Making money on axle boxes: How and how much can you earn? The best axle boxes! The best axleboxes for making money How to create a task on an axlebox.

Click sponsors are often taken lightly, considering such systems only suitable for beginners.

Indeed, axle boxes are ideal for starting, but professionals can also use them and earn a decent income. I was convinced of this myself; I’ve been blogging for several years, but I never stop using email clients.

How to earn $100 on Wmmail and Seosprint? In principle, other mail sponsors will also be suitable. There are 3 effective ways that bring decent profits.

To use them you need start-up capital. You don't need a lot of money, so you can use everything you earn on missions (to start from scratch).

Is it really possible to make good money from mail services?

The title of the post only lists 2 popular boxes. Why? Because they are quite enough to earn money. It all depends on which method you like best.

The most famous click sponsor Wmmail brings in a lot of money, since I have a developed referral network on it:

Someone will now say - of course, you have a blog and from it you invite a lot of people, but what should we do? You, too, can create a blog on WordPress and start attracting referrals, and not only to email accounts.

This is a very profitable method, I often tell beginners about Seosprint, That’s why I also have a lot of referrals on it:

Here's the first way to earn more than $100 on boxes - invite new participants. When I started, I didn’t have a blog yet, I was looking for people through social networks, launching advertising, attracting attention with competitions and bonuses. Although only with the advent of the site was it possible to achieve really significant results.

Opening a blog is a great idea, but while you’re trying to promote it, you also need to invest in it because of the huge competition. Not everyone has the patience, so alternative methods are also interesting.

3 ways to earn from $100 on axle boxes

Why create websites when you can increase any amount much faster. Even if you collect 5-10 dollars on your balance, this will be enough to get started. It’s quite possible to raise that kind of money on tasks, and you can make money work in the following ways:

1. Reselling articles. Seosprint is not suitable for this option; you need to use Wmmail and Wmzona. Both mailers have an article store. Basically, they are used by beginners; they don’t want to wait a long time for sales, so they set minimum prices.

From time to time, good articles are submitted for only 10-20 cents/1000 characters:

Moderation is manual, uniqueness is high, and if there are errors in the text, they warn you about it. Some copywriting exchanges have less stringent requirements.

Just don’t rush to buy everything, some topics are not relevant or interesting, and you will have to look for a buyer for too long. The authors of similar articles advise using Advego, but this exchange is more suitable for professionals.

With just a few mistakes and repeated checks of the article, your account can be blocked, so it is better to add articles for sale through these exchanges:

The latter service has a tool for online spelling and uniqueness checking. This helps you edit the text to improve its quality. If you have a rating on any copywriting exchange, then things will go much faster.

Alternatively, you can create a task on mailers so that users write articles for you. This method has one drawback: while the article is on sale, the author can sell it again or publish it somewhere.

Don’t be too impudent, if you bought it for 10-15 cents/1000 characters, ask for 25-30 cents. This is within 20 rubles, and for that kind of money articles sell like hot cakes.

2. Affiliate programs. You wonder why so many orders on mailboxes are related to registrations. The fact is that this is one of the most profitable ways to earn money.

Yes, the performer receives a portion of this money, you take your percentage. You don’t have to do anything yourself, and due to the huge audience of performers, the turnover is impressive.

In addition, you can use any other affiliate programs. In many systems, motivated traffic is prohibited, so it is advisable to create a simple website or group on social networks. You won’t be able to track the source of traffic through them; the main thing is not to overdo it.

Everyone does as best they can, some even find orders on freelance exchanges and fulfill them through SARs.

For example, someone will need to promote a group and increase activity. Through tasks it is easy to gain subscribers, reposts, comments and much more. The quality is not very high, but it manages to raise a decent amount of money.

3. Exchange of referrals. To use this method, it is advisable to register for everyone. The scheme is time-tested: you create a task on one box and attract referrals on another.

It often happens that users who transferred on assignment remain working on another site. This happens especially often if the mailer is better.

For example, you can invite referrals to Wmmail from the lesser-known RayMoney box. If a newbie registered with an email account for the first time, then after switching to a more serious system, there is a chance that he will remain there.

The big advantage of this method is that invited referrals can be sold on the exchange. Even if it is a minimum amount of 20-40 cents, you will still pay less for completing the task. While the referral is on the exchange, he will also receive interest, not to mention rewards for registration.

If you like the last method the most, then think about attracting referrals to other sites. Very favorable conditions for partners

Hello! Almost everyone knows how to make money on axle boxes, but not everyone can make money there. The reasons are usually the following: they pay little, laziness, tedious work, they don’t understand how to earn a lot. The most hardworking people, on the contrary, insist that there is money there and you can earn a lot of money. In fact, you can make money wherever there are people! But how? How many? This is what we will discuss in today’s article.

Earnings on axle boxes as it really is

At first glance, it seems that this is meaningless, low-paid work. Clicks on advertising in surfing for 3-4 kopecks and letters with tests scare beginners with small earnings. But let’s not draw hasty conclusions, but rather let’s figure everything out in order. Below we will look at what axle boxes are and how to make money on them.

What are axle boxes?

In simple words, buxes are exchanges for micro-finance or remote work on the Internet. That is, you can go to such a site and start making money without knowledge and experience. In another way, the axleboxes are called SAR and stand for “Active Advertising System”.

Earning axle boxes bring profit to both owners and users. The authors of the book make money from the sale of advertising and commissions from created tasks. Some administrators sell links.

What is earnings on axle boxes?

Making money on axleboxes means completing various tasks online for a small fee. To do this you need to be smart and have an electronic wallet. Most often, working on axle boxes is a long and monotonous task, so you need to stock up on the necessary patience.

For many, it is unclear whether making money on axleboxes is a myth or reality. Some write that they earn 500 rubles a day as postal workers. Others claim that this is a scam and a scam. I will answer depending on how it works.

