How to earn real money in contacts on groups and without investments. How to make money in "Contact" money? Is it possible to make money on VKontakte? How to make money in contact

Many Internet users are wondering: how can you make money on VKontakte from a group? Real earnings are a tasty morsel that comes from maintaining a personal group on the Vkontakte social network.

As a rule, owners of well-promoted groups earn very good money. Earnings in VK on a group start from several hundred rubles a day and can reach several thousand, sometimes more. Below we will look at the most popular ways to make money on VK.

1. How to make money on a VKontakte group. Where to begin

In general terms, let's look at the types and essence of making money on VKontakte, described below in more detail.

In order to achieve significant earnings on a VKontakte group, you must first create it. Then you need to work on promoting the group and increasing the total number of subscribers. The theme of your group is also important. It’s best when it’s close to commercial, but entertainment topics can also make good money.

Let's assume that you have already created a group in contact and promoted it a little, i.e. Your group's daily attendance has increased significantly.

There are many ways to monetize your group on social media. VKontakte network. Let's take a general look below at the most common ways to make money from groups on VK.

Read all about making money in VK below

2. Ways to earn money in VK

How to make money on VKontakte advertising

In order to make money from advertising in contacts, you need to find advertisers yourself, or in the group itself indicate your contact details so that anyone can place their advertisement for an agreed price in your group.

Advertising can be of different types, ranging from a post in a group about the advertised product or service to posting a link to the advertiser’s website or group. You set the cost of advertising yourself. You can specify how 100 rubles (then there will be a lot of applications), and 1000 rubles (there will be fewer applications).

For example, if your group is based on a request such as “business” in social media. VKontakte network takes first place, then in this case, you can charge from $50 or more per month just for the fact that a link to an advertiser will be placed somewhere in the group.

On these sites you can also earn money by liking messages and posting them on your page, joining other people’s groups and adding some applications.

How to make money in contact by creating an online store

You can easily create a full-fledged online store from your group, where you can trade anything you want, as well as offer some services for money. (Read also how to earn more in an online store during low sales seasons). Eg, sell men's and women's accessories, clothing, for example, T-shirts, equipment, etc. But here, as in any business, you will need to think in advance about the delivery and payment of goods.

In VKontakte, depending on the popularity of your online store and the product you choose, you will earn 500 or more rubles per day.

It is also necessary to carefully consider business plans, since an online store is a full-fledged business. Here it is also important to think through the schemes for supplying goods, delivery, favorable prices (not too expensive and not too cheap), order processing, calculation of non-repurchase, etc.

We recommend choosing a product with a high margin , i.e. with a large difference between the purchase price and the sale price. Then it will be profitable to engage in sales and you will always be able to earn money on VKontakte.

Let's give an example in a screenshot of groups of online stores that make money on VK:

Earning money on VKontakte through a group as an online store

How to make money on VKontakte through affiliate programs

First, you need to register in one of the affiliate programs and by advertising the link you receive from the affiliate program, you can receive a percentage from the sale of some product or service. (more about making money on affiliate programs)

Those who already make money from affiliate programs on the Internet say that good ones include Forex affiliate programs (find out more about making money on Forex), as well as affiliate programs of various online stores, etc.

Eg, in the OZONE online store you are charged from 10% to 20% for each sale of a product. Suppose you were able to sell a product worth one thousand rubles, and at a rate of 20% you will receive 200 rubles from the sale.

Earning money on VK from downloading from file hosting sites

You can upload various files to some file hosting services and then invite your group’s subscribers to download them. Most file hosting services pay based on the number of downloads. There are also free file hosting services where you will not be paid anything for downloading. For example, a file hosting service on

It will be quite difficult to earn a lot, approximately 5-10 $ per thousand downloads. But here, too, much depends on factors such as the size of the hosted file, the uniqueness of the IP address of the user who downloaded the file, etc.

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How to make money selling a group in contact

By creating and selling promoted groups, you can make good money on VK. For example, popular groups with real subscribers of 100,000 people start from 80,000 – 100,000 rubles or more.

