Business with taobao reviews. taobao business shipping goods from china for sale

Near 80% Our customers order goods not only for themselves, but also for sale.
Starting your business with is not that difficult!

We do not force you to follow our advice. Everyone can decide for himself how to do business, BUT we are interested in long-term cooperation with our clients. And the better things go for you, the better it will be for us!

So you want to start a business. You decide to buy goods for sale on
How to proceed further, based on your financial capabilities, your experience, place of residence, etc. ?!

First, and most importantly, you need to understand what Taobao is and how to work with it. Our will help you with this.
After you have familiarized yourself with everything, we recommend that you place a trial order. Order something for yourself to understand the basic nuances of the work.
After you receive your first package, you can seriously think about business.

If you lead a circle, teach something (that is, you have your own specific audience), this can become a good basis for business.
The main thing is that you don’t need to try to “suck in” the wrong thing. For example, for sports you need a sports bag. Not all beginners have the right bag. You can buy 1 piece for yourself, test it and if it's really comfortable, then use it yourself + order a few for sale.
Thus, your students will see that this is a really good thing and you can easily persuade them to buy from you.

You don't need to offer something (at least at the beginning) that doesn't fit the topic of your activity. No need, for example, in a dance club to try to sell the phone.
Offer sports shoes, accessories, or some clothing.

It is desirable that you have the main positions in stock. And if the size does not fit, then you can offer to pre-order.

There are many options and if you seriously approach this, then success is guaranteed to you!

You can organize an online store or joint purchases (see details in the “I am a student” section)
Or you can make a bias on 2 specific topics:

1) If you have a child, then try to order something for him (clothes/toys). After receiving the things, you yourself will be able to assess how profitable, good and generally necessary it is. If you find it useful, then perhaps other young mothers would be interested in it.

Take a photo of your child. Paint, for example, how comfortable a new blouse or sandals are (the main thing is to tell only the truth). And fill your site / group with such things that you yourself would be happy to use. And if you are not lazy and develop it, you will get your audience very soon.
Additionally, you yourself will save on things for your child by ordering them on Taobao!

2) If you do not have a child and are not planning, then you can choose an interesting topic “Do it yourself”.
There are also 2 options here:

– Order fabric, accessories, some tools, additional accessories, and then do something with your own hands and sell
- Or you can sell not a finished thing, but a technology. You write instructions, for example, on how to sew a toy. Describe what materials are needed for this. And for those who do not have the necessary materials, you offer to buy them from yourself.

If you do not abandon the idea in a couple of weeks, but develop it into something worthwhile, then you will definitely win over your customers.

If you have been in business before or are doing it now, then I think you yourself know what to do.
The only thing I can advise is not to be guided by the low price. Low prices and low-quality services are now full! There is a lot of competition out there! Choose a product that is not very popular (I mean not the product that everyone sells in a row, such as monopods - selfie sticks), and already try to promote it yourself.

There is no universal advice for you. It is best to familiarize yourself with all the options described above and choose what may be right for you.
The only thing we advise you is not to quit your job right away! Your salary will be a good source of initial capital. If the business starts to develop, then you will have to choose, because. he will need a lot of time and is unlikely to be able to combine with work

If you have not been in this business before, we do not recommend buy in bulk some popular goods and try to sell them all at once.
Believe me, many people do this, and as a rule, it turns out to make money from those who already had sales experience, because. they know the basic tricks, have markets and skills in advertising.

If the keys do not fit the doors, kick the doors with your shoulder ...

In this article, I would like to talk about my experience of trading on the All-China online store.

Taobao is one of the largest (if not the largest) online store in China, established in the early 2000s. It is a structural subdivision of the largest store, which mainly sells equipment of any type. Payment on Taobao can be made both electronically (for this they have a special secure service - alipay, something like paypal), and pay in cash by checking the box "payment after delivery" (although this option is not always available) and you can also select the "someone else pays" option. You can google the Internet for types of payments and other information on Taobao, but I will tell my subjective experience with this store.

