What you need to know as a beginner copywriter. Copywriting - where to start free training for a beginner

Okay, you've decided to become a copywriter. Congratulations. Do you already know where to start? I didn't know. I would be damned useful such a guide at the beginning of the journey. In this article, I will give advice to novice copywriters: where to go, what to learn, who to be friends with, where to take orders. Go.

Bookmark the article and share it with your friends who want to become copywriters.

Who is this gentleman who teaches me about life?

If this is your first time on my blog, let's get acquainted. My name is Pavel, I am a copywriter and editor. A couple of years ago, I started working on content exchanges, writing dull articles for 50 rubles apiece.

Now my texts cost more than 15,000 rubles. I do advertising, write for popular blogs, edit articles by other authors, and run a content marketing agency. I think my experience will be useful to you.

Let's start with the very basics.

I do not know anything. Where to begin?

This section is for those who have decided to become a copywriter from scratch and do not understand what to do at all. So, you never wrote to order. Essays don't count in school. Let me do a short walkthrough.

The copywriter writes the text. Without experience, you won't be trusted to do ads or write for online publications. At first, you will be engaged in SEO copywriting. The gist is this:

  • you write text
  • Be sure to use certain words and phrases in it - they are called keys
  • The text is posted on the site.
  • Thanks to the inscribed words, people can find the site in Google or Yandex

Unclear? Look at the example.

The client owns an online smartphone store. He asks you to write a description of the seventh iPhone and be sure to use the words: "buy", "order" and "iPhone 7". The text is placed on the product page. When someone enters “buy an iPhone 7” into Google, your text will appear in the results.

Hooray, you made a difference and brought a potential customer to the store.

You will write SEO texts according to the terms of reference. In short - TK. These are the requirements of the customer for the article: what words should be used, how much text is needed, what should be mentioned in it, and so on.

This is what the terms of reference for a copywriter look like

Okay, I'll take care of this SEO copywriting. Where can I get orders?

In fact, everywhere. Every website needs copywriters. They are searched for in social networks, on forums and message boards. But without experience and a portfolio, they will not give you anything. Therefore, I advise you to go to a special site - the exchange.

It's kind of like a bulletin board. The site owner or manager talks about the task, and copywriters leave requests. If the customer likes you, he will choose you and give the project to work.

There are a lot of orders on the exchanges, so even a copywriter with no experience can overwhelm himself with work. Alas, newcomers there are paid a little better than nothing. I started with 30-50 rubles per text. Many of my colleagues took even less - 10-15 rubles.

Now your main task is to gain some experience and make a portfolio. Treat low-cost jobs like an internship. Income will definitely be, but a little later.

By the way, we recently launched a free one at the agency. There, in 8 lessons, we tell you how to write texts for which customers are willing to pay well. We teach to determine the goal and useful action, collect information, think over the structure, defend the idea in front of the customer.

Okay, I'll go to the stock market. Which one to choose?

What's next? What are my prospects?

I'm glad you're thinking about the future. There are many opportunities, and all of them are cool. It is unlikely that you will want to write SEO texts all your life. Yes, and they pay not that much. You can become:

  • Advertising copywriter. Write ads, slogans, help businesses sell goods and services.
  • Text copywriter. Do newsletters, write blogs, write guides.
  • Editor. Manage the whole process - give tasks to copywriters, designers, illustrators - or do it all yourself.
  • Content marketer. This is a new and very cool direction of Internet marketing, tied to high-quality content: text, video, illustrations.
  • Head. Take other specialists into your team and open a studio.
  • Info businessman. Teach beginner copywriters and editors, write books, conduct trainings, become a coach.

Regular job for an experienced copywriter

Many good copywriters move into related professions - social media marketing, setting up advertising campaigns, SEO. Or they open their own business - they have already learned how to do advertising.

Remind me of a plan of action just in case?

Okay, let's go step by step. How to become a copywriter from scratch:

Step 1. Read the Webwriter's Handbook. Understand what keys are and why they are needed.

I remind you: the key is a word and a phrase that needs to be mentioned in the text. This is necessary so that search engines give out a site for the requests the client needs.

Step 2 Register on the copywriting exchange and make several cheap orders - 20-30 rubles per 1000 characters.

I advise going to Etxt. It is the most popular, there are the most orders.

Step 3 Subscribe to thematic communities Vkontakte or Facebook. Ask more experienced colleagues questions.

Step 4 In principle, you can already be considered a copywriter. Work for a month or two, increase your rating, collect works in your portfolio. Raise your prices gradually.

Step 5 Learn theory: read books, watch webinars, attend conferences. Do not forget about practice - take on work that seems difficult to you. Learn to do something new.

Friends! Today I want to bring to your attention an interview with a practicing copywriter - Irina Kapitonova. She graduated from copywriting courses and in two months she was able not only to learn the basics of the craft, but also to find customers. Now the girl does not work in a dusty office, but enjoys freedom and profession.

How did you get into copywriting? How did it all start? Why did you decide to do
this type of activity? Tell your story

It all started not with copywriting, but with reading adventure novels. They were so exciting to read that I could not even believe that people were making money on it. So there was an interest in the texts. But anyone who has tried to write a novel at least once knows what obstacles are encountered along the way. However, a rich imagination and a dream beckoned and haunted.

At that moment, I saw a video about copywriting courses. The unusual name very quickly became familiar, and I realized: I want to! Without hesitation, I signed up for the course and began to comprehend the secrets of mastery. At that moment I had no education in the profession of "copywriter", nothing else. Only the desire to move forward. Frankly, it was difficult, because it is not always easy to put the idea on paper in the form in which it visited the head. Sometimes syntax, punctuation and spelling interfered with the creative process (to be precise, their ignorance). I had to ask Yandex.

Copywriting attracted me for many reasons:

  • he allows his talent to be expressed in writing;
  • it creates a feeling that you are doing something useful for people - you convey information to them;
  • it is convenient to work when I want, and not languish in the office like sprats in a bank waiting for the end of the working day;
  • if I go on maternity leave, then I can earn money there, and I won’t twitch because of a lack of money;
  • there is still a chance to write a novel.

Where to start for a beginner in copywriting who is just taking his first steps?

There are two ways. Learn the craft either on your own - by reading books, or in courses. The first way is financially economical, but time-consuming to master. In addition, you may encounter the problem of self-organization - after all, you will not achieve results soon, especially if you have not written texts before.

Another way is courses. Expensive in terms of money, but here you can save time, because. give a squeeze from a large array of information. Another plus of the courses is that motivation increases: after all, the money was spent. Yes, and against the background of classmates
I don’t want to look faded at all, which gives strength. Whichever of the two paths you take, you will encounter the need for practice everywhere. Perhaps this is one of the main components. The more practice in writing texts, the better the style.

At the first stages, copywriting exchanges will help beginners - there you can take tasks on texts. Of course, you won’t earn much on these sites, but the task is different - to gain experience.

In addition, you need to constantly improve in copywriting - read books on the topic.

What difficulties await someone who wants to follow the path of a copywriter? What is to be faced?

Copywriting for beginners is sometimes like Morse code: you want to express a lot, but you don’t know how, so all sorts of clumsy sentences and separate phrases appear on paper instead of dots and dashes.

It happens that there is no mood, ideas, inspiration ... But here there is only one answer for all beginners - experienced authors will support me - take a pen and paper and write or open a Word document and start typing.

What to print if nothing comes to mind?

Express those thoughts that are in your head at the moment - in the end you will find the right ideas. Sometimes there are problems with grammar, because not everyone remembers the school curriculum. There are several options for solving the problem: finally, study the rules, use services on the Internet (for example, spelling), ask those who know how to write correctly.

During the internship, you will have to take the topics that will be offered, but they are not always interesting and familiar to the copywriter. In this case, you will have to spend time studying the material, and then write your own text.

How to learn to write articles?

Here the secret is simple: you need to read a lot of materials that you want to write yourself and constantly practice. For example, you stand in a traffic jam and wait... Or you can get a notebook with a pen and write an article on a topic that interests you during this time, or write about this traffic jam and the people in it...

As Malcolm Gladwell says, to become a master of your craft, you need to practice it for at least 10,000 hours. Of course, at first the texts will be clumsy, but each time they will be better.

Exchanges and sites for copywriting: which ones are worth attention and time

Making money from copywriting is a reality. Many start with copywriting exchanges, and when they gain experience and a portfolio, they find regular customers or officially get hired as copywriters. I have passed this stage, but I know that some
authors like exchanges, for example, advego. Earnings on Advego will be useful for beginners. The prices there are not very high - from 30 rubles per 1000 characters, but the goal of a novice author is not money, but experience.

