How to make money by creating a landing page. What to sell through a landing page

I promised to tell you how LPs are made and what they look like. Of course, it would be better to explain first - why these sites work so much more efficiently than the same blogs or online stores. But I decided to explain the whole thing at an online get-together this Friday.

Yes, by the way, if you are interested - what questions will be covered on Friday, then write in the comments. Again, if there are more than 20 positive answers, tomorrow I will send everyone a map of the event.

Now, let's get on topic...

First of all, how do they make money on such LPs?

Quite simply, these are ordinary sales. With only one condition. They must sell one product or service. If there are more of them, the site will lose its effectiveness.

An exception may be a product that has several types. For example, a soft toy - in different colors. Or a tablet, the same model of which may have different characteristics - for example, more space on the internal disk.

It turns out that everything is simple - you choose what you will sell and make a Landing Page for it.

What can be sold on LP?

Yes, anything. From simple small goods to some expensive services. From the goods it can be a toy, a player, headphones, phone cases, pizza, a mouse, a keyboard, watches, key chains for car owners, wholesale metal sales, greenhouses for vegetable gardens, stairs for the house, houses themselves, cottages, hats.

Of the services - the creation of the same LP (by the way, a very promising direction), the creation of blogs, online stores, various advertising services, landscaping, demolition of buildings, making models, weddings, delivery of goods, and so on.

The list is endless, since we can sell whatever our heart desires. That is, our hands are simply untied.

The main thing to remember is that your product must be searched on the Internet.(about this, if you want - I'll tell you a little on Friday, if necessary - unsubscribe in the comments).

What do LPs look like?

Oh, they look very impressive. However, creating them is not a problem. The main thing is to know what scheme they are built on, and follow a couple of simple rules when designing them in Photoshop.

Well, as for the layout, this is an ordinary one-pager, which has a very simple structure. The most difficult thing there is to embed the contact form, counter and slider, if any.

Here are a couple of examples of good and working LPs for a snack:

Specially picked up various sites. What would you understand - you can sell anything with the help of LP! Including the LPs themselves

And so, let's summarize the LP:

  1. They are easy to develop if you know the special formula
  2. They are easy to create, since this is a regular one-pager (although no - quite unusual)
  3. You can sell EVERYTHING! The main thing is that there is only one product (very important)
  4. A product or service must be in demand (And so not only in LP - these are the realities of any market)
  5. They can make money fast!

In general, here is everything I wanted to say today. One moment!

Wanted to ask:

Do I need to give you a special formula on Friday, according to which LP is built. So, what would a person want to buy when he gets on it?

Now write in the comments:

  1. Is there a formula for creating effective LP?
  2. Whether to touch on the topic of product selection?
  3. Do I need to post a map of the online party on Friday tomorrow?

Like last time, if there are more than 20 applicants, then tomorrow I will make another issue in my mailing list.

I warn you in advance, there will be no recording, so tune in on Friday at 20.00 Moscow time - to be with me and other lucky ones. I will give you a lot of information.

        • Similar business ideas:

Landing Page (landing page) translated from English means a landing page. In everyday life, the concept of a “sales page” is also given. Unlike a classic business card site, the landing page does not contain categories and sections. All the necessary information is contained on a single page. Naturally, the page is appropriately designed and attracts the attention of visitors. And, as practice shows, this turns out to be a very effective way of selling. Real examples of sales pages:

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  • //

What are the benefits of one page websites?

  1. Low entry ticket. You can create a selling page by spending only 20 - 40 thousand rubles. The main costs are the design and layout of the site.
  2. Creation speed. You can start a business on a selling page in a matter of days. Naturally, if there is a product or service that you are going to sell.
  3. Fast return on investment. A well-configured selling page pays off in 1-2 weeks.
  4. You can host multiple landing pages on one domain
  5. A landing page is a good way to build a customer base through a feedback form.

When will the selling page be open?

It is worth saying that Landing Page is not suitable for all products. This way of selling on the Internet will work well when selling unique or one-off products, such as info products, know-how, gadgets, or some kind of service. The landing page will most likely not work when selling a wide range of products, such as food. Ideally, the goods should be piece or with a very narrow assortment. Here are just a few examples of suitable products for landing:

  • Fishing suit "unsinkable"
  • Mini Bluetooth Joystick
  • Talking Hamster
  • Virtual Reality Glasses
  • Monopods for smartphone
  • Franchise (any business)
  • Ready-made business plan (or business plan writing service)

(The list turned out to be very versatile) An important point when selling through a landing page is advertising the page. Almost all experts are unanimous in their opinion that Landing Page SEO is not effective. Therefore, all such pages are advertised mainly through contextual advertising: Yandex Direct and Google Adsense. The main success factor in this case is the competent setting of the advertising company (targeting, target audience, geography, etc.). Why is it important? Because with the same budget, you can get completely different results. Spending, say, a thousand rubles on advertising, in a particular case, you can get five sales, and in another - not one. There is also such a thing as landing conversion. A conversion is the number of visitors who become buyers. A high-quality landing page has a conversion rate of 30% or more. We list the basic rules for creating a one-page selling site:

  1. Understand the needs of the target audience
  2. It should offer the visitor what he is really looking for
  3. The landing should be built in such a way that the visitor wants to buy a product on your site, not wanting to look at competitors' sites.