Thanks to a business trip, I spent 3 months in Beijing (late 2011 - early 2012). Before leaving for China, I (like, probably, all other inhabitants) thought that in China I would be able to stock up very well with things at bargain prices. Reality, in the face of large stores, and just street supermarkets, thoroughly ruined my plans for me: prices are too high even for my hometown. Deciding that I would make big purchases by the end of the trip, I did not spend a penny (the hotel was paid, the food was included in the price of the hotel) and settled down for about a month, slowly explored “shopping” places, such as: Xidan, Wangfujing, Qianmen. I have not visited Yabaolu for the entire period of my stay (!). I went to the Silk Market (or rather, they went to me) with a colleague once immediately upon arrival, and I basically didn’t even buy ordinary socks there. It was just interesting for me to feel the energy of this bazaar, about which so much has been written on the Internet. I repeat what has been written so many times on the Internet: You do not need to go to the Silk Market, Yabaolu and other similar places in order to find out the price level for any product. Price tags do not hang there in principle, and the price of any product can be either 1000 yuan or 10 yuan. Depending on the pressure of the seller and the persistence of the buyer.

Thus, my plans to stock up on cheap Chinese things fell apart day by day, until I learned about the existence of Taobao from one of my Chinese colleagues (let's call him Jeff). He explained that this online store has almost everything and at very good prices. In this I myself was convinced a little later.

So, her name was Tatiana... I mean, so, I went to the Taobao website ( and immediately burst into tears. Everything (!!) is in Chinese. You can not look for a link to the English version of the site, at best you will be directed to the international version of the site - (as I understand it - a separate structure within, dealing with international sales). But if you develop for yourself some kind of algorithm for working with this site, it turns out that not everything is so complicated. Below I will describe my activities, which I already began to easily do by the end of my stay there.

Taobao search is conducted as follows. I open the main page, put the cursor on the search bar.

I open another browser tab and go to . There I type, for example, "men's shoes" and the result of the translation - 男鞋 I put in the search bar. The search returns the following:

Here's where you need to be careful. No need to run to the first link and hope to buy the cheapest product. Firstly, no one has yet canceled the principle of free cheese in a mousetrap, and secondly, each seller has a rating, on the basis of which you need to make purchases.

One of the lowest ratings. They start with one heart, then, depending on good reviews and total sales, it goes up to 5 hearts, which then become one diamond. The five diamonds then, in turn, turn into one blue crown. And 5 blue crowns - in one gold.

I don’t want to get into the wilds here and explain, for example, that there is a direct dependence on the date of registration of the seller with his rating (red hearts and a long period from the moment of registration are not good, this may mean that the seller is trading very sluggishly, but here is a recent registration period, and already a diamond is a diligent seller), but please note that in Taobao there is a covert trade in ratings, and you also need to be careful with this.

We finish on this with theory and move on to water procedures for practical exercises.

I bought on Taobao as follows. I found the right product, sorted it by price, chose a cheaper option from a good seller (I didn’t contact the “heart” rating at all, but tried to pick up “diamonds” - from three or more, or even chose “crowns”). Then I prepared a large list of product links in Word-e (about 1000 yuan each time) and gave this file to Jeff along with the money. He deposited money into his account in Taobao, then opened links from my list one by one, bought goods for me, which in almost 1-2 days were already delivered by courier, right to my office! No unnecessary trips, no exhausting hours of walking through countless floors of shopping mega-markets, no exhausting battles with impudent sellers in Yabala and the Silk Market. Voila! :)

Of the three suitcases of things I brought back from China, 85% I bought from Taobao. 99% of all goods from Taobao arrived in the best possible condition, exactly the goods that are shown in the pictures arrived. And all the more surprising for me was the position of the Chinese regarding Taobao: none of those with whom I spoke advised me to buy there, but advised me to shop at, and other similar sites (maybe someone can explain in comments why the Chinese do not trust Taobao?). Although each of them had a registered login in Taobao :) To my surprised questions, they answered that scammers were sitting in Taobao, taking money and sending bullshit or not sending it at all. In general, I could not convince them, and they - me. I can tell you the following: in the early days, before buying each product, I made comparisons with other sites and Taobao. Taobao has always (!) beat other sites both on pricing and selection. Then I stopped making this comparison, since the choice for me was unambiguous.