There are 3,248,007 users on the Advego website, which confirms the fame and popularity of the resource.

There is a playground text.ru, where beginners can test themselves and offer their texts to customers. The price order is about the same.

It is easy to understand how to become a copywriter from scratch if you constantly learn and practice in the chosen direction.

You can also try your skills on. Of course, this is not a profile site for copywriters, but it’s real to catch orders for texts here. By the way, on any freelance exchange there are orders for content for websites, blogs, online stores and groups in contact.

How much can you earn as a copywriter?

It depends on several factors:

  1. work experience;
  2. areas of application of knowledge (for example, landing pages pay more than informational texts);
  3. the customer himself (customers offer different pay for the work);
  4. knowledge of foreign languages ​​(they significantly increase the price tag);
  5. the place where you offer your services (there is no ceiling on earnings on freelance exchanges, but you will have a salary in official work).

Job site hh.ru There are advertisements for copywriters. The order of prices there is different: from 10,000 rubles. up to 50,000 rubles from domestic employers:

Earnings largely depend on the activity of the performer when it comes to freelancing. With official employment, it is easier - the salary is immediately written in the ad or discussed at the interview.

Is it worth learning copywriting and how best to do it?

If a person is inclined to express himself in creativity, if it gives him joy and pleasure to write texts, then it’s worth it. These, in my opinion, are the most important criteria, because if you are just interested in remote work, then you can find a lot of other options.

Sincere interest in the profession and texts is the most important selection criterion. After all, it is not enough to learn how to write materials, because if this craft does not bring pleasure, then a person will leave it anyway. When an employee loves his job, then
performs it better than competitors and will earn much more from it than colleagues in the same field. I think that it is better for beginners to learn copywriting lessons for beginners, for example, in . I have been trained by them.

Copywriting training: why Staff Online - there are a lot of offers on the market

This online school will tell you in detail how to learn copywriting from scratch. Not only school graduates or people who have decided to change their field of activity are enrolled in training, but also pensioners. Many of them have no idea how to write a text so that it can bring in money and provide a decent level of income.

Some do not believe in this, but after mastering the lessons, they themselves begin to surprise their loved ones with the fact that they do not play balls on the Web, but earn money through copywriting. Of the benefits STAFF ONLINE I can name studying in a team, discussing the work of other students, support from the curator, advice on finding a remote employer. On their course, you can’t just watch the video and forget about it, they ask each person the result, and if something doesn’t work out, they help to achieve it. Well, the period of training and achieving the first results is short - two months, which is also pleasing.

There are many assistants for beginners in mastering the profession - services for copywriters.

Let's take a look at some of them as an example.

Believe in your dream and don't give up! Of course, it is not easy for all beginners to write a good interesting text. But even great writers did not become so immediately. They spent many hours honing their style, kept notebooks where they wrote down vivid metaphors, synonyms and ideas.

Learn in a team, join groups of like-minded people, ask those you trust to evaluate your materials. But do not be discouraged if the score is not the highest - criticism of topics is useful, which helps to understand what exactly can be improved in the text, which is incomprehensible to the reader.

Take an active position in the development of the profession. Just reading books, blogs or watching videos is not enough. You need to practice, maintain, for example, your page on social networks, share creativity with friends. You yourself will see the reaction to the posts: if your subscribers like them, then likes and reposts will appear under the material. This will be a signal that the texts do not leave readers indifferent. Well, then the matter is small - a little more and you will become a top copywriter.

Learn how to become a copywriter from scratch - fill out an application for free master classes.

Text- Korolkevich Nina, especially for.

In contact with

Literally every few days, completely unfamiliar people knock on my PM and ask me to tell you in more detail about what copywriting is, where to start a beginner, is it really possible to make money on it, where to take orders, and so on. Questions are asked in a variety of ways. Therefore, the idea came up to write a detailed guide for those who are really interested in how to become a good copywriter. There will be more letters next. Go!

I want to immediately convey to the readers the main idea of ​​​​the article: copywriting is work. A full-fledged job that requires certain skills, diligence and responsibility. If you think that such an activity is not serious, that you can take an order and forget about it, or perform a blunder, urgently change your mind or close the page and do not read further.

Copywriter - who is it and what does it do?

The work of a copywriter is to write advertising and promotional texts for web pages, presentations, and print publications. Web writers are performers who specialize in preparing mainly informational articles, notes, descriptions, reviews, etc.

Copywriting is writing unique material from scratch.

Beginners sometimes think that it is enough to copy the text from another site or compose borrowed fragments (according to the “copywriting” = “copy” principle). This is wrong! The work of copying materials - copy-paste - is practically not in demand, and if ordered, it costs several times cheaper than a text written by yourself.

We found out who a copywriter is and what he does. Now it is worth highlighting several formats of work - each of them implies its own characteristics.

  • Copywriter in the company (office work)- Reports to the manager who issues orders. As a rule, the load is constant and uniform with a minimum volume set per day/week/month. The fee is a fixed monthly salary. There may be surcharges for exceeding the volume and fines for its non-fulfillment.
  • Remote in-house copywriter– works outside the office, reports to one manager, fulfills the established volume of orders. Receives a fixed salary, the amount of which may vary depending on the number of written texts or characters.
  • Freelance copywriter- does not report to anyone, is not registered in the company's staff, independently searches for clients and agrees on cooperation. Earnings entirely depend on the number of orders and their cost.
  • Entrepreneur copywriter- a person who organized his own company, through which he receives orders from customers. Often the work is done under a contract. May have a subordinate team of employees, including a manager, full-time assistants, specialists in related fields.

Depending on the format of the work, the duties of a copywriter also differ. Office and remote staff members, as a rule, only need to prepare the text in accordance with the provided terms of reference.

Freelancers often take on additional responsibilities in order to get a larger fee: collecting keywords for a page, searching for images and videos on a topic, preparing prototypes, posting text on a site, and so on.

Entrepreneurs often offer clients not only writing texts of all types, regardless of volume, but also a number of related services: collection of semantics, layout, design, and even the creation of turnkey websites.

Of course, any text must be written in accordance with the terms of reference and / or brief and sent to the customer within the agreed time. In case of occurrence, it is necessary to contact the client, otherwise there is a risk of losing him and being left without payment.

What texts are

Before you decide where to start learning a profession as a copywriter, you should figure out what types of texts are most in demand.

  • Information articles. Placed in the information sections of sites and in thematic blogs. Contain maximum useful information for readers on the relevant topic. The main purpose is to increase website traffic, improve its position in search results. A sample information article is the text that is now in front of you.
  • Descriptions of goods (cards of goods). From the name it is clear that such texts are placed on the product pages in online stores. Their purpose is to give the visitor information about the product and its features. Example.
  • Texts on the main pages of the site. They are published, respectively, on the main page, in the sections "about the company", "for partners", "questions and answers", on the pages of services, etc. The task of such texts is to form readers' trust in the brand and convince them to apply to the company. A sample can be viewed on almost any corporate website, for example, .
  • Selling texts. Used to draw the attention of users to the product and interest potential customers. Such materials are published not only on websites. On the basis of selling texts, commercial offers, brochures, flyers, e-mails for mailing lists, etc. are compiled. Example.

There are other categories of texts that you will probably get acquainted with if copywriting becomes a serious job for you. For example, texts for landing pages (landing page), marketing kits, technical, advertising, image (PR) texts, etc.

In addition to division by purpose, texts can be classified by type of work. This allows you to clearly understand how copywriting differs from rewriting and web writing.

  1. Copywriting– preparation of advertising texts based on previously conducted marketing analysis. The result of the work is a material written for a specific client, taking into account the characteristics of his business. Such content a priori cannot be rewriting.
  2. Writing and web writing– writing unique informational texts for printed publications (writing) and websites (web writing). The result of the work is author's articles, reviews, methods presented on the basis of their own knowledge and experience.
  3. Rewriting- writing unique texts (mainly articles, descriptions) based on information taken from open sources: other sites, magazines, books, etc.
  4. SEO writing- texts for websites written using keywords. Keywords are queries that users enter into the Google and Yandex search bar. Both articles and commercial texts can be SEO-optimized.

How to learn copywriting

One of the most common questions is how to learn how to write articles as a copywriter? It would seem that problems should not arise, because at school everyone wrote presentations and essays. But in reality, not everything is so simple.

