Who to sell green onions to. Growing green onions: a ready-made business plan

Forcing onions onto a feather is not difficult. Many people even do this on their windowsills. And those who grow green onions for the market do it in their gardens. In the spring, the market is full of this onion, and its price is not high. But closer to August, in the very heat of summer, when you want okrosheka, for which green onions are so necessary, you just can’t find a good onion. In some places they sell spring onions or leeks, but that’s not it. The feather is usually rough, thick, and not attractive. And the bunches are so small that they can’t even be called bunches. And they take it mainly because there is nothing better on the market at this time.

This is exactly the moment when good green onions are at the highest price, and you can sell as much of it as you like, since there is no competition at all. Small traders are especially willing to buy it in small wholesale quantities. How not to take advantage of such a situation? But how to grow good green onions by this time? If it were simple, many would do it, and the market would be full of green onions during this period.

For many years now, every year I have been growing green onions by this time. How can I do this? And the secret is to choose onions suitable for forcing at this particular time. Onions, which are usually forced for harvest in the spring, are not suitable for forcing at this time, and other onions (leeks, batun) do not provide the required quality. But there is also such a type of onion as multi-tiered onion. This is exactly what it is ideal for these purposes. Why?

Firstly, because precisely by the time of setting for forcing (early July), the bulbs of this onion are just in time for this period.

Secondly, this onion does not have a rest period, i.e. it can grow at any time of the year: (winter, spring, summer and autumn).

Thirdly, this onion is very winter-hardy; it does not need to be stored.

Fourthly, it reproduces well by aerial bulbs, which ripen by the beginning of July, and they can be immediately planted in the ground after harvesting.

What does my technology for forcing this onion into a feather look like?

Starting in July, I dig up the required amount of onions. I collect air bulbs and plant them in the ground (you can plant them later, until October). I remove the tops, cut off the onion roots and soak the resulting bulbs for a day or two in a bucket of water (then they germinate faster), then plant them in boxes with sawdust tightly to each other. It can also be planted in open ground. All. Now care consists of regular watering. You can feed it 2-3 times, preferably with organic matter. Then the feather will be of the highest class, but it can be done without additional feeding. If you want to get a longer pen, you can put the boxes in the shade or partial shade. But if the feather is very long, then it can lie down.

In about three weeks the harvest will be ready.

Usually I don’t put this bow on forcing all at once, but in stages (it gets boring to knit onions in bunches when there are a lot of them). I sell (usually along with other goods) in the very heat from the end of July to the end of August, when the price and demand for it are the highest. And then the heat subsides, demand drops, and competitors appear on the market.

I would be glad if this information is useful to anyone in building their own mini business in their summer cottage.

Growing green onions is a public activity and possible even with minimal investment. The profitability of a business directly depends on the volume of plants produced, and onions can be grown almost anywhere: on the windowsill in a residential building, in a greenhouse, in a garage, in a basement.

Green onion growing technology - what should be the room for growing green onions?

Growing onions, as well as, in closed equipped premises guarantees year-round income. At the same time, human participation in the process is reduced to the simplest actions: the primary processing of raw materials and the collection of greenery.

Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, you should still follow the general recommendations for growing. This will reduce time costs and get a good harvest.

There are three characteristics that determine the ideal conditions for the growth of green onions:

  • Comfortable air temperature.
  • Sufficient room lighting.
  • High-quality irrigation of the soil.

The size of the premises for doing business is also important, which affects the volume of products produced.

The room must be dry, not infected with mold or fungi and, if possible, light.

Here are the possible options for growing green onions:

  • Greenhouse

The simplest summer greenhouse is made of a wooden frame, which is covered with a thick plastic film on top. You can assemble such a structure yourself, using improvised materials and tools.

In the warm season, greenhouses and greenhouses do not require additional lighting or heating. Natural air temperature and sunlight will be sufficient for plant growth.

Growing green onions in a greenhouse is the most environmentally friendly way, since such conditions are as close to natural as possible.

