Tyrtyshov Yury Pavlovich where he works now. New appointments: Yury Tyrtyshov has been appointed General Director of the Grand Prix Hippodrome Project Office

The state of affairs in the housing and communal services of Russia today is such that it takes about two trillion rubles to bring it to a more or less normal state. Naturally, no budget - neither federal nor even municipal - can bear utility costs comparable to the annual budget of an entire state.

Making a troubled industry profitable is difficult, but possible. Yury TYRTYSHOV, Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Public Utilities, tells how the federal subprogram “Reforming and Modernizing the Housing and Communal Complex of the Russian Federation” is being implemented. - Yury Pavlovich, in one of your speeches you said that investments in housing and communal services in 2003 amounted to 15% of all investments in the country's economy. Will this level be maintained in the current year? - This year, the volume of investments in housing and communal services should increase significantly. This is due to the fact that large private companies are entering the industry. First of all, these are investors who will ensure the implementation of projects for the modernization and renewal of fixed assets of housing and communal services. Over the past two months, the Federal Agency has concluded agreements with the Regional Development Assistance Fund, Mezhregiongaz LLC, Russian Communal Investments OJSC, and the Interregional Investment Construction and Utility Company. In addition, an agreement "On long-term investment cooperation" was signed with the commercial bank "Agropromcredit". In the next three years, the bank is going to invest more than $100 million in infrastructure projects. Several more similar agreements are being prepared for signing. – Depreciation of the utility infrastructure in Russia is 60%. How can utilities be made profitable? Besides moving away from cross-subsidization, is there anything else that can be done here? To what extent will the widespread introduction of meters and energy-saving technologies help this? - Indeed, today we have to talk about the excess depreciation of fixed assets of housing and communal services, and, consequently, that the operation of worn-out equipment and networks is much more expensive. In 2003, 65% of enterprises were unprofitable. However, this does not mean that the housing and communal sector is hopeless. It should be noted that the planned profitability, although insignificant, is now included in the tariffs. It would be more accurate to say that the problem is not that enterprises are unprofitable, but that funds from certain sources of financing (first of all, these are budgets) are not allocated in full. The profitability of the industry is not a myth, but a reality that has examples around the world. During the period of the reform in our country, only the first important steps have been taken towards ensuring the self-sufficiency of housing and communal services: tariffs are close to economically justified ones. There are two ways to make the transition of public utilities enterprises to payback through consumer payments and completely abandon budget subsidies: by once again raising tariffs or by actually reducing the costs of providing services. As the main one, we choose the second path. And the main method in this process, of course, is energy saving and the introduction of more efficient and economical technological solutions. Unfortunately, such a solution to the issue was several years late... - How much will the declaration on the interaction between government, private business and consumers in the public utilities sector, signed following the results of the interregional industry forum held in Vladimir, contribute to the introduction of business in the housing and communal services? - This declaration is the first public document specifying the goals and principles on which the process of housing and communal services commercialization will be based. As an example, I will quote one of the provisions of the declaration. “In order for private business to start working effectively in the public utilities sector, it is necessary to form a full-fledged system of relationships in the industry, when municipalities will determine the demand for services for managing communal infrastructure facilities, and private operators will offer a competitive product that meets the needs of municipalities and the population.” The adoption of the declaration assumes that fair competition will reign in the housing and communal services market, and not the wild arbitrariness of one monopolist. And this is what will contribute to the speedy and successful introduction of business into the industry. - Some experts are not particularly optimistic about the future of JSC Russian Communal Systems. What is your opinion on this matter? – OJSC “RCS” appeared on the housing and communal market only last year, but already announces an increase in the flow of investment. For example, in Kirov it is planned to invest about 600 million rubles in the city's water supply, a long-term contract has been signed with them for 15 years. True, the company is now solving mainly organizational and legal issues ... Here it is important to establish control over the real investment of funds so that investments do not turn out to be only on paper. – Is it possible for Western big business to penetrate the housing and communal services of Russia? – Yes, of course, we have examples of leasing equipment. I recently met with a representative of one of the companies, I won't name it yet, whose owners are ready to invest on a credit and leasing basis in public utilities. German companies already have the first experience of renovating the housing stock in Russia. One of them is engaged in infrastructure projects in Belgorod. A stream of foreign investments has been directed to the Russian housing and communal sector for several years. In particular, loans were provided by the International Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in the amount of $210 million. - The initial investment in housing and communal services that private businesses will have to make is huge, and the real return on investment will not occur in a year or two. So what is it that attracts businessmen to this “piece of the pie”? Will residents receive sky-high tariffs in a couple of years instead of high-quality and inexpensive service? - The economic attractiveness of resource-saving projects lies in the fact that as a source of repayment of borrowed funds taken for the implementation of the project, savings can be used (as a result of a reduction in the cost of utilities). In addition, housing and communal services is the area where, like in no other business, the sale of services is fully guaranteed. And this adds to its investment attractiveness. The guarantor of the tariff policy in the new conditions should be the law "On general principles for regulating the tariffs of organizations of the communal complex", which is submitted for consideration by the State Duma in the general package of housing bills. In addition, real competition in the housing and communal services market will push companies to a natural reduction in prices for services. But I would like to emphasize that the Federal Agency insists that housing and communal property remain in municipal or state ownership. Because if the state completely leaves this industry, there will be a monopoly of private capital. ABOUT OUR INTERVIEWER: Yuri Pavlovich TYRTYSHOV was born on July 27, 1967. He graduated from the Stavropol Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Construction of industrial and civil buildings and structures. Since 1997, he was in charge of the housing and communal complex of the Stavropol Territory, first as a head of department, then as a minister. In 2003, he headed the Department for Investments and Operation of Fixed Assets of the EMERCOM of Russia. From April 2004 - Deputy. head of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class. Married, has three children.

