Where to look for scrap metal? Earning secrets.

And other waste material, ferrous metal scrap occupies a significant share in landfills and is also subject to recycling.

Collection scrap metal is considered by some to be a frivolous activity suitable for children and teenagers.

In fact, with a responsible approach, the collection of ferrous scrap metal can bring significant additional income, which in the conditions of the current crisis will not be superfluous.

In special points for the delivery of scrap metal, decent prices for such secondary raw materials, and is constantly increasing.

There are not very many places where you can find large deposits of recyclable metal.

There is an opinion that earlier, in Soviet times, broken equipment was simply buried. Therefore, in some places, there may be huge deposits of recycled metal.

TO places, in which possible to find scrap metal include:

  1. sowing fields. Previously, agricultural machinery that worked on them was often repaired directly there, and these are:
    • harvesters,
    • tractor,
    • watering machines.

    Spent spare parts, outdated parts were thrown away. Therefore, fields, including abandoned ones, serve as a storage for scrap metal. If you have the necessary equipment when searching for metal, you can collect about 1-2 centners recyclables. In this case, the rental income will be more than 6 thousand rubles.

  2. Outskirts of settlements are also rich in ferrous scrap metal. The gain here can be:
    • old domestic and industrial technique(in whole or in separate parts),
    • Houseware steel, iron.
  3. landfills. Here the prey is more modest. Plus, the collection is complicated by an unpleasant smell, all the garbage is piled up, which makes it difficult to access the necessary metal objects. With protective clothing and a metal detector, you can find about 40-50 kg per day.
  4. Repair bases. One of the best places for ferrous metal lovers. At the repair bases you can find:
    • individual details(with weight from 1-2 kg to 10-30 kg),
    • whole cars,
    • abandoned heavy technique.

    A significant plus of such places is that used spare parts were often put in a certain place. So you do not have to look for raw materials throughout the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base.

  5. Abandoned factories, enterprises. A real storehouse of metal recyclables. The catch when visiting such places includes:
    • spare parts,
    • various details,
    • machines,
    • industrial installations.
  6. Abandoned landfills for metallurgical waste. The landfills where used or low-quality material (from ferrous metal) was taken served as a temporary storage place for it. The landfills exist to the present, the scrap metal deposits there are impressive.
  7. Abandoned shooting ranges. As prey are:
    • shells,
    • iron targets.
  8. Beaches, especially abandoned or located near reservoirs. In such places it is possible to find parts from ships, ships, sometimes whole anchors.

Cop ferrous metal - exciting and profitable

The search for such recyclable materials as black scrap metal is an interesting and profitable business. For such a hobby, you do not need special skills and large financial investments.

That's what Must have to do ferrous metal detecting:

  • dig tool - shovel;
  • good physical training- often you have to work hard with a shovel, carry and lift parts of scrap metal;
  • transport for transporting scrap, roomy trailer;
  • additional equipment that facilitates the search and collection of scrap metal - metal detectors , cutting tools(Bulgarian) for sawing bulky pieces of scrap;
  • basic knowledge differences between metals from each other - the prices for scrap iron, steel, are different, so such awareness will not be superfluous.

The process of digging scrap metal takes place in several stages:

  1. Location identification where the search will take place. You can not take scrap from residential dachas, functioning factories - this is a criminally punishable act. You can learn about abandoned enterprises, training grounds, bases, warehouses and agricultural land from conversations with residents of nearby settlements.
  2. Directly search and extraction of scrap. Large objects are easy to find with the naked eye. Can be used binoculars. Search for ferrous metal metal detector- a simple and reliable way. If the search is on a river, lake, a special magnet.
  3. Transportation and loading scrap metal. More often, scrap collecting is not done alone, this activity requires some effort, so the presence of a partner is welcome.
  4. Change black scrap. The final stage, the most pleasant one, is receiving a monetary reward for work.

After digging out the ferrous metal, the resulting pits must be buried, even if the place is deserted. You don’t need someone to fall into a hole, why do you need negative feedback from local residents?

