How to make money on VKontakte by liking and joining groups, advertising and making money on social networks, making money on the Internet. Earnings Vkontakte

You will learn how you can earn on VKontakte ( without initial investment, how much you can earn through the VK network and how to withdraw the money you earn.

We welcome our readers to the pages of the business magazine! The founders of the resource Vitaly and Alexander are with you.

Today we will talk again about ways to earn money through the Internet. The topic of the article is getting a stable income through the social network VKontakte.

This topic will be of interest to anyone who wants to start their own business from scratch or wants to find additional income in their spare time.

So get comfortable - we're getting started!

1. Earnings VKontakte - how and how much you can earn through the social network

Statistics show that every third inhabitant of the planet is registered in one or more social networks. The audience of several billion consists mainly of young, capable and energetic people with financial wealth.

You can use the VKontakte network solely for entertainment, correspondence with friends, searching for new acquaintances and interest groups. There is another possibility - to spend your time more wisely, namely, to use VK to make money.

Think for yourself: you still sit on VKontakte - if instead of chatting with friends and watching the news, you engage in a more profitable activity, this will bring you not only moral, but also material satisfaction.

You can earn even more in VK if you take special courses on business promotion in social networks and Internet marketing.

He managed to build a remote business through the power of internet marketing and visit 32 countries in 2 years, combining business and travel.

Thanks to the knowledge gained in the free course, we have increased the income of our HeatherBeaver project.

If you decide to earn VKontakte from 50,000 rubles a month or engage in Internet marketing in any other form right from home, we can confidently recommend this training program to you.

Working through VK does not require intellectual efforts and complex actions. You also don’t have to get up for work on an alarm clock: you can earn money in VK at any time of the day.

2. Ways to make money on VKontakte - TOP-5 popular

In this publication we will talk about five ways to earn money, but in reality there are many more. Perhaps you personally will be able to create your own, even more effective and profitable method of earning through VK.

We will consider the simplest and most affordable options that even a high school student can use if he has free time and a desire to try his hand at commercial endeavors.

Group organizers can take part in a variety of projects: with payment for an action, for an order, for registering in a service, a game, filling out an application for a purchase, for each visitor attracted to the partner's site.

All you have to do is connect affiliate programs to your group in VK and earn money on them automatically.

Step 5. Withdraw earned money

When working through affiliate programs, there is an accumulative system with a certain minimum for withdrawing to a wallet (Qiwi, YandexMoney, WebMoney). The conditions for withdrawing money from the account are different for each affiliate program.

If the attendance of the group is small, it is logical to choose those systems where the withdrawal amounts are small. In addition, in many affiliate programs there is such a thing as a "hold" - the initial period of work, during which payments are not available.

4. Services for making money on VKontakte groups

Now let’s learn more about services for making money on VK. To begin with, we will list the most popular ones, and then compare their pros and cons in the final table. – a serious site for community owners to make a profit;

  • – a service that allows you to earn money from advertising posts on your personal page or in the community;
  • – a resource that allows you to earn money from advertising not only in VK, but also in Odnoklassniki and Twitter;
  • – a project for making money by posting videos in groups.
  • Experts advise starting to work with several services at the same time in order to compare their advantages and disadvantages from your own experience.

    For group owners, we recommend the services Blogun or Plibber. These are very solid and reliable partners for making money, allowing promising beginning money makers to get promoted and experienced businessmen to increase their working capital.

    Blogun offers its partners more stringent conditions than in other systems, but the earnings here are quite decent. The project is careful in choosing sites for work, but if your community suits it, incomes will be stable and high.

    Plibber is an ideal start for beginners: there is no minimum wage and, in addition to VKontakte, accounts of all popular social networks are served.

    For ease of comparison, we present in the form of a table the characteristics of the main services:

    5. Where to learn how to earn money on VKontakte for FREE and in high quality

    It is best to take advantage of special courses in which you will have a mentor. Personally, we received free training from Dmitry Chevychalov on the course "".

    This guy himself has been traveling the world for more than 2 years, organizing a successful business on the Internet - his own marketing agency.

    During the training, Dmitry analyzes in detail the topic of earning VKontakte from scratch and other options for making a profit using Internet marketing tools.

    6. Conclusion

    It's time to take stock, friends! Now you know that making money through the VKontakte network is available to everyone. The main thing is to take the first step to organize a very profitable and far from the most tiring business.