So, let's figure out what you need to make money:

  1. Register on the social network VKontakte (create your own account)
  2. Create a “public” group (not to be confused with your user page)
  3. Promote your group, i.e. make sure that many social network users (subscribers) subscribe to it
  4. Earn money by advertising in your group or page (group, public - page in this case is the same thing). You can also earn money by placing affiliate links of various services, etc.

Let's look at each point in more detail, starting with point

Creating a group in VK

Anyone can create an account (register on the VKontakte social network). Also, anyone can create a group or public page. But to do this, you will need to decide on what topic you will create it on. You need to choose a topic based on the interest of the majority of users who will be able to subscribe to it in the future and it will be of interest to subscribers.

After you decide on the topic, you need to beautifully design your group. To do this, come up with attractive text that can entice users to subscribe to your page.

At the moment, a group with statements by famous people, where a beautiful picture is selected, is popular. Such groups often have many subscribers. Since there are already a large number of such groups and pages, you need to be different and provide your subscribers with something interesting, otherwise your group will be just another group with celebrity statements.

An example of a group page on VKontakte with more than a million subscribers

To the page “Philosophy, etc.” More than 2 million social network users have subscribed

3. How to promote a group on VK and make money

Creating a group is very simple, but getting a large number of people to subscribe to it is quite difficult. To do this, you will need to publish several dozen entries on the wall of your page so that the person who visits your page sees what is being published and wants to subscribe to it.

But if only you are subscribed to the page, then it is unlikely that anyone will subscribe to your group’s news. So what to do in this case?

Here are some popular ways to attract subscribers:

  • Invite as many of your friends as possible into your group;
  • You can also get subscribers to your page through various services, for example, This is a service through which you can get likes (hearts), subscribers, etc. for free. The service works, tested in practice.

Service - promotion of groups for making money on VKontakte

After you manage to reach subscribers of 1 thousand or more, you can move on;

  • Run advertising for your page or group in other pages - groups (by paying money for advertising to the creators);
  • Use various services where you can earn or buy points, likes, etc. and spend it on increasing subscribers to the group or reposting your posts;
  • Spam on various walls of other thematic groups (not recommended);

  • You can also use paid software from Viking-Studio, which has many promotion options. (Site;
  • Upload a video on YouTube about your topic and indicate the link to your group below the video. This way you attract people to subscribe to your blog.

These are, perhaps, all the most well-known methods for promoting groups. You can also try using a lot of keywords in the title of your page so that when you search in the VKontakte search window, your group can be easily found. But the technical support service is monitoring the re-optimization in group names.

4. We bring clients and customers into the group

Even a well-promoted group on VKontakte does not guarantee that community members will be active and make it easy to earn money. Many on social networks join groups without serious intentions and are not ready to make purchases or pay for services in the future.

In order for the group to become a source of solid income in the future, care should be taken to attract real clients and buyers to it. It’s difficult to do this inside a social network, but it’s quite possible to bring customers from Google and search engines using teaser advertising. Be sure to take note of the possibilities of modern teaser advertising. We also advise you to download our free course on 7 secrets of teaser advertising, which allow you to attract customers on the Internet from 30 kopecks.

Also watch a video from expert Andrey Merkulov on how to properly use online advertising tools:

5. The group is promoted - how to make money?

Now the question arises - how to make money if you have a well-promoted group?

Let's take a closer look at the three most popular ways to make money on VK

Method of earning money in VK No. 1 - Placing advertisements on the wall of your group

An example of how a well-promoted group makes money by advertising

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Hello! In this article we will talk about how to make money on VKontakte.

  1. How much can you earn: from 100 rubles per day.
  2. Minimum Requirements: none.
  3. Is it worth it?: yes, but not with likes .

General information on earning money on VKontakte

People rarely use social networks for... Basically, it is a means of communication and passing time. Interesting posts, news, funny pictures - all this drags on and takes away the opportunity to do something more useful.

But besides just wasting time, for those who are willing to spend time and effort on it. And then, instead of the usual one, you will have the opportunity to make a profit. You can earn good money on VKontakte if you are good at something or are ready to learn it.

In this article we will touch on all the ways to make money on VKontakte, from ordinary likes and reposts for money to making money from a group.