  • Basement and garage

An alternative to a greenhouse can be a basement or garage. However, these rooms need additional preparation. First of all, they should be insulated. As materials, safe heat insulators are used, for example, based on polyethylene foam or foam.

The next step is to install shelving. They can be purchased ready-made or made independently, for example, from wood. If necessary, such racks are disassembled and transported to a new location.

A solid construction for long-term use should be metal, for example, welded from a profile or pipes. Naturally, it will require more significant investments.

Growing green onions in a basement or garage involves creating the following favorable conditions:

  1. Heating . For maximum onion growth, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime in the range from +18 to +22 ° C. Any appliances can be used as heaters, but it is worth remembering that electrical devices will require serious electricity costs;
  2. Lighting . The brighter the light in the room, the richer the color of the onion feather. Therefore, if possible, the room should be equipped with fluorescent lamps;
  3. Ventilation . The air in the basement or garage must constantly circulate. It is advisable not only to install internal fans, but to organize the supply of fresh air from the street. This will give the plants a more comfortable environment and prevent the development of mold and mildew in the room.
  • Windowsill

The easiest way to grow onions is on a windowsill. For this, a loggia is well suited. In the summer, no additional tricks will be needed, and for the winter period, the loggia should be insulated and glazed. If the windows face north, artificial lighting can be arranged.

With good lighting and air temperature from +23 to +27, green onions will grow by 30 cm in about 2-2.5 weeks.

How to grow green onions for sale - features of planting material for growing green onions

Almost anything can be used as planting material: soil, sand, sawdust. There are options in which the onion grows without soil and feeds exclusively on water. This method is called hydroponics.

  • earth and sand

This is the standard planting base for the plant. If you grow onions in a greenhouse on a land plot, it is recommended to fertilize and loosen the soil.

Flaw: In all other cases, you will need to purchase special mixtures. The soil should be versatile and have an acidity of 6 to 7 ph.

  • Sawdust

Sawdust is a cheap material. Their main property is friability and the ability to retain moisture. However, this ecological material does not contain nutrients, so additional mineral fertilizers will be needed.

Plants planted in sawdust will not require too frequent watering. When cut, ripe green onion feathers will remain clean (unlike those that grow on an earthen mixture).

Sawdust has one drawback - with prolonged use, they begin to rot, and mixed with the remains of onion roots turn into compost and require replacement.

Growing green onions in hydroponics assumes that the plant will not be fed from the soil, but from the circulating medium that comes to the roots. This medium can be based on water or a solid porous substance that retains moisture well and passes air well.

Coconut fiber is ideal as a substrate. It is absolutely natural, able to strongly swell and accumulate water, while passing air.

The onion planting system should contain channels filled with a solid substrate or blown with an air-nutrient mixture. Bulbs are placed in these channels. As necessary, an aqueous solution rich in minerals is launched through the ducts.

The order in which hydroponics layers are placed is as follows:

  1. Onion roots.
  2. organic substrate.
  3. Net.
  4. nutrient solution.

The most important aspect of this growing method is high-quality aeration (air saturation) of the roots. Therefore, the mesh and nutrient solution should be about 5 cm apart.

The yield of onions growing in hydroponics will be higher, and the cost of purchasing planting materials will be lower.

Equipment and devices for growing green onions indoors

Growing onions for greens can be made as simple and convenient as possible using various devices. For example, use professional phytolamps that stimulate plant growth as a source of artificial light.

Drip irrigation systems are great for irrigating onions in greenhouses. With their help, water consumption is noticeably reduced, and the liquid itself is evenly distributed throughout the planted area.

There are entire installations designed in the form of racks in which light sources and soil containers are built. Such equipment is already ready for use, it remains only to place onions in it and water it until harvest.

There are commercially available hydroponic systems that work as follows:

  1. On the water.
  2. On the substrate.
  3. Aeroponics (air).

This equipment can be used immediately, all that is needed is to purchase raw materials and prepare a nutrient mixture.

