On the brands of the producers of toys. Business from scratch: making children's toys Plastic toy factories

We will try to answer these and many other questions in business organization in this article.

Production of toys from:

Stuffed Toys
Christmas decorations (Christmas toys)

Today, models made of wood are in demand. This is true, since these cubes, pyramids, dolls, cars and other funny trinkets have a number of advantages.
They are made from environmentally friendly materials, but more importantly, wooden toys return adults to their distant childhood. Wooden children's toys have gained the greatest popularity among buyers. To the above reasons for the demand for wooden products, you can add durability, strength, and amazing design.

It does not require crazy funds and high technologies. All that is needed is wooden blanks and simple equipment, namely, a planer, a grinder, a saw and other tools.

Of course, work experience and excellent knowledge are a help in such work. But if they are not available, then it is possible to make copies of known samples of wooden toys. Talented craftsmen put their developments on the market, which gain popularity in a short period of time.

Usually manufacturers of wooden toys make copies with their changes and sell them with success. Forward-thinking craftsmen are trying to find and fill their niche in this market segment by crafting and inventing fascinating and unique models of wooden toys.

For example, there are a number of handicraft enterprises that are focused on the creation of folk toys and games. There are many benefits to this. Such models with folk flavor are quickly sold out both as toys and as memorable souvenirs or memorable gifts. And yet, manufacturers of folk toys do not have complex copyright problems.

Of course, branded products are ideal products for sale, the cost of promotion of which is minimal. This will allow to compete with the main sellers in this segment - Chinese manufacturers.

In the technology of making wooden models there is a rule that says that the smaller the part, the more difficult it is to make it, and also, if you need to make a considerable number of them. Some elements of wooden toys are so intricate that it is difficult to understand how they were made. There are few companies in the whole world that work with this precision equipment.

Wooden toys are subject to a number of requirements that they must meet. Toys should be of high quality, smooth surface, should not be with sharp corners, as well as small details. Safety for health and quality of wooden toys is confirmed by a hygienic certificate with a certificate of conformity.

In the production of products by hand, a small room for a workshop will be enough. And over time, when the production of wooden toys will grow, it will be necessary to rent or buy premises for a workshop, equipment, hire employees, and establish contacts with wholesale companies.

The production of wooden products is done mainly by hand, and only partially automated. The circulation of production, as a rule, is small, less than five hundred pieces. Initially, the production of wooden toys needs an amount of fifty thousand rubles, this already takes into account the costs of registering a company, purchasing raw materials, certification and tools.

Initially, all manufactured products can be offered to online stores operating in this specialization. Initially, it will not be easy to sell finished products, as retailers and single stores already have established relationships with suppliers from China, and are not very willing to agree to the sale of expensive and piece products.

Abroad, wooden toys are produced in specialized production. I must say that world production is constantly improving in terms of quality and quantity of products. One of the most popular trends in this market today is educational toys. They also produce samples of wooden toys with electronic filling. About several billion US dollars is the global market for toys made of wood.

Get started with everything you need right away. While author's products are being created, you can create a website with high-quality photos and product comments. This will help many buyers get acquainted with the information they need. At first, you can carry out the delivery of your own products.

This is how the work of a sales manager is combined with an advertising agent. With the growth of the volume of orders, it is necessary to expand the volume of production.

There is a nuance in the fact that when making a collection, the price of the product will be quite high, but it will be difficult to sell such dolls. Basically, they are in demand among foreign collectors, therefore, it becomes necessary to create a business card site and a valid account on Ebay. Wooden toys are easier to sell, but we must not forget about the high competition, and constantly update our products with high quality.

Technical and figurative toys are classified into clockwork and non-clockwork. Clockwork metal toys have the main basis - engines of various types. The simplest toys use engines with wire coil springs, as well as stamped gears. In expensive and complex toys, motors with tape coil springs are used, as well as milled gear wheels. Occasionally, other engines are also used, such as electric, water, pneumatic, steam, inertial, internal combustion.

There were several types of metal technical toys.
1. Transport
2. Tools, machines, machine tools,
3. Trade equipment, household items
4. Instruments and apparatus
5. Pistols, shotguns
6. Metal constructors, constructors.

The type of transport toys included urban, rail, air and water transport, namely, buses, tram cars, cars, locomotives, wagons, motor ships, steamboats, boats, barges, yachts, tugboats, warships, gliders, airplanes, gliders, airships , as well as transport facilities, service facilities, such as stations, garages, piers, hangars, traffic lights, rails, crosses, arrows, dead ends and other structures.

A number of transport toys were equipped with additional manual mechanisms, such as levers that tilted dump truck bodies, levers that raised fire truck ladders, winches, steamboat booms and other manual control parts. The doors of some cars and wagons were opening, and the steering was functioning. Some toys had automatic control, namely, forward c reverse, riding in a figure eight, in a circle, turning at an angle and other functions.

A number of toys were equipped with horns and working headlights. Transport toys were divided depending on the length by size.
Small cars ranged from 50 to 100mm, medium from 150 to 250mm, large from 300 to 500mm and so on. They also separated ships from aircraft. Railway toys were on a scale of 1 to 100, 1 to 50 and 1 to 30 natural size.

Metal toys were made mainly from pickled sheet steel with a thickness of 0.3 to 1.0 mm, white and black tinplate with a thickness of 0.25 to 0.50 mm, roofing iron and dynamo steel with a thickness of 0.5 to 0.7 mm , and light aluminum alloys with aluminum sheet waste. Decapitated steel was used to make deep drawings of complex configuration parts of toys, as well as for ship hulls and toy passenger car bodies. Troughs, washbasins, bathtubs, dishes were made of tinplate, that is, those toys that come into contact with water to prevent corrosion.

The manufacture of metal toys consists of several main stages.
1. Metal preparation including sorting, cutting and cleaning
2. Stamping on presses, consisting of punching, drawing, bending
3. Grinding, as well as tumbling, produced in drums, for small parts, to remove burrs, sharp edges.
4. Assembly, finishing and painting.

The assembly was done by connecting parts into finished products and assemblies. The most common connection of parts was considered to be a reed connection. Its essence is in the bending of the tongues, which were passed through slotted holes. Another popular connection method was electric spot welding and seam assembly. It was used in the manufacture of buckets and watering cans. The parts were connected with soft solders. This method was used to keep the tightness of toys, such as cisterns, washbasins, pumps.

Screw connections were used occasionally, mainly in collapsible toys and various designers used screw connections. Various methods were used for finishing and painting. The most popular was the coating of the surface of toys with enamel paints and nitro paints with mechanical spray guns. The coloring was done in three layers, and then sinitro paintings were applied with oil and enamel paints with brushes or through a stencil manually. Drawing drawings on toys by lithographic printing or decalcomania was recognized as the best color.

Reception and sorting of metal toys.
They were carried out by the method of external examination and checking the operation of toys with a clockwork mechanism. Visually, they assessed the quality of coloring, the fidelity of the shape of toys, the assessment of the connections of parts, the presence of cutting edges, burrs, the assembly quality of parts of winding mechanisms, and so on. Clockwork toy mechanisms are first checked by an incomplete key winding.

When it becomes clear that the mechanism is functioning well, the toy is turned on completely, and not to failure, so as not to break the springs. The first grade included metal toys that met all the quality requirements of the current technical specifications. The second grade included toys with defects that did not interfere with the play properties of the toys and did not distort their appearance. An example is corrosion up to fifteen mm long with a new paint job, or reduced mileage of clockwork toys by 30 percent against specifications.