For example, take the topic of websites, because creating a website is not enough, you need to write regularly and correctly in accordance with SEO requirements. And this is a huge job. You write for six months, but there is no result and this is a common situation. You can also say that making money on sites is a scam. But that's not true. It all depends on how immersed you are in the topic and whether you are doing everything correctly.

In fact, real earnings on axle boxes are an opportunity for beginners to make money. Personally, at one time it made me understand that there is money on the Internet and you just need to learn how to earn it.

How to make money on axle boxes?

Earning money on axleboxes is carried out using four standard methods. But there are ways to earn money hidden from the human eye. They will be discussed below.

Earnings in bux on clicks or surfing

Surfing is the simplest thing that can be offered to a novice online income seeker.

The advantages of such work:

  1. No knowledge needed
  2. No experience needed
  3. Easy to do


  1. Small salary

Prices on axlebox sites are approximately the same. The cost of a click is 1-4 kopecks. Ten viewed advertising pages, if taken to the maximum, will bring 40 kopecks. Earning money like this from surfing most often scares away new users.

There is also autosurfing - this is when you press a button and advertising sites load automatically. When the timer expires, a new advertisement begins to be viewed. They pay little for this, no more than 1 kopeck.

Graphic example of earning money from clicks

First of all, you choose to surf sites.

After the captcha, a window with click tasks will open. If you don’t understand how to do it well, the system provides a training video.

Select one of the links and view.

If you did everything correctly and solved the simplest example, the money in the amount of 4 kopecks will go to the internal account of the system. Earnings are 4 kopecks.

Earning money from letters

Such earnings are almost identical to the surfing described above. But before you move on to viewing the advertising site, you will have to read the letter.

Example and description of earnings.

Select the “read letters” tab

Click on one of the links in the letter.

Countdown timer.

The simplest example:

Payment for letters from 6-7 kopecks.

Earning money from tests

This kind of work stands out among the two methods described above in that it has higher pay and a longer lead time.

Select the column for passing tests.

Choose the test you like or the most expensive:

Read the instructions for the test and follow them.

Most often, the test contains questions, the answers to which must be found on the specified website. The cost of performing the test on the Seosprint axle box is 25 kopecks. Complete 4 of these tests and you will earn a precious ruble!

Earning money on tasks

Earnings from clicks, letters and tests will be pitiful, even if you register for 20-30 boxes. And that’s why many people ask how to make money on axleboxes by completing tasks?! Simple tasks on axleboxes provide people with their main income.

Earnings on tasks in boxes can be as follows:

  1. Walk through the site and click on the banner
  2. Watch the video on YouTube
  3. Leave a like
  4. Repost
  5. Write a comment
  6. Play the game
  7. Register
  8. To write an article
  9. Vote
  10. Take the survey

Tasks can be very diverse.

A typical task is performed as follows:

Here are some tasks from this niche:

We complete the first task costing 50 kopecks. To do this, click on it several times and go to the description.

As you can see from the description, to complete it you need to go into contact, go to the group search and find a group with a specific avatar. Plus, you need to like the post that is pinned and 3 likes under the posts on the wall. This is what I understand by the entries that come after the pinned entry.

At the same time, read what needs to be included in the report. It will be more convenient this way. We completed the first step, immediately copied the link to the group, etc.

The author gives 1 hour to complete. If you like the task, click “Start task!” The time will be reported immediately and a special window for the report will appear. Paste all the links there and write, perhaps, some additional information.

After checking and accepting the task, the money for it will be credited to your account. You can complete a lot of such tasks in a day and you can definitely earn 100 rubles!

How to create a task on a box?

To create tasks, you first need to top up your account’s advertising balance through a working payment system. Or pay for the execution from your personal account in the box.

Next you need to fill out the sections: description and report. First of all, specify the title and select the task type (registration, clicks, comments, etc.). After that, write down what the performer must do. It is advisable to write everything clearly and clearly point by point.

Now we need to check somehow. Usually, if you need to visit a website page, a person sends the link of the visited page to the report. If you have a different task, figure out what the performer should write in the report.

The next part of filling out the task is the links, price, technology for completing the task, the time in which it needs to be completed, the interval of the sequential distribution queue. Below the list will be the score for one performance. This price includes the service commission.

In the links section, write the desired address. Next, write down the cost of execution. After this, in the technology section, you must indicate how many times one person can perform it. Once or many times. In the next paragraph you specify the execution time. And in the last paragraph, write the interval, that is, after what time the next person can start completing the task.

The last final part to fill out. Here you need to indicate for which audience the task is intended.

In the first point, if you have selected performers, you can give this task only to them. The second point makes it possible to choose a performer who has or does not have referrals. The third point of selecting a performer is based on his rating. You can also filter the performer by reputation for completing tasks.

The next thing you can do is select the country from which the performers will be. Next, we choose who will do the work: a student, an unemployed person, someone working in an enterprise, an entrepreneur, or everyone. After this, we register the marital status. Then we select the gender and finally, set the age and note that we agree with the rules of the service. Click save.

How to make money on boxes by doing tasks?

All such tasks often come down to resale. That is, they complete your task for 30 kopecks, and you get +3 rubles on another service. If you complete 100 similar tasks per day, your earnings will be 300 rubles! They also do cheating tasks. They put an advertisement on their website and send clickers to it, but then all this is revealed and people get banned from the top advertising networks Google and Yandex. I don't recommend anyone do this.

I will give a simple diagram below of how you can raise money by creating tasks:

  1. We create a simple task on the axlebox, in which we write that we need an article of 2000 characters without spaces on the topic “Earning money on the axlebox” (This is approximately 1 sheet of A4 format).
  2. We set the price at 20 rubles.
  3. When the person completes the task, check.
  4. If it is written correctly, accept it.
  5. Next you go to the ETXT text exchange.
  6. You put the article up for sale for 30 – 50 rubles!
  7. After some time, the article will be bought and you will receive your money. Remember, the minimum payout on the exchange is 250 rubles.

