We raise smart children: how to open a children's development center. How to open a kids club

The organization of a children's development center is not for lovers of easy ways. This occupation will require serious returns from you both organizationally and emotionally. Of course, such a business can be attributed to those that not only bring money to their owner, but also improve his karma, being a truly social direction.

Everything we invest in our children comes back to us a hundredfold. And the more well-educated children there are, the more good prospects the whole country will eventually have, since it is precisely such children, who are able to think creatively and freely, who can make their own lives and the lives of those around them better.

There is no need to even talk about the demand for such services today, the whole current situation simply screams about the need to open as many such establishments as possible. The existing kindergartens are extremely insufficient, they cannot accommodate everyone, and their educational program can no longer meet the growing needs of modern children who want and are ready to receive additional knowledge and skills already at preschool age.

The task of children's educational centers in the first place is to help the child acquire the knowledge and skills that he is drawn to.

In matters of organizing a children's educational center, there are several key points that will require you to be responsible, attentive and understand the specifics of the process.

This is a prerequisite for the center to be commercially successful and interesting for its visitors. How to open a children's development center and what is needed for this, we will consider further.

Where to start your business?

Have you decided to open a children's development center? Where to start your business? If you are planning to open a children's development center for the first time, and you have not had such experience before, then first you will need a certain action plan. When compiling it, consider the main key steps that will have to be carried out:

  1. Registration of the center with the relevant educational authorities.
  2. Finding suitable premises.
  3. Selection of competent personnel.
  4. Drawing up a program of education for children.
  5. Advertising and information support.

But first, give yourself an answer to the question: what age do you plan to work with children, how many groups you see in your center and what activities you plan to conduct there. And determine the format of your center. This will be your starting point from which it is worth starting all further movement.

It's a good idea to analyze the activities of existing educational centers for children, find out what services they offer, and what else your potential clients may need.

It is worth noting that most modern parents have a fairly active life position and understand that the more skills a child receives in childhood, the more actively he develops and the more successful he becomes in the future. So a well-organized children's center, as a rule, does not experience a lack of customers.

Moreover, such parents are quite actively interested in all the existing additional opportunities for teaching their children, and information about the new educational center spreads among them quite quickly.


The registration process may include 2 stages:

  1. Creation of an officially operating legal entity (if it does not exist at the moment).
  2. Obtaining the appropriate license.

The second paragraph is optional if you do not plan to include the word "educational" in the name of your center.

That is, if we are talking about creating a private kindergarten or school, the main purpose of which is to provide educational services to children, then obtaining a license from the Ministry of Education is a mandatory process for you.

If you open an “early development center” or “child development center”, in your case you can work without obtaining a compulsory license. The same applies to various clubs and children's studios.

Study room at the early development center

If the official registration of an enterprise and the creation of a legal entity can be carried out in a minimum time, then the terms for obtaining an educational license can be quite long. Here you will have to confirm your programs, justify their uniqueness and prove the viability of your future center. However, in the future, obtaining a license will give you every reason to be called a school and claim a high level of work.

In Russia, most children attend public educational institutions, but private schools also have some demand. Read on our website.

Read about how to grow broilers at home. As well as the search for a sales market and the calculation of profits.

Every man wants to have a high income, but hired work often does not allow him to develop in a creative direction. Home business for men is a great option to realize their abilities. Here we will look at current business ideas for men.


You will have to make some efforts to find a suitable room.

The specifics of the work of children's centers imposes relevant requirements on the premises in which they should be located.

The room must meet both sanitary and hygienic and organizational requirements:

  1. Rooms must be large enough to accommodate a group of children at the same time.
  2. The room must be equipped with bathrooms and toilets.
  3. The specifics of the premises must correspond to their purpose. If, for example, we are talking about dancing, then these should be halls that are suitable in size.
  4. Be sure to take care of a sufficient level of natural lighting in the classrooms.
  5. If training is planned throughout the day (for example, a kindergarten), then a prerequisite will be the availability of an appropriately equipped place for cooking, a room for sleeping children and an equipped playground for walking. If you want to open a children's leisure center for a short stay, then this is not a prerequisite.
  6. For the organization of the center, it would be preferable to place it in a separate building or in a building with the possibility of organizing a separate entrance. Placing such a center in a residential building can have both positive and negative impacts on its operation.

Activity room with children

On the one hand, this can help to quickly attract organized and already motivated parents to your classes, on the other hand, not all residents respond equally well to children's institutions in their home (some may be frightened by noise and children's fuss).

