Is selling donuts donuts worth it? Om-nom-nom! How to open a donut shop? Donut technology

The modern fast food market is quite well developed, and for those who are just planning to start their own business, it will be quite difficult to compete with the numerous enterprises that have long been established in this area.

However, even here it is possible to find a more or less free niche for small business development. In particular, despite the huge popularity of donuts among consumers, specialized cafes and the so-called "donut" cafes are not as common as, for example, pancake or patty cafes. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​opening a donut business with a competent approach can bring good income to its owner.

Business location

Fragrant hot donuts are a favorite treat for both children and adults, although when opening a business for their production, you should first of all focus on the children's audience, which is the main potential consumer of this product. This fact should be taken into account not only when compiling the menu of a future donut shop, but also when choosing a place where it is planned to open production.

Since the cost of ready-made donuts is relatively low, for a donut shop to pay off, it is important to ensure a constant maximum consumer flow. This is possible in busy places: in particular, near large shopping and business centers, markets, as well as educational institutions. Despite the fact that recreation areas and all kinds of amusement parks can attract a large number of customers on weekends and holidays, donut sales will fall on weekdays, which will not be able to provide sufficient financial stability for the business started.

Possible sales methods

When drawing up a plan for the future business, it is necessary to initially decide on such important factors as the method of production and sale of donuts, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • production and sale of donuts from the tray
  • creation and sale of products in a specialized mini-cafe
  • opening of stream production of donuts

Sale from a tray

The first option is the least expensive and most suitable for novice businessmen with limited start-up capital. In this case, a tent or stall is suitable as a premises for the production and sale of donuts, which at the initial stage can be rented, and with a favorable business development, purchased.

Selling from a van

In this case, a “production on wheels” can also serve as a good alternative - a small van, inside of which the necessary equipment will be located, as well as a counter for selling ready-made donuts. The undoubted advantage of this option is its mobility, which will make it easy to change the location of the donut shop if necessary. In addition, such vans are already equipped with the necessary communications, so when moving to another place, you just need to connect to a local source of electricity, and not re-lay all the cables, as when moving from one tent to another.

The advantages of selling donuts from the tray include the minimal use of furniture (in addition to production equipment, you only need a counter and a chair for the seller) and the absence of the need to come up with some special design of the room (in this case, not a bright environment, but an appetizing one will serve as the best advertisement for your business). the smell of the donuts themselves).
However, when planning such a business, it is also necessary to take into account negative factors, in particular, such as the possible impact of weather conditions on finished products. Cold, wind, rain, and snow can ruin the presentation of donuts, so it's important to think about protective measures in case of bad weather.

Opening a mini-cafe

Another option for developing a business for the production and sale of donuts can be the opening of a mini-cafe or the so-called "donut shop". As you might guess, in this case, the initial costs will be higher than in the first option, because, in addition to the place where the donut production will be located, you will also need a room where customers can comfortably sit down, eat a couple of donuts and drink tea or coffee .

For the successful development of business in this direction, special attention should be paid to the design of the premises in order to create a cozy and pleasant atmosphere that would attract visitors. Also, the plan for creating this business should include the cost of advertising the future donut shop, helping to ensure that casual visitors eventually become regular customers of the establishment.

streaming production

Stream donut production is the most expensive option for this business, so it is suitable for experienced entrepreneurs with an impressive initial capital. Unlike the first two methods, streaming production is not designed for direct work with the end consumer, but for intermediary work - with pastry shops, bakeries, grocery stores, as well as existing cafes and eateries.

When drawing up a plan for the territory necessary for this business, it is necessary to take into account not only the area that will be allocated for the production workshop, but also storage and utility rooms. In general, the total area in this case should be at least 100 square meters. However, already at the initial stage, it is necessary to include in the plan possible options for further expansion of production, looking for additional storage facilities near the production site.

Menu planning

Whether you prefer to sell donuts from a stand or consider opening your own mini cafe, an important item without which your business plan would not be complete is the menu. In a specialized establishment, such as a donut shop, the menu should not be too extensive and varied, but the presence of different types of donuts in it will be a definite plus that will benefit your business. Ready donuts can be:

  • filled (such as cream, chocolate, caramel, berry)
  • with sprinkling (powdered sugar, icing, confectionery sprinkling)
  • curly (any shape, in addition to the standard - round).