  1. Start with rewriting. Just take any text and rewrite it in your own words to convey the main idea of ​​the author.
  2. Use the Internet as a source of information. Take someone else's article, read it and try to write a new text based on it, adding additional data on the topic to it. Take them from other sites or apply your own knowledge.
  3. Write about what you are good at. When preparing an article, be guided by your own knowledge on the topic. Remember that approximately 80% of the content on the Internet is written by incompetent authors, which means that such texts may contain factual errors.
  4. Be guided by authoritative sources. They can be websites of product manufacturers, technical documentation, current SNIPs, GOSTs, laws, regulations, etc.
  5. Structure the text. Use subheadings and lists, break the text into small paragraphs (no more than 5-6 lines), do not write too long and twisted sentences. The article should not look like a continuous canvas.
  6. Check technical uniqueness. Texts for websites should be highly unique. Customers usually ask for 85 to 98%. I recommend learning how to work with Advego Plagiatus. Many do not like her, but, as they say, hard in teaching - easy in battle. Try to get rid of the fragments highlighted in yellow: rephrase, rearrange words, etc.
  7. Reread your texts the next day. This helps to notice typos, correct lexical inaccuracies, get rid of punctuation, spelling and other errors.
  8. Read fiction. Books are rigorously edited before they are printed, so they are usually free of any errors. Reading helps to enrich the vocabulary, improve literacy. Try to pay attention to punctuation in complex sentences, find out the meanings of unfamiliar words, write out metaphors - all this will subsequently become the basis for creating beautiful texts.
  9. Read articles and literature on the profession. If you want to learn copywriting from scratch, this article alone is not enough. The profession requires constant learning, so get ready to regularly visit the blogs of successful colleagues and draw knowledge from their publications and books.

Write a few articles on topics that interest you. Read them. Well, do you like it? Let friends, family, acquaintances read it. In no case do not be offended if a flurry of criticism follows in response - on the contrary, try to catch and take into account every word that you hear from readers. Don't give up. Each subsequent text of yours will surely be better than the previous one. Practice.

Useful sites and literature for a novice copywriter

I offer several sites that will help you understand the profession and understand copywriting for beginner freelancers.

  • https://shard-copywriting.ru - Daniil Shardakov's blog. It will be useful both for beginners and for those who have already settled in writing and are striving to move to a higher level - to start writing sales texts. The site has a lot of useful articles and training videos.
  • http://textis.ru/stati-o-kopiraytinge/ – Petr Panda's Panda Copywriting project. Beginning copywriters love this blog not only for useful information on the profession, but also for the portion of motivation that the author adds to each article.
  • http://www.blog-kaplunoff.ru - Denis Kaplunov's project "Copywriting from A to Z". The blog is aimed at more experienced professionals, but there is a section for beginners. In addition, if you decide to get serious about copywriting, this site will be a great helper.
  • http://web-copywriting.ru - School of selling texts by Sergei Troubadour. It will be useful for those who want to start with promotional materials. Trainings are paid, but the site has an information section with articles from which you can learn a lot of useful information.
  • http://free-writing.ru - Academy of Correct Copywriters. The main direction is training in copywriting. Some materials are available for free. An extensive blog with articles is also available.

Of course, these are not all copywriting sites for beginners that are worth visiting in order to understand the profession and learn how to write good texts. In the process of work, you yourself will find resources that will seem useful and interesting in terms of self-education.

  • "Word alive and dead", Nora Gal;
  • "50 Writing Tips" by Roy Peter Clark;
  • “Write, cut. How to create a strong text”, M. Ilyakhov;
  • "The Art of Marketing Messages" by Joseph Sugarman;
  • "Ogilvy on Advertising" by David Ogilvy;
  • "How not to eat a dog", D. Kot;
  • "Speed ​​Reading Primer" by Tony Buzan.

The first three books teach you to write concisely and beautifully, to avoid clericalism and verbal clichés. This is useful for texts of any format. The next three books are devoted to the creation of advertising and sales texts, talk about how to properly offer a product and manage the opinion of the target audience. And finally, the last book, almost in a playful way, teaches you to quickly absorb information by training memory and thinking.

How to get started as a newbie copywriter

So, you found out what the job of a copywriter is, got acquainted with the basic materials for the profession and realized that you want to do this. What's next?

  1. Decide on the direction of future activity: writing (articles) or copywriting (advertising texts).
  2. Choose 1-2 topics that you are well versed in (for writing).
  3. Prepare a portfolio.
  4. Create a copywriter profile.
  5. Write a short text that you will address to customers.

And now in order.

Webwriting or copywriting?

Despite the fact that selling texts are paid more than informational ones, the vast majority of beginners start with web writing. Why? Writing articles is easier than writing ads. It makes sense to start with copywriting if you are well versed in marketing, were engaged in sales and know how to influence a person so that he becomes a client. Otherwise, choose a rating first.


As in any other profession, there are different niches in web writing - topics. Here are some reasons to choose a specialization:

  • preparation of articles on a familiar topic takes less time;
  • you can offer expert content that customers are chasing;
  • articles from a specialist are appreciated not only by clients, but also by readers;
  • you are doing your part to improve the overall quality of content on the Internet.

Write on any topic or go into your niche - the choice is yours. In the second case, you lose some potential customers, but acquire customers who, as a rule, become permanent.

There are also specializations in copywriting: commercial offers, letters for email newsletters, texts for landing pages and others. If you are a beginner, the best option is not to spray. Choose one niche and try to master it to the maximum.


Making money as a copywriter on the Internet is almost impossible without a portfolio. Customers prefer to cooperate with those who already have experience. In addition, examples of texts allow you to understand what result you can expect.

Where can I get a portfolio for a novice copywriter? Write some texts and use them as examples. Try to make them as attractive as possible for the reader: structure, subtract for errors, including factual ones, get rid of fragments that can be misinterpreted.

In no case do not show customers texts that were not written by you as a portfolio. The fraud will be revealed as soon as the client receives the first article prepared by you. If her style and/or quality does not match the example, the work will most likely not be paid. In addition, you risk earning notoriety in this way.

Copywriter Profile

Whatever page on the Internet you use as a business card, be it a profile on a social network or on a specialized freelance site, you need to design it. The task is to make the account attractive to potential customers, it must be associated with a real person and inspire confidence. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get good orders. So what are we looking at:

  1. Name or nickname. It is better to use your own name, under which the client can find you on the Web. No need to use diminutive forms - it looks undignified. If you are Tatyana Ivanova, please indicate so in your profile. No Tanyushka, Tanya4ka, Tatyanka and other word forms. You can also use an alias to work. But in this case, make sure that it appears on all resources related to work. The alias should be easy to read and easy to remember. Again, avoid common nicknames - your name should be associated with a serious person.
  2. Avatar. It is advisable to set your own photo. It should be of high quality and made in a more or less strict setting, and not in the midst of a feast, not on the beach, and not against the backdrop of a grandmother's carpet. If you absolutely do not want to show your face, you can use neutral pictures. Avoid too bright colors, provocative elements, celebrity images.
  3. personal information. This is your mini presentation. Every potential customer who visits the page sees it. Part of what you write about yourself will determine whether or not to work with you. Try to indicate information that may be of interest to future customers: education, experience (not only work, but also everyday), hobbies. Do not forget to write why the customer should cooperate with you. It is better to refrain from mentioning family details, age, personal preferences and other personal information.

If you use a page on a social network for work, make sure that it looks like the current one. Fill in the main fields of personal information, add photos (better that these are your photos, not pictures), friends, and posts on the "wall", subscribe to various publics, including those dedicated to copywriting.

The ideal option is to use a real page. Change your account settings so that every registered user of the social network can write a personal message to you. network, and the profile was available for viewing by everyone without exception.

Where to look for orders for copywriters

So, you decided to do copywriting, mastered the basics of this profession and thoroughly prepared for work. Now it's up to the small thing - to find customers. The Internet is full of places where you can meet potential customers. Here are the most common:

Attention! Work for a novice copywriter is offered not only by real customers, but also by scammers whose goal is to get texts for free. Be carefull! Negotiate with the client about an advance payment, work through an intermediary site, or write no more than one article without payment.

Read about what schemes exist for cheating copywriters and how not to become a victim of a scammer.

How can a copywriter communicate with a client?

In order to make money on articles, copywriting enjoyable, it is important to maintain communication with clients in the right way. It would seem, what could be the problem? Nevertheless, even experienced freelancers sometimes make mistakes, which drive themselves under the "heel" of the customer.

Remember, the client is not your boss. You provide services on mutually beneficial terms. The customer is interested in your texts just as you are in his money. Maintain partnerships, but don't let the client treat you like a subordinate. This is true for all freelance copywriters.

Communicate with the customer respectfully, tactfully, but do not curry favor with him, and even more so do not put yourself below your partner. The phrase “the customer is always right” is not true in all cases.

But what if the customer behaves like a boss (orders, pressures, allows himself to communicate incorrectly)? In this case, there are three solutions:

  1. Refuse to cooperate at a loss - without waiting for payment or by returning the advance.
  2. Refuse to cooperate by completing the current work.
  3. Continue cooperation if such communication does not hurt your feelings.

