Second higher hospitality business. Profession restaurateur

The unprecedented demand for services in the hospitality sector has led to the fact that a qualified and truly skilled tourism specialist is worth its weight in gold in Russia and abroad. To get a higher education that meets international standards, you should carefully study the offers of European and American universities.

A future tourism manager needs to be trained in an international environment. The national composition of the participants in the study programs of foreign universities just meets this requirement.

Russian universities are not able to compete with Western universities, which have been preparing professional managers in the field of tourism for several decades. Higher education abroad is the quintessence of theory and practice, because each program is based on real experience and the latest developments of specialists in the field of tourism. In addition, traditionally successful and innovative client models are used to build the skills needed in this area.

Undergraduate students of the Hotel Institute Montreux at a lecture (Switzerland)

Tourism Education Abroad: Key Points

Tourism education is complex. In most cases, students work according to the case study method, that is, they are immersed in specific situations that are typical for working in their chosen specialty. Students learn to analyze and easily adapt to changing situations in order to find the most rational and effective ways to solve problems. Analysis of "cases" allows you to train your skills and abilities, studying in an unusual, productive and interesting format of classes.

Especially prestigious tourist can be obtained in Switzerland. This country has ideal conditions for creating and promoting a hospitality business, which means that unique programs are ready here for in-depth study of the features and prospects of this industry. Switzerland offers the largest selection of specialties, and their list is constantly expanding in accordance with the requirements of the times.

Practical classes at the Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (Switzerland)

  • preparatory courses for applicants
  • undergraduate
  • magistracy
  • refresher courses

Each of these areas is designed to train modern and success-oriented specialists who are able to bring creative and popular ideas to the tourism business.

Education in Switzerland is a program that develops time management skills, corporate responsibility, discipline. All this is the key to success in the future.

Work experience as a tourism specialist

Top universities in Switzerland are equipped with special classrooms, for example, by analogy with reception desks. They also work closely with both small and very influential hotels, restaurants, entertainment centers. More than 50% of the study time is devoted to practicing skills in practice, because education in the field of tourism provides for numerous internships both in the country of study and abroad.

MBA course at the Glion Institute of Higher Education - a bright period of life (Switzerland)

Among Swiss universities offering to study tourism and hotel service, Glion Institute of Higher Education, Cesar Ritz Hotel School, Hotel Institute Montreux, Les Roches International School of Hotel Management are especially popular. These are recognized giants of the industry, producing truly qualified personnel who are ready to work anywhere in the world. Education at the Swiss Hotel Management School, School of Hotel Management IHTTI, Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality is also in high demand among foreigners. The competition for their branches is very high.

Prices for education in the field of tourism

Education in Switzerland depends on programs, number of internships and other factors. The cost varies from 35,000 to 70,000CHF (Swiss francs) per year.

A wide range of prices is due to the high status of some universities, studies in which are much more expensive, but will be a huge plus for employment.

If your dream is to study in England or the USA, study tourism and graduate in these countries, then the choice of universities is almost as impressive as in Switzerland. In the US, the influence of Colorado State University, Oregon State University and the University of South Florida is worth noting.

In England, you can achieve mastery in any specialty related to the hospitality industry by graduating from the University of Exeter, Regent's University London, the University of Surrey or London South Bank University.

More and more managers decide to get a second higher education in the field of tourism, as this provides a brilliant opportunity to improve their chances of success in this promising industry.

Hospitality, culinary arts, hotel and restaurant management, as well as sports, entertainment and event management can also be studied as part of additional education, for example, in courses for management. StudyLab recommends tourism education to sociable, positive and purposeful people who dream of finding their calling in working with people.

This is a popular direction of both education and development of the country. Many people think about what kind of education to get for successful work in this field. Understanding this issue is not as difficult as it seems. In fact, it is enough to know just a few features of training. But choosing a place to receive an appropriate education is more difficult. There are a lot of various institutions that allow you to work in the hotel and restaurant business after graduation. And an ignorant person can simply get confused in the choice.

What is the work

So, the first step is to understand what a citizen who decides to work in a direction called "hotel and restaurant business" has to do. It is not entirely clear what needs to be done in this or that case.