Large metal toys were packaged individually. Smaller toys were wrapped in paper, after which they were packed in containers. Usually, transport toys, that is, constructors, machines, tools, machines and other technical toys, were packed in their rigid packaging with an artfully designed label. Instructions for handling the toy were always included in the package.
There were toys, such as carts, buckets, wheelchairs, shovels, stoves, watering cans, bathtubs and a number of others, which were necessarily wrapped in three layers of paper, where the first layer was always soft. Transportation of toys was carried out with care, without a shaft and heaps. But at the wheelchairs, which are equipped with sticks, all accessories were removed during transportation and laid next to the toys.

Metal toys had to be stored at a certain temperature and relative humidity. Strong temperature fluctuations, dank air were not allowed, which could damage and put a metal toy out of order, as well as create metal corrosion.

For the production of such toys (rubber toys) in Russia, plastisol is mainly used. This material is a thermoset polymer based on polyvinyl chloride. Before coloring, the mass is ordinary sour cream in color and consistency. In the future, it will be possible to give it color with the help of an organic dye.
As a result of heat treatment in an oven, the material hardens in the mold and acquires properties similar to soft rubber. This method is called rotational formatting. Let's consider this stage more specifically: the plastisol is poured into a special sealed metal mold that rotates in a red-hot furnace, then the thickened material is cooled in specially designed chambers.

At the last stage, the workpiece is removed from the mold and given its natural and familiar color. You can do this with a brush or airbrush. After completing all the above instructions, the finished product is placed in the package. It can be a plastic bag or a silicone bag. Storage also requires certain conditions to be met. Namely: these should be clean warehouses that do not contain a lot of dust and dirt, and toys should not be directly exposed to sunlight.

To open your own business in this area, you will need a small capital for which you need to purchase molding and injection machines, a calender, ovens, rollers, a mixer, and of course a press. To maintain this equipment, it will be necessary to hire about 15 workers plus several designers and constructors. The company will bring a stable profit in about 3 years.

The production of children's toys is a fairly actively developing business, and if you optimize the production and marketing of your products well, you can make good money without any space investments.

In simple terms, the basic principle of the production of this type of toys is to mold or blow the material into special molds. A lot depends, first of all, on the quality of the mold itself. The word much means the quality and circulation of manufactured products. The forms themselves are modeled in special programs, where the designer himself takes into account all sorts of nuances. After a global check of all the qualities of the product, the mold is sent to production. It itself can consist of both a set of special parts and specially made surfaces.

In most cases, even the largest Russian firms producing this type of products order molds directly from abroad. This is due to the fact that, unfortunately, at the moment our country does not have such high-quality equipment that allows us to make domestic products competitive in quality and durability compared to European manufacturers.

To change the situation, huge investments and simply huge investments are required, which, unfortunately, domestic companies are not yet ready for.

For more convenient and high-quality casting, it is also better to use Western-made equipment. This will facilitate and simplify the production itself. If we close our eyes to some insignificant nuances, then the technology can be represented as follows: the material enters the screw machine, where it is crushed and heated, and then enters the mold for casting under pressure.

There is another technology that significantly reduces material costs. This is done by blowing the plastic, in which case a special mold is used that only has one surface in direct contact with the plastic.

The equipment you need is by no means cheap, but still here it is: first of all, a plastic melting machine, automated cooling lines, as well as automated plastic pouring lines, more automated gluing lines, an automated stripping line and finally packaging equipment. finished products and artistic drawing.

To establish the above described production, the following costs will be required: about 1.5-2 million rubles. for the purchase of even the most minimal set of equipment, and another plus 1 million rubles for the purchase of raw materials. Dyes and decorative things.

Now let's discuss the area to accommodate all the equipment. Almost any room from 40 to 150 sq.m. is suitable for all equipment. (depending on the amount of equipment and the scale of production. Storage facilities will also be needed, but they should already be much larger! It would be better if it were located in a residential area or on the outskirts of the city.
Raw materials and finished products should be stored in a well-heated room. An equally important success factor is the correct execution of all production permits from local authorities, sanitary and epidemiological stations, and so on. All plastic toys are made from high quality polypropylene. Products manufactured by you must have certificates of sanitary and epidemiological conclusions. It must also be certified according to GOST R ISO 9001.

In addition to the production itself, it is necessary to organize a design department. Its importance is difficult to underestimate. As you know, plastic is a universal material from which all kinds of bizarre shapes can be produced, but today, that is, the simplest! Having a design department, you can simply become a direct leader, so think for yourself.

Due to the lack of investment investments, the domestic market is noticeably inferior to Western firms that create more complex toys. As mentioned above, our market produces only the simplest plastic products; in comparison with Western interactive toys, it is not competitive. But even from this situation there is a way out - the production of large or if they can be called giant toys. These include large children's motorcycles, cars, all kinds of plastic slides ...

Unlike other industries, Western competition is practically eliminated here due to very expensive delivery. Therefore, you can easily occupy this niche without fear of being squeezed out by the European "giants".

The demand for big toys has been growing every year in recent years, and these are not only kindergartens, but also ordinary citizens who want to give their baby a “big surprise” or just parents buy slides or sandboxes for arranging a summer house or a country house. As you can see, the demand is quite large, but there are not enough offers yet.

The total cost of creating such a business is about 5 million. rubles. The payback period is 1.5-2 years.

Recently, soft toys have been in stable demand, although they are not something necessary. Besides. Over the past few years, most buyers have been striving to purchase a Russian-made toy, and not a cheap Chinese one, as it was a few years ago.

Statistics say one thing, but the proverb “demand creates supply” does not work, oddly enough! At the moment, there are only a few companies involved in the production and supply of soft toys to the domestic market, although this is quite a promising and profitable business.

It should be noted that this type of business is seasonal in nature and this must be taken into account when organizing it. The peak of sales comes in the so-called holiday season, which comes before the new year and the Christmas holidays. At these moments, people most often buy gifts for their loved ones, friends, especially if they symbolize the coming year. By May, the volume of sales is noticeably reduced, and then increases again closer to September 1, when parents really want to please their still little "first-graders" (although they do not think so).

In order to open your business in this area, you need start-up capital in the region of $30,000, and it will be distributed as follows: the purchase of sewing machines, about $300 each, the purchase of stuffing machines, somewhere around $15,000 each, we will also take into account the fee for rent of premises, on average it is 100 dollars per sq.m.; Well, plus 1 thousand. dollars for paperwork.

The sphere of production of erotic toys is quite promising, of course, it is designed for the adult generation, but this does not reduce demand for it. It is much more difficult to establish the production of children's toys. The main problem is to attract the attention of the baby directly. Modern children spend a lot of time at the computer and this is not good for a soft toy. To be interested. To attract attention you have to go to the trick. It lies in the fact that the highest sales ratings are shown by a toy that resembles cartoon characters or a popular computer game, or toys that have eyes, a nose, and the like glow in the dark.

For luminous toys, all the above elements are made of self-luminous plastic, which accumulates light from any of its emitters. It does not contain phosphorus or other hazardous elements, which makes it safe for children according to all sanitary standards.
Such luminous toys are very attractive for children, especially for those who are afraid of the dark. Such a problem immediately disappears if such an object appears in the room. Darkness ceases to be something inexplicable and sinister, since there is always a friend nearby who, if anything, will always light the way. In addition to children, girls are bright fans of these types of toys. They decorate their rooms, cars, or simply collect them, receive them as a gift or buy them themselves.