    We want to wish speedy success and successful promotion to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to everyone for those who want to start a job or are already making money through social networks!

    How to make money on the social network Odnoklassniki ( - a detailed guide for beginners with clear examples + review of popular services for making money

    Hello, dear blog readers

    Vasily Blinov is in touch and today we will talk about how to make money in VK. I’ll tell you what ways to make money on VKontakte exist, which of them can be mastered in a matter of days and reach a good income in a month or two.

    I'll start with a little background about myself and what you will find in the new section on the blog about this social network.

    A small announcement of a new section about VKontakte

    As you know, we (my wife and I) have been working remotely for 2 years already, earning money on our projects and traveling. When I started to master remote work, I came across a book “7 professions for quick money on the Internet”, in which I met the profession “Administrator of VKontakte groups”.

    This profession was a start for me, I found several companies that I helped run VKontakte groups and simultaneously developed my own, which have already brought me more than tens of thousands of rubles, although they do not have so many subscribers.

    How to make money in VK?

    Before proceeding to the consideration of methods, let's tell you how VKontakte earns.

    Like all the other 99% of sites on the Internet, VK receives the main income from the sale of advertising. This is contextual advertising that is shown on the left side of the site and in the news. Companies pay tens of thousands of rubles for VKontakte to show their ads.

    Almost all the popular groups you are a member of are maintained and promoted for the sake of selling and advertising in them. And in order to rock the group before it starts to bring in a good income, you can also make good money.

    Therefore, earnings in VK can be divided into 2 types:

    1. When you create your sites (communities), promote them and advertise something.
    2. When you work remotely, helping someone to promote their advertising space.

    Now let's take a closer look at all the ways in these two types of earnings.

    Earnings on your page or group

    I want to say right away that promoting your page or community to a large number of subscribers so that they start buying ads in it is not a quick way to make money and you can’t do without investments.

    Method 1. Selling advertising posts

    The most popular way to make money in VK on a group.

    If you have a promoted page or group, interesting content, a lot of subscribers (from 50,000 - 100,000, depending on the topic) and they are active: they comment, like, repost your posts, then you can earn on it by selling advertising posts .

    They send you a picture and text, which you, like a regular post, place in your public. Exists official advertising exchange VKontakte, where you can see how much it costs to post one post in popular communities.

    But to get on the exchange with your community, you need an average monthly reach of more than 30 thousand people. Judging by the same exchange, you can see that groups with a coverage of 30 thousand or more have an average of 500-800 thousand members.

    Until such coverage is achieved, you can sell advertising directly or through special advertising exchanges on social networks. We use these:

    You can add a platform to them with 1000 participants. Only a post will cost no more than 5 rubles with such an amount.

    Method 2. Monetization with affiliate programs

    The second great method to make money on your VKontakte group is. By advertising various products on VK using my affiliate links, I have already earned more than one hundred thousand rubles.

    As long as your account or group does not have many subscribers, no one will buy ads from you, but you can easily advertise some other people's goods or services yourself by connecting to their affiliate programs. From sales through your link, you get your percentage.

    I have a separate section on my blog, in which I talk about how to work with them and make cases with my income.

    To make it clearer, I will explain with an example how it works. For example, you read some interesting book that you bought in an online store. Many online stores have an affiliate program. We registered in it, made an affiliate link to this book and wrote a few words about it on our page or in the VKontakte group.

    Has anyone read this post and purchased this book by following the link in the post. Let it cost 500 rubles. Under the program, you are entitled to 10% - earnings will be 50 rubles. Buy 10 people - will be 500 rubles. Do you understand what is the interest in starting to create your own VKontakte audience? The more subscribers you have, the more you will earn.

    Method 3: Sell physical products through a group

    Many shops, cafes, etc. start their own groups in order to attract customers through them and sell their goods. Some even, without a website, create online stores purely on the capabilities of VKontakte.

    They sell clothes, various accessories, home-made goods (for example, embroidery, growing flowers and other things) and earn more than 20-30 thousand rubles a month.

    We used to be through the VK group without risk and investment. First, they advertised the product, found a buyer, took an advance payment equal to the full amount of the product, ordered it, received it by mail and delivered it to the buyer, receiving the same amount. It was easy to sell goods at 2-4 times the price.

    They stopped doing this when they started traveling, it was simply physically impossible to receive the goods and deliver them to the buyer.

