How can an accountant make money from his knowledge? Homework for an accountant

  • What are the prospects for such income?
  • Company registration
  • Premises and equipment
  • Staff
  • Advertising
  • Income and expenses

In each of our articles dedicated to how to start a small business from scratch, we advise our readers to hire an outsourced accountant. This is really very convenient and allows you to save money on a full-time employee. If you yourself decide to organize a business in accounting services, then we will tell you where to start and how to promote your company!

What are the prospects for such income?

Accounting services as a business is a rather promising area, because... Most entrepreneurs, when they open a small business from scratch, do their own reporting and other paperwork. This is due to the fact that not all businessmen initially have enough start-up capital to hire an accountant. Therefore, the manager himself begins to understand zero reporting and other matters, devoting less time to his business. As a result, there comes a time when a lot of paperwork accumulates and you urgently need to look for a specialist who will help solve the problem.

In order not to complicate running a business, remote accountants have recently become popular; they handle company reporting from home or in their own office, earning slightly less than a full-time employee. The benefit is mutual - the businessman saves time and money, you get the opportunity to earn money on accounting services. Interested in the idea? Then read on to learn how to open your own accounting for a woman!

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Company registration

If you want to organize a business providing accountant services, first decide on the organizational and legal form. You can open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To make money on accounting services, it is better, of course, to register an LLC, but opening an individual entrepreneur will require much less documents and, accordingly, initial costs. We still recommend registering yourself as an individual entrepreneur, and in the future, when you are able to build up a client base and earn solid money, expand your office and open an LLC.

Also at the registration stage you need to select the type of activity. For your own accounting department, we recommend OKVED code 74.12 - “Activities in the field of accounting and auditing.” It is better to choose the tax regime “simplified taxation, simplified tax system”.

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As for the areas in which you can earn money, to begin with it will be enough to provide the following services:

  1. Registration and liquidation of enterprises.
  2. Accounting.
  3. Preparation of reports to the social and pension fund, as well as the health insurance fund.
  4. Personnel accounting, as well as payroll for company employees.
  5. Zero reporting.
  6. Development of accounting policies.
  7. Maintaining a book of sales and purchases.

To begin with, this will be enough to organize a business in accounting services. In the future, you can also provide the services of an auditor, a lawyer (if you hire the appropriate employee) and even conduct accounting courses.

Premises and equipment

To organize a business providing accounting services, when opening an individual entrepreneur, it is not necessary to rent an office. At first, you can open an accounting office at home and meet clients on their territory. When the volume of work increases and there is a need to attract new employees, you can already think about an office with an area of ​​40-50 square meters. Such a room will be quite enough to accommodate 5 computer desks for your accountants.

The best office location is close to potential clients. In addition, you should conduct a competitor analysis so as not to rent premises next to some well-promoted company that also provides accounting services. Another very good idea would be to rent a room next to the tax office, so that clients can do several things related to the company’s reporting in one place at the same time.

As for equipment, if you work from home for the first time, you will only need a computer, Internet, office equipment and licensed programs. For an office, you will have to allocate money to renovate the premises and purchase furniture.


Opening your own accounting department at first may be possible without involving partners, but when business starts to improve, you will need to hire several qualified accountants. A mandatory requirement is work experience, because... Your little-known company should not be tarnished by unskilled workers. You can even find employees via the Internet. Many female accountants are interested in how to earn extra money while on maternity leave on your knowledge. Look for appropriate forums and offer cooperation.

Knows how much accountants earn depending on their experience and professional skills. Check the salaries on your resume and create a new career plan. We will tell you what you need to know and be able to do to earn more.

What does an employer require from an accountant? Typical functionality
Maintaining one or more areas of accounting.
Work with primary documentation.
Carrying out reconciliations.
Preparation of accounting and tax reporting.
Submission of reports to tax authorities and funds.
Issuing various certificates to employees (to the employment fund, to pay child benefits, to receive subsidies, about income, at the request of various organizations, etc.).
Preparation of accounting documents for filing in the archives.
Preparation of reports for company management.

How much do accountants get paid in 2018, depending on length of service?