One of the main problems of organizing this business is the personnel issue. He stands quite sharply, as nowhere. Due to the lack of designers, seamstresses, many managers, in addition to promoting and promoting a business, have to do completely different things. As in any business, the personnel issue is fundamental here. Another of the few problems is the sale and promotion of goods. Unfortunately, large domestic stores prefer to cooperate with foreign suppliers, which clearly does not have a positive effect on the development of this business. What remains, you ask, is cooperation with small companies or private stores. Advertising is best done by participating in charity events where your toys would be distributed as prizes. You can also try placing an ad in a small print media.

I would also like to add that this type of business can easily and simply turn into a family business, where one of the family members is directly involved in manufacturing, and the other two are promoting and selling.

This type of business is especially interesting for girls who want to do needlework. One of the advantages is low production costs and a high margin, often exceeding 100%.

It is impossible to imagine New Year without decorations of our Christmas tree! Without sparklers, multi-colored balls. The modern market is full of all kinds of jewelry, but handmade is always valued more. Therefore, this option can also be considered.

An experienced glassblower can make up to 200 balls in one shift. The next step is the silvering process. A glass-blower-created ball is filled with a solution consisting of ammonia, as well as ordinary distilled water and silver oxide, after which it is immersed in a certain container with a certain temperature of 42 degrees. The ball turns silver immediately after being submerged. Subsequent painting and drying are a preparatory stage, after which the ball is sent to the artists. This is the most interesting and exciting moment.

At this stage, absolutely all toys acquire directly the individuality and originality of their shapes and colors, because each toy is painted with a brush, which means that it is already a real work of art. Therefore, each glass New Year's toy not only has its own soul, it conveys all its mood to the buyer, and that is why Christmas balls bring a piece of fairy tale to your hearts.

The demand of buyers is quite large, so you should not stop only at the production of glass toys.
Paper crafts and toys are also in great demand in Russia, the production of which does not require special financial and power costs. Oddly enough, this part of the business is also quite profitable, of course, some people will not want to spend their savings on it, since they can make it themselves, but believe me, even here you will have your own customers.

In order to make a Christmas tree decoration out of paper, you can use two techniques: quilling and, of course, origami. Quilling - paper rolling, comes from the word quill, which means a bird's feather.

Quillin itself is an art or rather a technique that allows you to create masterpieces both on the plane and in volume, using paper ribbons twisted into a spiral.

This technique can be applied using improvised means (scissors and colored paper), in the event that you are engaged in the production of Christmas tree products. Tastes of all people, as you know, are different, so there is a buyer for each work, which guarantees good sales and a good flow of customers.
Holographic coating is one of the important factors in the manufacture of paper crafts. It is necessary in order to make the manufactured toys more vivid and bewitching.

Making New Year's toys to order in the modern world is very relevant and profitable. In modern society, the price for an exclusive work is growing inexorably, as a result, the demand for it is also increasing.

And there is nothing to say about hand-made. So making hand-made Christmas decorations is a very, very exciting and profitable activity. Here are a few ways to get started making custom toys. For example, you can easily come up with a design for a New Year's decoration, more than once, and all these ornaments will be unique. In this case, you put up ready-made toys for sale.

The next option may be a personal order of one of the clients. The main feature of this option is that the customer provides you with a model or sketch of a future Christmas tree toy.

After receiving the sketch, you must develop a detailed 3D model according to the sketch proposed to you. After various adjustments and clarifications on the 3D model, you show it to the customer by appointing a time to be 100% sure that you understood him correctly and this is exactly what he needs. After the end of the work, an indisputable masterpiece is obtained, unique and beautiful, capable of surprising anyone with the quirkiness of its shapes or sizes, the main advantage of such a product is its uniqueness and uniqueness. Such a gift cannot go unnoticed and will make a splash at the holiday, where it will rightfully take pride of place .

Speaking about the payback of this wonderful, creative business, we can say that all your investments will pay off in full, and you will also make good money in just a couple of weeks. It is also important not only to remember, but also to know and focus not only on solid toys, such as balls and other decorations, but also on toys made of paper, foil, corrugated paper, because the more variety you provide, the more profit you will get. But do not forget that the idea of ​​making Christmas toys suits creative people who love the magic of the New Year and fabulous winter days.

In conclusion, I would like to say. A toy is something that reminds us of childhood, returning to it and completely immersing it. Our imagination is involved in the creation of the toy itself, imagination develops and much more. Make beautiful, cute toys and give joy to other people!

In recent years, children's toys of a domestic manufacturer have become in great demand and popularity. Among them you can find a large number of worthy and, most importantly, high-quality goods. Consider the TOP-15 most popular Russian manufacturers of children's toys.

Factory "Spring"

Factory "Spring" is a leader in the manufacture of dolls. Every year they produce about 1 million different dolls that convey the national culture and flavor. For the production of its products, the company uses modern technology.

The company's arsenal includes more than 1200 different types of children's toys:

  • plastic and soft stuffed;
  • glove puppets;
  • fur toys;
  • developing, plastic and metal;
  • sports and board games.

One of the most popular dolls is Arina, who has an Android application. She is able to speak in phrases corresponding to different times of the day, sing and even send messages. You can upload files to it or work with it offline.


Bilank offers parents high-quality wooden toys made from environmentally friendly materials.

The whole range of presented toys is able to encourage the baby to develop and train good qualities and skills. All toys are durable and completely safe for children of all ages.

the only disadvantage toys brand "Bilank" is that They are produced in a limited number and therefore difficult to find on sale. .


The leader on the Russian market among manufacturers of prefabricated toy models is the Zvezda trademark.

Under the Zvezda trademark, high-quality toys are produced, including:

  • prefabricated models of various equipment;
  • games with soldiers;
  • desktop developing, strategic, logic and other games.

Most of all, buyers are attracted by high-quality models for assembly and military-historical miniatures, which are much cheaper than their foreign counterparts.

But, from the reviews, you can understand that such toys are more suitable for older children, since there are small parts in prefabricated models that will be difficult and even dangerous for kids to work with.

The World of Wooden Toys company positions itself as a manufacturer of high-quality educational toys made of natural wood.

The company makes the following wooden products for the little ones:

  • musical toys;
  • constructors;
  • lacing;
  • labyrinths

All parts are qualitatively processed, do not contain sharp corners and harmful materials in their composition.


The manufacturer of domestic toys "Gnome" on the Russian market is relatively recent. But even in such a short time, he managed to establish himself as a reliable partner and manufacturer of excellent quality educational toys. In its production, the company uses advanced technologies, modern equipment and safe materials. The manufacturer constantly monitors the market, therefore, regularly offers its customers new product models.

Moscow toy plant

The manufacturer has been producing toys made of polymer materials and board games for over 50 years. Many of the parents from childhood remember such toys as "Dress the doll", "On a fishing trip", etc., which still delight little players.

At the heart of each toy is learning, the ability to develop different skills and abilities in children. All products are created on the basis of joint developments, technologists, teachers and pediatricians. All goods and the material from which they are produced undergo strict sanitary control.