Often during a scrap metal dig, people find unusual things:

  • household items,
  • military trophies.

Interested in these finds:

  • collectors,
  • scientists.

Search equipment

Often, metal recyclables do not lie just like that. Valuable deposits are in the ground. Aquatic objects can also be stores of valuable black scrap:

  • lakes,
  • ponds,
  • rivers.

Search in such places is difficult. Special devices come to the rescue.

metal detector

This is a special device that allows you to determine the location of scrap hidden underground.

Modern metal detectors have many functions, including the determination of the depth of occurrence and the type of metal.

For those who decide to start making money collecting ferrous metal scrap, any budget model is suitable, from 5-8 thousand rubles.

Soon these costs will pay off.

Popular budgetary models metal detectors to search for ferrous metal:

Model, cost Advantages Flaws
JJ-Connect Adventure V500, from 4,000 rubles.
  • cheap;
  • easy to handle;
  • suitable for all weather conditions;
  • resistant to falls;
  • malfunctions at low temperatures;
  • shallow search depth;
Garret ACE-150, from 13,000 rubles.
  • easy to handle;
  • easy;
  • compact;
  • there is a battery indicator;
  • shallow search depth;
  • moisture ingress is dangerous;
  • inaccurate positioning;
Garret ACE-250, from 20,000 rubles.
  • precise determination of depth;
  • ease of use;
  • light weight;
  • reliable, durable;
  • the sound is not regulated;
  • increased sensitivity to low temperatures;
Garret ACE-350, from 22,000 rubles.
  • use in water is possible;
  • extended battery life;
  • ability to detect small objects;
  • the spring in the battery compartment often breaks;
Fisher F-2, from 15,000 rubles.
  • light weight;
  • ease of management;
  • adjustment for any height;
  • frequent battery replacement.


Search magnets are ideal for those who like to search for ferrous scrap in aquatic environment. Their device is simple - a round weighty magnet on a strong rope. The essence of use - when moving a boat along the river, a magnet descends into the water and moves behind the boat, collecting from the bottom of all metal objects, large and small.

search magnets there are:

  • unilateral,
  • bilateral.

Unilateral use for vertical search, for example, from a boat or walkways. Bilateral more commonly used for casting from the shore with pulling back on the cable.

Weight such a magnet depends on the material and power and is in the range from 1 to 6 kg.

Search magnets may have different strength hold:

  • from 80 kg (F80)
  • up to 600 kg (F600)

Consist they are usually from:

  • galvanized corps(to avoid corrosion in water),
  • powerful magnet, usually neodymium with a three-layer coating of nickel and copper,
  • one eye bolt or two (for double-sided).

Prices vary by manufacturer and country of manufacture. The price range is quite wide - from 900 rubles to 6000 rubles. For example, the price of a search magnet for 400 kg is about 2500-3000 rubles.

The price of such a device depends on its size and load capacity - some models can lift and hold up to 600 kg.

cutting tools

Necessary for convenience during loading and transportation of scrap.

Some spare parts and metal structures are long, bulky - in order to load them onto a trailer, will need cutting tools metal.

The most successful:

  • special scissors;
  • reciprocating saws(for pipes, thin parts);
  • circular saws;
  • Bulgarian.

It should be noted that there is no electrical outlet in the field. This means that the tool must be rechargeable, and the battery to it must be fully charged before the trip. A spare battery will not be superfluous. Alternatively, you can take a small electric generator with you.

If the tool is not very powerful, you can pick up a car converter to connect the tool to the car's on-board network. In this case, an extension cord will also come in handy.


Device for transporting short distances- a small cart will be appropriate when detecting small items.

It is more convenient to load a full trolley of scrap and take her to the car rather than walking many times to carry a couple of kilos.

Transport is a must when collecting scrap

The collected recyclables, whether plastic, metal or, need to be transported to the place of delivery. If the collection is of a serious scale - from 100-200 kg per day, you should think about suitable vehicles for loading and transporting scrap.

