Earnings on fairy tales and not fabulous income. Modern earnings on children's fairy tales Work at home for women: creating photo books

All directions for making money on the Internet should be considered, especially if they already bring good money to other users.

Exclusive personalized products have always been in high demand. Especially if this applies to children, because none of the parents save on them.

Earnings on fairy tales and not a fabulous income can really be secured through one affiliate program. In addition to selling other people's goods, you can show your talents and write fairy tales for sale on your own.

Earnings on fairy tales from 60,000 rubles per month with the SkazkiPro website

4. Offline work

There are plenty of clients outside the Internet. Start with your friends, for different holidays and birthdays, a unique fairy tale is a great gift. When taking orders offline, you can also make your own margin. Here are a few ways to do this:

  • use outlets for advertising;
  • offer books in kindergartens and schools;
  • distribute business cards and flyers;
  • order advertising on radio or television.

In fact, it will turn into a small business with serious prospects. Alternatively, offer a 50% discount only for bulk orders. For example, a discount for paying for books by a whole kindergarten group. This will motivate customers and bring you more profit.

5. Paid advertising

  • orders for placement of links through social networks are available. networks and blogs;
  • advertising is ordered in social groups. networks;
  • they offer the cheapest ads in the browser;
  • through order advertising on other people's sites;
  • redeem places on sites immediately for a month;
  • in the system of advertising lines pay for views;
  • social media advertising exchange offers humane prices.

Even for a couple of thousand rubles, it is really possible to conduct a powerful advertising campaign. There are indeed many clients on the Internet, and in order to effectively use advertising networks, it is advisable to launch your own website.

It is always difficult to start, fairy tales are not the most popular commodity, but the deductions here are solid. Plus, subsequent purchases by your referred customers will also earn interest.

Earnings on short author's fairy tales

The main idea of ​​this article is presented, but I would like to briefly talk about other options for making money on fairy tales. Creative people who know how to write short stories can copywrite. This type of earnings involves the sale of text content to site owners.

There are so many sites created that any content is in demand. Owners of websites for children, blogs for mothers and many others can become your clients. Are fairy tales sold on article exchanges? Of course, the authors add new material all the time:

In addition, copywriters often receive offers for permanent work. This is a good side job for talented dreamers.

Even though fairy tales are not the most popular commodity on the stock exchanges, everything is simple here. Wrote a story, put it up for sale and wait for payment. It is important that buyers do not see the full text until they pay money. They make a purchase decision based on the name and the description compiled by the author.

How to make money as a writer - storyteller?

The authors of fairy tales have a more interesting way to develop their careers. Why not repeat the success of JK Rowling, who came up with the Harry Potter story? Her "fairy tale" at first was not taken seriously by publishers, no one wanted to cooperate with her, and now she is a millionaire.

Just for creative people, there is an interesting article on our blog -. This option of making money on fairy tales is the most difficult, but the prospects here are the most solid. It's hard to break through, you need to be a real professional, look for proofreaders, unwind.

Therefore, not many dare to take such a serious step. On the other hand, there is no more interesting way to apply your talent. This is the best path for a writer, opening up great opportunities.

Earn by selling exclusive fairy tales, work with copywriting exchanges, or use talents for a serious business? You will have to answer this question yourself.

Nobody but you knows what you are capable of and which option is more suitable for you.

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Making photobooks as a business

Tales to order

I already had to write about such work at home for women, as well as its more modern modification -. Today I want to write a continuation of these articles - to talk about such a new, but quite promising income for women, like custom-made fairy tales.

I want to focus on fairy tales, because the book itself can be ordered at a printing house, but the business of its design and plot is a completely different story, and this is what the article will talk about.