City without experience from 1 year from 2 years from 3 years average salary
Moscow 35 000-40 000 40 000-50 000 50 000-60 000 60 000-120 000 55 000
Saint Petersburg 25 000-30 000 30 000-40 000 40 000-50 000 50 000-100 000 45 000
Volgograd 18 000-21 000 21 000-26 000 26 000-30 000 30 000-62 000 28 000
Voronezh 20 000-23 000 23 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-68 000 32 000
Ekaterinburg 23 000-27 000 27 000-34 000 34 000-40 000 40 000-80 000 36 000
Kazan 20 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-67 000 30 000
Krasnoyarsk 20 000-23 000 23 000-28 000 28 000-35 000 35 000-70 000 32 000
Nizhny Novgorod 20 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-67 000 30 000
Novosibirsk 21 000-24 000 24 000-30 000 30 000-36 000 36 000-72 000 33 000
Omsk 15 000-21 000 21 000-27 000 27 000-32 000 32 000-64 000 29 000
Permian 17 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-33 000 33 000-66 000 30 000
Rostov-on-Don 20 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-67 000 31 000
Samara 20 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-67 000 31 000
Ufa 18 000-21 000 21 000-27 000 27 000-32 000 32 000-65 000 30 000
Chelyabinsk 20 000-23 000 23 000-28 000 28 000-35 000 35 000-70 000 32 000

What will help you earn more? Top 10 recommendations: watch - and build a plan for your career!
1. Higher education (finance, economics).
2. Confident knowledge of 1C, Excel, reference and legal systems.
3. Availability of a professional accountant certificate.
4. Knowledge of English.
5. Knowledge of IFRS.
6. Full accounting experience.
7. Experience in tax optimization.
8. Experience in protecting company interests in tax disputes.
9. Experience in successfully passing audits and tax audits.
10. Experience in companies according to the employer’s profile (sales, construction, production, etc.).

Where can I find the best job? Latest vacancies for accountants

Who to follow as an example? Best accountant resumes

If you are a specialist in your field and have devoted your entire life to being an accountant, then you can be sure that you will be able to earn money on the Internet remotely.

According to one of the founders of the online office furniture store (the products can be found at the link -, the accounting profession is quite complex and for many entrepreneurs who have achieved success, your services are simply necessary, and given the widespread use of online business today, your services will definitely be in demand.

Remote earnings for accountants are a great way to have income in your free time when, for example, you are looking for a permanent job or are on maternity leave or already retired.

To start this activity, you need to use some technical equipment: a computer with a constant Internet connection, a printer, a fax, communications equipment, a microphone, a web camera and much more.

If you decide to engage in such activities professionally, then you will have to find a permanent employer, which is sometimes not so easy to find, because not everyone can trust their finances to a stranger on the Internet.

Thanks to various sites that provide vacancies, you can find employers, or this can be done on thematic forums or, for example, on freelance exchanges.

When composing an advertisement that you are looking for remote earnings, be sure to indicate real data in order to inspire confidence in the future employer; in addition, indicate your professional experience, the previous place where you worked and the reason for seeking this type of income.

On the part of entrepreneurs, using your services can save a huge amount of money. They save on wages and taxes, and besides, in this case, the employer is sure that he is paying for the result, and not just for going to work.

You will most likely not be able to find a permanent employer on freelance exchanges. But on the other hand, you will work exclusively in your free time, and you will be able to collaborate with several employers at once. In this case, you will have a stable and high income.

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Greetings to my readers! I am with you again, Rimma Belyakina. We continue to find out what other professions can be painlessly transferred from a boring office to a cozy home environment. Next up is the profession of accountant.

Remember the words of the song of the once sensational group “Combination”: “Accountant, my dear accountant. That’s how it is - so simple.” The lyrics of the song are, of course, comic, but in every joke, as they say, there is some truth. How simple is the work of an accountant and is it easy to reconcile debits and credits while not in the office, but at home. Let's figure it out together.

Friends, if you have questions, additions or your own thoughts on this matter while reading the article, I will be glad to chat with you in the comments.

Who is an accountant and what does he do?