What are the ways to make money on VKontakte?

To close the question right away, let's discuss earnings from likes.

You cannot make money from likes, reposts and joining a group.

So that you understand that only their owners make money on services like vkserfing, smmok and the like, I registered and looked at how much they paid, and then figured out how much time I needed to kill for such work. I was asked to disable adblock and was banned for hiding the list of groups, but I managed to see the list of tasks and their costs.

By registering on the smmok service as a “quality performer,” I can get 21 kopecks for joining the group. There are about 15 proposals. In total, if I join all groups, I will receive 3 rubles. The time I will spend on this is approximately 10 minutes. Find, enter, read the next task - about a minute. Total 20 kopecks per minute. You should not even try to access such sites.

Sites for making money on VK from likes, reposts and joining a group will not bring you any profit if you register as a performer.

Earning money from a group or public page on VKontakte

People have been talking about the creation and monetization of communities since the very beginning of the existence of the social network Vkontakte. Now there are millions of communities, but only tens of thousands of them are successful. You come up with an idea for a group, look for content (or make it yourself) and publish it. If everything goes right for you, people will gather on their own, with minimal advertising investment.

On advertising. , infobusinessmen, game developers and small companies are willing to buy advertising in public. It is quite cheap (up to 1 thousand rubles on average) and can bring real customers. In order to monetize the community and receive at least some worthwhile money, your group must have at least 50 thousand subscribers.

The price of advertising depends on the topic. Business communities are valued by advertisers much more than entertainment communities, since it is much more difficult to attract an audience in the first place. In order to make money on advertising posts, you can either directly look for customers, or use the official advertising exchange in VK.

Maintaining groups on social networks

This method is similar to the previous one, with the only difference being that you will be working with companies that want to. You will also need to publish interesting posts, attract new subscribers and work with old ones. But in such cases everything is much simpler.

You will have a clear plan, for example, 6 - 7 unique posts per week, 10 - 12 non-unique posts, or just posting funny pictures and interacting with the audience. Such services are now in great demand, because small businesses in Russia continue to develop and go online. And social networks are very well suited for working with audiences.

Such work is graded depending on its complexity. You can publish memes or copy-paste twice a day and will receive 5-6 thousand rubles per month, or you can create content, work with users and receive 15-20 thousand rubles for it. Of course, the load in the second case will be greater. But over time, creating creative posts that interest subscribers will become increasingly easier, and after some time the labor costs will be almost equal.

Promoting your own product or service

VKontakte can also act as a platform for promoting your own business or personal brand. As an example: you want to sell handmade soap, but you need customers. VKontakte provides the opportunity to create a personal page dedicated to the sale of soap; a small community stylized as an online store; a group in which you can run selling posts as advertising.

This way of earning money will be more difficult than working with groups. After all, in addition to content, you need to create and promote your own product or service. But income will be significantly higher. Just go to communities called “free” to see the number of companies that operate on the Internet and promote their products and services.

Streams on VKontakte

Stream - broadcast for subscribers. Quite a new way to monetize your VKontakte videos. You must have a personal page or group. Better group. You come up with an idea for a stream and launch it. A lot of views are collected by online lessons, broadcasts of games or some sporting events.

You can easily monetize your broadcasts. This can be done in two ways: install a service for donations or sell advertising space. The first method is simpler. You install the program, it allows users to send you money. Yes, many people do send good money to streamers for support or content development. This is a great way to make money from videos.

The other option is more complex, but brings much more profit. You may have seen that some online broadcasts often have logos. Most of them are shown at sporting events. These are bookmakers, companies working with binary options and other “gray” companies that pay the streamer for publishing their logo during broadcasts. The price depends on the audience reach, but will rarely be lower than 1 - 2 thousand per broadcast.

If you have your own group, then, in addition to the fact that you indirectly earn money from subscribers by publishing advertising posts, you will also receive profit from their donations on streams.

Creating an application on VKontakte

This is more for show. Anyone who has encountered a social network has seen more applications. They are often inferior in quality even to their mobile counterparts and are gradually losing popularity. But creating and maintaining such a project does not require a lot of effort and skills. Therefore, novice programmers and developers can create a profitable application with a small team, support it, update it, and it will bring in money. It is only important to undergo moderation.

