Create a business in the garage ideas that work. How to set up inexpensive production in your garage

Business ideas in the garage to open their own small production from scratch attract the attention of many Russians who want to start their own small production. In this regard, questions arise as to what can be done inside the iron horse stall in order to have a good income in the future.

Prospects for the garage business

It's no secret that a successful business was born in a garage. It was there that the first Apple devices were assembled. Not so many years have passed since then, but today the corporation is valued at more than 600 billion dollars. According to analysts, this is not the limit: soon the capitalization may exceed 1 trillion. USD

Jobs' experience confirms the fact that a car park can be the starting point for a successful business. It is enough just to insulate it and equip it for production needs. The main advantage of the garage business is the absence of the need to pay for the rental of premises, which is especially important in conditions of small start-up capital.

Popular ideas implemented in the garage: what kind of business to open

In addition to assembling computers, there are many other activities that can be done in a garage. Nine of the most promising of them are presented below.

Baguette production

One of the simplest ideas is to make frames for a baguette. All you need to get started is a desktop version of the baguette guillotine and a stapler. The equipment is inexpensive, and you can even master the specifics of the production of products on your own (see).

Installation of anti-theft systems

This type of business is attractive because it is directly related to the automotive theme, which means that the garage is the best fit for it. In addition, the installation of alarms on vehicles is in high demand. Before you start working, you need to get a qualification in this area. Master classes and similar forms of training in companies selling alarms and mechanical interlocks for gearboxes will help with this.

Production of metal products

From metal, you can make fences, stairs, gates, gates, window bars, furniture and much more. To do this, you need to equip a small forge: purchase a blacksmith press, a cutting wheel, a forge and a welding machine. Experts point out that in the long term the forge is the most profitable type of garage business. Start-up expenses range from 50 thousand rubles, while the monthly income can reach 30 thousand rubles. You can start small .

Car repair and maintenance: a business with minimal investment

Making building materials with your own hands

A small workshop for the production of building materials can be placed in a garage. To produce, for example, you will need a vibrating machine, as well as a set of molds for pouring, impurities, gypsum and dyes.

To manufacture large materials, such as building blocks, you will need additional space to organize a warehouse.

If the garage is located separately from the house and there is enough free space in front of the entrance, you can engage in large seasonal production in the summer: for example, make foam concrete blocks. Or produce all year round.

Wheel alignment services

As a rule, in large cities there is a shortage of points providing such services: having found a good master, the motorist has to stand in long lines. This is due to the fact that the number of cars is growing faster than this business is developing.

It is not enough to be good at regulating wheel alignment to start your own business. It is necessary to purchase good equipment, which will cost about 500 thousand rubles. In addition, the garage should be located in close proximity to a busy road and convenient access should be provided.

Making small furniture

Rumor has it that one of the largest Russian furniture companies started its journey in an ordinary garage. This is not surprising: organizing a small furniture workshop in such conditions is not such a difficult task.

To begin with, you can produce armchairs or chairs, make. Even two people can handle a small amount of work. In the future, the business can be expanded. According to experts, furniture is one of the best niches for business start-ups. Production has good prospects: if sales are established, then in 1.5 - 2 years you can reach a new level and rent a full-fledged workshop for the manufacture of various pieces of furniture. Also, do not forget about the uniqueness of the business idea and the furniture produced. For example, or, immediately found their client. Why don't you offer your unique furniture project?

New: smart start-up

Despite the attractiveness of garage production, the innovative business is currently of the greatest interest. In an ordinary car box, there is enough space for the development of prototypes, which can then be presented to potential investors.

Start-up is associated primarily with computer technology: various robots, computerized equipment, new software, etc. However, depending on the field of interest of start-up entrepreneurs, the invention may also affect any other area, for example, medicine.

The success of a start-up is ensured by the investor, so you need to start looking for it as early as possible. You can post your developments at venture exhibitions, create your own website, visit specialized resources, etc.

Flexibility is the key to success.

Photo: a small mini-business for beginners

Any of the presented types of business can successfully develop in a garage, but one should not forget about such a factor as cyclicality. What is in demand today may be unprofitable tomorrow. The situation may change due to the loss of interest in the product or the emergence of a major competitor. That is why the garage entrepreneur must be flexible.

Production of euro pallets Production of building materials in a garage Founding your own startup

Many people today want to start their own business. They do not always have a lot of capital for this. A profitable and financially safe way is to work in your own garage. Opening such a business, you need to know about all sorts of nuances and opportunities.