Children's development center staff

The more professional your staff, the more successful the work of the center. Requirements for employees largely depend on the specifics of your institution. It is obligatory to have a pedagogical education in cases where we are talking about a school or a kindergarten. In other cases, it is most likely that there is a special education corresponding to the service provided.

Thus, it is desirable that foreign language lessons be taught by a teacher who has an appropriate diploma of graduation from the faculty of foreign languages ​​or a similar degree of competence. The same applies to all other disciplines that will be taught in your center.

Lesson in a children's school of early development

Today, somewhat different forms of work in children's centers are also popular. So, we can talk about a system of co-working spaces - open spaces where mothers and children come to spend their leisure time together. In such places, any mother can work with children, play or read books. Moreover, such places are becoming more and more popular today due to their democratic, relaxed atmosphere.

However, no matter what professional level and special skills your employees have, they must all be psychologically stable, have proper experience working with children, and must undergo regular medical examinations.

This should be evidenced by a corresponding entry in the sanitary book, which should be available to each employee.

Training program

Drawing up a training program is the most interesting and most creative stage of the preparatory work. The list of services offered can be very diverse:

  • learning foreign languages;
  • music and dance lessons;
  • reading, writing, arithmetic and school preparation;
  • choreography;
  • lessons of fine and applied arts.

The listed disciplines belong to the category of generally accepted ones: you can find quite a lot of such courses in almost every district of the city. Here we can note both a high level of competition and a fairly high demand for services. In most cases, it depends on the area of ​​the city.

There are other, more exotic proposals:

  • classes in ceramics and modeling;
  • sand animation courses;
  • various theater studios;
  • classes for young naturalists;
  • culinary schools;
  • schools of journalism and cinema for children;
  • logic classes;
  • oratory courses;
  • study of the structure of the car.

What program your center will offer is, of course, up to you. But you can navigate the endless stream of opportunities based on the needs of the area in which you will be located, the level of claims of your parents and your own professional skills.

You can either fill an empty niche, or create your own trend, or compete with existing centers by providing the same services.

Business setup costs

The expenditure fund for organizing a children's development center consists of the following items:

  1. The cost of legal registration of the center.
  2. Search and equipment of the premises.
  3. Acquisition of special equipment necessary for the organization of the educational process.
  4. Employee payroll (including taxes).
  5. Advertising services.

If you do not issue a license, then the legal part will cost you little, and this is perhaps the only cost item that will be approximately the same for any children's center. All other points will be radically different depending on your vision of the center.

The rent depends on the location of your premises and its technical condition. The cost of inventory also varies and, of course, the payroll will directly depend on the level of qualification and the number of teachers cooperating with you.

As for savings, there are some opportunities here. For example, you can hire professional teachers to work on an hourly basis, make visual aids with the children, immediately including them in the creative process, or paint the walls together, refreshing a room that was not very “fun” initially.

Is it possible to save on advertising?

It is difficult to unequivocally answer this question, since in each case the need for promotional activities will be different.

But with any budget, you need to try to reach your target audience: those parents whose children you want to see in your studio.

This can be done with traditional events, by placing advertisements in local media, or by approaching the issue in a non-standard way.

Do not neglect advertising and posting useful links on social networks, as they are a fairly effective and fast way of mass communication. It would also be useful to place information in places where a large number of children traditionally gather with their parents: kindergartens, game centers, playgrounds and parks - all these are areas where both children and parents spend a lot of time, exchange information and have enough time to perceive the message that you would like to convey to them.

Do you like working with children and do you have a pedagogical education? Then, perhaps, the idea of ​​opening a private kindergarten will appeal to you. : starting costs, obtaining documents and other nuances of organizing a business will be considered in the article.

How to open a Starbucks franchise business, read the topic.

Business plan for a children's development center

A children's development center can be a fairly profitable event if you approach the issue correctly. A well-written business plan will help you calculate all the risks and become a guide in organizational moments.

When compiling it, it is worth considering all the key positions for which expenses are expected at different points in the life cycle of the enterprise. Really calculated deadlines for each stage will give you the opportunity to correctly predict the receipt of profit from the activities of the center. And a properly organized information campaign will make it possible to populate the center with customers from the very first days of its opening. With such an organization, you can expect to receive income from the very beginning of work.