How much can you earn on creating one-pagers

The price of the service varies from 10 to 40 thousand rubles. In some cases, the price tag can reach 50 thousand rubles. and more.

Helping a Starting Entrepreneur

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  • for housewives and mothers on maternity leave
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  • for one person
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  • for students and youth

business & finance

Business from scratch. Selling goods through landing pages

I really don't know what to do here...

I will write briefly and to the point, more for myself. But if there are readers and there are questions, I will be more detailed.

I realized that I need something like this. I get distracted and scatter on all sorts of garbage. And by chance I stumbled upon this site. Registered and here I am)

An example plan is

1. Testing demand. I find what works

2. Or I order it myself from China. Or I find someone who already sells this product in Russia and sell them leads

3. As far as possible, I outsource ringing and delivery to the maximum

This is a strategic plan, tactics will be worked out along the way.

In order to find what will go you need a landing page. Those. my store is on the Internet, I don’t see any point in ordering it on the side, since this ability to make landing pages myself will need to be constantly needed. Therefore, you need to learn how to make them yourself. Therefore it is necessary:

a) I more or less understand the content and know how to generate it. The rest is the technical part. After reading, I came to the conclusion that the best thing to not go deep into the wilds is Adobe Muse. Began to study


Every day I will unsubscribe what has been done to achieve the goal.

Goal Accomplishment Criteria

Monthly income from 50,000 rubles. Simplify and automate the process as much as possible.

Hello friends! So I decided to touch on a topic that I thought about for a long time, and now, I decided! And today I will tell you about one-page sites and how to make money on the Internet on one-page sites.

In this article, I will talk about where to choose products for a one-page site, how to make one-pagers, how to advertise a site and, of course, how to make money on one-pagers.

I'll start with this question - have you seen an advertisement where they offer you to earn huge amounts of money with a one-page site? I think you saw. In such advertising, as a rule, it is proposed to attend a certain webinar, in which they will tell all the intricacies of this work, and most importantly, it is completely free.

This is where the pitfalls are hiding. Just think, free courses where they tell the secrets of business completely free of charge? Seriously? For free? Yah!

In general, if we talk about what they say at such webinars, then it looks something like this:
We go to and look for products. It can be any goods, new gadgets and the like, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the product is interesting to the user. Usually choose phones, watches, phone cases, cosmetics and more. But that's not the point.

Next, select a product, order a batch of the desired product. After that we wait for its delivery. At this time, we are making a one-page page for this product. Most importantly, the margin on the goods must be 500%.

All. We are waiting for orders, we send goods to customers by mail.

That's it, my friend, that's the whole secret. Good luck to you!

Kidding! Now I'll tell you about the pitfalls. As you can see, the scheme is quite simple and in order to conduct "free" webinars, telling this secret ... well, somehow everything looks muddy. Here is all the most interesting. If you are a regular user of any CIS country, for example, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, then you should know that goods with aliexpress go for a month or even more at best, plus a delivery fee appeared on the site in 2017 for some countries. This is where the “free” teller of secrets comes to your aid, who conducts courses for you and for people like you and offers you to buy such a product right away from them. The author of the courses motivates this by the fact that you won’t have to wait long, the goods will be brought to you immediately and you can quickly start earning.

Basically, nothing suspicious. This scheme really works. Course authors can offer you to work with them, which will save you money and time. In return, you will advertise the product and act as an intermediary between their call center and the customer, sending them applications. There they already process the application and send the goods to the customer. In this case, you receive a percentage of the sale.

The scheme is working, both parties are making money. However, there is an easier and more profitable way. I will talk about it later.

How to make a one pager? Landing page creation

In order to start making money on one-pagers, you need to create your own one-page website, which is also called a landing page or a landing page.

To create a landing page, you need to have some knowledge. Webmasters have no problem with this. Please note that the landing page should be colorful and attractive, convenient and understandable.

For those who are interested in this idea, but you don’t know how to make websites, what should you do? The solution to this issue can be found on any freelance exchange, for example, you can contact Work-Zilla. You, as a customer, need to write the terms of reference of the TOR, indicate your wishes for the design of the landing page and its functionality. You won't have to wait long, because in a few minutes you will receive applications from different webmasters, with a proposal to recreate your idea. You will study potential performers, consider them in more detail, find out their qualities, see their portfolio. Based on this, you choose, in your opinion, a professional in this matter.

Having settled all the details with the contractor, expect to receive a finished project from him. The cost of a single page is on average 1000-3000 rubles.

If you are interested in the option without investments, then you can earn on one-pagers without your own website. How? Read on!

How to make money without your website and without products?

This is exactly the simple way I mentioned earlier. The method is to make money on traffic arbitration. I think you already guessed what I'm going to talk about, right? So, everyone knows that there are many affiliate programs on the Internet in which payments are made for certain actions, for example, for registering in the game, ordering goods, downloading courses, trainings and much more.