Of course, if you refuse to work, you need to notify the client. If the situation has not turned into an open conflict, it is best to refer to employment or other reasons. It is unacceptable to simply stop responding to messages or add a customer contact to the blacklist!

No matter how the relationship with the client develops, always communicate with the utmost courtesy and correctness - this will save your reputation.

How to fulfill orders and what to do with finished texts

So, you have found a client and agreed to cooperate with him: discussed the task, payment, conditions, terms and other details of the project. Now it's up to you. Suppose that you have been ordered informational copywriting, how do you get started?

  • Read the assignment carefully and make sure everything is clear to you. Learn the meanings of unfamiliar terms. If you have any questions, ask the client.
  • Find out from the customer on which site the article will be posted. Review already published texts to get an idea of ​​the format in which to write, unless otherwise indicated in the task.
  • Get into the topic. If your own knowledge is not enough to reveal it, find authoritative sources and read them.
  • Outline a future article.
  • Expand each of the points of the plan. When writing, stick to specifics, avoid verbal constructions that do not carry a semantic load. Don't go too far off topic.

If the task is to prepare a selling text, read about how to do it.

You can write in any text editor. It is convenient to draw up the finished work with MS Word tools or its analogues. Take care of automatic saving of the document. In Word 2007, 2010 and 2016, you can configure this feature by running the following command: File → Options → Save, check the box next to "AutoSave" and specify the time (I recommend 1 or 2 minutes).

Google Docs tools, which visually differ little from Word, are also popular. Their advantage is that the file cannot be lost or accidentally closed without saving - everything is in your Google account. In addition, you can access documents from any device, i.e. you are not tied to a working PC.

The finished text must be completed before submission. Break it into small paragraphs, highlight lists and headings using the appropriate MS Word tools. In the SEO article, highlight the keywords with a colored marker, unless otherwise specified in the task.

Make the text attractive to read - the client will like it.

How much can you earn from copywriting per month

This is perhaps the first most popular question asked by beginners. It is definitely very difficult to answer it, because the financial result depends not only on the potential capabilities of the copywriter, but also on the actual working conditions, in particular:

  • service rates;
  • the number of orders;
  • personal performance;
  • the number of working hours.

Theoretically, earnings on copywriting on the Internet can amount to hundreds and even thousands of dollars a month. To see this, just look at the price lists of famous copywriters. For example, at the time of writing this guide, Dmitry Kot takes 8,000 rubles for one selling text, Denis Kaplunov - from $ 100 to $ 250, Sergey Troubadour - 6,000 rubles. These are eminent personalities, whose professionalism is beyond doubt. Less promoted copywriters have more modest prices.

If we talk about part-time work as a copywriter at home by writing articles and non-commercial texts (web writing), then here the prices are much lower. The amount of 400-500 rubles per 1000 characters is considered quite high. However, for example, the Internet marketing agency TexTerra pays its writers from 5,000 rubles per article. Naturally, the quality of such work and the author's expertise in the subject should be on top.

I hope I motivated you? Because now we will talk about the real prospects of a beginner.

Unfortunately, you can't get into copywriting with no experience and immediately raise your prices to the level of a pro. Or rather, it is possible, but it will be extremely difficult for a person without a name and reputation to find clients with such conditions. Therefore, your main task at the initial stage is to gain experience, improve professionalism and declare yourself as a specialist.

What price to call customers? The first time, until you are sure that your texts are really good, 30–50 rubles. for 1000 characters will be the best price. As your professional level rises, raise the cost of services. But don't stay long in the low price range.

How to accept payment

Before you start working as a copywriter on the Internet, take care of the ways to accept payments. Clients should not experience difficulties with the transfer of money to your accounts. It is also worth considering that customers may be located abroad.

Here are the main calculation methods:

  • transfer to a bank card (in the Russian Federation, Sberbank cards are the most popular, in Ukraine - PrivatBank);
  • transfer to an electronic wallet: Yandex.Money, QIWI, WebMoney;
  • instant money transfers: "Unistream", "Anelik", Western Union, etc.

Make at least one Visa or MasterCard bank card to accept payments in your name, create and identify electronic wallets in all popular payment systems. The more ways you have to get paid for your work, the less problems you will have in the future.

Today, almost every person who knows how to use a computer and keyboard dreams of becoming a freelance copywriter. If you can still boast of a “sense of language” and literacy, then you have every chance of becoming a sought-after author.

So, you are a beginner copywriter - where to start, how to become a professional and start earning? The eTXT content exchange is the best start for beginners, so we will tell you how to become a copywriter and find customers.

How to become a copywriter and where to start?

Step 1. Registration There are no rigorous exams required to register on the eTXT Content Exchange. The main thing is to know what copywriting is, and we will teach you how to start working!

Fill in all the fields of the registration form and select the desired status for further work - performer. In the additional fields, select what types of work you want to do (copywriting, rewriting, translations, SEO copywriting) and for what price. If you don’t even know yet who a copywriter is and how to start working, leave these fields blank. You can always change their value in your account settings.

After filling out the form, click "Register" and wait for the registration confirmation email: in a few seconds it should arrive at the mailbox specified when filling out the form.

Step 2. Profile setup Your profile is your face on the Exchange. The more detailed and better filled profile, the more professional you look. A good copywriter must first of all be able to correctly describe and “sell” himself. Editing and profile settings are available in the user's personal account by clicking on the name:

Fill in all fields to the maximum. In the "Additional Information" field, in a free form, indicate your strengths: skills, training, experience, why the customer should entrust the work to you.


If you have texts that can be shown to customers as an example of your work, place them in your portfolio. You can add both the texts themselves and links to resources where they are published. Show the best work, not everything: the customer must make sure that you are a professional. A portfolio is the most important information in a profile, but if it is not there, how to become a copywriter and where to start? If you have no experience at all, do not despair: you can write a paper for advanced training (by type of work). So you kill two birds with one stone: you can add a qualifying article to your portfolio and get "stars of excellence" for it.

You can also register on the Web-3.ru partner project and place the text there, and from the portfolio give a link to a colorfully designed article. Do not be lazy to fill out a portfolio, as it is easy to become a copywriter on the Internet today, but it is quite difficult to show your skills “on your fingers” , customers need "evidence". The "Portfolio" tab is available in your account in the "My Profile" section. You can read more about the rules for filling out a portfolio in the section. Step 3. Working with orders After filling out the profile, proceed to the selection of the first orders. If you are lost and still don’t know how to become a copywriter, you can read the step-by-step training instructions again in ours. How to choose an order? If, when registering or editing your profile, you did not specify the minimum prices for your services, you will be able to view all orders of the system. In your personal account, open the "View all orders" section - you will see the order feed of the exchange. You can find those orders that you will be most interested in working with in the search by selecting the necessary parameters. Beginner copywriters, whose rating is less than 300 units, need to pass a literacy test in order to gain access to more expensive orders (from 15 rubles / 1000 characters for rewriting and from 25 rubles/1000 characters for copywriting).
How to apply? Did you like the theme of the order, the task is clear, and the working conditions suit you? Excellent! Click the "Submit Application" button and wait for the customer to accept it and choose you as the executor of the work. If your candidacy is approved, you will receive a system message and the order status will change to "In Progress". The statuses of orders and applications are displayed in the personal account from above:
Working on an order When accepting an order for work, carefully read all the conditions. You must complete the work in accordance with the requirements of the customer - only then he will accept the work and pay you the money. All requirements are indicated in the order card: the minimum number of characters, the deadline for submitting the work, the percentage of uniqueness, etc. Do not forget that your article should be competent and of high quality by default. They will help you check yourself. When the work is ready, send it for review: upload the finished work through the order form or attach a file with the text. If the customer has accepted the order, you will receive a system notification, and the article will change to the “Completed” status. Payment will be credited to your account approximately 3-4 hours after the work is accepted. Good luck to all newcomers on the project! Join if you are not with us yet.

A detailed plan on how to study without money or where a novice copywriter should start. Practical advice from personal experience - how to learn copywriting from scratch. We independently master copywriting - where to start free training in a proven way, a detailed article-plan. All you need is a desire and a magical amplifier - a shortage of banknotes.

Copywriting Books for Beginners

Professional knowledge and secrets are in books. Read on to understand where it comes from. A beginner just needs to read a few. You will find the necessary books with a description of the content in the figures in the article. The books are serious but easy to understand. You can download for free or read online in Runet.

Copywriting - how to start free training

Skills influence the result. Copywriting is not a freebie - money for work does not come easily. It is profitable to deal with intelligent people, you can do it without special education, but always “with your head”.

