How to calculate the profitability of a beauty salon formula. A ready-made example of a business plan for a beauty salon with calculations

♦ Initial investment: 1,225,000 rubles
♦ Payback period: 9 months
♦ Beauty salon profitability: 55%

A presentable appearance is important to many people. They are ready to invest in special procedures, cosmetics, visits to specialists in order to maintain their beauty.

As you know, demand creates supply. Therefore, opening a company in the field of beauty has great potential and profitability.

As in any other serious business, the first step to success is to write beauty salon business plan.

Why open a beauty salon?

  1. Such a business in the future can be developed into a whole network of salons.
    In this case, the name will start working for you, and new investors for the business may appear.
  2. To get started, a minimum staff and a set of equipment will suffice.
  3. For a beauty salon, it is not necessary to rent a large room.
    If there is enough space for 2-3 masters (7 sq.m. per workplace) - this is quite enough to start the full functioning of the company.
  4. Business demonstrates high rates of development.
    After all, even in times of crisis, people try to allocate money for personal care.
  5. The initial investment is relatively small.
    At the same time, competent adherence to the business plan will allow you to recoup them in 9-12 months.

Beauty Salon Business Plan: Planning

Project Summary

A business plan for a beauty salon begins with a summary of the future enterprise.

This is the shortest section of the plan, but no less important.

Introductory 5-6 sentences should briefly reveal the essence of the project and interest the reader.

In this paragraph, the entrepreneur describes in more detail the goals he has set for himself and with the help of what methods he plans to achieve the desired.

The first ones include:

  • profit from the organization of a beauty salon;
  • development of a step-by-step development strategy;
  • analysis and conclusions regarding the payback of the project.

The first of the goals is the main one, because all further steps of the entrepreneur are focused on opening a salon.

Company business plan information

This section of the business plan contains information about the name of the enterprise, its location, and work schedule.

The location of the salon is most advantageous on a street with a busy traffic of pedestrians and cars, with parking spaces.

An important condition for success is the absence of competing firms nearby.

The firm may be located inside a shopping center or office building. But in this case, special attention is paid to outdoor advertising, a noticeable sign and clear signs for visitors.

beauty salon marketing plan

In the "Marketing" section of the business plan, the place of the project in the service market is determined, strengths and the presence of competitors are assessed.

The final document should include an analysis and description of the following factors:

  1. Trends in the development of the beauty and services sector in the current conditions.
  2. Analysis of how the location of the salon will affect the success of the salon.
  3. Information about the client base: age, gender, income level, etc.
  4. Analysis of the advertising campaign that will be undertaken during the opening of the salon and its promotion.
  5. Information about competitors, their advantages, features.

At the moment, the decision to open a beauty salon demonstrates a high level of profitability.

With a competent approach to the placement of the company, as well as its promotion, there is every opportunity to obtain a constant stable flow of customers.

Target audience of the project

The largest part of clients of beauty salons in the current business plan is represented by women aged 25-34. However, in recent years, the segment represented by teenagers aged 14-18 has also been growing.

Both girls and boys strive to put themselves in order, trying to minimize the manifestations of adolescence.

The average level of income of the target audience depends entirely on the type of salon. Obviously, VIP class establishments are mainly visited by people with an income of 50-80 thousand rubles. per month. At the same time, for visitors to economy-class firms, an income of 20-30 thousand rubles is typical. per person.

Salon advertising campaign

However, there are several options for an inexpensive but effective advertising campaign for the current business plan:

  • Adding to maps.
    Many customers are looking for a salon on request a la "kiy-gorod metro haircut".
    To get into the results of issuance, usually you don’t even have to pay extra. So be sure to pay attention to these directories on a geographical basis!
  • Gift certificates.
    You can’t even imagine how often people give each other pre-paid beauty salon services.
    This gift is considered necessary, universal, and often affordable. The introduction of this service will attract new customers to you.
  • Advertising on the forums.
    The female part of the Internet space spends quite a lot of time on forums. And trusts the recommendations received there.
    If your services are recommended in one of the popular communities, expect a stream of new customers.
    The main thing is not to order the writing of laudatory odes that have nothing to do with reality. Then you will only secure a damaged reputation for yourself.
  • Social media.
    In the modern world, the development of a company without representation in social networks is almost impossible.
    For starters, you should create accounts on Vkontakte and Facebook. The rest of the chains increase brand awareness, but rarely have a significant impact on sales.

Project Services

To determine the list of necessary equipment, consumables and employees, you need to establish in the business plan a list of services that will be provided in the beauty salon.

