How to open a pig farm from scratch: a detailed business plan. A pig farm is a business for those who are not afraid of work When it's time to let pigs for meat

Pig farm business plan

Opening an enterprise in the agricultural industry has always been popular among the inhabitants of our country. Particularly in the livestock sector. Such popularity is explained, first of all, by high profitability, the size of which is rarely lower than 25%. Accordingly, the payback period is no more than 4 years.

One of the most attractive areas in the field of animal husbandry is the cultivation of pigs with their subsequent sale. Of course, the first thing you need to implement such a project as a pig farm is to correctly draw up a business plan. This document will be the basis for the successful development of the company.

So, let's take a closer look at the pig farm business plan.

Production plan

The first thing a future entrepreneur will have to face is finding a facility suitable for this type of business activity. There may be two options here:

  • rent a land plot and build premises for a pig farm on it (this option is preferable, but requires very significant investments);
  • rent ready-made premises for agricultural purposes (since the time of collective farms, there have been plenty of such buildings in the country).
  • For a novice farmer who, as often happens, does not have much money to equip a farm from scratch, the best option would be to rent premises. When renting a complex, you need to take into account that there must be at least three separate buildings on its territory:

  • breeding pigsty - this room should be divided into several separate ones, which will contain boars and sows intended to increase the livestock;
  • a pigsty for keeping piglets for fattening (with the obligatory presence of a quarantine zone);
  • administrative office space.
  • The average cost of renting agricultural buildings in the country is no more than 100 thousand rubles. /month (from 200 to 400 sq. m.).

    The pigsties themselves must be equipped with feeders, drinkers, ventilation, lighting, heating systems, as well as a drain for animal waste. When drawing up a building project, one very important requirement should be taken into account - to minimize the possibility of drafts to zero.

    So, after the building is selected and, if necessary, repairs are carried out, one should proceed to consider the following article on the business plan of the pig farm - the purchase of equipment for keeping pigs, the set of which consists of the following units:

  • feed distribution system (bunker, feed loading line, feed supply line, spiral conveyor, batcher);
  • drinking system (filter, counter, pressure gauge);
  • machine equipment (completed depending on the age group of animals);
  • systems of ventilation, lighting, heating equipment from;
  • Wastewater treatment systems;
  • an automated system, the purpose of which is to control equipment (both in automatic and manual mode).
  • Depending on the country of manufacture, the price of equipment can vary significantly. In this case, you can opt for domestic manufacturers, the cost of a set of equipment for which is no more than 1.5 million rubles.

    In addition to stationary equipment, to optimize the production process, at least two more small tractors will be needed, which will cost an amount equal to 150 thousand rubles.

    organizational plan

    The next step, the implementation of which can be started in parallel with the purchase of equipment, such as a barcode scanner, for example, is the registration of a pig farm. For a novice farmer, the best option would be to register a private entrepreneur (with a simplified taxation system).

    Further, in accordance with the business plan of the pig farm, one should proceed with the purchase of breeding stock. Let's opt for such a meat breed as Landrace, which is in the highest demand among pig breeders in our country. The cost of an adult boar is 90 thousand rubles, a sow - 36 thousand rubles. It is generally accepted that one male should serve 10-15 sows.

    At the start of the business, you can purchase 3 boars and 45 sows. A landrace pig gives birth to at least 12 goals / year. Based on this, it can be planned that the offspring of the herd in one year is 540 heads. The amount of investments that should be invested in the purchase of breeding animals will amount to 1.89 million rubles.

    Naturally, in order for the animals to grow and develop physically, they will need to be fed high quality food. The average market value of 1 ton of combined feed is 10 thousand rubles. About 500 kg of feed is required per adult pig per year, and in order for 1 piglet to reach a slaughter weight of 120 kg, no more than 350-400 kg of feed will be required. Based on this, the pig farm will annually spend at least 1.2 million rubles on feed.

    For the successful operation of a pig farm, it will be necessary to hire a staff of workers, which will consist of such specialists as:

    pig breeder (2 people),
    livestock specialist and veterinarian (1 person),
    handymen (2 people),
    accountant (1 person).