It is logical to assume that visitors to the establishment will not want to eat dry donuts, so beverages such as tea, coffee and juices are usually included in the menu. As mentioned above, children make up the majority of donut consumers, so ice cream or a few milkshakes could also be included in your food plan.

Business Equipment

Of course, when drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to pay special attention to the equipment that will be required for a future donut shop. This item is one of the main expense items when starting a baking business. On the one hand, the equipment must be of high quality in order to work smoothly and recoup the funds invested in it. On the other hand, in order to open a small donut shop, there is no need to buy very expensive machines, such as an automatic donut production line that costs about 60,000 euros, since many of the functions invested in them are simply not required in a small production.

A plan of equipment and related materials for opening a small donut production might look like this:

  1. automatic deep fryer that makes 200-300 donuts per hour (cost - about 80,000 rubles)
  2. tea and coffee making machine (about 20,000 rubles)
  3. a special showcase where donuts can be stored without losing their magnificent shape (about 20,000 rubles)
  4. expenses for disposable tableware (plates and cups)
  5. paper napkins
  6. packaging for the sale of takeaway donuts (plastic containers or paper bags).

If the business assumes that not only the sale of donuts for takeaway will be carried out, but also the opening of a specialized cafe, then the plan should also include the purchase of tables and chairs for visitors, the number of which is calculated based on the capabilities of the existing premises.

Features of the donut making process

The process of making donuts consists of the following steps:

  • dough kneading
  • prep and stuffing
  • filling donuts with filling (if any)
  • roasting
  • packaging (display)

In general, this process is not particularly difficult, so even a novice cook who has a donut making machine can handle it. A typical donut machine is a gas or electric deep fryer, where pastries are cooked in vegetable oil at a temperature of about 200 degrees. It takes an average of two minutes to fry one donut, while standard machines are able to cook about 20 donuts at the same time (the weight of each can be from 20 to 60 grams, depending on the type of donuts).

After the frying process is completed, the donuts are allowed to settle so that excess oil drains from them. After that, they are supplemented with powdered sugar, icing or confectionery sprinkling - and the product is completely ready for sale to consumers.

Purchase of raw materials

The quality of donuts will depend not only on what equipment is used to make them, but also on the purchased raw materials. Quality ingredients are another important item to include in your business plan. The following products are commonly used as raw materials for making donuts:

  • margarine
  • sugar
  • yeast
  • jam
  • additional ingredients depending on the recipe

To reduce the cost of production, it is easiest to purchase the necessary ingredients through wholesale companies. Moreover, the closer the wholesaler is located to the place of your production, the lower will be the cost of delivery of the ordered ingredients.

Required Documentation

This type of business, like any other related to food production, is impossible without the execution of appropriate documentation approved by the sanitary and epidemiological station and Rospotrebnadzor. When starting a donut business, you must have:

  • agreed and registered specifications for production
  • product manufacturing instructions
  • recipe
  • hygienic conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station for food production
  • additional documents (depending on the individual characteristics of the business).

The premises used to open this business must meet a number of specific technical conditions, in particular:

  • have a good hood (to prevent fumes)
  • have access to gas (if you plan to use a gas donut machine)
  • have access to electricity
  • have access to water

Among other things, the premises reserved for the donut business must necessarily comply with all fire safety standards, so the approval of the fire inspectorate will also be required to open it.

Business payback

Of course, every entrepreneur is not least concerned with the question of how quickly a business can pay off? Considering all the nuances listed above, it will be possible to count on the fact that the donut business will begin to bring the first profit within 5 months after its opening. At the same time, you can try to stimulate the process through a well-designed advertising campaign, using free information channels at the initial stage (for example, the Internet), as well as planning all kinds of promotions. All this can increase customer loyalty and contribute to further business development.