Work at Home for Women: Photobook Creation

In fact, this is a book created from your photographs. Its layout is developed based on your photos using the digital scrapbooking technique. What these books look like is best shown in this video:

That is, they place photos on the pages of a future book, but not in reality, but in one of the computer programs (or online programs). Photoshop, Picasa, Paint.NET and many other image editors are suitable for this. Here, in a couple of minutes, for example, I concocted such a page in Picasa from photos of homeless cats taken the other day:

just cats

You can also add any drawings, inscriptions, photos of tickets, letters and other memorable "little things" here.

Further, the layout of the book and its cover are created from the finished sheets. Then you have two options: order from a print shop or do it yourself. All the necessary equipment and materials can be ordered online, but all this requires money and knowledge. The technology for creating a photobook looks something like this:

At the same time, in order to start making big money on this business idea, it is not enough to learn how to create beautiful illustrations for photo books, you need to learn how to sell, and here the training course will come in handy.

The creation process looks like this:

  1. You receive an order for a photo book (from friends, from your own website on the Internet, thanks to advertising, etc.).
  2. You find out from the customer what he wants to get in the end and receive from him a pack of photographs, for example, a child to whom the book will be dedicated, from a wedding or from a trip (if the book is dedicated to these events) and receive an advance payment (full or half of the amount).
  3. Based on photos, create colorful illustrations (or not colorful, but simply relevant to the topic).
  4. You come up with a cover, create a book layout and coordinate them with the customer.
  5. Make changes and take the book in digital form (for example, on a flash drive) to the printing house.
  6. There you print the required number of copies, which you send to the customer and receive the second half of the payment.

Now sites have appeared on the Internet where you can create your own book online, pay for its printout on the site, and then receive a finished copy by mail. But you can successfully compete with them, because only a professional can create high-quality unique illustrations and, most importantly, write a real fairy tale.

What kind of fairy tales are these, and what do they have to do with photo books? This is a special service - writing a fairy tale or other work about the person to whom the book is dedicated. For example, you were ordered a photo book for graduation in kindergarten, and you come up with a fairy tale where children will be the main characters. They will end up in a magical land or go on a space journey - in general, each time the plot will be different. At the same time, the illustrations in the books will be made in the same vein. Can you imagine how delighted the children will be when they discover that they have become the heroes of a real book? With what pleasure they will read it, reread it and show it to friends. By the way, this is one of the best ways to teach your baby to read books. For them, they even order special photo books on cardboard so that they can withstand the not particularly gentle treatment of a small child.

It is interesting that now such gifts are ordered not only for children, but also for adults. After all, the love story of the newlyweds can also be presented as a separate work and turned into a chicly designed book with romantic photographs. Such a wedding gift will not leave anyone indifferent. Such books are ordered for graduations, anniversaries, big corporate holidays. And most importantly, you can learn this business in just a few days.

How do I know that this service is in demand? Because I participate in the advertising campaign of one of these sites and see how they work. So this material is not a figment of my imagination, but real work at home for women, especially for those women who are not devoid of a creative streak, love to compose and create beautiful things with their own hands.

Below are some Hollywood-worthy scenarios:
Pinocchio. Futuristic fighter.
Dendromutant Pinocchio is on the run from his creator, the mad Italian scientist Carlo. Wandering around the country, he meets a group of mutants, and becomes the head of their uprising.

The movie shows the life of the social bottom, where mutated beggars walk the streets, and turtles can speak. The heroes learn that this whole Theater of the Absurd is controlled by the puppet master Karabas.

Dr. Aibolit. Series.
The popular series, which has received several awards, shows the life of a simple veterinary clinic. Love and betrayal life and death, unprecedented countries where our hero travels through the UN, a cruel mafia headed by the Chinese Bar Ma Lei - all this will be seen by the audience on 50 cassettes.

Fly-Tsokotuha (Fly-2). Fantasy, erotica.
This time the scientist experiments with the germ cells of fruit flies and turns into a female fly. It turns out that the world of insects has its own sexual maniacs. and lifeguards. Prize for the best erotic love scene between a fly and a mosquito.