Growing mushrooms, vegetables

This type of business requires a fairly large space. It is even better if seedlings are grown in the garage, and in the future the products will be planted in greenhouses or on beds.

Today, people willingly buy such goods from private entrepreneurs because:

  • Vegetables and mushrooms do not contain GMOs.
  • The cost per season is much lower than in stores.
  • Products have excellent taste.

Quite strict requirements are imposed on entrepreneurs if they grow mushrooms. So, for fertilizer, compost must be purchased from farmers. Today they are especially popular.

You can consider one of the following marketing options:

  1. Piece sale, that is, work with individuals.
  2. Supply of goods to stores for further sale (products must be certified).
  3. Selling goods to restaurants, cafes and other places of public catering.

When working with individuals, as a rule, UTII is applied, in other cases, you can use OSN or STS.

Initial costs are small - about 20 thousand rubles. This includes the purchase of seeds, land, fertilizers, growing containers.

Breeding birds, animals

There are many options for this type of business.

The main directions are:

  • and animals for their further consumption by customers (it can be rabbits, pigs).
  • Raising purebred animals (usually cats and dogs).
  • Raising animals that act as pets for customers (this also includes cats and dogs, hamsters, chinchillas, parrots).

The disadvantage of such entrepreneurship is that the investment does not pay off immediately. After all, animals need to grow up. They also need constant care (food, drink, changing feeders, cleaning the premises).

Animals must have cages specially equipped for them. They need to be purchased or made independently. A large part of the cost will go to feeding pets. They will need to be washed and vaccinated. The amount of investment will depend on the number of animals. But it is not less than 30-40 thousand rubles.

As for the taxation system, much will depend on the type of sale of animals (single sale to individuals, sale to meat factories, for example, sale to pet stores). An entrepreneur can choose UTII or STS.

This type of business will require considerable investment from the entrepreneur. To work, you need quite expensive equipment.

The workshop can provide all or part of the following services:

  1. Diagnostics.
  2. Adjustment.
  3. Tire fitting.
  4. Repair.
  5. Washing.

This will require:

  • Diagnostic stand.
  • Lift.
  • Balancing machine.
  • Tire changer.
  • Press.
  • Welding machine.

And this is not counting the many small tools that will also be needed to carry out activities.

The initial costs will be at least 100 thousand rubles, and this is subject to the provision of only a part of the listed services. Of course, you can get by with small jobs, but then the level of demand and income will be much lower.

The difficulty will be finding qualified employees. A start-up enterprise does not have a high level of income, so it will be necessary to develop in order to attract responsible workers.

The location of the service is also important. It is better to be located near major roads, parking lots. So, not only regular customers will contact the workshop, but also people who have had a breakdown while driving near the service.

Manufacture of upholstered and cabinet furniture

This type of business is quite in demand today. The advantage is a lower price than large furniture suppliers. The most profitable option is to work with ready-made raw materials. If we are talking about cabinet furniture, then it is necessary to find suppliers of chipboard and MDF boards. Any furniture production will also require fittings, coatings, paints.

When choosing between upholstered and cabinet furniture, you need to remember that the former accounts for 17% of the domestic market, and everything else is cabinet furniture.

It is better to start your business with the production of upholstered furniture, since the costs in this area will be much lower. Subsequently, it will be possible to open another workshop.

For the production of cabinet furniture, you will definitely need:

  • Computerized machines (at the initial stage, you can do without them and work with the cut manually).
  • Milling machine.
  • Lathe.
  • Small tool.

The purchase of tools and equipment for the workplace will require at least 60 thousand rubles.

You can work with clients in one of the following ways:

  1. Sell ​​furniture in your own premises (usually to individuals).
  2. Conclude a contract with large stores and supply goods for sale to them.
  3. Establish contact with hotels, government agencies, companies that need large supplies of furniture.

Depending on the chosen scheme, DOS, STS or UTII can be used.

Printed mini-publishing house

Printed mini-production is very much in demand today.

Its services are used by:

  • Subjects of small business.
  • State organizations.
  • Universities, schools.
  • Companies engaged in sales (for printing price tags, price lists).
  • Catering establishments and production units.

You can work in several directions, on which the list of necessary equipment will depend.

Equipment is usually divided into the following groups:

  1. Risographs (used, as a rule, for black and white printing).
  2. Color copiers.
  3. Offset machines (business cards are printed on them).

In the latter case, you will also need a cutting machine to give the desired shape to the paper, binding and folding equipment.

Minimum investment: 30-40 thousand rubles.