The thing is that upon graduation from a particular institution, a person will become a restaurateur. Or, as he is also called, the manager of the hotel and restaurant business. The tasks of such an employee are varied.

Among the main occupations are:

  • quality control of work;
  • management of hotels or restaurants;
  • organizing the supply of items necessary for the functioning of the business;
  • marketing planning.

In other words, such a manager is a universal worker in the hotel and restaurant business. Most often found as an administrator in a particular institution.

Ways of learning

Did the definition scare you away? Then you should think about training. Where can one master such an activity as a hotel and restaurant business? Where should a person go to get the appropriate education? There are a lot of options. Everyone chooses one or another institution to build their career and get an education in the hotel and restaurant industry.

If we briefly list all possible places of study, we can single out the following organizations:

  • universities in Russia and outside the country;
  • colleges;
  • organizations offering retraining;
  • private training companies.

Each training option has its own characteristics. They will be discussed further. What to pay attention to in this or that case? How to become a restaurateur without any problems?


Perhaps we should start with the least common scenario. It's about retraining courses. They are usually organized either by the employer or by specialized labor exchanges.

The training period is on average 2-3 months. No entrance examinations are required. Upon graduation, a citizen receives a certificate of retraining as a restaurateur. From now on, he will be able to work in the hotel and restaurant business.

Private centers

The next training option is to contact private training centers. This is a good way to get additional education, as well as self-development. With the help of specialized courses, you can easily master the hotel and restaurant business. It is recommended to inquire about the programs offered by certain private educational institutions.

They usually study for about a year. In rare cases, the training is several months or years. After listening to lectures, it is usually required to pass a final test, pass an exam. And after that, a person is issued a certificate stating that he is now considered a restaurateur. The document usually lists acquired skills.

Interested in the hotel and restaurant business? What subjects will I have to take to study in private centers? None. And it pleases. There are no entrance tests in private educational centers. It's enough just to pay for your education.


A more serious approach is to study in the universities of the country. Modern universities offer several options for mastering the specialty of a restaurateur. You can study at a university on the basis of secondary vocational education or get a higher education. In the first case, education will be received. It is not highly valued by employers. In the second, the graduate will receive a diploma of higher education. It is he who attracts many employers. Although, as practice shows, the hotel and restaurant business allows you to successfully build a career with a diploma of secondary specialized education.

Depending on the chosen type of education, you will have to stay as a student either 2 years, or 3, or 4. In the first two cases, we are talking about secondary specialized education based on grade 9 or 11, respectively. Higher mastered 4 years.

A distinctive feature of education in universities and colleges is the presence of entrance examinations. To be admitted as a student, you will need to pass some exams. About them a little later. First, you should find out where exactly in Russia you can go to study as a restaurateur.

Universities for education

There are a lot of higher educational institutions in Russia. Where are they trained in the direction of "hotel and restaurant business"? Universities in Russia that offer to become restaurateurs include the following:

  • Plekhanov University;
  • RSUH;
  • MGI named after Sechenov;
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow).

This is not all educational institutions. In almost every humanitarian university, you can become a restaurateur. Only the above places, as students say, are best taught in the chosen direction.


Interested in the hotel and restaurant business? College is the most common option for getting an appropriate education to start a career. Usually, admission to specialized schools is considered after the 9th or after the 11th grade.

Depending on the chosen educational institution, entrance examinations are either available or absent. Where exactly do you go to study? You can choose a liberal arts college. And there to see if there is a direction of interest to the applicant. As already mentioned, after grade 9 they study for 2 years, after 11 - 3.

Where specifically to go? You can pay attention to:

  • management and hotel and restaurant business;
  • College of Small Business #48;
  • food college in Moscow;
  • Krasnodar Trade and Economic College.

All this is just the beginning. The list can be very long. Interested in the hotel and restaurant business? College in St. Petersburg on the embankment 154a is considered the most successful choice among the residents of St. Petersburg.


What's next? Now it is important to understand what tests will have to pass. As already mentioned, technical schools are sometimes accepted simply by application. All you need to do is show your high school diploma, ID card and application for enrollment.

