How to sell trainings? Toolkit. All about the proper organization of trainings or seminars on your own How to attract clients to the training

He has written several books on the subject. This article is an attempt to summarize the main essence of his strategy for inviting new participants to his business.

These tips and rules are intended for personal communication or by telephone. No need to use them in sms, emails, chats and so on. For verbal communication only.

Eric's formula works with both warm and cold applicants. Examples will be given for both groups.

There are 8 basic steps to a professional, proper network marketing invitation. Below we will look at each of them in detail, of course, with practical examples that will help you quickly understand and master them.

Step 1. Be in a hurry!

This is purely a psychological maneuver. People tend to trust more those who are always in business.

One of my good friends, Ryan (Ryan Y), is a very busy guy or he always pretends to be very busy. Every time I talk to him, he says he has a few minutes for me. After a while, he says that he needs to make some important calls and he is forced to say goodbye to me.

If, when you start a conversation, you give the impression of a person who is in a hurry on business, then you will be able to invite a potential applicant to your business in just a few phrases, with less resistance, and he will respect your time.

It always works. If a person is in a hurry, then we listen to him more carefully, try to quickly and briefly state our position and have more respect for him. Let's look at a few examples.

How to approach a warm potential partner: “I don’t have much time to talk, but I want to clarify one important point with you”. Or like this: "I'm on my way, but there's something I need to discuss with you quickly."

For the cold challenger: “Now is not the best time for this and I have to go already, but…”, "It's time for me to run, but..."

Set the atmosphere in a hurry!

The exact words in these examples are not that important. The main thing is to focus on creating the impression that you are in a hurry.

Just make it clear to the person that you are in a hurry on business, but you want to quickly talk with him on an important topic. Do it with passion!

Step 2. Compliment!

This is a critical moment. A sincere compliment will open the doors of communication and make the other person more accommodating and willing to listen to you. Do not flatter or lie, make a sincere compliment!

"You work quite hard and I have a lot of respect for your success in business." Or like this: "Every time I am convinced that you are the best in your business."

For the cold challenger: "Are you so quick to figure out what you're doing?"

These simple steps can double the performance of your invites, says Eric Worre.

When you start your conversation with a compliment and in some haste, it is already very difficult for a person to react negatively to the invitation. People don't actually get complimented very often, so this almost always works.

If you followed the work of experienced network marketing professionals, you would notice that they constantly improve people's mood with sincere, real compliments.

It always makes a person more open and friendly.

Step 3. Make an invitation!

At the moment, there are three main approaches among network business professionals.

Direct Approach

The direct approach is used when you invite a person to learn more about opportunities that can help him earn.

Examples for warm applicants: "I think I've found a way to significantly increase our income." Or like this: “May I ask you, if you could start a business without giving up your current job, but the income from which would bring you more money, would you be interested?”(one of the most effective options)

For cold applicants: “Would you be interested in doing an additional business if it didn’t distract you from your main job?” Or like this: “Are you considering any additional income options?”

Most take this direct approach. But there are other ways, but it depends more on the situation. If you always take the direct approach, then maybe it's time to expand your horizons a bit?

Indirect approach

The indirect approach is another very powerful tool to overcome some resistance and get the person to listen to what you have to offer. This method involves asking for help to figure something out. This approach allows you to play on the ego of a person.

Example for a warm challenger: “I found a business that seemed very interesting to me, but I haven’t figured it all out yet. You have a lot of trading experience. Can you look at some of the materials and suggest whether it is worth doing this?

Another option: “They say that one head is good, but two is better. I recently started a business. Are you looking at him? Your opinion is interesting.

For cold applicants: “My company is growing in your area. Would you do me a favor and watch some stuff? It's interesting to know what you think about it."

Or like this: “I started a business with a product that, in my opinion, has good prospects, but I want to get an outside opinion. Will you take a look?"

Super indirect approach

The 3rd approach is very effective because it uses several psychological aspects at once. In this method, you make it clear to the person that he is not an applicant and ask him about his acquaintances who could join your business.

An example use case for a warm challenger: “Don’t you have any acquaintances who want to do additional business from home?”

Or like this: "The business I'm in doesn't seem to suit you, but do you know someone who would like to make a nice extra income working from home?"

In most cases, a person will ask you to tell him about this business before he starts talking about his acquaintances. It's all about curiosity and some intrigue.

If your interlocutor began to ask additional questions and be interested in your business, then you can proceed to the 4th step.

Step 4. If me, then you?

This is one of the secret weapons of a professional network marketer. “Will you watch the presentation if I email it to you?” “Will you visit the site if I give you a link?” These are very powerful questions, for several reasons.

First, it is the principle of reciprocity. You are offered something in return for something else that you can do. People tend to react positively to such situations.

Second, you are in a position of power. You are in control. You do not beg, do not ask, but offer a favor for a favor.

