How promising is the business for the production of dry building mixtures: technical equipment, marketing plan, packaging, production line. Lines for the production of dry mixes

Initially, dry cement-sand mixtures were used exclusively for plastering and bricklaying. They were simple in composition and therefore did not differ in particular plasticity, which significantly limited the scope of their use in construction. Gradually, technologies improved, which made it possible to significantly improve the quality of the building material through the use of ever new components in its composition. Modern types of dry building mixtures are diverse in purpose, they include various mineral additives, fillers, binders, which give the material excellent technological properties.

The proposed business plan for the production of dry building mixes with calculations involves the creation of a mini-enterprise within the legal form of an LLC (limited liability company). This choice is due to the fact that other forms impose on the founder additional requirements for the nature of the activity of the business entity, the amount of share capital and liability. In addition, this form allows you to open representative offices in other settlements, both within Russia and abroad.

The production of dry building mixtures does not require licensing, as well as certification and declaration of fire safety products. These certificates can be issued by the enterprise at the request of customers. Since these finishing materials are not listed in the unified list of certified products (approved by Decree of the Government of Russia No. 982), therefore, they do not require confirmation of compliance with safety requirements. The certificate is acquired at the discretion of the founder of the enterprise in order to increase the attractiveness of the product on the market. Self-certification is carried out in the GOST R system, because This procedure is not provided for by the documents of the Customs Union.

Dry mixtures belong to the category of non-combustible materials (NG group) and are fire and explosion-proof. Their sanitary and radiation-hygienic characteristics are established on the basis of the conclusions of the official bodies of the state Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

The safety of the components that make up the mixtures is determined by the levels of radioactive substances and sanitary and hygienic characteristics.

Materials should not release harmful components into the environment, the norm of which exceeds the established limits.

Project Implementation Schedule

Stage / Month, decade 1 2
Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3
Registration of a company, opening a current account + + +
Signing a lease + +
Acquisition of process and auxiliary equipment + + +
Premises renovation + + +
Issuance of permits and approvals +
Installation, adjustment and testing of the production line for the production of dry building mixtures + + + +
Preparation of documents for the range of products + +
Selection of specialists + +
Conclusion of contracts with consumers of products and suppliers of raw materials + + + +
Enterprise launch +

The project is financed at the expense of the founder's own funds. When it is implemented, the simplified taxation system (STS) is used.

Main taxes paid:

Tax Applicable base for taxation Periodicity Bet amount
For the amount of profit The amount of profit received M-ts 20%
VAT The amount of VAT charged M-ts 18%
For property The value of the acquired property According to the schedule 2,2%
Income FOT M-ts 13%
Social payments FOT M-ts 34%

The settlement period for taxation is a calendar month.

Market analysis

The situation in the domestic market of dry building mixtures is assessed as stable. Growth rates are about 15% per year, and there is a prospect of their increase. This is primarily due to the fact that more construction companies are moving to the use of modern technologies based on the latest materials. Although SSS have been known for more than a year, their quality and properties are practically incomparable compared to materials from the beginning of the century. In Russia, masonry mortars, various adhesive and leveling compounds, putties, heat and waterproofing composites, renovation and repair mixtures are actively used in construction. Common to all these materials is that they are made on the basis of binder components with a variety of modifying additives and reinforcing fillers.

Russian manufacturers have overcome the main drawback of mixtures, which distinguished the material from imported ones, - their production in a "wet" form. This significantly limited the shelf life of the solutions and did not allow builders to correctly observe the proportions when mixing.

Now the main part of domestic products is manufactured using the technologies of industry pioneers and leading world manufacturers - companies from Germany, Poland, Finland. The development of these technologies led to the rapid growth of the domestic market, as well as the emergence of many entrepreneurs who saw in this production an opportunity to make a solid profit and ensure high profitability for their enterprise.

In Russia, the volume of consumption of dry building mixes per person is 2-3 kg per year. This is ten times less than in Germany or France, where these figures exceed 25-30 kg. Our main consumers of these products are repair and construction organizations (approximately 75%), individuals are not yet ready for the mass consumption of mixtures for their needs.