Thus, making money on boxes by creating tasks is very simple and accessible to everyone. The main thing is that your imagination works!

Passive income from axle boxes

Earning money from a machine or passive income from axleboxes is carried out using a set of referrals.

Who are referrals? Referrals are people who followed your link and registered in the bookstore or other service. For each paid action, they will transfer you a small deduction.

According to my calculations, in order to make good money on boxes, you will have to get 10,000 referrals. This is due to the fact that the majority will leave. For example, now I have about 20 referrals and every day 1-2 come and go. Their income is approximately 100 rubles per month or 3 rubles and kopecks per day.

Let's do some simple arithmetic.

200 referrals will allow you to receive about 1000 rubles per month or more than 30 rubles per day. Go ahead! 2000 referrals will give you 10,000 rubles per month or about 300-350 rubles per day! Already great! Now we start from two thousand. That is, five times two thousand referrals, this is 10,000 referrals or, translated into money, 50,000 rubles per month. Excellent result. Plus you can sell referrals for a lot!

Thus, every month you will have passive income from axle boxes! The problem is how to organize such a chic flow. Every day, in order to maintain the number of referrals in the amount of 10 thousand, you will have to bring 1000 people a day to the axle box! Where to get them is another question.

How to get referrals in the bookstore?

99% of bloggers will say the same thing. The places where referrals are collected are forums, commenting on sites and leaving referral links, and the axle boxes themselves. After reading this, it still remains unclear how to invite referrals to axle boxes. It’s difficult to call such places a passive source of getting referrals.

In my opinion, the best passive ways to recruit referrals are the following:

  • Your own website with high traffic of 1000 people per day.
  • A YouTube channel demonstrating how easy it is to earn money without much effort.
  • Paid advertising (for example, you can buy banners from bloggers with placement for a month for 500 - 1000 rubles). Or advertising one axle box on another.

These are the first two methods with absolutely no risk. You promote the site to 1000 - 10,000 people and then referrals of 10 - 50 people a day begin to arrive. Some will leave, but new ones will come tomorrow and growth is guaranteed. The flow depends on the number of people on the web resource.

Earning money from referrals through your YouTube channel is also a passive way of attracting referrals. You record one video a week or a month, and it plays there and brings people in for the rest of their lives. Leave links under the video and that way people will go.

How much can you earn from axle boxes?

After reading the above information, you have probably already concluded how much you can earn from axle boxes. In this section I will give approximate income results.

Surfing or clicks from one good box will give you about 5 - 10 rubles per day. This is only 300 rubles per month. It will be difficult for a beginner to do more, but this article may help you earn a little more than normal.

Letters will bring approximately 5-7 rubles per day. This is due to the fact that there are fewer of them than click tasks.

Tests can give 10 - 15 rubles per day, provided that they are available in large quantities.

People claim that earning $30 a day on axleboxes is real and it really is! This can be achieved by performing various tasks.

Tasks allow you to make the biggest earnings on axle boxes! For example, take a simple registration, at the time of writing this article on the well-known SEO book Sprint it costs from 40 kopecks - 2.50 rubles. This means that in a couple of hours you can earn 50 rubles from registrations alone. There are click tasks like go to the site and click on the advertisement. From these, too, earnings will be 50 rubles per day.

The most expensive invitation to referrals costs 500 rubles! Tasks related to investments are also paid 250-500 rubles. For downloading applications you can get 100 rubles or an average of 20 rubles.

By completing such tasks, earning money on axleboxes on the Internet may well be equal to 30 bucks a day! This is a very high income on axle boxes!

How to withdraw money from axles?

Money is withdrawn for free and in a couple of clicks. The minimum amount for withdrawal to SeoSprint is 2 rubles; on other boxes it may be 1 ruble or even absent.

To withdraw money from boxes or mailers, go to the “Receive money” section.

I select web money, click pay, and the money is transferred to my wallet in a matter of seconds. For example, I ordered a payment of 2 rubles.

Thus, making money on axleboxes without investments with withdrawal of money is real and you can be convinced of it!

Books for earning money without investments that pay well

Below are highly profitable Russian axle boxes:

  1. SEOSprint
  2. Fastprom
  3. SEO-fast
  4. Wmmail
  5. Old-like
  6. Profitcenter
  7. Wmzona

This is where you will find earnings on axle boxes with high pay!

The best axle boxes for making money on the Internet

The best axle boxes on the Internet are those that have proven themselves well over several years. You can earn money with these axle boxes without investments or deception; these are the best axle boxes for making money on the Internet.

In Russia, I would highlight the following RuNet axle boxes:

  1. SEOSprint
  2. SEO-fast
  3. Wmmail
  4. Profitcenter

These verified boxes or Russian mailers are also suitable for advertisers.

List and rating of axle boxes

I will present a list of boxes that pay below; also in the table you will find the rating of mailers. Almost all companies pay to earn money because it is profitable for them. In fact, it is difficult to find a complete list of all Russian bookstores for making money. The fact is that today some are opened, and tomorrow a stack of projects are already closed.

Axle boxes Place in the ranking
Seosprint 1
Wmmail 2
SEO-fast 3
Profitcenter 4
Wmzona 5
Old-like 6 7 8 9 10

Good box for making money

Among several hundred axle boxes, I would like to highlight the best and most profitable axle box for making money on the Internet. The project is called SEO Sprint! The service has proven itself to be excellent.

When opening the site, a pleasant green design catches your eye. After registration, you can see an intuitive menu. You don’t have to think for half an hour about where to go to start earning money. You can start making money without investment. The job is suitable for a woman, a man, a pensioner or a school student. Anyone can learn how to make money online with this project.