Children's development center "Cinderella"

A children's development center cannot be called a good way to get quick and easy money. Rather, it is a long-term project, designed for several years. A carefully thought-out concept, the accuracy of meeting the expectations of the target audience and reputation in the market also play a role here.

However, it will definitely bring you a stable profit for a long time, if you treat the work as thoughtfully and carefully as possible at the first stage, you can earn yourself an excellent reputation. This approach will subsequently play into your hands and attract a constant number of loyal customers.

Related video

  • What is important to know?
  • Preschool educational institution or development center
  • Business plan goals
  • Financial and organizational component
  • Room structure
  • Material and technical base
  • staffing
  • Current expenses

Dreaming of a promising business that is in demand? We invite you to find out how to open a children's development center from scratch in 2019. Keep in mind that this current idea does not require significant investments, but at the same time it involves impressive ongoing costs. This is due to the nature of the activity.

What is important to know?

There are about 47,000 municipal kindergartens in the Russian Federation. They are really capable of more or less quality service for 60% of children. Therefore, almost from the birth of a child, parents have to stand in line for admission to the “kindergarten”.

You have to pay for this - make voluntary donations, but, in fact, give bribes. However, no one guarantees the quality of services. Under such conditions, private institutions for children - kindergartens, early development centers - become the optimal and rational alternative. Features opening a private kindergarten is the high cost of services, so you should focus on people with an income above the average.

It is most profitable to open a center for children in a metropolis with a population of more than 1,000,000 people. In a small town, private institutions for creativity and development will not be so in demand.

Preschool educational institution or development center

When registering a business, you need to pay attention to the choice of OKVED - the name of the activity. A great solution would be:

92.3 - "Other entertainment and entertainment activities."

An educational institution, an educational center must have a state license for the provision of services in order to operate legally. It is also required to own or rent a separate building with a closed, fenced adjacent territory to ensure the safety of walking.

A child development center may not meet these requirements. You can open it without a special license, the main thing is to comply with hygiene requirements and ensure fire safety. Although, in fact, it will be the same private kindergarten that provides childcare and childcare services.

What documents are needed to open a development center? For a complete understanding of the task, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our article on the design of IP.

Business plan goals

The business plan is focused on opening a children's development center that provides the following services:

  • education - preparation for school: teaching reading, writing, mathematics;
  • aesthetic development - classes in music, dancing, drawing, singing, fine arts;
  • organization of leisure - walks, visits to the theater, exhibitions, cinema;
  • organization of four meals a day;
  • organization of living conditions: provision of toys, beds, separate lockers for storing personal belongings.

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A developing children's center can be opened for no more than 15-20 children. It can be 1 or 2 groups, depending on the staffing - the number of training and maintenance personnel. The developing preschool institution is focused on working with children aged 3 to 6 years.

The planned profitability is 90,000 rubles per month with an initial investment of 500,000. The payback period is 2-4 years. This is due to the impressive current costs.

Financial and organizational component

To open a private development club, and in fact an advanced kindergarten that compares favorably with municipal institutions, you will need the following:

  1. A room with an area of ​​at least 100 m 2. The weighted average rental price is 750 rubles per 1m2. This is the price for small settlements in the presence of adequate repairs. If it is absent, the cost may drop to 250 per 1m 2. It is difficult to determine exactly how much rent costs in large cities, it all depends on the location.
  2. Special attention should be paid to fire safety. This implies equipping the premises with an alarm system and primary fire extinguishing means - fire extinguishers. This needs to be taken care of in advance before opening your center. According to the law, this should be done by the landlord, so it is advisable to look for a room equipped with everything necessary. This will be a significant budget savings.

Room structure

Where to start organizing a children's developmental institution - with the definition of its structure, layout. Before you open the center, you need to imagine the entire structure of the premises:

  • reception;
  • office for staff;
  • game Zone;
  • class;
  • bedroom;
  • sanitary facilities: bathroom, toilet.

Material and technical base

The opening of a children's center will require the purchase of such equipment and technology:

  • children's furniture: beds, lockers for things, desks, tables, chairs;
  • toys, teaching aids, stationery, books, coloring books;
  • bed linen at the rate of 2 sets per child;
  • detergents, disinfectants;
  • dishes;
  • pots.
  • refrigeration equipment for food storage;
  • washing machines - 2 pcs., preferably an industrial design.