Earning money on your own page

This method of earning money is suitable for those whose page has at least some weight. Usually these are famous people in one circle or another.

On Instagram, making money on personal pages has long been in fashion. It’s easier to promote products and services there, since users see a picture. But VKontakte can also be used in approximately this way. It is enough to gain a large mass of subscribers on the VKontakte page and find an advertiser who is willing to pay for an advertising post.

An example is Artemy Lebedev. He earns 300 thousand rubles on his Facebook page for one advertising post with 206 thousand subscribers. But this is a very famous and extravagant person, so it would be stupid to count on earning 300 thousand rubles. A good advertising blog post costs from 20 to 100 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn on VKontakte?

If you plan to like, repost and subscribe to public pages for money, then you will not earn anything. In some services you will receive even the minimum withdrawal amount for weeks. If you spend an hour a day on this, very little comes out. Likes rarely cost more than 50 kopecks, reposts cost about the same, and for joining the group you will be given 1-2 rubles.

If you create your own public page, post unique, interesting and high-quality content, you will be able to monetize it well. Advertising in the most popular public pages costs from 10 thousand rubles. A beginner should count on 10 - 15 thousand per month after a year of work and minimal investment.

If you are going to maintain a personal page on social media. networks of any company, you can also earn money. The work of publishing non-unique content and periodically moderating messages is estimated at 5-6 thousand rubles per month. Better quality work with the collection of truly unique, useful and interesting content for users is estimated at 3–4 times more expensive: 15–20 thousand rubles per month.

If you are going to work as an ordinary moderator, then you should not hope for high earnings. Yes, and to earn money, in principle. Most people work on a voluntary basis, some are paid 1-2 thousand a month for banal cleaning of comments and maintaining activity in the group. But if you publish posts, the payment rises to the level of a group content manager. And this is the previous point.

Income from other ways of earning money is difficult to measure with any specific figure. Neither the application nor the promotion of your goods or services through VKontakte can be brought to any average payment value. It all depends on how in demand your product is, how you sell it, and what you offer to your customers.

Who is suitable for working on VKontakte?

It’s not written “work” for nothing. Earning money from reposts, likes and joining a group can easily be classified as “play and forget”. Making money online is systematic work, but you will have to work more with your brains, creating something of your own, unique and interesting.

All income on VKontakte is tied either to promoting communities, creating quality materials and retaining subscribers, or to maintaining your brand, selling goods or services. That is why, first of all, you need to be an active Internet user and understand marketing and promotion.

You cannot create a group without investing money in its promotion, and hoping that after some time it will take off. In the initial stages, you will still have to spin around, offering to join, attracting new users and retaining them with interesting content. The same is true for maintaining company pages on social networks.

That is why in order to really work and earn money, you will need the following skills:

  • Knowledge of Photoshop (other graphic editor).
  • Creativity.
  • Ability to present information.

Many users of the World Wide Web strive to register on social networks. Here you can communicate with friends and distant relatives, share your news with them. But not everyone knows that you can also make money on the Internet. The VKontakte website allows even schoolchildren to earn a stable income.

How to earn income?

The World Wide Web is one of the opportunities for the development of advertising. Many people today strive to receive services or purchase goods without leaving their offices or apartments. Anyone who understands this knows how to make money in Contact. There are special services that pay money for likes and reposts. In this way, information about a particular company, online store or product is disseminated.

In order to start earning money, you just need to create a page on VKontakte and make friends. Many people register with inaccurate information so as not to litter their profile with unnecessary reposts. But such a page may be blocked by the site administration. You won't be able to earn money for a long time.

Individual services offer different wages for work. But you shouldn’t trust sites that pay 2-3 rubles for one like. It is not profitable for an advertiser to pay such a sum to everyone who wants to earn extra money. The average cost of such a service is 0.3 rubles. Those who spend enough time on VKontakte will be able to receive a small but stable income. Below are the most popular services for making money.