And if the university will master the hotel and restaurant business, what to take? The required exams include:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics.

Both subjects must be passed at the basic level. But on the profile you will have to take social studies. In some cases, they may also request the USE or GIA in English. These are all the exams that you have to pass. And then it will not be difficult to enter a hotel and restaurant business college or university.

The most common entrance exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Social studies - a profile subject, at the choice of the university
  • History - at the choice of the university
  • Informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the choice of the university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

The popularization and mass expansion of tourism in the world, cooperation with foreign partners and other factors require qualified specialists who are well versed in the hotel business and tourism business management in general. That is why this specialty attracts many applicants who (subject to good training) are guaranteed to be successfully employed.

The most common entrance exams

To enter the specialty "Hospitality", applicants are invited to take exams or count the results of the Unified State Examination in three subjects. The profile exam is social science, since training involves the study of a large number of social disciplines.

Other required exams are Russian and History. Some universities are replacing history with computer science and ICT. At the discretion of the school, a foreign language exam may be offered.

Brief description of the specialty

A specialist in this area can be engaged in organizational and managerial or production and technical professional activities. Students study a number of disciplines that allow them to form professional competencies. However, an important role in the training of specialists is given to the formation of the culture of the future hotel employee. Therefore, among the disciplines you can find conflictology and the psychology of business communication. In the process of learning, students participate in various trainings, undergo several practices, including abroad (depending on the particular university), study two foreign languages.

Major universities

The most famous educational institutions that train specialists in the specialty 43.03.03 "Hospitality"

  • Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism;
  • Voskresensky Institute of Tourism (branch) of the Russian International Academy of Tourism;
  • Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu.A. Senkevich;
  • Academy of Labor and Social Relations;
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service.

Terms and forms of training

Training involves the following forms: full-time, part-time and part-time. The duration of full-time study is 4 years, on other forms - from 4 years 4 months to 5 years. After receiving a bachelor's degree, you can continue your studies in this specialty in the master's program.

Subjects studied by students

In the process of learning, students master six cycles of disciplines and separately physical culture.

These are the following cycles:

  • humanitarian,
  • social,
  • economic,
  • mathematical,
  • natural science,
  • professional.

Each of the above cycles includes the base and profile parts. The disciplines of the basic part of the cycles include philosophy, logic, history, psychology, life safety, economics, marketing, a foreign language, computer science and others.

Thanks to the profile part, the student receives good professional training and the opportunity for successful further education. Such disciplines are determined by the university depending on the specific profile of education.

Profile disciplines can be the following:

  • logistics, hotel industry technologies,
  • hotel animation,
  • public relations in the industry,
  • basics of entrepreneurship,
  • hotel personnel management,
  • business planning and others.

A number of disciplines are offered to students to study to choose from, depending on what directly interests them in the hotel business. These can be the basics of service science, sales management, marketing in the hotel and tourism industry, and others.

Acquired knowledge and skills

A bachelor in the field of hotel business during the training acquires the following knowledge and skills:

Whom to work

Bachelor graduates are employed in various organizations and companies in the hotel and tourism industry and hold the positions of director, department manager, specialist in sales, planning, development, marketing and advertising departments. Also, the specialty implies a successful entrepreneurial activity.

The next direction of employment is hotels, hotels, sanatoriums, recreation centers, health and resort complexes.

Here graduates can take the following positions:

  • supervisor,
  • administrator,
  • manager,
  • head of booking, accommodation, service maintenance,
  • personnel manager, etc.

You can find a job both in the resort or large cities of our country, and abroad. The choice of country may depend on the second foreign language studied. Salaries start from 30,000 rubles for service managers and from 40,000 rubles for hotel managers. For large hotels and popular tourist destinations, these numbers almost double.

There is the prospect of building a career vertically (from HR manager to manager) and horizontally (with a transition to larger and more popular hotels).

Sooner or later, most people have to use the services of hotels. Arriving on a business trip, visiting relatives or being in the city for entertainment purposes, guests choose a hotel to their liking and rent a room for a certain number of days.