  1. Hair care: men's and women's haircuts, hair styling, wedding and evening hairstyles, hair care with special products and procedures.
  2. Nail care: a full range of activities dedicated to pedicure and manicure.
  3. Services of a cosmetologist.
  4. Skin care: procedures using special cosmetics, massages. When expanding the list of services, this can include a solarium.

Salon staff

The organization of a beauty salon requires the following employees in the state:

  • Administrator.
    Responsibilities include: taking orders, purchasing inventory, managing finances, coordinating the work of other team members.
  • Hairdresser.
    Since women's haircuts are statistically more popular, it is necessary to hire two universal masters for the women's room and one for the men's.
  • Masseur.
  • Master of nail care.
    At the initial stage, one person is enough.
    Subsequently, the staff may expand.
  • Cosmetologist, who also performs the duties of a make-up artist.

The staff at the time of opening the salon will be seven people, with the exception of the head.
Labor Code duties, shift schedule, salary - all these data must be displayed in the business plan.

Beauty salon business plan: implementation

“Those who want to become rich should think about the fact that they will have to spend much more time on work and much less time on passive recreation.”
Daniel Kahneman

Project Implementation Schedule

With the help of a project implementation plan, scheduled by months, business initiators can control the process of opening a salon on time.

For each stage, a responsible person is assigned and a description of the necessary actions is given.

  1. The future owner of the salon registers as an entrepreneur, draws up a state of emergency, orders a seal.
    The necessary permits for work are also issued.
    The last item may take several months. For example, in order to obtain fire safety papers, the salon premises must already be repaired and brought into line with the standards.
  2. Looking for a space for a beauty salon.
    This process can also take a long time, because the lion's share of success depends on the future location.
    Therefore, there is no need to rush.
  1. Equipment for the work of craftsmen, a recreation area (TV, coffee machine) and an administrator's place (computer, printer, telephone, modem) are ordered.
    It is necessary to specify who and in what time frame will deliver the products.
  2. The found premises are repaired by an invited team of specialists.
    You can decorate the interior on your own if the budget is limited, and it is not yet possible to invite a designer.
  3. The search for employees for a beauty salon begins.
  4. An advertising campaign is launched, which will continue for as long as the salon exists, and a budget will be allocated for this.
    Until the moment of reaching the break-even level, financing should be especially active.
  1. Purchased equipment is installed and connected.
    The finishing touches are being added to the interior design.
  2. The staff, if necessary, is instructed (fire safety, first aid) and trained in additional skills.
  3. The beauty salon is ready to open.

Cost of opening a beauty salon

To calculate indicators for such an important section as " Beauty salon business plan: finance”, use indicators of similar organizations and data on the cost of the most common services.
NamePrice, rub.)
1. Documentation10 000
2. Decoration of the guest area:200 000
3. Barbers' room: women's and men's365 000
4. Manicurist's place100 000
5. Place for masseur125 000
6. Place for beautician425 000

In total, the opening costs will amount to at least 1,225,000 rubles.

P.S. This does not include the cost of the premises, which are included in the "Monthly expenses: rent" section. In the case of buying premises, the costs will be much higher.

Beauty salon business plan: financial section

Monthly expenses

Every month, the owner will spend at least 218,000 rubles to maintain the work of the salon and its development.

Based on the amounts given in the business plan, it is possible to calculate the expected profit and the rate of return on the project.

what to consider when opening a beauty salon -

watch in this video!

Revenue and payback of a beauty salon

For inclusion in beauty salon business plan In the section describing the payback of the project, it is important to indicate the estimated monthly income.

For this business the nature of seasonality.

The peak of clients falls at the end of spring, when clients want to renew themselves, meet the warmth with beautiful and well-groomed. In the summer, there is a noticeable decline in demand for services due to vacations and a decrease in incomes of the population. The next peak falls on the pre-New Year period for obvious reasons.

On average, one hairdresser serves 10-12 clients per day.

With an average cost of a service of 300 rubles and the presence of three masters in the staff, the income from haircuts and styling per month will be:

3*10*600 = 18,000 rubles a day, 18,000*30 = 540,000 rubles.

According to the same scheme, income from the work of a nail care master, cosmetologist and masseur is calculated.

A manicure and pedicure master brings about 105,000 rubles a month. Cosmetologist - 72,000 rubles, and massage master - 81,000 rubles.

The total income for the month according to the business plan will be: 798,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses are deducted from this amount. Based on these figures, the payback period of the project can be calculated. It will be 7-9 months.

Opening a beauty salon is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

The most important and decisive step from which an entrepreneur's path to success begins is. This document does not just allow you to receive investments or a loan from a bank. First of all, he helps the initiator of the project to outline a plan for the development of the enterprise.

A business plan should not just be drawn up and put aside. You need to constantly return to it in order to control: is your beauty salon developing in the right direction?

