How to open an order in the MT4 trading terminal? Forex orders. Learning to open orders in the MT4 terminal

For work in Moscow, an OATI warrant is required for excavation, installation of temporary fences and placement of temporary facilities.

From December 25, 2015, in accordance with Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 943 dated December 23, 2015, applications for issuing, reissuing and closing an order can be submitted electronically on the website of the Moscow Government (PGU).

From April 18, 2016, submission of documents for opening, reissuing and closing OATI orders will be carried out only in electronic form, by the customer's organization or his authorized representative by proxy if he has an electronic digital signature (EDS).

OATI orders are also required for the maintenance of scaffolding during the repair, reconstruction or restoration of facades of buildings and structures. In the event that you are repairing the facade without installing scaffolding: for example, from a ladder, tours, cradles or with the help of climbers, then you do not need a warrant for the performance of work on the facade and you do not need to coordinate anything. At the same time, you must remember that fencing, storing materials, installing garbage containers and blocking part of the road transport network is prohibited for you, otherwise your organization will face a fine.

A full range of services required to obtain OATI orders

Our company provides a full range of services necessary to obtain OATI orders, helps to draw up the necessary documentation correctly, obtain all the necessary approvals in each specific case until a positive result is achieved in accordance with applicable law. We also develop Work Execution Projects for all main types of construction work and laying of communications in accordance with 284-PP dated May 19, 2015.

We recommend that you carry out work in Moscow only if you have an OATI warrant or make sure that you do not need a warrant (there are very few such cases). In the absence of a warrant and a violation is recorded, you are threatened with a fine of 300 thousand rubles. for a legal entity and from 30 thousand rubles. to an official. The amounts of fines depend on the type of violation and are determined by the OATI inspector.

The term for issuing an order from the date of filing an application and a complete set of documents is 20 days. If necessary, this period can be extended by no more than 7 days by decision of the head of the department for issuing warrants of the Technical Inspectorate of Moscow.

If the documentation provided by you does not meet the requirements, then a reasoned refusal is issued to you, which indicates the reason and recommendations for eliminating the discrepancies.

In some cases, depending on the location of the object, in the OATI, when submitting an application, it is required to provide a package of documents for the FSO of the Russian Federation if the objects are located on the streets (including courtyards) under the jurisdiction of the FSO.

At the end of the validity period of the issued order, it must either be extended for a new period or closed. The performance of work on an overdue warrant is equated to the performance of work without a warrant and is punishable by a fine in the amount of 700 thousand rubles.

Consultations in obtaining OATI orders

Our company provides advice in obtaining OATI orders for all types of work, in accordance with the regulations. We also provide services for opening orders on a turnkey basis or on a subscription basis.

Documents for opening an order are submitted by the customer. To do this, the person submitting the documents must have a valid power of attorney and an identity card. The applicant (recipient) of the warrant can only be either legal entities or individual entrepreneurs represented by legal representatives. This service is not available to individuals.

The basis for the submission of documents is an application of the established form. The application is signed by the customer. In exceptional cases, the application is signed by the contractor and only if the customer is the Department of Construction of Moscow.

Key documents included in the package




Note: The project for the production of works must comply with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 284 dated May 19, 2015.

After completion of work at the facility and completion of work to restore the disturbed landscaping, the OATI order must be closed.

The closing of the order is carried out by the Technical Inspectorate at the address: Moscow, st. Taganskaya 30/2

About company

The design organization "PROEKTMETSTROY" LLC provides services for the development of a wide range of design documentation.

We have SRO permits, certificates, attestations for all types of services provided, in particular, our company is certified to provide services for the Development of WEP.

Contacts LLC "ProjectMetStroy"

Address: Russia, 129515 Moscow, st. Academician Koroleva, house 13, building 1, office 811.