Third, you are supposed to be offering something of value. You say that you will do something, but only if the other person agrees to do something in return.

People have more respect for your offer when they see that it is valuable to you.

Scheme "If I, then you" works like magic. Remember that your main task at this stage is to provide information. Only then can you move on to the fifth step.

If a person asks for more information, then you should act: “I understand that you can’t explain everything in a nutshell. You can find answers to all questions on the disk, website, and so on.” "The easiest way for you to understand what I'm talking about is if you watch this presentation, website, CD, and so on."

If a person refuses, then you simply thank him for his time and deal with other applicants. It is also useful to think later if it was possible to do something differently, perhaps you made a mistake somewhere.

So, in four steps, you have managed to convince a person to view your marketing materials in one form or another.

Does this mean that success has been achieved? No! Eric Worre constantly reminds that only five percent of people will do what they promised if you used only 4 steps. Such a percentage cannot suit us. To increase the effectiveness of your invitations to 80%, you need to go through another 4 steps.

Step 5. Confirmation and setting the time frame

Immediately after the completion of the 4th step, you should ask the question: “When do you think you will be able to watch these materials?” or “When can you go to the site to watch the presentation?”

When you asked the person the questions from step 4, it was a task for your interlocutor that he will complete someday. Now, after the 5th step, everything becomes more real. The main thing is that he tells you when he looks at your materials.

In 90% of cases, a person will tell you quite accurately when they are ready to watch your presentation. In the remaining 10%, the answer will be vague. Try this in this case: “I don’t want to waste your, and even mine, time for nothing. Maybe just think about the deadline by which you can definitely watch the presentation?

Don't be afraid to push a little. The fact is that your interlocutor has already agreed to see your materials at the 4th step. Now he feels some duty.

Now you can go directly to the transfer of presentations, links and other materials? NO! It is too early!

Step 6. Confirmation 2. Check the time

If a person tells you that they will watch your presentation on Thursday evening, then you should ask: “If I call you on Friday morning, will you have seen everything by then?”

After such a question, the applicant usually either slightly corrects the previously indicated time, or immediately answers in the affirmative. Note that by this point, the person has already confirmed their intention to view your content three times. It is also important that it was not you who chose the time, but the interlocutor himself appointed it.

You asked questions, and the person confirmed his intentions and offered time on his own.

Step 7. Confirmation 3. Arrange a call

This step is very simple. You just need to ask: “What is the best number to call you and what time?” Your interlocutor will tell you a convenient time for him and a way to contact him. And now you have an ironclad arrangement.

Step 8. End the conversation!

Remember step number 1? You hurry! Just say: “Great, then agreed! It's time for me to run. Let's call! Goodbye!"

A lot of people make the mistake of agreeing on everything and keep talking and talking, which often backfires. Nothing more needs to be said. Your task is only to convince a person to familiarize themselves with your materials or presentations.

Your own master class, workshop or battle of scientists is only half the battle: it is important that the audience for which it is intended learn about the project in a timely manner. Maria Vul, head of the SMM department at Sterno.Ru, talks about how to attract opinion leaders and use hashtags, what you should never do in your public, and why Odnoklassniki is not as hopeless as it seems. T&P publish videos and the main theses of the master class.

You have decided to hold a lecture, a master class, a seminar or any other educational event - you have prepared a lecture, imagine what audience it is intended for, but no one came to the lecture - simply because they did not know about it. To avoid this kind of fatal mistake, you need to learn how to inform the public about your brilliant ideas. After all, the entire blogosphere with forums and sites, social networks Facebook and Vkontakte and many others is at your disposal.

Before you start the process of promoting your event, you need to imagine the target audience and ask a few simple questions:

Who needs to be attracted?

Where to look for them?

How to talk to them?

What do they need?

How to give it to them?

Explore social networks

It is important to understand that cliches and stereotypes about social networks have nothing to do with reality. The legend that elderly dull aunts sit, for example, in Odnoklassniki is a myth, vigorous people aged 25-35 prevail there. We need to focus not on outdated clichés, but on what is really happening today in social networks. In addition, often when people promote an educational event, they forget about social networks like Instagram, Twitter, Foursquare. They too can greatly help you in promoting your project.

Where to start and where to go?

If you don't have a lot of money and can't afford to go to content promotion companies, there is a set of actions that are quite effective for self-promotion of an event:

Place events on free poster resources;

Contact free city publics and publics on the topic of the event;

Contact the administration of niche sites;

Invite influencers who are REALLY interested in your event;

The same goes for your friends list.

In all places where you will post an announcement about your event, you need to leave a home link by which the user can come to you. Then, using the Yandex Metrica service, you can find out where people came from, what worked more efficiently. On social networks, you should always use the "I'll go" or "maybe" button to roughly represent how many people will come to you.

You can immediately leave messages about your events on the, services, but it makes sense to agree with the Afisha, Mail.Ru or services in advance.