The start-up capital required to open a children's development center includes the following expenses:

  • repair, redevelopment - 150,000–500,000 rubles;
  • children's furniture - 70,000–100,000;
  • wearing materials: underwear, toys and other - 60,000;
  • household appliances, kitchen furniture - 200,000–300,000;
  • an advertising campaign that includes the launch of your own website - 150,000–200,000.

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The total opening will require 630,000–1,110,000 rubles, excluding rent. When creating a deposit (prepayment), it will be related to start-up expenses, and if paid monthly, to current expenses.


Opening a children's development center requires a well-formed team. This step-by-step instruction will facilitate the search for personnel and guide you on the correct compilation of a list of job responsibilities:

  • Director - 1. Salary 38,000 rubles. Carries out general management, supervises personnel, imposes penalties, encourages employees, conducts economic activities and accounting.
  • Educator part-time teacher - 2. Salary 18,000 plus bonus. Engaged in the education and development of children.
  • Nanny - 2. Salary 17,000. Responsible for organizing living conditions, helping the teacher to solve disciplinary problems.
  • Nurse - 1. Salary 12,000. Maintains personal cards of children, provides first aid if necessary.
  • Cook - 2. Salary 17,000. Engaged in cooking.
  • Cleaning lady - 2. Salary 10,000. Responsible for the cleanliness and sanitization of the premises.

In total, in order to open such a business, you must understand that the payroll, excluding taxes, is about 157,000 rubles.

Attention! If the owner of a preschool institution does not have a pedagogical education, you can use the services of graduates, in accordance with the law.

Current expenses

Expenses will eat up an impressive part of the operating budget of a children's development institution:

  • rent - 7500 rubles;
  • utilities - 10,000–12,000;
  • catering - 60,000–80,000;
  • detergents, disinfectants - 10,000;
  • payroll - 157,000;
  • operating expenses: purchase of new toys, benefits (can be hung on parents) - 10,000–15,000.

For normal functioning, this business requires 254,000–279,500 rubles a month. Download the business plan of the children's development center with more detailed calculations you can contact our partners. The quality of calculations is guaranteed!

Now you know how to open a children's development center from scratch in 2019. It is better to plan the opening of such a business with the help and support of the state. There are regional and federal programs to support private preschool institutions. They should be used to ease the financial burden.

Finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the training video on the topic of the article:

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In this article, we will talk about how to open a children's development center, what you need to open it, and you can download a ready-made example of a business plan for free.

A development center for children or an ungraded kindergarten is a fairly promising business in the modern world. There are more and more children, the birth rate is growing, the population is increasing. You can often hear from young mothers and fathers that it is very difficult to arrange your baby well. There are too many applicants, and there are not enough places in such children's institutions. Of all the children who need kindergartens, only about 60% have the opportunity to get there. But kindergarten is not only help for parents, but also communication for the child.

What is the difference between a child development center and a kindergarten?

In recent years, along with municipal kindergartens, a huge number of various children's developing clubs and centers, as well as private kindergartens, have appeared. All of them are engaged in providing approximately the same services with a difference only in the level of teaching, the professionalism of teachers, the methodology for teaching kids, and most importantly, the approach to the business itself. Specialists of such children's development centers try to help parents make their kids successful, educated, diversified and happy.

To visualize the differences, you can see the development programs, for example, the children's development center "Constellation". In some of their programs, mother is always involved. These methods themselves are aimed at different goals: adaptation in kindergarten, individual development, etc. You won't find this in nurseries.

Business plan

Since the differences are only in the methods of working with kids, then an example of a business plan for a kindergarten will suit you to open this business. If it is not enough for you, then you can download more.

The main thing to remember is that your employees were professionals in their field, and not ordinary educators.

How to open a children's development center

How to open and what needs to be done to open a children's development center? If you love children, competently approach the matter, then it will not be difficult at all.

Factors to Consider Before Opening

If you seriously decide to start, then you need to do the following.

  1. Register an enterprise, firm, go through the entire standard procedure for legal activity. Now it is not difficult to do this, all the information can be found on the Internet, in the legislation.
  2. Primary investments for a children's development center will be needed from 500 thousand rubles. and more. Here you can take your own funds or attract an investor by drawing up a mandatory contract.
  3. The choice of premises - the more the better: from 100 sq. m.
  4. Find good qualified staff to work with children.
  5. Have or acquire knowledge in psychology, pedagogy. This is necessary for checking and selecting personnel, resolving conflicts.
  6. Bank account - follow a simple procedure for opening.