    Method 4. Advertising your services and projects

    Similar to the way physical goods are sold. Through VKontakte, you can find clients and provide them with your services. For example, apartment renovation, repair of computers and office equipment, organization of weddings, photo shoots, etc.

    If you provide some services remotely, then it is even more interesting. For example, website development, design, writing articles, training, and more. The group will be not only a way to attract new clients, but also an excellent portfolio that creates confidence in you.

    Now any successful business or project has its own VKontakte public.

    Have you thought? After all, someone is following all these communities. They publish content, write news, create designs, etc. They are paid money for working on VKontakte. This can also be considered earnings in VK.

    Earnings in VKontakte, working remotely

    Let's consider several main types of activities that you can learn in a very short time and start earning up to 3,000 rubles a day on these tasks.

    Method 5. Administration of VKontakte communities

    Quite a good and stable way, as I said at the very beginning of the article, I started with it.

    To conduct one project wisely costs from 5,000 rubles per month with employment of 1-2 hours a day. In public with millions of participants, admins earn from 20 to 50 thousand. In the regions of Russia, these are huge salaries, and you can work from anywhere, as long as you have the Internet.

    Method 6. Writing posts in groups

    Administrator is a universal profession. But there are certain types of work. Someone specializes only in finding and creating posts in groups. Writes texts, selects pictures and publishes them according to a pre-created plan.

    For writing interesting texts that will bring value to people, collect a lot of likes, reposts and attract new subscribers to the community, leaders are ready to pay good money.

    You can also find orders for writing content in groups. The salaries of content managers, like those of administrators, can be from 5,000 rubles. It depends on the quantity and quality of the work done.

    Method 7. Community Design

    Another type of individual work on which you can make good money is the design of the appearance of groups (avatar, menu) and branding of posts.

    If you are a creative person and own graphic editors or want to learn how to work with them, then this is a great way. The cost of registration of one community ranges from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles.

    Method 8. Advertising Specialist

    Well, the last normal way that I see is to consider advertising specialists who know how to sell (to hook the audience with posts, create attractive headlines, and more).

    1. Normal, when posts are bought and posted.
    2. Targeted (contextual) advertising.

    In my environment there are guys who are professionally engaged in setting up targeted advertising and guys who are engaged in PR (advertising) of various VKontakte projects. Slightly different directions, but the essence is the same - attracting customers and sales.

    I don’t know exactly how much they earn, but they have enough to travel to different countries all year round (Indonesia, Thailand, India, etc.).

    Earnings in VK for schoolchildren

    It makes sense to talk about a couple more methods to make money on VKontakte. Only I consider them completely unpromising and petty, unlike those described above, where there is at least some prospect and development, there is only money. Schoolchildren can earn extra money for pocket money.

    Method 9. Clicks, reposts, likes and comments for money

    There are special exchanges for earning and promoting profiles in social networks, where you can earn little money by performing simple actions, such as: likes, reposts, subscriptions, etc.

    Here are some examples of good services:

    • QComment
    • Bosslike
    • Vktarget
    • Smmok
    • V-like
    • VKSerfing

    The money earned from these sites is withdrawn to various electronic wallets from which you can spend it wherever you want.

    Method 10. Create accounts and communities

    Earnings on creating accounts and communities for advertising spam. Some entrepreneurs who have not yet learned how to use the Internet are asking for help in creating and setting up a community. The cost for such a task is 100 - 300 rubles.


    From my 2-year experience, I can say that making money in VK is quite real and can bring good additional income or even replace your main job.

    All methods, except for the last two, I consider very good and I recommend, even if you are doing something else, use them in parallel, develop your personal pages and communities.

    In the following articles in this section, we will tell you step by step everything about creating and promoting our projects on VKontakte. Subscribe to blog updates and follow the news.

    If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. Good luck to everyone and great earnings!

    VKontakte (VK, VK) today is one of the largest social networks in the world, whose traffic is confidently moving towards the mark of 100 million visitors per day.

    VKontakte is not only a platform for communication and entertainment: it is a set of tools with which almost any user, from a schoolchild to a large businessman, can make money on the social network.

    Let's try to figure out exactly how to make money in VK and what kind of income you can expect.

    So, you have a page on a social network - this is already enough to start making money on VKontakte. Dozens of services (social exchanges) act as intermediaries between advertisers who need to promote their products and ordinary visitors. Here are a few of them:

    To register in the service and complete its tasks, you often need to fill out a personal profile with a photo and gain a certain number of subscribers. More often, clone accounts are used for this type of earnings, since user pages with intrusive advertising are blocked by the social network. Making money on VKontakte from likes is the easiest, but also the least paid way, so is it worth risking your personal page for the sake of a few tens of rubles a day?