The world of childhood

The Mir Detstva company offers a wide range of products, among which you can find toys for children of different age categories:

  • For children under 1 year old, the company produces high-quality rattles, mobiles, and various hanging toys , which will entertain the baby during a walk or before bedtime.
  • For older children, the manufacturer offers constructors, sorters, development centers, musical and other toys , which will help kids learn colors, geometric shapes and acquire other useful skills.

Aster Class

The Russian toy manufacturer Aster Klass offers its customers educational soft toys that are suitable for babies from 3 months to 7-8 years old.

  • Bright colors and unusual texture will not only attract the attention of the child, but also help him develop and master new skills.
  • All parts of the toys are connected with Velcro.
  • Soft tactile toys of this manufacturer are very useful for the mental development of the crumbs.
  • Another feature of these toys is their multifunctionality, that is, one model can be used for 3 or more different games. It is also customary to use them for classes with children who have various developmental problems.
  • As a filler for most toys of the Astra Klass trademark, a special hypoallergenic crumb is used, which is known for its calming effect.


Among the developing prefabricated toys for children over 3 years old, the Soberu.ru brand can be distinguished. The manufacturer offers its customers high-quality wooden toys that help develop spatial thinking and fine motor skills in children over 3 years old.

If desired, parents together with their children can decorate the toy on their own or cover it with hypoallergenic varnish, giving it an unusual appearance.


The Helium company is known as a domestic manufacturer of children's toys, printing products and other goods.

Helium offers a wide range of:

  • designers;
  • themed cubes and dominoes;
  • lotto;
  • board games for preschool and primary school children.

All products are certified and absolutely safe for children to use.


The SmolToys company is known as a manufacturer of soft toys for babies. Bright and colorful toys will attract the attention of the crumbs for a long time.

  • All materials from which the toys are made and filled have passed the strictest quality control. Therefore, parents can be absolutely calm about the health of their children.
  • On each toy you will find a label with detailed information regarding its composition and purpose. Every month the assortment of the company is replenished with new models of toys.

The disadvantages of such toys, some include the fact that only dry cleaning can be applied to them.


The most popular products produced by the Aimid company are rocking chairs, which are very popular among parents of babies over 1 year old.

Recently, the manufacturer introduced jumping plasticine, which has already found its fans. It is non-toxic, does not leave marks on hands and clothes, and working with it is not only interesting, but also fun.


The manufacturer of children's toys "Polesie" is known not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the CIS and Europe. High-quality products of this brand are made from environmentally friendly raw materials. Parents know that not every toy can withstand the test of children's hands. But, about the toys of this brand, we can safely say that more than one generation of kids will be able to play with them, since they are all very durable. The range of products offered by "Polesie" is huge, and all toys have affordable prices.

Toy factory "Klasata"

Factory "Klasata" offers a huge selection of large plastic constructors suitable for children of all ages. All products of the company have an attractive design and are completely safe for the health of babies. Classes with such designers stimulate the motor skills of the hands and the creative abilities of the kids.


The range of toys produced by the Nordplast trademark includes about 700 items.

Among the products under the Nordplast brand, you can find the following categories of toys:

  • transport;
  • military series;
  • tolokars and other educational toys.

Thanks to modern production technology, Nordplast produces high-quality toys that are safe for children. A large assortment and affordable prices will allow parents to choose the best toys for their children.


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Russian production of soft toys

Presented in the exhibition catalog in 2019. Industrial companies organized their own production. Sale of goods in bulk at an agreed price. The list shows 40 enterprises. Production representatives:

  • "Orange Toys"
  • "Baby",
  • "Omsk toy factory"
  • "Boca"
  • "Mervit" and others.

A powerful technical platform for the production of soft toys is presented on the Russian market. Companies guarantee the quality of products and safety for children to play. Factories and workshops produce corporate and New Year's series to order. Color, size - to choose from. The toy is used as a gift or a souvenir. Materials are tested and certified. New baby products are coming out all the time.

Popular are: dolls, hearts, teddy bears, monkeys, etc. models. Factories use artificial fur material. Stuffing - cotton wool, sintepukh, holofiber. The enterprises have established a service for the sale of products in bulk on the website and in the online store. Federal transport organizations conduct wholesale deliveries in Moscow and the Moscow region, regions of the Russian Federation, CIS countries.

A manufacturer of children's toys is looking for cooperation with suppliers, distributors. Contact the manager in order to buy in bulk, download the price list. Companies have added addresses and phone numbers to the Contacts tab. Wholesale customers - discounts, promotions, benefits on the time of payment.

Ekaterina M about Allegro Terra LLC

Manufacturer rating:

I ordered toys, mix China 8 pcs and mix Russia 1000 pcs. Liked both of them. I wanted to order Russia, unfortunately only from 10,000 pieces. No less. And when I asked why on January 9, they accepted an order for a mix of 1000, they answered, the rest. I liked Russia more because the size of the toys is 20-22 cm. The price is up to 41 rubles. China is bright, 15-18 cm. So far, according to our capabilities, we are forced to buy China :(. And everything is super, I recommend

Evgenia about BabyDomiki

Manufacturer rating:

BabyDomiki products, beyond any competition, are confirmed by all necessary tests, including toxicity, which is confirmed by a quality certificate. Made exclusively from high quality materials produced in Russia and neighboring countries with love for children!

Vika45 about Polipharm LLC

Manufacturer rating:

We bought toys for the whole group. We were terribly worried whether our kids would like them at graduation. But the kids were so excited! Thank you for the idea!! We now buy regularly for graduations and holidays. Inexpensive and interesting, as the toys are different all the time.

Andrey Reutov about IP Generalov

Manufacturer rating:

There are no complaints. There are delays in delivery for 1-3 days. But this is not critical. The manager Ruslan is very competent. Always answers all questions. A guarantee is provided, marriage is replaced, Certificates are provided, videos and promotional materials are freely available. They work openly.

Mattel Hasbro Fisher Price Crayola Lego Zolo Marble Mania Blue Orange Makedo Kushies Baby WOW Rainbow

The children's toy industry brings together thousands of large and small manufacturers and tens of thousands of brands. Huge scientific resources, technological capacities and modern productions work for modern children, and new toys and even "toy" companies appear literally every day. When visiting a large children's store, one often gets the impression that the number of manufacturers of children's goods is truly endless. However, in reality, most of the most popular and high-quality toys are produced under different brands by just a few companies that have been around for decades.


The leader of the modern toy industry, Mattel produces a huge number of toys that are sold in 150 countries around the world. The company's factories are located in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico and Thailand. The company also works with contractors in the US, Europe, Southeast Asia and Australia. Several generations of American children have grown up on Mattel toys - and already two generations of Russian ones.

The music box is one of Mattel's first popular toys (1952).