People have different horizons. Erudition, the ability to express thoughts on paper differ. There is a noticeable difference even among those who wrote essays well as a schoolboy. Some write easily, in between times. Others grind for a long time, fix a lot, redo it for hours. The result is approximately the same, but the efficiency is different. Without explanation, it is clear who earns more.

Practicing and learning, first of all - self-education, serious independent work. Practice comprehend the secrets and subtleties of the craft. By itself, skill will not appear. Few have the ability to force themselves to work. It takes desire and motivation.

Life shows boring examples. Some have the ability, but do not want to work. Others are below average but work hard and succeed.

I thought once - I wanted to try, but I doubted - would it work? Money to pay for copywriting fabulous courses "toad crushed." To hunch back later for a penny - to work out dubious pleasures - no. Believing in fairy tales is already a rather big girl. I decided that I could deal with higher education from the USSR for free. If there are no results, no worries, no expenses.

It took two months to figure it out after hours. I re-read articles where one thought was smeared into a bunch of useless words - not to count. It took two months to figure out how to make money. However, juicy impressions remained - I quickly realized that everyone cuts newcomers in the year-round hunting season. First, storytelling courses, then stock exchanges snatch a percentage. Intermediaries receive notable dividends - they write for pennies.

I decided to write a detailed article. Those who think and want to try it themselves will find a hint. No money is a plus, there is no extra temptation.

Take it for free or get it on a silver platter for money - everyone chooses for themselves. No one can do without hard work. To get a profession, you need to really want, then still be able to. The sooner you start to turn on your head, you will go faster. See who is a copywriter, what he does, how much he earns.

Beginning copywriter - where to start?

To start thinking in any business, you need to gain a critical mass of information. Concepts in the head will settle down, new neural connections will sprout in the brain, something like that. To avoid porridge in thoughts, it takes time to shrink, shrink. Each person processes information at a different speed. This is how nature has decreed, so there is no need to rush, we do everything gradually.

We act as an all-weather vacuum cleaner. We collect everything interesting: copy files, put them in folders, accumulate videos. We take free copywriting courses. If they offer, why not take it? We write out free books with super-experience and mega-secrets on our topic. Books are a strong word. Most of the works have a volume approximately like this article, or a little more.

They require E-mail - we send it easily, if it is impossible without it. Let's get acquainted, maybe we'll unearth something interesting. “Labuda” will come - unsubscribe from the mailing list.

On YouTube, various channels give lessons to beginners. They just settled down - they quote famous authors. There is a demand for video - they don't like to read, that's a fact. We listen to what we like. There is an interesting presentation of information. Charming speakers come across, the whole show is played out. We get useful knowledge. See How to Self-Teach Remote Freelance Jobs.

There are a little more than five main players in paid courses. I used to study free webinars. I will not comment, everything is the same. They give a theory, ask "homework", which they kind of check. Twice on different "tutorials" I made a mistake and sent dummy letters. They sent good grades for homework, it was even nice. Later I noticed that I forgot to attach the files.

Courses work in the same way. First, the story of the millionaires from the slums, how the poor became masters - this is a selling story. Then a free portion of courses takes place, where they present their solvency, tighten with charm. They cast fishing rods - they give interesting material for seeding. Then they will tell you about the paid part with super-secret methods. If they promise guarantees of employment, then definitely a scam.

Probably there are “mishandled Cossacks” among the listeners in the free part - everywhere there is unearthly ecstasy in the comments. They praise the speaker with puppyish delight. They really want to pay in advance for courses - shamanism, damn it, some kind of or "divorce". Be sure to complete a couple of trainings without payment to see this.

What a copywriter should be able to do

  • Know how to properly compose and format an article, the basic rules of formatting.
  • Compose an optimal plan for the article, taking into account the given volume of characters.
  • Come up with a catchy title of the article with the original keywords.
  • Quickly collect and check information from the Internet. To be able to analyze and highlight the main points, reference points for solving the problem.
  • Learn to write fluently coherent texts with a logical structure of a different nature.
  • Get confident skills - how to find and correct text errors.
  • Master anti-plagiarism services to check the uniqueness of content.
  • Optimize any texts for "water", "nausea", readability. Defeat the Glavred service.
  • Understand the basic principles of SEO, be able to correctly insert keywords into the text.
  • Build a strong portfolio.
  • Acquire a firm conviction that you need to promote yourself and move away from gratuitous work.
  • Learn to communicate with people, understand requests and communicate in the language of customers. The main skill of a professional.
  • Choosing images and being able to create simple collages is the first level of web design.
  • Post pictures and articles on the site. Have a simple skill to insert an HTML string into text.
  • Select, "parse" the optimal keys for a query for an article.

If you learn the last three points of skills, there will be an expert level, another price category for projects. Experienced bloggers are masters of this.

In copywriting, it is easier to find out where the results of the author's work ended up. If you handed over the project, in a week put the document for verification of originality. When the article has already been published, the program will show a link to the source. Here calculate to whom they wrote - to an intermediary or a real customer. Send a cooperation proposal from another email address. They usually answer. Next is the matter of technology.

I once switched a dozen employers in this way to work directly. It will work if the quality of your article suits the client, plus turn on the charm. Every seasoned copywriter should own this.

The main skill in self-education is to understand that if “misunderstandings” arise, they need to be explained to yourself. Just type a request in Yandex and read the top 3 articles. Did not find the answer - rephrase the request and look further for the answer.

Copywriting exchanges for beginners

It is better to start from sites with free access. Such accounts allow registration by anyone who wants to. I'll stick with the popular ones. All professional copywriting services on these platforms are certainly available.

  • advego.ru Debutants have access to easy tasks that can be performed immediately. The interface is easy to understand. You can set up a selection of tasks by types, volumes and topics. Withdrawal fee is 0.8%.
  • Etxt.ru Participants are ranked. The rating will be given after passing the tests. A weak rating prohibits admission to worthy tasks. In Russian, a normal person on the stock exchange will be able to pass the test. There is a store of ready-made articles. It is difficult to place an article at a high price. Moderation is disabled. The price tag of finished articles is kept low for everyone. They take a 5% commission from authors.
  • TEXT.ru Debutants see the task feed in full. You can apply from day one. Participants are rated. Depends on the fulfillment of orders, the placement of articles in the shop for sale. The main thing is to post an article, to skip moderation. Sold or not - the rating does not affect. For the withdrawal of money they take 0.8% - 1.5%, depending on the wallet. Prices for texts are above average, so there are enough mature authors.

There are no "grain" exchanges and secret rookeries of yacht clients. Employers use all popular resources. They hope that there are monogamous authors of the same platform, which it is sometimes useful to calculate. The authors perform the same dances in search of employers. Which platform to choose is a far-fetched problem for debutants. Read Runet and choose the starting version of the freelance exchange according to your mind. See How to get started on freelance exchanges for beginners.

The main difficulty is to reach customers directly. Two-thirds of employers are pros. From here penny prices of debutants grow. You can compose cheaply for intermediaries forever, but they will not appreciate the efforts, they don’t care.

We gain experience, accumulate material for presentations and learn to identify key employers, dreams about them. To then charm and intercept. It is important not how much we work, but how the piggy bank grows in terms of experience and money.

“Closed” exchanges require serious exams and tests. They will not bring rich orders, but they will take a rather big commission. Climbing there without experience is an empty business.

Checking text for errors online

Word will help correct gross blunders if you correctly configure the editor settings. All copywriting exchanges have literacy testing services, all free. Select the desired tab on the web page of the exchange. Error checking is usually done in conjunction with diagnostics for uniqueness.


Good paid smart program, knows the rules of the Russian language. I rate it as great service. It copes well with punctuation errors, which is rare for machine checking. Takes money for each diagnosis. The price of the check is determined by the tariff plan. Know that such a program exists, though paid, but good.

Yandex Speller

The service corrects spelling errors of words and phrases for free. Underlines incorrect words and selects a replacement. Deciphers distortions and typos. Ordinary services often “yawn” spaces between words.

Checking for text uniqueness

Checking for uniqueness is a mandatory item in the task for a copywriter. First of all, indicate a specific verification program. Search bots protect the text from rough copying with effective algorithms. If a copy is found, the web resource may be thrown out of the search. This will be a severe punishment. Uniqueness is an important point for evaluation so that the article gets into the Top.

All stock exchanges have anti-plagiarism programs. We carry out the check simply - copy the text and paste it into a special window. Employers always put forward personal requirements. Achieving 96% uniqueness is considered normal, below it is found on medical topics for sure. Consider services on popular exchange web resources, they are also free.

