How to sell banking. An effective script and technique for selling banking products

Sales is technology. And some luck.

Are you familiar with the situation when you spend a lot of time and effort to attract clients, hold dozens of meetings and consultations, and, unfortunately, get minimal results? Unlike his colleague, who works less, gives less, and the result is much better than yours. At this moment, you are visited by the thought: “Why is this happening? I work more and get less results? I guess I just got unlucky this month….” Of course, you can refer to failure, only your productivity will not increase from this.

Ownership plays a much bigger role in sales. sales technologies. In this article, we will consider one of the basic technologies - classical 5 step sales model banking products.

It is this model that most managers of bank branches use, it is this algorithm that is considered in basic sales training. What is the essence of this algorithm?

Before going directly to sales stages, I would like to make a small lyrical digression and say one important thing. Why is it so important to master sales techniques? The fact is that sales are not a spontaneous process with depending solely on your luck. In sales, 80% depends on how professionally You can build a dialogue with the client, which tools You use how you work with customer objections. As soon as you master the necessary technologies, you will be able to sell much more.

In this and subsequent articles, I will tell you about standard (classic) sales models, as well as about nuances application of various methods and technologies in the banking sector. We will cover most mistakes, which allow 90% of managers when communicating with customers. As a result, all this will allow you increase sales at your bank office and, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments to customer service procedures.

Well, are you ready? Then let's consider classic 5 step sales model.

We will consider exactly the 5-step model, although there are modifications of this model with a different number of steps (5, 6, 7 sales stages).

The idea of ​​this approach is that the sales process can be represented as such stairs:

Climbing up this ladder step by step, with each step you get closer and closer to your goal - for sale. Working according to this algorithm, it is important to follow all the steps, move successively rather than abruptly jumping from one step to another.

As you can see, each stage has your goal:

1.Establishing contact - to arrange the client, create a friendly atmosphere, "favorable" ground for subsequent sales.

2. Identification of needs — it is important for the manager to understand which product will best satisfy the needs of the client, to find out the most important and most significant points for the client.

3. Product presentation – to tell about the most suitable product for the client in an understandable language, to make the client want to use a banking product or service

4. Work with objections - dispel all doubts and give reasoned answers to the client's objections

5. Completion of the deal - to say goodbye to the client, thank you for your cooperation and invite you to come again.

Your task, as a manager and negotiator, is first and foremost to make sure that the goal of the current stage has been achieved, and only then move on to the next level.

I often come across this situation: the client comes to the office, the manager is interested in how he can help the client.

Manager: " Hello Ivan Ivanovich, how can I help you?»

Client: "I would like to open a deposit"

Manager: “Excellent Ivan Ivanovich. we have deposits in the bank with replenishment, there is with the withdrawal of part of the deposit, there is with an increased percentage, for example, for 1 year the rate will be 11% per annum, although there is no capitalization, but a plastic card is issued as a gift. What contribution will we make out?

And it can take a long time...


QUESTION: Colleague, how do you assess the manager's behavior? What moment do you think was missed? What did the bank manager do wrong?

It is very interesting to hear your opinion on this situation. And I will voice my opinion in the next article! Remember that I regularly give nice gifts to all active subscribers 🙂

In addition, in the following articles we will dwell in detail on each stage of sales, analyze the main points, typical mistakes and “little tricks” that allow you to increase the efficiency of working with customers.

Sell ​​beautifully and easily!

Sincerely, Oleg Shevelev ( be friends on VK , instagram)

useful links

  • – upgrade your sales skills without leaving your home in just 3 hours;
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Hello, dear friends and readers of the blog about finance and cash flow. Sales stages- these are steps to the successful promotion of their services or products. To successfully sell anything, you must first master the sequential sales stages. Today I will talk about the work of a bank employee in terms of advising a client who has come for a loan. I think this information will be useful not only to a banker, but also to any specialist working in the service sector.

It will be interesting not only for the sales consultants themselves, but also for any person as a participant in the sales process, since the promotion of goods and services is based on psychology, knowledge of the human soul. And about psychology, everyone likes to read and talk about psychology. I will divide the information into several blocks in accordance with the steps of progress, where I will also share my experience and observations.

The main stages of sales in the bank

These steps consist of seven stages, each of which complements each other, being a logical continuation of the previous level.
If you follow this technique in a constant mode, then you can develop the skill of successfully promoting services, which will be useful to both a novice consultant and an experienced salesperson. Below is a list of these stages.

  • Establishing contact.

At this stage, it is important to prepare for the client's visit. How you meet the borrower depends on how the dialogue will proceed. Agree that it is unpleasant when you come as a client, and meet with indifference or disregard. Many consultants make mistakes at this level by giving negative signals to the client. This is especially true at the present time, when the competition for the buyer is especially high.

The same applies to the case when the seller himself visits the client, the customer. Here, not only non-verbalism plays a role, but also appearance. But if the costume can be prepared, then with psychology everything is more difficult. I confess that sometimes I myself have to make an effort to mentally prepare for the client, to create the necessary emotion in order to be convincing for the borrower.

But when it becomes a habit, people begin to go to you. Agree, it's nice. Of course, if we talk about issuing loans, then this may not be the best sign, since it can be understood that it is through you that people can easily take a loan. But courtesy and kindness are always needed. In time, this stage lasts about a minute.

  • Identification of needs.

Here you need to ask the right questions in order to choose the necessary tariff plan or identify a potential VIP client. At this stage, you need to find out about the client's place of work, his credit history, income level, his goal in obtaining a loan. A bank employee must have negotiation skills in order to ask in such a way that the client does not tense up from your questions. This step lasts 3-4 minutes on average. The beginning of this step might be: “In order to find the right tariff plan for you, I need to ask you a few questions. Do you mind?"

  • Product presentation.

A bank front-line employee must be competent in their field: know the tariff plans, regulatory documentation and bank regulations in order to successfully talk about the products of their bank and offer several options to the loan buyer. You need to show the advantages of your services in a favorable light, talk about the requirements for the borrower, emphasize the importance of each client: “We have an individual approach to each client.” The step lasts up to 3-4 minutes.