Speaking specifically about our case, we are talking about such an action as “Place an order”. What is our task? The goal is to attract a client. How? We will attract a client to a one-page site with goods. But, the site will be someone else's and it will have nothing to do with us. Thus, for each order made by a person whom we attracted to someone else's landing, we will receive from 500 to 1000 rubles. This is the benefit of this method.

As you can see, this option is more profitable, since there is no need to create and maintain your own one-page site, and most importantly, you do not need to search for and purchase goods. Just attract visitors to other people's sites and get a percentage of the order amount for this.

That's all! Now you are armed and know what needs to be done for a one-pager, and if there is no way to create one, then you simply register in affiliate programs and invite customers to other people's sites and earn no less than landing page owners.

Today's conversation will be devoted to such a topic as landing page business.

This direction has long and confidently been in second position in the top of the Internet business.

The case was spied on the blog (owner - Alexander Shuvalov).

Did you know that landing pages outperform regular websites by several times?

For example, a conversion of 5% is considered the minimum for a landing page, while the owners of simple sites are happy when this indicator reaches 1-2%.

On the “correct” landing pages, the conversion reaches 40%!

How is it possible to make money on the Landing Page?

Earnings on the landing today is possible using the following schemes:

1. Real goods are sold through a one-pager

2. With the help of a landing page, the offer of your own services or business is promoted

Which business is best promoted through a one-page website?

There are no big differences here.

The main thing is not to forget about the important disadvantage of the landing page: sites of this type are difficult to SEO-optimize. This means that you will have to buy traffic for them. In most cases, advertising in YandexDirect is used for this, the cost of a click in which can reach $ 8.

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For the calculation, the average cost per click was taken, equal to $ 1.

  • One hundred clicks costs $100.
  • With a conversion of 5%, 5 possible customers will get to the site.
  • Of these, 1-2 will perform the necessary action (payment, order).

This means that the size of the minimum income from each order simply must be at least 3,000 rubles.

Perhaps the YandexDirect masters will be able to set up advertising campaigns with a cost per click of $0.03 - then the numbers will turn out to be completely different. Beginners are not recommended to run ads in Yandex.Direct for products whose profit from a single sale is less than three thousand rubles.

How to find a good product to sell through a landing page?

→ Take a look at a sample one-page site:

→ But last year's bestsellers: ↓

What kind of feelings do these things evoke? What thoughts do they generate?

Probably something like “I have never seen this before”, “Wow! Cool thing!" or "Oh! This is a great gift!” and so on.

All goods are relatively inexpensive - as a rule, no more than 990 rubles. Many users who saw these products clicked on the "Order" button.

Here are some important characteristics that products sold through landing pages should have:

  • the product must be new, unusual and rare enough - potential customers should not be able to buy it in a regular store
  • the price of the goods should not exceed 1980 rubles. Pay attention - exactly 1980 rubles! Not two thousand rubles, but "twenty" less - 1980!

→ Info for internet entrepreneurs —

Despite the fact that this is a very controversial statement, it works. Firstly, "giving back" 20 rubles to customers, no one has gone bankrupt yet.

Secondly, a lot of tests have shown that thanks to such “uneven prices”, the conversion of selling sites is significantly increased.

P.S.- ideally, the price of the goods should be below 1800 rubles, or rather - 1780 rubles 🙂

Case 600 from

Let's talk about the website of Natalia Ermolaeva (, who turned landing page earnings into a real business.

An entrepreneur from St. Petersburg, in just three months she earned about 190,000 rubles on a one-page.

Natalia had a landing page, but initially there were “roughnesses” in it, which were quickly eliminated.

For example, there was no sales video on the first screen (and the visitor who got to the site should see the promotional video first of all!).

After adding such a video, the conversion of the landing increased fivefold!

If earlier Natalya received no more than two orders per week from teaser networks, then with the advent of the selling video on the first screen, the number of customers who ordered the goods increased to seven.

The next step was the development of an affiliate program tactics.

  • Selling texts were written
  • prepared advertising banners
  • partner personal account developed
  • simplified checkout page

After that, an affiliate program was launched in several numerous communities on Vkontakte.

Here is a screen with Natalia's results:

A total of 225 orders were received.

The purchase price of a unit of goods is 850 rubles.

Multiplying 225 by 850, we see that 191,250 rubles were spent on the purchase of 225 goods.

For each product sold, partners received a reward equal to 350 rubles.

225 * 350 = 78,750 rubles.

Total cost: 191,250 + 78,750 = 270,000 rubles.

Profit without costs: 439,230 - 270,000 \u003d 169,230 rubles.

The massive promotion of the goods brought an additional bonus, expressed in the emergence of demand for its wholesale deliveries: in three months, Natalia concluded three large transactions for 60,000 rubles (the profit from them amounted to 20,000 rubles).

Thus, the total profit: 189,230 (169,230 + 20,000) rubles.

This is how, dear friends, you need to do business on a landing page. The main thing is to choose the right product for sale and fine-tune the advertising campaign to promote it.