    In order to avoid any problems with the sale of products in the future, the entrepreneur should conclude agreements with local supermarkets and meat markets. At the beginning of 2013, the average market price of pork is 120 rubles. / kg, when sold in live weight - about 77 rubles / kg.

    Financial plan

    The next and final article of the pig farm business plan is the financial plan.

    The one-time costs will consist of the following separate items:

    purchase of equipment and machinery - 1.65 million rubles,
    acquisition of a breeding herd - 1.89 million rubles.

    The amount of one-time costs will be 3.54 million rubles.

    The monthly costs will be:

    feed costs - 100,000 rubles;
    payroll fund - 80,000 rubles;
    room rental fee - 100,000 rubles;
    taxes (6% of turnover) - 24,883.20 rubles;
    payment for utilities (for the provided water, heat, electricity) - 20,000 rubles.

    The total amount of average monthly costs will be 324,883.20 rubles, and per year - 3,898,598.40 rubles.

    Income from the sale of one individual of young animals at the age of 4 months, when the weight of one piglet reaches 120 kg, taking into account the average prices for wholesale purchases - 9,216 rubles. If we take into account that a herd of 540 heads is to be sold, then the total income for one year is 4,976,640 rubles. Consequently, the amount of net profit for one year of the existence of the pig farm will be 1,078,041.6 rubles.

    As a final result, with a profitability of 30.5%, the payback period of the project is no more than 4 years.

    In the case when you are just deciding what kind of business to do, it is best to opt for the area of ​​​​activity that is considered the most profitable from year to year.

    In the national economy, this is pig breeding. Its profitability averages twenty-five percent. At the same time, it is worth considering the interest in the development of agriculture of the Russian governing bodies.

    Such an enterprise is a good idea for a novice businessman. Initially invested capital will bring high permanent income. However, the success of any pig farm will be possible with a well thought out and drafted business plan.

    Sales of products

    The business plan of the pig farm should reflect the ways of marketing the products. Only after thinking through the channels of implementation is it worth starting to invest in the development of the business. The first profit capital will bring only after the sale of three generations of pigs.

    Selling adults is easy. Problems arise only with the implementation of the young. The most optimal solution that a pig farm business plan should reflect is the sale of livestock through small private farms.


    Before organizing your own business, you will need to find the necessary premises for a pigsty. It is not easy to build such a building. In this regard, it is more profitable to rent or simply buy ready-made premises that remained after the closure of farms.

    Be that as it may, disinfection will be required before starting work in the pigsty. In the room where the animals will be kept, it is important to organize the correct heat exchange. This figure will depend on many factors. Heat exchange processes are influenced by the age category and gender of pigs, the layout of the premises, as well as the available energy resources.

    A business plan for a pig farm may include the installation of appliances that will directly burn fuel. This will significantly reduce costs. In addition, to create the best climatic conditions in the pigsty, the organization of a ventilation system will be required. If possible, it is advisable to purchase manure removal equipment. It is also important for creating favorable conditions for keeping animals.

    Slotted floors

    The business plan of the pig farm should contain a description of the arrangement of the premises in which it is planned to keep the animals. At the same time, it should be taken into account that energy saving indicators will largely depend on the quality and type of floors that are part of the heating system in the room.

    Their future reproduction depends on the conditions of keeping piglets. That is why the arrangement of slatted floors is recommended for growing. This will facilitate the work of personnel, effectively remove manure and save a significant amount of electricity.

    Slotted floors help to reduce the number of colds and intestinal diseases in animals. Consequently, less investment will be required for the purchase of veterinary drugs.

    Slotted floors can be concrete, plastic or cast iron. They greatly facilitate the maintenance of pigs and are used throughout the entire rearing process. This equipment should provide good conditions for animals, which will allow the enterprise to receive economic benefits from its work.