If you decide to use the words "educational", "training" in the name of the enterprise, but you must definitely obtain a special license. For a children's developmental development center, this is not necessary. For one teacher with a completed pedagogical education, an individual entrepreneur will be required, then it is possible without a license. In this case, the staff is registered in positions with the duties of a nanny.

Choose a simplified taxation system to keep minimal bookkeeping without involving expensive specialists.

Room selection

The premises must include:

  • reception;
  • office for staff;
  • playroom and study room;
  • bedroom
  • bathroom with toilet.

Fire safety requires that the premises of the children's development center must be an independent compartment, have 1-2 exits, and a fire alarm.

The success of the children's development center largely depends on the teachers. Children will talk about them to their parents, and they will tell their friends and relatives, potential clients. Of course, equipment and methods are also important, but the human factor is always the main one.

Features of such a business

Almost always, children's development centers work for nine months, because in the summer there are few people who want to take children. In this case, the rent is paid constantly.

The bigger the city, the more competition. It is necessary to assess the demand for the service in a particular area, fashion trends. Most often, the development of children up to 2-3 years old, teaching a foreign language is required.

The payback of such a children's development center is from 3 to 5 years.

The main expenses in such a business include:

  • rent;
  • salary fund;
  • security services;
  • tax deductions.

How to attract customers

The main clients are parents with children from neighboring houses. This is the main venue for the main advertising company. It should include announcements at the entrances, inside houses, conversations with parents, invitations to events from the children's development center. It is good to organize various holidays, concerts, competitions for kids, invite parents and children there. This will raise awareness and attract new customers.

Popularity can be supported and created in many ways, for example, by introducing some original innovative ideas, by holding promotions. But in this case, you will certainly need to contact an advertising agency, and this, as you know, is an additional cost.

Now the opening of children's development centers is very promising. You need to stock up on patience, courage, not be afraid of difficulties, and gradually over time everything will pay off, and will bring stable substantial profits. It is better, of course, to start with your own premises without investors.

Kindergartens and development centers are not just an opportunity to open a business, it is a very useful, in-demand, good deed. Your pupils and their parents, with a well-organized process, will be very grateful to you.

People pay a lot of attention to education these days. After all, this is the key to a successful future and the opportunity to get a great job in life. Especially relevant is the early development of preschoolers. Young parents from the first months of life are ready to hire specialists who will comprehensively develop their child at home. No public kindergarten or nursery provides such services. Therefore, developing clubs for kids have recently become very relevant. In this article, we will tell you how to open a children's development center from scratch, because this line of business has every chance of becoming a popular business.

What is the "Children's Development Center"?

A developing club for preschoolers is an organization that employs professional teachers and educators with special knowledge and skills that help young children develop from the first year of life. In addition, in such an institution, people with a pedagogical education get the opportunity to realize their potential. Considering that the work of a teacher does not apply to, although this also applies to any other cities, every teacher has a desire to find a job in a private company engaged in the early development of babies.

It is clear that few of the professional educators have the opportunity to open a children's development center that would work according to the author's methodology or any other popular system today (Montessori, Nikitin, etc.). Teachers who have a certain amount of money in order to open a personal children's development center for children should understand that this is a great way to become a wealthy person, because the field of early childhood development, although relatively, is very promising.

Types and formats of educational institutions for kids

How to start opening a children's development center? First of all, you need to study all the information about this institution and analyze the level of competition in this direction in the city where you live.

The first thing you need to open a children's development center is to figure out what type it can be and in what format it is really possible to organize work in it. Today, there are three main types of preschool development centers:

General developmental - institutions where children receive knowledge and develop in standard directions. A schedule of developmental classes in a children's center (such as at school) is drawn up, which includes:

  • Music;
  • Drawing;
  • Reading;
  • Arithmetic;
  • Letter;
  • Foreign languages ​​and much more.

Scheme of directions in the children's cooking center

Narrowly focused - institutions in which you can choose either one or several developmental courses. Most often, this type of centers for children is opened by teachers who are philologists by profession - they can teach foreign languages ​​to preschoolers at an early age.

Children's development center from a year. In such institutions, parents can bring their daughters and sons for the whole day, as in a regular kindergarten. The educational program of such institutions is most often associated with the development of the creative abilities of children.