You can download a detailed business plan for opening a donut shop at

Donuts are considered the perfect fast food, but this is not surprising. “Donuts? They have always been, - fast food expert Kazimir Polyansky is sure. - Judge for yourself, what could be easier than their preparation? It is only necessary to lower the ball of dough into boiling oil for a couple of minutes. This dish is traditionally attributed to Polish cuisine. However, in one form or another, their recipes are found among different peoples of the world. And in fact, these are beignets, and bunuelos, and makrud, and donuts. There are more than 100 titles in total.

It is known that donuts were loved by the Polish King August III and King Frederick the Great of Prussia. American cops love them. They are enjoyed by French students and Moscow drivers. "In other words, selling donuts as a business idea may well be successful. And when answering a question, I often think about donuts, - says expert Igor Malyugin, analyst of the startup community. “True, this requires a competent approach to this matter.”

Don't be afraid of competitors

Since donuts are cheap and easy to prepare at the same time, choosing a place for a donut shop is a matter of paramount importance. On the other hand, it is hardly worth listening to advice like "the ideal place is MEGA". “I always read such wishes with irony,” says businessman Sergey Smirnov, owner of the Most Delicious Donuts in the World cafe. - It's like advising you to open a fast food point on Red Square. Simply put, where there is traditionally crowded, there are already competitors.

On the other hand, everything is here, like everyone else: if a novice entrepreneur has a margin of safety, or rather the necessary funds that allow him to work at a loss for some time, then you can try to force out a competitor. “Indeed, this entrepreneurship is doomed to competition from the very beginning,” Igor Malyugin is convinced. - Findings that if this place already has fast food outlet, so there is nothing to do here, they are wrong. Moreover, competition is the engine of progress.”

First of all, you need to find out the weak points of an already working donut shop, for example, an untidy saleswoman, uncomfortable tables, and so on. Thus, the task for starting a parallel fast food outlet, as a rule, comes down to creating a more favorable image, including due to an incomparably lower price than that of a competitor. “It is possible that for the first time even a security guard will be required,” says Sergey Smirnov. “At the same time, after the victory, it will be easy to “recapture” all expenses.” However, you can look for crowded places where there are no fast food outlets. According to forum member nahler-kd, “oddly enough, there are such territories even in the capital, for example, near bus stops with high traffic or institutions.”

Starting a donut business

If the theater starts with a hanger, then the new donut shop starts with a name. “Here you need to show imagination, but not overdo it,” advises Igor Malyugin. - The name, for example, should "cling" a passer-by walking along the sidewalk. In any case, the sign must be clearly visible, easy to read, with an interesting plot and not the same as everyone around. In particular, the expert cites the story of one fast-food startup, in which an aspiring entrepreneur took a picture of the street where he planned to open his outlet, and then, using Photoshop, made many options for his cafe. He did not like any of them because they did not stand out from the general background. Only in the third place did he see what he wanted - a "bright spot" on a gray city street.

Sergey Smirnov advises starting with a small fryer, for example. They cost about 9 thousand rubles. However, according to him, it is necessary to take a closer look at hand-operated donut machines, in particular, with a price tag of 95 thousand rubles. In an hour, up to 300 donuts can be cooked on such equipment. Those who do not want to spend time on manual labor should purchase an automatic machine. As for the cost of equipment in general, forum member Denis answered this question:

“Equipment for the production of donuts costs 85 thousand rubles. It is a conveyor-type fryer with a capacity of up to 300 pcs. at one o'clock. Fully automatic. Depending on the place of trade, you may need: a thermal display case - 15,000 rubles, an automatic machine with tea, coffee - up to 30,000 rubles, a refrigerated chest - 20,000 rubles.

Irina Konina from the Moscow region calculated the cost of opening a donut shop, taking into account the repair of the rented premises. “I rented a room opposite the bus station, and repaired it in accordance with SNiP 23-01-99,” Irina shares her experience. - A cafe with 15 seats selling up to 3,000 donuts a day cost me 600,000 rubles. Bought back in 11 months. There are absolutely zero days, and there is such an influx that we can’t cope.”

Equipment for making and selling donuts

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Sergei Smirnov answered the correspondent's questions.

If you had the opportunity, would you take this job?