Email mail:

To carry out excavation work on the territory of an urban settlement (on lanes, streets, sidewalks, roads, green areas, etc.), it is necessary to obtain a warrant from local authorities. Such a requirement is conditioned by the need to prevent damage to the elements of improvement, engineering networks. The established procedure for granting permits is aimed at creating proper operating conditions for facilities, preventing accidents. Consider next what is earthwork order. Sample document will also be presented in the article.

general characteristics

Order for earthworks in Moscow, as in any other city in the country, it is a unified form. It is filled out before the actual implementation of the activities. gives the contractor the right to start the necessary procedures in accordance with the project documents. Registration of permission, as well as control over the implementation of planned activities, are assigned to the territorial administration of housing and communal services. Legislation prohibits work without a warrant.

Terms of Service

Obtaining a warrant for earthworks- a legally established procedure that provides for the presentation of certain documents. The collection of the necessary papers is carried out by the contractor. The main documents on the basis of which it is carried out are:

  1. Written statement. It is made by the performer. The application shall indicate the type and timing of the events.
  2. Copies of the passport of the subject responsible for the work, and the order on his appointment.

New construction / reconstruction / overhaul of structures

Making a warrant for earthworks in these cases, it is carried out upon submission of the following documents:

These documents are attached to the main papers, the list of which is given above. Similar information is also provided if it is issued for the construction of public gardens and parks.

Additional papers

In addition to the above documents, the authorized body requests:

  1. Permit for building or renovation.
  2. Title documents for the site. This may be a lease, a certificate of state registration of property rights.
  3. Notification of the transfer of the premises to the category of residential / non-residential, if necessary.
  4. The decision of the administration on the closure of traffic on the roads. It is presented if earthworks are carried out in an open way.
  5. Planning scheme of the site, agreed with the chief architect of the city.

Installation of advertising structures

Order for excavation in this case, it is submitted upon presentation of the main documents, as well as a copy of the on-duty plan of the city territory. It indicates the location of the structure. As in the previous case, the contractor submits an approved schedule for the implementation of activities with information on the deadlines for completing the restoration of disturbed objects. Additionally, the following documents are requested:

Capital and engineering communications

To apply, you must submit the following:

  1. Executive survey of networks. It should indicate the place where the work will be performed.
  2. The scheme for organizing the closure or restriction of movement, agreed with the traffic police.
  3. Schedule for the implementation of measures for the full restoration of disturbed objects.

Additionally presented:

  1. Permission to lay engineering networks.
  2. The decision of the administration on the closure of traffic on the roads.
  3. Planning scheme of the territory, agreed with the chief architect.

Emergency order for earthworks

Permission to carry out restoration measures in sections of engineering networks is submitted upon presentation of the main documentation. And:

  1. Executive survey of networks. It should indicate the place of work.
  2. Legal documents for the site.
  3. The scheme agreed with the traffic police, and the decision of the head of the administration to close traffic on the roads.
  4. Schedule for the implementation of measures to restore the disturbed elements of improvement.

When eliminating accidents on water supply, sewer networks and in others, it is allowed to carry out work without delay. However, at the same time, the balance holder of the object, the housing and communal services department must be notified about them. The notice indicates the exact location of the work, their nature. Within the next two days, the performer must send an application for a permit.

Obtaining a warrant for earthworks

Consideration of the submitted documents is carried out by the authorized instance within three days. At the end of this period, a decision is made. If the applicant is denied, a notification is sent to him. The notice shall state the reasons why the negative decision was made. If the authorized body has no claims to the submitted documents, the issuance is carried out orders for earthworks.

Important point

earthwork order is kept by the entity designated as responsible for the implementation of activities. The permit must be presented at the request of persons who have the right to control the activities of the contractor, the state of landscaping elements and other infrastructure facilities. Activities that are carried out without a warrant must be stopped immediately.


An earthwork warrant is issued for 30 days. Permission may be extended. To do this, the contractor sends a written request, in which he explains the reasons for which the corresponding need arose. The request is submitted no later than three days before the expiration of the previous document. After the end of the set period, the order loses its validity. Accordingly, an overdue document cannot be used as a basis for the implementation of planned activities. The performance of work with an expired warrant is regarded as their unauthorized implementation. Extension of the permit in this case is allowed only after bringing all the perpetrators to administrative responsibility. The period of validity of the warrant for the performance of emergency restoration work in structures and engineering communications is not allowed to be increased.

procedural question

To extend the warrant, the following documents must be submitted to the administration or territorial department of housing and communal services:

  1. Previously issued permit.
  2. Schedule of activities.

These papers are submitted personally by the applicant. Upon the expiration of the validity period of the documentation submitted earlier, the responsible person is obliged to extend them and present them when submitting the application. It is, in particular, about the power of attorney, contract of work, etc.