Depending on the class of the institution, the attendants can offer customers a set of standard services or some additional service.

Who works in hotels

The hierarchy of hotel staff is essentially the same as in many other organizations: there is a middle management and top management.

In order to take a position of the lowest level, it is enough to have diligence and discipline, and managers cannot do without special education (faculty of "Hospitality"). Whom to work after graduation is decided by the graduates themselves, focusing on the specifics of the knowledge gained and their personal preferences.

Tasks of the hotel staff

It is on the shoulders of service workers to ensure the round-the-clock functioning of the hotel. Cleaners and maids are engaged in cleaning and maintaining cleanliness in the rooms, corridors, halls, stairs and in the courtyard of the hotel. Other employees take orders from customers, deliver their food and purchases, help with loading and unloading luggage, keep their clothes and shoes clean, and perform a host of other similar tasks. The advantage of such relatively simple professions is the absence of the need for special training, for example, at the Faculty of Hospitality. Who can work without experience and skills is a maid or a cleaner.

Such employees practically do not communicate with the guests. In extreme cases, short dialogues on general topics are acceptable.

Students who have chosen the specialty "Hotel and Restaurant Business" are studying the features of functioning or hotels and management activities in such a structure. Who can work after graduation? Manager, administrator, or manager.

Responsibilities of a Hospitality Specialist

Middle managers take on the following responsibilities:

  1. Supervision of the work of service personnel.
  2. Formulation of valuable instructions, selection of their executors and monitoring the quality of the work performed.
  3. Monitoring compliance with the internal rules of the organization.
  4. Monitoring compliance with the necessary sanitary and hygienic standards.
  5. Communication with clients, conflict resolution (within their competence).

In addition, a software specialist can advise, instruct newcomers and conduct internships. His duties often include interviewing applicants for vacancies, as well as their selection.

An important task of a specialist manager is to monitor what mood is present in the team and correct it. A good employee is able to analyze the situation in time, predict its development and optimize this process (resolution of internal conflicts, proper selection of personnel, application of incentive measures and penalties).

Many of the tricks from this list are taught in various educational institutions at the faculty of "Hospitality" (who to work and what specialty to choose, the student should decide before entering).

Benefits of being a Hospitality Specialist

Choosing such a profession, people count on the following privileges:

  • Gaining experience in the field of management, which is useful not only for advancement in the hotel business, but also for work in many other structures.
  • Such workers receive very decent wages. Rank specialists are not entitled to tips, but their salary is several times higher than the official earnings of porters and maids.
  • As a rule, conscientiously working as a hotel service specialist, you can count on a quick promotion.

Many young people do not think about their future specialty when studying hotel business. They decide who to work with after gaining minimal experience, studying their capabilities and market requirements. That is, they perceive it as a start for a career.

Disadvantages of the profession

The disadvantages that characterize this type of activity include the inevitably high nervous tension of executives, as well as the lack of a normalized working day.

Students who wish to work in this industry must carefully weigh all the nuances before studying the hotel business. Whom to work with, they decide for themselves, but you need to remember that this business is always working with people with different temperaments, characters and levels of culture. Both among the guests and among the staff there can be impolite, upset and even rude people. The specialist must be able to find a way out of various delicate or conflict situations in order to maintain the institution's reputation and customer loyalty at the highest level.

Hotel business: who to work and where to study?

Modern educational institutions offer those who wish two opportunities for obtaining education in this area:

  1. Diploma.
  2. Postgraduate.

The first is traditional education with a bachelor's degree at the end of the course. Postgraduate education can be used by young professionals or already established employees of the hotel industry who want to improve their skills. The result of such training is a master's degree.

Many domestic trade universities and specialized colleges offer to master the specialty "Hospitality" (who to work after graduation, you can ask the admissions committee or study relevant publications). In addition, many educational institutions in Switzerland, France and Poland constantly invite applicants.

What is required to master the profession

It must be said that not every person can be a specialist in hotel service. To effectively perform managerial functions and be a useful employee for the organization, the student will need pragmatism, rational thinking skills, patience and certain leadership qualities.