A significant disadvantage of this type of business is that a large number of large competing firms operate in the industry. It will be hard to promote your own company to attract customers. And yet, by investing a relatively small amount of funds, the entrepreneur will soon be able to become the owner of a profitable production.

There are many options.

Here are the most popular ones:

  • Dry car wash.
  • Manual car wash.
  • Automated car wash.

The first allows you to make a profit very quickly. At the same time, the initial costs will turn out to be quite small (20-30 thousand rubles). This variety is not so popular among car owners today, but it can be used even in the cold season.

A manual car wash is also inexpensive. 40-50 thousand rubles are enough for work. We'll have to develop a drain system and conduct water to the garage. Subsequently, the level of income will be large due to the use of labor and inexpensive materials.

Automated car wash is expensive. The initial costs are at least 200-300 thousand rubles. The advantage is that there is no need to attract many workers. At the first stages, a businessman himself can coordinate the work of a car wash, and only then hire an employee.

A significant drawback of the last two varieties is the seasonality of the business. In the cold season, motorists are much less likely to go to salons to wash cars. Therefore, at this time it will be necessary to look for alternative types of business. For example, you can combine a car wash with a workshop.

Making clay pots and sculptures

People are increasingly choosing handicrafts, overshadowing things that are stamped by the thousands in factories. That is why the production of things from clay is in great demand today.

The greatest interest is shown in the following varieties of products:

  • Dishes.
  • Works of art.

To work, you will need special tools:

  1. Potter's wheel.
  2. Clay.
  3. Special grids for creating forms.
  4. Paints, if you plan to do the painting of products.

You can try to make a potter's wheel yourself. In general, the initial costs will amount to 15-20 thousand rubles.

One of the most difficult stages will be the search for a master. Pottery is a complex craft that not everyone can master. You need to approach the selection of personnel very responsibly, because the level of demand and return of the client for new products will directly depend on this.

Products made of polymer clay are in particular demand. It is also beneficial to use it also because the products do not require subsequent firing.

You can work in this area in several ways:

  • Production of goods to order.
  • Sales of products to shops selling hand-made.
  • Direct sales (for example, via the Internet).

Sewing clothes, curtains, covers and other things

This business format is suitable for people who know how to sew. Another option is to hire a professional seamstress. In the second case, the employee will take most of the profit. Today, niches of tailoring for pets - cats, dogs - are actively developing.

The initial investment will be about 50 thousand rubles. Most of them will go to the purchase of equipment.

For work you will need:

  1. Sewing machine.
  2. Overlock.
  3. Special scissors.
  4. Materials (threads, buttons, zippers, locks, fabrics and trimmings).

You can work according to the following schemes:

  • Make goods to order.
  • Sewing items for sale.
  • Combine the first two options.

It is very important to find customers at the initial stage, so part of the cost will go to advertising your own studio.

An important feature: tailoring is included in the list of household services, so if an organization works only with individuals, then UTII must be chosen as a form of taxation.

Seasonal storage of tires, bicycles, snowboards, skis and other things

The idea of ​​seasonal storage is gaining popularity. Today, many do not have their own garages, a place in the apartment to keep tires, bicycles and other equipment at home. It is much more convenient to hand them over for a while. The most popular type is tire storage.

To work in this area will not require large investments. If the entrepreneur has his own garage, then it remains for him to install an alarm and equip storage spaces. 10-15 thousand rubles will be enough for this.

The most promising place for location is near parking lots, ski resorts (when it comes to storing skis and snowboards), and bicycle routes.

This business cannot be called very profitable. To get a better return, you can organize an additional equipment rental or tire fitting.

It is not necessary to promote such a business if you choose a good place to work. People themselves will apply for services.

Organization of trade

This type of business is highly profitable and very attractive.

Several options are possible here:

  1. Sales of self-produced products.
  2. Resale of goods.
  3. Organization of joint purchases.

The first option has a serious drawback - a limitation in sales volumes, because it will no longer be possible to sell more than there is.

For the resale of goods, the garage space can be used to store goods. Purchases can be made via the Internet, for example. Here the income will be equal to the difference between the sale and purchase price. An increase in sales will mean an increase in profits. You can sell through your own website.

Organization of joint purchases today is very popular. Income is the organizational fee minus costs. As a rule, it is 10-15% of the total cost of goods. The meaning of the work is to find people who are ready to purchase products via the Internet at a price lower than in stores. Such work can bring 20-30 thousand rubles of profit, and sometimes much more.