Interviewed by Polina Kozlova

Former vice-governor, chairman of the government of the Stavropol Territory, former first deputy general director of OJSC North Caucasus Resorts, former deputy governor of the Tver region, former deputy minister of regional development of the Russian Federation

"Connections / Partners"



Apparently, you need to either somehow put an end to this, or sniff where the wind can blow from. Because it becomes, to put it mildly, strange when, for more than a month, Komi has been shaken by waves of mutual calls and text messages with a single content: “Did you hear that HIM was arrested?” And this is at best. In the first, mid-January, wave of rumors about the detention of Sergei Gaplikov, the author of these lines listened to a whole story with impressive details about how the Head of Komi was “taken” no less than nothing at the Syktyvkar airport, how “the entire airport was cordoned off, and my friend personally saw how Gaplikov was taken out in handcuffs” and so on.

The “auditory waves” scatter in spite of everything: neither to the praise of Vladimir Putin (“Gayser also went to China with him a couple of weeks before”), nor to Gaplikov himself, who periodically appears on TV, seems to be completely in his office and with official work jacket. It is not so much the presence of the rumors themselves that is surprising, but precisely their rebound: they appeared - they seemed to be refuted - they subsided by themselves ... and again!

Prime Minister of Stavropol Yury Tyrtyshov resigned

On Thursday it became known that the vice-governor - chairman of the government of the Stavropol Territory Yuri Tyrtyshov wrote a letter of resignation. In a telephone conversation with the editors of the Stavropol State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company, the Prime Minister confirmed this information, adding that he had made such a decision and was already in Moscow.

Recall that Yuri Tyrtyshov took the post of vice-governor-chairman of the government in July last year, first with the prefix "acting", then, after his candidacy was approved by the deputies of the regional duma, he became a full-fledged prime minister of the region.

Tyrtyshov's tasks included organizing the current work of the Cabinet.