Turnip. Detective
A retired cop (Al Pacino) agrees to investigate the latest mystery burial case in Turnip, Missouri. Forced to return to work again, the hero realizes that he cannot do without a family.

Fox and Crane. Melodrama.
Two lonely people (Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan) know each other only by the inscriptions they leave each other on menus in a restaurant in downtown New York. But then one day he decided to invite her to dinner ...

Cockroach (Jurassic Park - 5)
And again we meet Dinosaur Island, this time a fun tour of tourists (bears on a bicycle, etc.) is pursued by giant fossil insects, mistakenly bred from eggs.
Prize for special effects.

Fedorino grief. Mystic.
The heroine of this film (Nicole Kidman, Best Actress) lives alone in a house where strange things suddenly start happening!. Only at the very end does she find out who the teapot really was...

Three from Prostokvashino. Author's film.
Slow and unhurried life in a small American town, a typical outback. It is here that a child suffering from autism settles in an abandoned house. He ran away from the family, hoping to spend the rest of his days in the company of the cat and dog he found.

And only thanks to the selfless mental work of the social worker-psychoanalyst Pechkin, the joys of the world begin to open up to the boy.

Princess Frog. Horror, erotica.
Who could have known that the cute frog acquired by the young vivisector would turn out to be a nymphomaniac werewolf? Can love work miracles? Too late. The swamp sex scene quickly became an erotic movie classic.

Chippolino. Youth comedy
The inhabitants of the poor black quarter live their lives. There is a place in it for jokes and local tragedies, but all of them are only for “their own”.

A rapper guy (specially rejuvenated by Murphy's computer), whose father is in jail, aiming for the upper strata of society - all this is accompanied by gags and witty antics (which is worth the farting scene in the company of the countesses).

Aristocrats, of course, blush like tomatoes, but nothing can oppose the vital energy of youth.

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Everything that has been voiced about the prospects for the sale of author's stories has absolutely nothing to do with fairy tales. To copyright, first of all. And this means that we will not be talking about how to sell a fairy tale with those who write endless continuations or variations of existing stories or write fan fiction. I will only sell a fairy tale you have written if it initially meets the following criteria:

1. In a fairy tale, on the one hand, they are not like anyone who already existed in children's literature. On the other hand, they are understandable for the perception of the baby. I will not refer you to works on child psychology. But still, I strongly advise everyone who wants to become a professional storyteller to remember that mastering this profession should not begin with answers to questions: how to write a fairy tale and how to sell a fairy tale of your own composition, but with an understanding of what children like, what captivates, scares them and what captivates and makes you dream.

And any children's fairy tale, first of all, is an opportunity for the child to plunge into the world of dreams, in which he will be interested and comfortable.

It looks like I won’t be able to make a list in its classic form, because I have a lot to tell those who came to this page on the request “I dream of selling a fairy tale.” And the first thing to say is this: today you can sell only a fairy tale for children under the age of 5-7 years. It's the parents who buy the books. Whereas slightly older children either do not read at all, switching their attention to game consoles, or are quite satisfied with reading from tablets.

Therefore, if you really want to sell a fairy tale, accurately determine your age category. And yours is limited like no other book author.

2. Is there in your fairy tale? It is he who is the basis of a real fairy tale, and not a story, plot or description of witchcraft. It is enough for children to read: the evil wizard said “Rex-pex-fex” and the princess turned into a frog, and they themselves will imagine (sometimes even better than you) how it all happened.

Remember the Moomins or the Smurfs or Alice. They have neither plots that are particularly original, nor dizzying adventures, nor unexpected outcomes or unpredictable moves. They are known and popular only because of the worlds in which their heroes live.

And if you didn't invent the world, and your characters live under the sofa in an ordinary kid's room, then you wrote rubbish. Selling such a fairy tale in modern conditions is almost impossible!

3. Probably the most important thing is that an illustrative makes a modern fairy tale. And here's a secret for you from a connoisseur of book publishing cuisine: the formula I want to sell a fairy tale that I wrote so that the publishing house takes care of the illustrations, practically does not work.