It's hard to answer. There are many problems, but if there is no normal work, your small business is the only way out. Well, selling donuts as a business idea is one of the best start options. At the same time, the most annoying are the inspectors, who “nightmare” the business. Now I'm thinking of expanding the recipe. I calculate everything, and when I started, I hoped for a chance.

What is success donut business?

Oddly enough, taste. No matter what skeptics tell me, they say, even standard donuts are in demand, I know from experience that even from the other side of the city they go for a tasty product. And yet, we often change the oil, although this is a chore. But no one will say that we have a solid carcinogen. It also works for the image.

What are your plans?

In the near future, expand the assortment so that the donut shop becomes more attractive. Then I want to sell it for more. I think it's still a women's business.

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Making donuts is a responsible business, because you need to follow all sanitary standards and at the same time cook deliciously.

To prevent the donuts from spoiling, they should be sold as soon as they are made. Therefore, if you started the production of donuts, the business plan should contain an important section - implementation.

You can sell them in the same place where you cook them, to retail buyers, or you can organize deliveries to shops or cafes.

Location of the enterprise

If you sell your products to shops and restaurants, then the location of the workshop does not matter.

The price of rent is of key importance, so it is better to choose a room on the outskirts of the city.

If you plan to sell and cook at one point, then you need to choose a place with a large daily flow of people. For example, a shopping center or a kiosk at a public transport stop.

Another advantageous place is the department next to the grocery store.

The benefit is twofold: people will buy your products as they leave the store, and a delicious smell will attract customers to you and to the store.

Premises with a size of 30-40 sq.m will be enough to start a business. The rental price depends on the city and the remoteness of the premises from the center.

The most important thing is the compliance of the premises with all sanitary standards:

  • not a basement;
  • good ventilation;
  • fire alarm;
  • light tile on the walls, whitewashed ceiling.

Documents to open

The following documents are required to open a food production business:

  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • permission from the fire inspectorate;
  • certificates for the products from which you will cook;
  • certificates for products that you manufacture;
  • contracts with organizations for garbage collection, as well as for the treatment of premises from cockroaches and mice;
  • sanitary books for all employees.

These documents must be obtained after a legal entity or individual entrepreneur is registered and repairs are made to the premises.


For production in the early stages, it is better to purchase simple equipment at an affordable price.

High-quality Italian will cost hundreds of thousands of rubles and increase the payback period of the business.

It can be purchased when things go uphill, and there will also be a stable flow of customers.

First of all, you will need:

  1. Dough mixer and dough shaping machine. He makes the shape of bagels with a hole in the middle, and after that they are fried in a deep fryer.
  2. We need special heated tables so that the pastries do not cool down while they are covered with icing.
  3. Food should be stored in a refrigerator.
  4. Ready donuts will need to be laid out on 1-2 racks.
  5. You will also need knives, spoons, icing containers, spatulas, and other small inventory.

Raw material

For baking, you need to purchase quality products.

The main products you will need:

  • flour,
  • margarine,
  • sugar,
  • eggs,
  • yeast,
  • vegetable oil.

The set of products depends on the recipe. It is better to buy them from wholesale companies.

Keep an eye on the expiration date - these products do not have a very long one.


  1. The main person in production is the technologist. He comes up with recipes and oversees the donut production process. The business plan should also take into account the chefs and their assistants who will be decorating the donuts.
  2. If you are organizing the sale yourself, then you will need a salesperson.
  3. We also need a cleaning lady to keep the shop clean.
  4. The number of employees depends on the size of your production. If this is a small kiosk, then two people are enough to cook and sell. If you want to provide all the cafes in your city with your products, then it is worth hiring several chefs and assistants for them.
  5. If the products will be sold in stores, then you will need a packer and a driver who will deliver the goods to retail outlets.