    Depending on the desire of the advertiser, the performer will have to like and comment on photos and posts, join groups, add friends and invite friends, and repost notes. Earned money is usually withdrawn to electronic wallets. By inviting other users (referrals) to the project, for each of whom the system will award a small percentage of their earnings, you can increase your income on social exchanges.

    If you sell your goods or offer in-demand services, a VKontakte page can be a help for your mini-business. Today, thousands of tutors, manicurists and household appliance repair specialists find additional clients through social networks.

    Depending on the amount of time spent working on social exchanges and the number of invited referrals, income can range from 10 to 200 rubles per day.

    Earnings on VKontakte on public, 1000-10000+ rubles per day

    A public (community) can be created by any VKontakte user. Publics in the following niches are considered the most profitable:

    • Business and Finance;
    • Cars;
    • Entertainment;
    • Motivation;
    • Design;
    • Medicine;
    • Construction.

    In general, when choosing a topic, it is better to focus on a direction that is well known to the author of the public, focus on the leaders of the niche and at the same time bring something fresh to the project.

    Getting VKontakte subscribers is the most important stage in the development of the public. You can gain your first subscribers in a natural way by inviting your friends, or using the above-mentioned social exchanges and promotion services. A successful community requires unique, interesting content, a stable mode of publications based on the principle “the more, the better,” and advertising in thematic communities to attract new members. All this requires significant money and time, but with a rational approach it pays off with interest.

    Communities make money from advertising posts, as well as from sales of their own and partner products. Purchasing a public site that has earned the trust of users can cost the new owner six or even seven figures. Selling a promoted community is another way to make money on VKontakte from public pages.

    The daily income of the owner of a public page with more than 100,000 participants, depending on the topic of the community, the number of its subscribers and the monetization scheme, ranges from several thousand to several hundred thousand rubles per day.

    How to make money on VKontakte with your application

    Every day, millions of people access VKontakte applications - games, tests, quizzes. Creating your own application requires special knowledge, so the development of such projects is usually carried out by entire teams - scriptwriters, programmers, marketers. There is a lot of money in this industry, but even despite solid budgets, the success of the finished product is not guaranteed. However, if you have loyal like-minded people and faith in yourself, it’s definitely worth working on your project: owners of top applications earn up to a million rubles a month or more from advertising and branding.

    Earnings from traffic arbitrage: from minus to 400,000 rubles per month

    The goal of arbitration, another way to make money on VKontakte, is to collect the maximum flow of traffic and direct it to an affiliate link. For each effective action that the user performed after going to the partner’s website (an application for a certain service, a purchase, registration in an online game), the arbitrator receives a partner reward.

    To attract users, arbitrage specialists use the VKontakte advertising network and posts in related public pages. This method of earning money requires initial investments, and income largely depends on the type and quality of the product, as well as on the experience of the arbitrator. If these components coincide and there is a starting budget for advertising campaigns, the earnings of an affiliate can be quite significant: cases that are widely available demonstrate a net income of 100-200 thousand for one advertising campaign lasting several weeks. However, most of the beginning arbitrage traders, as indeed everywhere else, lose their money in the red and leave without a break.

    How to make money on VKontakte as a freelancer: 10,000-100,000 rubles per month

    Even after working briefly on VKontakte to promote your page or public page, you will quickly accumulate a number of special skills. Why not get paid for your experience? Having looked through the advertisements for vacancies in large public pages and stores on VKontakte, it becomes clear what kind of specialists their owners need. Authors of interesting content, editors and moderators of communities, page and post designers, and advertising specialists are traditionally in demand here.

    The entire range of social media activities undertaken to promote a brand is called SMM. Today not a single large company can do without SMM, and a beginning freelancer may well eventually apply for the position of SMM manager with a reputable employer. A freelancer’s income depends on his willingness to devote all his time to work and varies from several thousand to 100,000 rubles per month.

    Selling goods on VKontakte: from minus to 100,000 rubles per month and above

    A year and a half ago, users of the social network had the opportunity to create product displays in their communities. Sales on VKontakte are readily carried out by home craftsmen selling handmade goods and small companies with goods exclusive to the region. Experience has shown that such display cases sell well inexpensive cosmetics, gifts, small household appliances and gadgets, and goods for children.