Planting and growing green onions on a feather - how to grow green onions in winter?

Green onions can be successfully produced at any time of the year. However, this will entail considerable additional investments - at least it will be necessary to organize heating and lighting. Even using a garage or basement for business, in which it is already necessary to install sources of artificial light, heating devices will be needed.

If there are relatively small volumes in the soil, onions can be pre-treated before planting. This will speed up the germination process several times.

The procedure is:

  • The bulbs are placed in a container and completely filled with cold water.
  • After one hour, all the water is drained.
  • Landing in the ground is carried out in a day.

To grow green onions in a greenhouse in winter, you should pay attention to the quality factor of the structure and organize favorable conditions inside it.

If you plan to do business for the long term, it is advisable to build a greenhouse thoroughly:

  • The frame is made of metal or a durable wooden profile.
  • Make the base of the greenhouse.
  • Cover all ceilings and structures with paint or primer.
  • Cover the greenhouse with a strong polycarbonate film.

The growth rate of green onions directly depends on the ambient or room temperature:

  • At 12C° onions ripen for about four weeks.
  • At 17C° - about 26 days.
  • At 20C° - about 22 days.
  • At 22C° - about 20 days.
  • At 25C° - about 2.5 weeks.

Growing green onions in the cold season is best done using winter and frost-resistant plant varieties. They adapt better to lower temperatures and will be able to produce higher yields under less favorable conditions.

Is it profitable to grow green onions in winter and summer - the real reasons for selling an onion growing business

This business is considered quite profitable, but there are always parameters that can greatly affect profitability. Naturally, due to the unequal number of mandatory expenses, summer and winter onion cultivation has tangible differences.

In summer:

  • in the greenhouse Plants develop only due to sunlight. Auxiliary sources of heat and light are not needed.
  • Basement and garage - heaters are either not required at all, or must operate at minimum power (for example, in a cold basement).
  • On the windowsill Green onions grow on their own using sunlight. The room temperature does not need to be adjusted.


  • in the greenhouse - the design itself should be made of more expensive and durable materials. Inside the greenhouse, you need to create a comfortable microclimate using additional sources of heat, and sometimes light.
  • Basement and garage - Higher quality thermal insulation materials may be required. Also, you can not do without heating devices.
  • On the windowsill - if you use a loggia for growing onions, it will need to be glazed, insulated and, possibly, heated.

In the cold season, the market value of green onions increases, which compensates for the forced costs. The undoubted advantage is the possibility of longer storage of already cut greens. Not every activity is bound to be successful.

There are a number of reasons that can hinder the development of the business and give the owner the idea of ​​selling the business:

  1. Lack of personal vehicles . If onions are grown in a greenhouse outside the city, and for sale they need to be transported, one car is not enough. In this case, it is appropriate to use a small truck, since the crop volumes can be impressive, and the greens must retain their presentation and not wrinkle. If there is no opportunity to purchase a vehicle, doing business can be very difficult.
  2. Unprofitability . Growing onions in winter entails another expense item - lighting and heating. If the greenhouse, garage or basement is located in inconvenient locations or areas with high electricity rates, the cost of maintaining the right temperature can greatly affect the profit margin.
  3. Raising the price of raw materials . In a lean year, the price of onions increases greatly, which adversely affects the cost of green products.
  4. No market . Not every green onion producer has its own outlet for the sale of grown goods. Very often, finished products are sold in bulk at prices 1.5-2 times lower than retail ones. If supply exceeds demand, the purchase price may be reduced to an unacceptable minimum, making the business unprofitable.

Real business plan for growing green onions for sale

All initial potential costs can be divided into three categories:

  • Purchase or lease of premises / land.
  • Improvement of the premises (construction, insulation).
  • Technical equipment (racks, devices, installations, containers).

