Fairy tales where Baba Yaga is good and evil. Project "Baba Yaga

What is she - BabaYaga
What is she - BabaYaga
(kind old woman or
(kind old woman or
evil witch) ?
evil witch) ?
What you need to know to
What you need to know to
"Go on a visit
"Go on a visit
to this mysterious
to this mysterious
old lady? "
old lady? "

I believe that BabaYaga is an evil witch
She hurts everyone
Creates difficulties in the way
BabaYaga kidnaps children
Can be put on a shovel and
send to the oven, so that later
She has a terrible appearance
Little children are afraid of her

1. How did BabaYaga appear?
2. Where does BabaYaga live?
3. What is Baba's character

Must learn to analyze
fairy tales
Give characteristics to the main
heroes of the work
Find useful information
Learn to draw conclusions
1. I will look for answers to questions.
2. Prepared material
show it to my classmates.

1. Study the data of the literary
2. Read a lot of Russian
folk tales
3. View art and
4. Get to know the historical
information on the occurrence
image, ancient rituals
5. Meet with workers
6. Conduct a survey

Pedigree of BabaYaga
Pedigree of BabaYaga
BabaYaga snake
Humanoid creature with a snake tail
Deity lacking a leg
A completely humanized character with a bone leg

Origin of the name
"Yaga (yagababa, yagaya baba, yagabikha, yagabova,
yagaya, yagishnitsa, yagiha, yagishna) - babayaga,
a fairytale character living in a dense
forest; witch.
"Baba - Yaga, bone leg, rides in a mortar,
he rests on the pestle, covers the trail with a broomstick. "
“Baba - Yaga gave them drink, fed them,
I took the bath ”.
M. Vlasova
"New abevega
Russian superstitions "

Forest old woman
BabaYaga - in Slavic mythology old forest woman sorceress, witch
... According to the tales of the Eastern and Western Slavs, BABAYAGA lives in the forest
in the "hut on chicken legs", devours people; fence around the hut - from
human bones, on the fence of the skull, instead of the bolt - a human
a leg, instead of constipation - hands, instead of a lock - a mouth with sharp teeth. In the oven
Babayaga tries to fry the kidnapped children. She is an antagonist
hero of a fairy tale: having arrived in a hut and found a hero in it, he cuts out
back strap etc. In some tales BABA YAGA (Yaga Yagishna,
Slovenian. Jerzy Baba) - the mother of serpents, opponents of the hero.
In addition to the images of BABYYAGA - a warrior and a kidnapper, a fairy tale
knows the image of the giver, the hero's helper. BABYYAGA has one leg
bone, she is blind (or her eyes hurt), she is an old woman. Communication with
wild animals and the forest allows you to deduce her image from ancient image
mistress of beasts and the world of the dead. At the same time, such attributes of BABYYAGA,
like a shovel with which she throws children into the oven (cf.
baking a child), are consistent with the interpretation of tales about her as about
the priestess in the initiation rite. Characters similar to BABOYAGA,
known in the Germanic (Frau Hall in German fairy tales), Greek (Calypso) and
other mythologies.

BabaYaga lives in a hut on chickens
legs on the border of two worlds (world
of the living and the world of the dead)
To get into the hut, you need it
turn "back to the forest - to yourself
front), i.e. turn to the world of the living.
BabaYaga, showing her displeasure,
feed the guest with his own (food of another
the world) and will heat the bath. Having washed
in the bath, the guest washes away the “spirit
alive. "
After that BabaYaga recognizes him as
"His" and can help him.

BabaYaga - warrior
Yaga the kidnapper
Yaga giver
Gives items that have
magic power
Yaga counselor
It does nothing by itself,
but indicates to whom
apply for
Yaga lady
Commands the forces of nature
and animal world

B a b a I d a v e d a e t
s u d b o y
Gives a ball (guiding thread)
Gives advice to help
to reach a goal
"Feels in his heart"
Tests people
B a b a i
about g n e n about
Raises the wind with a broom,
Flies on a stupa
Lies on the stove
Associated with death and
Linked to night and darkness
She is always old (bone leg)
She is blind, does not see, but can smell
("Smells of the Russian spirit")
Lives in a hut without windows and
Around her house is a fence of skulls
(12 +1)
The fire she gives can kill
Kidnaps children
Yaga - to sting, torment

BabaYaga is not always in Russians
BabaYaga is not always in Russians
folk tales wicked witch
folk tales wicked witch
It can be different - and
It can be different - and
kind and wicked
kind and wicked

She often helps the hero, saves him
BabaYaga can be fun and
And sometimes even a beauty
And sometimes even a beauty

The fabulous image of Baba Yaga arose
in ancient times
as an image of death - terrible and
A fairy tale is a product of its era, it
changes in time, folk
thought brings into her
narration of their corrections.
Modern BabaYaga comes more often
help the hero, rescuing him from
difficult situations.