Among the types of dry mortar, the most popular are putties, which account for 60% in the consumption segment, followed by universal mixtures and plaster. The demand for self-leveling floors is gradually increasing.

The structure of the domestic dry mix market is such that in almost all large settlements there are dealers of domestic and foreign manufacturers of mixtures, and if we are talking about Russian companies, they mainly sell their products in the region where they are located.

According to experts, the domestic market in the near future will develop under the sign of the opening of an increasing number of regional industries, which, of course, will significantly increase competition and necessitate the search for the most effective forms of production and sale of products. The cost of their creation will increase, primarily due to an increase in the cost of logistics and marketing support for the business. It is not worth expecting the appearance of players with new product samples on the market in the near future.

Description of the object

The technology for the production of dry building mixtures at a mini-enterprise consists of several stages:

  • Selection of suppliers of raw materials.
  • Preparation of components.
  • Delivery of raw materials.
  • Handling and screening of materials for the production of dry mortar.
  • Placement of components in special supply bins.
  • Dosing and mixing of materials.
  • Finished product packaging.
  • Warehousing.

The technological process is organized on special equipment - a production line, which includes a set of standard units and mechanisms. For their placement and installation, a room with an area of ​​​​at least 150-180 square meters is required. m. To store finished products, you will also need a warehouse with an area of ​​​​80-100 square meters. m. The production room is equipped with exhaust ventilation and a heating system that maintains a temperature of at least 18-20 degrees C.

Enterprise equipment

Production equipment for the production of dry mixes is purchased as a set that makes up the production line. Line composition:

  • Vibrating sieve.
  • Mixer.
  • Automatic auger.
  • Packing bunker.
  • Drying sand.

The total cost of the production line is approximately 1.6 million rubles. When the enterprise enters the break-even mode, a technological line of higher productivity (9-10 t/h) is installed, the cost of which is about 3 million rubles.

In addition, for production purposes, you must purchase:

  • Weighing equipment.
  • Watch.
  • Specialized tools and inventory.
  • Pallets for storage of finished products.

All equipment of the enterprise must comply with safety requirements and ensure the manufacture of products according to established quality standards.

Purchase of raw materials

For the smooth operation of the enterprise, tenders for the purchase of raw materials are held at the initial stage of the project. Companies need to purchase:

These materials will be used for the production of the following products:

  • Adhesive compositions (facade, tile, wallpaper).
  • Gypsum plaster.
  • Assembly mixtures.
  • Putties (facade, gypsum, cement, finishing).


The following specialists are involved in the work at the enterprise in the initial period:

  • Master technologist.
  • Production line maintenance workers (4 people).
  • Worker of a mixing and dosing post.
  • Packer.
  • Loader.

The general management of the enterprise is carried out by the founder. Accounting is outsourced.

In total, the payroll will need to allocate about 200 thousand rubles a month.

Marketing and Advertising

The marketing policy of the enterprise is aimed at shaping the opinion among consumers that the manufactured products have excellent performance characteristics, have a cost lower than the main competitors, and that the company is ready to consider any options for long-term cooperation with the provision of significant price preferences.

To this end, the following promotional activities are planned:

  • Preparation and publication of messages about the enterprise in local media.
  • Development of a targeted advertising scheme by sending letters to specialized building stores and companies.
  • Development of the company's own website with the possibility of online ordering products.
  • Activation of consumer demand by developing attractive commercial offers and holding promotions.

The main marketing resource of the enterprise is the high quality of its products, which can be purchased directly from the manufacturer.

Financial plan

The calculation of expenses and incomes of a mini-workshop for the production of dry building mixtures is based on average product prices at the beginning of 2017 and the availability of a production line with a capacity of 12 tons of products per work shift (8 hours).

