it is already mixed with glue and dyes, this is doubly difficult).
  4. It is preferable to choose devices with removable trays. Included in such mixers are 2-3 removable containers. They are convenient to get and use in further work - when laying the coating or pouring raw materials into molds.
  5. It is better to choose mixers with vertical loading of raw materials, this is the most convenient and fastest option for workers.

Companies and suppliers of mixers

There are a wide range of crumb rubber mixers on the market. Manufacturers from Europe, China and Russia offer different models at different prices. Practice shows that most Chinese-made mixers are significantly inferior in terms of quality and operating time.

On the net you can find a lot of feedback from entrepreneurs about Chinese mixers that have worked in their production for only a few months. Most likely, during this time the device will only have time to pay for itself and will not bring a significant profit to the owner. It is better to stay on more reliable, albeit more expensive options.

Among manufacturing firms can be called:

  • "Europlitgroup";
  • "Mosreduktor";
  • "Technoline";
  • EcoGold;
  • Rezina-eco.

Each manufacturer has a website where you can study the proposed equipment, clarify all the conditions and guarantees, and also consult with a company representative. On average, a good rubber mixer can be purchased for 60-100 thousand rubles.

Most often, rubber particles are used for the production of tiles or seamless coatings.

How to use crumb rubber

Most often, rubber particles are used for the production of tiles or seamless coatings. But at the first stages, while there is no other necessary equipment and employees, you can sell crumb rubber directly - the demand for it is also quite high.

The second option is also good because it does not burden the entrepreneur with additional costs for glue and dyes. That is, it significantly reduces the cost of production. Even having just one mixer and several batches of old tires can bring the first income..

What else do you need to buy for the production of crumb rubber

You can start your own business with even one tire mixer. With the help of this equipment, seamless rubber coatings for stadiums, swimming pools, playgrounds are produced. This is a very cost-effective business that will help not only to recoup the money spent on the device, but also to earn money to expand production.

Next, you can think about the finished line for the production of rubber tiles. Many manufacturers offer entrepreneurs sets of equipment in different variations: from mini-workshops for 2-3 employees to full-fledged lines for 15-20 workers. The cost of kits starts from 250 thousand rubles and can reach 1.5 million rubles.

Do I need licenses and permits for waste disposal?

Car tires are classified as conditionally hazardous waste, and therefore the question may arise: is it necessary to obtain a permit to work with them? For the production of crumb rubber, no special licenses are required, since this process is not waste disposal, but their mechanical processing.


There are many models of equipment for the production of crumb rubber on the market at a price of 60 to 100 thousand rubles. Even one mixer or mixer will be enough to start your own business: you can sell crumbs to other manufacturers or make seamless coatings.

Such a business is promising, as it solves the acute problem of recycling car tires. An entrepreneur who has established this production will not lack raw materials and will have the right to count on the support of regional authorities for assistance in solving environmental problems.

Rubber tile production is the most efficient way to recycle old worn tires. The final product is characterized by high strength and wear resistance. The production of such a material allows us to solve two important problems - to produce products with excellent performance and to safely dispose of unnecessary tires. This is a great idea for those who want to start a business from home.

Raw materials for the production of rubber tiles

If you plan to start producing rubber paving stones at home, the main raw material is crushed rubber, which can be purchased at the factory. Many domestic enterprises are engaged in the processing of old car tires, so there will be no problems with the purchase of raw materials.

Tire crumbs can be made with your own hands, but in this case you cannot do without special equipment.

Waste tires can be purchased for next to nothing or received free of charge, incurring only transport costs.

The composition of the mixture for the manufacture of rubber paving slabs includes:

  • crumb rubber fractions;
  • glue;
  • pigments;
  • modifying fillers.

This is a recycled material from old car tires, which is obtained by mechanical crushing, followed by the separation of unnecessary impurities such as textile fibers and metal cord. The composition of the crumbs includes synthetic rubber, various oils and fillers, so the feedstock is initially strong and wear-resistant. Tires are not afraid of exposure to acids and alkalis.

Automotive rubber is highly elastic and perfectly retains its shape. It is difficult to deform even at high temperatures.

The crumb size can vary between 0.1-10 mm. Raw materials 0.1-4 mm are used for the production of black or colored single-layer tiles. Larger fractions are intended for the manufacture of the lower layer. They may contain metallic inclusions.