This is a good book for making real money on the Internet. Prices for completing various tasks here are the highest throughout the RuNet. In addition, next to the task there is a YouTube icon, when you click on it, a video with training will appear.

On the Internet, no one has made money on axleboxes from Android. But the project administration thought about it and created an application through which you can earn money directly from your phone! This application can be downloaded directly from their website.

Instructions for making money on axleboxes

First of all, decide what you will work on. On clicks, tests, letters or assignments. Or maybe you just want to bring referrals and sell them. Then you need completely different instructions.

Making money on axleboxes step by step instructions

The ways to make money on axleboxes are varied and not everyone can give good results. I would advise doing the following:

  1. Maintain and develop one website on which there will be a banner of any box
  2. Referrals will come from the website
  3. In addition, I recommend making banner advertising on 5 axle boxes of 1 other axle box
  4. There will be referrals that can already be sold for 20 - 30 rubles
  5. You can collect simple buildings based on the type of clicks for 50 kopecks - 1 ruble.
  6. Start doing them and earn 50 rubles per day.
  7. Look for more tasks with registrations; often these are simple tasks for which you need to create a separate email.

Thus, by collecting referrals and completing simple tasks, after a while you can earn an income of 300 rubles a day!

Strategy for making money on axleboxes

Each person, having delved into and learned the strategies, usually stops at one. Most often, people choose to earn money from tasks, since this is the most promising occupation. One lesson can cost 20 rubles and it will take less time than tests, letters and clicks combined.

I propose another simple strategy that works great on the Fast Prom axle box.

The essence of the strategy:

  1. Register in the CatCut service.
  2. Shorten the link in it and enable monetization of the link.
  3. Go to Fast Prom and create a surfing task indicating a shortened link.
  4. In a standard menu, a person clicks on a link and views an advertisement.
  5. But before doing this, he must solve the captcha.
  6. You will be paid money for watching the video.

This method gives a small advantage. But only a small one.

Perhaps this is the best way to make money on axleboxes, but not for everyone. Below in the picture I illustrate axle box arbitrage. Arbitration, roughly speaking, is when you spend, for example, 30 rubles on finding a client, and he brings in 300 rubles.

Thus, according to this earning scheme, it looks like what you must do first in order to earn money. Books are micro freelance exchanges with their own specific audience. Many of whom want to earn big money on axle boxes. You can show me how to do this by creating a simple guide with explanations, of course, if you have a good earning system. I wouldn’t inflate the cost of the product, but I would think carefully about the sales page.

Method of making money on axle boxes

The next method for making money on axleboxes on the Internet is referrals. There is no need to search or advertise for their collection. The method of making money on the Internet in boxes is as follows:

  1. You gain the required rating; on SeoSprint it is equal to 100 units.
  2. Go to the Fair menu
  3. Buy 10 referrals worth up to 20 rubles.
  4. After the referral brings you 1 ruble, sell it a little more than the cost of buying it for 30 rubles.
  5. You make money by reselling referrals.

This method of making money on axleboxes carries some risk. And this is what it is:

  1. The referral may not bring 1 ruble and it will be impossible to sell it on the same SEO Sprint.
  2. The referral may not be bought.

These are the main risks that you may encounter. The first risk can be eliminated by communicating with the referral via internal mail and asking the person whether he is going to stay here or not. You can also provide him with a good method of earning money. For example, by suggesting which tasks are the most profitable. The main goal is for it to bring 1 ruble so that the system will allow it to be sold. Well, or keep it for yourself, giving a good earning scheme. Moderation may interrupt correspondence with the referral, so be careful.

A guide to making money on axle boxes

From time to time, a new manual for making money on axle boxes pops up on the Internet. Most often, the authors publish some secrets in these courses. The methods certainly work, but not all of them. In this section I want to present my little secret manual that allows you to make small money on tasks without completing tasks!

The information contained in the manual will allow you to make money on simple actions.

Hello friends! Today we will talk about the so-called “boxes”. The article will be useful to everyone who is starting their journey of making money on the Internet, we’ll talk about what axleboxes are, how and how much you can earn this way, I’ll show you the best sites and give you some very important tips and secrets. Go!

Work on axle boxes:

Why is working on axle boxes so attractive on the Internet? Now I will tell you why it is very popular among beginners!

  • You start earning money immediately after registration.
  • It's very easy to make money on axleboxes! You can sit at home with a glass of good juice, browse websites and do simple tasks.
  • Any user can earn money. No special skills are required here, you just need an Internet connection.
  • No investment is required from you.
  • Work from home.

What are axle boxes?

There is an assumption that this word comes from the dollar (slang backs - bucks). These are sites that offer you to earn money for various actions, mainly:

  1. Surfing is viewing sites manually, i.e. you need to confirm your viewing by entering a captcha or clicking.
  2. Autosurfing - viewing sites automatically, pays less here, but you don’t need to confirm anything.
  3. Clicks are very similar to surfing.
  4. Reading letters - reading the letter and going to the advertised site.
  5. Passing tests usually means visiting and studying the site and at the same time answering test questions.
  6. Tasks are the most profitable way to earn money. The point is this: you take a task and complete it (for each task there is a detailed description of what needs to be done). Then you send a report and receive money. You can earn good money on tasks; sometimes you can find tasks for $20-30.

How much can you earn from axle boxes? Reviews:

A little food for thought from me: making money on axleboxes in itself is a kind of initial step to the top of earning good money on the Internet. After going through it you will get “food” for thought. And only you can decide what to do with it next. Many of those who started their journey this way now have a fairly solid income on the Internet =)

So, how much, how much can you earn?