Item of expenses Amount (in rubles) for the billing period (month)
Payment for the rent of production and storage facilities 18 000
Acquisition of technological equipment 3 000 000
Fare 200 000
Costs for the purchase of raw materials 200 000
Salary fund 200 000
Total 36 18 000

Based on the average prices for raw materials and the production capacity of the enterprise 480 bags per shift, the cost of 1 bag of glue (25 kg) will be 60 rubles. Thus, the replacement cost of production will be equal to 26 thousand rubles (22 thousand - raw materials, plus 4 thousand - production costs). Under such conditions, the enterprise will receive a profit of more than 72 thousand rubles per shift (more than 2 million rubles per month).

Risk assessment

This business plan characterizes a dry mortar manufacturing facility as compliant with environmental, safety and industrial production standards. According to the developers, the main risk groups for it are:

  • Risks associated with contractual terms of suppliers of raw materials and process equipment.
  • Technological risks caused by the acquisition of low-quality equipment.
  • Market risks associated with increased competition between similar enterprises in the region.
  • Risks in the sale of products associated with a lack of production capacity with a steady increase in demand.


Given that dry building mixes have significant advantages over other similar materials, the demand for them will constantly increase. Consequently, the enterprise for their manufacture will have high profitability (for this business plan - at least 23%) and great prospects for further development.

The production of dry mixes is not associated with seasonal fluctuations in demand, so the company will make a profit throughout the year.

Investments in this business at the initial stage are insignificant; for this, the founder’s own funds can be used, which eliminates the need to search for investors and attract commercial loans.

Thus, the creation of an enterprise for the production of these building materials is a highly profitable business that allows you to quickly recoup all costs and move into sustainable development mode.

Your company consumes dry building mixes in large volumes, and you want to reduce their cost?
Do you want to enter the building materials market, but are afraid of large investments?
Specially for you, Stroymekhanika machine-building enterprise offers a unique novelty - an inexpensive mini-plant for the production of dry building mixtures TURBOMIX 300!

Due to its compactness, low cost and flexibility of the technological process, it is ideal for the production of dry building mixes of various formulations for the own needs of construction enterprises and organizations, as well as for "newcomers" to the construction market.

Advantages of the TURBOMIX 300 mini-factory:

  • compactness of the production line - for its installation, the plant requires a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 60 m²;
  • low cost of equipment;
  • economical consumption of energy resources;
  • the flexibility of the technology, which makes it possible to produce building mixtures in a given quantity and any recipe and to change the volume and composition of the produced materials without additional reconfiguration of the equipment;
  • high quality of the finished product;
  • the possibility of supplying an individual configuration of equipment at the customer's choice;
  • the design of the plant was developed taking into account the requirements of ergonomics and labor protection of production personnel.

Video reviews

Mini-plant for the production of dry building mixtures TURBOMIX 500

Report "Mini-plant for the production of dry mortar of the TURBOMIX series" at the BaltiMix conference

CCC TURBOMIX 500 plant. Ali-Yurt, Ingushetia. The process of packing the finished mixture into valve bags.

Mini plant TURBOMIX 500 for the production of dry building mixtures:
Company production area

Mini plant for the production of dry building mixtures of the TURBOMIX series

Plant of dry mixes produced by Stroymekhanika MP for the SIKA-Kazakhstan company in Alma-Ata.

Plant for the production of complex dry mixes produced by MP Stroymechanika

Machine-building enterprise "Stroymekhanika" is one of the largest domestic developers and manufacturers of professional equipment for the production of dry building mixtures. We produce products that meet the most modern requirements and are responsible for their quality. As part of the production lines, components from leading world manufacturers are used. Before being sent to the customer, all equipment undergoes a node-by-unit run-in. A powerful technical support system is developing in the structure of the enterprise, ready to provide assistance at the first call of the client. Therefore, the consumer can be sure that the equipment ordered by him from Stroymekhanika will work for a long time, without fail and efficiently.

Description of mini-plant TURBOMIX 300.
The TURBOMIX 300 compact plant for the production of dry building mixtures is a complete production line built according to the modular principle. It includes the following modules:
- dosing, mixing and unloading module;
- valve-type bagging module.