In the world, professional storytellers have long understood the main secret of successful sales: Modern fairy tale is made not so much by history as by an unusual and interesting illustration. That is why so many "artist-storyteller" connections are formed every day around the world.

And one more unpleasant news for those who are on fire with the idea of ​​selling a fairy tale and becoming rich: it is much easier for any publishing house to buy a fairy tale from foreign authors, for which pictures have already been made. Text on 10-20 printed sheets (and it is difficult to sell a children's fairy tale in large sizes today) is easy to translate. But creating really catchy illustrations is incredibly difficult.

It's easy to find today. They have their own exchanges where they look for orders. The bad thing is that if you are not familiar with one of them, and could not infect him with the idea of ​​selling a fairy tale of your own composition by drawing pictures for it, you will have to become not only a storyteller, but also a producer - find money to pay an illustrator, and buy from he copyrights the pictures he draws. But on the other hand, you get the opportunity to tell him what, whom and where to draw.

But in this case, you will have no problems either with where to sell the fairy tale, or with who to sell the fairy tale to: 98% of modern publishing houses will gladly buy from you both a fairy tale and illustrations for it, if they deserve it.

How to register a partnership and immediately receive 25 dollars to your account.

There everything is described in detail about the conditions of cooperation with a fabulous publishing house.

This is what the registration form looks like:

Fill in your details, choose where to pay your earnings.

Your office

After registration, you will be taken to your personal account.

You should already have $25 on your balance. On the left you will see 2 sections:

Affiliate. Here you can see the statistics and get promotional codes for discounts and attracting partners.

Promo. Here choose skazkipro.com. There is a huge amount of advertising materials already with your promo code built in, which will “give” a 50% discount + printed in trial free fairy tales, mailing lists for clients and in finished books. ON THE AUTO.

Website slider

Now let's make ourselves such a website http://casalinda.justclick.ru/skazky1

Literally in 5 minutes and 2 mouse clicks. ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Fill out this registration form, come up with a name for the site:

Enter your personal account and select "Pages" in the menu on the left. Then click "Add".

Then copy the slider code in the promo materials like this:

And paste it back into the editor after the first code (slider). Then click the "Source" button a second time and see the following picture:

If you want, these blocks right here can be center aligned.

Then we go to the page address (in our case it is http://casalinda.justclick.ru/skazky1) and see how everything looks and works correctly.

There is nothing complicated about this, if you did everything according to the screenshots, then everything should work out the first time. If something doesn't work, you can delete the page and create a new one.

So, your personal seller site is ready to receive visitors and turn them into buyers. Your coupon code for a discount will be affixed everywhere automatically!

Strategy 1: Sell through your website, online forums, social networks and blogs.

If you sit online for hours talking to people, then why not combine business with pleasure and turn the time spent into good money?

Put a signature on forums advertising books or an affiliate program. Write that you are an official representative and can do special. discounts and give special conditions. Add ads to your blog posts. If the forum has a special section for advertising books or an affiliate program, then write a message and support it at the top.

Find thematic groups through the search.

If they are open, then post your posts. Write something like this: Now I have a fairy tale about me! This is the best gift in my life. And they also gave a 50% discount on the next book, I give it to you here (link to your site). You can insert fairy tale covers, banner, slider or video.

If the groups are closed (without the possibility of posting your posts), you can insert ads in the comments or offer news.

Super way! Set up an email autoresponder. This can now be configured in any mail service. There you can briefly write about your fabulous business and give a link for ordering.
Here is an example on Yandex-mail:

How many mailboxes do you have? 2-3? How many emails do you receive daily per each, including SPAM? 30-100? Those. it turns out daily from 60 to 300 people will receive your ad. ON FULL AUTO. And these will be your most loyal customers – friends, relatives, acquaintances, clients… well, SPAMERS too.

