Rabbit farm business plan. Breeding rabbits as a business: profitable or not

Industrial cage, France. Photo: Ethique & Animaux L214

In recent years, the interest of farmers and large agricultural holdings in breeding rabbits has sharply increased. The market is increasingly in demand for dietary meat, and experts predict a 3-fold increase in demand for rabbit meat. Its price reaches 450 rubles per kilogram, so rabbit breeding as a business has good prospects.

Rabbit meat production and product demand

Rabbit meat cannot be attributed to exotic products, but it is rare in stores and does not lie on the shelves. The Russian rabbit meat market is practically not filled, while the need for it, according to some experts, is about 300 thousand tons per year. Import deliveries of products dropped sharply: from 4,300 tons in 2014 to 1,760 tons in 2016.

According to the AB-Center analytical agency, in 2015 the consumption of rabbit meat amounted to 17.5 thousand tons. Of these, 13.5 are products of small farms. Industrial rabbit breeding in our country is not well developed, but the situation is changing rapidly. In the Northwestern Federal District, the construction of 3 large farms with a production cycle has begun, which intend to produce more than 7 thousand tons of rabbit meat per year.

Data of the expert-analytical center of agribusiness "AB-Center", 2017

Rabbit is a white dietary meat, digestible by 90%, low in fat and cholesterol. It is non-allergenic, suitable for the production of baby food, capable of removing salts of heavy metals from the body. Demand for it is shaped by the trend towards healthy eating, but is constrained by its high price and the lack of a wide range of products in stores.

For farms, rabbit breeding is very convenient. The business does not require large initial investments, the technologies developed over the years for breeding and keeping rabbits allow you to do this business without special training. The simplest equipment is required, part of which the farmer can make himself. Animals are characterized by high fertility and precocity. One rabbit is capable of 7–8 births per year, which is about 140 kg of meat in live weight annually. Of all areas of animal husbandry, rabbit breeding is the most profitable in all respects, second only to. However, for poultry meat the market is close to saturation.

Comparison of production efficiency of different types of meat

Index Beef Pork rabbit meat poultry meat
Commodity weight, kg 300–500 100–110 3,5–4 2–2,5
Growing period, days 500–540 140–180 42–49 40–50
Feed conversion, kg/kg live weight
Average cost, rub/kg 95–100 80–90 75–85 50–60
Average price in live weight, rub/kg 120–140 95–115 130–140 65–70
Profitability of production, % 35–37 18–20 22–24 65–69
Average payback period, year 9 5 5 4

* Studies of the Kuban Agrarian University, Krasnodar, 2017 (Klimova N.V., Mozhegova V.D.).

Breeding and keeping technologies

In rabbit breeding, meat and skin areas are distinguished; this is a practically waste-free agricultural production. Rabbits are most profitable for breeding for meat; it has become more difficult to find a wholesale buyer for skins. Previously, they were bought in large quantities for export to China, but since 2016, the Rosselkhoznadzor has banned the import of rabbit meat from China, and there have been retaliatory difficulties.

The productivity of breeding rabbits by 20-30% depends on the conditions of detention, the rest is contributed by the breed (genetics) - up to 25% and full feeding - up to 55%. The microclimate is of great importance, rabbit queens are able to breed all year round, but with sharp temperature changes this advantage is not realized. In addition, cold weather is bad for the growth and development of rabbits. Currently, three main technologies are used in rabbit breeding: keeping outdoors in pits, cages (mini-farms) and indoors with a controlled microclimate.

Requirements for the conditions of detention are established:

  • NTP-APK Standards for technological design of small-scale enterprises of fur and rabbit farms.
  • RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of fur and rabbit farms for peasant (farm) farms

Breeding in holes

Rabbits are burrowing animals by nature, so the traditional way of breeding them is very simple. They choose a site on a hill, enclose it with a fence, deepening the base into the ground by 50–60 cm so that the animals do not dig. A canopy is made over the pits, a door for passage is equipped in the fence. From the inside, feeders and drinkers for rabbits are hung along it.

This method of rabbit breeding is quite affordable at home, as well as for novice farmers. It does not require large material costs. The size of the plot should be such that the ratio is maintained: approximately 5 rabbits and no more than 30 heads of growing young animals 20 square meters. meters. These are close to natural conditions of detention, animals feel calm and develop well.

Technology cons:

  • the expansion of production is inevitably associated with an increase in land;
  • it is impossible to control the fertilization of females, which leads to a decrease in profits;
  • high feed consumption due to eating them by mice, hamsters, rats, birds;
  • mortality of young animals in the winter, a decrease in the sexual activity of rabbits;
  • difficulties with preventive care, vaccination, risk of infections.

This rabbit breeding technology is still used at home, while all operations (feeding, watering, cleaning) are carried out manually. However, the cost of production will be quite high. If a farmer wants to start raising rabbits as a business, he needs to choose more productive ways to raise them.

Cell content

The street technology of breeding rabbits in cages has become the most widespread. Compact single-tiered or multi-tiered cages are inexpensive, they can be made at home. They take up little space, so a large plot of land is not required. All cage designs are similar, differing mainly in the system for organizing the feeding and watering of animals, as well as in the principle of cleaning floors from manure.

Multi-tiered structures for rabbits are usually called a mini-farm. The most famous are the designs of Mikhailov and Titarenko, as well as Makrol, Rabbitaks (their photos are below in the article). Cell content facilitates the care of the livestock, allows you to control the birth of females. Depending on the type of feed (wet, dry), flute or bunker feeders, hay boxes are equipped in the cages.

The most difficult thing in such conditions for keeping rabbits is to organize a watering system. The best option is when the water from the reservoir comes through pipes with built-in nipple drinkers. In winter, it is necessary to ensure their heating with a heating element. Mesh floors with a cell of 1.6 × 4.8 cm are installed in the cages, under them there is an inclined bunker, which is periodically cleared of manure. The capacity of one mini-farm is small: usually no more than 4 families (a rabbit with offspring) and up to about 35 animals per undergrowth.

Disadvantages of keeping rabbits in open-air cages:

  • seasonal reproduction: at temperatures below -15 degrees, they become sleepy and sexual life stops;
  • in the summer heat, the risk of diseases and death of newborn rabbits increases;
  • low productivity and rather high cost of meat due to manual labor.

Modular sheds

Closed hangar-type premises or rectangular ones made of light metal structures bring rabbit breeding to a qualitatively higher level. The module (rabbit) is covered with cellular polycarbonate, a fan is mounted in the roof. There is a passage inside, along which there are multi-tiered cages on both sides.

In sheds, a system of keeping rabbits is implemented according to the principle “everything is empty - everything is occupied”. When combined with artificial insemination technology, offspring are obtained from each rabbit queen 7 times a year with a 49-day cycle and 8 times with a 42-day cycle. The main herd (males and females) is kept in isolated cages, young animals are housed in 5–7 heads, depending on the design of the house and the breed of animals (they differ in size). Industrial cages are equipped with spring covers, which facilitates the transplantation of rabbits, their treatment, insemination. To remove manure, removable corner panels or pallets are equipped.