If you invest time and effort into the process, success will not be long in coming!

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Have you decided to start your own business and settled on such an option as a beauty salon? Then an important step will be the development of a strategy by which your business will function. The beauty salon business plan itself is quite simple, if you look in more detail. You need to understand how much money you need to start, what kind of staff you will hire and what services you will provide. After we decide on the main issues, we draw up a business plan for a beauty salon - calculations, profitability, planned profit and income. People will always go to the hairdresser, do manicures and other procedures, so with the right approach, such a business will bring a lot of money.

We draw up a business plan for a beauty salon

Beauty Salon Business Plan Summary

The first step for a small business is to define a goal. The purpose of this project is to open a visited and profitable beauty salon, which will bring a stable income to its owner. The project manager will be, accordingly, an individual entrepreneur who will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. In the salon, it is planned to provide its clients with such services as manicure, hair cutting, pedicure, hair coloring, styling, waving. today, many people actively use the services of such salons, because it is not always possible to perform these procedures with high quality at home. In the salon, you can do it quickly and efficiently.

If you start the project from scratch, then it will require investments in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. In 2019, you can also buy a ready-made business, but what will be more profitable for you is a moot point. The approximate payback period for such a business is 7 months.

For the correct operation of the IP enterprise, it will be necessary to choose a type of activity such as OKVED related to beauty salons. Taxation here will take place according to the UTII system.

General description of the enterprise

The salon will be located in a crowded place, in a shopping center or in another point with high traffic. It is necessary to rent a room to open a hairdressing salon, ideally a spacious studio. The room should be approximately 50 sq.m. The hall for hairdressers will be 25 sq.m., two masters will work in it. The reception area for clients is 15 sq.m, and the nail and pedicure room is 10 sq.m. The room must be selected so that it does not require repair and meets fire safety requirements.

The salon will work without days off and breaks, every day from 9 am to 9 pm. The following positions will need to be recruited:

  1. Administrator for receiving and recording clients, working 5 days a week from 10 am to 7 pm.
  2. 2 masters who can do both manicure and pedicure, working 2 in 2 days, replacing each other.
  3. 3 universal hairdressers working on a schedule of 4 in 2 days, replacing each other.
  4. A visiting cleaning lady who does a wet cleaning after the shift every day and a general cleaning once a week.

In order for the salon to immediately begin to attract new customers with high-quality services, it is necessary to hire only experienced specialists for positions in the salon. In addition, it will be necessary to regularly send specialists for advanced training, motivating them with quarterly bonuses with good salon profits and an annual salary increase of 10%.

Salary of salon employees will be per month:

  1. Administrator - 15 thousand rubles.
  2. Cleaning lady - 5 thousand rubles.
  3. Master of manicure and pedicure - 17 thousand rubles, total for two 34 thousand rubles.
  4. Hairdresser - 17 thousand rubles, total for three 51 thousand rubles.

Total wage costs will amount to 105 thousand rubles.

Goods and services

Our salon will provide the following types of services to its clients:

  1. Haircuts for children, men and women.
  2. Hair coloring, styling and curling.
  3. Therapeutic procedures for hair.
  4. Performing beautiful hairstyles.
  5. Manicure, pedicure, treatment procedures for nails, skin, hands and feet.

Prices for haircuts for men in the salon will be as follows, in rubles:

  1. Tennis - 300.
  2. Children's tennis - 200.
  3. Canadian - 200.
  4. Sports type - 300.
  5. Model - 400.
  6. Creative type - 500.
  7. Under a short nozzle - 100.
  8. Naked - 100.
  9. Playground - 300.
  10. Additional drawing - 100.

On average, the price of one service will be 250 rubles.

The cost of hairdressing services for women in rubles will be as follows:

  1. Creative type - 600.
  2. Bangs - 50.
  3. Length - 150.
  4. Model - 500.
  5. Children under 6 years old - 200.
  6. Short hair styling - 200.
  7. Long hair styling - 400.
  8. Coloring, highlighting, coloring - 700.
  9. Perm - 500.
  10. Hairstyle - 800.

Here, the average cost of one service will be equal to 410 rubles.

In the manicure and pedicure room, the cost of services in rubles will be as follows:

  1. Classic type - 400.
  2. Hardware type - 600.
  3. European type - 400.
  4. Lacquer coating - 400.
  5. Design with varnish - 150.
  6. Complex design - 350.
  7. Extension - 700.
  8. Correction - 100 per nail.
  9. Pedicure - 400.
  10. Eyebrow and eyelash coloring - 200.

According to the average calculation, the cost for one service in this office will be 370 rubles.

Marketing Plan

To ensure the profitable operation of the salon, it is necessary to choose a place for it, where there will be no competitors and there will be a good location and visibility for customers.