Advego Plagiatus

The program is downloaded to your home computer, it is easy to install. Efficient scanning is obtained by the "deep check" option. Before checking, the size of the shingle is set, which corresponds to the number of words of the phrase. Phrases of this length are then searched for by the robot for copies. The fourth shingle check is considered optimal, that is, we are looking for repetitions of phrases of four words. If you set a smaller number, then it will be more difficult to get uniqueness. Repetitions of a two-word phrase occur at every turn. Advego Plagiatus is considered a strict verification algorithm.


Anti-plagiarism service of the Etxt.ru exchange. The program is also downloadable on a PC. There are several types of checks. You can set the check for six search engines. Online verification can only be used by users of the exchange.


Checks online only. It is considered the most popular and liberal service, more often than others it shows 100% uniqueness. If you have to wait in line for check-in, this is a small drawback.

Service Glavred

There is an online service for cleaning textual material from verbal garbage, from “water content” and stop words - service Glavred. Search robots treat excess "water", "nausea" without enthusiasm. Experienced customers set limit values ​​for these parameters, keep this in mind.

Excessive elements of the letter tire the reader, worsen the perception of the text. It is boring to read worn out phrases, clichés from newspapers. Text clutter is not easy to treat - old habits. Each person has stereotyped "smart" turns of speech, banalities. This carries over to writing by itself.

The service shows words without semantic content, stamps are different verbal ballast. Reduces dependence on an excess of unnecessary words. Highlights ugly, redundant text phrases that should be removed or redone. The author of the service, Maxim Ilyakhov, suggests grading texts from 7 to 9. When the score is higher than 9, the material may come out dry and harsh.

The service helps to add literacy to a copywriter. As a result, they will wean them from writing obvious nonsense and throwing beautiful empty words. After correcting two or three of his own opuses, the style of writing will really change, the husk will decrease.

On each exchange resource there is a semantic analysis of text documents, on a separate tab. They will show in detail the numbers of "water content", "nausea" and the exact number of stop words. If there is a complete picture of your essay, you will see where you need to correct it. I find SEO analysis on Advego.ru convenient.

Copywriter portfolio

How to create a portfolio

The collection of works should be like “I am”. Portfolio - samples of texts, a collection of completed works, a portfolio of presentations. Shows the level, forms the image of an experienced copywriter.

Customers choose a copywriter for three reasons: they study a detailed response to an application, look at a portfolio, and read reviews. Readers will become customers if the portfolio is convincing. It is easy to create a portfolio of works, it is more difficult to correctly arrange it in order to be appreciated. There is nothing for a beginner to arrange a portfolio with - a familiar picture. We deal with both sides.

First, we write essays specifically for the presentation. We define topics that we understand better, where it is interesting for the perspective. In order not to invent "from the bulldozer" - we choose a real task on the content exchange. Some employer will work for our benefit in the dark. We choose TK with a detailed description, understandable.

We complete the task and leave it as a sample. It is useful to reveal different topics and show diverse text works. We set a goal - to pay attention to the skills that we want to promote and sell. You need to design a presentation in such a way that even a cursory glance clings. Write a dozen works - there is something to start with.

Second side. There is a website that promises authors passive income for free essays. It is pointless to work all the time - a typical "divorce", BUT ... We want to collect material for a collection of essays. As a result, we will write real SEO articles. We have mutual interest for a short time. I once read an address on the Internet web-3.ru.

The resource had a structure of mentors - experienced copywriters. They will chew questions for beginners, show errors. Previously, they were treated kindly, but the attitude could change - then consider the idea irrelevant. If you have kept your disposition towards newcomers, learn: do reviews, fill out product cards. There is a free choice for development. You will pay tribute to free creativity, but in return you will pick up a basis for presentations. You can refer to your own quite worthy works.

The ability to work under control and clear up "misunderstandings" in the craft is not a weak experience. The structure of a web resource is complex, you will have to spend time to figure it out. As a result, you will get a dozen finished works that have passed moderation - a practical result. There is nothing more to do there.

How to add work to portfolio

According to the exchange rules, it is possible to collect works for presentations only with the permission of the owner - the buyer of the material. It is desirable to clarify this at the beginning of cooperation. Employers after accepting the order ignore vain questions. They are not interested in thinking about unnecessary problems.

After submitting the final version, turn all materials-texts into screenshots of .jpg formats; .png Search engines treat these formats as images. It is undesirable to use the .pdf format, since robots recognize and index pages as a text document. There may be problems with the uniqueness of the letter. Materials are added to the portfolio with a link to the publication's web resource, or a screenshot of the document is added.

Posting materials in the portfolio is prohibited if:

  • The buyer posted the essay on the blog.
  • Proceedings were custom-made reviews, comments.
  • The material was signed by someone else's specific name.
  • Format text or .pdf, except for own compositions especially for presentations.

If the buyer forgot to allow the demonstration of the material, screenshots can be shown, except in cases of “forbidden”. Check that the publication of the material takes place, then there will be no harm.

It is better to design a portfolio not just with a collection of texts, but with cases - examples of solutions. This distinguishes an experienced master from an inexperienced copywriter. No one is interested in reading a selection of a brilliant artistic style. Beautiful design pictures usually capture the authors themselves. Employers will read later if they are hooked on a practical solution. Employers identify performers with the ability to achieve a given result in order to close their pressing problems.

The design feature is simple - we give the initial conditions of the problem and show what we got at the finish line. First, we fully describe the original task. Then we display the result, technical values: volume, uniqueness. We add indicators for "water", "nausea" and what the Glavred service showed. We show how the keys and given words were placed - highlight with color in the text. When the parameters are good, we show everything. If the norms “ran away” somewhere, let’s skip it, remove it from the demonstration.

It is undesirable to lie, to attribute someone else's. The truth comes out at the wrong time. If you want to earn big, you will have to master this approach, other methods are less effective. How much work to keep for demonstration, everyone decides for himself. I recommend at least 20 diverse examples. The portfolio needs to be reviewed periodically. We leave only the best, freshest.

Where to post your portfolio

Copywriting exchanges

It is more practical to issue on each site separately if you use several resources. Exchange accounts present their own rules for posting presentations in personal accounts. We follow the rules as needed. We have only two forms of presenting the presentation: we give a link to the hosting resource or show a screenshot. Repeating the design for each account is uncomfortable, but cheap and practical.

It is better to present the results of the work with the help of an understandable classification and simple navigation. For beginners, it is more promising to multiply interesting solutions than to colorfully design simple tasks. As long as experience is being accumulated, and orders come only from exchange platforms, such an exposure is enough.

A small minus will be the limitation of placement opportunities on some resources.

Social media

We create a separate business page, account or community in the social network of your choice. There we put the presentation. Work posts must be separated from personal records - this is more reliable. Collecting screenshots in an album. We describe cases with links in the comments to folders or photos. We arrange as you like. We open access to all posts. While there is no full-fledged website, you can promote your services in this way. From the community there will be a link to a personal page, which will only add to the image.

There is a minus - the employer must be registered in a specific social network.

Google Sites, free website builders

A universal way to post a presentation of your work on the Web. It cannot be called normal web resources. It turns out a business card site. To quickly place and learn new skills, it is quite suitable. Spend a couple of hours. You can arrange as you like, including design. It will be easy to get acquainted with the works. Send a link to your account and share the folder.

What are the cons:

  • They place a lot of other people's ads nearby, limit the functionality - with a free tariff.
  • Long domain name.
  • The web resource does not belong to you, you will lose it at any time.
  • The same free opportunities are used by crooks, scammers. Does not inspire confidence among serious employers, undignified.

Own site on the Joomla platform, WordPress

Experienced authors, future bloggers come to this result. We get complete independence, we use all the digital capabilities of the Web. This is a transition to another price level, the image grows sharply. We promote our craft with all the power of SEO and advertising. If you write a couple of articles every month, in three years you can earn on advertising. Remember - articles should be SEO-good and for people.

We get small cons:

  • Domain payment for a year: 95 - 300 rubles.
  • Monthly payment for hosting: 150 - 300 rubles. Free hosting is a complete ambush in terms of site loading speed.
  • You need to spend time self-learning the skills to maintain the site. Or buy courses if there is more money than working time: 10-12 thousand rubles. Although you can find much more expensive.
  • Buy a reliable ready-made website template: 1 - 3 thousand rubles. Free templates are usually bookmarked. Paid ones can also hurt if you don’t know the proven options.

