DeSheli, a network of beauty salons. DeSheli, Network of Beauty Salons Business Center Preobrazhensky Yard Foundry 26

Business center "Liteiny, 26"

Fraudsters change locations and lure schemes.

I read and heard a lot about this scam and finally got caught myself! This time everything sounded so convincing that I almost completely did not understand that I was put on the hook)))

The persuasiveness of the scheme:

called, introduced themselves as employees of the magazine "Independent Expert", asked to write a review of a beauty salon. They asked me for a long time and seriously what type of service I should sign up for.

they offered to call a taxi from the metro (what for? I realized that I didn’t have time to ask directly: how much the call would cost, I decided to play it safe and went on my own. To all questions: what’s with me for this, they answered: you yourself and a passport (to the checkpoint with guardian of course

The address does not correspond to the declared one: I was named Artillery per. 3, but in fact it is Liteiny, 26, letter A, Business Center "Liteiny, 26"

an office on the outskirts, a security guard so shabby looking that you want to give him some bread, without a badge and a uniform;

the salon is more than strange: a bunch of incomprehensible people in various kinds of dirty bathrobes, without hats, badges, unkempt and with shabby makeup, everyone creates a business extras without a specific character of actions,

The persuasiveness of the scheme:

"working" hairdressing and manicure studio.

Women were procrastinated without really doing anything: smoothing hair and painting nails is no reason to believe that this is not an extra for the performance.

There are many middle-aged and elderly women who sign strange crumpled papers, if not bogus ones, then they are very sorry.

At some point, I wanted to loudly exclaim: "What are you doing here? Don't you see that this doesn't even look like a salon?" but some sooooo big men appear (what would they do in a beauty salon?) without bathrobes and a very unfriendly appearance, I feel uncomfortable and I suppress this desire in myself.

Everything is sad, regrettable, at the reception they didn’t remember my entry, didn’t greet me, asked for my passport. to my question "why" they froze something like: make sure that "the registration is Russian")))) I answered: yes, Russian, but not St. Petersburg, I could show you from my hands, I manage to write something there on my piece of paper and quickly gives it to me

An untidy girl came up, looking into my eyes and smiling aggressively with a questionnaire in her hands in my name, asked if I could devote two to three hours to the procedure, I goggle my eyes, I say “no, of course”, my time is worth money. She frustratedly leads me back to the reception for a “re-recording”, where they abruptly, without looking, almost boorishly promise to re-write me the next day and we all understand what this means for no one)))

While I was getting dressed, I noticed another boil: licenses hung on the wall, attention! WITH XEROX PRINTS!!!

Technical features of the business center "Preobrazhensky Dvor"

The Preobrazhensky Dvor business center is a class A new construction project that includes high-class office and commercial premises. The facility is equipped in accordance with modern European quality standards.

The facade of the business center "Preobrazhensky Dvor" is made in St. Petersburg traditions and emphasizes its unique architectural appearance. The main façade is oriented towards Liteiny Prospekt, while the panoramic windows of the upper floors overlook the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral. The entrance group of the business center and public areas are designed in the same original style.

The facility is equipped with modern engineering systems and communications, Otis passenger elevators and escalators, air conditioning and ventilation systems, video surveillance system. The business center maintains a high level of security, 24-hour security and access control to the building. For the convenience of tenants, their guests and business partners, Preobrazhensky Dvor has its own underground parking for 150 cars. Tenants can use the meeting room.

Information on renting an office in a business center

Office blocks are offered for rent with a high-quality fine finish. The ergonomic layout of the premises (from 50 to 12,000 sq.m) allows you to rent both a small office and the space of an entire floor.

Preobrazhensky Dvor Business Center is renting premises from the third to the sixth floor with a total area of ​​about 20,000 sq. m. m. On the first and second floors there is a commercial part of the complex, with a total area of ​​11,500 sq. m. m. This part of the project includes the placement of a gastronomic supermarket, a shopping gallery and restaurants.

The site occupied by the house at the modern address Liteiny, 26, has been related to the military throughout its history. V Soviet time there was a hostel for the troops of the Leningrad Military District, and before the revolution - and almost from the very beginning of the history of St. Petersburg - it was occupied by the guards, namely the Life Guards of the 1st Artillery Brigade. Actually, the modern and old names of the streets of this area remind us of artillery and the military: Artillery, Saperny and Manezhny lanes, Front, Hospital and Preobrazhenskaya (Radishcheva) streets. The foundry part was a giant camp - with barracks, an arsenal, arenas, stables, utility rooms, etc. It is here that the cathedral of the entire guard - the Transfiguration of the Savior - is also located. Guards, divorces, maneuvers, parades, exercises - all this was an integral part of the life of the city.