The following measures will be used to attract people:

  1. Beautiful attractive sign for the salon.
  2. Group in a social network for advertising services.
  3. Ad in the paper.
  4. Business cards.
  5. Flyers with discounts.

Production plan

Salon employees will work according to the schedule established for them. All employees will be officially employed, as well as attending advanced training courses in the direction of the owner of the salon. Each employee before hiring him will have to undergo a medical examination with entering it into a medical book.

Management organization

In order for the idea of ​​a business to function correctly, you need to approach everything professionally. The following activities will need to be carried out:

  1. Register your activity as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Find and rent a suitable room under the contract to ensure work at the cost of 30 thousand rubles.
  3. Purchase all the necessary equipment for the salon in the amount of 400 thousand rubles.
  4. Buy all consumables and tools worth 70 thousand rubles.
  5. Carry out all necessary checks and obtain permission for your activities.
  6. Hire good people.

Equipment to ensure the work will require the following:

  1. Hanger.
  2. Administrator desk.
  3. Two barber chairs.
  4. A complete set of equipment along with a chair for working in the manicure and pedicure room.
  5. Table for manicure.
  6. Reception sofa.
  7. 6 chairs.
  8. Cart.
  9. Coffee table.
  10. Cabinet for care products.
  11. Two tables with mirrors.
  12. Fridge.
  13. TV.
  14. Other at the request of the owner.

In total, 500 thousand rubles will be spent on the start of the enterprise itself.

Financial plan

Planning for the organization's expenses can be reduced to the following list:

  1. Costs for wages of employees per month 105 thousand rubles, per year 1260 thousand rubles.
  2. PF for employees per month 29 thousand rubles, per year 348 thousand rubles.
  3. The cost of renting premises per month is 30 thousand rubles, per year 360 thousand rubles.
  4. Materials and means for work per month 70 thousand rubles, per year 840 thousand rubles.
  5. KH services per month 4000 rubles, per year 48 thousand rubles.
  6. The cost of advertising the salon is 2000 rubles, 24 thousand rubles a year.
  7. UTII 6000 rubles, 72 thousand rubles per year.

Total expenses will amount to 246 thousand rubles per month and 2952 thousand rubles per month. The enterprise plans to provide the following volume of services on average:

  1. Hairdressing services for men 10 per day, 300 per month. Revenue per month 75,000 rubles.
  2. Hairdressing services for women 15 per day, 450 per month. Revenue per month 184,000 rubles.
  3. Services of a manicure and pedicure room 10 per day, 300 per month. Revenue per month 111,000 rubles.

Total total revenue per month will 370 thousand rubles, A profit 124 thousand rubles, and per year, respectively, expenses - 246 thousand rubles.

Thus, a sample of calculations for the organization of the work of a beauty salon was compiled. Based on this business plan for a beauty salon, you can, by substituting your numbers and data, write your own to open your business, or use the one offered by us. The instructions are quite simple if you do everything in the right order.

Starting your own business and bringing your idea to life is not easy. But if you approach everything with a detailed plan of action, hiring high-class employees, faithfully ensuring the entire work of the enterprise, then everything will definitely work out. Do not forget that you can always find good business partners who will help you in management and other nuances. In addition, you can consider several examples of other business ideas and choose what suits you best.

Conclusions on this plan can be drawn that opening a hairdressing salon or salon is a profitable and cost-effective business. If the place is located correctly, marketing activities are carried out, then customers will come themselves, recommending highly qualified salon masters to their friends. The main thing is to avoid competition and do everything according to the rules and the law so that there are no problems.

  • Service list
  • Equipment costs
  • Staff costs
  • Final calculation

Beauty salon is a promising type of business that is gaining popularity. According to research, there are 77 salons for every 1,000 women in large cities. At the same time, it is rather difficult to obtain the same data for provincial settlements. But in order to occupy your niche in this business, you need to open a salon now, because after a while the market will be oversaturated with such services and it will be more difficult for newcomers to make a profit in this area. For readers of the site // site, we have compiled a ready-made business plan for a beauty salon with calculations for 2019. Below you can find the approximate costs of starting such a business.

Service list

To open a beauty salon, you will need start-up capital, which can be attracted partially or entirely in the form of credit funds. In 2019, entrepreneurs can take advantage of the state program aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses.

Immediately you need to decide on the list of services that the beauty salon will provide. Let's take the following as an example:

  • hairdressing services- haircuts for women, men, children;
  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • cosmetology services, including hair removal, peeling, eyebrow, body and face skin care;
  • massage;
  • solarium.