Contractor's obligations

Prior to the commencement of activities, the subject must:

  1. Coordinate the scheme of work with the territorial division of the traffic police.
  2. Put up signs to ensure the safety of pedestrians and vehicles during the day.
  3. At night and in the evening, mark the area with red light signals.
  4. Call representatives of enterprises that have communication networks underground.

Signs with the name of the organization performing the activities are hung on the fences. If the work affects the schedule or routes of public transport, the contractor is obliged to inform the public about this through the media. fencing, the creation of temporary crossings and transitions is carried out by the means and forces of the organization performing the activities. In this case, the contractor is guided by the approved schemes for their placement. Deviation from them during the production process is not allowed. The contractor can start implementing measures only after the site has been fully equipped with all the necessary fencing, signs and signaling means. The personnel involved in the production of work must have overalls and PPE in accordance with the type of activity and the conditions for its implementation.

Special rules

During the period of excavation of pits / trenches on highways, it is prohibited to store soil on the roadway. All materials must be placed within the fenced area. Soil that is unsuitable for backfilling is removed as the work progresses. In the process of eliminating damage to heating, sewer, water supply networks, it is prohibited to pump water onto the carriageway, the territory of sidewalks and other places from where it can flow onto the road surface. It is forbidden to fill up wells of underground structures with building materials and soil. They must be freely accessible at all times. Backfilling of pits and trenches in areas with improved coverage is carried out, in accordance with the regulations, with careful tamping.

Restoration of landscaping elements

It is carried out by the performer of earthworks with his own means and forces or in agreement with the balance holder of the facility. In the latter case, an advance payment is transferred to the current account in the amount of the replacement cost. The amount of damage caused to the improvement object is established by the balance holder. At the same time, he is guided by the Methodology for determining the replacement cost. If the subject that damaged or destroyed the improvement object is not identified, the necessary measures are carried out at the expense of the owner.

Responsibility of the performer

The organization of maintenance, repair and other work should be carried out in accordance with other papers. In the course of their activities, the performers, among other things, are guided by state standards. For subjects, an administrative penalty is established in the event of:

  1. Carrying out earthworks in the absence of a warrant.
  2. Blocking the roadway without the consent of the territorial division of the traffic police.
  3. Non-compliance with the terms of earthworks and restoration measures to eliminate damage caused to the elements and objects of improvement.
  4. Failure to comply with the established sanitary and epidemiological rules at the site.
  5. Failure to comply with the terms of the warrant for the restoration and improvement of damaged surfaces.

Perpetrators guilty of violations are held accountable depending on the seriousness of the misconduct. The legislation also provides for disciplinary and criminal penalties for such persons.

The terminals used to work on the foreign exchange market allow you to open the following types of Forex orders: pending and market orders, as well as Take Profit and Stop Loss orders.

A Forex market order is an order to a brokerage company to buy or sell a currency. The final result of the execution of the order will be the completion of the purchase and sale operation. The cost of completing a transaction directly depends on the type of instrument used, as well as on the features of its execution.

Usually, the sale is performed at the price level of the offer (Bid), and the purchase of currency at the price level of the demand (Ask).

Pending order Forex

Forex order "Take Profit"

Transactions of this type are used to generate income at the moment when the price level reaches the level predicted in advance. After the execution of such orders, the previously created positions are completely closed. Such orders are placed only simultaneously with pending or market orders. When analyzing the indicators required to create long-term positions, the Bid price is applied (the order price must exceed its real value), and for short-term positions, the Ask price is applied (the order price must exceed its real value).

Forex order "Stop-Loss"

Transactions of this type are used to reduce probable losses at the moment when the price level began to move in a direction that brings losses to the trader. As soon as the price level reaches the specified value, the position is automatically closed. Such orders are created only simultaneously with pending or market orders. When analyzing the indicators needed to create long-term positions, the Bid price is applied (the order must be lower than its current value), and the Ask price is used to create short-term positions (the order must be higher than its actual value).