Well, a small example of buying the most expensive product from Taobao: buying a Samsung phone, the most flagship model at that time (December, 2011), Samsung Galaxy Note.

The lowest price for this phone in Taobao was 3900 yuan. Moreover, this price was offered by both “hearts” and “golden crowns”. Naturally, I settled on a seller with a rating of 2 "golden crowns". But he was very worried. It's one thing when you buy a thing for 30 yuan and, in case of non-delivery, you forget about this meaningless expense. Another when it comes to 620 dollars. Therefore, I asked Jeff to contact the seller and clarify why such a cheap price (in official stores, the phone cost 6000 yuan). The seller told him that the goods were delivered from Hong Kong through unofficial channels and customs duties were not paid. So I took a chance and gave Jeff the money. He made a purchase and 4 days later the phone was delivered to my office. My happiness knew no bounds, because the phone was in a "European" variation, with support for European languages ​​(including Russian). It was new (I was afraid that they might send a used phone), in an absolutely hermetically sealed box, with a manual in many languages.


I’ll tell you about how I bought on Taobao myself, without Jeff. Of course, at the very beginning, at the very least, I registered there, however, this did not give the right to buy there. It was also necessary to register at, for safe shopping. I registered there too, but the forums warned that without the electronic guarantee of the Chinese (which involves entering the Chinese passport data into the form), I would not be able to make purchases. That's what happened in the beginning. The third step (?) of registration was: enter the shenfenzhen (Chinese identity card). To my requests to be my guarantor, both Jeff and other Chinese politely but firmly declined. You can understand them. If the laowai screw up something on Taobao, the demand will be from the Chinese. And I actually, who is for the Chinese? So, a stray bird that accidentally ended up with the Celestial Empire for a couple of months, even if it was a work colleague.

So I gave up on the idea of ​​doing my own shopping until the next one happened. Almost every week, I pestered Jeff with requests for another series of purchases. Moreover, my shopping list included both large items (jackets, shoes) and millions of small items (such as lighters, pens, key rings, because every friend needs to give something upon arrival). I bugged Jeff so hard that he finally said trade yourself! (who knows Asians will understand me: this was not said directly, but too veiled, like, I'm busy, I have training on my nose, etc.). I reminded him about the guarantee, he again refused, but offered another option: transfer the rest of my money from his account to my account. At first I expressed doubt whether it was possible to do this at all, but we tried anyway. Happened! True, he transferred the money to my registered name in not directly, but by entering my phone number, which I entered when registering with alipay (I still did not understand why the login could not be used to transfer money). Thus, a certain amount of money appeared on my account, and with a tremor in my hand I made my first purchase: a case for Ipad 2. By that time, I had become so adept at Taobao that I easily found the cheapest option from a reliable seller and clicked on the "buy" button:

The bag arrived the next day :-)

Well, then it's not interesting. Unfortunately, the last days of my stay in China (as well as money, by the way) were coming to an end, so I couldn’t really accelerate. But now I sometimes ask one of my Chinese colleagues who work here and go on a business trip to China to bring me a small parcel. If they don’t refuse, then I make small purchases (such as a battery for a phone, a bluetooth headset, etc.) and they bring me these goodies. Of course, if I go there again, I will already trade on a large scale and already fill the container with an eye.

This is one of the largest projects of the Chinese mega holding "Alibaba group". And it is the world's largest platform for C2C trading in the world. Together with TMall, they hold a market share of about 80% of all Chinese e-commerce!

To better understand volumes:
More than 9 million sellers list their products on Taobao and the number is growing very fast.
More than a billion products on display
Billions of dollars worth of transactions are made every day.

Opening a Taobao store is one of the best ways to enter the Chinese market. Along with the creation of a website in China, this is an excellent opportunity for conducting test sales and assessing the consumer's need for your products.