Each of the presented models has its own characteristics and difficulties. In order for a business to succeed, it is necessary to carefully approach work, study the law. The most important thing is to love what you do, then it will definitely bear fruit.

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For many people, the main goal in life is complete financial independence - to work for themselves, have their own business and not obey the picky bosses. A garage business is the perfect way to make that dream come true.

Converting a garage into a utility room is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. Even with a small start-up capital and minimal effort, you can start a business that can provide a good income in the future. The main thing is to bring to realization one of the business ideas in the garage.

To begin with, entrepreneurs should decide on the specifics of their business project and its focus.. It is advisable to choose based on your own capabilities, skills and abilities - if you have creative potential and love collecting antiques, then you should not open a turning workshop, even if such a project can bring excellent profit in the future.

There are several main areas of the garage business:

  • production of various goods;
  • provision of services;
  • processing materials or raw materials.

Each of these areas requires certain equipment and investments. Moreover, newcomers to the business will have to develop their client base, which means they will have to conduct an advertising campaign.

Top 10 Working Ideas

1. Opening an outlet.

You can open a grocery store in the garage

In accordance with the current legislation, the garage belongs to the objects of stationary trade, which means that it is possible to organize a store in it. Before creating a business plan, it is desirable to analyze the demand for certain groups of goods. For example, in a large garage complex, you can trade in auto parts or consumables.

To organize a store, the premises should be insulated and provided with high-quality equipment, which will require a lot of money, time and effort.

2. Auto repair shop.

By opening a car repair shop, you can help your neighbors in the garage with repairs already on a reimbursable basis

If you are a car enthusiast with a lot of experience and are able to quickly fix even the most serious breakdown, then opening a car repair shop will be an ideal option to start making money on yourself. To do this, you will need hand tools (sets of wrenches, screwdrivers, jacks, etc.) and a welding machine. Before starting work, it is advisable to also take care of the safety of the workplace and equip the room.

Forge - a promising and uncompetitive option

Artistic forging is an extremely popular activity. This venture may seem quite expensive at first due to the need to purchase expensive materials, but, in fact, due to little competition in the market, with the right approach, it quickly pays off.

4. Car wash.

For a car wash inside the garage, you do not need to thoroughly re-equip the room

A car wash can be organized in almost any garage, you just need to equip the room and the area around. Run water and prepare the sewerage system, take care of fire safety and decide on the equipment. Additionally, you can organize services for cleaning the interior and washing the engine.

5. Production of decorative sculptures.

Making garden sculptures from plaster and concrete will require a minimum of costs, but at the same time it will be a great way to create a profitable business. A beginner in this business will need to learn how to prepare a solution and buy molds for casting: foam, wood or cardboard.

6. Laundry.

By opening a laundry, you can attract the attention of students from dormitories who are experiencing problems with laundry.

In small towns, it is very difficult to find a public laundry, so such a business, provided there is no competition, can pay off very quickly. First you need to acquire the necessary equipment and detergents, as well as conduct a competent advertising campaign. The best option would be to organize a laundry in a garage near student dormitories.

7. Tire fitting.

If the garage is located near a gas station or a roadway, then it would be advisable to organize a tire fitting service. The room must be heated, ventilated and well lit. You will also need expensive equipment (compressor, vulcanizer, jack, tire changer), which is better to rent at the initial stage of the business.

8. Car tuning.

Car tuning gives room for creativity, but is relevant only for big cities

Fans of creativity will like the prospect of creating something original and specific from ordinary cars. But, unfortunately, this type of business will be relevant only for residents of megacities. In small towns it will not be easy to find consumers of this service, which means that, in addition to purchasing expensive materials, you will have to spend a lot on advertising.

9. Glass cutting.

In areas with a large concentration of industrial premises, the garage can be converted into a glass cutting workshop. The technology of work is quite simple, and if desired, even a beginner can master it.

10. Troubleshooting service.

Like its owner, the car also needs regular diagnostics.

This service is very popular with car enthusiasts, so you can make good money diagnosing car problems. You will need to purchase special software, an adapter and a scanner to determine the machine block code and report errors. Remember that the computer program must be updated regularly, as new car brands appear every season.

Best options for beginners

1. Rental of children's goods and toys.

Children's toys are not cheap, so recently their rental services have become in great demand. You can buy the most popular children's products, decorate the garage in a colorful and bright way and start promoting your services to the target group of consumers.

2. Antique shop.

The antiques resale business never loses its relevance. The main thing in this business is knowing the real market value of the thing, because you can earn up to 500% profit on transactions with those who want to get rid of stamps, coins or household items!

