How to start a business for the production of wood concrete blocks: writing a business plan. Business plan for an enterprise for the production of wood concrete blocks Demand for wood concrete blocks in percent

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  • As you know, our country is famous for a large number of woodworking industries. It is no secret that when processing wood, a lot of wood waste (sawdust, wood chips) remains, most of which is simply thrown away. However, it is woodworking waste that can often serve to organize the production of high-quality material, one of which is wood concrete.

    Wood concrete or wood brick is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly building material used in the construction of low-rise buildings and structures, as well as serving as a heater for load-bearing walls. The material itself is a block measuring approximately 500x250x200mm, consisting of a mixture of sawdust, cement, water and aluminum sulfate (or calcium chloride).

    The main attraction of wood concrete is that most of the raw materials for its manufacture are almost free (sawdust, sand, water). Thanks to this, the cost of production is low, which allows you to get additional profit. Moreover, organizing a business does not require a lot of resources, labor and large production areas.

    The production of wood concrete is beneficial for the following reasons:

    1. Not high initial investments for business organization;
    2. Low cost of finished products;
    3. Wood concrete is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly building material, the demand for which will only grow.

    How much money do you need to start a business for the production of wood concrete

    This business involves the organization of a small mini-enterprise for the production of wood concrete with a production volume of 500 m3 of products per month. To organize the business, an investment of 900,000 rubles will be required.

    The starting cost estimate is as follows:

    1. Mixing station - 120 thousand rubles;
    2. Molds (30 pieces) - 110 thousand rubles;
    3. A set of manual rammers - 15 thousand rubles;
    4. Drying chamber - 350 thousand rubles;
    5. Metal pallets - 30 thousand rubles;
    6. PPM-5 chipper - 150 thousand rubles;
    7. Additional equipment (cement dispensers, wood chips) - 50 thousand rubles;
    8. Other expenses - 75 thousand rubles;

    Total - 900 thousand rubles.

    What taxation system to choose for the wood concrete production business

    To carry out production activities, it is necessary to register individual entrepreneurship at the local branch of the Federal Tax Service. As a taxation system, it is advisable to choose a simplified taxation system (STS) - 6% of gross income. After hiring the first employees, it is necessary to register as an employer with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund and pay monthly insurance premiums for employees.

    How to start a business for the production of wood concrete

    To produce products with a volume of 500 m3 per month, it will be necessary to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 250 m2.

    Thanks to the installation of a drying chamber in the room, the exposure time for wood concrete blocks is reduced to several hours.

    The floor space will be divided into:

    1. Production area - 50 m2;
    2. Aging and drying zone - 100 m2;
    3. Storage area for finished products - 100 m2.

    The company will work in one shift (8 hours) 5 days a week. The staff list of the enterprise will include 6 people: 4 handymen, an accountant and a sales and supply manager. There will be a 2/2 shift work schedule for laborers.

    Table No. 1: Planned staffing at the enterprise

    Job titleNumber of employees, peopleSalary, rub./monthTotal, rub.
    Handyman4 10 000 40 000
    Accountant1 15 000 15 000
    Purchasing Manager1 15 000 15 000
    TOTAL6 70 000

    Advantages of wood concrete blocks

    Wood concrete, as a building material, has a number of advantages, which include:

    • Arbolite is an environmentally friendly building material;
    • The thickness of the wood concrete is only 30 cm, but at the same time its heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties are higher than a wall three bricks thick (75 cm);
    • Easily subjected to any machining, be it sawing, grinding, drilling, etc.;
    • Blocks of wood concrete, unlike wood, are not subject to decay processes, infection by fungus and other microorganisms;
    • The construction of buildings and structures with the help of wood concrete blocks takes place in the shortest possible time with the least expenditure of effort and financial resources;
    • High fire resistance allows it to be used for the construction of facilities with increased fire safety requirements;
    • Refers to light building material. Its mass is much less than that of most other building materials;
    • Thanks to its large-pore structure, improved air exchange and humidity levels in the room are provided;
    • Houses built from wood concrete are characterized by increased durability and their service life significantly exceeds human needs.

    Equipment for the production of wood concrete

    The main equipment for the organization of production includes:

    1. Mixing station, (3 cubic meters) for the preparation of wood concrete mass;
    2. Compression molds for the manufacture of blocks of a given size (300*200*500 mm, 500x250x200mm, etc.);
    3. Set of manual rammers or equipment for vibrocompaction.

    The list of additional equipment includes:

    1. Drying chamber for faster curing of wood concrete blocks;
    2. Chippers for crushing large chips;
    3. Receiving hopper for supplying wood chips to the mixing station;
    4. Conveyors for delivery of wood concrete mixture to areas for vibrocompaction;
    5. Metal pallets for finished blocks.

    The main raw materials for the production of wood concrete blocks per 1 m3 are:

    1. Chips - 1166 liters. At the same time, the chips should not be just sawn, it must be stored under a canopy beforehand;
    2. Aluminum sulfate solution - 112 liters (90 kg of dry matter per 1000 liters of water);
    3. Cement - 237 liters;
    4. Water depending on the moisture content of the wood chips. Water must be added until the mixture begins to shine.

    Accordingly, for the production of 500 m3 of wood concrete blocks per month, you will need:

    • Chips: 583 thousand liters of wood chips;
    • Aluminum sulfate solution: 56 thousand liters;
    • Cement: 118 thousand liters.

    Production technology of wood concrete blocks

    1. Loading chips into the mixing station, turning on the drive and adding aluminum sulfate (or calcium chloride). The augers of the mixing station split the chips to the required sizes and neutralize the sugars in the chips with the help of aluminum sulphate.
    2. After splitting the chips, water and cement are added to the mixing station and the final mixing of the wood concrete mixture takes place.
    3. Ready wood concrete mixture is transported to the place of compaction and loaded into molds. Compaction takes place with the help of manual rammers or by vibrating with a weight.
    4. Upon completion of compaction, the blocks are removed from the molds. Finished blocks should be kept for at least 2-4 days, after which they can be freely moved and stacked one on top of the other. Arbolite blocks can be placed on pallets up to 2 m high after 7 days. Blocks acquire their final density only after a month. When using a drying chamber, arbolite blocks are ready for construction immediately after being removed from the chamber, which significantly reduces the use of additional storage space.

    How much can you earn in the production of arbolite blocks

    One of the main tasks in organizing this business is to find channels for the sale of finished products. In order for wood concrete blocks not to stay in the warehouse, it is necessary to think over in advance the points of sale of manufactured products and plan the monthly production volume based on the current demand for goods. The main sales season for crossbow blocks starts in spring and ends in autumn. The retail price for 1 m3 is from 4,000 thousand rubles. Wholesale price - from 2500 per 1 m3. The sale of finished products is possible in the following ways:

    1. Sale of blocks to large wholesale resellers;
    2. Sales of products at a retail price to the population for individual construction;
    3. Conclusion of contracts for the supply of wood concrete blocks to construction organizations;
    4. Sale of blocks in small wholesale to organizations engaged in the sale of building materials (construction markets, hypermarkets).

    How much money is needed to start a business for the production of wood concrete blocks

    Let's calculate the monthly expenses of an enterprise manufacturing 500 m3 of finished products per month:

    1. Rent of premises 250m2 - 80 thousand rubles;
    2. The cost of raw materials (cement, aluminum sulfate, wood chips) - 800 thousand rubles;
    3. Utilities (water, heating, electricity) - 40 thousand rubles;
    4. Salary and insurance contributions - 90 thousand rubles;
    5. Taxes (USN 6% of gross income) - 90 thousand rubles;
    6. Advertising - 10 thousand rubles;
    7. Other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

    Total expenses: 1,260,000 rubles per month Next, we calculate the monthly income of the enterprise for the production of 500 m3 of wood concrete per month. It is planned to sell the entire volume of manufactured products every month, that is, 500 m3 of wood concrete blocks. It is assumed that 70% of the total volume of manufactured products will be sold at the wholesale price (2,500 rubles/m3) and 30% at a retail price (4,000 rubles/m3). The total amount of revenue in this case will be 1,475,000 rubles per month.

    Economic performance indicators of the enterprise (month): Gross income - 1,475,000 rubles Expenses - 1,160,000 rubles Profit - 315,000 rubles Profitability - 27% Payback of the project - only 2.5 months

    Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the production of wood concrete

    OKVED 26.61 - production of concrete products for use in construction; OKVED 23.69 - production of other products from plaster, concrete or cement. If you plan to wholesale trade in crossbows, then you must specify OKVED 46.73.6 - wholesale trade in other building materials and products. The quality of the finished product is registered by GOST 19222-84 - "Arbolit and products from it."

    What documents are needed to open

    It is necessary to register a business entity: most often it is an individual entrepreneur. Prepared documents are submitted to public authorities or to multifunctional public service centers (MFCs). It is also necessary to register with the Pension Fund, Social and Medical Insurance Fund. When hiring employees, the entrepreneur is responsible for paying insurance premiums.

    Permissions to open

    To open the production of wood concrete, a license to conduct activities is not required. But you need to get permission from Rospotrebnadzor. For this purpose, the following documents must be submitted.

    Arbolite is also popularly called wood brick. This is an inexpensive, and most importantly, environmentally friendly material that is used in low-rise construction or as a heater for load-bearing walls. It consists of wood chips or shavings, cement and water. And to organize the entire business in the production of wood concrete, you will need very little equipment that can be paid back within a year.

    If we talk about the percentage of the composition of these blocks, then in most cases the chips take about 60% - 85%, and cement 15% - 40%, depending on the recipe.

    Where to get raw materials?

    This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions about this business idea. The main material from which these blocks are made is waste from wood production (sawdust, shavings). Often this raw material can be bought at a low price, or even obtained for free. Due to such savings, the low cost of the produced block unit is also obtained, while profitability is growing. The main thing is to sign an agreement with several woodworking enterprises in order to have a stable flow of the necessary raw materials for the wood concrete business.

    Material Advantages

    In construction, wood concrete is positioned as a material for the construction of low-rise structures, with excellent technical performance. In addition, its price tag is lower than, say, the same gas block, which also plays an important role for many customers. Here are the main pros that you need to know about wood concrete.

    1.) This material is environmentally friendly, which in turn attracts customers who care about the health of their families.

    2.) With the right manufacturing technology, such blocks are not exposed to fungus and decay, and it is also convenient to perform any necessary operations with them - sawing, grinding.

    3.) High sound and thermal insulation characteristics.

    4.) High fire resistance performance. From such material it is possible to build objects that have an increased rate of fire safety.

    5.) Due to its structure, which consists of pores, it provides air convection in the room, as well as a normal level of humidity.

    6.) Wood concrete is quite light, and buildings built with it are quite durable.

    7.) Good profitability, simple production process, as well as the lowest cost.

    This whole list of characteristics provided wood concrete with popularity in the building materials market.

    Not only residential buildings are being built from such blocks, but also summer kitchens, utility rooms, garages and more.


    Before you start production, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or as a legal entity. face. The second step will be the selection of a taxation system and the indication of OKVE for activities.

    Of the permits, you will also need permission from the SES and fire supervision.

    Since this type of activity involves the connection of workers (4 handymen, an accountant, a sales manager), you will need to register them and pay monthly fees.

    Do not forget to conclude a lease or sale agreement for the premises.

    Production technology of wood concrete blocks

    It should be noted right away that arbolite blocks are also of different brands, which, depending on the percentage in the composition of wood chips, are used for various purposes. For example, brands: M5, M10, M15 are used for wall insulation, and from brands: M25, M35 for the construction of load-bearing structures.

    To start the technological process, you will need the following raw materials:

    • cement brand 400 or 500.
    • wood chips and sawdust.
    • chemical mixtures for wood processing.
    • water.

    For example, for the manufacture of 1 cubic meter. arbolite block brand M15 use the following recipe:

    • wood chips - 240-300 kg.
    • cement - 250-280 kg.
    • chemical mixtures - 12 kg.
    • water 350-400 l.

    For the following grades, reduce the volume of chips and increase the percentage of cement composition.

    The manufacturing process itself can be divided into several stages:

    • loading wood waste into the device for felling. Also, aluminum sulphate or potassium chloride and other chemical additives are added here for wood processing. The unit cuts the waste to the required size.
    • then, in addition to wood chips, cement and water are added to the mixing plant (concrete mixer). At this stage, we get the finished arblite mixture.
    • the finished solution is poured into molds, and with the help of a manual rammer, it is compacted. If the budget allows for this stage, buy a vibrating table.
    • after the completion of the previous process, the blocks are removed from the mold and sent to the drying chamber for 2-3 days.
    • the movement of finished blocks can be done only after a week. And the material itself can be used for construction only after a month.

    As you can see, the production of wood concrete, as a business, does not contain any complex technological solutions. The main thing here is to follow the recipe and the stages of tamping and drying the blocks as a whole.


    For a small workshop, you will need to rent at least 200 sq.m. 50 sq.m. area, of which to allocate to the workshop, 75 sq.m. for a drying chamber and 75 sq.m. warehouses for finished products.

    The room must be ventilated, and it is also necessary that cold water be supplied. A 380V power supply is required.

    Do not forget about the fire safety system, as well as video surveillance and burglar alarms. This will reduce the risk of losing equipment, and you will definitely sleep better.


    A set of equipment can be bought either in the format of a finished production line, or you can form it yourself. In addition, you can save money by buying used units, and reduce the price tag for equipment up to 40%. But you need to carefully look at the degree of wear of the machines and calculate the real benefit from such a step.

    1.) Mixing station - $3750.

    2.) Hand rammers - $500/set. Or a vibrating table - $ 700 per piece.

    3.) Molds - $120 each. To get started, you will need to purchase about 25 - 35 pieces. The approximate amount will be about $3600.

    4.) Camera for drying products - $8000.

    5.) Device for cutting wood chips - $4600.

    6.) Pallets for finished products - $1000.

    7.) Machine for transporting finished products on pallets (if there is sufficient funding). We will not include this item in the total costs.

    The total amount is about $21,450.

    The same drying chamber, which eats up the lion's share of the budget, at first you can not buy and use just dry rooms with heating for this, and over time you will start thinking about such professional equipment.


    The best solution would be to establish a wholesale distribution of products. In this case, you can work with large volumes.

    You can implement it on:

    • wholesale and retail bases and stores of building materials;
    • directly through sales managers with personal connections;
    • through media announcements.

    But do not completely abandon retail sales. After all, even a private client, when building a house, can buy good batches of a block, and even at a retail price. Therefore, here, most likely, you need to combine both. And the wood concrete sales manager will play a very important role in sales growth.

    Business expenses

    What is a business plan without calculating the main cost parts. Here it is worth highlighting that in the case of wood concrete, the starting capital is needed quite small, and at the same time it can always be corrected by purchasing this or that equipment. We will disassemble the purchase of immediately finished production line.

    Basic costs:

    • purchase and adjustment of equipment - $ 21,000
    • repair in the premises and the supply of the necessary communications - $ 80 per 1 sq.m.
    • purchase of raw materials - $ 8000
    • paperwork - $200

    Monthly investment:

    • rent for the premises - $9 - $12 per 1 sq.m.
    • communal payments
    • taxes – from $150
    • salary - from $ 200 per employee
    • transportation costs - $100

    The cost of running a business on a monthly basis can be reduced by working from your own premises, or by reducing your staff to make better use of the workforce overall.

    How much can you earn?

    Let's say that your production volume will be equal to 450 cubic meters. arbolite per month. So in the case of selling at a wholesale price, which is on average $40/cu.m. then the amount of revenue will be - $ 18,000 per month. With retail sales ($50/cu.m.) the output will be $22,500.

    From these amounts, you can subtract monthly expenses, as well as the cost of producing the unit. Net profit will be in the region of $5000 - $7000.

    Payback business with such sales volumes will be about 9 - 14 months.

    Conclusions. Earnings on wood concrete blocks is a completely feasible business idea for small-scale production, which, with a relatively small cash investment, can bring good income. It is only important to find sales markets and purchase good equipment to obtain high-quality blocks, and then you can scale your business.

    Do you have experience in this market segment? Looking forward to your feedback and recommendations.

    The construction business at any time brings a good profit. Even such a huge supply of building materials that exists on the modern market does not always satisfy the demand. Recently, new materials have become very popular, among which I would like to highlight arbolite blocks.
    Wood concrete is considered the building material of the future. It is a block made of wood chips and cement. This material has excellent performance properties and high environmental friendliness. Since modern people prefer to use natural materials for construction, wood concrete blocks are very popular. There are usually no problems with their implementation. Many aspiring entrepreneurs choose the production of wood concrete blocks as a business line that brings a good income.

    Where to start production?

    The wood concrete production business is best organized near the source of raw materials. To work, you will need chips or.

    Particular attention should be paid to the choice of equipment for the production line, since the quality of the products must fully comply with all established requirements.

    In order for the enterprise to be successful and bring good profits, it is necessary to draw up a competent business plan for the production of wood concrete blocks. All other actions must clearly comply with its points. Thanks to this, you will be able to successfully develop and protect your business from bankruptcy.

    Company registration

    To implement the production process, it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur. When choosing the type of taxation, give preference to a simplified tax system. If you plan to hire employees, you must register as an employer in order to pay insurance premiums.


    For the production of wood concrete blocks, personnel should be hired:

    • Accountant;
    • Sales Manager;
    • Handymen for equipment maintenance;
    • Storekeeper.

    The company can work in shifts 5 days a week. The duration of one shift is 8 hours.

    Premises for rent

    For the manufacture of wood concrete, you should rent a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b200 square meters. meters. It needs to be divided into several production areas:

    1. The workshop in which the equipment is installed;
    2. Warehouse for storage of raw materials;
    3. Warehouse for finished products.
    If you choose a good location for your business, you can save a lot on the purchase of raw materials. It is desirable that the production area be located close to the sand pit and the operating sawmill. In addition, salaries are much lower in the suburbs, so you can also save on wages.

    Make sure that 380V electricity is supplied to the workshop to connect the equipment. It is desirable to insulate the workshop for drying finished products, otherwise the blocks will dry for a long time.


    The most expensive item is equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks. It is best to buy new machines so as not to be at a loss due to constant downtime and not constantly spend money on repairs.

    To set up a production line, you will need:

    • chipper;
    • Dryer for wood chips;
    • Mortar mixing machine;
    • Vibrating table;
    • Molds of the right size.

    To increase the efficiency of the process, you can purchase a dryer for finished products. In addition, you will need a conveyor and pallets for packaging. A machine for the production of wood concrete blocks costs about 100–120 thousand rubles. You will have to pay 900 thousand rubles for the full equipment of production. A large enterprise will need a more powerful and high-performance plant for the production of wood concrete blocks. It costs, accordingly, much more expensive, but such equipment pays off in a shorter period.

    Purchase of raw materials

    For the production of 1 cu. meters of wood concrete will need:

    • Stale wood chips - 1166 l;
    • Aluminum sulfate - 90 kg, diluted in 1000 liters of water;
    • Cement - 237 l;
    • Water. It is added to the mixture until it starts to shine.

    Arbolite blocks for household needs

    If desired, wood concrete, as well as, can be done at home. It is worth noting that the production of wood concrete blocks with your own hands does not require the use of special equipment. The most important thing is to correctly prepare the solution. As forms, you can use ordinary wooden boxes, which are covered inside with linoleum for sealing. The mixture is laid out in layers and well tamped. It is desirable that the top layer is uneven. It will be better to take a plaster solution on it. The finished block should stand for at least a day.

    For start-up entrepreneurs who do not have large initial capital on hand, the production of wood concrete blocks at home is an ideal option to start.

    Production technology

    The manufacturing technology of wood concrete blocks is quite simple, but despite this, it has its own certain secrets. To produce high-quality wood concrete blocks, you need to purchase:

    • Cement M500;
    • Organic filler (wood chips or wood shavings).

    Individual elements should not be very large. It is advisable to grind them in a special crusher. If the main filler is not enough, you can add dry foliage, needles or tree bark. Make sure that in one batch of secondary raw materials there is no more than 5%.

    To prevent the blocks from deforming, cellulose must first be removed from the organic filler. Otherwise, fermentation processes will occur inside, and the gases, breaking out, will violate the integrity of the material. To do this, use chemical neutralizers - aluminum sulfate or calcium chloride. These are inexpensive and quite effective inhibitors.

    The finished mixture is loaded into molds and sent to a vibropress for the production of wood concrete blocks. After that, the products are taken out of the mold and left to dry for 3-4 days. If you have a drying chamber, the blocks can be used immediately after drying.

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    Economic part

    Let's move on to the calculations. So, to buy equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks, you need to spend 300-350 thousand rubles. Another 20 thousand rubles will be spent on its transportation and installation.

    At first, the production line can be operated by two people. Over time, the number of workers needs to be increased to 5 people. In addition, it is necessary to purchase raw materials, which should be enough for a month of work. This will require another 500 thousand rubles.

    If you produce 400-500 cubic meters of wood concrete per month, you can get 12 million rubles of profit per year. Accordingly, the initial investment will pay off in just 3-4 months. From this we can conclude that the production of wood concrete blocks is a fairly promising line of business that can provide a stable high income.


    It is quite difficult to calculate all the profit that can be obtained from the production of wood concrete blocks. If the business goes well, the initial investment will pay off in just 2.5 months. After that, you will be able to receive a monthly stable income.

    The modern market is extremely cruel to the participants and recognizes two things - reputation or money. If you lose any of the listed components, you and your business run the risk of going down the drain without even noticing the process itself. The only reliable way to reinsure is to invest in the production of wood concrete blocks with a low manufacturing cost.

    Who is interested in an arbolite block with a low cost

    Wood concrete building blocks have a number of characteristics that can significantly affect the building block market for the private sector. First of all, its low cost. Arbolite blocks are used no higher than the third floor, this is not interesting for large-scale construction, the construction of expensive cottages is also in doubt, but a small private trader can very well become a promising client and competitor at the same time.

    What exactly affects the profitability and cost of production of wood concrete block:

    • Minimum production costs at any cost, but not at the expense of the quality of the goods, they will turn into a powerful dumping tool for the first attempts to squeeze into the building materials market;
    • The obvious advantages of an arbolite block as a building material that can provide the buyer of your product with increased profits with its further use;
    • The presence of ultra-cheap raw materials for wood concrete blocks and, as a result, low production costs.

    Important! Production at home has its advantages, they can reduce the cost of wood concrete blocks by at least 15-20%.

    Do-it-yourself manufacturing will allow using personal transport at the initial stage, auxiliary private premises for the production and storage of the first batches of products.

    But a similar option for making blocks can be justified in the production of wood concrete blocks with your own hands, if you need to build small buildings for yourself. For the production of an arbolite block for the purpose of sale, in addition to low cost, an accurate technology will be required. A high-quality block will need to be made not with your own hands at home, but on industrial equipment, even the most primitive.

    Cost and cost estimation

    The technology for obtaining an arbolite block is quite simple, the initial components are mixed and pressed in a steel mold. The operations of preparing the arbolite mass and pressing are easy to do with your own hands. The cost side of the production of arbolite block includes:

    1. The cost of raw materials and materials;
    2. Costs for the purchase or rental of equipment;
    3. Costs for transportation, loading and unloading, storage and drying of blocks.

    When pressing wood concrete blocks with your own hands, each of the listed items can vary within a fairly wide range, a lot depends on individual factors that can affect the cost and quality of the block. If you wish, you can see the nuances of working on video on the Web.

    Technology of production of raw materials and materials

    The composition of the arbolite block includes cement of the 400th grade and cut-crushed wood chips in equal mass fractions. Approximately 320-330 kg of each ingredient will be required per cubic meter of sand. Cement will have to be purchased calibrated in 50 kg bags. Even if it is more expensive, buying bulk material for a private trader to work at home is extremely unprofitable due to high transportation costs. The cost of the required amount of cement will be about 1300 rubles, without transportation costs. With delivery comes out all 1500 rubles.

    The purchase of 330 kg of finished wood chips - raw will cost, based on a price of $ 10 / cubic meter, approximately 750 rubles, including transportation - 900-950 rubles. The purchase of wood filler has many nuances, if the question concerns the constant purchase of finished crushed filler from a timber processing enterprise, the price may be lower.

    Advice ! Do not try to prepare chipped wood chips in artisanal ways - cutting branches and slabs with the help of an improvised tool, this option may seem like a cheaper way to provide wood chips, but in reality it is not.

    Cutting and crushing must be performed only on special equipment or purchased as a finished product.

    In addition, about 10 kg of slaked lime and 6 kg of aluminum sulfate will be required. Both drugs are sold in packaged form, packaged in 20 kg, 18 rubles/kg and 48 rubles/kg, respectively, the cost of the drugs is 180 rubles and 288 rubles, a total of 468 rubles, with transportation costs - all 500.

    Water in the amount of 380 liters will be calculated at a symbolic delivery price of 100 rubles.

    In total, it will take a little more than 2000 rubles to purchase components for the preparation of a cubic meter of wood concrete block.

    The cost of the equipment

    In the total cost of expenses, the share of expenses associated with the use of equipment for the production of wood concrete stone may turn out to be:

    • negligible if the main machines were leased for a short period of time, even taking into account the rent and depreciation of the equipment;
    • large enough if all the necessary equipment had to be purchased at market prices.

    For example, to obtain an arbolite mass and make blocks with your own hands, you will need a minimum set of equipment, which will include:

    We will add a separate line to the list with at least two two-hundred-liter barrels for water and dilution of components, a large capacity for preliminary accumulation before pressing the arbolite composition and a large number of polypropylene bags for storing crushed wood chips.

    In addition to the above, you will need a cargo trolley and a single-axle trailer for a car, if it is not possible to transport it by truck. You can make a trolley with your own hands, and we will not include the cost of transportation equipment in the cost of production of building materials. A trailer for transporting a stock of raw materials and materials for a month of work can be rented, or you can pay for the delivery of the goods directly to the seller.

    Thus, the cost of a set of equipment will be approximately 220 thousand rubles. for industrial units. If you make some of the equipment with your own hands, the cost of the set will be 120-130 thousand rubles.

    Electricity costs

    The average power of all electrical equipment used will not exceed 2.5 kW / h, which is quite acceptable for the electrical wiring of a private household or cottage. If you decide to work alone and do all the operations yourself, the load on the wiring will be even less. The average cost of electricity per cubic meter of wood concrete will be about 10 kW / h, which at a rate of 5 rubles per kW / h will be 50 rubles, while a significant part will go to the operation of the dryer and crusher.

    Summing up

    After analyzing the costs of manufacturing a wood concrete block, we can say that the cost of home production is highly dependent on many factors.

    If you have the opportunity to rent the necessary equipment, paying rent and depreciation of 10% of the cost of the units per month, the cost of a cubic meter of arbolite stone will be in the manufacture of 50 block cubes per month:

    • The cost of raw materials and materials in 2000 r x 50 cubic meters will be 10,000 rubles;
    • The cost of rent and electricity is 22,000 rubles and 2,500 rubles, respectively.

    As a result, 50 cubic meters of wood concrete block will cost 125 thousand rubles, or 2500 rubles. per block cube. If you have the opportunity to purchase raw materials for chipping for conventional money or free of charge, the cost will drop due to the reduction in the cost of the filler to 1600-1700 rubles per m 3.

    When buying a set of equipment for the manufacture of wood concrete material for the full price, the cost of production of the first batches of wood concrete stone will increase to an astronomical 5,000 rubles. per cubic meter. Naturally, we are talking about the first batch of goods. If the cost of equipment is distributed over a period of at least 5 months, which is quite possible when buying equipment on lease or on credit, from the 6th month the cost of a cubic meter of an arbolite block will drop to 3,200 rubles per cubic meter.

    But such a calculation is valid only when obtaining high quality arbolite stone. To organize production on a commercial basis, it is better to buy a ready-made low-tonnage line. This is approximately 250-270 thousand rubles. How the line works can be clearly seen in the video below.

    Arbolite blocks in modern construction are very popular. Studies conducted on the building materials markets show that recently an increasing number of people prefer this particular building material.

    The arbolite block is inherently a molded mixture of cement and fillers of organic origin. Currently, for the production of such blocks, a mixture of cement and sawdust treated with a special composition is used. The percentage of cement and sawdust is approximately equal to 15-20% to 80-85%, respectively. The physical properties of wood concrete blocks show that this material works well in compression, has a large margin of bending strength, has increased thermal insulation properties, and performs well as a soundproof material. Arbolitic material can be used in the construction of low-rise buildings or used as an insulating material in combination with classic materials for load-bearing structures.

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    Organization of a business for the production of wood concrete blocks

    The attractiveness of the idea, which involves the manufacture of wood concrete materials, contains several important positive points. The very essence of the production of this building material is that the raw materials that will be used in production have a relatively low cost, because. more than 80% wood concrete block consists of sawdust, in other words, production waste. This allows you to get a low cost of production. Another factor in the attractiveness of this business is the demand factor for wood concrete blocks (wood blocks, wood bricks).

    The material is very popular, environmentally friendly, more and more people prefer it.

    Setting up a business to produce such blocks is an excellent solution both now and in the long term.

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    An exemplary business plan for the production of wood concrete products

    To implement this business project, it is necessary to purchase production equipment based on the estimated figures for the output of finished products per month. When developing a plan, it should be taken into account that at the initial stages of organizing a business, the release of finished products in the amount of 400-500 m3 of wood concrete materials per month will be relevant. These are approximate figures. Under these parameters, the production equipment of the required capacity is selected. You will need a room with an area of ​​200-300 m2, which consists of a main workshop, a drying department, and a warehouse for finished products.

    Initial costs for the purchase of the necessary equipment:

    • Mixing equipment - 130 thousand rubles;
    • Forms for forming blocks - 100 thousand rubles;
    • Drying plant - 320 t. R.;
    • Machine for the preparation and grinding of wood chips - 160 tons;
    • Cement supply equipment - 50 tons;
    • Equipment for tamping - 20 thousand rubles;
    • Other auxiliary equipment - 150 tons;
    • Advertising costs - 50 thousand rubles;
    • As a result, equipment costs will amount to 980 thousand rubles.

    The enterprise works in one shift of 8 hours, it will require 5 workers, an accountant and a manager to service it. The wage fund will be about 140 thousand rubles.

    Approximate monthly expenses:

    • Rent 300 m2 - 100 thousand rubles. ;
    • Raw materials (wood chips, cement, aluminum sulfate, water) - 950 tons;
    • Utility payments - 60 thousand rubles;
    • Salary 110,000 tr.
    • Taxes - 100 thousand rubles;
    • Item of unforeseen and other expenses - 100 tr.

    As a result, the costs amount to 1,420,000 rubles. per month.

    It is supposed to sell the entire maximum volume of manufactured products at a price of 3500 rubles. per m3. In this case, the amount received for the products will be 1,750,000 rubles.

    The profit will be 330,000 rubles. per month.

    The result can be viewed like this:

    • Income - 1,750,000 rubles;
    • General expenses - 1,420,000 rubles;
    • Profit - 330,000 rubles.

    In this case, the profitability will be about 26%.

    From the above calculation, it can be seen that the return on investment in the organization of this business is approximately 3 months.