An important design feature of the mini-factory is the ability to install a lifting mechanism (supplied separately), designed for assembly or disassembly of plant components and assemblies, as well as their maintenance during operation.

Technical characteristics of mini-plant TURBOMIX 300

Productivity, t/h until 3
Number of mix recipes, pcs not limited
Astringents portland cement, fluff lime, gypsum, slag-alkali
Aggregate quartz sand, ash, slag, chalk, talc, etc.
Dosing of raw materials weight
Dosing and injection of additives weight
Finished product packaging in valve bags from 10 to 50 kg
Installed power, kW from 20
Supply voltage, V 380
Current frequency, Hz 50
Compressed air pressure, atm 6
Compressed air consumption, l/min no more than 300
Minimum temperature of incoming raw materials, °C not lower than +10
Maximum temperature of incoming raw material, °C no higher than +80
Humidity of raw materials used, % 0,1
Binder silo volume at the request of the customer
Volume of dispenser bunkers, m³ 0,4
Finished product hopper volume, m³ 0,4

The TURBOMIX 300 mini-plant kit includes the following components and assemblies:

Optional equipment:

The package also includes:
- operating manuals for the equipment included in the complex;
- recipe guide "Dry building mixes".

Additionally, at the request of the customer are provided:
- services of supervised installation and commissioning of equipment;
- after-sales service (under a separate agreement).

Organizing the production of dry building mixes is a profitable idea for a business in the field of building materials. The development of technologies for the construction and repair of capital buildings has led to a significant change in the standard mixture of "cement and sand". Dry building mixes are a modern, reliable and durable material. It is in demand among professional builders and ordinary buyers. How to organize a dry mix enterprise and make money on them?

Types of dry mixes and their application

Dry building mixes are called powdered materials made in the factory from binders and fillers. They are easy to use: just dilute them with water. Such material greatly simplifies construction and repair work. Mixtures of different compositions (that is, with different characteristics) and even different colors are on the market. This has a positive effect on the interest of buyers in products.

There are several criteria for classifying building mixtures. Consider the most popular:

  1. By main purpose: structural (for the construction of capital buildings) and special (heat-resistant, decorative).
  2. By density: heavy (over 2 thousand kg/m3) and light (less than 2 thousand kg/m3).
  3. By binder: cement, slag, gypsum, lime, polymer, on liquid glass.
  4. By structure: with large and medium pores, cellular, non-porous.
  5. According to the used filler: dense, porous, special.

All dry mixes, regardless of type, are distinguished a number of positive features:

  • high hardening rate along with the ability to reduce it;
  • frost resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • high compressive strength or fracture;
  • economical consumption;
  • variety of colors and shades.

The main scope of dry mixes is construction and repair work. Solutions are used both for interior decoration of premises and for decoration of facades of buildings. They are used for priming, puttying, finishing, fixing decorative elements, leveling surfaces, filling cracks, soundproofing and waterproofing, fixing artificial and natural stone, tiles, repairing reinforced concrete and masonry.

Options for classifying dry building mixtures according to popular criteria

Technology for the production of building mixtures

How is building mixes produced? The technological process involves the preparation of all incoming components (selection, sifting, drying), their high-quality mixing in the required proportions and packaging in storage bags. We will consider the technological process in more detail in the section "Stages of production".

Composition of the mixture

The basis of any dry mix is ​​cement and sand. Other components are added to improve the quality characteristics of the material. As binders can be used:

  • mineral components - limestone, clay, gypsum, various types of cements;
  • components from organic elements - soluble cellulose ethers or polymer powders;
  • combined components (mineral-organic) - polymer silicate compositions.

The most commonly used fillers are: quartz, marble, limestone, dolomite, stone waste. A very important component are special additives that give the material special properties. For example, hardeners help increase the strength of cement by 20%. Cellulose fibers reduce the risk of cracking. Retarders help to increase the hardening process of mixtures (this is true for very fast drying gypsum materials). Other additives increase resistance to water and temperature.