Yuri Tyrtyshov will lead the government of the Stavropol Territory

Yuri Tyrtyshov appointed acting about. vice-governor - chairman of the government of the Stavropol Territory. Now his candidacy must be agreed with the regional Duma.
link: http://www.vedomosti.ru/career/news/2012/07/02/2238690

Putin's villages

- Housing is built! - Yury Tyrtyshov, deputy chairman of the Stavropol government, reports to me from the doorway. - Right on time, by December 1, we will put all the houses into operation!
link: http://kompromat.flb.ru/material1.phtml?id=3344

JSC "Resorts of the North Caucasus" supported the project of creating mountain resorts in Ingushetia

The project of mountain resorts in the Sunzhensky and Dzheirakhsky districts of the Republic of Ingushetia will harmoniously fit into the North Caucasus tourist cluster that is being created in the south of Russia. This opinion was expressed by Yury Tyrtyshov, Deputy Director General of OJSC "Resorts of the North Caucasus", following the presentation of the Concept for the creation of a special economic zone and the development of mountain tourism complexes in the Republic of Ingushetia, which took place on Thursday.
link: http://www.ncrc.ru/r/news/index.php?id_4=235

Deputy General Director of JSC "Resorts of the North Caucasus" moved to work as Chairman of the Government of Stavropol

Stavropol Governor Valery Zerenkov appointed Yuri Tyrtyshov, who previously held the post of First Deputy General Director of North Caucasus Resorts, to the post of Acting Vice Governor - Chairman of the Government of the Territory, RIA Novosti-South reports with reference to the press service of the head of the region.

“Part of Yuri Tyrtyshov’s career is connected with the regional government, where he held a number of government positions, overseeing housing and communal services, construction and architecture,” the report says.
link: http://vestikavkaza.ru/news/ekonomika/business/61974.html

Yuri Tyrtyshov: Mountainous Ingushetia is a real “pearl of the North Caucasus”

According to Yury Tyrtyshov, First Deputy General Director of OJSC Northern Caucasus Resorts, the main ski base in Ingushetia will be the Tsori resort - a specially selected place that is not inferior in terms of prospects to other ski resorts in the North Caucasus Federal District.
link: http://www.postpredstvo.ru/ new/ekonomika/item

The North Caucasus is waiting for its carrier

The North Caucasus tourism cluster will need a regional airline, says Yury Tyrtyshov, First Deputy General Director of North Caucasus Resorts (KSK), quoted by ITAR-TASS. According to him, now this issue is being discussed. The creation of a regional company will simplify flights within the region, while now a flight from the Mineralnye Vody to Makhachkala or from Stavropol to Sochi is possible only through Moscow, Tyrtyshov said. He called this situation an absurdity, on which large carriers earn money and from which passengers suffer.
link: http://kommersant.ru/doc/ 1960893


Yuri Tyrtyshov has been appointed head of the state corporation. On August 18, the ex-deputy governor of the Tver region took up the post of general director of OAO Oboronstroy.
link: http://region.tver.ru/news/? id=1494

Oboronstroy and NAMIKS signed an agreement

“When solving the problem of providing housing for military personnel, the possibilities of low-rise and cottage construction, along with high-rise buildings, should be fully taken into account,” commented General Director Yuri Tyrtyshov. - At the same time, the ratio of buyout and construction of new housing should be at least 50/50. At the same time, the lands of Oboronstroy (more than 1 million hectares), as well as the production base, can be actively used: in every large city we have either a construction industry enterprise, or a contractor, or logistics capabilities, ”the press service of the NAMIKS company reports.
link: http://10mm.ru/node/489

The new microdistrict in Tver will be called "Rainbow"

Soon a new microdistrict will appear in Tver. Now construction is in full swing. The total area of ​​residential development is more than 130 thousand square meters. Some of them will go to the waiting list. The progress of work was supervised by Deputy Governor of the Tver Region Yuri Tyrtyshov.
link: http://www.terratver.ru/ infocenter/market-news/news_ detail.php?ID=520

Agreement with the fund - the foundation for construction

This mechanism is quite effective and, in my opinion, fully reflects the specifics of our country, which has the world's largest land fund, - commented on the signing of the agreement, Deputy Governor in charge of construction and housing and communal services, Yuri Tyrtyshov. - Our cities and settlements occupy only about 1.5% of the territory of Russia. That is, it would seem that there is a lot of land, but at the same time, plots near or inside settlements are often in federal ownership and are not used for the development of territories.
link: http://www.tverlife.ru/news/7035.html