In such a room, an automatic drinking system with nipple or float drinkers is equipped. The feed bins are filled with dry pellets about once a week. Optimal conditions for breeding rabbits are maintained by a heating system and forced ventilation. The cost of buying a closed rabbitry pays off quite quickly due to higher productivity of rabbits, livestock safety, reduced labor costs, and, consequently, a reduction in the number of employees.

Types of cages and other equipment

There are a large number of designs of rabbit cages, different in size and configuration. Most are made of wood, the doors are mesh, the floors are slatted. In some models, a system of floor heating in mother liquors, and pipes for water supply are provided. The most popular varieties of rabbitries are shown below.

The cost of cages for the industrial keeping of rabbits depends on the dimensions, design, material, additional equipment (feeding, heating, manure removal system, type of drinkers). The cost of one Mikhailov mini-farm is about 15 thousand rubles, a block of 4 pieces will cost 60 thousand rubles. A set of 12 mini-farms for 1000 rabbits with bunker feeders, nipple drinkers, a heated mother liquor and a polycarbonate canopy costs about 350 thousand rubles.

Closed rabbitries of industrial type are offered by Pankrol (Krasnodar Territory), ELKO (Belarus, representative office in Kaluga). These are turnkey complexes, they include:

  • cell equipment (uterine and fattening);
  • water supply systems, air conditioning;
  • wiring for lighting, automation;
  • systems of feeding-drinking, manure removal;
  • heating devices for floor and water.

The price of the modular shed "Pankrol" for industrial breeding of rabbits is (based on the number of contained rabbits and young animals):

  • for 54/430 - 400 thousand rubles. (6×6 m);
  • for 120/960 - 1 million rubles. (15×6 m);
  • for 612/4900 - 4.8 million rubles (45 × 9.5 m).

Closed modular rabbitries with artificial microclimate.

Breeds of meat rabbits

In total, there are about 60 breeds of rabbits, which differ in the quality of the skin, weight, slaughter yield of meat products. With age, the coefficient of meatiness increases in all varieties, but if you buy rabbits for breeding for meat, you should pay attention to the following well-established breeds.

  • New Zealand white. The breed was bred in the USA, now it is widespread in Europe and in Russia. Animals have a well-developed chest, sacro-lumbar part. At 3 months of age, the weight is 2.7 kg. The slaughter yield is 55–65%, the proportion of meat in the carcass is 77–80%. The rabbits are prolific, they bring up to 12 rabbits, which is why it is necessary to align the litters. The wool is white. Feed costs 3.5-5 units/kg gain.
  • Silver. Originally from France, it was brought to us from Germany almost 100 years ago. Very large, fast growing rabbit. It is born black or smoky in color, after 3.5 months it gradually acquires a silver tint, and weighs about 4 kg. Adults are very large: 6–6.5 kg. With good care, the slaughter yield is about 62%. There are 8-10 rabbits in a litter. Valued for high-quality fur raw materials.
  • Californian. American origin, obtained by crossing Russian ermine, chinchilla and New Zealand breeds. Possesses high precocity and meatiness. Animals have thin and light, but at the same time strong bones. The California rabbit is called "broiler", it reaches a marketable weight of 2.3 kg by the end of the second month of life. Like the New Zealand breed, it has strong, well-furred paws, which saves it from damage on a metal slatted floor, especially in winter. Slaughter yield 60%.
  • White (gray) giant. This species was bred in the Poltava region in the 50s of the last century. They crossed the Flanders breed and a local variety of rabbits. From the first they inherited a powerful backbone and high meatiness, from the second - fertility and precocity. Animals are unpretentious to the conditions of detention, adapted to a temperate climate and successfully grown in the northern regions. They reach a weight of 1.7–1.9 kg at the age of 120 days. Slaughter yield 55%, weight fraction 85%.

On the Agroserver, you can buy a monthly rabbit for breeding at a price of 350-500 rubles per head, depending on the breed. An adult rabbit for a tribe costs from 1 thousand rubles. In addition to those listed above, in Russia there are breeds such as Flanders, Burgundy, French sheep. Hy-Plus hybrids have also appeared, characterized by very fast growth and good health. But you can only buy them in loudspeakers, since the appearance of these rabbits does not differ in characteristic features (it is easy to make a mistake). At the same time, you will have to keep the broodstock, since hybrid traits are not transmitted to offspring.

Feed requirement and diet

When raising rabbits, two feeding systems are used: dry (granular) feed and combined, when the animals are fed simultaneously with juicy feed, hay and concentrates.

Compound feed quality requirements are established by GOST 32897-2014 Compound feed for fur-bearing animals, rabbits and nutria. General specifications.

Feeding rabbits only with full-ration granular compound feed is inexpedient and reduces the profitability of production. At the same time, traditional feeds (corn, winter wheat, hay, sunflower cake) contain an insufficient amount of proteins necessary for intensive breeding of rabbits. When breeding rabbits for meat, the best option is the usual mixed diet with additives such as "Premix".

The maximum daily dose of feed for rabbits of different composition (g)

Type of feed Compound Animal age
1-2 months
(150 k.u.)
2-3 months
(200 k.u.)
3-4 months
(260 k.u.)
Dry concentrates
compound feed meat and bone meal, protein and mineral supplements 85 125 165
grain mix cereals and legumes 50–80 115 110
Sunflower cake 10 15 20
succulent feed
Silage - 100 150
Roots potatoes, beets, carrots 50–150 160–200 250–300
Skim milk 30 - -
Oilseed grain 5–6 8 60
meal 3–10 15 20
Green feed
fresh greens nettle, thistle, vetch, cut grass 300 400 600
cabbage leaves 30–100 200 300
hard feed
Bran different composition 15 25 30
branches Birch, linden, aspen, apple tree, acacia 50 100 125
Meadow hay 30–70 100 200

Hay for the winter is harvested at about 40 kg per adult animal and 15 kg per rabbit up to 4 months old. For a fattening period of 120 days per family (female, rabbit and 20 rabbits) leaves:

  • concentrates - 340 kg;
  • hay - 110 kg;
  • root crops - 90 kg;
  • green mass - 420 kg.

Access to food and water must be constant. The amount of daily gain significantly depends on the content of proteins (proteins) in the diet, it is necessary to include supplements containing lysine, methionine, arginine, cysteine. Bran, branches (roughage) are of great importance in regulating digestion processes, reducing the risk of intestinal disorders and infectious diseases.