You yourself must decide how you will sell your products:

  1. Sale of donuts in the mall. It could be a small section of a food court where you cook and sell donuts right away. Then you will need to include drinks and, possibly, other confectionery products in the assortment. You don’t particularly need to advertise your point, enough signs in the shopping center. Customers should be attracted to you by smiling staff, a delicious smell and a clean trading place.
  2. Sale in a street kiosk. This option is more difficult, because you need to find a place with high traffic and access to the mains. You can make products in one place, and only sell at the kiosk. The aroma of fresh baked goods should be carried around the area so that people themselves want to taste donuts.
  3. Wholesale trade networks, cafes, restaurants. You can negotiate with stores to sell your baked goods. This option is attractive because you know exactly how many products you need to produce per day. You won't have leftovers to throw away. In addition, your workshop can be located in any area with the cheapest rent.


The specific calculation of the cost of opening a donut factory depends on the city and your idea.

Here is the approximate amount of expenses (in rubles):

  • rent - 30,000 per month;
  • renovation of the premises - 100,000;
  • salary to employees - 100,000 per month;
  • equipment - 300,000;
  • raw materials - 100,000.

A total of 400 thousand rubles for the opening and 690 thousand for the first months of work.

The calculation is approximate, you need to look at the prices in your city and make a detailed one.

The easiest idea to start a donut business is to buy a franchise of an already established company.

You will not need to learn from your mistakes. The head office will provide ready-made schemes for the production and sale of products.

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Modern market realities are such that the fastfood sector has gained extensive development. This is both good, because it motivates start-up entrepreneurs to open something similar, and bad, because in a competitive environment, development will be accompanied by certain difficulties. Nevertheless, a businessman has the opportunity to find the most promising niche and actively occupy it. Especially popular with our compatriots are not so much cafeterias and coffee houses with pastries, but pancakes and patties. Therefore, an open donut business would seem to be profitable. The first thing you should pay attention to is to purchase equipment for donuts, choose a place of sale, decide on advertising and other nuances of a business that has begun.

Donut kiosk option

The process of official registration with the tax authorities

To carry out legitimate business work within any country, you will have to take responsibility for registering a company. This is carried out in the tax authorities, as a result of which a person becomes registered. Due to the difficulties that may accompany you in the process of production activities, it is recommended to open an LLC, and not an individual entrepreneur. If this is one small institution that provides for earning your “bread” without hiring employees, an individual entrepreneur is enough.

Sources of capital formation, it is best if they are their own. If, as a result of the analysis, it turned out that you do not have the necessary amount to implement this idea, you should think about lending. But this option is unlikely due to the difficulties of obtaining a loan and the principle of repayment. It is also necessary to obtain a certificate indicating the possibility of selling confectionery products. To do this, a piece of paper must be printed on each serving, on which is the date of production, composition and other information. In the hands of end sellers or end users, the product must arrive in prepackaged and packaged form.

How to pack and serve donuts for sale

Features of the search for premises

Donut production requires good premises. It should have an area of ​​200 squares. In the first phases of activity, you should think about renting a room on the outskirts of the city, and then move closer to the central part. Even if you are not the owner of the premises, you still have to spend a certain time resource on its arrangement and repair activities. If the idea is global in nature, this item can be considered the most costly. Therefore, you should approach the selection of production space with special care. It must be equipped with hoods, plumbing, sewerage, electricity.

It is important to know!

Prior to the opening of the activity, it is necessary to put the selected premises in order. The fact is that if the area does not comply with certain standards, problems may arise with the relevant regulatory services and authorities.

Staff selection

You will need to hire a minimum of workers, especially if the activity will start from scratch. If there is a desire to save money, at first most of the work can be done independently without recourse to specialists and craftsmen. If you are endowed with the gift of cooking, then the process of cooking will be your responsibility. If not, then for this work it is worth hiring a specialist, and selling yourself. The most acceptable format for opening such a business is a “family business”. If the family does not support this idea, you can find partners for yourself, and share investments and proceeds fifty-fifty.

If you have plans for a large donut production, it is worth hiring more staff. It will include representatives of the following positions:

  • baker;
  • worker;
  • driver;
  • loader;
  • salesman;
  • accountant.

Donut cafe vendors

An accountant, for example, can not be hired, but delegated to a third-party organization. The total cost per month for the maintenance of the state will be about 100,000 rubles.

Production line and equipment

Within this aspect, it is important to pay due attention to several points. This is a range of commodity items, selection of equipment and purchase of the necessary raw materials.