3. Pottery.

The pottery workshop can be interesting to visit for both adults and children

Creating clay products will not only increase income, but also help relieve stress, relax and develop creativity. It is worth starting with the manufacture of stucco ceramics, and after the appearance of the first customers, buy a potter's wheel and molds for blanks. With the successful development of the business, production can be expanded and master classes for children can be held.

4. Atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes.

Tailoring atelier - a great business option for women

One of the best business ideas for women. All you need is a sewing machine, materials and the ability to sew efficiently and accurately.

5. Printing services.

Nowadays, you will not surprise anyone with a copier or scanner, but the provision of printing services can bring significant profit in the shortest possible time. Especially if your garage is located near educational institutions or administrative buildings.

6. Production of wooden pallets.

Due to the wide use of pallets in various fields, such a business can be very promising.

You can make pallets manually and without special equipment. With a persistent search for reliable distribution channels, your business will quickly reach a net profit.

7. Sharpening of tools and knives.

In residential areas, sharpener services will be in great demand. In addition to sharpening kitchen knives, you can also make money on the processing of tools for beauty salons (hairdressing scissors and nail clippers).

8. Mini-workshop for the manufacture of furniture.

Handmade furniture will always be in demand

Huge competition in the furniture business should not frighten a novice businessman - with a well-chosen direction and a creative approach, you can build up a good client base in a short time. It is possible to manufacture custom-made cabinet furniture (cabinets, walls or beds) or frameless furniture (poufs, armchairs). Additional income can be obtained if you master decoupage, decorating or aging furniture.

9. Repair of household appliances.

This service will be relevant in any city and region. In order to start a business, you need to have the appropriate qualifications and have a personal vehicle on which you could deliver large-sized equipment.

10. Production of products on a lathe.

Turners, as a rule, do not sit idle

Turner services are in demand both among private firms that do not have a master on staff, and at car repair shops. To get started, you only need a lathe and a set of standard tools.

Ideas with minimal investment

1. Renting out premises.

This is the easiest and most effective way to get passive income without investments - you can receive from 4,000 to 6,000 rubles per month. The specific rental price will depend primarily on the location of the garage, the presence of communications in it and its size.

2. Service of temporary storage of things.

Temporary storage service in your garage will help people avoid cluttering balconies

Many residents of megacities are faced with the issue of storing things that they do not use in the summer - skis, sleds, winter tires. The garage owner can benefit from this and earn from the provision of storage services. The profit, of course, will be insignificant, but it can be obtained after the first client.

3. Point of reception of secondary raw materials.

Some types of raw materials can be sold to organizations that are engaged in production and processing. These materials include paper, cardboard, glass, textiles, rubber and scrap metal.

4. Growing plants.

Growing vegetables or mushrooms in a garage can be commercialized

In a heated and well-lit garage, you can easily grow plants and mushrooms. This line of business does not require significant investments, because it is not difficult for an experienced summer resident to equip a greenhouse indoors, and the crop can be sold to small grocery stores.

5. Production of decorative products and souvenirs.

You can make festive New Year's goods (for example, Christmas balls), magnets, soap and candles, badges and souvenirs. The scale of production in this case does not depend on the amount of start-up capital, but only on your scope of imagination - the possibilities in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity are almost endless.

6. Sale of clothes.

Garage sales in Russia are still not widespread

Garage sales have long gained popularity in the United States, and in recent years in our country, enterprising garage box owners are adopting this experience. Establishing the sale of clothes (like a stock store or a second-hand store) means securing a year-round income.

7. Computer workshop.

Computer workshop - a win-win direction

If you are good with computers, you can try opening a computer repair shop in your garage. But keep in mind that for this the room must be dry, insulated and well lit.

8. Packing of goods.

The owners of wholesale depots and shops often save on the services of packers, so if you wish, you can easily set up production for packing bulk products and cooperate with large entrepreneurs, selling them ready-made packaged goods.

Who said that you have to live in the countryside to run a small farm?

The fashion for healthy food makes many residents of big cities go to the markets in search of homemade and quality products. Caring for a chicken is not difficult, their diet is as simple as possible, and if the size of the garage allows you to place a dozen laying hens in it, you will ensure yourself a stable profit.

10. Services of a personal trainer.

Perhaps the most original way to provide yourself with additional income is to organize sports training in your garage. If you are an experienced athlete and can offer original training methods, then you will not have to compete with large gyms - you can quickly build up a client base.