    Water supply

    Equipment for a pig farm must necessarily include drinking bowls for animals in its list. They must be installed next to the feeders. Then the pigs will be able to regulate the consistency of the feed they consume.

    Installed drinkers can be of two types. They are produced in nipple and cup forms. At the same time, according to the type of material, drinkers made of PVC, stainless steel or brass are distinguished. For each group of fattening pigs, piglets and sows, this equipment has its own differences. Drinkers have their own nipple dimensions and connection diameter.

    Ventilation and manure removal systems

    Roof diffuse ventilation can be used. With this scheme, the inflow and outflow of air is carried out through the roof. To create comfortable conditions for animals, ventilation through supply and exhaust shafts will also be effective.

    Manure removal system will become a necessary equipment for a pig farm. With its self-alloying type, the need for additional flushing with water is eliminated and drafts in the room are eliminated. This is important when raising piglets. The main advantages of a self-alloying system are low investment, fast installation, reliability and durability.

    Such equipment is a network of sewer pipes with manure storage tanks installed above them. The principle of operation of this system is quite simple. Manure flows through the drain hole into the sewer pipes and is removed from the room through them into special containers.

    Feed systems

    The equipment of the pig farm must include a system for feeding the animals. It includes various accessories. So, with the help of this equipment, dry feeding is carried out and liquid feeding of pigs is carried out.
    One of the elements of this system is a poppet type fixture with a built-in nipple. It is installed in the center of the room. The design of such a feeder allows for a dosed or constant supply of feed.

    The principle of operation of this equipment is very simple. From the thick-walled galvanized bunker, which is located outside the pig farm, the feed is fed through the conveyor to a special separating device located inside the premises. After that, it is transported to the feeders. For dosing, an opening device with divisions is installed.

    A special approach is required when feeding sows with piglets. No special equipment is required to organize their food. It is enough to arrange the simplest feeders, into which food must be supplied at regular intervals.


    The business plan for breeding pigs should contain the requirements that will be required when staffing. For the care of animals will require the selection of specially trained people.

    At the same time, their number will directly depend on the equipment of the pig farm with mechanized equipment. The staff should include a livestock specialist and a veterinarian. An enterprise will not do without a manager and an accountant.

    Purchase of pigs

    With special responsibility it is necessary to approach the purchase of animals. As a rule, pig breeding as a small business begins with the cultivation of three hundred to three hundred and fifty heads. Before purchasing animals, you should first study all the nuances of this issue.

    Initially it is recommended to have a population of one hundred and fifty sows, ten boars, and the remainder should include pigs for sale and fattening. It should be remembered that the purchase of heterosexual individuals cannot be made from one supplier. Only in this case there will be no problems with related couples that bring weak offspring.

    Recently, the Vietnamese bellied pig has been very popular with producers. A profitable business with this breed has already appealed to many entrepreneurs. What are the advantages? To the mass required for slaughter, a bellied Vietnamese pig grows in just four months. Grass is used as food. This pig is ready to breed at the age of six months. It is also beneficial that the animal is extremely unpretentious in care.

    Purchase of feed

    Pigs are omnivores. That is why for their cultivation it is necessary to purchase various types of feed. The daily diet should include components of both plant and animal origin. This will have a positive effect on the entire process of raising pigs.

    Proteins are of great importance in nutrition. However, it should not be in excess in animal feed, as this can cause disease. However, the lack of protein also negatively affects the productivity of livestock. Important for animals and carbohydrates. Their main role in the body is to maintain body temperature and form fat.

    For fattening and rearing pigs, various types of feed are purchased. Their list includes the following:

    Concentrated (bran, grain of corn, barley, rice, as well as grain feed);
    - green (the mass of alfalfa, clover and peas, as well as nettles and tops of garden crops);
    - juicy (beets, potatoes and carrots);
    - rough;
    - animal origin;
    - additional.

    A start-up business with a livestock of three hundred to three hundred and fifty pigs will require about thirty-five tons of grain and three hundred kilograms of various additives annually. Much attention needs to be paid to the quality of the purchased feed. The weight and health of the pigs will depend on this. Particular attention should be paid to the feeding of sows and small piglets. Experienced farmers advise for such animals to purchase feed not from factories, but from pig breeders who have positively recommended their products.