An excellent service for making money on a social network. Before you can earn money from Contact, you will have to go through a short registration procedure. The service has no age restrictions. Even a schoolchild will be able to earn income in his free time from classes. Every day a huge number of actions are added to the site for which payment will be charged. The average cost of one action is 20 kopecks.

Money on the service is credited to a virtual wallet. To withdraw earned money, you must have a “WebMoney” or “Yandex.Money” wallet. Only plastic card holders will be able to get real money. The SMMOK service allows you to earn money on advertising in Contact on average per month.


Another good service that has existed for several years. Thanks to it, participants can receive and advertisers can increase the number of visitors to their site. Every day, VPrka offers to perform many paid actions, the average price of which is 20 kopecks. There are no restrictions on the number of tasks performed. Those who work more manage to earn more.

The minimum amount for withdrawal to VPrka is 50 rubles. You can earn that kind of money from a public page on Contact in just a few days. Payments are made within 24 hours upon request. You only have to spend a few hours a day to get a stable income.


A good service that allows you to earn a little more than the previous ones. Every day a participant can perform an unlimited number of actions for a price of 40 kopecks. It is possible to earn money by advertising on your own page. The price for this action is 10 rubles. The advantage of PROSPERO is that there is no minimum amount for withdrawal. Even if you earn a small amount from clicks, you can withdraw it at any convenient time.


A very serious service that works not only with pages on social networks, but also with groups and even individual blogs. The project allows you to earn impressive amounts, but the conditions for generating income here are more serious. An ordinary student will not be able to register here. Age matters. But an adult user with an active page or group on VKontakte can earn good money.

The minimum withdrawal amount for the Blogun project is 1000 rubles. But you can earn about 5,000 rubles a month here. This is a good addition to the budget. Users will be able to earn money from clicks and advertising on their own pages. The payment for each action is decent.

How to earn rubles in Contact using a group?

Owners of their own group on a social network can earn much more. Advertisers pay well for placing information about themselves in places where there are a huge number of visitors every day. But a simple social network user will not be able to earn much from the very first days. Initially, you need to create a group that will arouse interest among others, and then promote it.

Many people are interested in how much you can earn in “Contact” on your own network, which can become the main thing if you approach your earnings wisely and invest all your efforts in the development of the group. A simple schoolboy will not do this. If you set a goal and create a group that includes more than 200 thousand subscribers, you can earn more than 20 thousand rubles from advertising per month.

Create a group in Contact

Anyone can create a group on a social network absolutely free. Those who are interested in how to make money in Contact should think about the topic of the future group. After all, only owners of groups with more than 100 thousand subscribers will be able to receive a stable and good income. It is necessary to count on a large audience. A group dedicated to beauty and body care can gather a lot of subscribers. But the one whose theme will be Siamese cats will be of interest only to a narrow circle.

Groups with beautiful photographs and statements by celebrities are extremely popular among many. Every second social network member strives to stand out thanks to an original avatar or a beautiful status. A group dedicated to the lives of celebrities can also gather a lot of subscribers. But such a group will have to work a lot. After all, you will have to add news and posts to the wall every day. Everything must be done to ensure that the number of subscribers increases and the old group members do not disperse.

How to get promoted?

Creating a quality group takes a lot of effort. But this is only half the way. Is it possible to make money in Contact if the group has not yet been promoted? The income will be scanty. It is necessary to invite as many visitors to the group as possible. First of all, invitations are sent to friends. Many of them will not refuse to participate in the group out of politeness. News will begin to appear on pages on social networks. If the information in the group is really interesting, the number of subscribers will grow. But this way the promotion will be too slow.

Before asking how much they earn at Contact, you will have to spend a little yourself. There are special services that promote blogs and groups on social networks for a fee. In addition, the group can be advertised in other groups by paying the creators a small reward. Things will go much faster from the moment the group has more than 10 thousand subscribers.

Advertising on the group wall

As soon as the group on Contact has more than 100 thousand subscribers, you can start making good money. You can start by placing an advertisement on the wall. All subscribers will be able to see it, and some of them will definitely want to follow the link. The cost of advertising on the wall of a promoted group is on average 200-300 rubles. The question of whether it is possible to make money in “Contact” disappears by itself. After all, there are many people who want to place advertisements in the places they visit.