Where to get raw materials

Currently, there are many companies on the market offering dry mix manufacturers the supply of all necessary components. They can be purchased as a base - cement and sand - and additional materials (cellulose, plasticizers, thickeners, setting modifiers). The search for raw materials is not a significant difficulty.

For example, among Russian manufacturers, you can pay attention to the Novokhim company, a Siberian company specializing in the supply of chemicals for building mixtures (a very convenient site). Delivery is carried out in all regions of the country. You can also find other online stores or suppliers in your city.

Dry mixes on an industrial scale are produced from sand, cement and chemical additives.

What equipment is needed

Consider what equipment is required for the production of dry building mixes and how much it will cost. Standard production line includes:

  • mixer;
  • bunker for packing;
  • apparatus for dosing components;
  • automatic auger (rod mixing components);
  • lift;
  • work site;
  • scales;
  • loader;
  • pallets.

Buying all the equipment separately is a rather expensive undertaking. Therefore, a ready-made line, that is, a mini-plant for the production of dry building mixtures, will become a more economical and simple solution. For example, the most budget option is a complex machine with a capacity of 5 tons per hour with the possibility of automatic packaging. It costs an average of 1.5 million rubles.

More advanced versions already produce 10 tons per hour, while also packing and packaging mixtures. The price will be 2 times higher - 3 million rubles. Ready-made lines are convenient for several reasons. Firstly, they allow you to save on logistics and delivery of equipment from different suppliers. Secondly, they have a single warranty and maintenance. Thirdly, it is easier for workers to learn how to manage them. Fourthly, high automation of most processes is beneficial for the enterprise and brings significant benefits in the form of high productivity and profit.

Production stages

The production of dry building mixtures, regardless of their final composition, is carried out in stages:

  1. Primary preparation of the mixture components, cleaning (if necessary), sieving.
  2. Placement in packing bins.
  3. Dosage of components for a particular mixture.
  4. Mixing.
  5. Packing, storage, delivery to customers.

The manufacturing process is simple. The result depends on the accuracy of calculating the proportion of incoming components and the quality of mixing. The ratio of all ingredients of dry building mixes can be found in building GOSTs. A good option would be to involve a specialist with specialized education in the field of construction to organize the technological process.

The best option for choosing equipment is a ready-made line for dry mixes

Choosing a room for equipment installation

Placement of the production of dry mixes is possible in a room with an area of ​​​​200 square meters, provided that it is divided into the following zones: a production workshop (at least 150 m2) and a warehouse (from 50 m2). The room must be connected to the power supply (if possible, be equipped with an additional connection system) and other communications. Good lighting with fluorescent lamps and ventilation will make working conditions comfortable.

The location of the workshop does not play a key role. You can stay on the outskirts of the city or outside it. The only important thing is the availability of good access roads: the enterprise will ship a lot of goods and bring large quantities of raw materials. Where possible, some organizations store sand outdoors. This is harmless in the warm season, but is fraught with pollution and dampness of the material in the autumn-winter season.


The working staff of the enterprise, in addition to the head and accountant, should include:

  • technologist (1-2 people);
  • machine/production line operators;
  • forklift drivers;
  • handymen;
  • packers.

The number of workers depends on the capacity of the equipment and the planned production volumes. Special education is required for a technologist: the quality of the final product depends on the level of his qualification. Maintenance of modern machines is not a very difficult operation, they can be operated after a short training. Most likely, a special loader employee will be needed in the state - to move large volumes of components and mixtures inside the workshop.

Most enterprises work in 2-3 shifts. The equipment withstands such a load, and increased volumes of work help to get more profit. On average, 1 technologist, 1 loader driver, 5-6 machine operators and handymen work in 1 shift.

Dry building mixes are easy to use: it is enough to dilute them with water and mix thoroughly.