Stop Inheritance Principles

During an increase in the volumes of previously created positions, as well as when the price chart turns, Stop Loss and Take Profit should be set in accordance with the last order that worked (market or pending). Consequently, the stops in newly created transactions should take the place of the previous ones. If its value is equal to zero when creating an order, stops are removed.

In case of incomplete closing of open positions, stops do not change when new orders are opened. After the standard closing of open positions, stops are removed, since they are closely related to open transactions and cannot exist without them.

Opening orders

The process of opening an order consists of a number of successive stages. In order to open a Forex order, you need to enter the "Service" tab and select the "New order" item, as shown in the picture below.

Before you, a window will appear in which you can set the parameters of the created order.

The "Symbol" column indicates the used currency pair. You need to specify the amount of the transaction you need in the "Volume" column, as well as set stops in the "Stop Loss" and "Take Profit" lines.

If you want to make a deal immediately, then you should set the desired volume, select “immediate execution” in the type of deal column and click on the inscription “Sell” if you want to sell the currency, or “Buy” if you need to sell the currency. You can see how this is done in the picture below.

Creating a pending order

In order to create a pending deal, you need to set its volume, select "pending order" in the type column, then you can see additional columns. Then you can choose the appropriate type of pending order and set the desired currency value, as well as the Stop Loss and Take Profit values. To create a deal, you should click on the inscription "Set Order". You can see detailed instructions for creating a pending order in the picture below. When setting Take Profit and Stop Loss, Forex orders are closed automatically when the price line passes one of the specified levels.

As a rule, the type of order is selected depending on the state of affairs on the timeframe used, as well as on the personal preferences of the trader.

I hope that this article will help you understand the existing types of Forex orders, as well as the features of their opening. With this knowledge, you will be able to start trading in the foreign exchange market and become a successful trader over time.

For an experienced trader, the questions of beginners seem at least naive, but we all took our first steps in Forex at one time. One of these steps is opening and closing an order in the trader's trading terminal.

How to open a forex order correctly? – But such a seemingly simple question, there are quite a few answers, it all depends on your trading strategy and the capabilities of the terminal.

Each of them has its positive and negative sides, which can be revealed only with a detailed study.

How to open an order.

In addition to purely technical issues, market entry points should also be taken into account, this is an equally important moment of trading, since the financial result of the transaction directly depends on it, a detailed description of these points is given at the link above.

If we touch on technical issues, then you can open a forex order:

By pressing the F9 key - when the trading terminal is running, after that a window with additional parameters will appear, which we will discuss below.

Click the New Order tab at the top of the screen.

By right-clicking on the selected trading instrument in the quotes window, a submenu will open, in which we select the first line.

Volume - the size of the position being opened, a rather difficult question, since you need to correctly calculate the ratio of the deposit and the lot. A detailed description of how to solve this problem can be found in the article "Forex lot size".

Stop loss and take profit are indicators of stop orders, which are the main means of regulating the size of losses and profits. It is recommended that the stop loss parameter does not exceed 5% of the deposit amount, and the take profit is at least twice as large for the stop loss.

Type - if you want the transaction to open immediately, select "Immediate execution", in the same case, if it is planned to open as soon as the price reaches a certain level, select "Pending order". How this is done is described in the article "Placing pending orders".

Maximum deviation - if you often receive messages that the price has changed and the order cannot be opened, these are the so-called requotes, you can deal with them by setting a permissible deviation from the quote price. That is, we put a bird in the “use deviation” box and then set the number of points, it is recommended from 2 to 5.

Sell ​​and Buy - the choice between selling or buying a trading instrument, by clicking Sell you open a deal to sell, and when choosing Buy you buy a currency pair.

After you have found one of the keys, an order is placed directly on Forex, information about it appears in a separate window, which indicates the size of the open position, its direction and parameters

Types of work for which an ATI Order is issued:

Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that it is rather difficult to correctly understand the necessary type of work. The specialists of our company "ProExpert" will be able to assist in resolving this issue. We can also optimize and save your time in the process of obtaining an ATI Order.