At the initial stage, you should not set a price that is too high for posting information on the group’s pages. It's worth getting employers involved. Before you can earn money from Contact, you need to win a worthy place in the advertising services market. The cost of advertising can be raised gradually. 100 rubles per day will be enough at the initial stage.

Earnings on the stock exchange

Many people create groups on social networks for their own entertainment. But as soon as the number of subscribers increases to 100 thousand, you can start thinking about how to make money on Contact. Not everyone succeeds in finding advertisers the first time. To start receiving money faster, you can add your group to one of the specialized exchanges. These are services that help advertisers and group owners find each other. The intermediary will have to pay a small fee.

One of the most popular exchanges among social network users is Plibber. Everyone has the opportunity to post information about their group and set a single price for advertising on the wall. Advertisers will apply. The group owner will only have to choose the offers that are most interesting to him. With the help of exchanges, you can not only make great money, but also promote your own blog or group.

Earning money on VKontakte from sales

Provides a unique opportunity to earn income without leaving home. Everyone should know how you can make money on Contact without getting more subscribers or communicating with advertisers. With the help of their page or group, anyone can sell a product or offer specific services. Every day, online store owners pay huge amounts of money for domain rentals. But a page on a social network can become no worse than a virtual store. The more subscribers you have, the more you will earn.

You can also earn income without investments. There are a huge number of virtual stores that offer to purchase products in bulk. A member of the VKontakte social network can become an organizer of joint purchases. This is the purchase of goods for a certain amount from a single wholesale supplier. To make good money, you will have to devote a lot of time to your page. You will need to create several albums with products and promptly update captions under photos. Prices must always be up to date. The organizational fee for joint purchases usually does not exceed 15% of the wholesale cost of the goods. The more joint purchases are organized, the higher the income will be.

Nowadays, making money using any social network, be it Vkontakte, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram and others, is one of the most popular among novice money makers. You can earn money both in a group and only with the help of a personal page on any social network...

Many people don’t even realize that you can not only spend hours on social networks (after all, most people do that), but also benefit your pocket, or rather your e-wallet. For you, are social networks still only a source of communication? Don't lose the opportunity to make money on this!

If you have a promoted account, say, on the social network VKontakte, then you can easily make money with it. And your earnings will depend on how popular your VK page or group is.

Earning money on the social network VKontakte: how to start, what you need to do, where and how much you can earn

First, register a WebMoney e-wallet, this is where you will withdraw money.

Secondly, register on the VKontakte social network. Even if you already have a page, I strongly recommend creating a new one (especially for making money), and then promote it:

  • post your photos(you can do it so that your face is not visible), just don’t download photos of people from the Internet;
  • add friends and the more the better, preferably at least 100 people;
  • ask your friends “like” your posts and photos;
  • make a few reposts on your wall.

This will be enough to make the page look more natural and not look like a fake one.

By the way, with the help of the exchanges that we will consider below, you can easily and quickly promote an account on any social network: VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and others. And the more pages you have created on various social networks, the greater your income will be. So take some time to be prepared.

So, now about making money using VKontakte.

What do you need to do to make money on VKontakte? What work lies ahead of you? Well, everything is simple here! The types of tasks on exchanges are as follows:

  • like;
  • tell friends;
  • join a group or community;
  • subscribe to news;
  • leave a comment;
  • Add as Friend;
  • repost;
  • view video;
  • subscribe to the channel;
  • vote;
  • and other...

How much can you earn through Vkontakte? All your actions will be paid at the following rates (current at the time of writing):

  • likes and votes (the simplest actions) - 0.75 rubles;
  • join the community, watch videos, reposts, etc. - from 1 to 4 rubles;
  • leave a comment - from 4 to 30 rubles.

Earning money is quite simple, especially if you need to like, vote or join a VKontakte group, which is done in a matter of seconds. Comments are a little more difficult, but they are paid higher. And if you organize your work correctly, your income can reach several hundred rubles every day.

Thirdly, register on exchanges, study their interface and start earning money.

Exchanges for making money on social networks Vkontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook

Popular exchanges for promoting and earning money using social networks Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.