There is a scam in Runet - how to make your own website for free. If you skip the colorful tinsel, the divorce is as follows. You will be forced to pay for a specific hosting through a referral link for a year, preferably two. It will be 2-4 thousand rubles. First, they take charm and promise a fairy tale. Then they will force hard, including insults. They will collectively shame the lazy and attack those who miss happiness in the chat. People get embarrassed and pay. "Bred" will receive almost half of the affiliate program from the hosting. Refuse to pay - the next webinar will be "banned" - a profitable outcome. The rest will receive a myth and paid hosting for some reason. Your own website will not appear by itself. It needs to be done.

What orders to choose for beginners on the exchange

So that the task does not turn out to be a burden, it is simple, fearless - first choose orders, let them personally carry you away. Choose not a client, but terms, price and opportunities “I can or not”. Beginners are timid to take the first job - a common picture. Fear of cold water goes away after the first step. After a couple of first orders, the excitement will dull, confidence will fly in.

Take orders easy. Doubt, take an application for an hour, two - let it fly to others, it means superfluous. We saw a boring technical task (TOR), there is no desire to understand it - skip it. Skip the tasteless. You feel - the offer is within your power, the prices are tolerable - make up an answer and send it. Grabbing orders "at random" often leads to fulfillment problems, negative reviews. The rating will fall, the earnings will “cover up”.

Form a reflex to participate in efficient projects. To make the topic catchy, the work was understandable, not free. The low cost of a kilosign is given by intermediaries. You can write five times for a portfolio. It will do to get the initial skills to insert keys. Further it is more interesting to master the tariffs more expensive. Train confidence that you order music, dance whatever you want. A different color scheme comes out, the look is real, you prepare the result yourself.

Build confidence from the start. Choose work according to your strength, especially weigh the possibilities in terms of time - the reserve will come in handy. Grabbing everything in order to earn kilosigns, fussing is empty chores. It's worth working for money, kilosigns don't matter. The final profit and a minimum of time consumption are valued. Consider the efficiency, the rest is nonsense.

Skip legal, medical, and technical projects at first. Take it if you know the question. This is a difficult material, it happens that experienced people pass by. Covering general issues is noticeably easier.

Without experience in copywriting, exclude projects with requirements for “water”, “nausea”, and other excesses. Until you understand the SEO parameters of the letter. Optimizers, bloggers like to place such orders. Without special skills and experience, it is difficult to squeeze the project to the required numbers. You will lose more time than you will earn money. The article will be returned to be finalized several times, sometimes to reduce tenths of a percent. Some letter requirements are met for a higher payment order. The skill will come with time.

How to receive orders on the exchange

How to get the customer's attention

If you want to fish out an order, you need to hook the client, stand out. For a copywriter, the working situation is to captivate the customer with a curious text. There is a chance to skillfully advance - a valuable copywriting practice. Tell a paragraph about yourself in a selling post. Solve a commercial problem to sell your own services. You can make money on expensive selling texts when you first learn how to sell yourself. Earnings and mastery growth at the same time.

The ability to stand out among the offers of competitors will definitely be appreciated. Bloggers, customers are preoccupied with the idea of ​​finding nuggets on text exchanges. They dream of getting a rainbow dream - that an unintimidated copywriter writes a bunch of great articles for cheap. It is required to find the talent first, to give the price a little higher. To then work constantly without an exchange - beauty! Text that is different from the mass of typical ones will be noticed. For each new customer, the chip will work hard once. Further, sorry, it will decide the quality of performance, how much they will appreciate the style and style.

Improvising in copywriting is essential. We need courage, arrogance in a good way. The excitement that the customer will not notice, they say it turns out awkwardly, is a common occurrence. Later learn to walk through emotions. Fools are always confident, so it helps them. There is no need to show excitement, your fear to the client. The text should feel firmness, not a request for pardon.

When I started, I was also worried, of course. Then she was calm - my client would not leave. I figured out the wording, made a clear answer as if I had solved the problem, and sent it. I'm waiting - "I'm not warming myself."

Clients are looking for a performer who is an expert on a particular subject. Key features of how to interest the customer:

  • Let us know that you are familiar with the issue if you have worked on a similar topic.
  • If there is no experience, tell that you have an outlook, encyclopedic knowledge, know how to collect information. Show that you like the material, you can reveal the task thoroughly.
  • Submit an application with an execution plan. Explain to the client how you plan to complete the project, why you are eager to take it.
  • Let them know that the task on a given topic is more expensive, but they are ready to complete it, because it is interesting.

Customers will notice someone who convinces that they should select only him. Who correctly presents and confidently sells himself. This comprehensibility is easy to write, but hard to execute.

How to make an application correctly

Study the terms of reference carefully to understand the customer's concerns. What accents highlights - prices, SEO, literacy or portfolio. What focuses on, means it worries. Be sure to take this into account when creating an application. There are clients who deliberately make a mistake in the task or insert a test. Looking for an attentive performer.

Try to define the portrait of the customer. Communicate with him on the same wavelength, the same language. The most important task is to offer the client his vision of the project, but as his own approach to work. Describes the task point by point - give a detailed plan of action. Jokes with the assignment, better answer with humor. If he writes in a clerical style, considers it more serious - write it off in a standard office way. Remember the obvious things - communicate only on you, by name.

Respond with empty applications, a letter describing one's own merits, pathos - a flat answer. To write banal phrases means to pretend to be a member of the gray mass. To assure that you are an expert in dolphin sonars or meditation is amusing. Employers live nearby, watch TV, “sit” on the Internet. What do you want to impress?

Homework for a few paragraphs to impress the employer with the intellect rarely works. A thoughtful reader will easily notice that a 50-word text is sent to the whole world. The copywriter sends the blank directly to the basket.

Laconically consistently, beautifully state the essence of the proposal, preferably without boasting. An application with errors will definitely fly past. The answer will fall into the top ten if it was compiled for a specific request, thoughtfully. Choosing the right words for the application will be easier with experience.

Orders instead of experienced copywriters, being a beginner, de facto received for compiling a competent application. She honestly wrote that there was no portfolio, but there was a lot of desire, she sent a draft plan. When I applied for more expensive orders, she promised to return the money if the text was not to your liking.

From the stock exchange, employers gave confirmation without the required rating and portfolio - for frankness. Apparently for arrogance, too - there were connoisseurs. It's better to try to climb than just sit and sour. From here grows a constant and loyal clientele. Directness works better with an employer. An honest approach works with the right people.

Terms of reference why you need to study diligently

Beginners are afraid of contact with the employer. Ready to write for a penny, just communicate less. Without confident contact with the buyer, it is not easy to leave the cheap segment. To complete the task correctly, you need to know all the requests for the project.

Get all the information you want. They forgot to ask, they missed something - they will have to finish it, redo it. You can then unsubscribe, such as TK did not contain something there. What will it lead to? We will lose a permanent admirer. They will scold the brake worker, there are no other options.

When a project is clarified, it sometimes irritates employers. It is more reasonable to discuss ambiguities “on the shore” than to pass for a brake. Often, novice customers forget to paint technical specifications in detail. They just don't know how to correctly set the task. Show your care and skill - you will be appreciated.

We check carefully:

  • Project deadline. Try to take on more groundwork at first. It is safer to miss short deadlines - time trouble happens for a reason. Do not start a project without a mutual agreement on the timing - you will get problems, "set yourself up." Failed to agree - refuse at all.
  • Acceptance time. They can just delay delivery. It is better to avoid unnecessary worries without fortune-telling - they forgot or "rolled". Specify the date of acceptance after sending.
  • Volumes. Specify how the number of characters is counted - with spaces or not.
  • Keys. Find out if it is permissible to correct key phrases when you notice "crooked" keys.
  • Subject. When you collect material from the network, everything is fine. If you are writing about a company, do not forget to ask for specifics, exact facts.
  • Improvements. Specify the exact number of improvements, otherwise you will rule for weeks.
  • Technical indicators (uniqueness, "nausea", "water"). It is obligatory to fill in the item - the exact numbers or the addition "there are no such technical parameters." Usually they forget, and then they demand to bring it back to normal quickly.
  • Payment period.

At what price to start working

All beginners think of one fresh idea - to send applications only with a low price. A bunch of dodgers have a similarly cool plan. You can "get" to free execution. There is another search - they determine a certain bar, they stand firmly - not a ruble cheaper. How much confidence in the forces coincides with the quality of work, at the start it does not matter. To accumulate a portfolio and increase the rating is more important to start with.

The experience of people shows that impudence and arrogance win over modesty and restraint. The timid have been worried for years - they write chic articles for 30 rubles per kilo sign. The impudent ones write unsightly texts for 100 rubles / 1000, they have enough work.

You can start with a small price, not degrading. Then gradually increase. You can't slow down. Here consider the psychology of the employer. If the profile shows that they wrote for 10, then immediately give 50 beware. Here are 15-25 - they will agree.