We sometimes forget that Petersburg really was a "military capital". By the beginning of the 20th century, the barracks and various military institutions occupied an area of ​​​​more than 200 thousand square fathoms (and there was even talk in the magazines that, due to the lack of space for civilian institutions, it would be necessary to move the military from the center to the outskirts - a completely modern discussion). The foundry part has long been one of the areas "occupied" by the military. Since the beginning of the 1730s, one of the oldest and most noble regiments of the guard, Preobrazhensky, founded by Peter I back in 1683 in the village of Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow, was quartered here. His settlement occupied a site bounded by modern streets Liteiny pr., Zhukovsky, Tchaikovsky and Suvorovsky pr.

The Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment participated in all military campaigns and palace coups, heirs to the throne served in its ranks, emperors were commanders, and enrollment there was a reward in itself. It was under the Preobrazhensky Regiment that scorers appeared from the very beginning, and Peter I became the captain of the company in 1700. By 1762, the Bombardier Battalion was formed, consisting of two companies. Finally, in 1796, under Paul I, the Life Guards Artillery Battalion appeared, later renamed into a brigade. And in 1816 the brigade was divided into two. Here is a brief history of the appearance of the Life Guards of the 1st Artillery Brigade. It should also be added that since 1798 the Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich was the chief of the brigade, after the division he retained his command over the 1st brigade, and his name was assigned “forever” to the 1st battery of the brigade in 1849, after his death.

Already after separation from the regiment, the brigade participated in many famous battles - at Austerlitz, at Borodino, in the Turkish campaign of 1877-78. By the time of the 200th anniversary of the artillery, in 1895, Nicholas II (who had been on the lists since 1868) became the chief of the brigade, and the Grand Dukes Mikhail and Sergei Alexandrovich, Alexander Mikhailovich and the two Dukes of Mecklenburg-Strelitz were listed in the brigade. Many Decembrists also served in the 1st Guards Artillery Brigade, among them Vasily Bakunin, Prince Alexander Golitsyn, Vladimir Glinka, Nikolai Tsebrikov, Prince Ilya Dolgorukov, Prince Pyotr Trubetskoy and others.

Detail of the façade of a new office building at 26 Liteiny str. Korolenko.


If we turn again to the map of the Foundry part, then the 1st Guards Artillery Brigade directly occupied several sections: Liteiny pr., 1 (opposite, in house 2 - there was already the 2nd brigade), Liteiny, 26, st. Ryleeva (former Spasskaya), 14 and part of Baskov per. Nearby, at Liteiny 3, there was the New Arsenal (the old one, burned down, was rebuilt for the needs of the court, now it has not been preserved). At the end of the 19th century, the Artillery Department was located at Liteiny, 6.

If you look at the plan of St. Petersburg, created by N. Tsylov in 1849 (“Atlas of 13 parts of St. Petersburg”), you can see that the barracks occupied the entire area between Liteiny Prospekt, Artilleriysky Lane and Baskova Street (now Korolenko) - on the remaining side they were limited land that belonged to the Kochubey family, where the Muruzi house would later be built. Judging by the description, in the middle of the 19th century the barracks were a three-story building, only the lower floor of which was made of stone. Behind the barracks, almost to Mayakovsky Street (then Shestilavochnaya), a parade ground stretched, on the side of it, along Baskov Lane, barns and stables stretched. In a later plan of St. Petersburg, 1869, it is mentioned that on the site of the barracks of the Life Guards Artillery Brigade there is 1 stone residential building and 5 wooden non-residential buildings (“List of St. Petersburg Houses” by P. Neigardt). At the Central State historical archive there are documents that in 1823 they were going to lay a church in honor of St. Alexander Nevsky in the barracks - whether this happened is unknown. Also, copies of the drawings of the site are stored there, with a plan for the barracks, arena, forge and workshops.

It turned out to be quite difficult, without conducting special archival research, to determine who built the existing barracks building at Liteiny, 26. Two versions of authorship were expressed in the literature - V.P. Stasov and F. Demertsov. Both architects worked in the first half 19th century, both built a lot for military needs. In particular, it was Demertsov who erected the building of the New Arsenal (Liteiny, 3), and Stasov rebuilt the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, so important for the Guards, after a fire, and he also built the most beautiful Pavlovsky barracks on the Field of Mars. But one can assume a lot - F. Volkov built the barracks of the Preobrazhensky Regiment very close by (now demolished on Paradnaya Street), and the barracks for artillery along Liteiny, 1-2, were erected in the 1850s by architects A.P. Gemilian, R.R. Heinrichsen and K.B. Prang. In a word, this question can be considered open.