The second thing you need to open a children's development center is to choose the format in which you want to implement your business. Let's look at the three most relevant options:

  • "Mini" - an opportunity to open a children's club and development center with minimal investment. The bottom line is to rent an hourly space for classes. This is not a very convenient option due to the fact that you have to constantly adapt to the people from whom you rent a room. If there are no large funds, then it is better to try to open a children's development center at home, but it is unlikely that you will get a big profit from this format of work. In addition, if the information that you have opened a children's club and development center without a license at home reaches the tax authorities and other authorities, then you may be in big trouble;
  • "Studio" is a great way to open a children's development club for those who have money to invest in a business. According to this format, you can rent not a room, but an entire office in order to equip it for yourself and not depend on anyone;
  • "Premium" - the most promising option,. It involves renting a large area of ​​​​a room or building, where you can make several specialized rooms for classes with children of different ages.

How to register an educational business?

Having decided on the type and format of the future business institution, you need to tackle the issue of how to obtain a license for a children's development center and register it in the register of private enterprises. To do this, first decide for yourself - do you want your institution to be registered as an individual entrepreneur or as an LLC.

If you want to open a children's club and development center without a license (so that educational licensing is not related to it), then it is better to give preference to individual entrepreneurs. Just keep in mind that the activities of your institution can only be associated with the development of the child's creative abilities. You will not have the right to hire a professional teacher.

If it is important for you that the children's development club be directly related to educational activities, then you need to register it as an LLC and collect a decent list of documents for obtaining a license from the education committee, namely:

  • A handwritten application for the acquisition of an educational license;
  • Develop and approve the charter of your institution;
  • Obtain a certificate of state registration with the OKVED code (if you provide services to children of a social type, then your code is 85.32, if you are a club type - 95.51, if you provide personal services, then 93.05), which will contain the TIN of the institution;
  • Outline the structure of your organization;
  • Provide a technical passport for the premises where your educational center will be located;
  • Provide the conclusions of the SES and the fire service to confirm the suitability of the use of the premises you have chosen;
  • Provide approved information about the educational program you wish to implement in your preschool institution;
  • Provide complete information about the teaching staff that will work in your educational institution;
  • Open a bank account;
  • Choose a taxation system. As a rule, everyone prefers a simplified one (STS) so as not to spend additional funds on bookkeeping.

How to choose and equip a room

An important issue in the list of those related to the topic of how to open your own children's center from scratch is the choice of premises in which the main activity will be implemented. We recommend that you focus on the provisions of SanPiN and SP 13130 ​​2009 in this matter, which state that:

  • The premises for the “palace of creative and mental development”, focused on kids, should be non-residential and allocated in an independent block (apartment or multi-storey building);
  • It should have two exits - front and fire;
  • The height from floor to ceiling should be three meters. Ceilings are recommended to be whitewashed or painted with water-based paint;
  • It should contain children's locker rooms with lockers or hangers, rooms for classes and games, a room for staff, a reception room, a room for children to rest and sleep, as well as several toilets (for boys, girls and staff there should be separate toilet rooms);
  • The walls of the room must be smooth, amenable to wet cleaning daily;
  • Floors - smooth, non-slip, without cracks and other defects;
  • The temperature in the room where the children will be should be 19–21 °;
  • Electrical sockets may not be located lower than 1.8 m from the floor;
  • Lighting in rooms for children should be of high quality;
  • Sewerage and ventilation must be checked by the appropriate authorities.

You will also need special equipment for a children's entertainment center:

  1. Furniture (desks, chairs, cabinets, shelves). We recommend making it to order in order to save money on this and get good products;
  2. Stationery for classes and various toys. These materials must be of high quality. It is not recommended to save on this;
  3. Educational supplies: textbooks, notebooks, cards for each subject that will be taught in your developing club for preschoolers;
  4. Office equipment: copier, printer, computer, TV or multimedia screen, stands.

Features of recruitment

Another important point where to start opening a children's development center is the selection of qualified personnel. In order for the right atmosphere to reign in your institution, it is necessary to hire nannies and educators who really love their work, have some experience in their profession, and have not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge. Be sure to check the recommendations of applicants for vacant positions and a portfolio of their achievements. We recommend hiring the following professionals:

  • Psychologist;
  • speech therapist;
  • Teachers of early childhood development;
  • Teachers to prepare children for school;
  • Choreographer
  • Vocal and music teacher;
  • acting teacher;
  • Fine art teacher;
  • educators;
  • accountant;
  • Administrator;
  • Health worker.