To these costs are added regular expenses:

  • For the purchase of raw materials (bulbs, mineral fertilizers, water).
  • For the transportation of finished products.
  • To maintain the necessary microclimate (lighting, heating, ventilation).
  • For workers' wages.

Not all items are mandatory, since the onion growing facility may be owned and no additional labor will be required.

Business Pros:

  • Unpretentiousness to conditions and fast growth of a plant.
  • Minimum financial investment.
  • Fast payback with small volumes.

An example of a business plan for growing onions in a greenhouse:

Name Options
Land area 100 sq. m.
Effective area 75 sq.m.
Average growth time of green onions 3 weeks (21 days)
The volume of grown products for 1 month 350 - 550 kg of green feather
Wholesale cost of planting material 8 rubles / 1 kg
Cost of 1 kg of green feather from 10 to 60 rubles.
Potential green crop losses (due to climate, weather, etc.) 30%
Wholesale cost of selling 1 kg of onion in summer 30 - 50 rubles.
Wholesale cost of selling 1 kg of onions in winter 200 rub.
The number of onions sold per day by large producers 1000 – 3000 kg
The number of onions sold per month by average producers 1500 kg
The amount of start-up capital required to start a business 100 - 150 thousand rubles.
The amount of monthly profit at the very beginning of the business when using an area of ​​75 sq.m. 20 thousand rubles
The amount of monthly profit when growing 3000 kg of onions per month 150 thousand rubles

The profitability of the business of growing onions in a greenhouse is about 30% in winter and more than 50% in the warm season

This difference is explained by the cost of heating and renting a greenhouse. Depending on the scope of activities, a business can pay off in a period of several months to several years.

The business is attractive due to the fertility of the plant, modest start-up investments, as well as high demand all year round. If you master all the intricacies of growing green onions and the features of its marketing, you can build a profitable business on this.

How to grow green onions

If your plan includes growing commercial green onions, be prepared to do this all year round. In summer, it is cultivated in the fields, and in winter - in a greenhouse with heating. Please note that it is expensive to install and maintain a greenhouse yourself. It is easier to rent specially equipped premises from farms and factories, or equip it yourself. Profitability in winter is about 30%, since a lot of money is spent on heating in the greenhouse and rent. In summer it reaches 50%. Although in practice it is sometimes possible to achieve an indicator of 200%.

You can grow green onions at home only for a small part-time job. If you are planning to organize a separate business, you need to purchase or rent a plot of approximately 25-30 acres. Growing green onions begins with planting seeds after the last frost. It is better to take seeds from Japan or Holland. Bulbs are planted in a greenhouse before winter.

Whichever method you choose, you need to take care of preparing the beds and fertilizing them. For a greenhouse, you will need loose soil and superphosphate at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq. m. Before planting, onion seeds must first be soaked. Onions are planted in a greenhouse or on open ground with ribbons at a distance of about 5 cm from each other and between rows. Green onions require a lot of light, frequent watering and surface loosening of the soil. This work plan must be carried out regularly and with great care.

If you decide to grow green onions at home, the bulbs should be soaked overnight in warm water, and then planted in boxes about 10 cm high. To increase the growth rate of a green plant, water it with warm water at least 20 ° C, and keep the air temperature about 18-22°C.

The plant reaches its marketable appearance in about 20 days. But with the use of aeroponics technology, this time can be reduced. This system helps to eliminate the disposal of substrates and other waste during cultivation, but the savings are tangible only in a greenhouse over large areas. The cost of such a system is 1-4 thousand rubles. per square meter. The plan for the payback period is 2-3 years.

What to grow green goods for sale

No matter where you decide to start the production of green goods - in the field, greenhouse or at home - you can do this in three ways: growing from seeds, small bulbs (sevka) or large ones. The fastest way to get a result from a green business is from sevka, if before planting it was carefully sorted out, processed and properly cared for. The main problem in growing this plant is diseases and premature shooting. Therefore, the place of growth should be well blown and illuminated. In addition, the cost plan should include the purchase of chemicals for the treatment of plants. Without them, under artificial conditions, growing greens will become unprofitable - most of the crop will simply die.