Assortment list

The classic view of the list of items suggests that it includes the following products:

  • traditional donut - a ball presented in golden color;
  • Berlin sweet - roasted on both sides, and there is a white strip around the circumference;
  • an American treat - a donut in a ring shape with filling and icing, it may contain certain additives.
    You can make the list more diverse if you can “pull” it financially and labor-wise.

One of the varieties of donuts - traditional with powdered sugar

Raw materials for dough

To prepare the dough, you will need a raw material resource that can be purchased directly from wholesale suppliers. This is a standard set that includes several ingredients. In particular, eggs, water, sugar, milk, yeast, salt, flour. In addition to this, the filling, icing, and additives are purchased. The sum of the monthly costs for the purchase of all these elements will be about 50,000 rubles.

Features of equipment selection

The next stage is equipment for the production of donuts. It also consists of several areas:

  1. A kneading device used to knead the dough from which donuts will be made.
  2. Dividing and rounding equipment used to pass the dough and form its pieces for making donuts.
  3. Deep fryer for frying donuts - it has a built-in cabinet and a compartment for pouring vegetable oil. The optimum roasting temperature is 180 degrees or more. Such devices can be gas and electric type. Good European devices are able to fit 20 pieces at once, and baking is ready in 2 minutes.
  4. Glazing machine. Some donuts are considered fully cooked after the completion of the third phase, and some require more actions. Therefore, you will need a special machine that provides the donut glazing process.

A new and high-quality conveyor line associated with the production of donuts costs about 3.5-4 million rubles. It carries out all the processes, so all that is required of you is to follow the instructions and monitor the correct operation. The performance of a good system reaches 800 donuts in 1 hour.

Conveyor line for the production of donuts

Owning such equipment, you can create not a small shop, but a whole production workshop that is impressive in size. This will help you in the future when you decide to expand your own activities. And for starters, you can buy a simpler donut making machine, which can cost 1.5 million rubles.

Franchise production activity

Currently, the most profitable and rational option is the acquisition of a special franchise. Most large organizations in order to capture the audience as soon as possible buy a franchise. The advantages are obvious: your senior mentor will draw up a business plan, assist with all the nuances of doing business, and analyze the profitability and feasibility of investments. There are several companies that are the most relevant and in demand on the market.

Donut Franchise: Basic Terms

  1. The cost indicator is from 250,000 rubles, including permission to create one workshop.
  2. Separate purchase of equipment.
  3. Royalty around 4%.
  4. Advertising costs about 1%.
  5. Payback period 9 months.

Large donut chain STAR DONATS as an idea for a franchise

As senior partner support activities, you can look forward to several fundamental points:

  • detailed analysis of the future trading point;
  • assistance in drawing up a business plan;
  • providing a list of equipment suppliers;
  • support in training activities for employees;
  • formation of marketing tactics;
  • counseling at all stages.

The total investment for the maintenance of the franchise will be about 1.5 million rubles, according to preliminary expert estimates. Payback is 6 months. But it is worthwhile to understand that you will have to pay for these advantages with insufficient independence of actions and some restrictions.

Settlement measures

In order to have a detailed idea of ​​​​how much profit this enterprise can bring, and what is more profitable - to open a donut establishment from scratch or to purchase a franchise, it is important to correctly form a donut business plan with calculations and evidence.

Initial Costs

Consider the following initial costs:

  1. Buying a car - 500,000 rubles.
  2. Rent of a production hall with an area of ​​200 sq. m - 20,000 rubles.
  3. Renting a kiosk for the sale of finished products - 20,000 rubles.
  4. Purchase of equipment - 1,500,000 rubles.
  5. Purchase of raw materials for 2 months - 100,000 rubles.
  6. Refrigeration elements - 100,000 rubles.
  7. Kitchen utensils - 5,000 rubles.
  8. Microwave equipment - 5,000 rubles.
  9. Furniture - 10,000 rubles.

Based on these data, we can conclude that the total amount of capital will be 2,260,000 rubles.