    Financial indicators

    Calculating the revenue side of a pig farm business plan is quite difficult. It depends not only on the number of pigs, but also on the installed equipment. One of the conditions for profitability is qualified personnel.

    A mini-pig farm, according to experts, pays off in three to four years. This is facilitated by a stable demand for meat, which allows you to set a high price. Production is accompanied by the possibility of selling by-products - hides, bones, fat and lard. The success of the business also depends on the growth rate of pigs, which allows them to be sold in the shortest possible time.

    Modern business is not only equipment, services, high technologies, but also work in the agricultural sector. The economic situation in the country and in the world made it possible to determine the main priorities, including the development of animal husbandry. In order to successfully start your own business and achieve success and recognition, you must have a business plan for a pig farm, drawn up taking into account all the nuances and features in the chosen direction of activity.

    Pig farming is a great business that will be profitable if it is properly organized.

    The main goal of opening a pig breeding business is to obtain meat with its further sale or processing. The tasks are the acquisition of young animals, the achievement of certain weight indicators, the sale of products, and the expansion of the pig farm's capabilities.

    First stage

    In order to draw up a business plan for your own pig farm for 100 heads, you will need to calculate several factors, the coincidence of which will allow you to start working without losses and quickly get into the black. Nuances to take into account:

    • demand - the demand for products that will be produced on the farm;
    • competition - it is important to calculate the number of similar industries in order to understand what the profitability and profit from work will be;
    • sales market - it is necessary to determine in advance where to sell products, conclude an agreement with a store or a pork processing plant;
    • financial opportunities- the most important success factor, includes initial capital, sources of investment, funds for unforeseen needs, finance for the development of the project.

    Before opening a pig farm, it is important to study the meat market and competitive offers.

    Important to remember! Business lending in 75% of cases leads to difficulties in making a profit in the first 1-2 years of activity, since it is necessary to make payments on the loan.

    Financial note: as of 2016, the average price of a piglet in the Russian Federation was 5,000 rubles. Therefore, to open a farm for 50 heads, it will be necessary to spend about 250,000 exclusively on the formation of livestock.

    Starting investments can be personal savings, business investment or a loan. The main condition for success is the availability of free, preferably own, land, since its acquisition will require significant costs.

    Target audience and advertising company

    Before opening a pig breeding business, it is necessary to calculate important parameters - to determine the target audience, to conduct an advertising campaign. Those who can be called the target audience include:

    • meat processing plants;
    • factories for processing meat and meat and bone products;
    • shops and markets;
    • private buyers.

    The ongoing market analysis makes it possible to understand that the demand for the products of small pig farms is high and continues to increase due to the complex economic system in the country.

    You can sell meat to factories and meat processing plants, to individuals and wholesale buyers.

    • distribution of leaflets (at the first stage);
    • information in the media (regional newspapers, on TV and radio);
    • advertising campaign on the Internet;
    • holding shares.

    An important steering wheel is played by "word of mouth" - the opinion of customers, stories about products and production.

    Personnel and equipment

    The staff of the pig farm is formed depending on the number of heads. At the first moment, it may consist of an owner and 1-2 assistants, but as the complex develops, more workers will be needed. The ideal team consists of:

    • accountant;
    • manager;
    • livestock specialists - 2-3 people;
    • veterinarian;
    • pig breeders - 4-5 people.

    Handymen in the state will also be required. Tasks - driving pigs, feeding, cleaning, repairing.

    Raising pigs will require premises, equipment and staff.

    In the first 2-3 months, special buildings will not be required to be erected, but as soon as the livestock reaches more than 50 pigs, it will be necessary to increase the space for storing feed and household supplies. Therefore, on the land will appear:

    • storage facilities for grain, feed and straw;
    • a shed for small equipment and items used in the performance of work.