How not to make mistakes when choosing a direction of activity

In order to choose the right direction for your business project and not go into the red, you should follow just a few simple recommendations:

  • Choose the idea that can pay off as much as possible and bring profit in the shortest possible time;
  • Focus on customer needs;
  • Do not compete with big businessmen;
  • At the beginning of your project, try to do without hired labor to save money;
  • Do not buy expensive equipment to start production;
  • Make a business plan by analyzing all upcoming expenses and expected income.

A garage business for aspiring entrepreneurs is a great opportunity to start your own business without significant expenses. In the garage, it is possible to establish the production of goods, organize trade or equip premises for the provision of services.

Do not forget that the success of your business depends solely on your desire and hard work. And if you still doubt whether it is worth a try, then remember - the history of the famous Apple company began precisely with the assembly of computers in the garage.

Production in the garage began to open in Russia back in the 90s. With all the advantages and seeming simplicity of the organization, entrepreneurs face difficulties in obtaining permits to open a business, bringing communications to the premises. Various ideas of "garage" business from Europe and China and advice on their competent implementation will help you decide on the field of activity.

Choice of direction

A garage is not suitable for every type of activity - something will not be profitable, and some industries simply cannot be opened in such a room.

You may encounter problems with the following business ideas:

  • bakery;
  • smokehouse;
  • dumpling shop;
  • trade;
  • washing;
  • tire fitting;
  • car service;
  • tuning;
  • airbrushing;
  • seasonal storage.

Some of them (food production) may not be approved by Rospotrebnadzor. Trading is most likely to be a loss-making activity due to the usual location of garages. The car maintenance business also depends on the proximity of roads. Seasonal storage as an independent business will most likely be unprofitable.

The ideal option for a garage business is to create a small non-food business or workshop. These activities are practically independent of traffic and pedestrian flows.

Currently, Europe and China offer the most interesting ideas for home production. For a novice Russian entrepreneur, the synthesis of European ideas and Chinese raw materials and equipment is the ideal start of their own business at minimal cost.

The video shows 9 small business ideas from Europe and China. Shot by the ThirstPro channel.

Best garage business ideas from Europe

In the European Union, there are strict rules for the operation of property, even to replace the socket in your own apartment, you need an electrician's certificate. However, local residents find ways out of this situation by organizing a business at home.

Production of antifreeze washer fluid

Antifreeze production is one of the most promising small garage business ideas. Anti-freeze fluid is a seasonal item. Demand rises with the first frost.

Manufacturing has the following benefits:

  • available raw materials;
  • simplicity of technology;
  • large market.

The seasonality of demand stops some entrepreneurs. To solve this problem, it is proposed to reformat production in the summer - to produce glass cleaners, shampoos (can be produced using the same equipment).

The coolant production process is shown in a video from the Original Ideas channel.

blacksmith craft

The demand for forging is quite high and currently exceeds the supply. Due to the specific conditions of the work (working with open fire at high temperatures), additional requirements are put forward for the premises. A major garage with reinforced concrete or metal floors is required.

Cold forging is an acceptable option for garage production. The technology consists of the manufacture of individual parts, which are then welded to obtain a one-piece structure.

The work of a blacksmith will take a long time to learn. It is advisable to hire an experienced master, and work as an apprentice yourself during training.

What can be made:

Due to the high demand, the sanding paper business will be profitable if the production process is well organized and the distribution channels are established. Equipment costs will amount to approximately 750 thousand rubles.

Details about the production can be found in the video clip from the channel "Peasant".

Production of wooden toys and accessories

Quality toys made of wood, especially handmade ones, will be in high demand among a certain segment of consumers. In this type of activity, recommendations from customers work especially well, so strict quality control of products is necessary. The cost of equipment and tools will be approximately 400 thousand rubles.

Advantages of wooden toys production:

  • environmental Safety;
  • sufficient consumer demand;
  • low level of competition;
  • simple manufacturing technology;
  • the possibility of an individual approach to the order;
  • moderate initial investment.

Business Disadvantages:

  1. High prices. Products made from quality wood cannot compete on price with cheap plastic toys.
  2. They are not products of constant demand. With the deterioration of the standard of living in the country, the choice will be made in favor of Chinese counterparts.

What can be made from wood:

Tailoring of leather accessories

Features of the business idea:

  • compact production;
  • demand is provided by the variability of fashion;
  • low cost;
  • handicraft is highly valued;
  • branded items are not for everyone.