In one enchanted forest, extraordinary miracles were happening, but such that
the inhabitants of all the neighboring villages were afraid to go for mushrooms and berries, and
the children were not allowed to go far from home.
The rumor about this mysterious forest reached the village where the potter Ivanko lived,
famous throughout the region for his skill. The guy heard that the clay
soft, white for his gift to the bride - amphora - remained only in his career,
which is located right next to that terrible forest. And the quarry is guarded by witches.
They do not allow to come close: either the trees are knocked down on the traveler, then the snakes and spiders
admit it, then the showers call that the way back can not be found.
However, the young man firmly decided that he would get the clay for the amphora. He went to the blacksmith
and asked to forge him an ax, a self-ax that kills witches. Took the potter to the cracker
bread, a hatchet and a lit cross. The boy's parents blessed him.
Here the boy came up to the forest, and he will make a noise, how he will whistle! The witches flew out
waving hands, falling asleep with needles. But Ivanko was not taken aback: he bent down and
whispers: "Hatchet ax, cut off the head of the evil!" The ax obeyed, but Ivanko
ran to the ravine, collected clay and run! And the ax does not lag behind. Came running
home, they locked the shutters, and the ax told the owner: “I broke almost all
evil spirits, but only the main one turned out to be so tenacious! I chopped off her head, and on
her place 3 others have grown! Tea I have already reported to the Monster about you and me, so
wait for trouble, Ivanko! "

Before sunset, the young man gathered the people into his house, and
waiting for unclean guests. The clock struck 12 times
evil spirits flew in, but she did not only expect that
the potter will have time to mold the amphora by that time.
He burned her in the furnace - magic power filled
vessel. It cost only Ivanko and his guests
touch the fabulous amphora, as they became
they are invulnerable to any villains. Came out
villagers with an amphora in their hands to meet evil spirits.
The light of the good power of magic blinded the witches in
one moment. Seeing nothing, the evil ones scattered into
different sides, and they completely disappeared - the light
the magic vessel overtook them on the way.
Since then, no one is afraid to go to the forest. And Ivanko
gave the amphora to his bride and soon
got married to Marya. They still live in soul
soul, and the fabulous amphora stands in the
table: in the evening the house lights up, in the morning instead of the sun
Such is the power of a magic amphora made of white clay!


Russian folk tales by A.N. Afanasyeva - M .: Children's lit.,
1992 .-- 245 s
Propp V.Ya. Historical roots fairy tale... - M., 1985.-
248 s.
http: //www.zankovcom/litmet3.htm articles on the study of narod. fairy tales
http://idea.mosuzedu.ru/ 2005 / projects / getannot.php? id = 64 - history and
modernity in the image of Baba Yaga
http://ww.paganism.ru/babayagahtm about the origin of the image
http://sf.perm.ru/kd_dop_baba.shtml thematic articles on the topic
http://www.trud.ru/Arhiv2002/03/15/200203150440604.htm pictures on
http://myfhology.narod.ru/heroes/b/babayaga.htm about Slavic myths
http://sueverija.narod.ru/Muzei/Jaga.htm about superstitions and rituals
folklore at school
http://www.fio.ru/index.php?id=3156 - at literature lessons

Lena Rafalovich
Research work "Baba Yaga: Good or Evil?"

Department of Education, Sports and Tourism of the Ivye Regional Executive Committee

Lipnishkovsky kindergarten-secondary school


Rafalovich Elena Stepanovna,

preschool teacher

1. Introduction…. 3

2. Main part……. 5

2.1. Prototypes of Baba - Yaga…. …. 5

2.2. general characteristics Baba Yagi…. 6

2.3. The main images of Baba Yaga in fairy tales…. 9

2.4. Justification of Baba Yaga…. 10

3. Conclusion…. eleven

List of sources of information…. 12

Appendix…. 13 1. Interviewing children « Woman Yaga is a positive character or a negative one ". 13

2. Ritual ceremonies associated with Baba Yaga…. 14

3. Questionnaire for parents "A fairy tale in your child's life"….15

1. Introduction

I was in the hut on chicken legs.

Everything is there as before: Yaga is sitting,

The mice squeaked and rummaged in the crumbs,

The wicked old woman was strict.

K. D. Balmont

We all love miracles. Where do they occur? Of course, in fairy tales. Fairy tales kind, funny, instructive. There are a lot of goodies in them. But there are others who want to harm and prevent them. It's good that there are very few of these heroes. But without them it is also impossible, otherwise there would be no fairy tale. Among them, we were most interested in Baba Yaga... Do you remember how often you were scared parents: “If you don’t obey, it will fly woman The Yaga will drag you far - far away. " And you were afraid and tried to do everything that mom or dad asked about. And never wondered who she was Baba Yaga?

And only after reading many different fairy tales, we found the answer for ourselves. And it turned out that there was no one to be afraid of. Why? Because in different fairy tales the image of Baba Yaga is very versatile. She can be mean and kind, sly and funny. Survey of pupils of the senior preschool group showed: 57% of children consider Yaga a negative character, an insidious and evil old woman, 35% - and kind, and angry, 8% - a positive character. (Annex 1)

Who is this Baba Yaga? What in this creature attracts and attracts us?

To answer these questions, we decided to conduct research on: « Baba Yaga: good or evil

Target: find out if a positive or negative character in fairy tales is Baba Yaga.


1. Analyze fairy tales, films, cartoons with the participation of Baba Yaga and identify her good and bad deeds.

2. To study the personality of Baba Yaga and public opinion about her.

3. Make a dossier on Baba Yaga.

Hypothesis: suppose not so scary Baba Yaga as it seems at first glance.

An object research: Russian folk tales, animation, cinema.

Thing research: Baba Yaga.

Methods research:

Literature analysis;

Collection of information;



2. Main part

2.1. Baba Yaga prototypes

Who is she - Baba Yaga? She wasn't always evil, who was she?

Alone researchers Yaga is considered an ordinary evil witch, a sorceress. Others call her an ancient Slavic goddess, mistress of the forest and animals, guarding the underground entrance to the other world. Still others claim that Yaga moved to us from the North. Inhabitants of northern forests and reindeer herders often set their huts on high poles so that wild animals could not climb into them, and so that the houses would not be covered with snow. From here came "a hut on chicken legs"... But there are other opinions as well.