The company appeared in 1945 and got its name from the first letters of the names of its founders: Harold Matson (Matt) and Elliot Handler (El). Initially, Mattel was engaged in the production of plastic and wooden furniture and baguettes - and the waste from the main production went to toy furniture for dolls. Gradually, the toy business became the main one. Under the company's brand, popular plastic guitars, toy pianos and music boxes were released to the market. Mattel's earnings have grown steadily. In 1956, the company decided to take a step that forever changed the toy industry - Elliot Handler and his wife Ruth, who was in charge of the company's finances, decided to sponsor the 15-minute program "The Mickey Mouse Club" on ABC, and the contract was signed for a year. The idea of ​​directing ads directly to children was new, but the rapid growth in sales confirmed its promise - in two years, Mattel's sales tripled. And in 1959, another epoch-making event took place in toy history - Mattel introduced the Barbie doll, the most popular toy in recent human history. The idea for the doll came from Ruth Handler, who noticed that their teenage daughter liked paper dolls depicting adult women much more than toy baby dolls. The Handlers named the new doll Barbara after their daughter. Barbie instantly gained immense popularity - within a few years, fan clubs of your favorite toy began to appear all over America, in which by 1968 there were 1.5 million fans. The company actively developed other toys - it was she who introduced the first talking dolls, walking dolls, dolls with moving lips and eyes. A great success in the field of "boy" toys was the HotWheels series of toy cars, which are still popular today. A close collaboration with Disney has brought great results - Mattel is the sponsor of many attractions in Disneyland, and also develops toys specifically for these theme parks. In addition to the heroes of Disney cartoons, almost all the characters of cartoons beloved by children - Tom and Jerry, the Flintstones, Harry Potter, Sponge Bob and many others have been noted in the company's lineup over the past decades. But of course, the most famous work of Mattel and still remains the Barbie doll. According to statistics, during the heyday of plastic beauty, in the 90s, every American girl aged 3 to 11 had at least two or three Barbie dolls. In a year, the company brought to the market up to 50 new types of the famous doll - and this is not counting related products, which included everything from shoes and clothes to backpacks, furniture and cosmetics. Since the birth of Barbie, more than a billion copies of this doll have been sold, and during the celebration of the bicentenary of the declaration of independence of the United States in 1976, the Barbie doll was included in the number of "cult" items included in the American time capsule. Today, Barbie dolls have fallen somewhat behind new doll idols (like Bratz and Moxxi), but still have a solid place on the shelves of any children's store - and continue to bring huge income to Mattel.

Mattel doll depicting the heroine of the popular cartoon "Tangled".


The second largest (after Mattel) toy company in the world, Hasbro is also a long-lived toy industry. The company is currently headquartered in Rhode Island, but Hasbro's manufacturing facilities are scattered around the world. The company was founded in New Jersey by brothers Henry and Gelal Hassenfeld under the name HassenfeldBrothers.

Mr. Potato Head is a landmark Hasbro toy.

Initially, the company was engaged in the processing of textiles, but gradually moved to the production of pencil cases and school supplies. In the 1940s, the company began producing the first toys - these were suitcases with toy medical supplies, which are still very popular with children today. However, the first real hit of the company was another toy - a collapsible doll " Mr Potato Head"(1952), familiar to modern children from the cartoon "Toy Story". In 1968, the company shortened its name to Hasbro, formed from the first letters of the words Hassenfeld Brothers. By this time, her assortment included many "landmark" toys - for example, "Soldier Joe", the first super-popular role-playing figure, which became for boys what the Barbie doll was for girls. Another truly historic Hasbro toy was introduced in 1984 - it was a toy horse " My little Pony”, which originally appeared after the cartoon of the same name, but gradually turned into an independent brand and enjoys great love of little girls to this day. Well, for boys around the same time, the company began to produce the first transformer toys - militant machines that could transform into cars or humanoid combat robots. Like " My Little Pony », transformer toys formed their own subculture and do not leave the store shelves to this day.

My Little Pony first appeared under the Hasbro brand in 1983.

In addition to its own developments, Hasbro included in its lineup toys under the brands Milton Bradley, CBS, Parker Brothers - well-known companies in their time, which were absorbed by Hasbro and today exist as subsidiaries of this giant. So hits such as Pokemon or Monopoly, the most popular board game of modern times, appeared in the Hasbro assortment. One way or another, Hasbro is now second after Mattel, although it is believed that it would have every chance of leadership if it were not for the ever-young and ever-popular Barbie.

fisher price

famous brand educational toys for toddlers Fisher Price appeared in the 1930s. The name of the company was formed by adding the names of the founders - Herman Fischer and Irwin Price. Also among the founders of this toy enterprise were Price's wife Margaret Evans Price, who was engaged in decoration and design, and Helen Schelle, the owner of a toy store.

The Musical Elephant is an incredibly popular Fisher Price toy that almost every older American had at one time (1948).

WITH From the very beginning of its activity, Fisher Price focused on toys that would be interesting to children of different ages, would have sufficient durability, would have great developmental potential, and at the same time, would not be expensive enough - after all, the founders of the company remembered the years of the Great Depression well in USA. First Fisher Price toys Made from yellow pine and steel, they could easily withstand the most intense games - and the bright and colorful design, designed by Margaret Price, attracted attention and delighted the eye. The company made its debut with children's wheelchair toys, depicting characters from popular children's books (for example, Dr. Doodle's goose). In the early 50s, the company was one of the first to abandon wood in favor of plastic, which was easier to process and retained color longer. In the 1960s, Fisher Price began producing Little People toys - educational models, play sets, books and discs under this brand are still popular today. Today, the company, which has developed more than 5,000 models of toys during its existence, produces children's goods and toys for children of primary and preschool age, including games and goods with the symbols of Winnie the Pooh, the explorer Dora (in the Russian version of Dasha the Pathfinder) and Kung Fu Panda under license from the respective film companies. The Fisher Price brand is currently owned by Mattel.

Winnie the Pooh Fisher Price - a huge range of toys depicting a character loved by children.


The American company Crayola, specializing in the production of art products, was founded in 1885 and is one of the oldest participants in the children's goods market. The founders of the company, which later became a giant of the industry, were cousins ​​Edwin Binney (EdwinBinney) and Harold Smith (HaroldSmith), who without much fanfare called their company Binney & Smith.

Initially, the company specialized in the production of industrial dyes using red iron oxide pigment and lamp soot, and the technology they developed for the production of inexpensive black dyes even won a gold medal at the Paris Exhibition in 1900. In the same year, the company began producing school slate pencils. And experiments with slate waste, cement and talc led to the creation of the first dust-free white chalk for drawing. Finally, in 1903, Edwin Binney created the first wax crayons, which went on sale on June 10, 1903 under the name Crayola (this name was invented by Edwin's wife, Alice Binney, who worked as a school teacher). The name was composed of two parts: crai (French "chalk") and ola (oleaginous, oily). By 1905, the company was offering wax crayons in 18 different sets and 5 sizes. The assortment of the company included both professional sets for artists and small kits for children's creativity. The color palette gradually expanded - for example, in 1939 it introduced a set of crayons, consisting of 52 colors, and in 1958 a set of 64 crayons Crayola appeared on the shelves. Today, the most numerous set of Crayola has 200 colors, although the standard sets of 8,16, 24, 32, 48 and 64 crayons are more popular. In addition to the usual crayons, Crayola also produces crayons with special effects - for example, with iridescent or metallic colors. Today, branded yellow boxes with the famous Crayola logo can be found in any children's goods store. Crayola products are very popular both in the home of this company, in the United States, and around the world. In 2003, in commemoration of the centenary of the Crayola brand, the largest crayon in the world was created at the company's factory - a blue giant with a height of 4.7 meters and a weight of 680 kg. The chalk was smelted from the remains of used Crayola crayons, which were specially collected by American children for this purpose. And in 1998, the US National Postal Service honored Crayola's contribution to American history with a special stamp.