Ordinary car is not suitable- several tens of kilograms can fit in the trunk, so you have to ride several times - and this costly at current gasoline prices.

If there is only a passenger car, it can help out trailer. Its capacity is no more 750 kg, however, you can make a couple of flights in a day - this will not hit your pocket hard.

The best option - cargo gazelle, even better - onboard UAZ 33-03, the trailer of which can accommodate a whole ton.

If your own transport is not available, there is also a way out in this situation - many scrap pick it up on their own, in their car. Prices per kilogram, of course, will be less favorable.


Collecting black scrap metal is an interesting hobby, but forget about the elementary safety regulations not worth it:

  1. Selection of the right clothes and shoes. Clothing should protect well from dust, dirt, moisture. There should be a minimum of open areas on the body, especially if the object of collection of ferrous metal is:
    • dumps,
    • chemical enterprises.

    Shoes - with a thick, durable sole, rubberized boots are ideal.

  2. Scrap collection carefully to avoid injury from sharp edges. The danger of such injuries - in the presence of rust, earth particles - a direct risk of catching tetanus. Therefore, it is important to take with you a complete first aid kit.
  3. Scrap collection should only be carried out legally. It is impossible to remove rails from functioning railway tracks, to take metal from other people's households.
  4. When cutting ferrous scrap, use goggles, be as careful as possible.

In the video, one of the black metal scrap collectors shared his experience in this activity:

Summing up

Collecting ferrous metal for someone is a hobby, for someone - an additional or even main source of income. To achieve success in this business, you will need a small financial outlay, patience and perseverance. In addition, by collecting ferrous scrap, people help nature by cleaning it of garbage.

This is such a useful and profitable occupation - and its effectiveness depends on the possibilities and desires.

In contact with

In order to go into a scrap metal business, you need to know the basic tactics that should be applied to the collection of non-ferrous metal, as well as any other.

What is a scrap metal business?

  1. Search and collection of scrap metal
  2. Delivery of the collected material to the place of cutting
  3. Scrap sorting by type and size
  4. Safe storage until delivery
  5. Sales and profit

Important! Before heading to the place of search for scrap, do not forget to make sure that what you are doing is legal. So, for example, it is impossible to go to the training ground of a military unit that has not yet been disbanded, the development of such places is prohibited, and the actions of unauthorized persons on them are criminally punishable.

Locations to find scrap metal

In order to find large volumes of metal and not waste hopelessly time, it is worth knowing the search location in advance. These places include:

fields. Often it is in abandoned fields that you can find broken machines, tractors, combines and trucks. What is only one track from the tractor caterpillar, which is the most found part. Agricultural machinery has large dimensions and when parts fail, workers repair it right in the fields. To avoid difficulties, broken parts were left on the side of the field - it is difficult to carry it further, and it is not safe to leave it on the field.

Enterprises. In almost every city there are old non-working enterprises that have remained partially abandoned and stolen. They often contain tons of buried copper, ferrous metal or aluminum.

Repair bases. Despite the fact that almost all closed and abandoned repair bases have long been found, and the metal has been removed, there are still those where no human has set foot after the closure. Finding such a place is a real success, which means that you will spend the next couple of days there. Their advantage lies in the fact that heavy equipment of large dimensions was repaired on them, and only one bolt found can pull half a kilogram. For convenience, broken parts and spare parts were put in one place, and not scattered in all corners.

Dump. If you do not know where to collect scrap metal in your city, go to a landfill. The landfill will be a great place to search, both for a beginner and a professional. At a landfill, a beginner can learn to understand the types of metal - ferrous and non-ferrous, so as not to hand it over by the total mass at the price of ferrous metal. The disadvantage of the landfill is an unpleasant smell, especially on a hot summer day, but the plus is that with hard work, scrap metal can still be collected in the landfill.

Territory of abandoned ranges and shooting ranges. In such a territory, you can find a lot of finds, ranging from shell casings of large-caliber guns to targets and copies of dummies of tanks. It is on abandoned landfills that you can find a lot of scrap metal, in the search for which you can not do without a special device (especially in the search for shells).