Monthly spending directions

There are several items that form the costs that you, as an entrepreneur, will have to bear every month:

  1. Purchase of raw materials - 50,000 rubles.
  2. Salary - 100,000 rubles.
  3. Car maintenance - 5,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising expenses - 5,000 rubles.
  5. Rent of premises for production and sale - 40,000 rubles.

In total, the total amount of costs that will be spent on manufacturing on a monthly basis will be 160,000 rubles.

Profitable part of the process

The price of donuts depends on their type and filling. A classic product can cost 150-20 rubles, while an exclusive donut reaches a price parameter of 25-30 rubles. Your goal is to sell about 500 pieces per day. If we take into account that the average price is 20 rubles apiece, then the daily revenue is 10,000 rubles. You will receive 300,000 rubles per month.

Payback period of the project

First you need to determine the net monthly income from owning a business:

300,000 - 160,000 \u003d 140,000 rubles.

2,260,000 / 140,000 = 16.14 months.

It turns out that the project for the production of donuts will pay off in approximately 1 year and 4-5 months.

So, we have considered what equipment is needed for making donuts, and where it is better to buy it. A competent approach to the process will allow you to get a profitable business and improve your financial well-being.

The modern fast food market is replete with a wide variety of dishes: shawarma, samsa, hot dog, hamburger, french fries and so on.

However, among such an assortment, it is not so easy to find a sweet and fragrant donut familiar to all of us since childhood, which today for some reason has been undeservedly forgotten.

Therefore, now with minimal investment and excellent prospects, you can successfully break into this still relatively free niche. We propose to talk further about how to organize your business in the production of donuts. In order to take into account all the details and important points, you first need to draw up a business plan.

Donut Manufacturing: Basic

As you know, donuts are especially attractive to customers due to their aroma, splendor and freshness. In this regard, real-time donut shops will be a great success: after all, the aroma of a freshly prepared muffin will “beckon” customers from afar.

As for the variety of donuts, their filling can be cream, chocolate, caramel or berry. Such pastries can also have various names - berliners, doniki, donuts, etc. For example, in St. Petersburg, a donut is called a donut.

Options for Starting a Donut Making Business

There are two main ways of producing and selling this pastry: on the street, in a shopping and entertainment center or food court, and in a specialized cafe. In addition, you can organize the production of donuts on the stream. The first option does not require a lot of equipment and is the most affordable for beginner businessmen. The other two methods, as a rule, are chosen by large entrepreneurs with serious initial capital.

Donut production technology

The process of preparing this pastry consists of the following main stages: kneading the dough, preparing the workpiece and filling, filling the culinary product with the filling, frying it and packaging.

For frying donuts, gas or electric deep fryers are used, where donuts are cooked in vegetable oil at a temperature of about 200 degrees. It takes an average of two minutes to fry one product. In a typical machine, as a rule, about 20 donuts can be cooked at the same time. The weight of each product is from 20 to 60 grams.

After frying, donuts are allowed to settle for a while so that excess oil drains from it. Then the finished products are laid out on plates and decorated. For this purpose, powdered sugar is most often used, a little less often - icing, cream and a variety of confectionery sprinkles. The donuts are then packaged as needed and sold to the consumer.


It is impossible to start a donut business without obtaining proper permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and Rospotrebnadzor (due to the fact that you will produce food).

You will need to obtain the following documents: agreed and registered technical specifications for production, technical instructions for the preparation of products, recipes, hygienic conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station for food production. Also, depending on the individual characteristics of the project, other paperwork may be required.

How to open a donut shop in the format of a fast food kiosk

The sale of donuts is carried out under the same conditions as the sale of hot dogs, shawarma, samsa, etc. The main problem in organizing such a business is finding a place with high traffic that meets all the requirements of the SES and has the ability to use gas or electricity.

Of the equipment, you only need a donut maker. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to purchase an expensive high-performance unit: it is quite enough so that you can cook 10-15 donuts at the same time.

The indisputable advantage of this option is the possibility of frying exclusively for a specific order, which eliminates the need to throw away unsold goods.

In addition, when baking in this way, a very pleasant smell emanates from it, which has an enticing effect on potential consumers.