Well, who now doesn’t know what an accountant is? Whatever office, institution, enterprise or company you take, the above-mentioned specialist is everywhere. This is understandable, because any institution must keep records of its financial affairs and pay its employees. And there’s no way to do it without a specialist who knows how to work with numbers.

An accountant is an official of an organization responsible for financial accounting and reporting.

How this profession appeared

It always seemed strange to me why this profession received such a name. Knowledge of languages ​​gives me the opportunity to analyze and understand the essence. The word "accountant" comes from the German "buchhalter", where "buch" is a book and "halter" is a holder. Book holder? What do the numbers and the finances associated with them have to do with it? And despite the fact that previously all income/expenses were recorded in a book specially created for this, and the accountant was responsible for it.

It is also noteworthy that this profession is one of the most ancient. Ancient India was the leader in countries where bookkeepers were used to record the production of agricultural land. The first book, entitled “Treatise on Accounts and Records,” written by Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli, was published in the 14th century. This was the beginning of accounting. In Russia, accountants owe their existence to Peter I, who established this position at the beginning of the 18th century.

The profession of an accountant was, is and will always be in demand. Both large holding companies and small organizations of any kind need the services of a specialist who knows how to competently manage financial affairs.

Tasks and responsibilities of an accountant

What does an accountant do? The range of his tasks is large, as is his responsibility. After all, the entire activity of the enterprise depends on it. Judge for yourself. The “right hand of the head of the enterprise” is in charge of:

  • processing of primary documentation,
  • calculation of income / expenses of the organization,
  • accounting of financial and material resources,
  • preparation of tax returns,
  • accrual (sometimes and issuance) of salaries,
  • carrying out inventory,
  • execution of foreign exchange transactions (if any are carried out by the company),
  • accounting for purchases and sales of products.

Do you want to know in more detail what an accountant’s job is, what he should know and be able to do? Look into qualified job directory.

I always try, my dear readers, to collect the most interesting and useful information for you. And the text, so that it is not boring to read, should be diluted with an informative video supplemented with interesting facts. So this time I suggest you watch a short film - a description of the profession with educational statistics in addition to what has already been said.

Who needs which specialist? A small enterprise can easily get by with just one financial manager on staff. In a large corporation, an entire accounting department will be required under the leadership of a chief accountant. He is subordinate to several assistants, each of whom is responsible for a certain type of work of the entire accounting department.

Benefits of remote work for an accountant

"Everything flows, everything changes". Wooden abacus, once necessary for performing settlement transactions, is a thing of the past. They were replaced by electronic calculators, computers appeared and with them the ability to transfer financial accounting from paper to automated computer programs.

And here it is, the moment of truth: for many organizations, especially for small individual entrepreneurs, it has become profitable to attract remote workers or freelancers to cooperate. Why, you ask? Because:

  1. An entrepreneur can save on the salary of an online worker, unlike a hired one.
  2. A remote employee does not need to pay sick leave.
  3. There is no need to provide him with annual paid leave.
  4. Set up a special workplace for him.
  5. Provide necessary office supplies.
  6. Pay income tax for him, if an employment agreement has not been concluded.

How can a digital worker benefit from being able to work remotely? Quite a few:

  1. Free flexible schedule.
  2. You can simultaneously cooperate with two or more employers and double or triple your income.
  3. Your office at home/in a hotel, at least sit in cozy warm slippers with bunny ears.
  4. No need to think about the dress code (saving on clothes).
  5. There is more time left for home, family, children.
  6. Working remotely is a good part-time job for mothers on maternity leave.
  7. The “pleasures” of office work (stress, “sitting around”, “carpet”, etc.) bypass you.
  8. There is an opportunity to realize a dream (to travel at any time of the year, for example).

Lots of benefits and conveniences, isn't it? And for many asocial people, this format of cooperation is an opportunity to maintain business relations at the proper level, which is also important.

How to switch to work from the office to the Internet?

There are more and more people who want to “set sail freely” and work “for themselves, not for their uncle.” And just like that, “from the street” knocking on some organization’s door and saying: “I want to work in your company as a remote accountant,” it’s unlikely to work. Let's take a closer look at where to start and how to move work from the office to the Internet.