Like any other farm animals, rabbits are prone to diseases, especially if the breeding and maintenance conditions are violated. Therefore, observance of the rules of veterinary care and vaccination is mandatory. Timely repair of cages, slatted floors protects animals from mechanical injuries, frostbite and overheating. Among the dangerous diseases that can lead to a 70% loss of livestock within a few days, the following can be noted.

Economic risks in rabbit breeding are associated with typical problems that are characteristic of all agriculture as a whole. These are difficulties in renting land and obtaining a loan for the construction of a rabbit farm, with the acquisition of high-quality breeding material, there are very few rabbit reproducers in the country. Also, small farms are characterized by the problem of establishing sales to the store chain due to the small volume of supplies.

Investment in business and profitability

When drawing up a business plan for a rabbit farm, you need to focus on the average profitability in the industry and real examples of operating farms. The productivity of the farm and the payback period depend on the technology of keeping rabbits, the availability of own funds and land, and the need for lending. The following are averages for a typical medium sized commercial rabbit farm (indoor).

  • Number of rabbits - 264;
  • The selling price of meat is 207 rubles / kg.

The total amount of current expenses is the sum of the following:

  • feed - 58%;
  • veterinary drugs, vaccination - 35%;
  • electricity (including heating) - 4%
  • water consumption (water disposal), utilization - 2%;
  • other expenses - 1%.

Example. The farm of Kirill Sheshtanov, KFH "KroSh", Leningrad region.

  • 2014 The initial investment in the business amounted to 1 million rubles. The money was spent on training, purchasing a computer, paying for a patent; 4 mini-farms of Mikhailov, 8 breeding rabbits (gray and white giant) were purchased.
  • 2015–2016 An application was submitted and a one-time grant in the amount of 5.5 million rubles was received. Added own funds 3 million rubles. 200 mini-farms have been purchased, our own slaughterhouse has been built, equipment for it has been purchased, and accreditation has been carried out. The annual turnover amounted to 800 thousand rubles.
  • 2017 There are 250 mini-farms in total, 2,000 rabbits are kept. The farm is served by only 3 people: livestock specialist, worker, slaughterer. The turnover amounted to 1.2 million. There are plans to purchase a Ford Transit car with a refrigeration unit.

In the above example, the peasant farm organized the external cage keeping of rabbits. The entrepreneur is going to develop production according to the European system, in closed sheds. You can learn more about its history on the website of the Food Industry News Portal.

Marketing routes and prices for meat

In small towns, markets and seasonal fairs are the main sales channel for rabbit meat. Entrepreneurs note that carcasses weighing 1.5 kg are in the greatest demand. The large mass of the animal raises suspicions about its age, and the cost of meat is quite high. Other distribution channels:

  • restaurants, farm produce shops;
  • own points of sale in covered markets;
  • hospitals, baby food factories;
  • intermediary wholesale organizations.

The cost of 1 kg of rabbit meat on the wholesale websites Agro.ru, Agroserver reaches 500 rubles, on average it varies in the range of 350-425 rubles. Depends on the quality of the meat, the nature of cutting and packaging.

* Prices for April 2019

It is difficult for small suppliers to build relationships with large chain stores. Most often, they sell products to intermediaries at a price almost half that of the consumer. At the same time, the organization of its own slaughter and cutting shop significantly increases production efficiency. For example, if you offer vacuum-packed carcasses to shops and catering establishments, in a marinade weighing 0.5, 1, 1.5 kg. A cut rabbit with a small weight is much more affordable than a whole carcass.

Veterinary standards and GOSTs

  • TR TS 034/2013 - Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. On the safety of meat and meat products.
  • GOST 27747-2016: Rabbit meat (carcasses of rabbits, broiler rabbits and their parts). Specifications.

The rules for the circulation of unprocessed fresh meat and semi-finished meat products on the territory of Russia and other EurAsEC countries are regulated by the Regulations of the Customs Union. According to this document, the compliance of product quality with the established requirements is confirmed by a veterinary certificate. It is issued by the relevant territorial service of Rosselkhoznadzor after laboratory testing and veterinary and sanitary examination.

Control over the production and movement of fresh meat from the producer to the wholesaler and retailer is carried out using the state information system GIS Mercury (Vetis). In this system, the manufacturer generates VSD (veterinary accompanying documents), which are transmitted along the chain to the final seller who sells the product to the consumer.

For packaged semi-finished meat products, it is necessary to draw up a declaration of conformity, and on a voluntary basis, you can also obtain a certificate of conformity. The rules for issuing these documents are established by TR CU 021/2011 (Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. Food Safety).

Form of organization of the economy

In rabbit breeding, any form of organization of production is possible:, or. Peasant farming is more profitable in the sense that it is possible to apply for certain measures of state support - soft loans, subsidies, grants. When registering an enterprise, you need to select the following codes as the main types of activity (handbook "OK 029-2014 (KDEC Rev. 2):

  • 01.49.2 - breeding of rabbits and other fur-bearing animals;
  • 01.49.21 - production of fine rabbit hair;

In addition, the agricultural tax is the most beneficial in comparison with other taxation regimes. It is 6% of income, and losses from previous periods can be written off as payment. A farm can be organized even by one family member on his own behalf. If the rest will act as members of the peasant farm, then they will have to pay contributions for pension insurance.

In conclusion, we note that fluctuations in market prices are unlikely to have a large impact on the cost of rabbit meat in the near future. Demand for it is growing, and the supply on the market is still small. Simultaneously with the breeding of rabbits for meat, the farmer also receives by-products. It further increases the overall profit of the farm. Thus, wholesalers buy dried rabbit skins at a price of about 60 rubles / kg, and rabbit manure is suitable for application to the fields even without preliminary biological treatment. It is willingly taken by local entrepreneurs engaged in crop production, so it will not be difficult to find buyers.

rabbit farm business plan

We present you a free ready-made example of a business plan, on the basis of which you can draw up your own. This material contains all the items of expenditure and examples of calculations for rabbit breeding.

  • Introduction
  • 1. Resume
  • 2. Production plan
  • 3. Market analysis
  • 4. Analysis of sales markets for products and purchases of raw materials
  • 5. Marketing strategy of the project
  • 6. Organizational plan
  • 7. Financial plan

This example is suitable for both the farm and for your household, since you can simply reduce the scale of the business.

useful links

  • How it works: how much does a rabbit farm bring // RBC, an interview with the owner of the Lelechi rabbit farm
  • Faster than rabbits: how an extra-class biathlete became a livestock breeder // RBC, interview with numbers
  • Project description
  • Description of the enterprise
  • Product Description
  • marketing plan
  • Calendar plan
  • What equipment to choose
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Do I need permission to open
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention a typical business plan (feasibility study) for the construction of a rabbit breeding farm. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment.

We propose to consider a sample business plan for the construction of a rabbit farm in a village with a population of 20,000 people.

Project description

The purpose of the business plan is to justify the feasibility of creating a meat rabbit farm.