Pigment dyes allow you to get finished products of different colors. The colorants are in the dry powder phase. They can be organic or inorganic. Outwardly, the pigments look like multi-colored flour. The coloring of the mixture for the manufacture of rubber crumb tiles occurs when the dye interacts with polyurethane adhesive. The coloring matter envelops the rubber crumb and gives it the desired color.

The basis of inorganic dyes can be:

  • titanium dioxide - white;
  • iron oxide - red;
  • iron oxide hydroxide - yellow;
  • cobalt blue.

Mixing primary colors allows you to get different shades.

polymer adhesive

The binder that is added to the tile mix is ​​a non-toxic, polyurethane-based mass. It can be:

  • one-component;
  • two-component.

The second option differs in composition. It comes with a hardener. When choosing a glue, pay attention to its quality. It accounts for the entire load, so it is worth buying a binder in small quantities from several manufacturers and empirically choosing the appropriate option.

Modifying fillers

This component allows to increase the strength and wear resistance of secondary raw materials, and also gives elasticity to the finished product. At a low concentration, modifying fillers do not improve mechanical performance, and at a high concentration, the material becomes brittle, and therefore the mechanism of its destruction changes.

Tile molds

Rubber tile molds can be made by yourself. But this lesson will take you a lot of time and money, so it’s better to purchase finished products or order them to be made according to a sketch.

Before use, do not forget to treat the mold with soapy water or silicone so that the solution does not stick to it. After removing the finished rubber, non-metallic molds are treated with an acid solution to eliminate dust.

Equipment for the production of

Components for the production of tiles by cold pressing will cost more than for hot pressing. The most expensive option is the installation of an automated line. Such equipment is suitable for industrial production, so you need a large area.

Special equipment for the production of rubber tiles at home consists of the following units:

  • raw mixer;
  • volcanic press;
  • Press forms;
  • scales;
  • conveyor trolleys;
  • molding tables;
  • drying chamber.

The components of the working mixture are loaded into a mixer with low-speed blades, which thoroughly mix them. Most often, the main raw materials and glue are mixed separately, so you will need another machine of this type.

The mixture is loaded into molds on special molding tables. After that, the molds are placed on trolleys and placed under a press. Loaded carts are sent to the drying chamber.

The performance of all electrical equipment depends on the size of the drying chamber. For production to be profitable, its area must be at least 200 m².

For the production of raw materials (rubber crumb) at home, a mechanical crushing method is used using special cutters. This inexpensive equipment is suitable for making tiles in the garage. In industrial production, the method of shock-wave crushing is used. Such equipment is fully automated.

Manufacturing technology

For the production of tiles, 2 pressing methods are used:

  • hotter;
  • cold.

The first option is cheaper and faster. But at the end you will get a toxic product of low quality. Domestic manufacturers prefer cold pressing. This method allows you to get durable tiles, but it does not have high performance.

The energy costs for both methods are the same. The only difference is the nature of electricity consumption. With the hot method, electrical energy is consumed cyclically, only during the operation of the press. During cold pressing, it is necessary to constantly consume electricity in order to maintain the desired temperature in the drying chambers.

Consider the main stages of production:

  1. Preparatory. At this stage, the main raw material is prepared. To do this, old car tires are freed from metal rings and textile threads, after which they are crushed in a crusher to the desired fraction.
  2. Mixture preparation. Rubber crumb, glue, pigments and modifying fillers are loaded into the mixer in the required proportion.
  3. Molding. The finished mixture is filled into special forms and sent under the press.
  4. Pressing. The raw material is pressed to a predetermined density and thickness.
  5. Baking. With the hot method of production, the material is baked under pressure at +130°C. The cold method involves the installation of molds with raw materials in heating cabinets for processing at lower temperatures (+60 ° C).

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the production technology of rubber tiles. Pay special attention to the following important nuances:

  1. Rubber crumb size. The quality of the coating and its physical and mechanical characteristics depend on this parameter.
  2. The presence of lubricant in the molds before loading the mixture.
  3. Compliance with the proportions in the preparation of the mixture.
  4. To increase the water resistance of the tile, you need to use a smaller crumb fraction and increase the pressure of the press.
  5. The larger the fraction of rubber crumb, the faster the color of the material is lost during operation.
  6. Tiles with a thickness of more than 2 cm are best made in two layers. The top layer is made of fine crumbs, the bottom layer is made of large crumbs. If you want to make a rubber tile with two layers, you will need an additional mixer to prepare the different layers.
  7. On one pressing machine it is necessary to produce tiles of the same thickness, regardless of its configuration. The thinner the coating, the faster its formation.