    While this format is far from a traditional online store, it allows the storefront owner to show off his product, and the buyer to discuss a planned or completed purchase with friends, without leaving the social network, and receive advice and recommendations from the seller. The time is not far off when VKontakte product displays will operate as full-fledged online stores. The income of a store owner in VK is determined by the characteristics of the product - seasonality, demand, quality, price. Under favorable conditions and positive word of mouth, sellers’ earnings may well exceed 100,000 rubles per month.

    How to learn how to make money on VKontakte

    Of the listed ways to make money on VKontakte, perhaps only the first does not require special knowledge. In order to reach a decent level of income, a beginner will have to repeatedly seek help from more experienced users, change tactics, and learn new skills. It is especially important to know the basics of SMM and its techniques for those who want to connect their careers with this dynamic and exciting craft, and business owners who use the social network as a promotion tool for their business.

    Top 5 training courses: where and what they teach

    1. The online university offers training in the specialties of SMM manager and internet marketer. Help in finding a job.
    2. The school, among other things, teaches design for social networks and content marketing - the art of creating quality content. There are programs for for young mothers on maternity leave. Assistance in finding employment through our own agency.
    3. The CyberMarketing training center specializes in training in promotion and PR of brands in social networks.
    4. The focus of the courses is online earnings for women in general and VKontakte in particular.
    5. A video course from Alexander Dyrza will help business owners attract potential buyers from social networks.


    We have considered only a small part of the dozens of ways to make money on the VKontakte social network. However, even from these examples we can draw an unambiguous conclusion: anyone can make money in VK. But the level of his income will depend on the skills and knowledge that can be acquired over months and years of independent work or obtained through special courses. Which path to choose is up to you.

    Internet services for business.
    Link to the material is required!

    Many Internet users are wondering: how can you make money on VKontakte from a group? Real earnings are a tasty morsel that comes from maintaining a personal group on the Vkontakte social network.

    As a rule, owners of well-promoted groups earn very good money. Earnings in VK on a group start from several hundred rubles a day and can reach several thousand, sometimes more. Below we will look at the most popular ways to make money on VK.

    1. How to make money on a VKontakte group. Where to begin

    In general terms, let's look at the types and essence of making money on VKontakte, described below in more detail.

    In order to achieve significant earnings on a VKontakte group, you must first create it. Then you need to work on promoting the group and increasing the total number of subscribers. The theme of your group is also important. It’s best when it’s close to commercial, but entertainment topics can also make good money.

    Let's assume that you have already created a group in contact and promoted it a little, i.e. Your group's daily attendance has increased significantly.

    There are many ways to monetize your group on social media. VKontakte network. Let's take a general look below at the most common ways to make money from groups on VK.

    Read all about making money in VK below

    2. Ways to earn money in VK

    How to make money on VKontakte advertising

    In order to make money from advertising in contacts, you need to find advertisers yourself, or in the group itself indicate your contact details so that anyone can place their advertisement for an agreed price in your group.

    Advertising can be of different types, ranging from a post in a group about the advertised product or service to posting a link to the advertiser’s website or group. You set the cost of advertising yourself. You can specify how 100 rubles (then there will be a lot of applications), and 1000 rubles (there will be fewer applications).

    For example, if your group is based on a request such as “business” in social media. VKontakte network takes first place, then in this case, you can charge from $50 or more per month just for the fact that a link to an advertiser will be placed somewhere in the group.

    On these sites you can also earn money by liking messages and posting them on your page, joining other people’s groups and adding some applications.

    How to make money in contact by creating an online store

    You can easily create a full-fledged online store from your group, where you can trade anything you want, as well as offer some services for money. (Read also how to earn more in an online store during low sales seasons). Eg, sell men's and women's accessories, clothing, for example, T-shirts, equipment, etc. But here, as in any business, you will need to think in advance about the delivery and payment of goods.

    In VKontakte, depending on the popularity of your online store and the product you choose, you will earn 500 or more rubles per day.

    It is also necessary to carefully consider business plans, since an online store is a full-fledged business. Here it is also important to think through the schemes for supplying goods, delivery, favorable prices (not too expensive and not too cheap), order processing, calculation of non-repurchase, etc.

    We recommend choosing a product with a high margin , i.e. with a large difference between the purchase price and the sale price. Then it will be profitable to engage in sales and you will always be able to earn money on VKontakte.