During the excavations, bone and stone female figurines were found. In ancient times, Yaga was considered the ancestor of the tribe, whose spirit lives among the living, protects them from troubles, helps in business and keeps the fire of the hearth - a symbol of the well-being of the house. Perhaps the figurines are the first image of Baba Yaga. Such Baba Yaga was kind.

Another prototype of Baba Yaga could be witches and healers who lived far from settlements in the depths of the forest. There they collected various roots and herbs, dried them and made various tinctures, and, if necessary, helped the villagers.

In ancient times, the dead were buried in domina - houses located above the ground on felled trees. People were afraid of the dead, they could not be disturbed over trifles, and at the same time they came to ask for help in difficult situations. When the hole in the domino was opened, only the legs of the deceased were visible (Baba Yaga - bone leg) ... People believed that the dead fly on coffins - Woman Yaga flew on a stupa (hollowed out deck - coffin)... So that Woman Yaga is a deceased ancestor, a dead man, and therefore they scare her, even forgetting what it means.

2.2. General characteristics of Baba Yaga

Woman Yaga is an old hunched-over old woman. She has shaggy hair, crocheted nose, iron teeth and long arms. The clearest sign of Baba Yaga is her bone leg.

In a fairy tale "Princess Frog" so they write about Baba I gu: “On the stove, on the ninth brick, lies Baba Yaga, a bone leg, a nose has grown into the ceiling, it sharpens its teeth. "

In a fairy tale "Finist is a clear falcon" said: "Is sitting Baba Yaga - bone leg, legs from corner to corner, lips on the garden bed, and the nose has grown to the ceiling. "

In fairy tales, she rides in a mortar, chasing her with a pestle and covering her tracks broom: "Yaga - woman goes for human meat, kidnaps children, her mortar is made of iron, devils carry her; under this train there is a terrible storm, everything groans, the cattle roars, there is a pestilence and case: whoever sees the yaga becomes dumb. " It can sometimes move in the form of a whirlwind or storm; like a witch, she can turn into a snake, a mare or a cow, a tree, various objects, natural phenomena.

A stupa in Slavic mythology is a transport of dead, not living people. In the funeral rites of ancient Europeans, the mortar and pestle were placed in the graves 4 thousand years ago. The broom is a specific feminine remedy associated, in the minds of the ancients, with the magic of cleansing power. For example, according to ancient tradition, at a funeral, all the way from home to the grave had to be passed without fail. Otherwise, the deceased will find his way home from the churchyard, return, and begin to harm people.

Yaga's age is definitely not known: some say it is about 700 years old, others say more. We turned to fairy tales.

In a fairy tale "Beloved beauty" Baba Yaga herself says: "I have been living for the third hundred years already".

V "The Tale of Vasilisa and Ivan Gorokh": "I've been sitting in a hut for a hundred and twenty years, I don't go anywhere".

Baba Yaga spins yarn, weaves, most often lies on the stove.

Baba Yaga has magical items. She owns the winds and wonderful horses. An obligatory attribute of Baba Yaga in many fairy tales is a ball. The magic ball, presented by Yaga to the hero of the fairy tale, rolls by itself and shows the way. In addition to the tangle Woman Yaga sometimes gives the heroes a towel, a comb and a cheek weave: if you throw a towel along the way, then a fast, deep river will appear, and the ridge can turn into an impenetrable dense forest.

If suddenly a fine fellow asks Baba Yaga to bewitch his beloved, then with his spells, hooks and brooms Woman Yaga instills passion in the girl's body. She kindles wild fires in 77 copper furnaces. From that hellish flame in the girl, a great desire for love flares up. Without a young man, she can now neither live, nor sleep, nor drink, nor eat. (Appendix 2)

Baba Yaga has a family. In a fairy tale « Baba Yaga» she has a sister, a niece. In a fairy tale "Go, there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what" have a daughter and a son-in-law. In a fairy tale "Golden Horse" there is a sister, and she has a son, Serpent Gorynych. But more often than not Woman Yaga lives alone in the forest.

Baba Yaga has friends too there is: Goblin, Kikimora, Nightingale - the robber, Devils, Koschey the Immortal, Dashing one-eyed.

Loyal servants of Baba Yaga: cat, Raven, Geese-swans, snakes, frogs, lizards and all kinds of evil spirits. In a fairy tale "Marya Morevna" even Koschei was a shepherd for three days. In a fairy tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful" serve her three horsemen white, red, what ny: day, sun, night.

Baba Yaga's hut is unusual. She walks on chicken legs, recognizes a human voice and listens to commands, can see with windows, speak with a door and think. Will ask well done: "Hut, hut, turn to me

in front, back to the forest, ”and the hut obeys. “And Ivan's path led into a dense forest. Empty around, not to see the human soul. Only there is a hut alone, about one window, with a steep porch. Stands, turns by itself. "

V "Vasilisa the Beautiful" around the hut there is a fence made of human bones, human skulls stick out on the fence; instead of doors - human feet, instead of locks - hands. " Usually, the description of the skulls on the Yaga fence is seen as evidence of her cannibalism. Nothing like this. This horrifying painting reflects the ancient cult of the skull. Some primitive peoples, even of modern times, keep the bones and skulls of the deceased instead of the memory of their deceased ancestors. And they even feed them from a spoon, as, for example, the Papuans of New Guinea. So the hut on chicken legs in the folk fantasy was modeled after the image of a Slavic churchyard - a small house of the dead. The Slavs put the ashes of the deceased in the house of the dead. The coffin itself, the domina or the graveyard-cemetery from such houses were presented as a window, an opening into the world of the dead, a means of passage to the underworld.