Tver - against huts

The region was visited by a commission of the Federal Fund for Assistance to Housing and Utilities Reform. On the eve of this event, a meeting was held in the administration of the Tver region between the deputy governor of the region, Yuri Tyrtyshov, and acting. Tver administration head Alexander Golodny.
link: http://www.tverinfo.ru/zhkh_ transport/tver_protiv_hizhin. html

Low-rise - the movement will be in 2009

As Regions.Ru was informed in the press service of the upper house of the Russian parliament, Oleg Tolkachev, Chairman of the Federation Council Commission on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services, held a meeting. The discussion was attended by the head of the administration of the urban settlement of Dedenevo Svetlana Tyagacheva, Deputy Governor of the Tver Region Yuri Tyrtyshov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Commission on Physical Culture, Sports and the Development of the Olympic Movement, President of the Russian Olympic Committee Leonid Tyagachev, President of the Fund for Saving the National Landscape Natalia Pozhidaeva, members of the Commission Council of Federation Council for Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services Valery Sudarenkov, Anatoly Saltykov, Sergey Bekov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Local Self-Government Yuri Osintsev, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee for Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services Alexander Pochinok, representative of the Reform Assistance Fund housing and communal services Vladimir Germanenko and others.
link: http://alldoma.ru/novosti- faktyi

Yury Tyrtyshov, Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services, visited Tula

On January 31, Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Construction, Housing and Communal Services Y. Tyrtyshov visited Tula. On the trip he was accompanied by Deputy Governor V. Savoshchenko, Director of the Construction Department V. Byba.

Yuri Tyrtyshov, Deputy General Director of the ZNAK Corporation, has been appointed General Director of the Hippodrome Project Office, the operator of the ZNAK Corporation's development project to create sports and social facilities for the new Russian Grand Prix international hippodrome in the Krasnogorsk District of the Moscow Region.

"We have reached a level where the main efforts to create the Grand Prix are focused on the construction part of the work. The buildings of the future Hippodrome, given the social significance of this facility, as well as its role in creating the overall investment attractiveness of residential and commercial real estate of the complex, are a priority for 2008. Also at the current stage, in order to carry out full-scale construction, it is necessary to create all supporting structures and transport interchanges, - said Evgeny Poznyakov, General Director of ZNAK Corporation. territories will allow you to set the pace and scope of work necessary to fulfill the construction plan.

Yuri Tyrtyshov took up his duties of direct construction management, while remaining Deputy General Director of ZNAK Corporation.

Curriculum vitae:
Yuri Pavlovich Tyrtyshov was born in 1967 in the Stavropol Territory. In 1993 he graduated from the Stavropol Polytechnic Institute with a degree in civil engineering. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Since 2005, he has been a student of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. From 1993 to 1997 he worked as the General Director, then as the President of Sevkavneftegazstroy JSC (Anapa). From 1997 to 2001, he went from Deputy Head of the Department of Construction and Housing and Utilities of the Government of the Stavropol Territory to the Minister of Construction and Housing and Utilities of the Stavropol Territory. From 2001 to 2003 - Deputy Chairman (Governor) of the Government of the Stavropol Territory - Minister of Housing, Construction and Architecture of the Stavropol Territory, Chairman of the Commission for Emergency Situations of the Stavropol Territory. In 2003-2004 - Head of the Department for Investments and Operation of Fixed Assets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. From 2004 to 2006, he served as Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Public Utilities. From 2006 to 2007 - Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. In February 2008, he was appointed Deputy General Director of ZNAK Corporation. Yuri Pavlovich Tyrtyshov - Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation of the Third Class, awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the Second Class, an honorary builder and an honorary worker of the housing and communal services of Russia,

Corporation "SIGN" created in 2001. The main activities of the Corporation are the integrated development of the territories of the Moscow Region (urbanization); implementation of own development projects, including organically interconnected commercial, socially and socially significant sports and recreational development and infrastructure development projects as part of the implementation of the program of the General Plan of the Moscow Region until 2020; development and management of land assets in the interests of companies operating in the field of traditional and innovative agriculture; creation and development of real estate management business, its operation and construction; regional development.
During 2001-2006, ZNAK Corporation, by order of companies implementing business projects in the field of agriculture, construction, social investment, formed its own land bank. As of the beginning of 2008, the Corporation manages 7,961 hectares, where it is planned to implement its own land development and development projects: participation in the program to create new cities in the Moscow Region; creation of the Grand Prix complex in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region; acting as an investor and developer in the implementation of a project to create modern equestrian sports complexes in the Krasnogorsk and Volokolamsk districts. The Corporation also manages 7976 hectares used in business projects of companies operating in the field of traditional and innovative agriculture.