You need to work in office accounting for at least three years, establish yourself as a competent, reliable specialist who you can completely rely on, and only then “throw a bait” at management about remote work.

Ideally, switch to an online workspace during maternity leave. Being at home all the time, what’s stopping you from spending a few hours reconciling debits and credits? Training, again, so as not to lose the skill. And money is never too much. And this only plays into the hands of the bosses: who wants to look for a replacement for a proven employee for a couple of years?

Many existing offline accountants with experience, at the beginning of their journey towards online work, take evening work and run one or two companies remotely in their free time from their main job. Having become proficient in the specifics of the profession, they completely switch to the Internet format.

I know this firsthand. My neighbor in the country, an accountant with 30 years of experience, started her remote work career and now, being already retired, she still works and only remotely.

All the pros and cons of a home office

Of the obvious benefits of working from home, the most convincing are:

  • The opportunity to receive a larger fee than in the regular mode, where the salary is usually fixed. A freelancer can set prices for his services himself. And in freelancing you get paid upon completion of the work, you don’t have to wait for the end of the month, as in offline.
  • A big plus, which we have already talked about, is a free flexible schedule. There is no need to get up early, shake in public transport, stand and be nervous in traffic jams. And most importantly, you can sleep as much as you want. A freelance accountant will not face any penalties for being late for work or absenteeism.
  • Another significant advantage is the ability to combine business with pleasure. Who wouldn't want a “study” with windows overlooking the sea?

There are also a lot of disadvantages:

  • Freelancing work, unless a contractual relationship has been concluded, is always a risk; you can “run into” unscrupulous customers.
  • Building relationships with employers doesn't always go smoothly. Many, due to hazing, try to load overtime work, for which they usually do not pay.
  • Big competition. There are more than enough vacancies for accountants at home. You will need to prove your qualifications and competitiveness.
  • High responsibility, because miscalculations and mistakes are punishable by tax audits.
  • Organization and self-discipline, which are so lacking in "free" workers. The concept of “bosses, alarm clocks and Mondays” is absent from the understanding of a freelancer, and this is disorganizing. Many people procrastinate (to put it simply, they drive themselves crazy), which can lead to a decrease in earnings.

Features of the profession

The work of an accountant is strictly regulated by regulations of the current legislation. And in order to correctly maintain financial records, an accountant needs to know and study the laws and decrees of the Ministry of Finance and constantly improve.

Necessary professional knowledge

It is clear that a simple desire and ability to do mathematics is not enough to get an accountant position at an enterprise. Without graduating from a vocational college, or better yet, a financial and economic university, you can’t count on getting a prestigious position in a company.

An applicant for a high-paying position must understand the following issues:

  • statistics,
  • finance,
  • accounting,
  • lending,
  • economics,
  • planning,
  • taxation.

Must have good knowledge and be able to use:

  • 1C program (accounting),
  • Excel program.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is a must if you are aiming to cooperate with international companies.

What qualities do you need to have?

The accountant profession is in demand. Are you still thinking about acquiring this specialty? Then think about whether you have these character traits:

  • responsibility,
  • Analytical mind,
  • competence,
  • stress resistance,
  • punctuality,
  • attentiveness,
  • perseverance,
  • patience,
  • logical thinking,
  • decency.

All qualities are valuable and important. In my opinion, the absence of at least one does not give a complete picture of a professional.

What can he do other than accounting?

However, there are many types of profession. And, since mathematics was your favorite subject at school, and for some reason the position of chief accountant is not in the cards for you, with some effort you can prove yourself in one of them:

  • Economist (for example, a credit department in a bank). It’s very profitable: less financial responsibility, more salary.
  • Economist-analyst. Handles calculations, forecasts, and budgets.
  • Financial Manager. Strategist who manages the company's financial flows.
  • Auditor. This is, of course, aerobatics, since his job is to control the work of the accountant.

It is still difficult to say how likely it is to distance these professions, but we can try.

How much does an accountant earn remotely?