Sales of finished products

The demand for high-quality building mixtures is high and does not actually change throughout the year. The main consumers of the product are construction companies (they buy large quantities of goods for their business) and private customers (they use mixtures for personal needs - repair and construction of houses). The former bring more profit at once, but prefer proven manufacturers. It is difficult for newcomers to enter the market of construction companies.

Private customers buy in smaller quantities, but are less picky about manufacturers. A start-up enterprise can receive the first income from them. You need to work with buyers both independently and through intermediaries. Self-sale is carried out through your own website and groups on social networks (the creation costs about 10 thousand rubles, which will pay off in a month). It is important to immediately start working with intermediaries - construction goods stores. The more stable distribution channels a company has, the more revenue it will receive.

What profit can be made

How profitable is the production of dry mixes? This material is usually sold in prepackaged bags ranging from 1 to 20 kilograms. The standard price is from 100 rubles per kilogram. The more complex the composition and the “higher quality” characteristics, the higher the cost. For example, a good frost-resistant mixture with increased strength cannot be bought for less than 400 rubles per 1 kilogram. At the same time, the trade margin on goods rarely falls below 30%.

A low-capacity enterprise produces 5 tons of mixture per hour, that is, for 1 shift - 40 tons. Revenue after the sale of this material will vary from 1 to 1.5 million (depending on the composition of the mixtures produced and the prices set by the manufacturer). At the same time, at least 300 thousand will be a profit. Working in 2-3 shifts, the company is able to reach an income level of 3-4 million rubles daily. Such amounts will be real only if there are stable distribution channels.


The production of dry building mixes is a promising line of business in the field of building materials. This product is in stable demand: it is loved for its high quality and ease of use. Having invested 2-3 million rubles in an enterprise, an entrepreneur can bring production to the level of net income in just a few months of work. The key to success will be a well-established technological process, a variety of assortment and constant sales channels.

SunnyMix lines are supplied not only to Russia, but also abroad, successfully competing with European and Asian options. Our lines are equipped with reliable equipment of well-known industrial brands - SunnyMix, WAM, Aries, Schneider Electric, Camozzi and others.

The lines are usually supplied on a turnkey basis, with a project development and installation supervision service, however, the purchase of individual parts is also available.

You can see the equipment that is part of the line below, there are also notes on who the manufacturer of the particular equipment is.

Among our clients are both large customers (Knauf, Gazprom, HESS), as well as medium and small enterprises. We design and manufacture complete plants with capacities ranging from 3 to 50 tons per hour, covering the needs of most manufacturers.

Examples of installed lines

The principle of operation of the lines

As with all lines for the production of dry mixes, a classic work model is used:

Line layout options

There are two basic options for the location of dry mix lines - vertical and horizontal.

VERTICAL With the vertical version, a tower is built from several levels - a silo, dispensers below them, a mixer below them, a storage tank and packaging below it. This arrangement is classic and is used in most factories.

vertical layout

HORIZONTAL With a horizontal version, the silos stand separately - for example, by the railway tracks or on the street. Materials from them are fed into the dispensers by screws or through a pneumatic line. And the design of dispensers-mixer-packing stands separately. This layout is also used quite often, for example, when placing a CCC line in an already finished production workshop or when attaching a line to an existing production.

horizontal layout

How to get an offer with prices and delivery times

(we will send an offer within 1 day)

Each project is always unique. Materials are brought and stored in different ways - cement trucks, big bags, 25 kg bags.

In some projects, automatic dosing of additives is needed, in others they will be dosed manually.

Automatic bagging, palletizing robot, pallet wrapping - all this is coordinated during the creation of the project, which is created by our engineers.

An approximate scheme of work on the order and production of the line is as follows:

  1. coordination of the list of produced materials, productivity
  2. coordination of the composition of the line - what to include in the kit, what to remove
  3. creation of a project with reference to real buildings, roads, territories
  4. project revisions, final approval
  5. start of production
  6. shipment
  7. supervised installation on the territory of the Customer
  8. start-up and training in operation and maintenance of equipment

For the initial calculation of the line, send us a request below or send us a questionnaire and we will contact you and prepare an offer for your project within 1 day.