Growing from seeds requires three times less planting material, four times less area. True, for better productivity during growth, seedlings must be thinned out, which increases the losses of green business. Moreover, not every seed will germinate. But this type of green plant practically does not shoot, matures quickly and does not rot for a long time, which makes it easier to store, allowing you to earn extra money on bulbs.

Expenditure part of green business

The main funds will be spent on planting material, care, fertilizers, and transport. This will be about 30% of the costs. Entrance to the business costs about 150 thousand rubles if you have your own plot with a water supply. If you are planning to grow for sale in large quantities, it is worth worrying about the certification of a green product.

It is best to organize a business in the fall. First, you need to conduct a market assessment to get an idea of ​​the volume of demand. Based on these data, determine a plan for growing a green plant. If it is difficult to determine how much product will be able to sell for sale, it is better to grow less than the estimated sales volume. You can always increase production.

From 10 acres of land, the production of this green product will bring 30-90 thousand rubles per month. Additional cultivation of other popular green raw materials will help to increase the sale of feathers:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • basilica;
  • arugula;
  • mint;
  • lettuce;
  • cilantro.

It is difficult to say how much money it will take to open a business. It all depends on the type and scale of cultivation. If your plan involves the cultivation of a product in a greenhouse, a significant amount will be spent on its arrangement. You can reduce costs if you close it not with glass, but with polycarbonate. This material better maintains the desired temperature in the greenhouse in winter.

The plan for organizing a major business must include the purchase or lease of premises or fields. Many entrepreneurs who decide to cultivate a vegetable in a greenhouse rent production facilities at factories. Of these, about half are determined for the harvest, and the rest - storage and household premises. In this area are installed:

  • instantaneous water heaters;
  • lifts;
  • stoves for heating water;
  • ultraviolet lamps and fluorescent lamps.

For a month from 70 sq. m. You can remove an average of 400 kilograms of feathers. Depending on the season, the cost of a kilogram of greens will be 10-160 rubles.

Sales and risks

Sales depend on production volumes. You can organize it in two ways: through wholesalers or directly at retail - shops, supermarkets, stalls, markets, catering establishments, etc. The packaging of goods also depends on the type of sales. If this is a retail sale, it is worth considering special packaging and related equipment. In the summer, wholesalers buy goods for 30-50 rubles. per kilogram, in winter this figure rises to 100. The sale of goods by medium-sized enterprises is approximately 1.5 kg of goods per month.

The main risks come from the floating price of the commodity. Over the course of a year, it rises and falls at times. In addition, feathers are a perishable commodity. Therefore, if you do not have a marketing plan prepared in advance, you can lose a lot of money.

Growing green onions - the right choice of variety and place, 3 tips from experts, pitfalls and profitability of this business.

Capital investments: 30,000 - 100,000 rubles.
Payback period: 6-12 months.

Green onions are the most popular type of greens in our country.

Everyone knows that it is rich in vitamins, and besides, it has good taste.

In some families, it is grown at home on the windowsill.

But most prefer to buy in supermarkets.

Moreover, it makes it possible to purchase goods even in winter at an affordable price.

You can grow it not only for your own needs, but also turn it into a business.

This approach is fully justified.

After all, with all the features, the business requires a minimum investment of capital, which, moreover, quickly pays off.

Growing onions is a simple process that does not require special preparation and a long ripening period.

The demand for greenery remains all year round, but in winter it will be possible to earn 3-4 times more for the same volumes.

Consider what you need to know for growing onions in a greenhouse.

Choosing a variety for growing onions in a greenhouse

Growing onions in a greenhouse can serve two purposes - collecting onions or feathers.

Each option has features, based on which the variety of planting material is chosen.

Consider the main varieties of onions for growing for sale:

    Tiered bow.

    The most common option, as it is absolutely unpretentious.