General information:

  • The population of the village: 20 thousand people;
  • Land area: 0.16ha;
  • Number of jobs: 4 people;
  • Organizational and legal form: KFH, number of members - 3 people;
  • Sources of financing: own funds - 400 thousand rubles, borrowed funds (bank loan) - 1.21 million rubles;
  • The total cost of the project: 1.61 million rubles.

Indicators of economic efficiency of the project implementation:

  • Net profit for the year: 859,824 rubles;
  • Bar profitability = 63.6%;
  • Payback of the project = 25 months.

The total investment for opening a farm will amount to 1.61 million rubles.

Description of the enterprise

The organizational and legal form of the farm will be peasant farming(KFH). Ivanov I.I. will be the head of the KFH.

What taxation system to choose for this business

As tax systems the single agricultural tax (UAT) will be applied. The tax rate is 6% of profit.

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. The registration of a peasant farm with the Federal Tax Service was carried out;
  2. A land plot of 16 acres was purchased for the construction of a rabbit farm. At the moment, the procedure for transferring the land plot to the appropriate type of permitted use is underway.
  3. The search for an organization supplying and installing a shed system for keeping rabbits has been completed;
  4. There is an agreement with a large farm for the purchase of 250 adult breeding rabbits from them.

The farm will include 3 members, including the head of the peasant farm. All of them have a family relationship, in accordance with the legislation on the formation of peasant farms. In addition to members of the peasant farm, hired labor in the amount of 4 people will also be involved.

Product Description

Since the farm will be meat-oriented, it will contain the popular California breed of rabbits. The average weight of an adult male reaches 5 kg. The rabbits of this breed are very prolific and feed up to 8 rabbits for 1 round. The young growth of this breed is distinguished by its growth energy and by the age of 2 months it is gaining weight of 1.8 kg, and by the age of 3 months the weight of the rabbit is 3 kg and it can be slaughtered for meat. The Californian rabbit has a white body coat, and the tips of the paws, ears and tail are dark brown.

For a year, one rabbit brings up to 30 rabbits (3.5 births). The age of the rabbit up to 2 is considered optimal for the reproduction of offspring. For the full life cycle of a rabbit, about 14 kg of compound feed and 7 kg of hay are needed, or about 100 rubles of costs.

In order to sell 500 kg of marketable meat every month, it is necessary to slaughter about 250 rabbits and the same number of animals must be born. Plus, part of the born livestock should be released for reproduction. This productivity of our farm will be provided by 207 females and 8 males.

In addition to meat, skins, liver, fluff and other by-products will also be sold.

Download rabbit breeding business plan,

marketing plan

The main channels for the sale of manufactured products include:

  1. City markets and outlets;
  2. Wholesale dealers who pick up meat by self-delivery;
  3. Processing plants, factories, restaurants.

To promote our products, the following events will be held:

  1. Advertising in the media, newspapers, magazines;
  2. Placement of information on the Internet on bulletin boards;
  3. Establishing personal contacts with large enterprises;
  4. Advertising on billboards located on a federal highway with high traffic;
  5. Create your own business card website.

For the delivery of products to the points of sale, a personal vehicle of the economy (GAZelle) will be used. Part of the production will be sold to wholesale dealers directly from the farm. The sale of meat will comply with all food safety standards and be accompanied by veterinary certificates.

In the future, it is planned to increase production up to 1 ton of marketable rabbit meat per month.

Farm income structure.

It will be possible to reach the planned revenue indicators only after 120 days, when the first offspring will grow.

Rabbit breeding technology

Our farm will use a shed management system. This system is a modern way of keeping rabbits. Shed is a canopy with bunk cages grouped under it. Such a system allows you to save the area of ​​​​the rabbitry and protect the rabbits from undesirable natural processes, such as overheating (heat), wind, rain.

There are 72 cages in the shed, of which 32 are reserved for females with rabbits, and the remaining 40 cages for males and young animals for rearing.

By installing a shed system on our farm, such processes as feeding and watering animals, manure cleaning, hay supply to the litter will be mechanized.

Inside the shed, a suspended road will be created for the distribution of feed with a carrying capacity of up to 120 kg. Ventilation in the shed will be carried out through shafts in the manure channels. The cages will be equipped with bunker feeders and automatic drinkers.

For the winter keeping of animals in sheds, a heating system and heating of nest boxes will be installed.

To slaughter the livestock on the farm, it is planned to build a slaughterhouse that will comply with all SES standards.

The planned staffing of the farm will include 4 people:

The duties of laborers will include caring for the rabbits, including feeding and watering, cleaning manure, transferring rabbits, males and females from one cage to another, and other household tasks.

The slaughterer's duties will include the process of slaughtering adult stock and cutting the carcass. On the day, the slaughterer will butcher up to 15 goals.

Feed supply, meat sales, bookkeeping and other administrative issues will be decided by members of the peasant farm.

Calendar plan

The list of events and their cost for opening a farm are presented in the form of a calendar plan:

In total, the opening of the farm will take 85 days and 1.61 million rubles will be spent.

How much money do you need to start a business

The organization of the farm will require investments in the amount of 1.61 million rubles. Of these, 400 thousand rubles are own funds and 1.21 million rubles are borrowed funds (bank credit).

The main expenses of the farm will be the payment of wages to the farm workers. The farm will pay wages in the amount of 44,000 rubles a month. The second largest item of monthly expenses will be the cost of feed and bedding - 17.5 thousand rubles per month.

Insurance contributions will be paid for 7 people, that is, not only for employees, but also for 3 members of the farm in a fixed amount - 36 thousand rubles per person per year.

How much can you earn from breeding rabbits

The calculation of indicators of economic efficiency of the farm is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses:

Net profit based on the results of annual sales of rabbit products will amount to 859,824 rubles.

The profitability of a rabbit breeding farm, according to business plan calculations, is 63.6%. The payback of the project with such indicators will come after 25 months of operation of the farm.

Recommended download rabbit breeding business plan, with our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

First of all, it is necessary to determine the legal form of the enterprise. In the case of rabbit breeding, you can issue an individual entrepreneur or private household plot. After that, you should deal with organizational, production and financial plans, which prescribe:

  • Conduct cost-benefit analysis and analyze competitors.
  • Rent a piece of land (in the event that you do not have your own summer house or village).
  • Build several rabbit huts, equipped with cages and sheds, as well as places for jigging young individuals.
  • Equip a feed warehouse for storing grain and hay, as well as rooms with the necessary equipment for caring for animals.
  • Build a rabbit slaughterhouse.
  • Buy animals of meat breed.
  • Establish work with the sales market.

What equipment to choose

For industrial breeding of rabbits, it is better to use a shed system. To do this, you need to build cells in several tiers, one on top of the other in a row.

Please note that these animals do not like dampness, so you need to purchase waterproofing, heaters may also be required. Also needed are feeders, manure cleaners and pumps that provide uninterrupted water supply to the animals.