TMall is a B2C platform and has a higher entry threshold. Here, companies operating in the Chinese market officially present their products. Prices are higher, there is more trust, there is less chance of running into a fake, since the Taobao administration makes every effort to check companies.

What does a foreigner need to sell their products on Taobao

  1. Open an account in China
  2. Connect it to Alipay
  3. Complete the Alipay account verification process
  4. Pass the verification procedure on Taobao

What you need to pass verification on Taobao:

A photo of a valid Chinese visa is required
Photo of yourself with the main page of the passport
Address in China


Make a deposit of 1000 yuan or more, the deposit amount will be displayed along with the rest of the store data (usually in the upper right corner).

What you need to open a business account and trade through TMall

Having a company registered in China
Copy of business license
Making a deposit in the amount of 80,000 yuan

If you decide to open your store on Taobao or TMall and enter the huge Chinese e-commerce market, the site will provide you with comprehensive assistance and support in this interesting undertaking.

Chinese Auction Taobao breaks all records in the world rankings of e-commerce. Until recently, it was compared with Western eBay, but now you can buy goods from the Asian giant on eBay.

For example, in 2012, Taobao () and Tmall (Taobao's elite zone) earned more than $159 billion from sales in China. Analysts say that by 2016, China will account for 423 million online shoppers from around the world, who will spend about 457 billion dollars on online platforms. Most of these millions will come from Taobao and Tmall.

Is it worth talking about business prospects with Taobao? They are obvious. Therefore, the main question for beginner merchants is how exactly to organize a business with Taobao so that the financial and time costs for starting are minimal, and self-sufficiency and profit are reached as soon as possible?

First option— independently find intermediaries in China to buy goods from Taobao, equip warehouses, hire a staff of logisticians who could consolidate goods and send them to customers. And, of course, create your own website store with Taobao products. This approach involves significant investment.

The mere development of an online store with a unique design, special functionality (calculation of the weight and cost of international shipping, for example) with a connection to the Taobao API will cost a pretty penny. Not to mention the organization of logistics. Examples of such projects are Rutaobao, Vivatao, 24Tao. They have been working for many years and have long paid off for their owners a hundredfold.

However, $10,000 (the average price for such a site) is unlikely to be affordable for a novice businessman. Add to this the cost of promoting such a project, and the prospects will seem simply unrealistic.

Second option- organize logistics on the basis of a small Chinese company (a small warehouse, a couple of staff members) to buy goods from Taobao, and enter the social network. The prospects here are not bad: a website is not needed, investments are minimal (the maximum will have to pay for commercial branches on the forums).

But it will take a lot of time and effort to attract and serve customers. Yes, and buyers will have to independently search on Taobao for the goods they need, drive links into Excel files, indicate the package contents, sizes, colors, quantity, and “much more-important-and-necessary” there. This is a kind of quest game, and it captivates many seriously and for a long time.

There are so many network intermediaries that you will almost have to feed buyers in your own backyard. However, all shop groups are some kind of cabal. Goods are bought for themselves, for friends and for friends of friends. It's not so much a business as a hobby. And if you have a permanent job, then, as an additional income, this option may well be suitable.

Third option- ready-made solutions for Taobao intermediaries. This, for example, is the functionality of an online Taobao goods store, or a comprehensive business solution that includes a website with goods and a logistics service. The average price of such solutions is from $800 (for an online store) to $3,000 (ready-made business).

This is perhaps the best option for both novice merchants and those who are already working as a taobao agent, for example, in social networks. Here, the optimal compromise was found between the speed of business deployment (the average time for installing a ready-made store is up to 3 days), the price - $ 800, perhaps the lowest threshold for entering a business in general, not to mention e-commerce.

And the result is very good - you get a ready-made online store already filled with goods, all that remains is to adjust the prices, taking into account your margin and the desired currency, and sell. If there are already garters with China and a certain pool of buyers, then you can quickly reorganize to expand your audience. If you need a business from scratch, then again, the task of a merchant is effective marketing, and not solving technical issues and finding suppliers.

There are a lot of ready-made solutions for taobao agents now. And here lies a serious danger of running into unscrupulous developers. Engines for Taobao stores are offered, for example, by freelancers who are not ready to subsequently maintain your site and solve API problems.