To open a beauty salon with a similar list of services, a room of 125 m 2 will be required, which will be divided as follows:

  1. Reception - administrator's area with a counter and a wardrobe - 11 m 2.
  2. Hairdressing hall - 26 m 2.
  3. Hair care cabinet - 12 m 2. This is a specialized room where washing, waving and hair coloring will be carried out, do not confuse it with a hairdressing room.
  4. Office of pedicure and manicure - 12 m 2.
  5. Massage room - 16 m 2.
  6. Solarium - 15 m 2.
  7. Make-up artist's office - 8 m 2.
  8. Room for staff - 15 m 2.
  9. Utility room - 10 m 2.

At the same time, in our business plan, the cost of funds for the repair and re-equipment of the premises will average 240-280 thousand rubles.

The rent of such premises will require 70-80 thousand rubles a month, the acquisition will cost 5.6-7.2 million rubles, depending on the area of ​​the city (prices are taken average for the regional centers of the western regions of the Russian Federation).

The premises may be located on the ground floor of a residential building and must be removed from the housing stock. It is desirable that it be a busy place close to entertainment, shopping, business centers, as well as public transport stops.

Equipment costs

The equipment costs shown below are weighted averages and may vary depending on the manufacturer, the material from which it is made and its features. The business plan includes a detailed description of the equipment of each salon room.

  • Production plan
  • Opening technology
        • Similar business ideas:

A typical business plan for opening a beauty salon using the example of Ulyanovsk.

The purpose of this project is to open a modern beauty salon in Ulyanovsk. The provision of services such as haircut, styling, chemical. perm, manicure, pedicure. Despite great competition, the demand for these services is steadily growing, as it is indecent to appear in society without a good hairstyle, manicure-pedicure, well-groomed face.

Typical business plan for opening a beauty salon on the example of Ulyanovsk

Description of the beauty salon project

The purpose of this project is to open a modern beauty salon in Ulyanovsk. It is supposed to provide services such as haircut, styling, chemical. perm, manicure, pedicure. Despite great competition, the demand for these services is steadily growing, as it is indecent to appear in society without a good hairstyle, manicure-pedicure, well-groomed face. At home, this effect is difficult to achieve, and an important factor is saving time, effort and getting positive emotions. Analysis of the real and potential market of services shows the presence of unsatisfied demand for such services in Ulyanovsk.

The amount of investments required for the implementation of the project is 410,000 rubles.

What OKVED to indicate when registering a business at a beauty salon

To carry out activities, it is planned register as an individual entrepreneur(IP). The main activity for the entrepreneur will be OKVED 93.02 “Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons”. The taxation system is a single tax on imputed income (UTII).

The beauty salon will be located in a rented premises with an area of ​​40 m2: Client reception area (hall) - 12 m2, a hairdressing room for two chairs - 20 m2, a combined manicure and pedicure room - 8 m2. No renovation required.

The beauty salon will work in two shifts from 9:00 to 19:00 without a lunch break, on weekends from 9:00 to 16:00.

How to recruit staff for work

It is planned to organize 5 jobs in the beauty salon:

  • Master - station wagon, 2 people;
  • Manicurist, 1 person;
  • Cleaning lady, 1 person;
  • Administrator (accountant), 1 person

The working day of the cleaner is not standardized, therefore, by agreement, she has the right to come and carry out wet cleaning of the salon during the shift, i.e. at 14-00 and by the end of the working day, i.e. at 18:00. Once a week, her duties include general cleaning. The administrator works from 9-00 to 19-00 five days a week.

In order to provide high-quality services and gain the trust of customers, it is planned to hire only qualified craftsmen (we recommend reading the article: “ How to hire an employee correctly - step by step instructions"). Since it is known that the client goes not so much to the salon, but to a specific specialist. Therefore, in order to improve their level, future employees will take regular refresher courses. In the future, the salon plans to open its own master class, where young masters will learn professionalism. This will bring additional profit to the company.

The staffing of the beauty salon according to the business plan:

No. p / pJob titleQuantitySalary per monthPayroll fund, months
1 Master - wagon2 15 000 30 000
2 Manicurist1 15 000 15 000
3 Cleaning woman1 6 000 6 000
4 Administrator1 12 000 12 000
Total5 X63 000

Every year it is planned to increase wages by an average of 10%.

Description of the offered products and services

The organization will provide the following services:

  • Haircut for men, women and children;
  • Coloring and perm;
  • Highlighting, toning;
  • Treatment, hair care;
  • Wedding and evening hairstyles;
  • Manicure, pedicure, SPA - pedicure and manicure;
  • Nail extension;
  • Paraffin therapy, massage;
  • Treatment, nail care.