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Rabbits, business plan, and its creation

This story was told by an entrepreneur who lives in the Moscow region Andrei Kalashnik, the owner of a large rabbit farm. Andrei built his rabbit farm on the purchased territory of a former collective farm. His rabbit business is located on the outskirts of the village and makes a good profit. Its staff includes: a veterinarian, an accountant, a driver, a tractor driver and three rabbit care workers.

Rabbit farming business plan

How did the idea to breed rabbits come about?

I was born and raised in the village. Rabbits were bred by my parents. I adored these cute animals, fiddled with them, and as a result, my passion for them grew into a business. So, having collected a small capital, I built a farm.

I had no experience in running a business, but I was well aware that I needed some kind of plan according to which I could work and raise my business.

Business plan - my path to prosperity

After thinking and looking through a lot of information on the Internet, I realized that I needed a valid business plan. But where can I get it, just such that it works in my conditions and helps me to realize my project.

I understood that it was the business plan that would help me deal with the most important issues, such as:

  • purchase of breeding rabbits and purchase of grain;
  • animal care;
  • sale of finished products.

My friends advised me to apply to RBC to purchase a business plan, but after learning the price, and it was 50 thousand rubles, I refused their services.

My next step was the idea of ​​downloading a business plan on the Internet, which I tried to do, but again failed. All the bullshit that was teeming with free internet sites didn't fit with a really working business plan.

I had to do something, because I did not want to go bankrupt and therefore I was intensively looking for a way out. My first attempts at starting a business without a business plan were like a small child trying to walk, stumbling, falling, getting up and falling again.

I started to panic, and I was afraid of losing all my investments.

The solution was suggested to me by my friend, who purchased a ready-made business plan template for ridiculous money, and adjusted it with the help of specialists to the conditions of his business.

I did just that, bought a business plan for 550 rubles, reviewed it, wrote down all the necessary and changing figures, such as exchange rates, fuel costs, feed prices, etc.

After that, I turned to an economist I knew, and with his help, using the acquired template, we developed a real, valid business plan that led me to success, and my business to prosperity.

So, summing up, I got the following result. I bought a template for a future business plan for ridiculous money - 550 rubles.

A familiar economist with my help corrected and adjusted it to my conditions for 5 thousand rubles.

As a result, I spent 5550 rubles on a real and most importantly working business plan for a rabbit farm.

It's much cheaper if I turned to RBC or a consulting company and they started developing everything from scratch.

Now my business is thriving, I plan to buy thoroughbred rabbits and build another farm, and all thanks to the acquired business plan template, which I bought literally for a penny.

Rabbit breeding business

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the rabbit farm business plan:

Rabbit farm business plan

The proposed business plan is drawn up in relation to one of the most effective areas of agricultural production. This is an opportunity to work in small areas.

Rabbit has an exceptionally low cost. No farm animal has such a growth rate.

The document itself is an indispensable tool for creating a stable enterprise. It contains information about what initial capital is required, how to make calculations, what is the sequence of the first steps. The project is relevant, its implementation can be started immediately.

Russia and Ukraine is the first step to starting a successful business with an easy and simple start.

Making a decision to buy a franchise is necessary with the professional recommendations of the section:

You can read about the latest news and trends in the franchise business

The business plan contains sections:

1. Privacy

Along with the usual warnings about the order of non-participation of third parties, in the information about the goal. It emphasizes the economic efficiency of the project. This is essentially a commercial offer for negotiations.

2. Resume

The section formulates the general direction, for example, "the creation of a rabbit farm with a turnover of 3 years, a director such and such, with a commercial loan in the amount of so many millions of rubles."

There are basic parameters - the payback period, the investor's income, the interest rate on the loan, the procedure for paying interest on the loan and repaying borrowed funds. Other key indicators, including the economic effect of the implementation. Namely, the overall effect on the conditional life cycle.

Table number 1. Potential for creating rabbit farms in Russia

3. Terms and stages of implementation

A table has been prepared for this information. Separately, only the start dates (after receiving the loan) and end dates are noted.

4. Characteristics of the object

Here is concentrated information on rabbit breeding, necessary for a novice farmer. These are the characteristics of rabbit meat in terms of protein content, amino acids, and other nutrients. The properties of skins, types and sizes of wool are described.

The breeds proposed for breeding are described. Advice is given on maintenance, feeding, care, diseases, and methods of treatment.

5. Marketing plan

The principles of decision-making taking into account the competitive environment and the market are considered. The main question is to supply only meat, or both meat and furs.

The section also introduces the complex management of this industry based on the individual number of each individual. There is information about the hardware of such a system for both animal engineers and accountants.

An example of the positive experience of a mini-farm with marketing of this type is given.

Table number 2. Competitive environment for new rabbit farms in Russia

6. Equipment and technologies

With the help of drawings and drawings, the content of the enterprise is revealed. This is the truss frame and filling. The quantity and its list include cages and cells, hay nurseries, drinkers, feeders, ventilation systems, manure removal, and other equipment.

Explanations are given on the assembly of racks, devices for supplying water, heat and other practical recommendations.

Technological instructions contain guidelines for reproduction, work with young animals, slaughter techniques, taking into account the preservation of the quality of the skins.

7. Financial plan

The rates of all taxes are listed and sales forecasts are given in tables of real figures. Forecast for the coming years, based on the declared economic effect and market conditions.

Meat is one of the most consumed foods, but despite the huge amount of its production and consumption, sometimes there are situations when this product may not be enough.

Rabbit breeding is a profitable investment

Often we see this situation: in stores there are only a few types of meat, these are beef, pork and lamb. The rest of the meat, rabbit, is unprofitable, so it is not so common on the shelves. If you use the opportunity correctly, then this will only play into your hands: all you need is effort and initial capital.

In this article, we will guide you on how to build a rabbit business and also provide a preliminary business plan for raising rabbits at home or on a farm in the countryside.

Rabbit breeding as a business is not a new idea, but its implementation has not gained demand. That's the plus of keeping rabbits: you can easily create a business, this will be facilitated by low competition in this market and the need for fresh homemade meat, because it will always find its customers.

Yes, capital investments will be significant, as in any other business, so before starting your business from scratch, think about how realistic it is for you to raise rabbits and save up a certain amount to start. Further, investing in a business will also be costly: keeping a farm in conditions suitable for rabbits is not a cheap pleasure.

But there is no doubt that the profitability of rabbit breeding will be high, because if you have the initial capital, rabbit breeding as a business will be your most profitable investment.

Is it profitable to breed eared?

People who want to keep rabbits for business at home often ask themselves: is it profitable to breed rabbits? To this question, we can say with confidence that rabbit breeding is a profitable business.