    Technical equipment of production:

    • grain crusher;
    • drinkers;
    • animal feeding devices;
    • small truck and tractor.

    Financial investments at this stage will amount to 1.8 million rubles. Over time, it is recommended to purchase computer equipment that will facilitate the production process.


    It is important to consider possible risks:

    • the emergence of a competitor;
    • diseases among the existing livestock;
    • livestock mortality.

    To cover unforeseen expenses, it is necessary to have another 500 thousand - 1 million rubles in order to compensate for the loss of livestock, modernize and develop the business, actively competing with other producers.

    Animal disease and mortality are inevitable risks in the pig breeding business.


    You can start a business related to the breeding of pigs by taking a few steps:

    • find a plot of land that will be required for the construction of animal pens. The optimal area is 17 - 20 acres. It can be purchased or rented, the average cost will be 250 - 300 thousand rubles per month;
    • buy equipment - 100,000 rubles;
    • to purchase a livestock of pigs - 250 - 500 thousand rubles;
    • conclusion of a contract for the sale of products. If an independent sale is planned, then you will need to rent a place to open a retail outlet - about 12 thousand rubles a month;
    • animal feed costs - the amount and amount will depend on the available livestock;
    • hiring workers - 2 - 5 people. The salary of each will be 20 - 25 thousand rubles a month.

    These financial costs are for start-up entrepreneurs. The figures are relevant for a small pig farm, designed for 10-15 heads. Such a quantity will help to understand whether the development path has been chosen correctly and whether there will be demand for manufactured products. The time to start work on starting a business is March, since the livestock will be able to steadily gain weight during the warm period. Realization and the first profit - September - October.

    Important to remember! At the first stage, the profitability from the business will be seasonal. The owners themselves can become workers on a pig farm with a small livestock, which will allow not to spend financial resources on hired employees. The duties of the workers are to feed the pigs and clean up after them.

    An important point: opening a pig farm within the city or large settlement is prohibited.


    Opening a business requires paperwork. The entrepreneur must decide on the legal form of the organization - IP, LLC. The documents included in the package should include:

    • papers on ownership or lease of a land plot (category of land - personal subsidiary plot);
    • permission to build buildings;
    • pig farm building project;
    • personal accounts for communications;
    • conclusions of inspection bodies (SES, fire protection, veterinary medicine);
    • permission to do business from the tax office.

    To open a business, you need to draw up documentation.

    Additionally, you will need to become tax registered - choose the form of tax payment (regular or simplified). The entrepreneur is obliged to submit quarterly and annual reports on a regular basis, to provide financial information on his main activity. A businessman with the status of an individual entrepreneur must draw up financial reports and documents in accordance with the established rules, payment is made in a simplified form, the tax is 6%.

    Payback and expected profit

    When compiling a business plan, it is necessary to take into account the payback and profit of the project. You can estimate the income level after the first season from spring to winter for a small farm or after a year for a year-round pig farm.

    Payback is formed from several indicators:

    • the rate of increase in the mass of animals;
    • sales of finished products;
    • livestock maintenance costs.

    If the payback is from 20-25%, then you can think about expanding the pig farm to 50-100 heads, and then up to 300, which is the best indicator for the smooth operation of the enterprise throughout the year. Expenses increase to 2 - 4 million rubles per month. A pig farm for 300 heads pays off under favorable conditions for implementation and maintenance in 2.5 years. Here it is important to work for 365 days without interruption and force majeure. Income will be generated from the sale of meat and young animals. The total income is 2 million rubles per year, of which 750 thousand is the sale of dairy pigs, 1.3 million is the sale of meat or products from it. The profitability of a pig farm is 10 - 25%.

    Under favorable conditions, the payback period of investments is 2.5 years.

    The success of a business is 50% dependent on how well the entrepreneur studies the peculiarities of the life and keeping of animals. For the first stage of development, you need to purchase:

    • boars - 20 - 22 heads;
    • sows - 125 - 135 heads;
    • meat pigs must be at least 140 heads (this is the basis for the sale of meat).