Handmade magnets

The advantages of making magnets at home include:

  1. Small investment. For the production of small volumes of magnets, it is only necessary to allocate a small room where consumables and equipment can be placed.
  2. Magnets with certain information about the brand, logos (the so-called corporate products) are very popular with companies, enterprises, organizations.
  3. Ease of manufacturing process. Anyone who wants to start a business on magnets by purchasing specialized literature, materials, equipment, studying video lessons or master classes on the Internet.
  4. Demand for fridge magnets. Such products are popular with both ordinary people and legal entities - organizations, companies, enterprises. Therefore, it will be easy to find customers.

Manufacture of nameplates

A good idea for a home business is to make address plates. Each building has a sign with the street name and house number to make it easier to find a specific address. Setting up the production of signs indicating streets or house numbers is not as difficult as it seems, especially if you prepare an action plan in advance.

Nameplate with street name street sign

Styrofoam processing

Decorative foam products are often used to decorate the interior. In addition, figures from this material are often ordered to decorate outdoor weddings, corporate events, etc. The growing demand for such decorative products allows aspiring entrepreneurs to seriously think about starting their own business based on this business idea.

Large styrofoam figures small foam figurines

Production of paving slabs

Paving slabs are a practical modern coating that is significantly superior to traditional asphalt in many ways. The production of paving stones is a simple and inexpensive business, but the competition in this area is very high.

The manufacturing technology of paving slabs is simple and not high-tech. The business is seasonal, with peak sales during warmer months. According to the norms, the finished tiles cannot be transported further than 500 km. Therefore, you need to carefully choose the place of production.

How to establish a business for the production of paving slabs, you can learn from the video. Filmed by All businesses.

Blinds manufacturing

This business idea does not require large investments and is quite profitable. No special production permits are required. The main problem is high competition. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a marketing campaign, as well as closely monitor the price-quality ratio.

Blinds Blinds for windows

Dried flower arrangements

In Russia, it is becoming more and more fashionable to decorate your home or office with interesting compositions. Competition in this area is growing every year.

The benefits of dried plants:

  • have an intense aroma;
  • stored for a long time;
  • unpretentious in care.

For a successful business you need:

  • quality materials;
  • original ideas;
  • development of own themes in creativity.

Compositions with a cone Composition of dried flowers

Growing vegetables and herbs

To generate income from this type of business, it is necessary to produce a sufficient volume of the final product. The quantity must be able to recoup the costs. It is important to have equipment and technologies for the production of vegetables and herbs “out of season”, that is, during the period of greatest demand.

Grigory Cherny talks about the intricacies of the vegetable business. Filmed by channel 7.

Making accessories for pets

Despite the abundance of companies that are engaged in this type of activity, the demand for accessories for pets is growing day by day. The advantage is the possibility of production in a limited space.

dog bowl Dog collar Hammock for a cat

Toothpick production

The purchase of equipment and the careful development of technology for the production of toothpicks makes it possible to obtain high incomes. It is also necessary to find distribution channels for products.

Main advantages:

  • simple technological process;
  • many distribution channels;
  • acceptable price for equipment;
  • no special permissions needed;
  • low competition.

How toothpicks are made can be seen in the video from Valery Oskol.

Tailoring of frameless furniture

Recently, frameless furniture has been in demand among consumers. It may be worth exploring trendy design ideas and features of the production of such furniture. Making frameless interior items is a very profitable business, as they consist only of fabric and filler. The workshop for the production of such furniture at the initial stage can fit in one room. All you need is a sewing machine.

Frameless chair frameless sofa

How to open production in the garage

In order to organize your own business, it is necessary to solve a number of organizational issues that practically do not depend on the scale of production and planned activities. The purpose of these stages is to launch a mini-production for the production of high-quality products that will be in high demand in the consumer market.


The main problem of the "garage" business is the controversial legality of this type of activity.

Many "garage" entrepreneurs work without registering a business, fearing problems with obtaining permits. They find clients by recommendation. Only a small percentage organizes an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

To open an IP in 2019, the following documents will be required:

  1. Form R21001. This is an application that contains the requirements for registering an individual entrepreneur (full name, address, passport details, OKVED codes).
  2. Photocopy of the passport.
  3. Receipt of payment of state duty 800 rubles.


  • power of attorney (if the documents are drawn up by a professional registrar);
  • notification of the transition to the simplified tax system in three copies.

Business plan development

A business plan for a small business is needed to define the concept of doing business.

The following key points should be disclosed:

  • the purpose of the business;
  • basic services;
  • result of expectations;
  • managerial potential;
  • model flexibility;
  • exposure to external factors;
  • financial stability;
  • competitiveness.