Postage stamp with the first box of Crayola crayons

In addition to their famous crayons, Crayola currently produces a wide range of popular art products: colour pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, inks and paints, plasticine, coloring books and sets for children's creativity. The company also owns the brand of original mass for modeling SillyPutty, which has been very popular in the USA for half a century, and today it is gradually appearing in Russian stores. All Crayola products are high quality, non-toxic and suitable for children of all ages.


The first plastic Lego bricks were empty inside and could be used as rattles.

Lego is one of the most famous toy manufacturers in the world - and no wonder. After all, this Danish company produces plastic constructors for over 60 years. The famous company was founded by Ole Kirk Christiansen, a carpenter who made wooden toys and was one of the first to see the prospects of plastic as a material for children's building kits. The name of the Lego company is derived from the Danish words LegGodt, which means "play well". In 1949, the first set of "Self-Connecting Bricks" was born, which could be attached to each other. However, sales were not going very well - in Europe they did not trust plastic, and often already sold goods were returned back because of their unusual appearance. Everything changed only in 1954, when the son of its founder, Godtfred Kirk Christiansen, came to the management of the company. He quickly realized the advantages of the plastic construction set as a system product - and by 1958, self-connecting bricks had evolved into the details of our modern look. All Lego pieces released since that time are fully compatible with each other, regardless of the level of complexity and the date of publication of the set to which they belong. By the way, the production of parts of the desired size is not so simple: after all, all parts of the designer must hold tightly to each other, but if necessary, they can be easily and quickly separated without special devices. The development of new models involved 120 designers at the company's headquarters, which is located in Billund, Denmark. In addition, the company has small branches in Ukraine, Spain, Germany and Japan, which develop products adapted to local markets. The Lego assortment includes both ordinary universal constructors and sets dedicated to individual topics: cities, space, robots, pirates, trains, Vikings, castles, dinosaurs, etc. Only toys dedicated to war and military operations have never been in the Lego model line and not now (the founder of the company, Ole Christiansen, believed that war had no place in children's games). Lego production facilities are located in Denmark, Hungary, Mexico and the Czech Republic. The machines on which Lego constructors are produced have an error of no more than 10 microns. The pieces are molded from ABS plastic and are manually inspected for significant differences in color or size at the exit - according to Lego statistics, approximately 18 parts per million do not meet the standard. Up to 20 billion parts are produced annually (600 parts per second). And if all the Lego parts made to date are divided among the six billion population of the Earth, then each person will receive 62 parts. For fans of constructors (of which there are many not only among children, but also among adults), five huge theme amusement parks have been built, including many buildings from the details of the famous designer. The first Legoland was opened in the home of Lego in Danish Bylund in 1968. It was followed by parks in Windsor (UK), Günzburg (Germany) and California.

Model of London's Trafalgar Square at the Legoland theme park in Windsor (UK).

Zolo: unlimited I am creative freedom

Zolo was founded in the USA in 1986. Its origins were Sandra Higashi and Byron Glaser, professional designers - and young parents. In an effort to bring creativity to all areas of their lives, they were looking for toys that did not limit, but stimulated the child's imagination in the game. However, conventional designers offered only standard schemes for standard models. Then, sitting in their own kitchen with crayons and markers in hand, Higashi and Glazer created sketches of amazingly fun details that didn't seem to fit at all - yet came together in incredible designs that could be animals, insects, objects, or practically anything.

In the mid-eighties, the idea of ​​​​such transformations was too bold, and the new designer seemed too extravagant. The project was consistently rejected by three leading toy manufacturers. However, Higashi and Glazer did not give up. Soon, the designer's sketches found their realization in the form of bright, pleasant to the touch wooden and foam rubber parts, which were connected to each other with the help of holes and pins. At the same time, holes and pins could be located anywhere on the parts - and each new combination made it possible to create extraordinary, unique and very funny objects. The new construction set was packed in a wooden box with a paper wrapper instructions - and the first Zolo models were sold no more and no less than in the New York Museum of Modern Art.

Unusual construction sets, which stand out even in the traditionally vibrant children's goods industry with their eccentricity, fun appeal and huge creative potential, quickly gained popularity not only among children, but also among adults. Over the years, Zolo toys have received many solid awards, and leading specialized magazines and catalogs, recognizing the company's significant contribution to the "toy" industry, do not hesitate to put it on a par with the world's largest manufacturers of children's goods. In 2003, Zola products, along with the most famous toys of the 20th century, were mentioned in the book "The Power of Play: One Hundred Years", published by the American Toy Manufacturers Association for its anniversary.

Today, Zola defines its mission as bringing the game to all areas of life, destroying gaming stereotypes, developing emotional intelligence and maximizing the creative potential of each individual. Zola's product range is very wide and ranges from souvenirs to decor items made in a branded bright design. However, Zola toys and constructors are the most famous, which have gained popularity among children and adults around the world. Of course, wooden constructors are a thing of the past - today Zola constructors are made of high-quality lightweight and durable plastic and are sold in convenient zippered cases in which you can take your favorite toy both to visit friends and on a long journey. The company's assortment includes both ordinary open-type construction sets and special models of the Zolo Creativity series in original boxes that contain fun tasks and instructions that allow children to master collage, appliqué and decoration techniques in a playful way, improve their social adaptation during team games or fun competitions, learn to better express your creative view of the world in motion.

Constructor ZOLO ZOTO zolo-a-go-goConstructor ZOLO Zoto Zolotopia

With the help of Zola's "crazy" parts, a child can collect funny alien creatures, never-before-seen objects and amazing structures. The ability to see a whole image in a set of disparate parts, the study of various combinations of colors and shapes, the endless scope for experimentation - all this provides a powerful incentive for the development of a creative individuality and the formation of an artistic perception of the world. A separate advantage of Zola designers is their versatility - they can be used to play both alone and in a company, they are suitable for both girls and boys, they find fans not only among children, but also among adults. In addition, the details of all Zola designers are fully compatible with each other, which gives a truly limitless scope for creativity.

Marble Mania - toys for future geniuses

Kinetic constructors Marble Mania These are wonderful toys that can capture the attention of children for long hours. In addition to entertainment constructors Marble Mania They also have great development potential. They give the child an intuitive understanding of the basic laws of kinetics, dynamics and mechanics, improve technical abilities and spatial sense, and also have a huge beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills of the hands, which, as you know, is directly related to the level of development of intelligence and speech.

Dynamic designs for the movement of marble balls (marble runs) have been known in England and the USA for several centuries. In the days of Tom Sawyer, children (and often adults) built them from any materials at hand - scraps of wood, pipes, cubes, planks and household items. Today, the construction of "kinetic sculptures" also has many fans and is even considered a special kind of art. However, the educational potential of such structures is no less valued.

Construction set MARBLE MANIA 109441 Galaxy

In the West, volumetric labyrinths are used to demonstrate the basic laws of physics in children's educational centers and even schools. And home constructors of this type allow children to independently experiment with parts and assemblies, creating labyrinths of various levels of complexity. In recent years, kinetic designers have begun to enjoy well-deserved attention in Russia as well. The high-quality models of Marble Mania belong to the most popular toys of their group.

The goal of the game with the Marble Mania constructor is to build a three-dimensional labyrinth in which the balls, with the help of special devices, could make their way from the highest to the lowest point. To do this, grooves of various shapes and auxiliary mechanisms are used that create sound effects, raise and lower the balls to different levels or shoot them in the right direction. The movable mechanisms of the designer are set in motion by gears, working with which allows the child to realize or improve his technical skills. The designers are powered by conventional AA batteries.