Nicholas Roerich "The hut of death", 1905 Sami barn. Model on

the territory of Skansen Park


Baba Yaga probably a good hostess, she always has a stupa and a broom at her fingertips. She warmly greets the hero, treats deliciously, soars in the bathhouse, gives useful advice.

2.3. The main images of Baba Yaga in fairy tales

The fairy tale knows several images of Baba Yaga.

1. Warrior Yaga: Fights heroes and defeats many of them. In many tales, Yaga herself rides a riding horse and fights like hero: she opposes the heroes who came to her kingdom, attacks at the head of a whole army. Her "The host is a myriad strength".

2. Yaga - the kidnapper: in fairy tales, Yaga often kidnaps children, seeks to fry them in the oven, which resembles a rite known in many places "Baby baking" performed on the sick or weak children: the child was symbolically destroyed so that he would be reborn again as a different person (Annex 1).

3. Yaga-giver: "... Here's a silver bottom, a golden spindle, take it in your hands, the spinning itself will take place, the thread will not be simple, but gold."

4. Yaga - counselor: Yaga herself does nothing for the hero, but indicates who to turn to for help, for example, to her eldest sister: "Listen, walk along the path and you will reach the pond, hide behind a tree and bide your time."

5. Yaga - the lady: Yaga obey the forces of nature and the animal world, she is subject to morning and night, whirlwinds and blizzards. In folk tales, Yaga rules over wolves, bears, and other forest animals. “Became Woman Yaga go to bed and is talking: "When I leave tomorrow, you see - clean the yard, sweep the hut, cook dinner, prepare the linen."

6. Yaga - guardian (patroness): follows with the help of his magical assistants (owls, saucer, etc.) for the adventures of the hero.

7. Yaga is the progenitor: mother-grandmother for several of her daughters-granddaughters-yagishen, mistress of forest animals (analogue of the goblin).

8. Yaga - songstress: in almost all fairy tales Baba Yaga sings songs, ditties.

2.4. Justification of Baba-Yaga.

Although Yaga is accused of bloodlust, she was not able to defeat a single hero in more than one fairy tale. Nobody argues, she had desires, but nothing came of it. Savvy Zhikharka or Ivanushka, the forest sorceress is always deceived and she herself is sent to the oven. Baba Yaga or her servants, the swan geese, cannot even catch up with the kidnapped earlier. So it turns out that the crime did not happen.

And also Woman Yaga always helps kind well done to save their beauties. It is to her that Ivanushka comes for help when he is looking for Vasilisa the Beautiful. AND Woman Yaga helps and does not require anything for it. She greets her guests as hospitable hostess: first he will wash in the bathhouse, then he will feed, and then he is talking about business. But not everyone who comes to her opens Woman Yaga is the way to the kingdom of Koscheevo. As the guest behaved, he received such a welcome. If he is polite and hardworking, he will receive help, but if not, he will end up on a shovel and in a stove. He will determine the task in the evening, and then he will definitely check whether it has been completed. She cannot stand negligence and laziness. If a person kind, is strong, smart and brave, then the way to the magical world is open for him, because only a real hero can return with victory from the kingdom of Koscheev. This is what Russian fairy tales teach us and Baba Yaga.

3. Conclusion

During research we have found answers to many questions. During work I had to get to know the image of Baba Yaga so closely that almost "We visited the far-away kingdom"... Many more generations of children will grow up on Russian fairy tales, where Baba Yaga is evil and insidious, but at the same time funny, amusing, responsive to someone else's misfortune. Fairy tales remind once again that good and evil in this life live side by side, but good always wins... This means that our hypothesis true: “Not so scary Baba Yaga as it seems at first glance ".

List of sources of information

1. Kind word... Russian folk tales / comp .: L.N. Telyak. - Minsk: "Yunatstva", 1998.430s.

2. Dubinina, D. N. Journey to fairy tale: textbook. visual. manual for teachers of preschool education institutions / D. N. Dubinina. - Minsk: Nat. Institute of Education, 2010. - (Series "The world of childhood")

3. Kononenko, A. A. Characters of Slavic mythology / A. A. Kononenko. - Corsair, 1993.224s.

4. Madlevskaya, E. Russian mythology. Encyclopedia / E. Madlevskaya, N. Eriashvili, V. Pavlovsky. - Midgard, 2005.151.

5. At the behest of a pike / comp .: V. Sokolovsky. - "Ural-Press Ltd", 1993.206s.

6. Praleska: group "Dreamers". Reader: a guide for preschool teachers education: at 5 o'clock / comp .: A. I. Sachenko, L. A. Sachenko. - Minsk: Nat. Institute of Education, 2011. - Part 1. 111s.

7. Shaparova, N. Brief encyclopedia of Slavic mythology / N. Shaparova. - АСС, 2011.624s.

Internet resources:

Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia [ Electronic resource]: the base contains materials for different topics... - Electron. Dan. (122 thousand files, 775 thousand art.)... - M.,. - Mode access: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki, free.

Baba Yaga is a kind of witch, an evil spirit,
under the guise of an ugly old woman. "

“Baba Yaga - positive
character of ancient Russian mythology ”.

V. A. Ivanov.

One of the most big problems the modern world is the problem of morality. School is one of the mainstays of the moral education of young people. Teachers constantly touch upon the issues of kindness, understanding, mutual assistance, love, friendship.