Despite the fact that in architectural terms the building, especially completed with an extra floor in the post-war years, could be considered an ordinary building, nevertheless, it is precisely such classicistic appearance of the building, modestly decorated, with its mass that determines the “strict, slender appearance” of St. Petersburg, along with pearls of its architecture.

Facade of a new building on the street. Korolenko

A life

The books they published speak of how seriously the guardsmen themselves took their history and their service. So, the commander of the 4th Battery of the Life Guards of the 1st Artillery Brigade Pavel Pototsky in 1898 published a book on the history of his battery. In the same year, this was done in the 5th battery - Lieutenant A.A. Yakimovich and staff captain N.A. Ilkevich. Even earlier, in 1888, the commander of the 4th brigade, Colonel N.M. Khitrovo published a weighty volume "Actions of the batteries of the Life Guards of the 1st Artillery Brigade in the Turkish War of 1877-78." Pototsky cites a brigade song with which they honored the victory in that war:

For a whole month we fired,

Hundreds of Turks were brought down,

And then they went around

The Turks were bypassed from behind.

The enemy army ran

But it seemed - do not catch up!

In Phillipopolis they caught up

Onoprienka George was given.

Colonel Onoprienko at that time commanded the 4th battery. “The valor obtained by him with a battery formed by him is the best and imperishable legacy that he left to his successors. Both officers and soldiers understood and created his merits, ”his colleagues spoke so highly and seriously about him.

This is what a standard day for a guards artilleryman looked like: “By mid-December, all the recruits had already gathered and the battery, somewhat empty after the camp, was filled again. Classes are in full swing. They start at 8 am and continue until 11 am. But people get up much earlier: at 4.30 in the morning; who goes to clean up horses, who does housework. From 11 am to 1 pm the battery has lunch and rest. From 1 o'clock in the afternoon to 4 o'clock again classes. From 4 to 7 pm - rest and cleaning of horses; at 7 o'clock dinner; at 8.45 a roll call is made and a prayer is sung, after which they are allowed to go about their business until 11 pm. During rest, some drink tea, others sleep, some, gathered in a heap, talk about something; those who know any craft make something for themselves or on the side in order to earn 2-3 hryvnias for cigarettes "(A.A. Yakimovich, N.A. Ilkevich" Historical sketch of the 5th Battery of the Life Guards of the 1st Artillery brigades "St. Petersburg 1898).

In addition, there was also an annual cycle of events: after the summer, they were dismissed to the reserve, recruits came in November, maneuvers took place in winter, on Easter - a spring parade on the Field of Mars in the presence of the Sovereign Emperor, from late April to August, the regiments went to summer camp in Krasnoye Selo, where there were exercises, parades, shooting and riding competitions, after which there was a general parade. On Maslenitsa, Easter, Christmas - a few days off, reward money, a festive treat. On August 6, on the Transfiguration of the Lord, there was a common holiday for all the guards artillery, in addition, each battery had its own holidays.

After the revolution, that guard and that army no longer existed. The building at 26 Liteiny, having survived the war and the bombing, became a hostel for officers who came to the banks of the Neva to study at one of the 5 military academies. History has preserved for us such a description of life in this dormitory in 1988, which is no longer ceremonial: “An apartment, consisting of long dull corridors, is standardly designed for 15-20 families. Rooms with one window do not exceed 20 square meters, so a family of 3-4 people cannot even dream of any sanitary living standard. But almost all listeners have small children, who, frankly, cannot roam in these luxurious halls. After the lectures, in the evening, my father still needs to read, study notes, make drawings; mom is drawn to the TV, and the child, according to all the canons, it's time to sleep, but the light hits his eyes. For some reason, there are no special rooms for "extracurricular" activities... The view of the kitchen is depressing: 24 sq m for two dozen families! It is impossible to set up individual tables, so the entire middle of the “cooking room” is blocked by three or four massive “furniture” shifted in a row, where women do housework together ... There is no hot water, and 7-8 stoves are turned on almost around the clock. It is easy to calculate what is the excessive consumption of gas and electricity in such apartments. It's easy to imagine what the air is like there! The plumbing in the toilets is broken” (“Leningrad Panorama”, 1988, No. 6-7, Y. Evglevsky).

Liteiny Prospekt still retains its military bearing and stern look from under the visor, but now the memory of its military history has almost disappeared.