Forumok is a posting exchange, as well as a system for promoting websites and making money on social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and others. The forum has been operating since 2010, has a nice design, here you will be paid for following, tweets and retweets, comments, likes, etc. Payments are made to a WebMoney wallet starting from 200 rubles. It seems like a large amount, but it doesn’t seem to be, given the large selection of various expensive tasks, you will accumulate it quickly.

  • Go to Forumok...


Qcomment is an excellent project for social promotion and more. Also, the exchange provides you with the opportunity to earn income by writing comments and watching videos. The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles, payments to WebMoney and Yandex Money accounts.

  • Go to Qcomment...


Vktarget is a wonderful exchange, there is a lot of work available for you every day. The service supports work with several social networks, such as: Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. All accounts can be used in one project. The minimum withdrawal amount is 50 rubles, payments via WebMoney, Yandex Money, QIWI wallet.

  • Go to Vktarget...


Vkserfing is an exchange for earnings and promotion in social networks, working only with VKontakte. You can withdraw funds from 50 rubles to a WebMoney wallet or to your mobile phone balance. Withdrawals are made every Saturday.


Prospero is a system for making money and promoting on social networks, but more emphasis is placed on the Twitter account. Register on the Prospero project, complete tasks and receive payment from advertisers. There is no minimum withdrawal amount, and payments are made to WMZ and WMR WebMoney wallets. Don't forget to check out the FAQ section.

  • Go to Prospero...

VKontakte (VK, VK) today is one of the largest social networks in the world, whose traffic is confidently moving towards the mark of 100 million visitors per day.

VKontakte is not only a platform for communication and entertainment: it is a set of tools with which almost any user, from a schoolchild to a large businessman, can make money on the social network.

Let's try to figure out exactly how to make money in VK and what kind of income you can expect.

So, you have a page on a social network - this is already enough to start making money on VKontakte. Dozens of services (social exchanges) act as intermediaries between advertisers who need to promote their products and ordinary visitors. Here are a few of them:

To register in the service and complete its tasks, you often need to fill out a personal profile with a photo and gain a certain number of subscribers. More often, clone accounts are used for this type of earnings, since user pages with intrusive advertising are blocked by the social network. Making money on VKontakte from likes is the easiest, but also the least paid way, so is it worth risking your personal page for the sake of a few tens of rubles a day?

Depending on the desire of the advertiser, the performer will have to like and comment on photos and posts, join groups, add friends and invite friends, and repost notes. Earned money is usually withdrawn to electronic wallets. By inviting other users (referrals) to the project, for each of whom the system will award a small percentage of their earnings, you can increase your income on social exchanges.

If you sell your goods or offer in-demand services, a VKontakte page can be a help for your mini-business. Today, thousands of tutors, manicurists and household appliance repair specialists find additional clients through social networks.

Depending on the amount of time spent working on social exchanges and the number of invited referrals, income can range from 10 to 200 rubles per day.

Earnings on VKontakte on public, 1000-10000+ rubles per day

A public (community) can be created by any VKontakte user. Publics in the following niches are considered the most profitable:

  • Business and Finance;
  • Cars;
  • Entertainment;
  • Motivation;
  • Design;
  • Medicine;
  • Construction.

In general, when choosing a topic, it is better to focus on a direction that is well known to the author of the public, focus on the leaders of the niche and at the same time bring something fresh to the project.

Getting VKontakte subscribers is the most important stage in the development of the public. You can gain your first subscribers in a natural way by inviting your friends, or using the above-mentioned social exchanges and promotion services. A successful community requires unique, interesting content, a stable mode of publications based on the principle “the more, the better,” and advertising in thematic communities to attract new members. All this requires significant money and time, but with a rational approach it pays off with interest.

Communities make money from advertising posts, as well as from sales of their own and partner products. Purchasing a public site that has earned the trust of users can cost the new owner six or even seven figures. Selling a promoted community is another way to make money on VKontakte from public pages.

The daily income of the owner of a public page with more than 100,000 participants, depending on the topic of the community, the number of its subscribers and the monetization scheme, ranges from several thousand to several hundred thousand rubles per day.