It all comes down to how many sites you can work on simultaneously. As I already said, it is best to complete tasks, in this case, working on just one site, the profit will be on average about 100-200 rubles per day. But as a note, I’ll say that on the best days I managed to earn about 200 rubles for 3-4 hours of work on assignments, i.e. it came out to about 50-70 rubles. per hour, which is quite good.

But here you need to know some subtleties: we perform the best reusable tasks and add them to your favorites, after a while you will already have good experience in completing these tasks. Over time, you will have a lot of selected tasks and by doing them every day you will know everything that needs to be done by heart, thereby reducing the time to complete and the effort expended, which means your income will increase.

And one more thing: I recommend working on 3-5 projects at once during assignments, why? It’s simple: in my experience, in 2-3 hours I completed all the best tasks that were in my favorites, and then there was essentially no more work. After that, I moved to another project and completed all the selected tasks there.

What's all this for? But imagine that in each of the projects you have collected quite a lot of good tasks and added them to your favorites. Now you have no downtime, you go to 1 project and do everything you can there, then immediately to another, third, etc. until all the good tasks are over. In this situation, it is quite possible to earn 500-700 rubles per day.

I know people who earn 5,000-7,000 rubles a month, spending no more than 3-4 hours a day. Yes, some will say that this is pennies, although for many it can be a fairly significant increase in salary or pension, and think for a minute how much time we spend sitting in contact or Facebook? Time that could be used correctly is the same! =)

And most importantly, below I will reveal some secrets on how to make even more money on axle boxes!

Secrets of making money on axleboxes:

  • Register on several boxes at the same time and work on them together.
  • Letters, clicks, surfing are good, but remember your main and most profitable income is completing tasks!
  • , so you can earn much more.
  • By registering with, you can receive money for the operation of your computer.

Dear friends, in upcoming articles I will talk about other interesting ways to make money on the Internet, so you don’t miss it!

How to start working?

So, you have decided to work, here are 2 points that need to be done:

  1. Registration in the boxes, they are located below in the article.
  2. In order to receive a salary, for the most part, axle boxes will be enough for Russians, and an account in the Paypal system for foreign ones.

This information will be useful for beginners; many immediately begin to register with dozens or even hundreds of boxes, trying to work hard and be on time everywhere. But let's face it, is it possible? I think not! New axleboxes appear like mushrooms after the rain, they work for a few months at most, and then their owners, realizing that there is no profit, close or abandon their axleboxes altogether. But many users invested money there, in advertising, in buying referrals.

What is all this for? Yes, because you don’t repeat the mistakes of others.

Okay, then what kind of axle boxes can you make money on? If you complete tasks, then I recommend working simultaneously on 5-7 sites maximum, if you only do clicks, surfing and reading letters, then 15 sites will be enough, but only on those that have long shown themselves to be the best, time-tested and by many people. Below I have prepared for you the best axle boxes in my opinion, start with them!

The best Russian books for making money on the Internet:

1) VIP- This unique project has been running since 2003! Let me emphasize the main feature: here, various tasks, surfing, emails and clicks are carried out using a specially designed program, it tells you everything you need to do - it’s very convenient. Money can be withdrawn both in rubles and dollars:

2) Socpublic- Perhaps one of the best Russian projects, it has been working and consistently paying money since 2008. Actively developing, modern design, well-designed and clear interface of the site. Payments in rubles:

Detailed instructions for working on this project.

3) Wmmail- Another powerful project that has been running since 2004. Payments can be ordered in both rubles and dollars:

Detailed instructions for working on this project.

Earnings on foreign (foreign) axle boxes:

Many people are looking for Ukrainian, American and European axle boxes. During all this time, I came across many foreign projects, but for various reasons I never stayed to work there. For myself, I have identified several interesting projects at the moment; perhaps over time I will add to this list if there is something worthwhile:

The best foreign (foreign) books for making money:

1) NeoBux- I’ll put it in first place, a site with very great capabilities, it has been working steadily since 2008. To have as many tasks as possible for work, you need to log in with a foreign IP address. Unfortunately, the site does not yet support the Russian language, but the interface is simple and intuitive. As a last resort, you can use Google translator. Payouts in dollars ($):

Detailed instructions for working on this project will be available soon. After registration, to log into your account, leave the “Secondary Password” field empty. After registration, you must view the orange links every day; I will explain why later.

2) Ebesucher- A very unusual project, its main feature is making money from autosurfing (browsing sites automatically). There is also a section with clicks/letters for work. Perhaps this is one of the most “ancient” projects in this area, you won’t believe it: it has been working since 2002! Completely in Russian. The main currency is euro (€), payments are available in rubles:

Detailed instructions for working on this project and.

But remember - if you start working on several sites at once, you will earn more, and by completing tasks your income will increase even more!

If you came to this page looking for the best axle boxes, then you probably don’t need to be told what they are. As we have noted more than once, there is a lot of money on the Internet that is just waiting to become yours. Unfortunately, in pursuit of large sums, people often encounter deception online, and, having little experience working on the Internet, fall for the bait of scammers - they invest their own funds in tempting and beautiful dummies. As a result, they spend their last savings, become disillusioned with their own capabilities and go offline. We want to talk about real earnings, available even to beginners on the Internet, without investments and without any deception. We will not talk about the most profitable, but the most honest type of work via the Internet, which guarantees a stable income -.

Why do we highlight “earnings for beginners”? The answer to this lies in different approaches to making money on axle boxes. In fact, there are only two options:

  • Independent completion of simple tasks. This type of work on the Internet is suitable for beginners who have neither skills, nor knowledge, nor finances. This article is dedicated to this income.
  • Inviting referrals to work for you. Despite the fact that this type of earning money on the Internet brings in more income compared to completing independent tasks, we do not recommend starting it right away. Since to develop your own referral network you need to have additional funds and skills: the ability to sell, write beautifully, have well-promoted accounts, it is advisable to have your own resource (website, blog), as well as some finances for initial invitations. As you can see, this is the topic of more than one full-fledged article.