  • Work with objections.

This is perhaps the most difficult stage of sales. Here you need to remain cool and calm and remember that each client is important to the organization. I say this not for the red word. It is the client who brings the profit to the company. In this step, you need to demonstrate flexibility and knowledge of your competitors' products. I once went to other banks to get information for myself on a credit card. In the future, this knowledge was useful to me when I sold cards to clients. I did it easily, because I knew the advantages of both my bank and the advantages of this product in other banks. Now the interest rate does not always play a decisive role for obtaining a loan. This stage lasts from 1 minute to 3 minutes.

  • Closing the deal.

After dealing with objections, it's time to reap the rewards. Even if a person just came to consult, then you need to leave such an impression that he will come back again. At this stage, you need to summarize everything that was said earlier, repeat the advantages of your product, and once again talk about the requirements for the borrower. This level of selling lasts about a minute of your entire consultation.

  • Additional sale.

In the bank, this stage is also called cross-selling, that is, the parallel sale of an additional product or service. I remember reading somewhere that at McDonald's, every seller must offer something additional to what has already been bought. Thus, the company's income increases, and it's not just about taking care of the client. 😉 In a bank, this can be a service for paying loans from third-party banks, transfers, deposits, which any bank employee can offer.

It's a challenge.
The impossible is the potential.
The impossible is temporary.
Impossible - Nothing.


“I never saw David Davidson, but nevertheless, his manager asked for an apology in advance for him. " David doesn't look like great salespeople he warned me, don't expect anything special from him. He is a quiet person. David the manager continued, not the kind of person with whom I would continue to look for a new buyer, but when his activity reaches a certain point, he will definitely receive an order. Most of our salespeople receive an order from every fifth meeting, David - from every second».

David was a quiet, almost shy man. Many confident salespeople exude confidence; The same cannot be said for David. He is modest to the point of shyness.

However, after an hour-long conversation with him, certain character traits emerged through shyness. He gave the impression of an impeccably honest man. He didn't care about protecting his own ego. Therefore, when I asked him questions about his mistakes, he did not begin to make excuses. He spoke frankly, even when it didn't make him look particularly good.

At some point in the conversation, I thought to myself: I trust this person ". What's more, as the conversation progressed, I found myself telling him things I wouldn't normally talk about with other salespeople. David was a rare person who is usually described as a good listener, a rare type of person who is easier to recognize than to describe to others.

N. Rackham

« Planning should be more than a bout of anxiety in the elevator on the way to the client's office, more than a few scattered thoughts at the beginning of a conversation.»

N. Rackham

In this chapter, we will talk about meeting with a client, and how to get him to agree to go to your service and get credit.

We do not consider cases when, having called and arranged a meeting, he is already ready to take a loan, and the meeting involves only discussing the technical details of lending.

After you have decided on a client, arranged a meeting with him, and you know that this particular (business) has all the necessary characteristics for you, the most important thing comes, namely, a meeting, a personal conversation with a client and a presentation of bank goods.

Here I would like to say right away that you should not try to conduct a sale or a deal over the phone. The phone is not for sale. I would rather define this tool as a face-to-face meeting with a client.

Why won't the phone sell? The disadvantage of the telephone is that it only provides audio communication. During a conversation with a client on the phone, you do not see him, you cannot see his reaction to your questions, you cannot visually present your offer in a profitable way.

Secondly, basically the owners of any form of business are men, and they are more likely to be visual (they like to see, look) than auditory (they like to perceive by ear).

In the sale of bank loans, the most important thing is the meeting. As I said, when you just show up for a meeting, you can assume that you have already made 75% of your sales. Now you have very little left - only 25%.

It should also be taken into account that when attracting small and medium-sized businesses, the meeting should always be held with the owner of the business, and not with the chief accountant or hired manager (when searching for information, you can also meet with them). In SMEs, all decisions, especially financial ones, are made solely by the owner of the business.

Accordingly, the effectiveness of your negotiations can drop significantly if you are negotiating with a person who does not make decisions.

At one of the Tom Hopkins trainings, he gives an example that when discussing the problem of how to achieve an increase in sales in a group of young professionals, there was a person who was aged. So, throughout the seminar, he listened very carefully to those present and the lecturer, and when the question turned to the most important sales criterion - what still makes sales grow - he said:

« Meet 25 clients face to face every day and your earnings will skyrocket »

This is the whole secret of selling banking products - if you meet at least 5 clients a day, you just can't help but get lucky. And it is true!

The main tactics of working with a client

The first phrases of a dialogue with a client are common, and I start like this:

« Good afternoon, Ivan Ivanovich. I'm Sergey Ivanov, today we agreed to meet at 15:00 »

After that, you are usually asked to sit down, and then your conversation or presentation takes place in the form of a dialogue.

I would like to note right away: beware of making a product offer at the beginning of your conversation. Many clients immediately take the “bull by the horns” and make an offer right on the forehead. Remember, this is a mistake. Professional salespeople don't do that!

What is the reason that you are in a hurry to make an offer at the beginning of a conversation? Many salespeople think that if they have come to a potential client, now they need to talk. Make offers, show benefits, talk about funding details, etc.

The technique for asking questions using the SPIN method will be presented below. For a better understanding of this method, I suggest you read the book SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham.

Start a conversation with a client with the purpose of your visit, with the so-called "situational" questions. General questions that relate to the client's business and its lending conditions. Namely:

- How long has your business existed?
- What is the average monthly turnover of your company?
- In which bank are you currently serving?
- Do you have a loan or line of credit?
- When did you take it?
- How long is the loan?
- How did it happen that you took a loan from xxx bank and not from any other bank?

Two important tips for asking "situational" questions:

1. Choose your questions in such a way that they are limited in number, but at the same time get all the information you need.

2. Build your situational questions in such a way that the buyer sees behind them a person who is trying to help him, solve his problems, and not a prosecutor.

At this stage, your goal is to learn as much as possible about the client's current lending conditions at another bank, as well as to understand what benefits your bank can bring.

The next stage will be the construction of problematic questions. These questions should be focused on the problems and dissatisfaction of the client with his service in the current non-your (foreign) bank. What worries him, what problems exist, what he is dissatisfied with.

- What do you dislike about the current servicing bank?
-Maybe you don't like the reward rate?
- Are creditors delaying the issuance of a loan?
- Not too many documents are requested from you?
- Is there any neglect towards you by bank employees?
- Aren't the conditions of the bank's loan agreements too strict?
- Did you have a question when you urgently needed money, and there was nowhere to get it? Urgently.
- Was there ever an urgent need for money?
- Is there a problem in business development due to lack of funds?
- Isn't the remuneration rate too high?
- Is the loan term too short?
- Has the bank taken too much property as collateral from you?
- Don't you risk being served in the bank xxx?

Before asking questions, always rehearse them before the meeting. Say them several times or ask a work colleague.

In other words, you need to find and develop the client's dissatisfaction with the banking institution in which he is served, or dissatisfaction with the current financial situation. The more serious and major problems you manage to "pull" out of the client, the more the potential client will want to switch to servicing at your bank.

In order to correctly draw existing problems from the client, first do your homework. Gather as much information about the client as possible.

Yes, there are situations where information cannot be found at all, especially in the SME sector. Then working "blindly" is the only possible option, and then you just meet with the client, and you get all the rest of the information in the process of meeting with the client.

Is it possible that the client will not have problems? He is happy with everything, he is satisfied with the bank serving him, the rate is already low! It may well be! As Schiffman said, the client is satisfied with his "status quo" (the current situation). What can be done here?

It is necessary to develop hidden needs, those that the client does not know about. In fact, he hasn't realized them yet. And quite possibly, with your help, he realizes them.

My advice: to find information about the company's problems with lending, use the services of accountants. Precisely those accountants who work in this company, first make a visit to them.

But do not make them a loan offer, offer to meet and discuss the possibility of cooperation with the bank. Show the tariffs, offer the “Remote Client” system, try to “talk heart to heart” and at the same time find out problematic issues in working with another bank.

Here is a list of problems that a potential client who is served by another bank may have:

- Higher reward rate
- Short loan term
- The loan amount is too small
- No possibility of deferral of principal and remuneration
- There are penalties for early repayment
- The presence of penalties in case of the client's inability to repay the debt (important: can the bank make concessions at the request of the client and transfer the payment to the next month)
- Strict conditions in loan agreements (lack of independence in making financial decisions)
- A large amount of pledged property in the bank
- Lack of attention to the client on the part of the bank (they do not congratulate on holidays, happy birthdays)
- Low speed of consideration of the client's loan application
- Seasonal fluctuations are not taken into account in the repayment schedule
- Deception by management (broken promises)
- A large amount of information that should be provided to the bank (when monitoring the financial condition or the initial issuance of a loan)
- High rates.

Around each of the questions above, you can frame the problem in such a way that it is clear and strong, and makes the buyer feel a strong need for the buyer to change the current problem as soon as possible. Namely, a change with the help of your service, your bank.

And here we turn to "extracting" questions. The art of "extraction" questions lies in the fact that you do not argue that this or that fact can negatively affect the client's business, but he himself reveals problems and difficulties that can aggravate the situation in the company, with the help of your questions.


Problem- The loan amount is not large enough (does not meet the needs of the client).

"Extraction" questions (possibility of the consequences of this problem):

1. Will this problem lead to a decrease in production?
2. How much will the business growth slow down?
3. Will this problem interfere with the development of a new line of business?
Can this problem lead to loss of business?
5. What will be the approximate amount of lost profits as a result of this problem?

Your questions should address fears and cause "pain" in the client. Your questions should encourage the client to think about the problem. This is the only way to shift the “status quo” of the client. This is the only way to encourage a client to cooperate with your bank.

But at the same time, keep in mind that too much desire to influence the client can become counterproductive and lead to the opposite result.

After using the "pull" questions to fully develop the relevant problems from the above list, smoothly move on to the "guiding" questions.

How to formulate effective "guiding" questions?

1. Use linking phrases– tie your questions to the answers or statements of the client.

If we offered you a longer loan term, for example 20 years instead of 10, as in bank xxx, how much easier would it be for you financially?

You said that the bank xxx conducts monthly monitoring of the financial condition. What if we only monitored quarterly - would it be easier for you to do business with us?

If we gave you a loan at a rate 2% below the current rate, what would you do with the savings?

2. Enjoy variety– Be clear and specific, but avoid repeating the same phrase, for example:

How will it help you develop a new line of business?
Will a lower loan payment affect your financial condition?
Will it help cut running costs?

Instead, you can ask:

What new line of business will help you develop the savings?
How will other expenses be affected by the reduction in payments on the credit line?
Will a 2% reduction in the remuneration rate affect the current expenses of the enterprise?

Plan (otherwise you won't sell)

If there is only one piece of advice to give that can help your sales, then that piece of advice can only sound like this: Schedule your appointments».

As the main steps for planning your meeting, it is recommended to consider 3 points:

1. Plan Progress First
2. Then plan what ask not what to say
3. Use the planning tool as an aid.

1. Plan Progress First

Progress is getting agreement from the customer for an action that moves you forward in the direction of sales.

The outcome of a meeting that did not result in an agreement to move forward to sales, i.e. delay is a failure, no matter what the client thought of you, and how well you broke up with him.

Progress in negotiations on the sale of a banking product (loan) will be, for example, the following:

· consent of the client to start collecting documents for financial analysis to obtain a loan;

· an agreement to meet with the Director or Deputy Director of the branch to get acquainted and further discuss the terms of lending;

· an agreement on the arrival of pledgers or appraisers to assess the proposed pledge;

· determining the terms of lending by another bank (sometimes this is quite a significant progress);

· an agreement on a second meeting (with the solution of certain types of issues “remuneration rate, loan amount, loan term, etc.”).

After that, define as Goals The best of the above types of Progress is the one that moves the sale forward the farthest.

2. Plan to ask, not tell.

· Plan ahead or you won't make a sale.

· If you want to see the world through the buyer's eyes, you must first understand, not persuade. And asking questions is the best way to understand your buyer.

The secret to successful questions lies in planning them. Just take a piece of paper and make a list of 10 to 30 questions. Make it a rule to write them before every meeting.

3. Use a planning tool

I will write about it in the next part of the article.


When conducting a meeting and presentation, keep the following points in mind:

Find common ground with a potential client. It can be a hobby, a person you both know, health, children, cars, you never know what ...

- "Break the ice" at the end of negotiations.

Be sure to clearly show the approximate repayment schedule for the loan (you can prepare it in advance or calculate the schedule in the presence of the client on his computer). I can say that very often I sat down with a client at the computer and made an approximate calculation of repayments for the client. For a former lender, this is usually not difficult.

Have a list of documents required for lending at your bank with you. Here it is important to go over the items on the list with the client and explain why this or that document is needed, and where to get it.

Be sure to show the client the commissions that he will have to pay. Because, without pointing them out, you can get into a stupid situation when you will be accused of not specifically talking about commissions, i.e. deceived the customer.

Important: from constant conversations with clients, I realized that the simpler and more accessible you explain how to get a loan, and what is needed for this, the more real it is for you to get a buyer (client). You can even imagine that Bart Simpson is sitting in front of you, and you are explaining to him how to get a loan from your bank. The simpler, the better.

Bring along a few negative articles about the bank the client works with. It is not usually customary to speak negatively about another bank, but in a conversation you can unobtrusively suggest a few articles about financial fraud in one of the banks. Usually customers read this information very carefully. J

Set yourself up for a negative answer. Let the client tell you no. Believe me, it will become much easier for you if you talk with a person who respects you .. For whatever decision he makes!

At the end of any conversation, MAKE AN OFFER!!! If you don't make an offer, then why are you working in a bank? End any conversation you have with your offer. "Come on, we'll lend you!" "Let's refinance your loan!!!"

Do not hold more than three meetings with one client. It may seem to you that the client is thinking, reflecting, and that one more meeting will decide everything! And the client will go to your bank! NO, it won't! Everything will remain in its place, you will just waste your time.

Give indirect compliments. It works and it's great. For women, this is a praise for her child; for a man, it is a praise for his car. For entrepreneurs, praise the building or form of business.


One last thing: in sales, I achieve the greatest result when I work in a flow, in a state of relaxation and drive.

This is a state when I like the client, I am pleased to be in his company. I'm kidding. I share my feelings and thoughts.

This can be achieved with rhythmic pleasant music and alertness. Just listen to music, cheer yourself up, be neutral about the outcome of the meeting, and go into the flow.

But you will get even more pleasure when you can turn a potential client (alert, not believing you) into your friend. And this is the most important thing in the art of the seller.


Rules and principles of sales:

You own the information - you own the world!
Sell ​​the Solution to the Client's Problems!
Take responsibility!
Find a remedy, not an excuse!
Just act! Always, under any conditions!

Rules for the effective sale of banking products:

1). Selling banking products is the skill of a personal manager. There are a number of methods
a sales technique that by itself, without proper skills, cannot move forward,
therefore, the manager must constantly improve his skills.
2). Selling starts with knowledge. The manager needs knowledge about the bank's customers and their needs.
business. To do this, you need to communicate with people, visit enterprises, make acquaintances.
The manager must know about the banking product or service, that is, the manager must find
advantages of its banking product over similar products of competing banks.
The manager must have information about competing banks, The manager must know the strengths and
weaknesses in the activities of their bank.
3). The manager must be able to "listen" to the client. The manager should not talk more than 45% of the time, and
should listen more. It is necessary to ask questions and determine the needs of the client. If the client
if you fail to talk, then as a result the manager will not know what the client needs and, accordingly, how
solve his problem.
4). The client does not buy banking products, but benefits, therefore, when presenting banking
products, it is necessary to talk about the benefits, that is, about those properties of the product that are
significant for the customer's choice.
5). The manager must be able to mentally put himself in the place of the client. For example: for director
trading company, it is logical to assume that it will be important to ensure the safety of money,
6). Price should not be the target of negotiations. So, if the conversation begins with the determination of the price, then how
as a rule, if a deal is concluded, then it is concluded at the lowest price, therefore it is better to do it first
interest the client, give him the opportunity to discover the benefits and understand the value of banking
7). The manager needs not to sell banking products to customers, but to offer a way to solve it
problems, here should be noted:
-customers don't like being forced on them;
What works for one client may not work for another.

3.Methods of selling banking products and services

The method based on
existing needs and
customer requests
Forming method
needs and requests

I. The method based on meeting the existing needs and requests of the client is applied in two cases:

when the client and manager have already installed
trusting partnerships and manager
has information about the activities of the client, about
problems that concern him;
when the client belongs to a certain group
enterprises with the same profile and
The use of this method involves
careful study of the activities of the enterprise,
his financial and credit history, plans
development and production, etc. Knowing the client's business
state of affairs at the enterprise, personal
the manager clearly sets the change
needs and proposes a solution.

II. The method of forming the needs and requests of the client is the most complex and requires special skill and knowledge. First with

through skillfully formulated
purposeful questions and active listening to the answers by the manager reveals the true interests and
the needs of the client's business.
This is achieved through the use of the technology of open and clarifying questions, methods of presenting a positive
signal or techniques of reflex listening. Then, with the help of the summary technique, the problem is formulated and
a solution is proposed.
by setting
questions + method

OPC sales methodology (scheme) Features-Benefits-Values

Methodology (scheme) of OPC sales
The essence of this technique is not for sale
as much banking product as
way to solve customer problems

In this case, the bank manager acts as a good adviser, assistant and consultant to the enterprise.
The OPV scheme is designed with a clear understanding of the benefits and values ​​that
embedded in banking products and services and are of undoubted interest to the bank's client.
A distinctive feature of compiling classifications is that each characteristic
banking product, services match the benefits and value of the product.
The most successful application of this technique is in personal sales, when the client initially
is not ready to use the bank’s services and it is necessary to work with him so that he can
make a decision on your own.
In order to be guided by this principle, it is important:
♦ to understand what potential benefit lies in a banking product or service;
correctly identify the interests of the client in order to interest the client at the presentation
♦ use exactly those arguments for persuasion that will help the client understand what benefit
he will receive by using the service.

An example of a credit line lending using an OPV scheme

and I
OPC schemes

10. Task 1. Description of the banking product according to the OPC scheme

banking product
banking product
for clients
banking values
product for

11. Classification of collection services

Features of the banking product
Benefits of a banking product
for client
Banking product values ​​for
1. Delivery of money to the bank is made
For delivery and delivery of cash
through their transmission
proceeds to the bank do not need cashiers,
collectors who deliver and
transport, security
hand them over to the bank
Save cash register time
employees of enterprises and individuals,
accompanying them, on delivery and
depositing money in the bank. Security
continuous work of the cashier
enterprises due to the fact that
bank deposit functions
performed by collectors.
Cost savings for the enterprise
maintenance of vehicles and security
to send money to the bank
2. Collection is carried out
Provides security
special service of the bank, which has
delivery of money from the enterprise to the bank
necessary equipment
Security of funds
Partner collects proceeds
3. Cash collection makes it possible to change
regardless of the operating mode of the bank
revenue at a convenient time, flexible
customers, including in the evening and at
4. Recalculation of cash receipts
carried out 24 hours
Revenue coming after
operating time,
counted by night shift
Timely payment of funds
funds to the account and
the ability to make payments from 9
5. Individual approach
setting a price based on
revenue and route
Payment for the service is carried out for the period
30 days
Saving money

12. Ways to sell banking products and services

Package offer
Cross selling

13. Package offer of services

The package offer means
organizing the sale of a large set to a client
services in the form of a package or a chain of cross-border


In this case, as a rule, the bank offers several
options for combining services included in the package
offer, and the customer has a choice
specific package.
Characteristic features of the package offer
are preferential pricing for one or
several products included in the package, as well as
the possibility of obtaining significant additional


Among Russian banks using bundling
services for the promotion of retail products,
the programs of AlfaBank, the Bank of Moscow and Citibank were the most famous.
According to the bankers themselves, the main advantages for
customer when buying a package of services are both price
factors (benefits for the acquisition of banking
products, various discounts for paying for one or
several services from the "package"), and the possibility
independently determine the composition of the "package" by choosing from
options offered by the bank.
As a rule, banks offer
a gift to the client - a credit card.

16. Advantages of a package offer for the Bank

the ability to attract new customers by expanding
product line through a combination of different tools;
- increasing customer loyalty by providing
related products at discounted prices;
Benefits of a package deal
acquisition of the most demanded products and services for
preferential prices;
- the possibility of obtaining related products and services as
banking and non-banking nature at preferential prices.

17. Cons of a package offer for the Bank

1. The bank begins to be associated with the client only with this particular
2. As soon as the need for the service disappears, the client leaves the bank.
3. The bank is forced to constantly be in conditions of price dumping,
focusing the attention of customers on one service (customers unwittingly
compare the offer of this bank with the offers of its
4. The client chooses service providers and allocates his needs
between them and spends more time moving, identifying
and so on.
However, studies show that more than half of the clients
indicate that they are interested in receiving all financial services in
one place. To realize this interest in a typical situation,
you just need to make a good offer to the client.

18. Example of a package offer



[English] Co-branding] - co-branding on products
additional benefits and comfort of their acquisition, and partners
according to K. in this regard - to get closer to the client, to increase the loyal
audience, sales volumes, reducing network development costs

21. Success factors of the CO-BRANDING project:

Success factors of the CO-BRANDING project:
careful analysis of strengths and weaknesses
each partner brand followed by
combining and emphasizing strengths;
significant intersection (overlap) of compositions
primary and secondary target audiences of partner companies;


For banks, co-branding has become an effective marketing tool for promoting
payment cards and attracting new customers. Implementation of bank programs
trade, transport, entertainment, travel companies is one of the
directions for expanding the client base of cards - bank divisions.
The most famous in this area are bonus co-branding programs,
which were pioneered by Rosbank, which launched Beeline for subscribers
the Vee-Bonus program, and Sberbank, which implemented jointly with Aeroflot and
international payment system Visa first co-branding program
"Aeroflot-Bonus", and then the program "Visa-Aeroflot".
Among the most famous bonus co-branding programs of banks and trade
service companies can be called the Raiffeisenbank program, payment
the Visa program and the accumulative program "Malina". Under this program
Raiffeisenbank issues co-branded credit cards "MalinaRaiffeisenbank", which at the same time are the means of payment of the system
Visa and a card of a member of the accumulative program "Malina". Interaction
organized according to the standard scheme, when for any purchase with a card, both in Russia and
and abroad, its owner receives points on a special bonus account, on
which are purchased goods from the "Raspberry" catalog. According to the coordinator
project "Malina" by Anna Thomas, within three years it is planned to issue up to 350
thousand co-branded cards


Another common type of co-branding programs are
discount programs implemented by banks, international
payment systems and trading companies, services
service, cellular operators.
Discount programs include co-branded
programs that provide customers - cardholders with discounts for
purchases in trading enterprises - partners of the program, cultural and entertainment centers (Program "Thank you from Sberbank" -
paying by card is profitable! Discounts in partner stores,
accrual of bonuses for purchases around the world).
Similar to bonus programs within discount projects
All participants receive additional benefits:
- banks develop their card business, acting as
issuers of plastic cards;
- customers purchase cards of leading payment systems and receive
benefits from participation in discount or accumulative programs;
- service enterprises - the influx of new customers and visitors.



Up-sell - an increase, literally "raising", the amount of the sale. This
marketing ploy that motivates the buyer to increase
purchase amounts.
Cross-sell - cross-selling.

26. Cross-selling

Possibility to sell to the Client additional
banking product or service.
Key to cross-selling success:
Remember the client's motivation
Summarize for yourself everything the Client said in
time to deal with objections
As a result, to form the most valuable for the Client
0.0 – 5.10 (min)

27. Practice. Cross-selling

A woman of near retirement age, adores her grandchildren and
series. Wants to build a second floor in the country, so
she came to the bank to apply for a consumer loan for
100,000 rubles.
The task of a banking specialist is to find out about the main problem /
customer needs, sell a solution to a given problem, and
CARRY OUT cross-selling of additional banking products
(deposit, credit card, SMS informing, Internet banking,
insurance, debit card)
Key to cross-selling success:
1. Remember the Client's motivation for acquiring the main
2. Summarize for yourself everything the Client said
3. Formulate the most valuable offer for the client,
which will make the main purchased product the most

28. Customer service by a personal manager


Personal manager - bank employee, main
whose purpose is to establish and
development of long-term cooperation with
corporate clients on terms of trust and
mutual benefit, as well as ensuring partnership
relationships based on good knowledge, market business processes and customer development plans.

30. Personal managers must meet certain professional requirements:

1). Distinctive properties (specific personality traits):
a) Empathy - the ability of a manager to assess the situation from the point of view of the client, to put himself on
his place.
b) Ambition - self-esteem, is inextricably linked with the successful completion of the assignment received
or performing a specific activity.
c) Fortitude (hardiness) - the ability of a manager to quickly recover from failure.
d) Self-discipline, intelligence, creativity, flexibility, independence,
perseverance, exactingness, reliability.
a) Ability to communicate;
b) Analytical abilities - this is due to the fact that when working with a client, the emphasis is on
consulting work in the sale of banking services. To do this, the manager must have
information about the client, his financial condition, problems and needs, as well as about banking
products, their profitability and advantage for the client;
c) Organizational abilities;
d) The ability to manage your own time - this item is closely related to the previous one. Manager
should spend most of his time on clients who are more promising for
3). Erudition is the possession of special information, knowledge, that is, managers must
have information not only about their customers, banking products, the bank as a whole, but also about
competitor banks. The manager must know the technology and methods of selling banking products,
successfully cope with the presentation of banking services and influence the decision-making of the client.

31. Main responsibilities of a personal manager:

1. Study banking products, their advantages, values, constantly
improve knowledge in the field of banking technologies.
2. Have analytical information about the client, his business, problems,
key employees who make decisions or form opinions
manager, understand the client's business, study his needs and needs.
3. Ensure constant contact with the client by means of telephone
calls, correspondence, organization of presentations, negotiation.
4. Inform the client about traditional or new bank services that
may be useful to his business.
5. Solve customer business problems, find options, service schemes,
profitable for both the client and the bank.
6. In the process of presenting banking services to interest the client
the profitability of the service and the possibility of benefiting or profiting from it
7. Motivate the purchase of the service by offering the client to do the right thing
selection of a favorable form and conditions for its provision.
8. Own sales techniques and methods, be able to form product values
in terms of customer satisfaction.
9. Successfully complete negotiations with the client, agreeing on specific
actions and activities in relation to the proposed service.
10. Know the history of the bank, its competitive distinctive characteristics.


1. Conducting business - analysis. Finding out the needs of the business, fixed customers in banking services.
At the same time, the functions:
- Creation and maintenance of information base about clients
- study of the needs for banking services
- development of commercial proposals based on these needs
- monitoring, establishing feedback with the client.
2. Establishment and development of long-term partnerships based on mutual interests.
At the same time, the functions:
- development of long-term cooperation plans
- preparation of marketing plans for a group of clients - sales, services, income and more.
- Facilitating relationships with other bank customers
- formation of demand for banking services
- Building partnerships with each client
- constant informing the client on issues related to his business and the bank, correspondence, business meetings, congratulations
clients with anniversaries and holidays,
participation in representative events
-development of individual service schemes
- provision of consulting services to clients
-representation of clients' interests in business divisions and committees of the bank
-monitoring, customer surveys to determine their satisfaction with banking services
3. Implementation of a long-term plan for cooperation with clients.
At the same time, the functions:
- holding events in accordance with the long-term plan for the development of partnerships with the client
-organization and promotion of bank services in rubles and foreign currency
-monitoring of the cash flow of clients, offering convenient schemes for investing funds
- support for the implementation of banking products and services
- carrying out preparatory work before meeting with the client
- after-sales care, that is, finding out the client's opinion about the quality of services and maintenance
-monitoring the effectiveness of the activities carried out according to the plan, determining the profitability of customers
4. Attracting priority potential customers.
At the same time, the functions:
- Carrying out systematic work to attract contractors for servicing
- Carrying out work to raise funds
- Attracting potential customers in the market
5. Planning the manager's work and reporting.
At the same time, the functions:
-work planning for a week based on long-term plans for the development of cooperation with the client
- weekly report to the head of the department
-report on non-fulfillment of the main tasks set
The introduction of the institution of personal managers in a bank can be difficult due to:
1. great mental load, great requirements for knowledge of the bank's products and services of competing banks
2. psychological difficulties (there are cases when it is difficult to find an approach to the head or chief accountant of the enterprise and in connection with this
takes a lot of time and effort)

33. The use of information technology in the system of sales of banking products. Remote banking: systems

"Client-Bank" (Internet banking, on-line banking, direct banking, home
banking), Telefon-Bank systems (telephone banking, telebanking, SMS-banking), devices
banking self-service.
Analysis of foreign sources allows us to identify the following areas
innovative development:
1. Development of a "multi-channel banking service system",
combining traditional technologies and new tools:
a) self service
b) remote maintenance
c) Internet use
d) call centers
e) highly qualified individual consultations.
2. Virtual banking and financial technologies: banking management
account, cash payments, electronic signature, conclusion of contracts,
financial institutions (stock exchanges, banks).
3. Integrated use of new information and communication
technologies for electronic and mixed (traditional and new) marketing.
4 Collection, storage and analytical processing of internal information. New
internal control and audit capabilities.
5. Changes in the qualifications of employees: product manager, consultant,
transaction and advisory specialist.
6. New banking products (services) based on new technologies.
7. New self-service machines (mono and multifunctional,

34. Client-bank systems (PC-banking, home banking)

Systems accessed through a personal computer. Bank at
this provides the client with technical and methodological support during installation
systems, initial training of customer personnel, software updates
and support of the client in the process of further work. "Client-bank" systems
provide full-fledged settlement and depositary services and maintenance of ruble
and currency accounts from a remote workplace. Client-bank systems allow
create and send payment documents of any type to the bank, as well as receive from
bank statement of accounts (information on movements on the account). For security purposes in
Client-Bank systems use various encryption systems. Usage
systems "Client-bank" for servicing legal entities is still one of the most
popular RBS technologies in the Russian Federation. "Client-bank" systems
are basically divided into 2 types:
1.1 Bank-Client (thick client)
Classic type of bank-client system. On the user's workstation
a separate client program is installed. The client program stores on the computer
all their data, as a rule, are payment documents and account statements. The client program can connect to the bank via various communication channels.

35. Internet Client (thin client) (On-line banking, Internet banking, WEB-banking)

The user logs in through an Internet browser.
The Internet-Client system is placed on the bank's website.
All user data (payment documents and
account statements) are stored on the bank's website. Based
Internet Client may be provided
limited information services


Art-banking (Eng. Art-banking) - financial and consulting support
investment in art. A new service that appeared on the financial markets
world at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century.
Most large Western credit institutions allocate within their
divisions focused on working with VIP clients with portfolios from
500 thousand euros, art advisory departments. In Russia, this service has been available for several years.
offer departments of the largest credit institutions, among which
Gazprombank, UralSib, VTB, etc.
This service is designed for both corporate and private investors.
The range of services offered is varied and covers the following areas:
· advising on the formation of investment quality collections;
analysis of collections or individual objects of art;
advice on collection selection, management and long-term
maintaining their value;
Examination of the authenticity of a work of art;
restoration and storage.


Direct-banking is a bank without a branch network. He
offers the following types of RBS:
§ Telephone banking;
§ Online banking;
§ ATMs (in rare cases);
§ Bank mail;
§ Mobile banking.
Excluding expenses associated with organizing a branch office
bank networks, virtual banks can offer more
high interest rates on deposits lower
service charge than their traditional competitors.


Telephone-banking systems (telephone banking, telebanking, SMS-banking)
Telephone banking is a type of remote banking
service, in which the client receives banking services through
using the capabilities of phones. Using the telephone banking system
the client can receive both information services from the bank and manage funds
on your accounts.
The telephone banking system can be implemented in two ways:
1. customer communication by phone with a bank operator who receives calls on
a specially organized workplace (call center, call center, etc.)
2. interactive voice interaction (IVR), allowing the client to access
bank services via telephone without the participation of an operator.
The emergence and development of mobile communications has led to the emergence of another way
implementation of telephone banking, called SMS banking, in which
information service and the ability to manage your customer accounts
performs by sending SMS messages from your mobile phone.



The final stage of adapting the product to the market is adapting the market to the product.

Clive James

Types of sales channels for banking products

Mass sales under the "financial supermarket" scheme involve servicing a large number of customers similar in their consumer preferences and carrying out the same type of banking operations. Retail sales, as a rule, are carried out stationary and require the creation of a wide branch network. In this regard, the main risk of direct financial losses in the retail business is the failure to fill the necessary volumes of banking operations with the capacities that are created for this business (banking infrastructure: branches, representative offices, acquiring, registered cash desks, processing, POS-terminal equipment, etc.). ). If this happens, then we can talk about the weak work of the bank's marketing services, which poorly researched market segments and were unable to stimulate demand in the volumes necessary for the retail business.

For example, in order to develop the card business, the annual issue volume must be at least 1 million cards, and at the same time, at least 100,000 transactions per month must be made with them. The minimum profitability threshold for express loans is at the level of 200,000 consumers, and for the SMS-banking service - 100,000 users. Thus, the basis for obtaining sufficient income to maintain the required level of profitability in the retail banking business is the turnover on customer accounts.

The main problem of retail sales is the creation of a system of high-quality cost management at all stages of the life cycle. Due to the high initial costs for the formation of the sales infrastructure, it is especially important for the "financial supermarket" to create affordable and cheap products. However, many retail banks are overly keen on expanding the product range, which leads to another problem: the created products do not find demand, and attempts to impose them on customers reflect badly on the bank's image. In the retail banking business, the sales manager needs to instill the psychology of a large supermarket salesperson. A wide range of services allows you to fully use the principle of interchangeability and complementarity.

Targeted (individual) sales under the "financial boutique" scheme involve the search for certain groups of customers and exclusive forms of service. A small number of operations and relatively small initial costs require that sales managers focus on obtaining a high margin from the sale of individual products. For example, the minimum threshold for profitability in a "financial boutique" for cash settlement may be 15-20% of the costs. The main risk of the individual form of sale is the loss of the client.

An example is the Trade Finance Bank (LLC), which positions itself as a unique institution in the financial market. The mission of the bank is to increase the value of customers and the bank itself in mutually beneficial cooperation, which is expressed in the slogan "The art of increasing value."

The main criterion for the bank's activity, which is aimed at the development of various forms of service using the technology of a financial boutique (the term Private Banking is more often used), is the quality that is achieved through uniqueness, reliability and efficiency.

Due to the growing demands of individual clients for the quality of service, banks developing the Private Banking strategy are expanding the standard range of services, which includes:

  • Personal management.
  • Service in a separate room.
  • Financial and tax consulting.
  • Access to forex transactions.
  • Opening of metal accounts.
  • More favorable rates and tariffs.
  • Real estate transactions.

On the product basis, the following sales methods can be distinguished: single sales, bundling, cross-selling, cross-selling. Single sales involve the sale of a product of one name, for example, opening a current account or obtaining a loan. Single sales can complement the already used list of products or be a separate planning object for trial sales.

The most popular today is the strategy of bundling banking products, which can be widely used both at the level of the head bank and a particular sales office. Batch selling considers available products as separate items in a catalog of related services and allows you to identify and create a set of products that would fully satisfy the needs of the client, thereby guaranteeing the best interaction with him.

The package may include seasonal products (tax payments, holiday contributions, construction loans). For example, in the case of the periodicity of paying taxes, you can offer their advance payment. The practice of banks included the annual introduction of seasonal deposits with a flexible system of interest accrual. In case of early demand of the deposit or its part, the interest varies depending on the term of the actual presence of funds in the deposit.

The quality of the product is directly related to the quality of service and implies, first of all, linking the expectations of customers and what the bank can offer. The concept of sales effectiveness, therefore, includes such a complex concept as a friendly relationship with the clientele, and this element can rightly be included in the technology of packaging products.

In table. 4.1.1 shows examples of traditional bundling of banking products for individuals at the branch level.

Batch sales technology requires an appropriate professional level of competence (knowledge of the bank's product range, the ability to present the offered products, assistance in their use), communication skills (attention, courtesy, courtesy, the ability to win over).

Table 4.1.1

Examples of Traditional Bundling of Banking Products for Individuals at the Branch Level

The ability to maintain long-term communication (for some clients and types of services purchased, the communication period is longer than for others), to respect the place and hierarchical level of communication (for VIP clients, the participation of the manager, providing a more comfortable environment), the use of the necessary regulatory requirements (appearance , communication with customers, etc.).

In the practice of many banks with large branches, a method such as cross-selling is used.

Cross-selling is the offering of related products to a clientele. Along with this, the replacement of those products that were already consumed at one time can also be carried out, and new products can be offered in exchange (cross-selling). This strategy brings good profits and allows you to achieve an advantage over competitors. One of the main conditions for the success of this method is the logical construction of the product range in relation to customer requests. Products must be interesting and attractive to the customer and included in a package of services that can be offered for sale at any time.

The list of related and interchangeable products for clients not yet attracted, but significant for the bank, may include those products that the current clientele does not use, but may be interested in in the future.

This strategy allows you to plan sales and make optimal use of the bank's resources. It also allows you to better understand consumer expectations and evaluate the market. Another important aspect of cross-selling and cross-selling is the competitive advantage that comes from it. The client feels that his most diverse requests in banking products can only be satisfied in this bank. For example, if a customer buys traveler's checks from a bank, they may be advised to purchase accident insurance while traveling abroad. The strategy of batch and cross-selling allows you to establish stable and long-term relationships with customers and increase the share of loyal customers.

In order to develop and implement a strategy for gaining more client confidence, the bank needs to create an effective information system. The sales office should have access to all information about the client: the type of relationship with the branch, the number and types of products consumed, the qualitative and quantitative turnover, the main types of demand for banking services, etc. Having this information, you must:

  • 1. group information for each segment of the clientele;
  • 2. prepare a package of products for each client for subsequent cross-selling.

Direct selling is associated with the initiative of the seller, who addresses his offer directly to the client at his location. The volume of direct sales is constantly growing and in a number of European countries already exceeds 50% of the total turnover (in Russia, according to some estimates, no more than 1%).

Direct sales - the most difficult type of sales, which requires the seller to master the art of negotiation. The importance of direct sales in banking practice will increase for the following reasons:

  • 1. Expansion of the network of points of sale of banking products and an increase in the concentration of customers who have the desire and opportunity to contact bank managers.
  • 2. Gradual transition from passive forms of interaction with the client to a relationship management system. The purpose of such a system is not to conclude a single transaction, but to build long-term relationships with the client.
  • 3. Increasing customer confidence in personal management and increasing requirements for individual service.

All this requires advanced training of the staff of the front offices of banks and, first of all, client managers. The scope of direct sales is large clients, individual service, complex banking products.

During the period of growth in retail lending, various types of “tied lending” are very popular, when the loan is secured by a purchased product. This type of lending is called POS lending.

POS lending (POS - Point Of Sale) can be defined as a branch of the retail business of banks, providing for the issuance of loans for certain goods directly on the premises of a trading enterprise. Mobile communications and computer equipment have the largest share among high-demand goods.

Alfa-Bank, Russian Standard, HKF Bank, OTP Bank, Rusfinance Bank stood out among the banks that were actively operating in the POS lending market during the period of consumer lending development.

Availability of a loan (the decision on obtaining a linked loan is made by the bank within 15-30 minutes, and documents confirming income are not required) and a relatively small amount (about 20 thousand rubles) lead to increased risks, so banks set interest rates higher than market ones and receive higher income than with conventional lending. This explains the intensive growth of POS lending in Russia since the mid-2000s. until 2014, when the recession began in the economy.

Decreased interest of bankers in the POS-loans market is quite natural. The potential of such loans is largely limited by the list of goods and services that can be sold through credit schemes. In addition, it is extremely difficult to use various online services in POS lending, which are actively developing at the present time.

The change in the economic situation and the growing instability in the banking system forced banks to reorient their sales strategies towards credit cards and the development of POS lending in online commerce. Starting from 2011, the credit card market in Russia began to grow rapidly. This is due to the entry into this market of the largest issuer of payment cards - Sberbank of Russia, which, in addition to overdraft cards, began to issue revolving credit cards of various payment systems. To issue them, Sberbank of Russia simplified the current procedure for issuing credit cards and introduced a scoring system.

The second area of ​​consumer lending, which has received dynamic development in recent years, is lending for purchases via the Internet. For a bank, a POS loan in an online store has several obvious advantages:

  • no need to maintain a staff of specialists at points of sale;
  • online store buyers are a more attractive category of borrowers;
  • a huge audience of online stores.

More than half of Sberbank's retail clients are ready to recommend Sberbank to their friends and acquaintances.

Customer Satisfaction Index CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index), which characterizes customer satisfaction with banking services, allows you to evaluate the price-quality ratio of banking products and services in terms of meeting customer needs and requests. In Sberbank branches, it is 9.1 points out of 10 possible. The most loyal customers of Sberbank are young people and representatives of the social segment: the figures for these categories are 61% and 57%, respectively. During the year, Sberbank received more than 860,000 customer reviews. Sberbank conducts satisfaction surveys via phone calls and SMS with a request to evaluate the quality of service after a visit to a branch or a call to a contact center.