However, there are also disadvantages of doing business like this:

In case of bad weather, protective measures will have to be taken, as it adversely affects the properties of hot oil.

Yeast dough for donuts is made in advance, and therefore its shelf life is limited. Therefore, unused dough residues have to be thrown away.

There is an uneven distribution over time. So, during rush hour, the flow of customers increases significantly, and therefore it can be difficult for an employee to cope with a mass of orders alone. In the absence of buyers, dough spoils and oil burns.

The financial side of the issue

We propose to draw up a preliminary estimate for opening this business:

A new device for the production of donuts - 20 thousand rubles;

Containers for dough, butter and various ingredients - 1 thousand rubles;

Furniture for a kiosk (table and chair) - 1.5 thousand rubles;

Initial purchase of products - 2.5 thousand rubles;

Electricity wiring - 3 thousand rubles;

Buying a tent (in case you plan to trade on the street) - 2 thousand rubles;

Salary to the seller and the cook - 35 thousand rubles per month;

Other expenses (individually).

In total, if you want to start the production of donuts, then the investment will be from 65 thousand rubles. If you sell 700-800 donuts every day, then you can not only cover all expenses, but also get a net profit of 70 thousand rubles in the first month of the outlet. The profitability of this business can reach 100%.

If you decide to open a donut shop, then the costs will be correspondingly higher. However, in this case, you can count on more significant profits.

How to open a donut shop

This option is certainly more expensive than a small donut shop, but in this case, you can count on a higher income. Let's see how to organize this enterprise.

Purchase of the necessary equipment

The production line should include dough kneading equipment, fryers equipped with a proofer, a dividing and rounding machine, filling dispensers, a planetary mixer and an enrobing machine. It is best to purchase an automatic production line in order to employ fewer workers and also increase productivity.

As for the cost, Berliner donut equipment with a capacity of 800 pieces per hour will cost you about 2.7 million rubles.

In addition to production apparatuses, industrial refrigerators will also be required to store both raw materials and finished products. For this item of expenditure in the business plan, it is necessary to lay the amount of 180-200 thousand rubles.

If you are planning a large-scale production, then it makes sense to get an automatic packaging line as well. With small and medium volumes, it is quite possible to manage by the forces of workers packing products manually.

The choice of premises for the workshop

The main criterion for the premises for the production of donuts is its compliance with sanitary standards and requirements for food production. The minimum required area is 30 meters, you will also need a place for storage.


If you want your products to be in high demand and your customer service to be excellent, you need to pay more attention to the recruitment process. If you purchased automatic equipment for donuts, then you will need the following workers: manager, technologist, forwarders, workers, storekeeper, cleaner. As for accounting services, you can either hire your own accountant or use the services of an incoming specialist.


It is desirable that the production of donuts is not limited to any one or two types of this product. After all, the more variety your pastries will be, the more potential consumers you will be able to attract. Donuts may differ depending on the filling, topping, icing, size, etc.

Sales of finished products

To organize the sale of ready-made donuts, it is necessary to conclude contracts with both large supermarkets and small shops. In addition, it is worth establishing cooperation with bakeries and cafes. This is the responsibility of the manager. Delivery of culinary products will be carried out by forwarders.

Purchase of raw materials

The main products used for the production of donuts are flour, sugar, margarine, yeast, eggs, jam and others. In order to reduce the cost of purchasing raw materials, it is advisable to cooperate with wholesale companies located in your city or region.

Opening a donut factory: the financial side of the issue

Capital expenditures, including the purchase of a production line, refrigeration equipment, as well as initial inventories, amount to about 3.5 million rubles.

As for the revenue, if your workshop works 10 hours 30 days a month, then it will amount to 1.2 million rubles.

The monthly cost, including the purchase of raw materials, payment for the consumption of electricity, water, etc., as well as packaging, can be estimated at 500 thousand rubles.

Other expenses (wages, transport and administrative expenses, rent, etc.) will amount to about 500 thousand rubles a month.

Thus, the net monthly profit (after tax) will be about 200 thousand rubles. The profitability in this case will be at the level of 14%, and the initial investment will pay off after 20 months of work, which is a very good indicator.