Important! Experts recommend coming to the search site in early spring. At this time, the snow had already melted, and the ground had not yet had time to overgrow with a high layer of grass.

If the field becomes the search place, it is in the spring that you will not run into agricultural workers and will not cause trouble to each other.

Nonferrous metal. What does it contain?

For some, the process of searching for and handing over scrap metal will seem like a frivolous matter, but if you find out the cost of non-ferrous metal scrap at collection points, you can be pleasantly surprised. Unlike ferrous metal, the price of non-ferrous metal scrap is much higher - a business with it can give a person a carefree existence.

Important! Anyone who specializes in finding metal tries to look for non-ferrous scrap metal. So, for example, copper is the most expensive, its price reaches 300 rubles per 1 kg.

Which devices contain non-ferrous metal:

  • Refrigerators. It is this household appliance that ranks first in terms of the amount of non-ferrous metal content. So, in engines you can find from 1.5 to 3 kg of copper, and extract up to 1 kg of aluminum from the freezer. Do not forget about special cooling tubes, which also contain copper alloys. It is necessary to deal with the analysis and extraction of non-ferrous metal very carefully, because the product contains toxic gas.
  • TVs. Experienced metal detectors extract up to 1.5 kg of copper from old tube TVs, and only about 0.5 kg from semiconductor devices. There is no aluminum in them, but there are expensive capacitors and resistors.
  • Washing machines. If you disassemble this household appliance, you can also find an impressive amount of copper, zinc and aluminum.

Do not forget about more industrial products from which you can get non-ferrous metal. These include: transformers and old electric motors, starting devices, fluorescent lamps, electrical wires and more.

The search for non-ferrous metal should be carried out precisely at abandoned industrial enterprises, where work was carried out thanks to machine tools and valves, in taps, valves, and other mechanisms that contain a good amount of brass, bronze and other copper alloys.

Search Tools

It's good when the process of searching and collecting comes down to immersing huge metal parts into the body, but sometimes the parts are invisible or small and must first be found. In this case, you can not do without auxiliary equipment. For this use:

  • metal detectors
  • search magnets

It is impossible to do without a metal detector in the search for non-ferrous metals in the ground, for this it is not necessary to buy an expensive model, the most important thing is that it has such functions as:

  • Adjustment of sensitivity, search depth and tonality
  • Reacting to different types of metals and switching to their modes

You need to search for scrap metal with a metal detector close to the soil and nearby on the sides. After the device has detected the metal and gave a sound signal, you need to look at the display indicators and start detecting.

Important! If you go hunting with a metal detector, check the charge level of the device or take a set of spare batteries.

Another effective tool in the search for metal is a special search magnet. It is mainly used to search for scrap on rivers, ponds, lakes, wells and fountains. It is on the reservoirs that it is better to search with a magnet. Its way of working is to remagnetize metal mining in an easy and convenient way.

Non-ferrous scrap metal mining

After you have found scrap on your own or with the help of tools, you can proceed directly to the cop. A good cop will need a few essential tools:

  • Cutting tool. Sometimes scrap is so impressive that it needs to be cut to transport it. In this case, you can use a grinder, scissors for cutting metal, a circular or reciprocating saw.
  • Analyzer. Thanks to this device, you will certainly know what type of metal the object is made of. This device is useful for sorting scrap, but its cost is very high and not everyone can afford such a device.
  • Loading devices and transport. Regardless of the location of the search for scrap, transport is indispensable. On it, the collected scrap metal is delivered to the place of sorting and storage of the found, and then to the collection point.

The collection of scrap metal is gaining momentum every year and is becoming a fairly profitable business. The most popular is non-ferrous metal scrap, as its raw materials are the most expensive. In order to maximize the benefit from the chosen business, you must first choose a place where to look for scrap metal and take related tools.

How to turn a walk through a forest with a metal detector into a high-quality full-fledged coin search?