"The Grand Prix" - a project for the integrated urbanization of territories in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region. The Grand Prix complex will be located in the area of ​​the Otradnenskoye rural settlement and will occupy an area of ​​358 hectares. "Grand Prix" includes a world-class hippodrome, residential, public, social and commercial real estate with a total area of ​​more than 1.5 million square meters, including an office and hotel complex and a cottage village. All the necessary social infrastructure will be located on the territory of the complex: schools, kindergartens, a hospital, service, entertainment and recreation facilities. In addition, it is planned to improve the engineering and transport infrastructure, including the expansion of the Putilkovskoye Highway, the construction of new access roads, the development of public transport, including the construction of a light metro line. The project was developed jointly with the Government of the Moscow Region and the Administration of the Krasnogorsk District with the participation of Russian and French specialists in architecture, urbanism and construction.

Hippodrome of international class "Grand Prix" designed for international racing and horse racing competitions. "Grand Prix" is planned as a single complex of real estate objects and planar objects of sports, recreational, social orientation, including main and additional stands, stables for temporary keeping of horses, fields with tracks for races and races, a training center with a veterinary building, etc. Total area complex - 93 hectares. The groundbreaking ceremony for the Hippodrome took place on June 5, 2007. The initiators of the project are the Kremlin Riding School (KShVE) and the ZNAK Corporation. The construction of the Hippodrome is under the patronage of the Government of the Moscow Region.

Photo from vmeste.ru

04.07.2012 | 13:55

Our colleagues from the Stringer publication published an interesting article covering the topic of unusual appointments in the Stavropol Territory. In the opinion of journalists, the appointment of Yury Tyrtyshov to the post of vice-governor is not only strange from the "official" point of view, but also contrary to the will of the federal administration. We publish the material in full.

Material on the Stringer website: http://stringer.ru/publication.mhtml?Part=48&PubID=21584


Stavropol Governor Valery Zerenkov has appointed Yury Tyrtyshov, former First Deputy General Director of North Caucasus Resorts OJSC, as Acting Vice Governor - Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory.

This appointment was the next link in the political reform of the Stavropol Territory, initiated by the governor, as is clear from some not very reputable media, on behalf of Alexander Khloponin, presidential envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District, who considered that the model of governing the region should be changed. And, allegedly in accordance with the instructions of the plenipotentiary, on June 20, amendments were adopted to the charter of the region, introducing the position of vice-governor, who simultaneously performs the functions of the chairman of the government.

At the same time, it must be said that Yuri Tyrtyshov, whose candidacy will soon be submitted for consideration by the regional Duma, is, to put it mildly, an ambiguous figure.

Perhaps, only the geographical origin of the potential regional prime minister speaks in favor of such a personnel decision by Governor Zerenkov - Yuri Tyrtyshov, indeed, was born in the Neftekumsky district of the Stavropol Territory. But his further career, and especially his reputation, raises a lot of questions from all more or less informed observers.

Whom only Yuri Pavlovich did not work in his lifetime, however, he did not stay anywhere for a long time. And I had a chance to visit a Komsomol instructor and manage the Anapa Sevkavneftegazstroy with very dubious consequences for the company, and make a rapid career in the Stavropol Territory Administration in the construction and housing and communal services, having reached the office vertical to the then Deputy Governor of Stavropol Alexander Chernogorov, and work as Deputy Minister of Regional development, having failed the ministerial program of assistance to deceived equity holders (this can be confirmed by tens of thousands of officials and builders who suffered from arbitrariness in the same Stavropol Territory) and, finally, “work hard” in the infamous Sochi “Olympstroy” (not without the assistance of his current patron Alexander Khloponin) . In general, he worked everywhere a little, and everywhere he left a "best" memory of himself.