Therefore, when looking for ready-made solutions, preference should be given to companies that can provide examples of sites, and test versions of their sites, and documents regulating your work with them, as well as provide you with a service to maintain your site.

There are few such companies. One of the first is Opentao (, which has been operating for more than two years, and at the international level. You can also look at Taojet (, for example, or Gradually, there are more and more of them, so a search in Yandex or Google can also lead you to a reliable company.

The main thing when choosing a contractor is to remember that your success largely depends on him. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact the company's managers directly, ask questions, express doubts, clarify the conditions. Then you will surely make the right choice.

Hello dear readers. We continue a series of articles on business with China, about how to sell goods from China, how to order goods from China, how to find suppliers in China and how to make money on all this! See all articles on this topic in the Business with China section.

I used to write articles on China about the Aliexpress website. This is really the easiest way to order goods from China at low prices. But I ran into the problem of the high price of goods in China and had to look for cheaper suppliers. The cheapest prices and more responsible suppliers in China sit on Taobao. You can find a supplier of goods from China there. There are of course everywhere their pros and cons, but let's take a closer look.

  • 1. What is Taobao?
  • 2. How to order from Taobao
  • 3. How to find a reseller and work with a Taobao reseller
  • 4. How to find products on Taobao
  • 5. What to order from Taobao for resale
  • 6. Taobao or Aliexpress?
  • 7. Business with China

I think it's not worth telling you what Taobao is. But in short, this is a huge platform with many small online stores, where sellers are Chinese suppliers, and buyers ... attention ... are also Chinese! Prices on Taobao are lower than in other Chinese stores because there the Chinese sell domestically for the same Chinese. And not a single Chinese can not buy expensive, knowing the low cost of goods. But how can ordinary Russian people buy goods from Taobao for sale? Only with the help of Taobao intermediary!

I won't say it's easy, but it's not hard either! Only Chinese people with an Alipay account can buy on Taobao. Therefore, there are many taobao intermediaries who pay for goods for you and deliver them to you in any convenient way.

Intermediaries can be found on Vkontakte, with the help of a friend of Google and Yandex, you can use the services of my intermediary Taobao, you can on the Taobao forum:

The services of an intermediary must be paid. As a rule, intermediaries take from 10 to 20% of the purchase amount and plus delivery on average 150-300 rubles. per kilogram of purchase weight. but with all this, ordering from Taobao in any case turns out to be cheaper than the same Aliexpress.

The process of working with an intermediary is something like this. You transfer an advance payment to the intermediary in the amount of the price of goods plus delivery in China and give links to the goods you want to purchase. The intermediary redeems the goods to his address in China, checks the quality, takes pictures to show you, packs well in one package and sends it to you by a transport company, and you, in turn, pay him the rest of the delivery and commission for work! Basically simple!

I already wrote an article on how to search and buy on Taobao. Go to (there is no other taobao site) and open Google translator in your browser. Enter into it in Russian what you want to find, and it translates it into Chinese characters! Copy and paste them into the search bar on the Taobao website! Everything is simple. And then sit and choose from thousands of products. It is better to use Chrome (a browser from Google, if anyone does not know) and translate the site. It will be easier! OK it's all over Now)

Probably, if you are looking for suppliers in China or are thinking about how to order goods from China for sale, then you already know what to sell. But if not, let me know! Type in the search box on my site at the top of the word "China" and look for answers to this question. Or just say anything! From bedding and underpants to car parts! Go to Avito, Yandex Wordstat and see what people are asking for and want to buy now! With a group of goods, everyone must decide for himself!

You can also go to the section on doing business with China (the link is at the beginning of the article) and there are collections of articles to sell!

You decide! If you want fast delivery and cheaper prices, then it's better to go with taobao, if you want to order simply, then Aliexpress. I work with both! More precisely, I just started working with Taobao;)

This business has been, is and will be profitable, since goods from China are always the cheapest and most in demand, and the e-commerce market is growing every year, so think about it, dear readers.