A couple of years ago, search engines noticed that instrumental searches can also be carried out in the forest. After all, sometimes a forest, especially a deciduous one, grows on the sites of former villages, fields and other objects of civilization, long abandoned and abandoned by people. If a search engine knows how to work with old archival maps, then it may well count on a “good catch” in the middle of the forest.

Let's deal with the nuances of forest search. How to make it more efficient?

1. Preparation

Get ready for the forest search so that nothing distracts you at the crucial moment. Wear closed clothing and boots with sturdy soles. Take insect repellant (and a mosquito net if there are too many gnats), snacks, water, a small first aid kit. Take a few coils for your favorite metal detector. Take a very strong and sharp shovel - for example, like Fiskars products. In addition to a shovel, you need to take a knife or a small hatchet. If you want, a small hacksaw will do. It will facilitate your work in difficult situations with root interlacing.

Of the navigation devices, preference should be given to GPS devices and a compass. Of course, you don’t need to remind about replaceable batteries for a metal detector, which you must take without fail. In addition, protect the coil - wrap it with cling film or put on a special cover (protective cover).

2. Learn to work with satellite images.

The place of the former village may be indicated by more rarely growing trees (islands of such vegetation will be lighter on the map), as well as some geographical features. It is known that the place for the village was chosen not far from the river, at the confluence of streams, near the lake. So look near the water - you can't go wrong. By the way, we remind you that in addition to satellite images, you need to study local maps, as well as legislation. It is not recommended to search in the territories of wildlife preserves and nature reserves.

3. Check the soil at the marked spot.

Digging a little deeper at the site of the settlement, you will notice that in the ground there are shards from dishes, fragments of utensils, coals, and the earth itself is more crumbly and black than forest. It's noticeable right away. If the soil is exactly as described here, feel free to take out a metal detector and start searching. As for the metal detector settings, it is better to work in the All Metal mode so as not to miss relics.

4. Look for oddly shaped old trees.

Such in the old days usually served as landmarks, and travelers often rested under them, losing coins. These trees can also hide treasure under their roots. Pay attention to fallen trees and holes under the roots - here, too, you should definitely check everything with a metal detector.

5. Working with tree roots.

Sometimes when searching in the forest, the roots of trees are very in the way. The coil has to be raised higher, this reduces the sensitivity of the metal detector, and the depth of target detection drops. The solution may be to choose a small coil and a detailed survey of the space around each tree. Roots are also a problem when digging up finds, so don't forget to bring a knife to search. Thin roots can be cut.

6. Concentration

If the finds in the field are usually mixed up at random - plowing with tractors makes itself felt - then in the forest many targets are concentrated in a small area. If you managed to find a valuable find - keep digging in the vicinity, within a radius of a couple of meters - and your efforts will be rewarded. By the way, in the places of villages and villages that disappeared in pre-revolutionary times, there will be no garbage in the form of vodka corks, which are very annoying when searching on the ground for settlements that disappeared in the 60-80s.

7. Search on forest paths

If you managed to find such a place - you are lucky. This road can lead just the same to the place of the missing settlement. And probably more than one thousand people have passed this road before. Surely some of them lost coins and various other interesting items. All "losses" usually do not lie very deep in the ground, and they can be "hooked" even with a not very fancy metal detector.

8. What to look for?

Coppers are usually covered with a patina that prevents them from breaking. Silver coins are generally in excellent condition, as if they were buried the day before yesterday. Even in the forest you can find old buttons, household items, antique jewelry or various rusted ammunition, weapons, ammunition (echoes of war, partisan movement). If you are “lucky enough” to dig up an unexploded mine - the main thing is not to throw it into the fire and do not shake it. In this case, the ammunition will be safe.