    Let's give an example in a screenshot of groups of online stores that make money on VK:

    Earning money on VKontakte through a group as an online store

    How to make money on VKontakte through affiliate programs

    First, you need to register in one of the affiliate programs and by advertising the link you receive from the affiliate program, you can receive a percentage from the sale of some product or service. (more about making money on affiliate programs)

    Those who already make money from affiliate programs on the Internet say that good ones include Forex affiliate programs (find out more about making money on Forex), as well as affiliate programs of various online stores, etc.

    Eg, in the OZONE online store you are charged from 10% to 20% for each sale of a product. Suppose you were able to sell a product worth one thousand rubles, and at a rate of 20% you will receive 200 rubles from the sale.

    Earning money on VK from downloading from file hosting sites

    You can upload various files to some file hosting services and then invite your group’s subscribers to download them. Most file hosting services pay based on the number of downloads. There are also free file hosting services where you will not be paid anything for downloading. For example, a file hosting service on

    It will be quite difficult to earn a lot, approximately 5-10 $ per thousand downloads. But here, too, much depends on factors such as the size of the hosted file, the uniqueness of the IP address of the user who downloaded the file, etc.

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    How to make money selling a group in contact

    By creating and selling promoted groups, you can make good money on VK. For example, popular groups with real subscribers of 100,000 people start from 80,000 – 100,000 rubles or more.

    So, let's figure out what you need to make money:

    1. Register on the social network VKontakte (create your own account)
    2. Create a “public” group (not to be confused with your user page)
    3. Promote your group, i.e. make sure that many social network users (subscribers) subscribe to it
    4. Earn money by advertising in your group or page (group, public - page in this case is the same thing). You can also earn money by placing affiliate links of various services, etc.

    Let's look at each point in more detail, starting with point

    Creating a group in VK

    Anyone can create an account (register on the VKontakte social network). Also, anyone can create a group or public page. But to do this, you will need to decide on what topic you will create it on. You need to choose a topic based on the interest of the majority of users who will be able to subscribe to it in the future and it will be of interest to subscribers.

    After you decide on the topic, you need to beautifully design your group. To do this, come up with attractive text that can entice users to subscribe to your page.

    At the moment, a group with statements by famous people, where a beautiful picture is selected, is popular. Such groups often have many subscribers. Since there are already a large number of such groups and pages, you need to be different and provide your subscribers with something interesting, otherwise your group will be just another group with celebrity statements.

    An example of a group page on VKontakte with more than a million subscribers

    To the page “Philosophy, etc.” More than 2 million social network users have subscribed

    3. How to promote a group on VK and make money

    Creating a group is very simple, but getting a large number of people to subscribe to it is quite difficult. To do this, you will need to publish several dozen entries on the wall of your page so that the person who visits your page sees what is being published and wants to subscribe to it.

    But if only you are subscribed to the page, then it is unlikely that anyone will subscribe to your group’s news. So what to do in this case?

    Here are some popular ways to attract subscribers:

    • Invite as many of your friends as possible into your group;
    • You can also get subscribers to your page through various services, for example, This is a service through which you can get likes (hearts), subscribers, etc. for free. The service works, tested in practice.

    Service - promotion of groups for making money on VKontakte

    After you manage to reach subscribers of 1 thousand or more, you can move on;

    • Run advertising for your page or group in other pages - groups (by paying money for advertising to the creators);
    • Use various services where you can earn or buy points, likes, etc. and spend it on increasing subscribers to the group or reposting your posts;
    • Spam on various walls of other thematic groups (not recommended);

    • You can also use paid software from Viking-Studio, which has many promotion options. (Site;
    • Upload a video on YouTube about your topic and indicate the link to your group below the video. This way you attract people to subscribe to your blog.

    These are, perhaps, all the most well-known methods for promoting groups. You can also try using a lot of keywords in the title of your page so that when you search in the VKontakte search window, your group can be easily found. But the technical support service is monitoring the re-optimization in group names.

    4. We bring clients and customers into the group

    Even a well-promoted group on VKontakte does not guarantee that community members will be active and make it easy to earn money. Many on social networks join groups without serious intentions and are not ready to make purchases or pay for services in the future.