Many manufacturers produce two-layer rubber tiles. This approach allows them to significantly reduce the cost of finished products, since the composition of the mixture includes a cheap large fraction of the feedstock.


To prepare a mixture of rubber crumb, all the necessary components are taken in the following proportion:

  • crumb rubber - 80%;
  • polymer glue - 10%;
  • pigment - 3.5%;
  • modified fillers - 0.5%.

The smaller the crumb fraction, the more glue will be needed. Pigments dry out the binder, so there may be less of it in black tiles. Before pouring the ingredients into the mixer, they must be accurately dosed using a scale. Failure to comply with the technology may adversely affect the quality characteristics of the finished product.

hot way

For the hot tile production method, you will need a vulcanizing press, under which the vulcanization process takes place at a temperature of + 130 ° C. Forms with a mixture are under pressure for 30 minutes. After that, you can excavate the finished tile.

Hot pressing significantly increases the volume, as it speeds up the process of making tiles. However, fast is not always good.

When using the hot method, the characteristics of the product deteriorate, which negatively affects its quality. This tile has a more intense smell of burnt rubber. In addition, it quickly collapses under the influence of various environmental factors.

The glue should be well absorbed into the structure of the components of the mixture. With the hot method, he does not have time to firmly bind all the components, so the tile becomes fragile and not strong enough. Under the influence of high temperatures, the connecting links do not dry, but bake, which negatively affects the elasticity of the tile and its strength.

cold way

The finished rubber mixture is loaded into molds and placed under a press. After pressing, carts with molds are loaded into special drying chambers. They are kept for 4-6 hours at +60°C. After this time, you can remove the carts from the chamber.

The productivity of the cold method depends on the volume of the drying chamber. The larger the chamber, the more carts will fit in it. Thanks to this, you can control the amount of products produced.

At first glance, it may seem that making tiles in this way is less productive. With cold pressing, chemical reactions slow down, the glue has time to securely bind all the components, and as a result, you get a durable, high-quality material with excellent performance characteristics. Production volumes can be increased by purchasing additional equipment.

There are millions of cars in the world. Hundreds of thousands of used tires made from high quality synthetic rubber end up in landfills every day. Unacceptable extravagance. And then an idea came into someone's bright head how to start producing many useful things from this actually gratuitous raw material: rubber coating for sports complexes, playgrounds, skating rinks, paving slabs, soft roofing, temporary road blocks, etc.

Crumb rubber coatings last at least 20-40 years. They wash well, absorb noise, it is pleasant and comfortable to play sports on them. These coatings are great for shops, offices, industrial premises. When walking on them, the legs rest, the load on the joints is reduced.

But first, inner tubes and tires need to be turned into a convenient raw material, which, using a simple technological process, turns into finished products. The production of rubber crumb (or crushed rubber), which is formed by recycling tires, is the first stage, which makes it possible to earn money by investing little money.

Equipment for the production of crumb rubber

Rubber crumb is produced in various fractions - from 0.1 to 10 mm, depending on the need. A crumb of small diameter (up to 4 mm) is used in single-layer products. Sometimes two layers are used in rubber coatings - the lower one using large fractions and the upper one using fine, more expensive ones.

Equipment for the production of crumb rubber is a whole technological line. It includes two sections: on one, the tires are prepared for processing, on the second, they are directly abraded. The following actions are performed in the process:

  • The raw material is cut into strips;
  • Ribbons wear out;
  • Pass through a vibrating sieve;
  • Passes through magnetic as well as air separators;
  • The resulting crumb is transported on conveyors to the storage of raw materials.

There are many technological lines for the production of crumb rubber on the market. They have different capacities, levels of automation and prices. A beginner manufacturer will have enough of a line that processes up to 5 tons of raw materials per day. The machine will require a room with a small area for installation, has an acceptable price. A successful combination of cost and quality provides equipment for the production of rubber crumb of Chinese or Korean production.