With all the outward brilliance of his career, Tyrtyshov, over the long years of his “state service”, proved to be an extremely conflicted person. As a federal official and at the same time the head of the Stavropol "United Russia", he managed to set against himself both the then political "demiurge" of the presidential administration Vladislav Surkov, and his then subordinate, and now the Minister of Regional Development Oleg Govorun, and, most surprisingly, given the current round of the career of Yuri Tyrtyshov - the current curator of all domestic policy of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin.

It is reasonable to ask: how, in the presence of such a negative “trail” in the Kremlin and the White House, Tyrtyshov managed to “charm” Valery Zerenkov and head the regional government? After all, it is no secret that today the staff of the presidential administration and personally Vyacheslav Volodin are extremely scrupulous about all personnel appointed to responsible positions in the subjects of the federation.

In general, one thing is clear. The work of Yuri Tyrtyshov will be interesting, but the region, given the attitude towards his figure from the federal center, will not be easy.

Yuri Pavlovich Tyrtyshov, Member of the Board of the Stavropol community, Senior Vice-President of the State Corporation "Olymp-Stroy".

Yuri Pavlovich Tyrtyshov was born on July 27, 1967 in the village of Zimnyaya Stavka, Neftekumsky District, Stavropol Territory, where he entered secondary school No. 1. In 1974 he moved to the village. Shpakovskoye, Stavropol Territory. In 1982 he entered and graduated with honors from the Stavropol Civil Engineering College, received the specialty "technician-builder of industrial and civil construction." From February to August 1986, he worked in the Stavropol Drilling Department as a rig-installer, then as a foreman.

In June 1986 he married Natalya Mikhailovna Kuznetsova.

Since 1987 he lived in the city of Stavropol.

In August 1986 he entered the Stavropol Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Engineering and Construction Production, specializing in the construction of industrial and civil buildings and structures. In 1989 he was transferred to the headquarters of the student construction teams of the regional committee of the Komsomol. In November, he was transferred to the head of the construction site in the city of Anapa of the Stavropoltruboprovodstroy trust. In 1990, after the reorganization of the Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry Construction, he was appointed director of the Anapa branch of JSC Stroyneftegaz. In 1993, after reorganization, he was appointed General Director of the Sevkavneftegazstroy trust (JSC Stroyneftegaz) in Anapa.

In 1994, due to the reorganization of the structure, he became president of Sevkavneftegazstroy JSC in Anapa. In February 1997, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Department of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Government of the Stavropol Territory. In April 1997, he was appointed head of the housing and communal services department of the government of the Stavropol Territory. In November 1997, in connection with the reorganization of the administration, he was appointed Minister of Housing and Communal Services and Construction of the Stavropol Territory. In August 1998, he was appointed Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the Government of the Stavropol Territory. From 2001 to 2003 worked as Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory, Minister of Housing and Public Utilities, Construction and Architecture of the Stavropol Territory, supervised the issues of construction, housing and communal services, architecture, fire safety, emergency situations and a number of other issues. He was the chairman of the commission for emergency situations in the Stavropol Territory. In March 2003, he was transferred to the position of Head of the Department for Investments and Operation of Fixed Assets of the EMERCOM of Russia. Since April 2004, he has been Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Construction, Housing and Communal Services. In November 2004, he was elected Secretary of the Political Council of the Stavropol regional branch of the United Russia party. September 2006 to 2007 worked as Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. Since February 2008, he has been an Advisor to the President for Investment Risks at FC Uralsib, Deputy Governor of the Tver Region, then General Director of OJSC OboronStroy, Senior Vice President of the State Corporation OlimpStroy. He defended his dissertation on the topic “Structural levels of the reformed management system of housing and communal services in the region (institutional organizational aspects)” and received a PhD in economics.

Yu. P. Tyrtyshov - Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Public Utilities of the Russian Federation, Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class. Member of the General Council of the All-Russian political party "United Russia".

He was awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 2nd class.

Conscript - lieutenant colonel.

He is married and has three children: son Artem, daughter Olga and son Daniel.