Price list for men's haircuts, rubles:

  • Tennis - 160
  • School age tennis - 150
  • Canadian - 140
  • Sports - 130
  • Model - 180
  • Creative - 200
  • Under the nozzle number 1 - 90
  • Naked - 70
  • Hedgehog playground - 220
  • Drawing - From 50

The average cost of one service is 150 rubles Price list for women's haircuts, rubles:

  • Creative - 290
  • Bangs - 60
  • Trimming length - 120
  • Haircut for children up to 5 years — 120
  • Model - 190-250
  • Styling (depending on hair length) – 250-400
  • Hairstyles - From 500
  • Children's hairstyles - From 300
  • Highlighting through a cap - 300
  • Highlights (depending on hair length) 500-700
  • Coloring - From 500
  • Coloring in 1 tone (depending on the length of the hair) – Up to 500
  • Root painting - 190
  • Perm (depending on hair length) – From 280 to 420
  • Long-term styling (depending on the length of the hair) - From 500 to 600

The average cost of one service is 350 rubles Price list in a manicure room, rubles:

  • Classic manicure – 180
  • Hardware manicure – 300
  • European manicure – 280
  • Nail polishing – 40-860
  • Varnish design (1 nail) 20-35
  • Wedding design – 450
  • Nail extension – 600-850
  • Nar. nails - 350-400
  • Nar. nails (1 nail) - 60-80
  • Eyebrow, eyelash tinting – 70
  • Eyebrow correction – 70
  • Pedicure – 300-400

The average cost of one service is 300

Download business plan for a beauty salon

Beauty Salon Marketing Plan

The salon will be located in the mall, where high traffic of people is noted and there is no competition among such services. The shopping center is located in a busy part of the city and has convenient access roads, which will ensure a constant flow of customers to the salon.

To increase attendance, the following events are planned:

  • advertising in the media (newspaper, radio, Internet);
  • placement of advertisements in thematic magazines;
  • production of business cards;
  • ordering a colorful salon sign.

The prices for the organization's services are aimed at people with an average and lower average income.

Production plan

In order to provide quality services, only those masters who have certificates of passing professional courses for hairdressers and makeup artists (3-month courses) will be employed.

Do I need permission to open this business

Before starting work, it is planned to obtain permission from the SES and the Fire Safety Service. To do this, a letter with the following content will be sent to these services: "I ask you to allow me to open a hairdresser ...".

The SES will provide a lease agreement and medical books for the masters. SES has its own requirements for salons: mandatory disposal of hair, washing of towels and the availability of sanitary books for all employees. Only after receiving all the permits is it planned to start the activities of the organization.

The fixed costs of our organization, according to the calculations of the business plan, are presented in the following table:

No. p / pItem of expensesAmount per month, rub.Amount per year, rub.
1 Salary63000 756000
2 PF for employees18900 226900
3 Rent15000 180000
4 Consumables10000 120000
5 Public utilities4000 48000
6 Advertising2000 24000
7 Other4000 48000
8 UTII (tax)3426 41112
120326 1 443 912

Planned volume of services per month:

No. p / pNameNumber of services per dayAverage price, rub.Amount per day, rub.Amount per month, rub.
1 Male haircuts6 150 900 27000
2 Women's haircuts8 350 2800 84000
3 manicure parlor8 300 2400 72000
Total22 X6100 183000

In total, the average revenue for one working day will be 6,100 rubles, the amount per month will be 183,000 rubles.

How to start a beauty salon business

To start the activity, the following activities are required:

  • Register individual entrepreneurship;
  • Sign a lease agreement;
  • Conclude contracts for the purchase and installation of the necessary equipment. At this stage, it is planned to spend 345,000 rubles;
  • Purchase the necessary consumables and tools for the implementation of activities.
  • Obtain the necessary permits to start activities;
  • Select highly qualified staff.

The list of the main stages of the project implementation and the need for financial resources for their implementation:

No. p / pProject stage namestart dateexpiration dateStage cost
1 Lease contract01.01.13 10.01.13 15000
2 Purchase and installation of equipment01.01.13 15.01.13 345000
3 Purchase of consumables and tools01.01.13 15.01.13 50000
4 Getting permission01.01.13 20.01.13
5 Recruitment01.01.13 20.01.13
TOTAL410 000

How much money do you need to start this business

To implement the project, it is necessary to invest financial resources in the amount of 410,000 rubles. These funds will be used to purchase equipment that will be used for the beauty salon. For tax purposes, the income of an entrepreneur providing hairdressing services will be taxed at single tax on imputed income. The type of activity under this taxation system is planned to be established as “Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons” (clause 2 of article 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The amount of tax under the UTII system will be: (7500 * 6 * 1.372 * 0.37) * 15% \u003d 3426 rubles. 57 kop. per month. The amount of tax per year will be 3426.57 * 12 = 41118.84 rubles. Also, entrepreneurs pay insurance premiums for themselves to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and compulsory medical insurance funds in the amount determined based on the cost of the insurance year. The cost of an insurance year is determined as the product of the minimum wage (SMW) established at the beginning of the financial year for which insurance premiums are paid and the rate of insurance premiums to the relevant state non-budgetary fund, increased by 12 times. The amount of insurance premiums for IP in 2013 is equal to:

  • Contribution to the PFR 5,205 * 2 * 26% * 12 \u003d 32,479.20 rubles
  • Contribution to the FFOMS 5,205 * 5.1 * 12 = 3,185.46 rubles
  • Total: 35,664.66 rubles per year.
  • Contribution to the PFR 63,000 rubles. × 22% = 13860 rubles;
  • Contribution to the FFOMS 63,000 rubles. × 5.1% = 3213 rubles;
  • Contribution to the FSS 63,000 rubles. × 2.9% = 1827 rubles.

Total monthly insurance premiums for employees will amount to 18,900 rubles.

How much can you earn at the opening of a beauty salon

Planned economic performance of the organization: Revenue: 183 000 rubles per month Fixed costs: 120 326 rubles per month Profit: 62 674 rubles per month Profitability: 52% Project payback: 6.5 months


N p / pName of the item of expenditureAmount, rub.
1 Dressing table "Accord plus"30000
2 Mirror "Accord-4"12400
3 Hydraulic chair "Status"29660
4 Hair washer with chair "Image"28500
5 Master's chair9140
6 Children's chair "Piggy"4700
7 Footrest for client4800
8 Hanger850
9 reception desk32000
10 coffee table6200
11 Waiting chair (triple)4600
12 Sofa "Monica"16800
13 dry oven14300
14 Sterilizer with timer5300
15 UFO Bactericidal chamber "Microcid"12300
16 Sushuar14100
17 climazon29500
18 barber trolley9200
19 Three-section screen6990
20 Pedicure. - cosmetics. Armchair "Nadine"43900
21 Bath for pedicure5600
22 Cushion on the chair "Nadine"2340
23 Manicure pillow820
24 Table "Comfort"12100
25 Paraffin bath3800
26 Lamp for manicure940
27 Hood for manicure table7000
28 Lacquer stand3500
29 Tools and Consumables50000
TOTAL395 000

Recommended download beauty salon business plan, from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

How to choose business equipment

Depending on the services provided, equipment should also be selected:

  • For an economy class, you need to purchase an armchair, a bedside table, a rack, a sink. You can not do without a mirror and tools.
  • For a salon in which a manicure will be additionally performed, it is worth adding a table, a bath, an ultraviolet lamp, sterilizers to the standard list;
  • To launch a full-fledged beauty salon, special-purpose chairs, mirrors, a refrigerator, tool cabinets, couches for manipulations, and devices are needed.

When choosing furniture, you must adhere to a single style. A beauty salon is a special place that is distinguished not only by its accuracy, but also by its design. Products for the interior will help create a specific entourage.

What documents are needed to open

The interior conditions must comply with San PiN 2.1.2631-10. For SES it is necessary to issue:

  • Journal of instrument sterilization;
  • Waste management contracts;
  • Agreement with the laundry for the maintenance of consumables - napkins, sheets;
  • Ventilation contract.

Directly in the salon there should be a book of complaints and suggestions, copies of the permits received from the sanitary service and the fire inspectorate.

What taxation system to specify when registering

The choice of taxation system depends on the direction of the business. When providing household services - haircuts, manicures, eyebrow design, it is advisable to give preference to UTII. If cosmetic manipulations are provided in the salon - USN.

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    • Project description
    • Recruitment
    • Description of products and services
    • marketing plan
    • Financial plan
    • Where to begin
    • What documents are needed
          • Similar business ideas:

    We bring to your attention a typical business plan (feasibility study) for opening a hairdressing salon. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment. The purpose of this project is to open an economy class hairdressing salon in the city of N with a population of 400 thousand people. The main activity of the organization will be the provision of hairdressing services to the population of the city with an average and lower average income.

    An example of drawing up a business plan for opening a hairdressing salon in order to attract credit funds.

    Project description

    The purpose of this project is to open an economy class hairdressing salon in a city with a population of 400 thousand people. The main activity of the organization will be the provision of hairdressing services to the population of the city with an average and lower average income. In the future, it is planned to create a network of economy class hairdressing salons throughout the city.

    How much money does it take to open a barbershop

    To implement the project, it is planned to attract own funds in the amount of 92,000 rubles and borrowed funds (bank loan) in the amount of 300,000 rubles. The total cost of the project, according to the business plan, is 392,000 rubles.