Now let's get back to the list of the best axle boxes today. Each one has been repeatedly checked both by our specialists and by hundreds of people who work part-time on axleboxes, so feel free to register and start completing tasks. If you have problems with any of the sites, be sure to write in the comments, we will either help you figure it out or delete this resource.

List of the best axle boxes 2016 - real earnings without deception and investments

Below are the top best and most honest sites for making money on the Internet by completing simple tasks:

  • SEO Sprint– one of the most popular and well-known sites for making money by completing simple tasks. Supports many payment systems: Yandex Money, WebMoney, Payza, Perfect Money, LiqPay. The minimum amount for withdrawing earned money depends on the chosen payment system: from 2 rubles via WebMoney to 10 rubles for Yandex money. Payments can be ordered once a day, processed and received without delay. The maximum daily limit is 500 rubles. In addition, the site has a multi-level referral system from 10% to 40%. Start making money on SeoSprint
  • SEOfast Another competitor from the top three. Uses the following payment networks: WebMoney, Yandex Money, QiWi, Perfect Money. Payments are instant, daily limit is from 50 to 500 rubles. Referral program from 10 to 60% depending on status. Start making money with SEO-fast
  • Profit center- the main competitor of Seo Sprint, it also makes it easy to make money on the Internet. It has the main payment systems in the CIS: Yandex Money (YAD) and WebMoney (VM). You can order a withdrawal of any amount, the main thing to remember is that withdrawal can only be made once a day. Amounts up to 30 rubles are processed instantly, the rest up to 3 days. The maximum withdrawal is from 10 to 300 rubles per day, depending on the status. Referral program from 10 to 60%. Start earning money with Profit Center
  • VMR-fast- another site for making money on the Internet, using a standard set of payment systems: VM, YaD, Payeer, Perfect Money, instant payments from 1 ruble. Maximum payments depend on the status from 50 to 1000 rubles per day. In addition, there is a three-level referral system with a yield of 10 to 20% for the first level and 0 to 8% for the third level. Start earning money with VMR-fast
  • VMR-ok- Instant payments from 5 rubles first payment, then from 1 ruble to: WebMoney, Yandex Money, Payeer. The referral program includes a payment of 1.2 rubles for each new referral, as well as 10% of his daily earnings (not from the system’s income!). I did not find any mention of the maximum withdrawal amount. Start earning money with VMRok
  • Like- also a very popular book, which allows you to get an increase in your daily earnings on the Internet. Start making money on Liked
  • Social public- not the most interesting site for making money on the Internet, but you shouldn’t discount it, because... Only by working together with all the axleboxes can you provide yourself with a sufficient number of tasks. Beginners can order a withdrawal of funds no more than once every three days, to any of the payment systems: YaD, VM, Payeer, Perfect Money. The maximum payout is from 10 to 1500 rubles, depending on the status. Referral program from 5 to 60 percent for first-level referrals and from 0 to 2 percent for third-level referrals. Start making money on Social Public.
  • SapBux - is confidently gaining popularity in RuNet, not least thanks to its 25% referral program. Start making money on SapBux.

How much can you earn from axle boxes?

So, to summarize, as you can see, almost all buxes have restrictions on the withdrawal of funds per day. Of course, without participating in the referral program, you are unlikely to ever achieve them. In fact, on sites for making money from simple tasks on the Internet, the withdrawal system is very well thought out. If you look closely, the maximum withdrawal is approximately equal to the maximum amount that you can earn on such sites: at first 50-100 rubles per day, gradually, after gaining experience, you can reach the limit of 100 rubles per hour. At the same time, you need to understand that the maximum income will be provided only by the most profitable tasks, which are not always available in sufficient quantities on each of the sites. In addition, experience is needed not so much for the speed of completing tasks, but for the ability to see promising ones.

Ultimately, work on axleboxes comes down to one or two hours a day at each of the most profitable ones. In total, with 8 working hours a day, you can earn about 800 rubles.

Imagine earning from 800 rubles a day on axle boxes, i.e. about 24,000 thousand per month, while growth is limited, you will only be awakened by your desire.

However, you need to understand that the main income from making money on axleboxes comes from referrals, i.e. people you invite to work. At the same time, you yourself receive income from the system, i.e. Do not rob your referrals at all; on the contrary, you can even increase their income through refback - a partial return of commission funds received from the system. For example, by becoming Bfblofil’s referrals you will receive a guaranteed refback on each of the resources where such functionality is provided by the system settings.

So, let’s finally sum up how much a person who decides to make money on axleboxes via the Internet can receive with the help of referrals. From the above boxes we see that the maximum withdrawal of funds per day is: 500+500+300+1000+1500 = 2800 rubles.

Do you want to start earning from 300 rubles per hour on axlebox? Do you want to get a salary increase of 3,000 rubles per day or 90,000 rubles per month? Then start making money on axleboxes, but do not forget that such income is only possible with the active attraction of referrals.

Of course, there are many more sites on the Internet for making money from simple tasks, and everyone dreams of getting you as an employee. However, do not forget that not all sites can be trusted; it is better to use proven and recommended ones. We always try to update our lists of useful resources, so feel free to start making money on axleboxes, whose work has been verified by thousands of people.

Earnings on foreign axle boxes

Finally, I would like to add just a few words on making money on foreign axle boxes. Taking into account the current exchange rate, foreign axle boxes may be of particular interest to those who want to earn money via the Internet, because payments there are made in foreign currency (euros or dollars). Among the disadvantages of foreign axle boxes, the following can be noted:

  • Large commissions when transferring funds from foreign payment systems to domestic ones
  • Difficulty understanding resources and tasks
  • Fewer tasks for non-targeted (foreign traffic), as a rule, foreign axles want tasks to be performed by foreigners.
  • Having a good level of a foreign language, you can earn much more money on the Internet, but more on that another time

You can find out about other ways to make money on the Internet without investments and skills in the article:

In the meantime, let me wish you success in mastering box sites!