Room preparation

Start your own business with the preparation of the premises. This will require financial investments, the amount of which depends on the business idea being implemented.

It is necessary to take care of the availability of communications:

  • power supply;
  • heating;
  • water supply.

The room also needs to be refurbished. If interior decoration is a matter of taste and availability of funds, then communication may be a problem. Sometimes the garage cannot be connected to city networks. In this case, local networks will be required, which will increase costs several times over. In the case of using the garage as a storage warehouse, the investment required is minimal.

Necessary work to prepare the premises:

  • warming;
  • internal and external finishing;
  • ventilation;
  • lighting;
  • installation of shelving and storage equipment.

Car service requires expensive equipment. The production line also requires serious investments.

Purchase of equipment

The purchase of hand-held mini-devices and machines will require a significant amount. In the absence of start-up capital, the purchase of equipment on credit is practiced. The cost of the raw material base is calculated individually, since each production requires specific raw materials.

A few rules can apply to any business:

  • it is better to purchase materials and components in small wholesale lots;
  • it is better to cooperate with suppliers who are geographically located closer to you.

The cost of opening a production in the garage

Investments to start a business:

  1. Equipment. Equipment costs depend on the type of business and range from 10 thousand to 10 million rubles.
  2. Registration of documents. To get started, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and obtain the necessary permits. The costs are about 5 thousand rubles.
  3. Purchase of the first batch of raw materials. The cost of raw materials is included in the start-up capital and ranges from 5 to 500 thousand rubles, depending on the type of activity.
  4. Advertising campaign. The pre-marketing campaign usually includes media advertising and outdoor advertising. Costs range from 30 thousand rubles.


Equipment for production at home. Shot by the channel "To-Biz Business Ideas"

Many businessmen who own corporations once started with . Even without a significant initial capital, you can open a small production of any goods or provide services to the population.

It is not necessary to expand your financial activities then, a garage business can be opened in order to receive additional profit and work for your own pleasure. or in a big city, the main thing is that there is a desire to engage in this type of activity.

How profitable is it to be in the garage business

The profitability of this type of earnings depends on the direction of activity, on the quality of the goods manufactured or services provided, as well as on the amount of time that will be devoted to this business. Being engaged in a garage business, you can save on the following consumable items:

  • Room rental.
  • Hiring workers.
  • Business registration.

Glass workshop of an entrepreneur from Blagoveshchensk.

If you own a garage, you won't have to pay monthly rent, which can save you a lot of money.

Most garage self-employment options can be done on your own without additional help.

Although it is not safe to work without registering a business with the tax office. A garage entrepreneur can be fined for illegal business.

Production of brooms from plastic bottles - this type of business is described below.

If the sale of goods or services occurs only for a limited circle of acquaintances, then you can do without registering business activities, most importantly, in this case, do not “shine” too much and do not talk about garage self-employment to strangers.

By minimizing costs, the profitability of this type of business is greatly increased. Entrepreneurial activity will be profitable even if if you devote no more than 3 to 4 hours a day to garage work.

The most common areas of this type of self-employment:

  • Repair of scooters and mopeds.
  • Workshop for the manufacture of furniture.
  • Atelier for the repair of household appliances.
  • Garage forge.
  • Phyto tea production.
  • Production of plates and house numbers.
  • Turner services.

When you can not do without hired employees

Some types of garage business will require additional labor.

Options for running a garage business on your own

This category of garage business is the most common. It is impossible to list all the options for such self-employment, because at any moment you can invent some new direction in this business. The most common options:

  1. Furniture making workshop- You can run this business on your own. It is enough to purchase woodworking machines and the tools necessary for this type of activity. Garage furniture production can be started with the manufacture of benches and garden benches. After acquiring the first experience, in order to increase the profitability of production, it will be necessary to expand the range of furniture produced and its quality.

Weak Ideas

Not all small business ideas can be implemented in the garage business format. Dubious garage business ideas include:

In fact, it is impossible to say how effective the ideas presented in the video are. It depends solely on who and how will get down to business. They have lost their freshness, and are not relevant for those who are looking for something original, but may work if the idea is supported by an enthusiast.


In order to organize a garage business, you need minimal start-up capital and low time costs. If there is a garage that is not used for its intended purpose, then it is necessary to make major repairs there, and use this site for the described ways of earning money, you can come up with something original and unusual, in this case there will be no competition, which will allow you to become a monopolist in a short time in this area of ​​business.

From China

A number of ideas that can be implemented with only a garage at your disposal are in the selection on the video.