There is such a national Russian fun - to look under the thickness of the earth for objects that someone once dropped. Our criminal code even came up with a name for this popular undertaking and defined an appropriate article for it. This is how the legal term “treasure hunt” appeared. We all read adventure literature with enthusiasm in childhood and we know that in order to find a treasure, you need to have a map, a shovel and a bag in which you can put what you found. In our time, the equipment of seekers of treasures hidden underground has changed somewhat - special technical devices with the mysterious name "metal detectors" have appeared. This device reacts to metal objects and transmits a signal about their presence to the headphones. The appearance of the current treasure hunter is quite modern - in his hands, a metal detector sparkling in the sun, expensive headphones on his head, a sapper shovel in a branded backpack. In a word - there is something to see and something to envy. But since the time of Mark Twain and Jules Verne, the laws have changed in our country, and now the modern followers of the treasure hunters of the 19th century, with all their ammunition and found artifacts, are at risk of being behind bars. The Russian criminal legislation follows such excavations quite closely, therefore, when going in search of a treasure, it is worth carefully studying the criminal code and assessing the possible consequences of the upcoming adventures. Today we will try to figure out where you can dig with a metal detector under the new law.

How does Russian legislation relate to treasure hunting?

This question is quite serious and somewhat confusing. In principle, treasure hunting is not prohibited in our country. You can do this business quite legally and fearlessly. On the other hand, the restrictive standards for those who like to wield a shovel are such that every citizen who has acquired this harmless tool and metal detector is already a potential violator of the law.

To begin with, let's figure out what norms of our legislation regulate this issue. The Criminal Code has article No243 part 2, which describes in great detail what can be done armed with a metal detector and what cannot be done. So this article says that if a person is not a professional archaeologist and does not have a special permit to conduct excavations, then he does not have the right to violate the virginity of the cultural layer of state land.

Now let's look for information about what is considered a cultural layer in our country. Russian legislation refers to this definition a soil layer located in the ground or at the bottom of a reservoir, which contains objects of human life activity that are at least a hundred years old.

Everything is clear and specific, I just don’t understand how a metal detector can determine the age of a metal object. Of course, it is difficult to keep up with modern technologies, maybe some devices for this have already appeared.

Judging by the above legal interpretations, in our time, treasure hunting can only be done in places where a human foot set foot no earlier than 1919. Apparently, the list of such unique territories is not so long, therefore, the legislative act in question provides a detailed list of them. Let's get to know him. So, you can engage in treasure hunting:

  • on lands used for agricultural purposes, which are regularly plowed, and by definition cannot contain a cultural layer;
  • on public beaches, where the presence of objects of human activity of a hundred years ago is unlikely;
  • on other parts of the earth in which archaeologists have not recorded the presence of a cultural layer related to this statute of limitations.

Regarding the last point, it should be borne in mind that if you are lucky enough to become the owner of an artifact that is more than a hundred years old, found in such a territory, then in accordance with our legislative norms, it will have to be returned to the state, since the entire content of the cultural layer of soil is his property.

What legal sanctions are provided for persons who violate the law on treasure hunting

The article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation we are considering (Article 243 Part 2) provides for quite serious penalties for damaging the cultural layer and for excavations in territories that are banned for this type of activity. The presence of a metal detector may be an aggravating circumstance in this case. Violators of Article 243 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation face the following sanctions:

  • imposition of a fine in the amount of 1 million rubles;
  • a fine in the amount of five years of income of a person who carried out illegal excavations;
  • restriction on holding certain positions for up to five years;
  • appointment of forced labor for up to 5 years;
  • imprisonment with restriction of liberty for up to 6 years.

This year Russia will celebrate the centenary of the start of the Civil War in our country. So, everything that will be found by treasure hunters before this unfortunate date will be able to bring them under a criminal article, yet artifacts that relate to this and later periods of our history will be considered their legal acquisition or discovery.

People who are infected with the mania of searching for hidden treasures will now have the opportunity to think and decide where they can dig with a metal detector under the new law, and where they should not. Believe that a horseshoe lost a hundred years ago by a horse, which you find with the help of this device and nail over the front doors of your house, can be a reason for your arrest and bring a lot of trouble to your head. So be careful.