The idea of ​​creating the project "In Defense of Baba Yaga" arose after conversations about the moral qualities of the main characters of the Russian folk tale.

Is there another character in the Russian fairy tale who would be argued about as much as Baba Yaga? For many years now, scientists and ordinary people, adults and children have not been able to unravel its secrets ... Who is she really? Good or evil, cunning or naive?

To answer these questions, the children read and analyzed a large number of books, feature films, cartoons.

The findings can be used both in the lessons of literary and extracurricular reading, and for speeches in front of schoolchildren.

Project problem: Baba Yaga is perhaps the most popular woman of all the many magical heroines of Russian folk tales. Oh, how terrible, terrible, bloodthirsty she is. Appearance scares her. She is about to fly in in a mortar, grab the naughty boy and take him to her lair-hut on chicken legs, and then, go and eat him. Or maybe Baba Yaga will help Ivan Tsarevich or another hero to return the kidnapped beauty? Where is the truth, where is the fiction? Why not figure this out?

Purpose: to find out whether Baba Yaga is a positive or negative character in fairy tales.

1) Take an excursion to the “Museum of Fairy Tales”.
2) Analyze fairy tales, films, cartoons with the participation of Baba Yaga and identify her good and evil deeds.
3) Organize work on the selection of poems and songs about Baba Yaga.
4) Study some of the traditions of the Russian people.
5) Prepare group and individual messages.
6) Create a collection of drawings and crafts about Baba Yaga.

Description of the project.

1. At the lesson of extracurricular reading on the topic “Russian fairy tales,” the children noticed that, in addition to bad deeds, Baba Yaga often helps the main characters, that is, does good. The guys decided to find out if this Baba Yaga is so bad.

2. In early November 2007, an excursion trip to the “Museum of Fairy Tales” was organized. The excursion was conducted by Baba Yaga herself. She talked about herself, about fairy tales with her participation. The rooms of the museum were decorated in the style of a Russian country house. The guys took a direct part in all the undertakings of Baba Yaga, even climbed into her oven and lay on the beds. Despite the fact that we spent a lot of time with Baba Yaga, no one was eaten, fried in the oven or simply offended by Baba Yaga. This and the information received further confirmed the children in the opinion that Baba Yaga is a positive fairy-tale character.

3. The goal was determined - to collect as many examples of Baba Yaga's actions from literary works, feature films and cartoons as possible. The guys split up to collect material. 1 student collected material from Russian folk tales, the second student - from feature films, the third student - from cartoons. Since 1 student spent much more time on the search than the others, the second was entrusted with creating drawings, the third student - handicrafts from various materials illustrating Baba Yaga and her environment.

4. The children received the task: to combine their works, supplement them with new material and prepare a speech from the group for presentation, summarizing the most important things. The work was carried out under the guidance of a teacher.

Simultaneously with the implementation of these tasks in the classroom visual arts and the technology was carried out by the guys: drawings about Baba Yaga, a hut on chicken legs; drawings using beads; crafts using the "Owl" macrame technique; plasticine products "Hut on chicken legs"; products made from materials using natural materials “Baba Yaga in a mortar, with a broom”.

During the music lessons, songs of Baba Yaga and about Baba Yaga from the feature film "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti" and the cartoon "The Flying Ship" were performed.

In literary reading lessons, they read and analyzed literary works with the participation of Baba Yaga. The work was complex.

5. The presentation included the following stages:

Oral communication with elements of theatricalization;
- answers on questions;
- introspection.

The leader evaluates the student's work according to the following parameters:

1) aesthetics of work;
2) the information content of the work;
3) organization of work in the group;
4) the quality of the presentation;
5) answers to questions;
6) compliance with the regulations.


I consider this project a success. Children learned a lot about Baba Yaga, systematized their existing knowledge, enriched their vocabulary, broadened their horizons, and tried to independently analyze the character of some literary heroes.

The guys became more friendly. The work was carried out with the help of parents, which always affects the effectiveness of the tasks, increases the child's interest in the subject and improves family relationships.


Student: Our project is called “In Defense of Baba Yaga”. Why are we interested in Baba Yaga? She is described in many tales.

This is a very memorable character, both in appearance and in character. But here's what surprised us: is this Baba Yaga so bad? After rereading many fairy tales, reviewing a large number of feature films and cartoons, visiting the “Museum of Fairy Tales”, where we met Baba Yaga herself, we figured out her character and made an amazing discovery - Baba Yaga is not justly accused of villainy. We undertake to prove that Baba Yaga is a positive fairytale hero. We are in defense of Baba Yaga.

The Prosecutor: Mysterious and terrible, cunning and cunning, full of fabulous charm and horror Baba Yaga! For many years now, scientists and ordinary people, adults and children have not been able to unravel its secrets ... Who is she really? Good or evil, cunning or naive? Let's figure it out!

Baba Yaga: What is there to understand, dear. Well, I'm the most popular girl in almost all fairy tales: in Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak. Yes, what is there to list, and yourself, go, you know. And my name is: Poles - Enzu, Slovaks - Ezhibaba, Czechs - Ezinka.

PROSECUTOR: Just about, without a definite place of residence, has several names. Anyway, the name is very suspicious.

Baba Yaga: Look, he doesn't like the name. You need to know the history. Baba, well, you know, I am wise. And this comes with age. Yaga, because ... I forgot. Even scientists have doubts. Maybe this is a pine taiga forest in which reindeer lichen grows (it was once called “yag”), or maybe a furry fur coat without sleeves - a yaga (a woman in a yaga).