The cost of services in the early development center

Depending on the type and format of the work of your educational out-of-school institution for children, as well as the number of staff who will need to be paid stable salaries, you determine what the average cost of a monthly subscription to your developing club should be. As a rule, it should not exceed 60-70 dollars. If you have chosen such a format of the "palace of creative and mental development for kids", in which classes are held hourly, then the cost of one hour cannot exceed four dollars.

Business plan for opening a children's center

Now let's take a closer look at how much it costs to open a children's development center in the "Premium" format (designed for 10 children). We chose this format because it is in the highest demand among potential customers.

We present you an exemplary business plan for a children's development center for start-up investments:

  • 10 thousand rubles will be spent on paperwork and registration of a private enterprise or LLC;
  • For the repair of the premises in which classes will take place - 200 thousand rubles;
  • For the purchase of the necessary equipment for the children's development center - 250 thousand rubles;
  • About 80 thousand rubles will be spent on advertising a children's development center, which is necessary to attract customers;
  • For the first salary for employees of the children's club - 200 thousand rubles;
  • For renting premises - 65 thousand rubles.

In total, the starting capital should be equal to 705 thousand rubles. With such calculations of the business plan of the children's development center, the founder will have to spend 300 thousand rubles a month, of which:

  • Rent - 65 thousand rubles;
  • Salaries - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Other expenses, which include utility bills - 35 thousand rubles.

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Business income and payback

Every month, one child who attends your educational institution will bring you a net profit - 35 thousand rubles, and 10 people, respectively, 350 thousand. From such calculations, it turns out that the initial investment will pay off in the most optimistic scenario in one or a year and a half.

If you manage to find a large number of clients at once, then it is realistic to halve the payback period and return the invested funds in six months, and then have a monthly net profit of two thousand dollars or more. The answer to the question of whether it is profitable to open a children's development center is obvious - definitely, yes. If you have the necessary amount of money, then it makes sense to develop just this type of entrepreneurial activity, because the educational sector is in great demand at any time.

  • It is necessary to open an institution of this kind in those areas of the city that have just been built up, which is why so far there are no kindergartens, nurseries, or other development centers;
  • If there is no self-confidence, then it is better to buy a ready-made business or a franchise;
  • Make some kind of identification mark for your center - a “zest” that will turn your institution into a brand - organize holidays, master classes, arrange summer camps on the basis of your development centers.


The developing center for kids is not only an interesting and profitable business, it has many prospects, since it is relatively new in our country, and there is little competition here. This is one of those areas of activity in which you can get stable good money and at the same time be calm and confident in the future, feel spiritual harmony and receive moral satisfaction from work.
25 voted. Grade: 4,88 out of 5)

  • Where to begin?
  • Room selection
  • Required documents to open
  • Necessary equipment
  • Business payback

Are you a beginner businessman who wants to open his own business that does not require special knowledge and brings pleasure and joy? Opening a children's entertainment room is what you need. In this business, the main thing is to create an atmosphere of celebration and fun. Children's entertainment is a very profitable business, it is very difficult to save money on children, sometimes it is sometimes impossible. Children are the flowers of life, parents always want to please their children and give them pleasure. There is always a stable demand for this type of service. In this article, we will consider a small business plan on the topic "How to open a children's entertainment center from scratch."

Where to begin?

First you need to decide what exactly you want to open. If you want to open a children's development center, for this you will need a lot more time and money. This is argued by the fact that you will need a license to conduct educational activities, recruit appropriate personnel, develop or purchase mandatory teaching methods. With the opening of the children's entertainment center, everything is much easier. An entertainment room will require several employees, thanks to this, at the first stage you will save on salaries, perhaps you can even perform some functions yourself. Required knowledge in order to open a children's entertainment center from scratch is not required, you also save on obtaining a license.

Room selection

The choice of premises is a very important parameter that affects the payback and profitability of a business. The entertainment room should be located in a place where there is a large flow of people. If you decide to open your business in a big city, then it is advisable to choose large shopping centers. Young parents coming for shopping will be able to leave the child in the children's entertainment center for at least an hour. Moms-girlfriends who came for shopping will leave the children for two hours. Children quickly get tired of shopping and walking, so a children's room with entertainment will serve as a salvation for parents. If you decide to open a business in a small town, then choose a place near kindergartens, near playgrounds. In small towns, it is rare to find entertainment centers for children, so this can be a great idea for starting a business.