Reached level 50 - catch orders without a price - don't be modest, increase it even more. Employers looking for good content don't save a dime. How much to assess the skills decide for yourself. Whether the employer agrees or misses the offer depends on the ability to present oneself, and then the price is taken into account. Just remember it as a fact.

They are distinguished by low prices, arrogant, gloomy attitude towards copywriters. Consider questions unnecessary. They make it clear that the brief TOR should be understood immediately. They report a set of keys, the number of occurrences in the text, and only wait for a wonderful result. Questions are ignored or answered "with terrible force." Clarify the desire disappears.

They are the first in the chain of "cutting" the customer's budget for contract projects. The status obliges so to address. Web writers close the money chain. Write cheaper, the first will get more. Keeping free prices helps reflex to keep web authors "below the floor."

There are pluses. Mistakes are not considered catastrophic. They accept the work, give a good detailed review for the portfolio. If you want - work, if not - rest, the price is stable. Beginners can start with such projects only to raise their rating and gain confidence. It is better to stay in the "free" segment for a short time.

Blogger customers, contract copywriters

I would like to believe that they write on personalized blogs themselves, but vague doubts torment them. Running a successful blog is a tough business. Money is obtained through advertising, where the basis is website traffic. Seo-articles are always hungry. Blogs are usually run by professional copywriters. They understand that for business efficiency it is faster and cheaper to make custom articles.

They talk about the craft more than they write, so often the profession is in the past. Usually they advertise copywriting courses and cool earnings after graduation. This is probably why they bring it out nearby, saying that good articles cannot be cheap. The budget is considered competently, they try to get the best price-quality fork.

They know exactly what they want. Place orders on the exchange inexpensively. It is difficult to find an employer stricter than a freed copywriter!

There are enough pluses. The brief is detailed. Be tolerant of clarifications. They will explain what is not clear, they are ready for business communication. Achieve complete clarity of the work ahead. They can forgive the deadline, but they pull out the quality as best they can. Stop being afraid of improvements. Normal communication promises adequate feedback. For beginners, working out the projects of experts in the kitchen of web writers is a valuable experience.

"Threatened" Clients

They like to chew on TK "for the dumb." They threaten from the first lines - this is the style of address. They show abundantly what is impossible, for what mistakes they will ask. Apparently realize their ego. They promise to be capricious, they are even proud of future nit-picking - they consider it their trick. They talk about past mediocrity performers as a bad experience.

They want to give it their all, like we'll evaluate it later. They will promise gold orders in the future if you like it for the first time. As a result, there will be a serious loss of health and time for the performer, nothing more. They will squeeze out all the juices, they can blackmail with a bad review.

The secret is simple - they love cheap "manpower" to be with a twinkle! They will complain - they will not pay at all. Often they are inadequate. It is better for beginners to stay away - you can get psychologically traumatized.

Corporate clients

They have money, the prospect of development. Earning their trust is no easy task. Usually give site maintenance to agencies. They pay a monthly fixed amount, which is quite good. They are under the delusion that the site is not cheap to maintain. They want a stable result with a minimum of communication time.

Small firms do not have special people responsible for the site. The representative treats the copywriter like a boss, drives as best he can, changes often. If you want to build relationships - no problem. Study the brief carefully, it is better to paint in detail. It is necessary to clarify "misunderstandings" immediately or get ready for a rework. They will become regular customers if you understand better themselves how to do it.

However, it makes no sense to analyze the motives of the behavior of employers. Everyone has their own reasons - somewhere the character with which they were born. Some have had a bad experience. Some consider special communication with a copywriter the norm. They can "hit" and "build" for warning. They think if they pay, then “listen here”, so the lordly attitude is found.

Take into account the syndrome of curvature of human behavior when communicating via the Internet when there is no personal contact. Other behavior of people in ordinary life, if they are nearby. They are wary of doing things that they do on the Internet “at once”. Do not load unnecessary nightmares into your head. Take a simpler approach to the picture of the world of employers. Consider only the points regarding the project - what they want and how you can do it.

Keep self-respect, turn on intuition, it will tell you who to avoid. Bypass inadequate employers - you will lose time, health and money. Everyone can get in once, but repeating is for amateurs.

Online copywriting courses

Why they promise high earnings after courses

A man of 80 years old comes to a sex therapist.

The doctor asks:

- What worries you?

“You see, doctor, I can’t do anything with women.

- What do you want, my friend - age, you can’t deceive nature.

"What are you talking about, doctor?" My neighbor is 90 years old. He says that he meets a woman every week.

- Well, you tell me!

Does the site murmur enthusiasm about earnings in copywriting? Look for advertisements for paid courses for beginners nearby. Even on web resources where there are no courses, there is the same jubilation. Why? Articles on most websites are published to drive traffic. To visit more often, stay on the site, rest. This increases the rating of the web resource.

There is an opinion that it is desirable to entertain the reader, so the articles write "a la" positive. Here are the goodies. They rewrite articles from each other - it turns out lively, inspired, exudes optimism.

They draw beautifully - a copywriter, travel, the sea, work somewhere out there ... This is where the high expectations of beginners arise. They can't tell fairy tales around, can they? They believe in miracles and go into a trance - they play fervently during school hours after prepayment. There comes a feeling of happiness for a month - another. Then disappointment will come after starting on the freelance exchange.

Only 3-5% of the smart and stubborn will achieve returns. We could achieve what we wanted without coaching paid participation. That's what happens - they educate themselves. They will succeed - they will be an example of quality training, successful students of the next guru.

The euphoria will continue for the rest. Who couldn't bring himself to work. The dream will continue to one day get an amazing educational material in order to get wealth. As long as there is money, it is better to study the next killer method of non-dusty earnings.

How to buy courses

We decided to study for a fee - study the portfolio of courses, if you find it. Now you are clients, you are "banking" - ask the info guru for a portfolio. Must show a site with free tutorial articles and videos. They can present a group in social networks with educational posts, a large number of subscribers.

Articles should be about copywriting, without wise thoughts or “how cool we will train you” stories. What they will show for sure is a one-page advertising site with painted spotlights. Advertising is not a website, it's a beautiful label without candy.

It is certainly troublesome to deal with a website, a community in social networks. You need to teach something, write texts, prepare materials. Those who “breed and shear” lop-eared people do not get dirty with such nonsense. They place ads, set up a mailing list and wait - catch a fish. The main argument is that they say that they have been sitting here for a long time, in the sense of teaching.

As a result, rave reviews of graduates will be shown. Impressive minds are immature, dreamy. The service to write a review costs 5 rubles on the freelance exchange. There are info-teachers with a different approach - a site or a group will be presented. You will have a minimum reasonable mark "for divorce". Whether they will be able to teach is a question, but at least not an outright scam.

Paying for copywriting courses to learn secret tricks is naive. It is quite childish to think that success is created by some secret knowledge. Many believe that a collection of 50 famous titles, 20 teaser amplifiers, 15 universal motivators will bring income.

Enticing the opportunity to get universal templates. Compiling commercial offers, sending e-mail newsletters, making advertisements will be easy. We change cars “in a hat” for sweets, or shoes for bricks, we change the name of the company and “rushed” ... They believe this!

Accumulated such good on the Internet - heaps. Take it for free, as much as you need. The courses are supplied with materials, which are abundant in Runet. Banal templates produce a powerful effect only on beginners - this is already a circulation.

Of course, there are rules to lure the reader, but you need to turn on your head. Everyone knows what to choose for borscht. Borscht turns out tasty not because a good saucepan was added here. You still need to know how to cook. If there is no need to save - learn from your health, knowledge is always a benefit.


Search engine algorithms rank websites based on the number of hits, not the quality of the content. Therefore, a lot of airy, easy-to-read articles and exciting empty headlines are published on the web. There is enough work for every level of skill, the difference will be only in payment.

The exchange platform gives the experience to take orders and write effectively for money in order to "fill your hand". This is not a place to earn money, but only a platform to learn, consolidate skills, test opportunities with a guarantee of payment. It is more difficult to get the experience of communicating with real Customers in a different status - they don’t stand on ceremony. Earnings depend more on the ability to communicate than on other reasons. No one will teach you this, only yourself.

There is no need to invent anything - solve problems by repetition or similarity, experienced ones do just that. Look for answers to any questions in Runet. You can find almost anything if you ask the right question. Learn special programs, services and terminology in practice, already when fulfilling orders.

How to master copywriting on your own - where to start for a beginner with practical advice - she suggested from her experience. Hope it helps. Do not listen to fairy tales, do not believe horror stories - everything will work out.

If every week you devote the Day to self-education and the Day to the search for customers, you will become a master in a year. You will be an expensive and sought-after professional freelancer.

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