The salary level of a remote accountant depends on the company, position, assigned responsibilities, and region.

According to statistics from the website for 2017, the average salary of a remote accountant is 30,000 rubles.

Where to look for a job?

How to find a job as an accountant from home?

Method 1. On job search sites, the most famous of which are:


There are many work-at-home accountant vacancies. You can also place your advertisement for a job seeker there, having first compiled a competent resume.

Method 2. On accountant exchanges:


Write a commercial proposal and send it to potential employers.

Method 3. Word of mouth is far from the last chance.

Method 4. You can make business cards and leave them in all sorts of places.

There are plenty of opportunities to find a job, you just need to want and be active. As you know, water does not flow under a lying stone.


Every day we see how Internet technologies are being introduced into our lives at an accelerated pace. And we are increasingly moving away from real life, giving preference to virtual reality. This process can no longer be stopped. And all we have to do is learn to live in a new way and benefit from it.

For those who are seriously thinking about switching to freelancing, I advise you to read

You can find out more in our article by following the link.

How often do we face a lack of money! It seems like there is a permanent job, and they pay well, but there was still no money! Sometimes the task of making it from paycheck to paycheck seems like something fantastic. For some, this situation in life is permanent, for others it is temporary, but both the former and the latter are united by the desire to change this situation as quickly as possible. This is where the opportunity to earn extra money comes in handy. And when the question “How to do this?” appears, the easiest way is to do what you already do for a living. If you work as an accountant, then it is easiest to look for a part-time job of this type.

Where are accountant services needed?

Finding an advertisement in a newspaper or on the Internet offering to work as an accountant from home is almost impossible. Even if it gets there, the hype around it is crazy. But you shouldn’t despair, since there are few such offers only from large companies. But small businesses or those that have just opened are often in great need of such specialists. After all, creating and maintaining a full-fledged workplace is beyond the means of many young companies, and it is necessary to submit reports, even zero ones. This is where you can come to the rescue for a certain amount of money.

How to start earning money as an accountant from home

You should understand that one company can give you a relatively small income per month. Therefore, start by building up a base of several companies. Then Your monthly additional income can reach 20,000 – 30,000 rubles . And this is already very, very good.

You can search for companies through the Internet, acquaintances or friends, posting your resume on different sites. You can (and even need to!) call or come to small companies yourself and offer your services. You shouldn’t, of course, expect that all of them will welcome you with open arms, but it is quite possible that some of them will need your services (they may be especially often needed in small shops and private entrepreneurs). Be prepared to be rejected. It `s naturally! The main thing is not to give up and keep looking.

Here you need to understand that the more actively you search, the more you will get as a result. So don't sit idly by. It is unlikely that the job will come to you on its own; you will have to try and spend some time searching. Then your activity will generate income, so let’s drive laziness and embarrassment away!

What features of working from home as an accountant should be taken into account?

Do not forget that you are an unofficial worker. Since it is expensive for an employer to officially employ you, your contract will most likely be oral. There are both pros and cons.
The advantages include the fact that you do not bear any financial or legal responsibility. After all, all documents are signed not by you, but by the head of the company. And taxes will not be deducted from your income.
But informal employment can also be considered a disadvantage. After all, you will have no guarantees! Therefore, do not rush to send reports (especially if these are the first reports for any company) by email. It is better to spend a little time and hand over the report “from hand to hand”. Of course, it’s better to take the money right away too! It’s better to start using email when you are confident in the company and see that they are interested in your services.

Who is suitable for working at home as an accountant?

Of course, we can say that if there is a desire, there will be opportunities, but you still need to take into account that you will need a sufficient amount of free time. If you are constantly lacking it, then you should not take on additional obligations. As a last resort, do not recruit too many companies so that your earnings do not come at the expense of your main work and personal life.
If the lack of free time does not bother you, then feel free to take on this task. By gradually collecting your own “client base”, you will get involved in this business, it will not be so tiring and difficult to do additional reports in your free time, and a good amount of money that you can earn with the help of such a simple business will be a good help for the family budget and will more than cover all the shortcomings of this part-time job. So go for it! You will definitely succeed!