    In order for the group to become a source of solid income in the future, care should be taken to attract real clients and buyers to it. It’s difficult to do this inside a social network, but it’s quite possible to bring customers from Google and search engines using teaser advertising. Be sure to take note of the possibilities of modern teaser advertising. We also advise you to download our free course on 7 secrets of teaser advertising, which allow you to attract customers on the Internet from 30 kopecks.

    Also watch a video from expert Andrey Merkulov on how to properly use online advertising tools:

    5. The group is promoted - how to make money?

    Now the question arises - how to make money if you have a well-promoted group?

    Let's take a closer look at the three most popular ways to make money on VK

    Method of earning money in VK No. 1 - Placing advertisements on the wall of your group

    An example of how a well-promoted group makes money by advertising

    Read 5 more articles

    Nowadays, making money using any social network, be it Vkontakte, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram and others, is one of the most popular among novice money makers. You can earn money both in a group and only with the help of a personal page on any social network...

    Many people don’t even realize that you can not only spend hours on social networks (after all, most people do that), but also benefit your pocket, or rather your e-wallet. For you, are social networks still only a source of communication? Don't lose the opportunity to make money on this!

    If you have a promoted account, say, on the social network VKontakte, then you can easily make money with it. And your earnings will depend on how popular your VK page or group is.

    Earning money on the social network VKontakte: how to start, what you need to do, where and how much you can earn

    First, register a WebMoney e-wallet, this is where you will withdraw money.

    Secondly, register on the VKontakte social network. Even if you already have a page, I strongly recommend creating a new one (especially for making money), and then promote it:

    • post your photos(you can do it so that your face is not visible), just don’t download photos of people from the Internet;
    • add friends and the more the better, preferably at least 100 people;
    • ask your friends “like” your posts and photos;
    • make a few reposts on your wall.

    This will be enough to make the page look more natural and not look like a fake one.

    By the way, with the help of the exchanges that we will consider below, you can easily and quickly promote an account on any social network: VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and others. And the more pages you have created on various social networks, the greater your income will be. So take some time to be prepared.

    So, now about making money using VKontakte.

    What do you need to do to make money on VKontakte? What work lies ahead of you? Well, everything is simple here! The types of tasks on exchanges are as follows:

    • like;
    • tell friends;
    • join a group or community;
    • subscribe to news;
    • leave a comment;
    • Add as Friend;
    • repost;
    • view video;
    • subscribe to the channel;
    • vote;
    • and other...

    How much can you earn through Vkontakte? All your actions will be paid at the following rates (current at the time of writing):

    • likes and votes (the simplest actions) - 0.75 rubles;
    • join the community, watch videos, reposts, etc. - from 1 to 4 rubles;
    • leave a comment - from 4 to 30 rubles.

    Earning money is quite simple, especially if you need to like, vote or join a VKontakte group, which is done in a matter of seconds. Comments are a little more difficult, but they are paid higher. And if you organize your work correctly, your income can reach several hundred rubles every day.

    Thirdly, register on exchanges, study their interface and start earning money.

    Exchanges for making money on social networks Vkontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook

    Popular exchanges for promoting and earning money using social networks Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.


    Forumok is a posting exchange, as well as a system for promoting websites and making money on social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and others. The forum has been operating since 2010, has a nice design, here you will be paid for following, tweets and retweets, comments, likes, etc. Payments are made to a WebMoney wallet starting from 200 rubles. It seems like a large amount, but it doesn’t seem to be, given the large selection of various expensive tasks, you will accumulate it quickly.

    • Go to Forumok...


    Qcomment is an excellent project for social promotion and more. Also, the exchange provides you with the opportunity to earn income by writing comments and watching videos. The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles, payments to WebMoney and Yandex Money accounts.

    • Go to Qcomment...


    Vktarget is a wonderful exchange, there is a lot of work available for you every day. The service supports work with several social networks, such as: Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. All accounts can be used in one project. The minimum withdrawal amount is 50 rubles, payments via WebMoney, Yandex Money, QIWI wallet.

    • Go to Vktarget...


    Vkserfing is an exchange for earnings and promotion in social networks, working only with VKontakte. You can withdraw funds from 50 rubles to a WebMoney wallet or to your mobile phone balance. Withdrawals are made every Saturday.


    Prospero is a system for making money and promoting on social networks, but more emphasis is placed on the Twitter account. Register on the Prospero project, complete tasks and receive payment from advertisers. There is no minimum withdrawal amount, and payments are made to WMZ and WMR WebMoney wallets. Don't forget to check out the FAQ section.

    • Go to Prospero...