    The work of a pig farm can be aimed at the implementation of two directions - the production of meat and the rearing of young animals for resale. This will allow you to receive a stable income and replenish financial savings intended for further expansion and modernization of your business. The secret of success is that pigs intended for meat production are fed intensively with high-quality compound feed. Young animals should be at least 25% of the total livestock, so sold heads immediately replace new meat pigs.

    The acquisition of young animals in the first year is recommended to be carried out on different farms in order to be able to choose the best breed and avoid crossing within the same genus, which leads to diseases and weakening of the offspring. A quality pig breeding program should be developed by a veterinarian.

    In this material:

    A small farm includes a pig farm for 50 heads, the business plan of which consists of several important points:

    • farm location search;
    • choice of equipment;
    • purchase of pigs and feed.

    These are the 3 most important stages in agricultural entrepreneurship on which the success of a pig farm depends, as it will not operate as a home farm, but as a business. In addition to these three stages, the moment of preparing the necessary package of permits and taking into account all sanitary rules and regulations is important.

    Location and premises for the pig farm

    A business plan for a pig farm for 50 or more heads involves such an important step as finding a suitable land plot and premises. It is important to know that pigs cannot be bred within the city, this is done outside of it. The reason for this is the sanitary rules and regulations adopted by the state, according to which the distance between the farm and the residential building must exceed 15 m.

    The area for the pig farm should be flat, elevated, away from residential buildings, water bodies and marshy soil. If possible, it is best to purchase or rent a plot next to a forest area. So there will be less problems with drafts, strong winds, which pigs really do not like.

    The area of ​​the premises for a farm for 50 heads must be at least 250 sq.m. This figure includes 2.5 square meters for each individual, passages between compartments, paddocks, utility rooms and vestibules. Since the pig farm involves livestock breeding, it would be reasonable to establish a division into 3 zones inside the premises itself:

    1. Area reserved for sows. Here it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for the life of livestock.
    2. Boar area.
    3. An area for piglets, where attention must also be paid to keep the room warm. Piglets are very sensitive to low temperatures.

    There should be a wide enough space between the compartments for the work of personnel and the passage of a wheelbarrow.

    In addition to these areas, paddocks and vestibules are needed. In the room, communications such as ventilation, heating and plumbing systems must be carried out.

    There is an erroneous opinion that the dwelling of pigs is always dirty. Experienced farmers know that in order to raise healthy livestock, it is necessary to keep the premises dry and warm.

    It is important to constantly maintain order and cleanliness in the pigsty, otherwise young pigs can catch an unwanted infection and get sick.

    Purchase of livestock

    For a small farming business, fifty heads are enough, but first of all, it is necessary to purchase sows, since with the help of them the pig farm business is implemented. Important points to consider when buying and keeping pigs:

    1. It is necessary to buy sows in any breeding farm, it is undesirable to purchase them from hands or from third-party companies.
    2. It is important for sows to create favorable conditions for life: to maintain a good sanitary and epidemic condition in the room, to conduct heating, to install a ventilation system.
    3. All pigs should be fed not only wheat, but supplement the diet with compound feed.

    The procurement process should be prepared in advance. It is also important to choose the breeds that will be bred. There is a tendency in the pig farm business to merge several breeds. It is believed that hybrids adapt better to different temperature conditions and breed longer.

    Documents for opening a pig farm

    The documentation preparation stage takes a decent amount of time. For a farm for 50 heads, as well as for 100 and 200, it is necessary to prepare:

    • registration of a legal entity as an individual entrepreneur or LLC or a farmer's certificate, if any;
    • ready-made business plan for a pig farm;
    • the decision of the administration to permit the construction of premises for agricultural purposes;
    • lease agreement for agricultural land;
    • permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, state fire supervision and the state labor inspectorate.

    To conduct business, you must always track the deadlines for reporting to the tax authorities. For individual entrepreneurs under the simplified system, it is enough to keep a book of income and expenses during the year, and after it, submit a reporting declaration to the Federal Tax Service, pay insurance premiums to the FSS, PFS.