Every constructor Marble Mania designed to create a large vertical labyrinth. The model line includes both ordinary construction kits with a different number of parts, and original models that will allow you to arrange real ball races or even glow in the dark. From the details of each designer, you can assemble not only large, but also less complex kinetic structures. And the full compatibility of all Marble Mania models with each other makes it possible to create giant labyrinths, the observation of which will become a favorite entertainment not only for children, but also for adults.

MARBLE MANIA 590164 Genius MARBLE MANIA 108642 Twin Turbo Tracks

Marble Mania toys have been repeatedly awarded prestigious national awards in the United States. For example, Marble Mania Mega and Marble Mania Genius were named the best toys of the year in 2008 and 2009, respectively, by the influential educational magazine Creative Child. In the following 2010, the Marble Mania Galaxy designer also received this award. And the Marble Mania Vortex has received a review from the leading expert of the American educational toy industry, Stivanna Auerbach, who recognized this model as the "Best Choice" of 2010.

Incredible, original, bright - board games Blue Orange

The brand Blue Orange ("Blue Orange") arouses interest by its very name. A memorable phrase creates a premonition of uniqueness, attractiveness, brightness - and Blue Orange board games fully justify all these expectations. However, the brand name is not just an attempt to stand out in a crowded market of toy manufacturers: it encapsulates the whole concept of the brand. The name of the Blue Orange company was a line from a poem by the greatest French poet of the 20th century, Paul Eluard: "The earth is all blue as an orange." Just like the famous surrealist, the "blue orange" in the name of the Blue Orange brand destroys stereotypes and becomes a symbol of the whole world - the world of a creative approach to the educational process, innovative ideas and the element of creativity.

Board game Gobblet Gobblers Board game "ChickyBoom ​​- The Rocking Rolling Roost!"

Blue Orange is a twenty-first century project: the company was founded in the USA just over a decade ago. Competing with large and much more experienced manufacturers has required Blue Orange to actively innovate, use experiential educational methods and, of course, impeccable product quality. Following these principles allowed the young company to find its niche in the toy industry.

The range of board games Blue Orange is very wide, especially considering the company's relatively short experience in this industry. In addition, the range of the company is continuously replenished - in 2010 alone, 8 new items appeared in it. Classic board games based on sudoku, dominoes and tic-tac-toe are equally popular among buyers as original games with simple rules and exciting tasks.

The company's products have received numerous awards from national parent associations, associations of toy manufacturers, leading thematic publications and the famous expert of the American educational toy industry, Stivanna Auerbach ("Doctor Toy"). All Blue Orange board games are made from durable, environmentally friendly materials. Most of the company's games are made of wood that is pleasant to the touch, safe and reliable. At the same time, the company is very principled in matters of environmental protection - instead of each tree cut down during the procurement of materials for Blue Orange products, two new ones are planted.

Board game Zimbbo's Elephantastic Board game "Sumoku"

Blue Orange games develop logical thinking, teach you to concentrate on your goals, train dexterity and fine motor skills, bring up the will to win, determination and the spirit of healthy competition. The Blue Orange range includes games for children of any age from 3 to 16 years old. However, these funny board games will be exciting entertainment not only for children, but also for adults - they will help to have fun with family leisure, while away a long journey or become a hit at any party.

Makedo - ingenious simplicity

The Makedo brand was born in Australia. Like almost everything exported from the Green Continent, Makedo products, with their outward simplicity, are distinguished by their fresh approach, phenomenal potential, the complete absence of analogues in Europe or America, and incomparable environmental friendliness.

Makedo was founded by Australian designer Paul Justin. Having spent several years designing toys for well-known Australian companies, Justin had the idea of ​​creating a game that would be more of a system than a single model, address social and environmental aspects, and at the same time be fun, simple and durable. And yet, the first Makedo constructor appeared spontaneously - Justin was inspired by his invention while playing together with his four-year-old son, who needed special tools to build incredible structures from the most ordinary household items.

Makedo constructors made their debut in 2008 at architecture and design exhibitions, but very quickly found their place on the shelves of children's stores. Within a few years, Makedo designers conquered Australia and crossed the ocean. Currently, the company is actively growing, expanding its lineup, developing international cooperation and winning the hearts of tens of thousands of "homemade" around the world.

Concept Makedo constructors is based on a simple truth known to all parents: give your child a new toy and it will keep him busy for an hour, give a cardboard box and he will play with it all day. However, Makedo's "designer" can only be called a stretch. This fantastic toy does not contain actual building parts - only fasteners are contained in a cardboard box made of recycled paper: studs, clips, hinges and a plastic file with a safety awl on the handle for cutting cardboard and piercing holes. Everything else must be chosen by the children. And if parents who are accustomed to finished products may be surprised, then the kids themselves are delighted - after all, with the help of the Makedo set, such interesting things as cardboard or plastic packaging, an egg carton, wrapping cloth or disposable tableware can find a new life in the form fantasy creature, spaceship or toy house.

IN the designer kit includes a small instruction "for inspiration". More detailed instructions are rejected by the Makedo concept itself - after all, children, who are not limited in any way in their creativity, no doubt, themselves will perfectly find use for the details of this constructor. Well, when the assembled structures cease to amuse, they can be easily disassembled and used Makedo fasteners to build new, no less wonderful structures. You can work with Makedo designers with the whole family - and often adults are even more interested in this activity than children.

Makedo kits develop creativity and independence, stimulate extraordinary thinking, teach to see the prototype of a future design in a variety of the most unexpected objects, lay intellectual flexibility, skills for constructive interaction with the environment and the ability to solve problems. Makedo constructors often referred to as the "Lego of the new generation". Creator Paul Justin himself pays homage to Lego as a childhood favorite. It is likely that Makedo, like Lego once, will really open a new page in the development of toys.

However, Makedo toys bear the stamp of the new, twenty-first century - this is phenomenal openness, and a return to the traditions of "handmade" creativity, and the desire to use ready-made forms, and social responsibility, coupled with indispensable concern for the environment. Despite the youth of the Makedo concept, the designers under this brand quite confidently claim to turn from a hobby into a lifestyle. And they have already become a significant phenomenon in the industry of educational toys.

Kushies Baby are incredible toys for the little ones.

Kushies Baby was founded over 50 years ago in the small town of Stony Creek, Ontario, about an hour from Toronto. Today the company is a leading Canadian manufacturer of high quality children's clothing and educational accessories for babies. However, in 1953 it was a tiny family business specializing in the manufacture of clothes for dolls - the founder of the company, Mary Malinowski, sewed her own.

The company, originally called Diana Dolls Wear, grew rapidly. Soon, doll clothes under this brand appeared in most Canadian children's stores, and a decade later the company became the only national manufacturer of doll accessories in Canada, which were actively sold not only in the domestic market, but also in the United States.

By the beginning of the 90s, expanding the range of its products, the company began producing goods for children in their first years of life. The new product line was named Kushies, which soon replaced the company's old name, Diana Dolls Wear. The funny word Kushies (cushy - English light, pleasant) combined the ideas of softness and comfort. Today, under this brand, more than 350 items of goods are produced from clothes and reusable diapers made from the company's patented organic cotton material to strollers and children's furniture.