This means that if an organization intends to build a building, and there is a construction project that has not yet been reviewed and approved, then we can help you open a preparatory work order and start developing the construction site, while simultaneously passing the project approval and obtaining a building permit . After that, if you have all the collected documents, you can open a construction order.

There are many subtleties and nuances in the Urban Planning Code, related legal acts, as well as in decrees and regulations. Specialists of the ProExpert company will help to correctly and quickly understand the nuances of the legislation in the field of construction.

An important fact is that after the expiration of the ATI Order, it must be extended or closed. In case of completion of construction, but not closing of the Order, this fact is a violation and entails large penalties.

Required documents for opening an ATI order:

Below is a list of documents that must be provided to open an ATI Order, depending on the purpose of the Order and the characteristics of the object and its geography. The client collects this set of documents and provides us independently:

  1. Application of the established form (filled in with the original seals and signatures of the customer and contractor)
  2. A copy of the permission of the commission under the Government of Moscow to consider the implementation of urban planning activities within the boundaries of places of interest and zones of cultural heritage
  3. A copy of the coloristic passport of the Moscow Committee for Architecture (during the overhaul of facades)
  4. Copy of GPZU Moskomarchitectura
  5. A copy of the permission of MGSN (declared work) for the production of construction and installation works (for new construction and reconstruction facilities)
  6. Copies of documents certifying the right to use a land plot, another real estate object: a) Lease agreement for a land plot; b) Certificate of the Moscow Property Committee for the ownership of the building; c) Lease agreement for premises, buildings, etc.
  7. Approved project documentation for the declared work (RD, POS and color passport for the overhaul of facades) - returned after consideration
  8. A copy of the construction plan, agreed in the prescribed manner, with the conclusion of the OPS for the declared work
  9. Certificates from operating organizations on the disconnection of engineering networks and from the balance holder on the resettlement of residents and the withdrawal of organizations (in case of demolition of buildings and structures)
  10. A copy of the Permission of Geonadzor of Moscow for engineering and geological surveys and drilling of wells
  11. A copy of the Permission of the Moscow Architecture Committee for reconstruction work
  12. A copy of the Permission of the Department of Cultural Heritage to conduct pre-project, archaeological surveys, emergency recovery work, (including partial development) on objects of architectural monuments
  13. Specifications for the connection of engineering networks (for the objects of laying and rebuilding networks to existing buildings and structures)
  14. Permission of the State Unitary Enterprise "Moskollektor" (during work, existing collectors)
  15. Executive documentation (executive scheme) for a previously laid route
  16. Conclusion of the PEP Department on the project, logging ticket (if there are green spaces)
  17. Permission to transplant green spaces (if green spaces are available) of the PEP Department
  18. Project documentation agreed with the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development of the City of Moscow, State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" and the UGIBDD of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow (returned after consideration)
  19. PPR for the declared work, agreed and approved in the prescribed manner, including by the territory's balance holder. UNDER when working on the roadway; conclusion of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans (1 copy is to be returned to the applicant)
  20. Investment contract (agreement) for the implementation of investment projects in Moscow and an agreement between the investor and the customer and the general contractor (if any)
  21. Contract agreement (customer and Contractor) and SRO of the Contractor and technical customer
  22. Contract for subcontract work with self-regulatory organizations of subcontractors (if they are involved)
  23. Scheme of the construction site, with reference to the terrain and explication of the situational plan, indicating the boundaries of the work site, places for storing materials and waste, placement of a residential camp, installation of information boards, signs, emergency lighting, wheel washing points, etc.
  24. Work schedule agreed by the customer and approved by the head of the contractor (1 copy for the order form)
  25. Builder and Technical Customer ID Card (including full bank details), Contractor ID Card (including full bank details), Subcontractor ID Cards (including full bank details)

for the production of preparatory, excavation and construction works

Experts of the company "ProExpert" we are ready to help optimize and minimize the required set of documents for obtaining an ATI warrant.

The term of registration and the cost of services is determined individually on a specific request, based on a set of necessary documents.