Suppose your lecture is about unicorns. Find forums and publics of unicorn lovers, find all the places where these people sit, do not forget about links to those places where you want to accumulate your audience. Find out where your target audience is.

Opinion leaders receive many invitations every day - you need to interest the people you need with your master class, prove to them that you are unique. Even if the person doesn't show up, they can recommend your event and that would be great advertising. Remember: you don't need to spam your entire friend feed with an event message 15 times a day, the same doesn't need to be done with your target audience, otherwise they will start to hate you silently.

Report the event in advance, but within reasonable aisles - about a week in advance. If you need to buy tickets, then you need to inform a little earlier. If you have information about events that you have already organized on this topic, post a report and photos.

When reporting your future event, always be original and varied:

Show people what awaits them at the event;

Come up with hashtags and always use them!

Always include links in your posts so people know where to go if the picture gets shared. Use hashtags everywhere - on social networks, on the splash screen, and on the banner. If you have your own groups, blogs, etc., use them to announce your event.

Collect and accumulate your audience. When we, for example, promote the lecture hall of the Higher School of Economics, for each lecture we create an event and an email notification for people who previously said “I will go” to our previous lectures on Facebook.

When talking about the place where the lecture will take place, make a map - make life easier for people who come to you.

No need to write a hundred times a day “we have a very cool lecture, please come”, etc., no need to get people. You can remind about the event once a day or every two days using different pictures, a list of references for the lecture, links to films on the topic, you can draw a picture, give a quote.

Importance of intonation

It is impossible to speak the same language in different networks. You can make a poll, picture, discussion for Vkontakte or Facebook. If you are planning to give a serious science lecture, you will scare people away by posting funny pictures on social media about quantum physics. You need to understand who you want to hook on and how they are used to communicating with them.

If you have money, you can promote your post on social networks - Facebook is very convenient in this sense, it will guide you through all the steps of creating an advertising post. Both Facebook and Vkontakte have clear tools that will help you understand how your ad works and change the picture or text of your ad if you are not happy with the effect. On Vkontakte, the text-graphic block does not always work effectively - you can order an announcement or contact the editors of the Vkontakte public if the main audience of this public matches the interests of your lecture.


When the lecture is over, do not forget about social networks - after all, you need a loyal audience in the future. Do not relax: say a big thank you to people for coming to the lecture, offer to ask questions if they have any left, post a photo and presentation.

Ask people to leave comments, reply to them, don't leave them hanging alone. You can do a little research: in Yandex, drive in a hashtag, your last name, the title of the lecture and see what people write about you. Remind people of the hashtag so they use it when they write or post something.

You can share pictures, questions, lecture topics, and discussion topics that require a response. Always say "thank you so much for your constructive criticism" and answer any questions asked. Use additional useful content in your event. Create content that you yourself want to repost.

You don't have to do that!

Invite the entire friend feed to the event indiscriminately;

Tag people in photos without their permission;

Update the event endlessly;

Announce an event in ten publics at the same time;

Forget about questionnaires, the physical presence of the hashtag at the event;

Ignore negative reviews, delete comments.

During the event, you can conduct a twitter broadcast, you can combine the lecture into a short video so that a person who was not present at it understands everything in three minutes. All the time while we are holding the event, and after that we monitor reviews by hashtags, by last name, by keywords.

Use Instagram even if you have nothing to photograph. You can always pull something out of the field of expertise. Look at General Electric's Instagram - few people are interested in looking at photos about motors, but they simply magically lead their Instagram.

Always be aware

How to learn about the most important new products without traveling to international conferences and not following the news from the websites of leading cosmetic brands every day? Exhibitors of Cosmo Expo know the answer, they know where to publish their information and announcements of educational events.

How to recruit attendees for seminars

Alexander Khodakov

We will not reveal any secrets if we say that training has long become a sales tool, and the heads of some professional cosmetics distributors secretly say that up to 70% of their new customers come from training courses, seminars and master classes.

2. Thematic electronic journals- for executives, for cosmetologists, for hairdressers, etc. - more than 50,000. Subscribers, more details.

Each training center has its own characteristics, which are taken into account when preparing advertising. Someone is satisfied with the budget option, when seminars and master classes are published in the general list, someone orders a separate, dedicated posting of information for each training event, and someone requires personalized service.

In its most general, initial form, the placement of the information of the training center looks like this:

1. Announcement on the Cosmo-Expo website

This is the central site, which is visited by 25-30 thousand people a month. On the main page - in the most prominent place in the center - the announcement of the POSTER OF SEMINARS in Moscow and in the regions - for each month.

Going to the POSTER section, our readers see:

Seminars are published in a general list from all training centers by day, date and name, and then follow the link to a detailed description of the seminar on the website of a particular training center.

In addition to electronic magazines (mailing lists), seminars are also announced on social networks, in the groups "Cosmo Expo", "Beauty Professionals", "Smart Beauty Salon", etc.