KUSHIES Surprise Cube (Peeko) (80001) KUSHIES DigsDogHouse (80032)

A special line in the Kushies product range are bright, cheerful toys created in collaboration with the designers of the Zolo company. Funny toys in the corporate colorful style, Kushies Zolo are designed for the youngest naturalists who are just learning the possibilities of their arms and legs, the surrounding objects and, of course, the huge and interesting world. Zolo toys embody a creative approach to the development of the child, aimed at revealing his emotional intelligence. In accordance with the latest principles of early development and the writings of leading educators, Kushies Zolo toys build emotional self-confidence, stimulate cognitive abilities and ensure proper physical development. Thanks to their original design and thoughtful shape, Zolo toys engage several important areas of the brain at once, which compares favorably with conventional educational toys that focus only on the activity of one particular kind. Thus, Kushies Zolo toys lay down the flexibility of thinking, openness to everything new and the ability to solve problems outside the box, that is, the very qualities that are so necessary in our dynamically changing world.

KUSHIES Boa (80018) KUSHIES Magic World (Shangrila) (80025)

Safety and environmental friendliness of the materials used, as well as state-of-the-art production technologies, earned Kushies an award from the Canadian Department of Environmental Protection, which gives the right to place a special Ecology brand on the packaging. Rich experience in the production of children's toys has allowed the company to achieve the highest quality of manufactured products, which has been recognized by numerous national and international awards. The company's production facilities, which currently employs 200 people, are located in Stoney Creek (Canada) and Niagara Falls (New York, USA).


Educational toys for kids of the world famous English company WOW TOYS have finally come to the Russian market. This is a joyful event for those who buy and appreciate educational toys for children. WOW TOYS toys immediately put the child at ease and involve him in the game: they are durable and reliable, easy to combine, do not have small parts and sharp corners. It is interesting to play with them both for a one and a half year old baby, and for a child of 3-5 years old, who is actively studying the world around him. The company produces WOW multifunctional educational toys on various topics: be sure that the child will exclaim: “Wow!” When he receives an animal rescue helicopter, a moon rover, a carriage with a princess or a clockwork boat as a gift.

How and for whom to play wow toys?

WOW TOYS toys are suitable for children from 1.5 to 5 years old - the same toy in children of different ages stimulates and develops different skills. Wow toys grows with your child. At a year and a half, the toy develops motor skills, sensory skills, coordination, hearing and vision. Educational toys from 2 years old are necessary for practicing already acquired skills and contribute to new discoveries. At two and a half years, Wow Toys help the child learn and improve social interaction, at this age the child begins to be more interested in playing with adults and friends. Educational toys from 3 years old enrich the child's imagination and imagination by participating in role-playing games and exploring the world around them.

7 reasons to buy wow toys:

  1. High quality, durable and safe material , from which toys are made: no polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and phthalates - chemicals that pose a potential hazard to the child.
  2. Simple, clear, friendly and safe toy design. Check it out for yourself - show your child wow toys, and you will see a smile and approval. Small details are missing! The simplicity of toys leaves room for imagination and does not require constant intervention from parents in the game.
  3. Self-sufficiency. Wow toys don't need batteries. Parents know that buying batteries or accumulators is an additional expense when purchasing many modern toys.
  4. Wow Toys Compatibility. All parts of play sets, figures of people and animals can be combined and combined with each other. This creates an infinite number of options for the game and the development of the plot. This is what makes the child return to play with Wow toys again. Many toys are adapted for water play.
  5. "Magical" possibilities. Under this definition are hidden interesting ideas created by designers. The machines have an inertial, frictional or rocking mechanism, doors or gates open with a “click-clack” sound, parts rotate with a pleasant click. The trolley is attached to the car not in the traditional way (this, by the way, often causes irritation in the baby - the inability to attach / unhook the car or trailer himself), but with the help of a magnet hidden inside the connection. Some toys have secret buttons that can be opened using only the figure's hand. Some figures "work" with a rotary key. In all WOW TOYS toys you will find pleasant and unexpected surprises!
  6. Reliability and experience. Toys are regularly tested, and not only by independent experts, but also by children who participate in the production process. WOW TOYS is a participant and winner of many competitions, winner of the "Top Toys Awards" in 2010 and 2011 and the "Good toy award PLAY MATTERS" in 2009.
  7. Excellent combination of price and quality , because you buy a toy not for one day or a year. WOW TOYS will be with your child until he wants to give it to his own children!

Rainbow of goodness and development

Cheerful plastic "dominushki" with berries, a set of "Rally" sports cars and vans with the alluring inscription "Circus" on the sides, so fabulously attractive, calling to go, fraught with a bright unfamiliar world. Evening trips with the whole family along different fabulous routes, full of uncertainty, when you don’t know where the next move will lead you ... All this was in our childhood, all this is now, thanks to the simplest and most affordable, and at the same time, the most magical tool in the world - the game! These Rainbow games took us to a wonderful, interesting world. Raduga OJSC is a factory that has been working for more than fifty years for the sake of the development of the child, for the sake of his happy childhood, a worthy future.

The Lyangasovskaya toy factory (it was from this name that Raduga began its career) was born thanks to changes in the policy of the Soviet state. One leader was replaced by another, and among other changes, economic ones also took place: artel production, widespread among the population of Russia since the second half of the 17th century, gradually faded away. In 1960, on the basis of the Pasegovskaya artel for the manufacture of musical toys and the Simakovskaya artel "Metalist", located in the area of ​​​​the village of Strizhi, the Lyangasovskaya toy factory was organized.

In 1970, an event occurred that predetermined the future happy fate of the factory - a building was built in which cardboard and printing production was organized. A large Planet printing machine, three rotaprinters, punch presses, two crucible machines, and a varnishing line helped the factory workers to give the children of the seventies a happy childhood.

Meanwhile, the factory grew and developed. From 1963 to 1990, the factory was part of the Vyatka association, and this had a beneficial effect on its development - with the help of the association, construction and equipment went much faster. In 1985 equipment of joint production Japan-Germany was installed on new tinplate printing lines. The production of a metal toy begins, including those very wonderful little cars that, probably, every Kirov child had at that time.

In 1990, the policy and economy of the state once again underwent significant changes, and this again affected the life of the Lyangasovskaya toy factory - it became an open joint-stock company and acquired its modern name - "Rainbow". Since 2001, Raduga has been living and working in close contact with JSC Vesna, which has a positive effect on the development of production.

Production of the factory "Rainbow" is, indeed, a rainbow of names (there are more than four hundred of them!), colors, opportunities for the development of small buyers of products.

Game "Speech therapy cubes" Pyramid "Literate" Game "Rebuses"

WITH The company's specialists keep track of modern trends in their segment, study the needs of the consumer. An idea for an interesting educational game can be offered to the factory by absolutely anyone interested in the development and education of children - all interesting proposals are accepted and considered. Based on the best, games are released, and the author of the idea is even paid a reward.

For more than half a century, the “Rainbow” has been shining over the Vyatka land, filling children's minds and souls with the light of goodness, creativity and development. The life motto of this largest manufacturer of educational games in Russia could well be a quote from the work "Thoughts on Education" by the famous British teacher and philosopher of the 17th century John Locke: that they are prescribed to us. Teaching should never be entrusted to children in the form of some kind of task or turned into a dokuki subject. Learning can be turned into play and entertainment for children, and you can instill in them a desire to learn if it is presented as a pleasure.