Making money on axleboxes: features of work + 5 types of earnings + 5 proven axleboxes + 8 tips for getting a good income.

Sooner or later, every Internet user comes across the idea that it’s time to replace endless “wandering” on the Internet with earnings. After all, we have everything we need for this – a computer and access to the World Wide Web.

And to have a constant income, without leaving the walls of your home and without wasting a lot of time, is everyone’s dream. It can be fulfilled with a little effort and desire.

You can start with this simple activity: how to make money on axle boxes.

It’s simple, but the only thing is that it won’t bring you a lot of money. However, it is quite suitable for beginners to make their first profit.

What are active advertising services?

Before describing the essence of making money on axleboxes, we suggest finding out what axleboxes or an active advertising service (CAP) are.

Books are specialized web resources that, based on advertising, provide some with the opportunity to earn money by performing simple tasks, and others (advertisers) with the opportunity to popularize their Internet project and products.

Books are a common method for advertising information products, services, etc. on the Internet. With the help of such promotion tools, you can increase traffic to the site and attract people’s attention to the products of the online store or object.

The principle of operation on axle boxes is identical. For example, Bux received an order from an advertiser to attract 1000 visitors. The customer transfers a certain amount to the service for services. Bux, in turn, undertakes to “bring” at least 1000 people.

The performer's interest is to earn money, i.e. part of the amount distributed among visitors.

An advertising campaign on axle boxes is beneficial to customers. If we compare this method of advertising, then in the GoogleAdwords system, in order to arouse interest in a product or website among the same 1000 Internet users, you need to be prepared to spend from 50 to 250 dollars.

Using the services of axle boxes, a similar task can be completed on average for 50 rubles. and higher (depending on the nature and subject of the ad). But as a performer, you don't invest anything.

The main difference between bookstores and advertising agencies is that the interest aroused among visitors is motivated by earnings and does not lead to any action. Those. the performer is absolutely not interested in the information posted on the site where the axle box sent you.

Your goal is to start completing the next task as soon as possible.
Therefore, advertisers do not get 100% of the desired results.

But there are also specific goals when the owners of a service need exactly this: a basic increase in attendance counters. This prompts the creation of advertising campaigns on axle boxes.

Although many serious resources, for example, Google Adsense, reject or ban clients and partners within the system who are attracted from the box through mailing lists, by creating paid advertisements.

Books will become a fruitful tool for making money if you use them skillfully. This knowledge and certain tricks can increase your earnings, whether you are a user looking for a way to earn money or a webmaster bringing new people and advertisers.

Types of earnings on axleboxes: features of each option

Books are unique in that they provide various options for earning money. This includes reading letters, completing paid tasks, viewing advertisements, surfing (autosurfing), and earning money from referrals.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

1) Earn money on axleboxes by reading letters

The essence of the simplest earnings is to read paid advertising letters. As a rule, sending spam is not the prerogative of serious services, so they are forced to turn to the services of mail sponsors.

And since the bookstore acts as this mail sponsor, an intermediary between the performer and the advertiser, this task is assigned to them for a specified amount. You can read letters via e-mail or on the box itself.

Earnings here are rather symbolic, so reading letters is a way to earn a little extra income.

Even the top-end mailboxes usually do not provide more than 30 letters per day. For this reason, it is advisable to combine such earnings with other higher paid ones.

2) Earning money by completing tasks

In this case, the amount of income increases significantly. Completing tasks on the Internet brings more decent income.

These include:

  • Internet voting;
  • likes on social networks;
  • registration on web resources;
  • watching videos;
  • joining a community/group;
  • uploading a file, text document, etc.

There are a lot of options, as a rule, on axle boxes they are divided into specific categories.

To pass them on the Internet, you must carefully read the conditions and fulfill each point required by the employer. Otherwise, the task will not be counted and paid.

Often, customers also require a report on the work done. As soon as it is verified (sometimes this happens automatically), you receive your earnings.

3) Earn money on axleboxes by viewing ads or clicks

Making money with clicks is easy, but also not profitable. Making money on the Internet by viewing advertisements is similar to surfing.

Some resources ask for an answer to a basic question to make sure the task is completed, and only then accrue earnings.

In other cases, after viewing each page you will need to enter a captcha. There are other kinds of restrictions so that the user does not view the same site several times.

4) Earning money on axleboxes through surfing (autosurfing)

Surfing also involves alternately going to a source, viewing it for 5-15 seconds, and clicking on advertisements.

Autosurfing is performing the same actions using special programs (Websurf, Clicker, Megasurf, etc.).

By installing them on your PC, you can go about your business while the program automatically scans services. Here you don’t need to answer questions, enter numbers, monitor the functioning of the program, but the earnings are also lower than with regular surfing.

With the autosurfing tool, up to 1000 links are collected at night. They show the status of your balance, the time it takes to visit each site, and other useful information; they can work in cooperation with analogues.

You can only run two programs if you have a powerful computer.

The best time for surfing is at night.
New links appear every hour, but their maximum number arrives at 00:00 at night Moscow time.

5) Earnings from referrals

In addition to the above-mentioned types of earnings on axleboxes, there is another one - attracting Internet users by pointing them to a referral link.

In order for a person to be listed as a referral and bring you earnings, it is necessary that he follow this referral link, log in to the box and start earning money in a way convenient for him.

You are not obliged to finance the attracted person. He simply earns as he pleases, and for you, as a referrer, the system accrues an additional % (refback) from each of his earnings.

Your earnings will be higher if the referral is active. Therefore, it is in your interests to facilitate this.