Start actively communicating on forums where there are suitable parents or relatives of children of the right age (and this is 50 percent of all Russian-speaking people on the planet!), Reply to such parents on their blogs to comments, find thematic sites and leave information there. Slowly, with absolutely no advertising investment, your advertising reach and distribution network will grow. Do not count in this work on an instant result from a couple of successful messages. Your advertising should be sown hundreds in different places like grains, periodically refreshing the memory of local visitors.

Strategy 2: Offline work in your city.

Approach the manager and talk about these unique fairy tale books. You will immediately have both a partner and a friend. As well as passive income. Because as soon as one of the parents buys such a wonderful book for their child, the other parent will immediately want to buy a fairy tale for their child.

The ideal option is to immediately agree on a collective order for a whole group or garden (motivate by the fact that then you will give a 50% discount on everything). From practice: getting such a "wholesale" order is as easy as shelling pears. You can offer the manager a gift or % of the order for cooperation. There are up to 30 kids in one group, i.e. immediately receive an order for at least 15-20 books and earn 300-400 dollars.

Or print full-page flyers with your promo code and business cards (you can find them in promotional materials) and hang/place them in each group, preferably right in the locker room in a visible place (while the kids are changing clothes, their moms and dads will read your advertisement).
The same can be done with children's goods and toys stores. Agree with sellers / managers that they, along with the purchased children's goods, put your flyer at a discount in a package or packaging. Say this: Here is my business card, I am the official representative of the publishing company of fairy tales. I can offer you to raise the average purchase check.

We can make a joint promotion (for a period ...... or indefinitely), that all buyers with a purchase from 300..500 ... 700 ... 1000 rubles are given a coupon for a 50% discount on our fairy tales + a trial fairy tale for free. Usually 80% of stores agree. Advertising is made for buyers (a sign, a stand, the seller says) + Your discount coupons (flyers).
With such a system, there is a very good motivation to buy fairy tales because of the conditions for obtaining a coupon (you need to buy for a certain amount in the store). And the management is quite happy - the average bill is growing, the promotion is free.

To be honest, we all envy each other. These books are truly envious. You just need to feel the essence of these good and fabulous books. And how to penetrate? It is impossible to talk so brightly and attractively about the product if you have not tasted it.
Buy your child a fairy tale book! There are no children of your own, buy a nephew or granddaughter. Or offer your friends this fabulous book.

There is another possibility. You can write to the company and they will send you books that were refused for one reason or another. It will cost you $15 book + $9.95 shipping. Not so expensive.

These are just a few ways to organize a business in your city. And there are schools and bookstores where you can put up an ad and put up a flyer with a discount. There are actually many ways, you just need to start!

If you have enough free time, then you can place ads in mailboxes on your own. Thus, you will be able to attract hundreds of interested customers.

In addition, after the first successful sales, the book itself will begin to earn money for you. Your promo code will be printed on the covers of books ordered through your recommendation. Children and their parents will show off the book and many will want to order the same one for their child, at a discount using your promo code. The book will begin to advertise itself and bring you profit!

The easiest and most effective way to automatically get customers for fairy tales is to set up contextual advertising in Yandex Direct. There is nothing difficult in this. Follow our instructions to get a lot of clients for a penny.

Choosing a professional interface!!! Not easy! Next, fill in the form:

Let's move on to creating an ad and selecting keywords:

We copy ready-made keywords from your personal account (PROMO section - keywords)

Next, click "NEXT" and go to the page for setting the cost per click. There we do not pay attention to prices and immediately click send for moderation. If we make several ads, then we do the rest in the same way and send them for moderation.

ONLY AFTER moderation has been successfully completed (it can take from 10 minutes to 12 hours), we set our prices for clicks here, in the company itself:

Click "Install" and ONLY AFTER THIS we put 300 rubles into the account. Account topped up? We activate the company. The first impressions and clicks should go. We periodically look at the statistics of Ya-Direct and Personal Account. We analyze and control the process.