The opportunity to expand the scope of activities and reach the level of production of finished products provides the production of rubber crumb tiles. These products are in demand both in the improvement of settlements (coverings for sports and playgrounds), and in the decoration of commercial and industrial premises, and often individual plots.

Rubber tiles are produced by hot forming. The equipment that will be required is a volcanic press (price up to 350 thousand rubles), a pair of raw material mixers (100 - 200 thousand rubles each) and a drying chamber (from 100,000 thousand rubles). Consumables: black or colored rubber crumb, polyurethane adhesive, dyes.

The production of tiles from crumb rubber is carried out in the form of mats measuring half a meter by half a meter. Their thickness is different and depends on the operating conditions. In order to save consumables, the tile is made in two layers: a colored layer on top and black on the bottom. In this case, the dye consumption is reduced. Plus, it is possible to use crumbs of cheaper large fractions in the lower layer, which often contain remnants of metal or textile reinforcement.

The uniqueness of the material allows you to vary the characteristics of crumb rubber coatings in terms of hardness, water permeability, color, patterns, type of connections, and adhesion level. The product range will depend on the set of mold kits. Commonly used kits are "Mat" and "Dovetail". Other kits can also be used.

When planning the organization of production, it is necessary to provide space for both the production line (from 70 square meters) and two warehouses (for raw materials and finished products). In the production of rubber crumb coatings, a work shift will require from two to four people (depending on the complexity of the line). The average electricity consumption will be up to 52 kW.

In the process, rubber crumb, dye and glue are mixed until a homogeneous mass. The resulting mixture is dosed, poured into mold matrices, smoothed with a trowel. Hydraulics compresses the material in the mold and the shaping process begins. When the timer is triggered, the molds open automatically with finished products.

Crumb rubber production - business plan

As in any responsible business that requires costs, when working out the organization of the production of crumb rubber, a business plan is necessary. First of all, you will need to take into account the costs of acquiring equipment, raw materials, renting premises for production and warehouses, salaries to employees and marketing options.

As practice shows, with a capacity of 100 kg. rubber crumb per hour in three shifts, the payback of equipment, depending on the amount of invested funds, is up to six months to two years, with an average price of finished crumb from 6 to 15 rubles per kilogram.

Crumb rubber production equipment - price

The cost of the rubber crumb production line is from 1,200,000 rubles. Start-up and commissioning will also require costs. You should not save on quality by purchasing used machines.

As practice shows, it is better to purchase the simplest line and start with the production of 800 - 2400 kg of crumb rubber per day. If things go well, we can expand.

A simple technology for the production of crumb rubber provides indisputable prospects. There is still little competition in the market. The areas in which raw materials are used are expanding, and therefore the need for crumb rubber is increasing.

Crumb rubber production: registration of an enterprise + purchase of equipment + rent of a workshop + personnel for working at the plant + crumb production technology + product sales + calculation of profit and payback.

The most enterprising people live in Russia, who can make money even from garbage. One of such activities is the production of crumb rubber.

In this business, with the right conduct of business, you can recoup all investments in a short time, as well as get a lot of income. In addition, you can extract additional funds from the fact that you will take the metal from the tire cords.

Read about everything in detail in the article below.

Project Scale and Crumb Rubber Business Registration

Initially, you must decide what scale your project will take. It is possible to open the production of rubber crumb both with minimal investment and with a large start-up capital.

Realistically evaluate your capabilities. Of course, the less you invest in the business, the less profit will be. But it’s not worth spending millions, because every new business is a risk. Find the golden mean. In our business plan, we will just describe how to open our own production with an average starting capital.

If you plan to open a huge plant and attract financial injections from the state or investors, you will need to create a limited liability company.

And for a small workshop in which you have invested your savings, the legal form of an individual entrepreneur is suitable. In 5 working days you will receive a certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur, + a certificate of entering data into the USRIP.

To do this, you must submit the following package of documents to the Federal Tax Service:

  1. Passport and TIN.
  2. Application in form No. P21001.
  3. You need to enter the activity code according to OKVED 25.13 "Production of other rubber products" in the application.
  4. Make an application for the transition to the USN.
  5. Pay the state duty and provide a receipt with documents (800 rubles).

Unfortunately, this collection of documents is not over. falls within the scope of Federal Law No. 89 “On production and consumption waste”. According to Art. 5 of this law, waste classes 1-4 (which includes tires) are subject to licensing.