PROSECUTOR: Yes, in this form only in the taiga and live. After all, how about you in fairy tales they say: a hunched-over old woman with tangle of unkempt hair, a crocheted nose, one bone leg (a prosthesis, or what?).

Baba Yaga: What are you saying? Why, I can say, the goddess of love - Aphrodite. How many times the fine fellows prayed to bewitch the beloved. And I helped with magic spells. He called me an ugly old woman! I was not always an old woman. And my daughter, daughter, then I have a beauty - Marya, the princess, everything went into me: both beauty and intelligence. Well, you haven't read the fairy tale "Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what."

PROSECUTOR: Everyone's heard that she knows magic spells. So Baba Yaga is a witch.

Baba Yaga: Oh, dear, you don't know history at all. The word "witch" meant a knowledgeable, knowledgeable woman. In fairy tales, I do not look like a modern witch: I don’t fly like a sabbath, I do not travel naked on a broomstick, but I ride in a mortar, even in rags, but dressed. I do not do evil.

Prosecutor: So you got caught. I have not read fairy tales! Was reading! You are just waiting to grab the naughty boy and carry him to your lair-hut on chicken legs, fry him in the stove and eat him. What do you say now?

Baba Yaga: Or I’ll say, I wanted to eat, but I didn’t eat a single one. Zhikharka and Ivanushka deceived me and put me in the oven. And I'm not a cannibal at all. Putting a child in the oven is an ancient custom. Listen, if a baby was born weak, they would put him on a bread shovel and thrust him into a warm oven three times. There the baby was "bored", became stronger. Older children were treated in the same way if they got sick.

Did you even go to the Museum of Fairy Tales? (Traveled)
Did you meet me? (Met)
Did I eat anyone there? (Not)
Did you climb into my oven? (Climbed in)
Feeling stronger, healthier? (Felt)

And how I helped Ivan or another hero. They have a lot of worries, it is necessary to return the kidnapped beauty. And only I can tell how to do this. And I do everything unselfishly, I do not demand anything in return. I greet the guest as if he were a dear one: I will steam out in the bathhouse, feed him, give him water, give advice, or even a magic horse and weapons.

PROSECUTOR: So what is it? Are you Baba Yaga kind, a beautiful, powerful sorceress who helps people?

Baba Yaga: My dear, what compliments you say. I will not lie, everything is so. Don’t worry, I’m good. Look, how many guys have found fairy tales about me, cartoons, films. I'm kind in them. And how beautifully they made me: both the clothes are new, and I am pretty, and the broom and mortar are the newest ... this modification.

Student: So it turns out that in fairy tales Baba Yaga exists to scare small children. From the point of view of justice, not a single crime has happened, and the intention to commit evil is not the offense itself.

Prosecutor: Baba Yaga has been acquitted.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum" Erudite "


Evil Witch



Shmygaleva Daria,

student of 2 "B" class

Head: Tashkinova Elena Anatolyevna

Rubtsovsk 2016

Relevance of work.

The image of Baba Yaga has been frightening since ancient times and at the same time attracts with its mystery, magic and secrets. A character known to everyone, but not fully understood.

Target research - to get to know Baba Yaga better, to determine my attitude towards this hero of fairy tales.


Learn the history of the origin of the image of Baba Yaga.

Analyze the role of Baba Yaga in Russian fairy tales.

To prove that appearance can be deceiving, Baba Yaga is a positive hero.


Baba Yaga is not just a fairy-tale character, but a positive hero with endless possibilities.

Research methods.

Reading Russian folk tales

Conducting a survey among classmates

Viewing Drawings by Russian Artists

The origin of Baba Yaga.

The history of Baba Yaga is rooted in the distant past.

We know from fairy tales that Baba Yaga is a hunched over old woman with long locks of unkempt hair, with a long crochet nose, with one leg of bone. Baba Yaga has bony hands and sharp iron teeth. She lives in a dense forest or in a swamp, in a "hut on chicken legs." The hut is surrounded by a fence made of human bones with skulls on pillars. Baba Yaga's hut can turn around its axis, but mostly it faces the forest in front.

To get into the hut, the hero needs to cast a spell: "Get up in the old way, as your mother set! Back to the forest, in front of me." Baba Yaga rides or flies through the air in an iron, stone or fiery mortar, covering the trail with a broomstick.

During Baba Yaga's trip, the winds howl, the earth moans, the cattle roars, the age-old trees crackle and bend.

Baba Yaga loves to make riddles and solve them. She senses the presence of a person and, upon meeting, exclaims: "I feel, I smell - it smells of a human spirit." Baba Yaga is served by black cats, crows, snakes. She knows the language of animals and plants.

The dark forest (necessarily dense and very dark!) Is the border between our real world and the afterlife. Or magical. In this case, Baba Yaga is a guard, a guard who stands on the border of two worlds and it is she who decides who to let through and who not.

And why exactly Baba Yaga got the role of the guard? Let's remember her full name: Baba Yaga - Bone leg. It turns out that many peoples believed that the human soul is in the foot.

Just remember the expression: "The soul has gone to heels!" Our granny has no foot, which means she has no soul! That is, she is not alive, but not dead either. An ideal option to really stand guard over the living and the dead worlds.

One more thing. Remember how the Yaga moves. On a stupa, waving a broomstick.

Among the ancient Slavs, it was a stupa and a pestle that was placed in the grave of a deceased woman. And they swept with a broom all the way from the house of the deceased to the cemetery. This was done so that the "deceased" would not find his way home and begin to misbehave there.