Not only has the competition in this business not reached a high level, but the type of meat itself plays an important role. The thing is that rabbit meat is best absorbed in our body (about 90%), moreover, it is practically lean, which is why it is dietary.

Many people today go on a diet (the reasons for this phenomenon are very diverse), so dietary meat will certainly be popular among this category of consumers. There are also many dishes that will simply lose their zest without rabbit meat.

Rabbits give tasty and dietary meat

With some effort, you can quickly establish a connection with points that are engaged in retail trade, or, if you're lucky, even with a restaurant. In this case, you will have the opportunity to set your own price for the product.

  • a market with little competition;
  • demand for meat;
  • own price for manufactured products;
  • profitable business.

The downside is a big investment.

I think you no longer have doubts about whether it is profitable to breed rabbits. But here, as in any business, acumen is very important, so if you are starting a business from scratch, try to immediately establish contact with the consumer market so that rabbit breeding as a business does not bring you losses.

How to professionally develop rabbit breeding?

Rabbit breeding as a business in our country is underdeveloped. Keeping rabbits at home is more typical for rural residents, but it can only be called a business with a stretch: the number of animals usually does not exceed fifty, and they are grown exclusively for personal purposes (own meat).

Mini-farm - the best solution for beginner rabbit breeders

The main reason for the unprofitability of the rabbit business is that farmers simply do not have knowledge in this area. Regarding the breeding of rabbits at home, then, given normal conditions, animals could even live in an apartment.

But there is no better option than raising rabbits on a mini-farm or a farm, because there are completely different conditions and, moreover, the possibility of expanding the business.

Acquisition of the younger generation

Starting a business from scratch is always not easy, this article will tell you what to do and in what sequence.

The first step is to acquire the young. You need to determine for what purpose you will be raising rabbits: for meat or skins.

If the orientation is on meat products, then the emphasis should be on early maturing breeds of rabbits:

  • giant (gray, white);
  • silver;
  • chinchilla.

At two months of age, such rabbits can weigh up to 2 kg.

Rabbits breed white giant

In the case of growing animals for skins, breeds should be selected based on their fur (you need it to be thick and of an unusual color):

  • Alaska;
  • fiery black;
  • Thuringian.

It is worth saying that in Europe such breeds have long been widely bred. In our area, these species are still rare, so it will be a little difficult to buy them, and their skins will be expensive at cost.

But in reality, there is no point in raising rabbits just for the sake of skins, since there will be nowhere to put the products. In order for the skins to be of high quality, careful care of the animals is required: separate cages (so that the fur is not damaged in fights), which will incur extra costs. In addition, such breeds weigh little and grow much more slowly.

This means that breeding rabbits will be profitable if you get rabbits of such breeds as flandre, silver, chinchilla, gray giant. These breeds weigh a lot, breed quickly and have high-quality fur. As a result of experiments, you yourself will choose which breed will be optimal for farming.

From the very beginning, buy already adult rabbits, the ideal option would be to purchase a pair of females with a male. Usually, a female can bring offspring six times a year (6-7 rabbits on average). As a start, it's a great option.

For breeding, you need to buy adult rabbits

Farm place

When starting a business for breeding these animals from scratch, you need to pay attention to the area where the animals will live. A good option is a farm in a place far from the city, quiet and peaceful.

In principle, five acres of land will be quite enough for you, but it is better that there is a margin of space (if you are going to breed a large-scale business).

Since it will be possible to build a room in which food will be stored, or make a lawn for walking rabbits.

If you live in a private house, then everything is much simpler here: a barn or a barn can become a home for animals, the main thing is that it be warm and equipped for rabbits.

To summarize: in order to build a farm from scratch, you will need a spacious plot, preferably in a village (in an apartment, rabbit breeding is possible only for your own purposes).

A promising site is if it has a place not only for a rabbit farm, but also soil for growing animal feed (own clover, oats, alfalfa will save you a lot of money in the future).

Raising rabbits requires a lot of space

Habitat arrangement

Rabbits are bred in two ways: in cages and in pits. We will consider them in comparison and determine which method is more profitable and more convenient.

The cage requires a lot of care: daily cleaning is needed, it takes a lot of time to fill each cage with food and pour water. The advantage of breeding rabbits in pits is cleaning once a week, and the food is poured into a common feeder, which is much more convenient.

If we consider in more detail the cleaning of the premises where the animals will live, then manure is much easier to remove from the floor in the pits with a shovel than to be picked out of the cages.

Another important detail for the owner of the farm is the productivity of animals, their ability to multiply rapidly. And here again the keeping of animals in pits wins: in such conditions, there are practically no proholosts (missing a pregnancy). For comparison: in a cage in one year, a female rabbit can bring offspring up to four times, while, breeding in pits, this number increases to about eight times.

Another factor is the use of feed. When breeding rabbits in pits, the feed is spent more rationally, since it does not go to waste: there is always an animal that wants to eat.

Group of rabbits in a hole

There is an opinion that, running through holes, rabbits gain weight more slowly. But it's not. Rabbits grown in pits, on the contrary, weigh 200-300 grams more than caged rabbits, since they have an accelerated metabolism.

Up to two hundred rabbits can be kept in one pit, but it is recommended that the number of animals not exceed one hundred. Again, economy: instead of so many cells, one pit that will save food, labor, materials and space.

In addition, the risk that rabbits are stolen is reduced, because in this case, the animals will simply hide in holes, from where it is much more difficult to get them.

As you can see, breeding rabbits in pits is much more economical and convenient than keeping them in cages, you will simply simplify the care of animals and the premises. But the choice is yours.

Purchase of feed

In order for rabbits to gain sufficient weight, their diet must include a complex of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Compound feed in this case is ideal, but it should not be a single food, add hay, fruits, vegetables, grains, mineral supplements can be given in winter.

Hay is an important part of the rabbit diet.

Business plan

Here we will roughly calculate what initial investments should be, what expenses will be in the future, and what profit rabbit breeding will bring you in the future.


Renting land on average will take from 20 to 80 thousand rubles per year. If you have your own plot, this amount is not taken into account.

Buying cells

If you buy Mikhailov's mini-farm, then buying it will cost you 19 thousand rubles (designed for 20 individuals). For industrial cultivation, at least three such cells will be needed - already 57 thousand rubles.

If you are going to raise rabbits in pits, the amount will decrease significantly - you will only need a minimum of materials for arranging housing for animals.

Mikhaylov's mini-farm

Buying rabbits

If we take the average cost, then one individual rabbit is estimated at 300 rubles (of a regular breed). Taking into account the fact that you will need about 60 animals, you will spend 20-30 thousand rubles on this.

Purchase of feed

The fattening period lasts four months, during which time the amount of food eaten by one rabbit reaches 15 kilograms. For the estimated cost of compound feed, we take 12 rubles, then the total cost will be about 30 thousand rubles.

In total, the initial investment should be from 120 to 170 thousand rubles, but this is only if you initially decided to launch large-scale production.