    From 1 kg of seed bulbs in a month you can get from 2 kg of greens.

    In this case, it is enough to provide low lighting and room temperature.


    In winter, it is not customary to grow this variety.

    Usually they begin to plant it in the spring, in order to then move the seedlings to open ground.


    A more profitable variety for growing greens, as it gives good feathers, while having a low cost of planting bulbs.

    Slime bow.

    Like other types of onions, this variety is unpretentious to the conditions.

    It differs in the structure of the leaves (they have rounded tips), as well as a slight “taste” of garlic in the smell.

    In recent years, it has become more and more popular.

    It is also chosen for its high frost resistance and the fact that it is an early ripening variety.

How to choose a place to grow onions?

If onions are grown for sale, they are planted on an industrial scale for a whole year.

In summer, they use landing in open ground, because green onions are unpretentious and grow in almost any conditions.

With cold weather, the process is transferred to where artificial lighting and heating are installed.

A greenhouse can be built on your own plot, which requires cash investments.

Or it will grow other products in greenhouses.

Otherwise, greenhouse areas should be rented.

This will not be as financially and labor intensive.

Also, the area for sowing is also rented in the summer, if there is no own plot with fertile land.

Growing onions at home cannot become a source of income.

For a full-fledged activity, you will need at least 25-30 acres of territory.

Sales market for greenhouse green onions

Finding sales outlets is the main problem of growing green onions in a greenhouse.

This issue must be resolved before the landing of the material.

After all, the "life" period of greenery is short and it must be sold immediately after harvesting.

Ways to market green onions:

    Retail sale on the market.

    Suitable for selling small batches, for example, if you grow several types of greens and vegetables in a greenhouse.

    Through the Internet.

    Usually, individuals purchase greens in small batches due to the short shelf life.

    But for drying, home preservation or other purposes, customers can look for direct suppliers.

    So they receive guarantees of maximum quality and freshness of the goods.

    You can find buyers via the Internet: create a website, place ads on boards, communicate on specialized forums.

    Shops and supermarkets.

    The main channel for wholesale distribution of products.

    It is important that there is registration and certificates for the goods.

    Otherwise, green onions can only be sold to small retail outlets.

    Cafes and restaurants.

    They also order greens from suppliers regularly and in large quantities.

What is special about growing green onions for sale?

Growing green onions in the greenhouse has some subtleties that can only be learned through practice.

Or from those who have already been engaged in such a business.

Three main tips from the experts:

    Disease prevention.

    If you have not yet dealt with the cultivation of greens, then you have no idea how destructive diseases can be!

    Almost instantly, the focus of infection spreads to plants, destroying them and disfiguring them.

    Having overlooked preventive measures, you can lose the entire crop of green onions in 1-2 days.

    commodity condition.

    Each onion variety has its own ripening phase.

    This is something to keep in mind when planting bulbs and planning your schedule.

    While you wait for full ripening, some of the goods may deteriorate and lose their condition.

    However, in the absence of assistants, it is difficult to harvest on your own.

    Therefore, even when planting planting material of the same variety, take breaks between sections of 5-7 days.

    So the green onions will “keep up” gradually, and you will always have goods for sale in the state of the desired condition.

    Preparation for sale.

    It is important to offer customers not only fresh, healthy, but also beautiful green onions.

    This fact is not a basic requirement.

    And yet the goods for sale must be cleaned of dirt, bulbs, bundled and neatly packaged.

    At this stage, the question of the need to hire assistants is once again raised.

    This can be avoided by involving family members in the work.

Onion growing business plan

A calendar plan is necessary to keep track of business development.

It is important to understand whether all stages occur on time.

And most importantly, when you get the first profit from growing onions.

Event1 month2 months3 months
Renting or building a greenhouse
Purchase and installation of equipment
Planting purchased material
Sale of goods

How much should I invest in growing green onions in a greenhouse?

Financial calculations are necessary even if the entrepreneur starts growing with small batches of onions.