Production of dry building mixes - step by step instructions + 3 sales opportunities for finished products.

Capital investments: from 2.5 million rubles (on a leased site).
Payback: from 3 months.

Construction technologies have undergone many changes in recent years.

The simplest mixture of cement and sand, used several centuries ago, is now supplemented with new components so that all structures remain strong for many years.

Building mixtures are special compositions that contain a certain amount of various components in a strictly defined ratio: from aggregates to dyes.

To start production of building mixtures, you need to analyze what work is carried out in a particular region and what mixtures are used most often.

For example, buildings located near highways need soundproofing panels.

The subtleties of organizing a business, distribution channels for products and financial calculations - you will find all this below.

What documents are needed to open a business?

To start a business for the production of building mixtures, you need to register the company as an LLC.

In this case, in addition to retail sales, the company will be able to accept wholesale orders from enterprises cooperating with legal entities.

The following documents should be collected:

  • copies of passports of all Members of the Company;
  • copies of the director's and accountant's passports;
  • decision on the establishment of the Company and the memorandum of association;
  • application for state registration of a legal entity;
  • incoming cash orders for the receipt of funds in the authorized capital of the Company.

For the production workshop, a room is needed, which must first be checked by the fire inspection and the sanitary and epidemiological service.

If all the requirements are met, the production manager will receive special certificates that allow participation in tenders of large companies.

You can do without a certificate, but this will not allow you to accept large-scale orders.

In this state of affairs, it is possible to draw up a refusal document, which will confirm that all manufactured products comply with established regulations.

Production of dry building mixtures: key points

A business plan is an important document for any entrepreneurial endeavor.

To make a successful mix for the production of dry mixes, you should initially decide what will be sold.

All types of planned products should be clearly described, detailed recipes for their preparation, as well as a detailed composition.

Before starting production, an analysis of all the difficulties in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity should be made.

For example, apply for a loan from a bank if there is no equity or look for investors to find a source of financing for the business.

For registration, only two permits are required, which must be issued by the SES and the fire department.

The business plan includes the following key points:

  • range of construction products;
  • choice of premises and equipment;
  • sources of investment;
  • raw materials for production (who will supply);
  • staff (specify duties, salaries, work schedule).

Varieties and component components of mixtures

Building mixtures are necessary for cladding, masonry, installation, puttying and other similar works.

For each composition there is a separate recipe for its manufacture.

The components in building mixtures are different, but the main ones are:

  • mineral binders;
  • special additives (to retain moisture);
  • inert fillers;
  • polymer binders.

Each manufacturer has its own exact recipe for a particular mixture, with a certain ratio of all components.

The finished mixture may contain gypsum, lime, cellulose ethers, various organomineral complexes.

The composition of the components allows you to determine how resistant this or that mixture is to temperature changes, in rooms with what level of humidity it can be used and how long it hardens.

To achieve a high level of stability, powdered superplasticizers are added to the composition.

The classification of mixtures is determined by the following indicators:

  • What does the binder look like (with and without cement)?
  • What is the dispersion level of the binder filler (usually coarse grain, up to 2.5 mm or fine grain, no more than 0.320 mm)?
  • What is the purpose of the product?

Production technology: recipe and features

Each manufacturer has its own recipe, but the production process remains almost unchanged and includes the following steps:

  1. All components are carefully transferred, then sieved.
  2. Prepared raw materials are loaded into bunkers.
  3. Raw materials are used in strictly defined proportions.
  4. All components are thoroughly mixed, packaged and sent for storage.

There are many types of mixtures, as well as their compositions, but the basis is always cement and sand.

It is very important to pay attention to the fact that the sand in the dryer drum is well twisted and dried.

In this process, the sand is divided into fractions: from coarse to fine.

When the auger is completely filled with sand, the equipment stops automatically and must be emptied immediately.

Before receiving the finished product, all that remains is to wait for the system to thoroughly mix everything and send it to the packing bin, where the products will be already packaged and ready for transportation.