What you need to do to get a license for the production of crumbs:

  1. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. Lease officially or buy a room for production.
  3. Purchase certified equipment.
  4. Obtain an opinion from the SES and the Fire Service.
  5. Accept verification from Rospotrebnadzor and receive a certificate.
  6. Submit an application to the State Ecological Expertise at the place of registration of the enterprise and receive a positive conclusion.
  7. Send a package of documents containing all conclusions, a lease agreement for premises and a certificate for equipment to the Federal Territorial Authority for Supervision of Natural Resources.

If all documents are in order, you will receive a license. It's not free. If you do everything yourself, you will have to pay about 300,000 rubles. This will take a long time - about 2-3 months. But you cannot skip this step - without a license, your production of rubber crumbs will not be legal, and when checking the IP, you will be fined a large amount.

Equipment for the production of crumb rubber

With 1 million rubles, you can afford to buy a small line for the production of crumb rubber, which can process up to 100 kg of material in an hour of work. But it is important to understand that such equipment, although affordable, will produce only crumb. In addition, not all tires can be recycled by the technician.

It is better to buy a complete line with a capacity of 400 kg / h. Such equipment for the production of rubber crumb is automatic, workers will only supply tires and receive crumb rubber and bead rings at the output.

If you want to make additional products from raw materials (which will become a source of additional profit), buy a complete set of crushed tile presses.

Of course, you can buy equipment cheaper, for example, not as powerful or second-hand, but then you will not receive a guarantee for the equipment, you will not be able to "accelerate" production at full capacity. Few raw materials will be obtained, so it will have to be sold at retail and at a reduced price.

Requirements for the premises for the production of crumb rubber

The area of ​​the rented premises will depend on the equipment for the production of crumb rubber.

Based on our business plan, the equipment will occupy 150 m2. In addition to the production workshop itself, it is necessary to prepare additional warehouses for raw materials and finished products, a staff room, a director's office and a bathroom.

What general requirements should meet the premises in which rubber crumb will be produced:

  1. Ceiling height up to 5 meters.
  2. The distance from residential buildings is 300 meters, it is best to rent a workshop outside the city.
  3. Temperature within 15°C.
  4. Industrial grounded electrical network - 380V.
  5. Flat floor, the presence of cosmetic repairs.
  6. Conducted water, ventilation, gas, fire protection system, factory air filter.

Depending on the region, remoteness from the settlement, the availability of repairs in the premises, the price for renting an object will be within 100,000 rubles / month.

Staff in the workshop

Thanks to the automated equipment for the production of crumbs, it is not necessary to hire highly specialized personnel.

Our plans are to produce 400 kg of crumbs in 1 hour of work and, at the same time, to additionally engage in the production of tiles from recycled material. The shop will work at first only 5 days a week for 8 hours a shift. With an increase in the number of orders, you can hire more workers and introduce additional shifts.

So, first of all, be sure to hire technologist. He will monitor the equipment and the correct production of tiles. In order for nothing to “leave” without a trace behind the territory of the plant, you need to hire accountant, which will monitor the supply and quantity of products produced.

Hire driver with a truck (if the production does not have its own transport), which will transport the goods and supply raw materials.

And the sales manager can be taken over by the shop manager.

staff memberQuantityGeneral salary (rubles/month)
TOTAL: 170 000 rubles/month
1 Technologist2 20 000
2 Accountant1 16 000
3 workers6 90 000
4 Cleaning woman1 8 000
5 movers2 20 000
6 Driver1 16 000

All employees need to pass a medical examination to make sure they can work in hazardous crumb production. Buy them respirators and overalls.

For the technologist and accountant, you need to allocate an office with a computer, a desktop, a filing cabinet and office supplies.

Preparing an office for a technologist and accountant, purchasing overalls, lockers for workers will cost about 100,000 rubles.

Rubber crumb production technology

Crumb rubber is a product that we get after processing car tires and other vehicles.

Tires are made on the basis of synthetic and natural rubber, metal cords, emollient oil, filler, etc. The tire itself is very elastic, resistant to various temperature extremes, alkalis and other acids, it does not wear out for a long time.

After the tire is processed into crumbs, only metal particles are removed from its composition, and all other components remain unchanged.