The rabbit on average leads from 36 to 48 offspring per year. If all the rabbits survive, then each individual, upon reaching four months of life, will have a weight of 2-3 kilograms. By simple calculations, we get 144 kilograms of meat per year (and this is only from one rabbit).

With the cost of rabbit meat at 200 rubles / kilogram, the revenue for the product will be 28.8 thousand rubles.

The sale of rabbit skins (if you take offspring in the amount of 48 individuals) will amount to an income of 9.6 thousand rubles.

Beautiful rabbit skins are highly valued

Of course, this business plan is made without taking into account force majeure, losses, and so on. When you make a business plan for rabbit breeding, consider the loss of young individuals - 30% per year.

Rabbit farming is a profitable business if you start it right. Yes, it will require a certain initial capital, arranging life and caring for animals, controlling the life of rabbits, their nutrition and productivity. But what business will become profitable without effort?

Naturally, a lot of your energy will be spent on starting your business from scratch. But in general, if you take up the business with grasping hands, calculate everything correctly and invest money wisely, then breeding rabbits will not only pay off within one year, but will also help the owner of the farm to receive a stable income from the development of the business.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 7 minutes


Rabbit breeding as a business is both simple and complex at the same time. Its profitability depends on the volume of the sales market in your region. There is no rush demand for rabbit meat in our country, since the population is not sufficiently aware of the valuable qualities of this meat.

The success of this enterprise will depend on how carefully and competently approach the search for buyers. According to statistics, the payback period for such a business is from two to four years.

The prospect of rabbit breeding as a business

Abroad, rabbit meat is a very popular product, due to its nutritional value. For example, in America, large-scale scientific work is underway to breed new rabbit breeds and increase the nutritional value of this type of meat. In the era of the Soviet Union, especially in the 70s of the last century, there were large fur farms that specialized exclusively in breeding rabbits. New breeds were imported, active breeding work was carried out. However, in the 90s of the twentieth century, all the efforts of domestic rabbit breeders were brought to naught.

At the moment, rabbit meat is poorly represented in the meat balance of our country, because of this, the demand for it has fallen.

However, given the dietary properties of rabbit meat, this situation tends to improve. At present, the shortage of domestic rabbit meat is compensated by foreign supplies, which means that in the conditions of the course towards import substitution, there is still a prospect.

If you do rabbit breeding wisely, then its profitability can be very worthy. The main thing is to take into account the main risks, which include:

  • low level of labor productivity;
  • sharp temperature fluctuations in the Russian climate;
  • the risk of mass mortality of animals from infectious diseases.

In favor of the prospects of rabbit breeding as a business, the fact that within one year one individual is able to reproduce a mass that is 50 tons greater than its own weight speaks.

Advantages and disadvantages of rabbit breeding as a private business

In this business, as in any other, there are both certain advantages and disadvantages.

Experts' benefits include:

  • relatively fast payback period;
  • good profitability of rabbit breeding;
  • useful properties of the resulting products;
  • mating can be carried out all year round;
  • the versatility of this business.

The disadvantages include the following points:

Helpful information
1 the cleanliness of rabbits requires constant and regular cleaning of their places of detention, otherwise the risk of animal disease increases
2 these animals get used to the owners quickly, but not to strangers; they are very shy, afraid not only of strangers, but also of unfamiliar smells and harsh sounds, and this negatively affects their physiological state; known cases of death of rabbits from fright
3 caring for rabbits requires constant attention; for example, many novice farmers complain that a rabbit eats her rabbits, but in fact it turns out that immediately after giving birth, they forgot to pour water into her drinker

Legal registration of business on rabbits

It should be noted right away that this business does not require significant initial investments. For example, a farm for 1000 heads can be organized on a standard summer cottage of six acres. Additional savings will be provided by hand-made cages, feeders and drinkers. But before you start work, you need to choose the legal form of your future enterprise.

Usually, a novice rabbit breeder chooses between the form of "personal subsidiary farm" (abbreviated as LPH) and "individual entrepreneur" (abbreviated as IP).

You need to choose based on who and how you plan to sell future products. If your potential customers are limited to relatives and acquaintances, as well as buyers of agricultural markets, then the form of private household plots will be the best choice, since it is not taxed. However, if later you decide to expand your business and, as a result, enter new markets, then you will need the legal status of an individual entrepreneur. This is a more costly form in terms of organization, taxation and reporting, which requires obtaining appropriate permits to engage in private business in the field of your choice. The supervisory authorities that monitor the work of private household plots are the city or village administrations, and the individual entrepreneur already controls such a state body as the Rosselkhoznadzor.

Rabbit breeding for beginners. Where to begin?

The answer to this question is quite simple - you should start with obtaining the necessary knowledge.

Before you start breeding these animals, you should learn more about their lifestyle, diet, the conditions they need, how they breed, how they get sick, and so on and so on ... These, albeit purely theoretical, the foundations of rabbit breeding are strong will help you in further practical work.

And remember - breeding and keeping rabbits, like any other pets, is not entertainment, but everyday painstaking work.

At the beginning of your farming journey, you should be patient. Beginners tend to make mistakes, but in rabbit breeding, as in any other business, experience comes as a result of real work.

You can start breeding rabbits at any time of the year, as these eared fidgets are ready to mate all year round.

It also does not hurt to get acquainted with the main characteristics of the most popular and productive rabbit breeds.

After you decide on the breed, equip places for keeping animals and purchase the necessary feed. It is better to settle rabbits in cages specially adapted for this, which can be placed outdoors. It is best to buy young rabbits from experienced rabbit breeders with a good reputation, who, in addition to selling you quality and healthy rabbits, can also help you with advice at the beginning.

A successful rabbit breeding business begins with the choice of breed, in which special attention should be paid to:

  • quality characteristics of the resulting meat,
  • growth rate (live weight gain);
  • feed conversion indicator, the essence of which is as follows: how much feed an animal eats to gain one kilogram of weight.

Most often, they start with hybrid breeds, which are cheaper than purebred animals. Particular attention is paid to the breeding stock, the main characteristic of which is how many rabbits can give birth and feed one rabbit.

There are no rabbit breeding centers in Russia, so you should focus on foreign breeding farms, which, as a rule, have their own distributors in our country. In addition to the animals themselves, such enterprises usually offer high-quality equipment for this business, as well as provide training services for beginner rabbit breeders.

Equipment for rabbit breeding

Currently, there are the following systems for keeping rabbits:

  • aviary;
  • semi-aviary;
  • cellular.

Feedback from practicing rabbit breeders suggests that the first two systems are quite rare, so you should focus on the cellular system of keeping these animals. It allows you to organize competent mating and proper feeding of rabbits, and also makes it possible to organize timely mating.