Consider the items of expenditure, provided that you have your own plot of land and water supply.

Monthly expenses consist only of replenishment of stocks of planting material, payment of utilities and transportation of products.

However, if you want to hire a business assistant, another expense item will appear - staff salaries.

What should aspiring entrepreneurs look out for

when growing green onions, you will learn from the video:

Profitability of growing green onions in a greenhouse

The level of profitability of growing green onions will directly depend on the season.

If the figure is 50% in summer, keeping a greenhouse in winter will reduce the figure to 30%.

This is due to the appearance of additional costs for lighting, heating.

However, it happens that the profitability grows up to 250-300%! It is difficult to predict such a development of events, therefore, it is not worth relying on this indicator.

Starting with a small greenhouse area, you can get about 20,000 rubles of profit per month.

Growing on an industrial scale will bring already from 150,000 rubles.

To do this, it is necessary to sell from 3 tons of onions.

The highest prices are from April to June.

At this time, the price rises 1.5-2 times.

Also, a jump is observed before the holidays.

It is better to start in this business in August-September.

To begin with, it is worth landing a small batch and trying to implement it.

If everything goes well, you will be able to recoup the investment in a season.

To growing green onions in a greenhouse made a profit, it is important to assess the demand and sales volume.

Also be aware of the potential risks.

Although this crop is absolutely unpretentious, a sharp drop in prices or poor seed quality can lead to losses.

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Growing green onions at home - home business idea: growing green onions indoors, detailed description.


The market value of green onions in the period from October to April reaches 300 - 400 rubles per kilogram, it is profitable to grow onions for sale, you can see this by reading this article.

Planting onions can be purchased in the fall for 8 - 10 rubles per kilogram. The yield of green onions is 50% of the planting mass, when planting onions with an area of ​​10 m², the planting material will be about 150 kg of bulbs.

In 20 days you will receive about 70 kg of green feather, the profit will be about 10,000 rubles if sold in bulk, or 20,000 if sold at retail. And this is from 10 m² of landing area, when placing racks in two or three tiers, you can use a very small room.

Technology of growing green onions.

1. Room.

For growing onions, you can use any room that can maintain a temperature of about +15 degrees, a heated greenhouse would be ideal, but you can use a garage, basement or utility room.

2. Planting material.

It is advisable to buy onions in September, when its cost is minimal. The purchase can be carried out at vegetable bases or in farms. Not all onions are suitable for forcing on a feather, to find out if they are suitable, you need to cut a couple of onions, if there are several cobs in the onion - you can buy this onion, if only one cob - such planting material is not suitable.

3. Arrangement of the premises.

If you use a garage as a room, then it is desirable to additionally insulate it, you can use foam or flexible insulation. It is more expedient to grow onions on collapsible racks, they can be made of wood. The racks are shallow boxes covered with oilcloth, the height between the racks is 60-70 cm. It is not desirable to do less, the length of the onion feather reaches 50 cm.

Ordinary light bulbs can be used for lighting, but fluorescent lamps are preferable - the onion feather turns dark green.

4. Planting and cultivation.

The racks are covered with a layer of soil 5 cm. Sand can be used as soil, or a mixture of sand and earth 1: 1. The bulbs are cut before planting, cutting off the neck with secateurs, then planted tightly, slightly sticking into the soil. After planting, watering is done, the soil should be wet, but the water should not stand otherwise the bulbs may rot.

The growth rate of the onion feather depends on the room temperature:

  • 25C ° - after 17 days,
  • 22C ° - after 22 days,
  • 20C ° - after 20 days,
  • 17C ° - after 26 days,
  • 12C ° - after 28 days.

The onion crop is harvested when the height of the feather reaches 35 - 45 cm.

The bulbs are peeled with a knife, the root is cut off. Onion feathers are collected in bunches of 70 - 80 grams, tied with a thread or rubber band and placed in cardboard boxes. The bow is ready for sale!

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