Since the crumb is a secondary material, it is several times cheaper than the primary rubber raw material, and in terms of quality they are on the same level. This is what makes this production very promising.

Let's take a look at the steps of the production process:

  1. Tires must first be prepared, remove dirt and other foreign particles.
  2. From the tires you need to remove the metal part - the cord.
  3. The raw material must be cut into strips according to the specified parameters, which depend on the equipment.
  4. Then the tapes are crushed at normal temperature - 20-30 degrees above Celsius.
  5. After crushing occurs at high temperatures - 100 ° C.
  6. The machine interrupts the rubber again, but already at a low temperature.
  7. The “ozone knife”, which is in the equipment, frays the rubber again, which contributes to the material being completely destroyed.
  8. If you produce not only crumbs, but also tiles, then crumbs are poured into the press and, using cold or hot pressing, the tiles are compressed to a given thickness and density. As a rule, it should be 1-4 mm thick.
  9. The finished product - chips or tiles - is packed in polyethylene manually or using a packaging machine.

Production of crumb rubber tiles and other applications of the material.

When planning any business, we ask ourselves the question: who will become our buyer, will there be a demand for products?

Let's name a few industry branches where I use crumb rubber:

  1. Today, the crumb is used to cover roads, sidewalks, as an additional material.
  2. Rubber crumb is placed in street gyms (volleyball, basketball courts, children's complexes) in order to protect the territory from injury.
  3. Paths are laid out with such material when forming landscape design.
  4. Crumb today is used in construction, for the manufacture of roofing materials, palettes, etc.
  5. A crumb can create thermal insulation in industrial workshops, etc.

We want to focus on a separate industry -. To make it, you will only need a press. But the cost of a finished tile will be several times higher than for just raw materials from recycled tires.

The crumb will be bought only by those who can process it into another product. By tiling, you will increase the offer. Every resident of the settlement where the plant is located can become your buyer, because this material is easy to put at home, like a sidewalk.

To get to know about you, be sure to take care of advertising. The most effective way is to make a website, promote it and order contextual advertising.

This will require additional financial investment:

  • website purchase - up to 5 thousand rubles,
  • hiring an SEO-optimizer or WEB-programmer - from 25 thousand rubles / month.

If there is not enough money, then you need to use the "old" method - call potential customers personally, place ads in the media and on billboards in the region. Although, it is worthwhile to understand that this will not cost much less.

Equipment for processing tires into crumb rubber.

Production technology of rubber tiles.

Detailed profitability calculation

The most important point in any business plan is the calculation of profit and the estimated time frame for full payback.

To begin with, we will divide all our costs into two columns - permanent financial investments and one-time expense items.

Let's calculate how much crumbs and tiles we can produce at the factory, and what will be the profit with the full sale of goods:

  1. Our equipment can process 400 kg of rubber tires of different sizes in 1 hour of operation. The workshop operates 8 hours 24 days a week. We will need to purchase approximately 80 tons of material.
  2. A ton of tires costs about 4 thousand rubles. We will need to purchase raw materials for 320,000 rubles.
  3. From a ton of tires, we will extract approximately 100 kilograms of metal (depending on the tire model and its size).
  4. At the output, we will get 70 tons of crumb rubber. Half can be used for the production of tiles.
  5. The weight of 1 m2 of tiles is from 22 kg, and its cost on the market is 1,600 rubles. Our enterprise will be able to make 1,590 m2 of rubber crumb tiles in 1 month of work. With full implementation, the income will be up to 2.5 million rubles.
  6. Rubber crumb is cheaper, 1 ton - 17,000 rubles. Profit from the sale of crumbs - 595,000 rubles.
  7. We have an income of 3,000,000 rubles. Of these, we pay tax (180,000 rubles) and a communal apartment (from 150,000 rubles). In addition, you need to buy raw materials, provide employees with wages, buy containers, give money for transportation (payment for gasoline), for rent and advertising.
  8. Net profit from the production of crumb rubber and tiles will be approximately 1.9 million rubles. Thus, the cost of organizing a business can pay off in six months of successful work.

Crumb rubber production This is a profitable business, but you need to invest a lot of money in it.

Our business plan is based on approximate calculations, in practice you may encounter many problems - products are not sold in full, equipment breaks down, competition is growing, etc. But it's worth the risk to rise up and become a successful businessman.

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