At the moment, there is a certain bias towards supply in the labor market, that is, there are more young specialists than vacancies. However, this fact should not confuse ambitious and purposeful people, because with such qualities they have every chance for a successful career. In addition, the training program includes a large number of universal subjects that can be useful when working as a manager or HR specialist in an organization far from the hotel business.

Knowing who can work after graduating from the "Hospitality Business", young people should take into account the specifics of their future profession. Only in this way will learning be interesting, and work will become a favorite pastime.

If you want to seriously engage in the restaurant business or make it your profession, you cannot do without a higher specialized education. Since the specialty of a profile manager in this area is in demand, many universities offer paid training in the hotel and restaurant business. And, despite the fact that the cost of such education ranges from $ 1,000 to $ 2,500 per year, there is a rather large competition for admission to many prestigious universities. There are, of course, budget places, but, unfortunately, they are very few.

When choosing a specialty, you should decide on a specialization: you can become an organizer or, these are different areas in the service sector. Specialists with an economic profile are developing a strategy and pricing policy, thanks to which the catering company will be able to withstand the fierce competition that exists in this area. Those who specialize in organizational areas will be engaged in the selection and training of personnel, perform administrative functions and, in general, be responsible for the successful operation of the restaurant.

Which Moscow universities train restaurant business specialists

Those who are more interested in the economic side of the restaurant business can enter the Russian Academy of Economics - the famous Plekhanovka (REA) or the Moscow International Higher Business School (MIRBIS). "Organizers" are trained at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Specialists of both profiles are trained at the Moscow Academy of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business under the Government of Moscow (MATGRB) and the Institute of Tourism and Hospitality of the Moscow State University of Service.

When entering the specialty "Organization of restaurant business" you will need knowledge of foreign and Russian languages, as well as history and geography, to enter the economic specialty you also need to know mathematics well. At the exams, you will need to pass a test in two subjects and an interview, where professional suitability will be determined.

Study abroad

You can also get an international certificate confirming professional specialization in the restaurant business abroad. The training is focused on preparing effective managers in this field, after graduating from some schools you can get a bachelor's degree, as well as a diploma that will open the doors of the most prestigious restaurants for you.

Restaurant business will be successful if you choose the format of the institution (cafe, bistro, restaurant) correctly. Also, its success depends on the unmistakable choice of the most sought-after specialization (national cuisine, seafood, steaks). Another important aspect is the choice of region. Today, Italian restaurants are in the greatest demand, followed by restaurants of Caucasian cuisine. Japanese and Chinese cuisines continue to be popular, but this is already a downtrend.

You will need

  • the concept of the future restaurant, business plan, marketing plan, premises, equipment, products, staff.


Choose a room that will match the format of the institution. The main selection criteria are the presence of client flows and suitable inside. It should also be possible to divide the area into three main parts: production, office and hall. Many novice restaurateurs at this stage make one irreparable mistake. In an effort to accommodate the maximum number of seats in the hall, they “rob” production areas, combine hot and cold shops, and reduce the number of utility rooms. As a result, the controlling authorities do not issue permission to open an institution, everything has to be redone.

Invite a designer, draw up a technical plan, which will indicate the main engineering communications that are tied to the process equipment. Be sure to provide a good hood - without it it is extremely difficult to work in a hot shop, and it is not very comfortable in the hall.

Purchase technological and commercial equipment. The first group includes refrigeration, thermal, mechanical. To the second - coffee and beer bottling. Also be sure to purchase an automation system. Which program to choose depends on your capabilities, as well as on the planned bandwidth. As a rule, specialists installing automated control systems will also help with training in working with it.

Obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate. If an enterprise operated in the premises before you, as a rule, there are no special problems with supervisory authorities. But when changing the profile, they are very possible. In this case, you should carefully listen to the requirements, correct the shortcomings and re-apply for consideration of your issue.

Make a staffing table. If your restaurant is a small cafe, some positions can be combined. For example, a bartender can be an administrator, and a chef can be a manager. However, everything is very individual and depends not only on the specifics of the institution, but also on the personalities of certain employees. To avoid