If you have an email account or a wallet in one of the payment systems, decide on the option of making money on the Internet and the bookbox itself, register and get to work.

How much can you earn on the Internet using axleboxes?

Each type of work is accompanied by a certain amount of earnings, so there is no specific answer. It all depends on the option you choose, the complexity of the task being performed, and the time spent.

Daily earnings on axleboxes by completing tasks can fluctuate in the range of 300 - 400 rubles. every day if you reach a significant base. This will take at least a week.

The database should include work that is valued at 0.7 - 1.2 rubles. and more. Basically, these are tasks that involve going to the customer’s website and clicking on a banner or other advertisement.

Good axle boxes help in accumulating such a database, simplifying the search for tasks. They place special filters on their websites, thanks to which you save time, sort tasks and add them to your favorites.

With practice, you will soon be earning your first money on each task within just one minute.

Even with the minimum cost (0.7 rubles), by working the usual 8 hours a day, which we devote to real employment, you can earn 336 rubles.

0.7 rub. * 60 min. = 42 rub. (your hourly earnings)

42 rub. * 8 hours = 336 rub. (daily earnings).

Most people prefer this particular earning system. Experienced users manage to reach a monthly income of $400, and this is their main source of profit.

Reading letters, depending on the axle box, is also rated low. You will earn a pittance per day at this job - about 0.50 rubles.

Earnings from surfing – up to 1 ruble. Income from refback also varies differently, but often the rate is 10%.

If we take conditional values, but close to reality (tasks on social networks 3 thousand rubles, the rest 1 - 1.5 thousand rubles, letters and autosurfing - 100 rubles and income from referrals 200 - 400 rubles), your earnings , when combining all work options and good efforts, a month can amount to more than 4 thousand rubles.

What services should you use to make money on axleboxes?

There is darkness on the Internet of newly created boxes. Many of them close after standing for 2-3 months. Their owners do not make a profit and simply abandon their creation.

In order not to end up on such a service and not be left without earnings, first find out information about this or that axle box.

Study the reviews, ask your freelance friends if you have any. And the easiest thing is to pay attention to those that have really been tested by time and people.


1. Step-by-step earnings on the box– the most active active advertising service, where earnings are represented by several methods and bring normal money.

The site is considered the leader in the number of users. Reading a letter costs 0.05 rubles, surfing reaches 0.03 rubles, the price for passing tests is 3 rubles, prices for tasks vary (maximum 25 rubles).

To withdraw money to a bank card or e-wallet, you must have at least 2 rubles in your account. Due to the rating system available on the box, you increase your earnings.

The interface is accessible to everyone, and there is a lot of work to do. Over the 4 years of operation of the axlebox, a high level of reliability has been proven, a large amount of earnings has been paid - 27 million 800 thousand rubles.

To test your strength on this axle box, please register. Fill in the fields with name, email address, phone number.

You also need to indicate the referrer ID, if you have one. Enter the requested captcha and click “Continue”.

The next step is to familiarization with the rules of axle box And passing the test to test this knowledge.

Having successfully completed this stage, you receive an SMS on your phone with a code that you need to enter, indicate your password and login and log in to the system.

Then go to User Menu - Personal Account - My personal data.

This is necessary in order to change personal status from “Passer” to “Worker”, on the basis of which you can earn more and withdraw your earnings without any problems.

So, registration is completed, let's move on to earning money, for example, by reading letters.

  • high fees;
  • variety of types of income;
  • the opportunity to earn money in the form of interest accruals from referrals;
  • original refback auto-calculation system;
  • an attractive approach to the achievement system.

Books cooperates with 10 payment systems, so there will be no problems with withdrawing money.

U There are other features:

Performers withdraw at least 13 thousand rubles from the site every day. There are more than 73 thousand active participants.

Additional payment to earnings from refback - 70%.

5. Earning money on axle box– axlebox with an excellent design, thought out to the smallest detail, which rightfully competes with such a giant as

Many people consider this book to be the best for a number of reasons: earnings in dollars, the minimum amount for withdrawal (10 cents), which is easy to earn, and a large influx of various tasks.

In addition, on There are games and a forum for conversations, and competitions are held.

According to the referral system (5 levels), the resource surpassed its analogues. You can earn up to $5 every day by being more active.

Books offers some of the most favorable terms of cooperation for both employees and advertisers, and provides protection against mark-ups.

Do you want to figure out how to make money on axle boxes?

Start with one of the top 5 services –

Each box has its own rules and general provisions. By following them, you are guaranteed to be successful.

And following additional advice from experienced users of active advertising services will further increase your income and help you avoid mistakes.

Tips for beginners:

  • having become more familiar with axle boxes and work strategy from personal experience, create accounts on other sites;
  • working in parallel on several axle boxes, it will be possible to achieve the desired effect faster;
  • if you are fluent in a foreign language, you can try to work on Western resources, where the cost of tasks is higher; but here it is also important to be able to adequately assess your strengths: if you take on too many tasks, you can distort the final result;
  • You should not run all advertising links at the same time, such activity will not be paid for;
  • try sort tasks into simple/difficult, cheap/high-paying, by rating, this way you will understand which ones are worth your effort and time and which ones are not;
  • don't be lazy attract referrals, your additional income depends on their number;
  • Take site review verification seriously, do not forget to enter the captcha, otherwise you will not receive payment for them;
  • cooperate only with axle boxes that have the WebMoney sign, as a guarantor of reliability;
  • the lack of tasks is sometimes compensated by changing the IP;
  • don’t be afraid to participate in competitions and sweepstakes offered by the referrer or the system itself.

Making money on axle boxes has never brought anyone bags of money, but became an excellent start for many now successful Internet businessmen.

The advantages of working on axleboxes allow you to quickly and easily earn money for utilities, domain payments, etc. without any skills. Neither a beginner nor an advanced user neglects it.

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