How to make money on VKontakte with your application

Every day, millions of people access VKontakte applications - games, tests, quizzes. Creating your own application requires special knowledge, so the development of such projects is usually carried out by entire teams - scriptwriters, programmers, marketers. There is a lot of money in this industry, but even despite solid budgets, the success of the finished product is not guaranteed. However, if you have loyal like-minded people and faith in yourself, it’s definitely worth working on your project: owners of top applications earn up to a million rubles a month or more from advertising and branding.

Earnings from traffic arbitrage: from minus to 400,000 rubles per month

The goal of arbitration, another way to make money on VKontakte, is to collect the maximum flow of traffic and direct it to an affiliate link. For each effective action that the user performed after going to the partner’s website (an application for a certain service, a purchase, registration in an online game), the arbitrator receives a partner reward.

To attract users, arbitrage specialists use the VKontakte advertising network and posts in related public pages. This method of earning money requires initial investments, and income largely depends on the type and quality of the product, as well as on the experience of the arbitrator. If these components coincide and there is a starting budget for advertising campaigns, the earnings of an affiliate can be quite significant: cases that are widely available demonstrate a net income of 100-200 thousand for one advertising campaign lasting several weeks. However, most of the beginning arbitrage traders, as indeed everywhere else, lose their money in the red and leave without a break.

How to make money on VKontakte as a freelancer: 10,000-100,000 rubles per month

Even after working briefly on VKontakte to promote your page or public page, you will quickly accumulate a number of special skills. Why not get paid for your experience? Having looked through the advertisements for vacancies in large public pages and stores on VKontakte, it becomes clear what kind of specialists their owners need. Authors of interesting content, editors and moderators of communities, page and post designers, and advertising specialists are traditionally in demand here.

The entire range of social media activities undertaken to promote a brand is called SMM. Today not a single large company can do without SMM, and a beginning freelancer may well eventually apply for the position of SMM manager with a reputable employer. A freelancer’s income depends on his willingness to devote all his time to work and varies from several thousand to 100,000 rubles per month.

Selling goods on VKontakte: from minus to 100,000 rubles per month and above

A year and a half ago, users of the social network had the opportunity to create product displays in their communities. Sales on VKontakte are readily carried out by home craftsmen selling handmade goods and small companies with goods exclusive to the region. Experience has shown that such display cases sell well inexpensive cosmetics, gifts, small household appliances and gadgets, and goods for children.

While this format is far from a traditional online store, it allows the storefront owner to show off his product, and the buyer to discuss a planned or completed purchase with friends, without leaving the social network, and receive advice and recommendations from the seller. The time is not far off when VKontakte product displays will operate as full-fledged online stores. The income of a store owner in VK is determined by the characteristics of the product - seasonality, demand, quality, price. Under favorable conditions and positive word of mouth, sellers’ earnings may well exceed 100,000 rubles per month.

How to learn how to make money on VKontakte

Of the listed ways to make money on VKontakte, perhaps only the first does not require special knowledge. In order to reach a decent level of income, a beginner will have to repeatedly seek help from more experienced users, change tactics, and learn new skills. It is especially important to know the basics of SMM and its techniques for those who want to connect their careers with this dynamic and exciting craft, and business owners who use the social network as a promotion tool for their business.

Top 5 training courses: where and what they teach

  1. The online university offers training in the specialties of SMM manager and internet marketer. Help in finding a job.
  2. The school, among other things, teaches design for social networks and content marketing - the art of creating quality content. There are programs for for young mothers on maternity leave. Assistance in finding employment through our own agency.
  3. The CyberMarketing training center specializes in training in promotion and PR of brands in social networks.
  4. The focus of the courses is online earnings for women in general and VKontakte in particular.
  5. A video course from Alexander Dyrza will help business owners attract potential buyers from social networks.


We have considered only a small part of the dozens of ways to make money on the VKontakte social network. However, even from these examples we can draw an unambiguous conclusion: anyone can make money in VK. But the level of his income will depend on the skills and knowledge that can be acquired over months and years of independent work or obtained through special courses. Which path to choose is up to you.

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