In addition, such a system allows you to keep rabbits outdoors all year round, which can significantly increase the body's resistance to various diseases and improve the breeding and productive qualities of rabbits. The disadvantages of the cellular content can be attributed, perhaps, only to the fact that under such conditions it is problematic to obtain offspring in the winter.

Single-tier cages should be placed on wooden poles. The height from the floor of the cage to the ground should be 80 centimeters. It is best to use double cages. Hay mangers made of metal meshes usually act as partitions between cells. The floor and walls of the nesting compartment must be made of simple plank, and the stern - of metal mesh. The roofs of the cages must be made of well-bent boards. Which should provide a slope of 15 degrees. You also need to provide for 20-centimeter visors. The top of the roof is covered with roofing material. When installing the floors, it is also necessary to provide for a slope of 5 degrees. This will provide a natural drainage of the urine of the animals. Young rabbits can be planted in one cage for three or four individuals. One paddock, which is a wooden frame covered with a metal mesh, should fit 10 young rabbits.

This system greatly facilitates the care of animals and makes it possible to mechanize the processes of watering and distributing feed, which makes it possible to double labor productivity. With such a content, the rabbit breeder is able to simultaneously serve up to 130 females and up to 1,200 rabbits that have not yet been separated.

The size of sheds can be up to 120 centimeters and up to 270 cells. The floor in the passages is usually concreted with a slope device on both sides. The width of the intercellular passage is 130 centimeters.

The length of the cages in the sheds is 140 centimeters, the depth is 70 centimeters, and the height: the back wall is 36 centimeters, the front wall is up to 55 centimeters. Cells are arranged in two rows in two tiers. The bottom row is for the animals of the main row, the top row is for the stocked young animals.

For fattening young animals for meat, bilateral sheds are used, with mechanized distribution of feed and water. Cleaning of faeces is also mechanized. Such sheds can accommodate up to 600 juveniles. The cage itself is a wooden frame covered with a metal mesh. For mechanical watering, automated float type drinkers are used.
On meat and skin farms, with a minimum number of breeding stock of 1200 individuals, two-tier one-sided sheds are used.

How to start organizing your mini-farm?

Before starting the construction of a rabbitry, it is necessary to coordinate its location with the local administration, since there are norms for its remoteness from residential sectors. Violation of these norms entails administrative liability.

To get started, you can take a ready-made rabbit farm plan and adapt it to your needs. It is best to place the rabbitry on a hill so that when it rains or when the snow melts, water does not accumulate around it. The optimal solution is the concreting of the earth under these structures. This will prevent water stagnation.

Feed is stored in a separate room, which should not be forgotten either.

It is better to buy concentrated feed in bulk. This results in significant savings.

In the feed storage itself, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of observing the temperature regime and a certain level of humidity in order to prevent the appearance of mold on the feed.

The place for the slaughter of animals must be equipped with a blood drawer and a stove for the destruction of slaughter waste in it. It is advisable to locate refrigerators for storing the received products not far from this place.

To store rabbit manure, a cesspool should be equipped with a depth of at least three meters.

The walls of this pit must be concreted, and to protect it from snow and rain, a canopy should be arranged over it.

To avoid gross mistakes when choosing a purchased animal, experienced rabbit breeders give the following advice:

Difficulties encountered in breeding and keeping rabbits

The main problems faced by beginner rabbit breeders are:

  1. nutrition problems. Rabbits are extremely sensitive to rotten and moldy feed, from which they often get sick. On the other hand, they choke on very dry food. You should also add the necessary vitamins. Properly selected and balanced diet is the key to health and productivity in rabbit breeding;
  2. vaccination. These animals need to be vaccinated periodically. If the conditions of keeping meet all the necessary requirements, then the animals should not get sick. But it's still better to be safe. The main vaccination is carried out against myxomatosis, pasteurellosis and VGBK;
  3. problems with cellular content. These animals are very fond of chewing on everything, so the material for the cages must be of high quality;
  4. temperature regime. The optimal temperature range is the interval from +2 to +30 degrees. For reproduction and fast fattening, the temperature should be from +13 +26 degrees Celsius.

Where to sell products?

Usually, the formation of a client base begins with a close circle of relatives and friends, and then word of mouth attracts their acquaintances, acquaintances of their acquaintances, and so on into the circle of your customers.

Don't skimp on advertising. Especially in promotional materials, pay attention to the beneficial properties of dietary rabbit meat. It is now fashionable. Don't overprice! In conditions of low purchasing power of the population, the price should be affordable, which will allow you to expand the circle of your customers.

To sell meat to acquaintances, veterinary documents are not required.

They willingly take rabbit meat in restaurants, but they definitely require a veterinary certificate for products (form No. 2).

Selling rabbit meat through stores with small volumes of products is unprofitable. Lots of expenses for annual permits and quality certificates. In addition, large retail chains usually give a very low purchase price.

In addition to meat, you can also sell rabbit skins. They are purchased by enterprises for the manufacture of fur products. In fairness, it is worth saying that the prices for them are not very attractive.

Rabbit droppings can also be sold as organic fertilizer.

The main source of income is the fertility of rabbits. With the proper level of maintenance, feeding and care, one female is able to bring offspring up to 10 times a year, which allows you to get up to 60 rabbits from one uterus.

For example, let's take a farm with 120 females. We get 7,200 cubs a year. This is an average of up to 14 tons 400 kilograms of rabbit meat.

With a selling price of 200 rubles per kilogram, the average annual revenue can be 2 million 880 thousand. Costs account for approximately half of all revenue, or 1,440,000 rubles. These funds go to:

  • purchase of feed;
  • fare;
  • payment for electricity;
  • wages of hired workers (if any);
  • purchase and repair of cages;
  • payment for veterinary services and vaccinations.

Some of the costly items can be removed if, for example, you do not hire outside staff and vaccinate rabbits yourself.

Based on the above figures, we find that profitability can reach up to 100 percent (but this is ideal).

Starting rabbit breeding from scratch, you need to draw up a competent business plan. Rabbit farming, like any other business, requires accounting for estimated costs and income.

This business plan, on the one hand, should include all initial material investments, one-time and regular expenses. On the other hand, the planned revenues from the main and secondary products are taken into account. In this second part, you should definitely take into account the specifics of your particular region, since prices in different regions of our country vary significantly.

Initial costs include:

  • buying or renting a land plot for a rabbit farm (you can start from the land you already have);
  • expenses for legal registration and execution of necessary documentation;
  • expenses for landscaping;
  • expenses for the purchase of materials for the construction of the rabbitry, feed storage and the purchase of cages;
  • purchase of the necessary inventory and equipment;
  • the cost of buying animals (you can start with 50 pieces).

Of course, starting your own rabbit farm does not require any crazy expenses. You can get by with small investments, gradually increasing the scale of your activities. Plan your work so that you allocate at least three to four hours a day for caring for animals. Over time, this can become the main source of income.