    Economic indicators of the project implementation:

    • Net profit per year = 436,845 rubles;
    • Profitability of a hairdressing salon = 14%;
    • Payback of the project = 11 months.

    What OKVED code to indicate when registering a hairdresser

    The organizational and legal form of a hairdressing salon will be individual entrepreneurship. OKVED code: "93.02 Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons." As tax systems a simplified taxation system will be applied, 6% of revenue.

    The initiator of the project has more than 7 years of experience in this field (master of a hairdressing salon).

    Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

    1. Registered individual entrepreneurship in the IFTS;
    2. A preliminary lease agreement for premises in a shopping center with an area of ​​54m2 was concluded, the cost of rent per month is 45,900 rubles (850 rubles / m2.);
    3. The interior design of the premises is being worked out. An experienced designer is working on the project;
    4. There is a preliminary agreement with the supplier of equipment for the hairdressing salon. A list of necessary equipment for organizing an economy class hairdressing salon has been developed.


    The staff of the organization will consist of 6 people: the salon administrator and five professional masters.

    Description of products and services

    Our barbershop will be designed for people with an average and lower average income. Therefore, the prices of our salon will be significantly lower than the average price level of other hairdressing salons in our city.

    The main focus will be on the number of visitors per day, with a sufficiently high quality of customer service. It is assumed that about 30 services will be provided per day.

    The main services that the hairdresser will provide include:

    1. Hair cut, blow dry and shampoo. Average check - 150 rubles;
    2. Styling (everyday, wedding, solemn, etc.). Average check - 120 rubles;
    3. Highlighting. Average check - 400 rubles;
    4. Evening hairstyle. Average check - 500 rubles;
    5. Perm and hair straightening. Average check - 500 rubles;
    6. Hair coloring. The average check is 700 rubles.

    The total average check for services will be 395 rubles.

    In our salon, all conditions for the client will be created: a pleasant atmosphere, professional craftsmen and a wide range of services at affordable prices.

    Planned working hours: from 10:00 to 19:00. Three masters will work in each shift (we recommend reading the article " How to hire an employee - step by step instructions”), the work schedule of the masters 2/2.

    marketing plan

    We will be located in a busy part of the city, in close proximity to large office buildings. The traffic of the shopping center, where it is planned to open a hairdresser, is about 3,500 people a day. The hairdressing salon will be located on the first floor in the line of sight for every visitor to the shopping center.

    The main competitors of our organization are other salons that operate in our city. There are two main competitors that work in close proximity to our salon. We will conduct a comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of these competitors:

    The following activities are planned to attract regular customers:

    1. Advertising in the media (newspaper, magazines, TV, radio);
    2. Banners, banners, billboards;
    3. Distribution of leaflets, flyers, posting ads.

    It is assumed that after carrying out all marketing activities to attract customers, the average attendance of the institution will be about 25 people per day, which in total will be provided with about 30 services.

    How much can you earn by opening a barbershop

    As indicated in the section describing the services of a hairdressing salon, the average revenue per day will be: 395 rubles. (average check) * 30 services = 11,850 rubles, respectively, the monthly revenue will be 355,500. It is assumed that 40% of the proceeds will be paid to the craftsmen.

    At the same time, the average monthly revenue will decrease during the summer holidays and New Year holidays. Low revenue figures will be at the start of the business. The barbershop will reach the planned revenue indicators only on the 4th month of operation.

    The total revenue for the year of work will be 3,643,900 rubles.

    What equipment to choose for a beauty salon

    Additional equipment and consumables include disposable tableware, cosmetic products, hairdressing carts, accessories (scissors, cars, hair dryers), etc. It is assumed that about 70 thousand rubles will be spent on additional equipment.

    The salon will comply with all SES and fire safety standards. So, in accordance with sanitary standards, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises for one hairdresser should be at least 8 m2.

    The total wage fund per month will be 136,463 rubles.

    The services of an accountant and a cleaning lady will be involved under contracts for the provision of services for a fee. Monthly expenses for these services will be about 11,000 rubles.

    Financial plan

    The monthly expenses of the organization are presented in the following table:

    Total fixed costs will amount to 257,301 rubles per month.

    The structure of annual costs is presented in the form of a diagram:

    The main expenses of the hairdressing salon will be the cost of paying wages to employees - 53% of total expenses, paying rent - 18%, as well as paying insurance contributions to non-budgetary funds for employees - 16% of the total costs of the organization.

    The calculation of economic indicators is presented in the table - the forecast of income and expenses of a hairdressing salon:

    The net profit of the barbershop at the end of the year will be 436,845 rubles. The profitability of a hairdressing salon, according to business plan calculations, is 14%. With such indicators, the project will pay off in 11 months.

    This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions