How to start a clothing trade. How budget shopping began to bring stable income

Many people think about how to start their own business without starting capital - it is scary to take a loan, and their own funds are not enough even to open a small store.

The way out in this situation can be the sale of clothes at home. This type of business can be started by buying one bag of stock or stocking just one batch of clothes for the minimum amount in the showroom. In practice, some people like this type of business so much that they later prefer it to a traditional retail store.

It is also not uncommon for store owners, tired of the worries associated with supporting this type of trade, to start selling clothes at home. According to one of these entrepreneurs, Rosa, - while she was buying goods remotely and there were a lot of defects in the bags, the trade in the store was not going very well. Tired of such "pig in a poke", Rosa closed the store and began selling houses:

"I arrive on the day of delivery, I take bags of 3 immediately and in 2-3 days I sell almost to zero, I distribute the rest without sparing to everyone. The profit is obvious and there are no headaches!" Rosa says.

And who will go there?

As with traditional trading, there are two possibilities to attract buyers: very low prices, or to offer something that no one has offered them so far. The first path is a dead end: people will constantly want lower and lower prices, and in the end they may go to someone who can offer them this. The second way is more promising: you will not only be more competitive, but you will also be able to sell goods with a higher profit.

What is meant by the phrase "Offer something that is not available anywhere else"? No, we are not talking about some kind of exclusive clothing, although this is partly true. What you can oppose to competitors is your experience in consulting in choosing clothes; that is, you can become an image stylist for clients. When people see that their acquaintances admire the clothes they bought from you, they will become your regular customers and begin to recommend you to all their friends. So if you feel like you are ready to open your own "boutique at home" - this path is just right for you.

It is not worth reminding you that you will have to constantly improve your professional skills - be aware of fashion trends and at least know a little about fashion history; monitor the media dedicated to clothing and fashion. Moreover, to improve the quality of work with clients, you will also have to become a bit of a psychologist, like a personal hairdresser. But trust me, it will pay off handsomely.

Remember that the best evaluation of your work is when acquaintances of your clients ask for your phone.

What to sell?

When selling clothes at home, you can make the same mistakes as when selling stock in a retail store. But working from home on your own, you have a serious advantage: you can quickly find out the needs of each of your clients. At the first purchase of goods, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

  1. Make a list of your prospective clients.
  2. Find out which of them are interested in what clothes, what style they prefer, etc.
  3. if possible, try to find out if they are planning to buy any wardrobe items right now - maybe someone wants to buy jeans, and someone needs a coat. Keep their needs in mind whenever you purchase a product.
  4. While the turnover of trade is small, it is better to buy clothes in showrooms and look at almost every item with your hands - otherwise there will be a lot of leftovers. In addition, many wholesalers have the opportunity to return unsold goods, which is very convenient when trading at home. Later, with an increase in turnover, it becomes more profitable to purchase bags, although it makes sense to look at bags at the initial stage, remembering your list of necessary goods. In some cases, with the successful sale of 4-5 items, you can immediately recoup the entire purchased batch.
  5. It is necessary, as in store trade, to keep track of new arrivals in showrooms and quickly get there - this is one of the key points for a successful purchase.
  6. Prices, especially at the beginning of the activity, it is better not to overestimate - because now you can buy almost any thing very cheaply, if it is not some kind of super-exclusive. Over time, when people realize that you are not just selling clothes, but also giving professional advice on shaping their own image, they will be ready to pay much more for things.
  7. Don't throw away your clothing packaging! When selling a thing, put it in the "native" package.
  8. Ideally, you need to purchase goods not focusing on specific customers, but having fallback options: for example, if you know that one possible client wants a cashmere coat in size 52, and you saw such a coat in the showroom, then first think carefully whether to take it or not if among your other regular customers there are no ladies with this size. If the client refuses, you need to understand whether you can sell this coat to someone else. As mentioned above, when buying in a showroom, this is easier - the goods can always be returned.

Where to hang

Despite the fact that the cost of equipment when trading at home is significantly lower than in a store, nevertheless, they are still there.

According to stockbiz, it's best to set up a home showroom with one or two clothes racks, two nice large full-length mirrors at an angle to each other, and a bright fixture with soft natural light. It is better to take lamps the same as those used in branded clothing stores.

It is better to make equipment mobile - so it can be moved when you are not trading.

All clothes should hang on the shoulders. Buy the right amount of hangers, preferably wooden ones - they do not bend under the weight of things and look “more solid” than plastic ones. Create a kind of “boutique” - do not show or offer crumpled clothes to people, get a steamer to bring things to a marketable appearance. All these tricks will allow you to sell clothes more expensive.

Don't forget to buy clothes covers. This will protect both your clothes and you from excess dust. The clothes themselves are best stored in a closed closet.

Carry your money

As in any trade, there are enough complexities. And a significant part of them when trading at home is associated with personal relationships with buyers - they become those with whom you were on friendly terms until recently. But if people enter the store of their own free will, then when working from home, at first you will have to actively invite people to your place, and not everyone will be ready for this. And those who come will expect some kind of special attitude towards them.

According to the story of one of the owners of a home-based business, all her friends try to buy a thing with the maximum discount or even on credit.

“As a result, they don’t give back for months. And my friends are generally afraid to come to me and buy - otherwise I’ll get rich. If you want to lose a friend, then give him a loan ...”

And there are many such situations. According to another entrepreneur -

"When selling at home, as I know, borrowing is a regularity. And with money, as they say, we will buy in a store...."

Here everyone must decide for himself how to behave in such situations. But if you decide to start selling clothes at home, you need to be prepared for this. Anna advises:

“Apparently, it’s realistic to sell to those people with whom it is possible to keep a distance. Or, alternatively, to say that you yourself took the goods for sale and sell at your own price, out of the kindness of your soul and out of friendship. This, however, is for those who knows how to lie honestly)))) "

Allergies don't belong here

People with household allergies should not trade clothing at home. At all.

Invisible dust always flies from any clothes. Most entrepreneurs who deal with clothes will confirm that after a long time working with clothes, unpleasant sensations often arise: itchy nose, frequent sneezing. Therefore, unfortunately, for those who are allergic, especially to dust, the path to this business is closed. Because health is more important.

In order to minimize the amount of dust at home, we recommend using covers for clothes and, if possible, storing them in a separate closet.

But the source of problems in the home trade is not only clothing. As Polina, one of the entrepreneurs, notes:

"You must be prepared that people will come sick and bring children with snot. And buyers who have already been and know your address can come without a call."

Rosa disagrees.

“No one has ever come to me without a call or warning. I don’t think you should be afraid of this. And snotty children don’t scare me)) patients can walk on the playground and in the sandbox. ... In extreme cases, dad can pick up the child watch while you're busy).

IP or not IP? Should I register with the tax office?

According to some, there is no point in registering: with a stretch, but trading at home can be called the sale of personal belongings by a private individual.

But this is all for the time being. And in order not to feel like a deceiver, it’s still worth registering as an entrepreneur: at least in order to replenish your pension savings as an individual entrepreneur. Again, we should not forget about the promises to reduce the tax burden for self-employed citizens.

Well, it's trite - so calmer.

High technologies in everyday life

The farther, the more and more often you can see successful examples of trading at home using the Internet. Even if you have minimal computer skills and a digital camera, you can take photos of clothes for sale and post them on photo hosting sites, in a group on social networks. The presence of a smartphone will also help you - the Yula and Instagram applications provide a lot of opportunities for doing business: photographed - posted - sold.

Those who are very familiar with the Internet can even create a separate site - if time and skills permit. It's more convenient for someone here.


Selling clothes from home is a good way to try your hand at trading, gain entrepreneurial skills and, if done right, raise the initial capital to start something bigger. If you are not afraid of difficulties and you are ready to learn from your own experience - go for it!

"We also started with one mix" at home". We just called all our friends, and then friends of friends went. ;-) As a result, a month later we collected funds for the store. We did not use the Internet for these purposes, we probably had enough friends ... who are now our grateful customers in store.

Anna, entrepreneur

Typically, novice entrepreneurs take into account investments in premises renovation, commercial equipment,
rent, but at the same time they forget about the product, hoping to take it for sale and get by with minimal expenses. This is their first serious systemic error, which puts an end to the very possibility of making the business profitable. Clothing for sale in most cases is given when it is impossible to sell it on an advance payment due to the price not matching the quality or season, and therefore it will not be in demand, and it will not be possible to make a high enough markup on it. And this is the second important rule:


It is a fairly common myth that the price should be as low as possible; it is better to make a smaller markup and make money on turnover. However, to earn the same amount at a lower markup, turnover must grow exponentially. For example: if you want to earn 10 thousand UAH of profit with a 100% markup, then the revenue should be 100 thousand UAH, and to earn the same amount of profit with a 50% markup, then the revenue should already be 450 thousand UAH. Now think about whether reducing the price by a quarter will give you a 4-fold increase in sales?! This leads to the third rule:


The experience of successful clothing stores testifies to an indisputable fact: they planned to buy goods on an advance payment basis, thereby receiving the lowest possible purchase price and increasing the markup. The costs of creating inventory make up the lion's share of all investments in opening a store and often reach 50-80% of this amount. Ignoring this truth and the eternal hope for “maybe”, characteristic of our compatriots, from the very beginning transfer the project into the category of stillborn. As the classic said: “Money in the morning, chairs in the evening.” If you want to sell a product, take the trouble to buy it first. If you do not have enough funding for this main expense item when opening a store, it is better not to open. But let’s say the financing problem is solved and you are ready to buy clothes. How much does it need to buy?


The law of the genre is the constant presence of sufficient remainders. It is unrealistic to sell goods “for zero”: a store cannot operate successfully with empty or half-empty shelves. A trivial truth, and the majority of already working entrepreneurs, having read it, will say: “Of course,” and move on to the next rule. But take your time: not everything is so simple. Let’s say, with a full display, you can display 100 pieces in your sales area. What do first-time entrepreneurs usually do? They buy just 100 pieces, promise the supplier to come in a week, and, happy, cut the red ribbon of the new store. Buyers on the first day buy 10 pieces, naturally the most interesting ones, the next 5 pieces, then 3 pieces... and the trade stops. Why? Because the Pareto law comes into effect, which states: 20% of the assortment gives 80% of the profit. But you did not replenish the product display on the sales floor in a timely manner, and now buyers are forced to choose the best from the worst. And 20% of your retail space is idle. Conclusion: it is necessary to maintain the balance of goods on the floor every day, and for this you should have bought 150 or even 200 pieces, depending on how often you are able to receive new goods from the supplier. If you do not have a warehouse, it is better to fence off part of the sales area for it, but in no case reduce the exposure; bring in and lay out clothes every day to replace those sold. In addition, nothing prevents you from finding out the client's needs and offering him something special, especially for him, from the warehouse. Psychologically, this very well encourages the visitor to buy.


Systematically means preferably weekly. Your regular customers have already seen your collection and they will visit you as often as you update your exhibition. If they come again and don’t see anything new, they will be disappointed. If they get used to the fact that you have, for example, an update every Thursday, then visiting your store will become a habit for them. And your new supply is almost guaranteed to sell out. In addition, to bring new models into the hall, you will have to change the location of old models, and most likely, your visitors will see them in a new light and purchase them along with the new product. Systematicity in this case ensures stable sales and high customer loyalty. If, by the time of your next purchase, for some reason you have not managed to sell what was planned, then you should still update your assortment. Typically, entrepreneurs do not do this and wait until something is sold out before making another purchase. As paradoxical as it may sound, such an attempt to stay within the budget has an extremely negative impact on future sales and the profitability of the project as a whole. And so that you are not afraid to go against what seems to you to be common sense, but in fact is not, we will tell you about the sixth, strategic rule:


It is known that businessmen understand that money invested in store renovations is not returned. They also do not expect to sell the equipment at the purchase price if the store closes or moves and are ready to make a very significant discount in order to get rid of it. However, few of them realize that recovering their investment in inventory is almost as difficult. The structure and composition of product balances will constantly change, but their value will constantly grow due to the remains of new seasons. Some part will have to be written off, and some will have to be discounted. But selling your stock completely and immediately is only possible at a price several times lower than its cost. Otherwise, there is only one option left: to give these clothes to someone for sale without any guarantees. Therefore, when assessing your business, we strongly recommend making a reserve to cover losses associated with the markdown of the minimum inventory balance. We usually do not want to think that any store will have to close sooner or later, deluding ourselves into thinking that if this happens, it will not be soon. But life usually adjusts our plans without our consent, and those who are honest with themselves can avoid unnecessary disappointments. The practical benefit of this rule is as follows: when the season comes to an end, entrepreneurs begin to reduce prices and stop current purchases in order to finish the season with minimal balances and use the freed-up funds to buy clothes for the new season. Everything is logical and such efforts are necessary, but within reasonable limits. You need to understand that it is impossible to finish the season without leftovers, and that such attempts lead to a sharp and unjustified decrease in turnover. Moreover, the decrease will affect not only the current season, but also the next one. For example, if you finished the summer season with balances equal to at least half of your product display, then in January-February, when winter sales begin to fall sharply, your visitors will be happy to purchase this summer product at a discount, which will help maintain trade turnover during the off-season That is, balances are not only not a problem, but their availability in sufficient quantities is vital to ensure good sales throughout the year.

The state decided to help the unemployed registered at the Labor Exchange. Gives them free of charge 58,800 rubles, or even more, “seed capital”, if they provide some formal business plan based on the idea of ​​their business.

Most often, the thought comes to the mind of such novice businessmen: I will start trading in the market (in the sense, in the bazaar). Of course, before that, a person dealt with the markets only as a buyer. A novice entrepreneur walks around the markets, looks closely, asks traders, negotiates with the administration about renting a place. The idea to trade in the market is increasingly fixed in my head and, finally, is embodied.

At the same time, most newcomers to the marketplace make 10 typical “strategic” mistakes and go bankrupt. Most, but not all. Approximately 1-2 out of ten successfully trade. Too bad, everyone could.

First mistake: you look at what the traders already working there are trading on the market, how they are trading, what is being sold more successfully and you want to be equal to them, trade the same and the same.

From an increase in the number of merchants, for example, sausage, the number of buyers of sausage and money in their pockets will not increase. You have a balance between the number of outlets for specific products and the buyer flow of the market. You will just sit on the same customer stream, "biting off" a share of the proceeds of the old merchants.

You will not receive your share, because you have not yet “overgrown” with enough regular customers. As a result, you will not even have enough from the proceeds to pay for the rent of a trading place. Moreover, the old merchants will play dirty tricks.

It is necessary: ​​to trade not in what is already being traded, but in what is missing in this market for buyers who regularly come here. To do this, ask buyers, observe and think, think.

Three attractive stereotypes in relation to retail markets (bazaars):

  • you can find everything here
  • here you can safely bargain (discount immediately)
  • here for each product there is a "own" seller who can be trusted

And in this “find all” there may be voids. Look for them. But remember: if something is not on the market, this does not mean that it should be traded immediately. Perhaps the old sellers tried it - it didn’t work. Feeling a promising void in the assortment, carefully find out if they have already tried to trade this here?

And one more thing: do you want to be “like everyone else”, becoming part of the “common pattern”, or stand out, be different from everyone? Guess from 2 times: who will pay more attention to buyers?

Second mistake: you want to trade in what you yourself like: “I want to trade in elite teas, sweets, cookies - it's so beautiful! My layout (range) will be better than those of these merchants.

Trading what you personally like is like death. It is necessary to trade in what the market visitors like. In this case, see the "First mistake".

Third Mistake: You want to trade something that you think is not on the market, or very little represented.

The decision should be based on the opinion of the buyers, not yours. To do this, you need to study the buyer, learn, observe him (see "The first mistake"). The desires of buyers may not be to your liking. What do you want: income or satisfaction of your opinion?

Fourth mistake: you do not adequately evaluate the features of the location of the trading place that you were offered for rent in the market.

There are places "through": usually closer to the entrances, on the central aisles; and "impassable": in the side aisles, along the periphery of the market, in dead-end aisles. Places can also be impassable along the central aisles, but at the end of the trading row. Buyers are no longer available. Passing places are always busy. You, a beginner, will be offered only impassable ones.

Everyday goods (gastronomy, bread, cigarettes, for example) or “impulse demand” (household items, stationery, etc.) cannot be traded in impassable places. But it is possible to trade, and successfully, goods of "special" demand and a narrow assortment. For example, “only hunting knives”, or “everything for dog breeders”, etc.

But remember that in order to form the primary flow of “specialized” customers to your “specialized” place, additional advertising is required already on the streams: a wall poster, a “cot”, etc., but it’s better not to be lazy and distribute simple leaflets at the entrances with advertising for a week your product and location. There is a plus: impassable places have low rents.

Fifth Mistake: You start trading without doing deep and detailed calculations of fixed costs.

Fixed costs are not just rent for a trading space. There is a lot more: a fee for various market services - the use of a cart, or permission to enter your car for unloading; payment to the veterinary laboratory, for the rental of commercial equipment.

Do not forget about the imputed tax once a quarter. So a decent amount is collected on trifles. Plus fines if payment is late for something.

Fixed costs do not depend on the level of your revenue. Even if you didn't sell it, pay it. Will your first month's income be enough?

Sixth mistake: you are guided by optimistic (and even rosy) forecasts for revenue and turnover.

Having polled, or somehow found out the level of revenue and turnover of traders already working on the market, you plan for yourself the same or even higher. Because you think you will be a better trader (see "Mistake Two").

Always consider "pessimistic" projections when planning any business when calculating revenue, turnover, and fixed cost levels. In most cases, in the first three months (place promotion, acclimatization) the net profit is zero. You have to pay fixed costs.

Have a reserve of primary capital in this case. Persistent traders sometimes take other jobs (in the evenings, weekends) to pay fixed costs from their salary while the place in the market is untwisted. And they do it right.

Seventh mistake: you do not adequately assess the cyclical nature of trading to start your business.

For any product during the year there is a cyclicity in trade turnover (by demand). In some months, very high revenues, in others, on the contrary, even a loss. It is necessary to focus not on income per month, but on the basis of the year. For some types of trade, 2-3 months "feed the whole year."

For example, fresh flowers. Experienced traders set aside a portion of the earnings of the "good months" to pay for fixed costs during the "bad months". As you plan your trading, carefully learn about the cyclicality of this commodity.

As a rule, opening trade at the end of spring at the beginning of summer is not profitable. But at this time it is easier to get a good (passing) place in the market and endure it with low trade until a revival in the fall. To give up in the hope of getting a “good” place in the fall is useless for a beginner.

Eighth mistake: you are a beginner, for the first time you open your trading place on the market, but you do not trade yourself, but hire a seller.

It is also like death. First, you will never learn to understand the intricacies of bazaar trading. Secondly, a hired seller is poorly motivated to "catch buyers" when promoting a new place, and generally keep a smile on his face.

The percentage that you promised him does not mean anything if the seller simply does not have the ability to promote the trading place. And sellers with abilities have long been attached. Thirdly, there is a whole business: to be hired by such newcomers in order to decently plunder and disappear.

The ninth mistake: you do not calculate the amount of working capital required, taking into account the "Parete's law".

Do you know such a law? Paret's law says that out of all your products, only 20% of the assortment will bring the main (80%) revenue. The remaining 80% of the assortment provide only 20% of the revenue and can be sold for a very long time. But there is a paradox: without this allegedly unnecessary "ballast" in the form of 80% of the assortment, profitable 20% of the assortment will not be sold. abstruse?

Read thoughtfully several times. Experienced merchants explain this simply: in order to successfully trade, for example, only potatoes, you also need to put a wide range of all sorts of other things on the counter, up to nuts and bottled juice. But only one potato is not traded.

So, enough working capital is needed to buy both the main product and “for the assortment”.

Tenth Mistake: You start a trading business alone.

Without the support and participation of your entire family, or at least one person who loves you, you will not be able to cope. This is the main reason for successful work in the markets for traders of "other nationalities" - the participation of the whole family, from small children to distant relatives.

This is the real business plan.

If you find solutions to avoid making the listed mistakes in your specific case, then these solutions will be a true business plan for you. It would be nice to write down these decisions (how not to make mistakes) and constantly look into the records, correct, supplement. And then everything will work out for you.

In our country, a significant number of citizens work at various enterprises where an employment contract is drawn up. This agreement is necessary in order to regulate and establish the rights and certain obligations of the parties. But, many citizens do not want to be dependent on someone and are engaged in trading activities in the market. In order to be independent and do your own business, you can start to engage in individual entrepreneurship. To do this, a citizen will initially need to choose the optimal legal form for himself and already move on to engage in a certain type of activity.

Who can trade in the market?

Now there is a large choice for citizens who want to run their own business and be individual entrepreneurs who are not dependent on enterprises and managers. At the same time, every citizen of our country has a completely legal right to engage in activities that he likes best. In this matter, it will be necessary to understand that for certain types of activities, according to the current norms and rules of the law of our country, a special license may be required, which will need to be obtained in a strictly defined manner.

In addition to all this, the legal assignment of a certain citizen to an occupation in which he will be directly involved in his business activities has a certain procedure established by the current norms and rules of the legislation of the Russian Federation. This and many other points will need to be taken into account without fail if you plan to engage in a certain type of activity as an entrepreneur. Now in our country a very common type of business activity, which is engaged in by a significant number of citizens, is trading activity in the market.

Any citizen of our country has seen how many different outlets exist today that offer to purchase certain goods and services. It is necessary to understand, quite significant at the moment, if you are planning to engage in individual entrepreneurship, that the competition in this area is quite large. Therefore, before starting your journey as an entrepreneur, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in advance with the existing features and nuances of the type of activity you have chosen.

If you have certain difficulties or questions that are directly related to trading activities in the market, then you simply need to consult a lawyer or lawyer. This will greatly help you save your own time for obtaining permits. In addition, the help of an experienced specialist will help you avoid the difficulties and problems that may arise in the future when you are engaged in certain trading activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. All these nuances must be taken into account and have all the required permits and documents on hand.

Features of trading activities in our country

Many citizens of our country who have decided to engage in certain trading activities in the market have a significant number of questions and difficulties. Many do not know and do not understand certain nuances, and also do not have up-to-date information that allows them to legally issue all the necessary documents and permits. If you have a variety of difficulties or questions that are directly related to trading in the market, then it is recommended that you first contact experienced professionals. They will provide you with qualified assistance and answer all your questions that are directly related to trading activities in the market.

Consulting a lawyer or lawyer will help you not only save your own time, but also avoid a significant number of difficulties that may arise in the future. If you do not know where to apply for permission to trade on the market, then you need the help of a qualified specialist in these matters without fail. Before starting your journey as an entrepreneur, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in advance with the existing features and nuances of the type of activity you have chosen. Otherwise, you may have a significant number of difficulties in obtaining all the documents and permits necessary for trading in Russia.

What documents and permits are required to legally engage in trading activities?

In order to obtain all the necessary documents and permits, you will need to go through certain procedures that are established by the legislation in force in our country. But, before starting to carry out this procedure, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself and understand what exactly is a special permit for engaging in trading activities in our country. In possible cases, when you have certain difficulties or questions that are directly related to trading activities in the market, then you simply need to consult a lawyer or a lawyer. This will greatly help you save your own time for obtaining permits. In addition, the help of an experienced specialist will help you avoid the difficulties and problems that may arise in the future when you are engaged in certain trading activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. All these nuances must be taken into account and have all the required permissions on hand.

These concepts and certain documents are most often fixed in specialized state acts. In order to obtain all the necessary permits and documents in order to be fully legally engaged in trading activities in the market in our country, you will need to go through certain stages of legal consolidation of your status, as well as the object of trading activities. All these procedures will need to be carried out in full compliance with the current norms and rules of the legislation of our country. An experienced and competent specialist will be able to quickly and professionally give you the necessary advice on all possible issues that directly relate to entrepreneurial activity in our country.

How to properly and quickly issue documents and trade permits?

Initially, what will need to be done in order to obtain permission for trading activities on the basis of the laws in force in our country is to select the form for performing this kind of work. In this option, the citizen will need to independently decide what he will do in the commercial market and what products he will sell. In this kind of option, it will be necessary to take into account certain nuances that are quite important. For example, if you plan to engage in a certain type of activity that may involve some risks, then the choice of the form of activity will be very important.

For example, it is possible to consider such a possible option when you are an individual entrepreneur, then in case of force majeure and losses, you will be responsible to customers with your own property. And, if an LLC is formed, then in the event of a possible monetary loss, the entire company will be responsible. These and many other points will need to be thought out in advance so that there are no problems and various difficulties in the future. In order to obtain all the necessary permits and documents in order to be fully legally engaged in trading activities in the market in our country, you will need to go through certain stages of legal consolidation of your status. Many citizens of our country do not know and do not fully understand certain nuances, and also do not have up-to-date information, which allows you to legally issue all the necessary documents and permits.

If you have a variety of difficulties or questions that may be related to trading in the market, then it is recommended that you first contact the experts. They will provide you with qualified assistance and answer all your questions related to trading activities in the market. Registration of documents and various permits in order to be able to engage in trading activities in the Russian Federation will need to be carried out without fail and within a strictly established time frame.

In addition to the above points, for citizens who decide to directly engage in certain trading activities in the market, it will be necessary to take into account the norms and rules for paying taxes existing in our country. This fact in entrepreneurial activity is very important and it will need to be studied in advance as much as possible. If you have certain kinds of problems or some difficulties in these matters, then it is recommended to immediately seek the help of experienced lawyers. An experienced specialist will be able to quickly and professionally give you the necessary advice on all possible issues that directly relate to entrepreneurial activity in our country.


For various enterprises, according to the current rules of law, a certain time period may be established when they can be entitled to use their cash income. Also, there are many other differences depending on the chosen form of registration. For example, the various requirements that are directly applied to various reports and accounting rules can be very different. These and other points, which can be quite a lot, will need to be considered in advance and choose the most optimal and correct option for yourself.

The very first thing you may need to do in order to obtain permission for trading activities on the basis of the laws in force in our country is to select the form for performing this kind of work. In this option, the citizen will need to independently decide what he will do in the commercial market and what products he will sell. To obtain all the necessary documents and permits, you will need to go through certain procedures that are established by the current legislation in our country. But, before starting to carry out this procedure, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself and understand what exactly is a special permit for engaging in trading activities in our country. In possible cases, when you have certain difficulties or questions that are directly related to trading activities in the market, then you simply need to consult a lawyer or a lawyer.

This thoughtful approach will greatly help you save your own time for obtaining permits. In addition, the help of an experienced specialist will help you avoid the difficulties and problems that may arise in the future when you are engaged in certain trading activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. All these nuances must be taken into account and have all the required permissions on hand. These concepts and certain documents are most often fixed in specialized state acts. In order to obtain all necessary permits and documents.

In order to engage in trading activities on the market in our country on a completely legal basis in the Russian Federation, you will need to go through certain stages of legal consolidation of your status, as well as the object of trading activities. All these procedures will need to be carried out in full compliance with the current norms and rules of the legislation of our country. In this kind of option, it will be necessary to take into account certain nuances that are quite important. If you plan to engage in a certain type of activity, which may involve some risks, then the choice of the form of activity will play a very important role and this must be understood.

Important! For all questions related to trade, if you do not know what to do and where to turn:

Call 8-800-777-32-63.

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We bet that you have ever visited a local bazaar or a collective farm market? Or maybe you dream of opening your own outlet there? And what? Warm, light and flies do not bite. You are your own boss - you want to trade, you want not. Full autonomy and independence from the employer. Moreover, the state can help you with this with money - in the amount of 58 thousand rubles. How? Read carefully!

the site has already written about . In this article, by popular demand from readers, we will give some useful tips and provide complete instructions on how to do this.

So, if you first decided to start working for yourself, then you are entitled to help from the state - a subsidy for Federal target program of employment of the population. Everyone who wants to start their own business, according to the program, is paid gratuitous financial assistance in the amount of 12 monthly unemployment benefits. In 2018, the financial assistance of the state to a start-up entrepreneur is 58 800 rubles. This first step on the way to its own market independence.

How can an entrepreneur get a subsidy to develop his own small business

To qualify for this subsidy, you must be official unemployed. For a period of at least a month. This requires registration at the local state Employment Center (CZN). During the unemployed month, reject all vacancies offered by the center. Let's talk right away. Unfortunately, this instruction does not work for people who have violated the accounting rules of the employment center; having a criminal record; receiving an old-age pension; students at the university on a full-time basis; dismissed from the previous place of work by a court decision; completed business activities less than 6 months ago. The rest, as we say in Russia - "welcome to the club." In other words, in Russian - welcome, dear citizen!

Having solved all the formalities with the Center of Employment, you can begin to receive a subsidy. According to the federal program, in most regions, it is the EPC that is responsible for financial assistance to entrepreneurs.

To do this, you should contact the specialists of the center to find out what targeted assistance programs exist in the region, and what is needed to participate in them. You may have to pass a small test to identify entrepreneurial knowledge.

After clarification, as a rule, it is required to describe in detail your own project in a small business plan. This is where it comes second step to its own market independence. Yes Yes. In the business plan submitted to the Employment Center, you need to write about what the point of sale will be, assortment, promotion paths, expected profit and other details. If you can't do it yourself, knowledgeable intermediaries will put together a good plan for a small cost.

A business plan, an application for a desire to receive a subsidy and other documents must be submitted to the CZN. Where within 10 days, after consideration of the application, the final decision will be made. You may have to defend your own project before the city commission. If the decision is positive, you need to go to third step. Registration of an individual entrepreneur (you can do this automatically by clicking on the link) and opening a current account. The subsidy in the amount of 58 800 rubles.

This amount will be used to rent retail space at the local market and purchase the initial batch of goods.

How to organize correct and profitable trading in the local market

Of course, if the entrepreneur only took the first steps towards trading, then he was on the market only as a buyer. And he has his own idea of ​​market trading. Most often, the representations are somewhat erroneous or too ideal. The market, like any other trading establishment, functions according to the laws and established traditions.

1. More sellers - fewer buyers. Having made a purchase, we think - at a certain purchase price, how much does the seller earn if he serves 10 buyers in a day? What if there are 20 buyers? Stop. Unfortunately, we forget that the buying flow has its own ceiling. Demand is not rubber, an increase in the number of offers does not increase sales. Therefore, when deciding on an assortment, one should not stand in a row where all merchants have the same type of goods. It turns out that the number of buyers has not increased, but there are more offers. Who will be left without profit?

The market has not been operating for the first day, the number of sellers dealing with a similar assortment has self-balanced - the superfluous ones, with poor profit indicators, have changed their trading orientation. Do you want to follow their path?

To organize your own outlet, you need to think about the product range. Ideally, find something that is in demand, but not yet on the market.

2. Demand creates supply. Not vice versa. Everything is simple here. If the product does not "go" - it needs to be changed. No - I like it, so the buyers will like it. The one who will satisfy the buyer wins the market, and not his ambitions.

Pareto Principle: 20% of effort - give 80% of the result. That is, in relation to trade, 20% of the range brings 80% of the profit. You need to find those 20% and focus on them. Don't forget about the rest of the range. The buyer does not go to an empty shop.

3. Not a place makes a person beautiful. It defines the range of sales. The market has an entrance and a common trading area. Those who trade at the entrance can look forward to impulse selling. That is, a product with everyday demand and random demand. Food, groceries, household utensils and the like. In places that are not located on the aisle, namely, they are given to beginners (good places have long been occupied), such goods do not sell well. There you should sell what the buyer will come for - special, narrowly focused and characteristic goods. For example, a pavilion with yarn and fabrics; everything for anglers; cosmetics and more.

The main disadvantage of this approach is the need to constantly attract buyers. Advertising at the entrance, streamers, announcement on the local speakerphone - a prerequisite for successful trading.

4. Money loves an account. Starting your own business, you need to assess all possible risks. Goods without demand, rent increases, taxes are expenses independent of income. That is the first risk. Without compensatory capital, when the month can close in the "minus", it is not worth starting such a business. As a rule, such an amount should be enough for 3 months of the existence of an outlet without profit. That is, the payment of all risks should come from this reserve amount.

5. "First, taste you ...". The main mistake of all beginners is that they do not experience all the "charm" of trading, they immediately hire sellers. Thus, they completely lose control over demand, do not study all the subtleties, for example, the impact of location on sales. An employee works for wages. The owner is on point. That is, without trying yourself in trading, you can not draw conclusions about its success. It is better to do this with someone you trust (a friend or relative). But, not with hired workers.

How to start a successful trade in the collective farm market

Undoubtedly, a big plus is the help of the state for those who want to open their own business, choosing the most affordable - opening a retail outlet on the market. Subsidies, soft loans and other local programs depending on the region of residence remove the last barriers between unemployment and a person's financial independence. It remains the smallest thing - to increase this capital: rent a retail space, find a product range, attract buyers.

The key feature of the business at the opening of a retail outlet is that the seller works with market visitors, that is, he simplifies the consumption pattern as much as possible, other problems in the functioning of the premises are not his responsibility.