Baba Yaga's house on chicken legs is also not without reason. It turns out that the ancient Slavs had such a custom: to bury their relatives in houses on very high legs. It was believed that from such a coffin it is easiest to get into the kingdom of the dead.

Thus, we can conclude that Baba Yaga is one of the most mysterious creatures on Earth. Baba Yaga has endless possibilities, because she lives on the border of the world of the living and the dead and is a guide to another world.

It doesn't have to be an afterlife. He's just different. It can also be an imaginary world, falling into which, the characters begin to show qualities that he was ashamed of in the ordinary world (courage, politeness, mercy to others, etc.). Baba Yaga gives the hero a mindset for victory, for future happiness.

2. The role of Baba Yaga in Russian fairy tales.

I conducted a survey among classmates to find out how students perceive Baba Yaga. Most of the classmates imagine Baba Yaga as evil, angry, aggressive, fighting with the main character.

I propose to look at Baba Yaga from the other side.

After reading the fairy tales, I realized that Baba Yaga plays an important role in any fairy tale. If you remove it from the text of the tale, then the hero cannot do anything.

Despite all her terrible appearance, she shows hospitality to both Ivan - the tsarevich, and Ivan - the peasant's son.

Baba - Yaga will tell you where and how to find a heroic weapon, how to defeat Koshchei the Immortal and free the beauty from captivity.

Thus, Baba Yaga acts as an assistant to the heroes.

Children who have fallen into the hands of a terrible witch always come out victorious from the most desperate situations.

Heroes sometimes resort to it, as to the last hope, the last assistant. And all her evil deceit ends.

But what is is the character of Baba Yaga? N Baba Yaga opens the way to the "Thirtieth Kingdom" or the kingdom of Koscheevo to everyone who comes to her. The way the guest behaves is the way he gets it.

If he is polite and hardworking, he will receive help, but if not, he will end up on a shovel and in a stove. She cannot stand negligence and laziness... If a person is kind, strong, smart and brave, then the path to the magical world is open to him, because only a real hero can return with victory.
And yet, I would like to say that Baba Yaga never put a single child in any fairy tale in the oven. So she is not that scary and she is. In fact, she takes pity on the children.

In the fairy tales "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water" Baba Yaga acts as donors, the heroes' helpers. She helps them, shows them the way, gives them magic items and gives wise advice.

In addition, Baba Yaga - enchantress. Lives in the forest, has great bioenergy. She is the mistress of the animal world and the forces of nature. He knows a lot, knows a lot, knows how to heal. The attitude towards ordinary people is different. Dislikes the faint of heart and "fools". It helps the hero if he feels courage and fortitude in him.

Even in the fairy tale "Geese-Swans", where Baba Yaga wanted to roast Ivanushka, everything is not so scary. In fact, there is no fairy tale where Baba Yaga would fry children, she only wants to do it. But there was a wonderful rite - baking a sick child.

Knowing him, Baba Yaga turns from a negative character into a healer. She just wanted to bake Ivanushka and return the healthy one to the people.

In ancient times, when women were the head of the clan, Baba Yaga was a powerful goddess, keeper of traditions and customs.

In fairy tales, Baba Yaga acts as guardians of magical crafts.

Vasilisa the Beautiful learned how to sew and weave superbly.

The nature of the woman - Yaga is strict. He will determine the task in the evening, then he will definitely check whether it has been completed. Cannot stand negligence, laziness, punishes for it. And the fact that her lessons are difficult, excuse me, after all, they are not simple students with her, all are young sorceresses.

3. Conclusion

So, I realized that Baba Yaga is not at all a malicious, terrible old woman, but a hero, without whom no Ivan Tsarevich would ever have reached his Vasilisa the Beautiful.

Without Baba Yaga, many fairy tales simply would not exist.

Baba Yaga's actions run counter to the external impression. And here let us remember the saying “Don't drink water from your face”.

Even a beautiful princess with a beautiful appearance can do something nasty. And a lonely old woman, if you treat her like a human, kindly, will give the last magic item so that the heroes find their happiness and love.

In a dense forest, at the edge of the forest Feed, drink, lay,

An old woman lives alone. He will put gifts on the road.

Shaggy, nosed, hunchbacked, And in the evening he will sigh sadly:

But is she really to blame? Nobody calls to the feast!

Her name is Baba Yaga, I want to write her a letter,

She has a bone leg. Call for your birthday

Sits on the porch, misses, After all kind Baba Yaga!

He meets heroes from fairy tales. And she is not evil at all!

Who will be a little scared,

Someone will show the path.

Who will ask a riddle

Play hide and seek with children.

1. Let's discuss the topic in class. 2. Divide into groups and look for answers to questions. 3. We will show the prepared material to our classmates. - D- Must learn to analyze fairy tales - Give characteristics to the main characters of the work - Find useful information - Learn to draw conclusions

1. To study the data of the literary encyclopedia 2. To read a lot of Russian folk tales 3. To watch fiction and cartoons 4. To get acquainted with the historical information of the appearance of the image, ancient rituals 5. Meet with the library workers 6. Conduct a survey of classmates

The origin of the name "Yaga (yaga-baba, yagaya baba, yagabikha, yagabova, yagaya, yagishnitsa, yagikha, yagishna) - baba-yaga, a fairy-tale character living in a dense forest; witch. "Baba - Yaga, a leg of bone, rides in a mortar, rests with a pestle, sweeps a trail with a broomstick." "Baba - Yaga gave them drink, fed them, took them to the bathhouse." M. Vlasov "New Abeweg of Russian Superstitions"

The old forest woman is a sorceress Baba Yaga in Slavic mythology, the old forest woman is a sorceress, a witch. According to the tales of the Eastern and Western Slavs, BABA-YAGA lives in the forest in a "hut on chicken legs", devours people; a fence around the hut made of human bones, on the fence of the skull, instead of a bolt, a human leg, instead of constipation of a hand, instead of a lock - a mouth with sharp teeth. In the oven BABA-YAGA is trying to fry the kidnapped children. She is the antagonist of the hero of the fairy tale: arriving in the hut and finding the hero in it, she cuts a belt from his back, etc. In some fairy tales BABA - YAGA (Yaga Yagishna, Slovenian Ezhiba) is the mother of snakes, opponents of the hero. witchBABA "in a hut on chicken legs" hands, teeth, teeth, baking children of the hero's snakes. Besides the images of Baba Yaga, a warrior and a kidnapper, the tale also knows the image of the donor, the hero's helper. Baba Yaga has one bone leg, she is blind (or her eyes hurt), she is an old woman. The connection with wild animals and the forest allows her to be derived from the ancient image of the mistress of animals and the world of the dead. At the same time, such attributes of Baba-Yaga as a shovel, with which she throws children into the oven (cf. the rite of baking a child), are consistent with the interpretation of tales about her as a priestess in the initiation rite. Characters similar to BABY-YAGO are known in Germanic (Frau Hall in German fairy tales), Greek (Calypso) and other mythologies.

Baba Yaga lives in a hut on chicken legs on the border of two worlds (the world of the living and the world of the dead). turn to the world of the living. Baba Yaga, having shown her displeasure, will feed the guest with her own (food from another world) and heat the bathhouse. Having washed in the bath, the guest washes off the “spirit of the living”. After that, Baba Yaga recognizes him as “her own” and can help him.

Baba Yaga is in charge of fate Gives a ball (guiding thread) Gives advice that helps to achieve the goal "Feels in his heart" Experiences people Baba Yaga is associated with the air and fire element Raises the wind with a broomstick, whistle Flies on a stupa Lies on a stove Associated with death and the underworld Associated with night and darkness She is always old (leg of bone) She is blind, does not see, but smells with her nose (“smells of the Russian spirit”) She lives in a hut without windows and doors (domino) A fence of skulls around her house (12 +1) Fire , given by her, can kill Abducts children Yaga - to sting, torment

The fabulous image of Baba Yaga arose in distant antiquity as an image of death - terrible and frightening. A fairy tale is a product of its epoch, it changes in time, folk thought introduces its own corrections into its narrative. Modern Baba Yaga often comes to the aid of the hero, rescuing him from difficult situations.

Fairy tale "Magic amphora" In one enchanted forest, extraordinary miracles were happening, such that the inhabitants of all nearby villages were afraid to go to pick mushrooms and berries, and the children were not allowed to go far from home. The rumor about this mysterious forest reached the village where the potter Ivanko lived, famous throughout the district for his skill. The guy heard that the clay is soft, white for his gift to the bride - amphora - remained only in the quarry that is located right next to that terrible forest. And the quarry is guarded by witches. They do not allow to come close: either the trees are felled on the traveler, then the snakes and spiders are let in, then the downpours call that the way back cannot be found. However, the young man firmly decided that he would get the clay for the amphora. He went to the blacksmith and asked to forge him a self-ax, which kills witches. The potter took a loaf of bread, a self-cut ax and a lighted cross. The boy's parents blessed him. Here the boy came up to the forest, and he will make a noise, how he will whistle! The witches flew out, waving their hands, falling asleep with needles. But Ivanko was not at a loss: he bent down and whispers: "Ax-self-cutter, cut off the unclean head!" The ax obeyed, and Ivanko ran to the ravine, collected clay - and run! And the ax does not lag behind. They ran home, locked the shutters, and the ax told the owner: “I killed almost all the evil spirits, but only the main one turned out to be so tenacious! I chopped off her head, and in her place 3 others grew! Tea I have already reported to the Monster about you and me, so wait for trouble, Ivanko! "

Before sunset, the young man gathered the people into his house, and he is waiting for unclean guests. The clock struck 12 times - evil spirits flew in, but she did not expect only that the potter would have time to blind the amphora by that time. He burned it in the oven - a magical force filled the vessel. As soon as Ivanko and his guests touched the fabulous amphora, they became invulnerable to any villains. The villagers came out with an amphora in their hands to meet the evil spirits. The light of the good power of magic blinded the witches in an instant. Seeing nothing, the evil spirits scattered in different directions, and they completely disappeared - the light of the magic vessel overtook them on the way. Since then, no one is afraid to go to the forest. And Ivanko gave the amphora to his bride and soon got married to Marya. They still live in perfect harmony, and the fabulous amphora stands in the light room on the table: in the evening it illuminates the house, in the morning it awakens instead of the sun. Such is the power of a magic amphora made of white clay! GORELYSHEVA MARIA, 6 A

Russian folk tales by A.N. Afanasyeva - M .: Children's lit., - 245 with V.Ya. Propp. The historical roots of the fairy tale. - M., - 248 with an article on the study of narcotics. fairy tales /projects/getannot.php?id=64 - history and modernity in the image of Baba Yaga - about the origin of the image - thematic articles on the topic - pictures on the topic - about Slavic myths - about superstitions and rituals 804e825304bhttp: // 804e825304b - - study of folklore at school - at literature lessons