What is the difference between dry and liquid mortars?

Building mixtures are of two types - liquid and dry.

The second type of mixtures is most in demand due to its stable composition and long shelf life, even if the temperature is below the established norm.

At the same time, the quality of the mixture is not subject to changes in the process of construction work.

Dry building mixes have a lot of advantages: high uniformity, increased cohesion, water-retaining qualities and the ability not to delaminate.

A very weighty argument for the production of dry building mixes is also savings.

Such mixtures have a lower consumption, if necessary, they can be diluted in small portions immediately before facing or finishing work.

There are seasonal fluctuations in the trading sector, when the demand for goods falls sharply and then rises again and sales of liquid mixtures also depend on the time of year.

But dry building mixes have a longer shelf life - from 1 year or more, depending on the composition.

Therefore, the demand for them is distributed more evenly.

However, we can say that they are also a seasonal product.

Most sales occur during the summer season, from April to September.

What kind of premises do you need to start the production of building mixtures?

Without a room, it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged business plan.

In addition to the production workshop, you need to decide on a warehouse, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be from 50 square meters. meters or more.

Equipment for the production of dry building mixtures

In the business plan, it is also necessary to prescribe all types of equipment that will make up a full-fledged production line.

There may be more than one such production lines - 2-3, depending on the planned sales volume.

One production line consists of the following equipment:

Line equipmentQtyPrice, rub.)
Total: RUB 21,450
1 from 7 000
Packing hopper and auger
1 from 1 800
Sand dryer
1 from 10 000
Vibrating screen for screening
1 from 1 700
electronic scales
1 from 400
commodity scales
1 from 400
Euro pallets
from 20from 150

Such a production line can produce from 8 tons of products per hour.

Recruitment of the necessary personnel

Basically, all manufacturing firms work around the clock, producing products in shifts.

With such a schedule, day and night shifts for staff are drawn up, which should also be reflected in the business plan.

At the initial stage of production, the team, apart from the manager and accountant, needs:

How much does a dry building mix business cost?

To start the production of dry building mixes, you need start-up capital, which will be needed to purchase professional equipment, pay rent for premises and pay salaries to employees.

Starting investment in business

Regular investments

There are expenses that the entrepreneur makes regularly (usually monthly).

Business profitability and payback

Each bag of dry building mix for 25 kg costs the manufacturer 60-70 rubles (product cost).

It is possible to produce a batch of 450 of the same bags per shift, which equals the total cost of 22,000 rubles (excluding production costs).

You can sell each bag from 200 rubles, and by selling a daily batch of bags, you can earn 90,000 rubles.

The level of profitability of this business is quite high - from 150%.

If the sales figures are stable and high, then soon you can recoup all the initial investments.

Experienced manufacturers call a period of 3 months.

The video below shows a step-by-step process for the production of building mixtures:

Sales opportunities for finished products

For full-fledged and uninterrupted work on accepting orders for the manufacture of mixtures, a large customer base is needed.

It can be expanded through the following areas for sales:

  • intermediaries specializing in the sale of dry building mixes;
  • retail stores and markets;

At the first stages of production, the equipment should not work around the clock, without interruptions, so that later you do not have to write off the stale goods.

Although the shelf life of the product is quite long, it is better not to abuse this fact.

There is a lot of competition in the construction market, and in order to avoid losses, it is advisable to deliver mixtures at a distance of no more than 300 km from the production base.

Constantly expanding the customer base and assortment, the new production facility can produce up to 12 tons per shift in 5-6 months.

According to the experience of sellers and manufacturers of building mixtures, the return on investment will come in 3-4 months.

In half a year it is possible to achieve sufficiently high production rates - up to 12 thousand tons of products per shift.

This is possible with a diverse assortment of 15 different mixtures and attractive prices for wholesale and retail, as well as if equipment for the production of dry building mixtures will be of sufficient quality, and the process will not be stalled due to breakdowns.

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