    What specialists to hire

    If we are talking about a small pig farm for 50 heads, then it is enough to have in the state:

    • accountant;
    • service staff.

    But with a frequency of 1-2 times a month, you should consult a veterinarian to check the health of pigs and a livestock specialist to maintain the pig farm in normal working condition.

    If over time the business expands, and the entrepreneur additionally grows fodder, it will be necessary to hire an agronomist.

    Financial calculations and payback period

    An important stage for a successful business is the calculation of financial indicators of one-time and monthly expenses, income and payback period. The financial part of the pig farm business plan includes the following items:

    • lease of a land plot with an area of ​​​​up to 20 acres - 30,000 rubles. per month;
    • construction of premises - 300,000 rubles;
    • equipment, communications - 400,000 rubles;
    • purchase of 50 heads - 600,000 rubles;
    • purchase of feed: grain and feed additives - 10,000 rubles. per month;
    • computer equipment, website development - 27,000 rubles;
    • marketing campaigns - 25,000 rubles. per month;
    • salary for 6 employees - 125,000 rubles. per month.

    The pig farm business plan assumes exact amounts, but in fact, start-up entrepreneurs always have unforeseen expenses in the estimates. In addition to the indicated amounts, it is necessary to add an additional 60,000 rubles, which may be spent on solving some problems that arose during the construction of the premises, processing a package of documents, and so on.

    As a result, the total financial costs of the pig farm business amount to 1.58 million rubles. Monthly costs, taking into account additional expenses, taxes, insurance premiums, utility bills, will amount to from 250,000 rubles.

    It must be understood that when a new farm is opened, the first 2-3 months are spent on supporting the work of the farm, and only after this period the process of selling meat, selling piglets, and so on begins.

    With the continuous operation of the pig farm, the amount of monthly profit in 2-3 months will be from 400,000 rubles. Considering the first months of downtime, the pig farm project will pay for itself in 12 months if the seasonality of the pig farm business is also taken into account.

    Building a small pig farm is considered the best option for start-up entrepreneurs. If the business turns out to be successful, it is quite easy and quick to reorganize it into a large pig farm for 300 or more heads. The cost of transition to a new level of agricultural business will be from 3 million rubles, but the monthly profit will increase by 2-3 times.

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    Investments: from 400,000 rubles.

    CJSC "Agro Invest", which manufactures products under the trademark "Tsar-Product", is one of the five largest food manufacturers in the Volga region. For many years of successful work (the history of the Volgograd Meat Processing Plant dates back to 1898. TM "Tsar-Product", thanks to such qualities of its products as taste, naturalness and high quality, has managed to earn the love and trust of customers. The guarantor of taste and…

    Investments: 1,000,000 - 4,500,000 rubles.

    Ramfood store is a concept meat products store with a high level of service. GC "Ramfood" is one of the fastest growing enterprises in the meat processing industry. On our site you can learn about all areas of the company's activities, get acquainted with the range of products, experience gained in organizing interaction with partners, taking care of meeting consumer needs. Group of Companies "Ramfood" (brand name:…

    Investments: 4,000,000 - 5,000,000 rubles.

    Restaurant holding "G.M.R. Planet of Hospitality”, founded in 1997, is the largest multi-brand operator in the Russian food service market. The company's brand portfolio includes popular Russian and international restaurant brands: Sbarro, Yamkee, Vostochny Bazaar, Kofesto, Little Japan, Yolki-Palki, LikeX, Viaggio, Crazy Chicken. “G.M.R. Planet of Hospitality» operates in 50 cities of 4 countries of the world. Franchise Description Network…

    Investments: 3,900,000 - 8,000,000 rubles.

    RusBurger is a chain of fast food restaurants. Only environmentally friendly raw materials are used in food production. Unlike Western fast foods, RusBurger relies on the fresh meat of young Hereford bulls. The entire range of products used (veal, fresh vegetables, etc.) is of domestic production. "RusBurger" is, first of all, a business, which means that it must generate income ...