How to open your own showroom: step-by-step instructions. For a beginner in business: how to open a profitable clothing showroom. How much money do you need to open a showroom?

In our country, a showroom is a specialized, small store that has a small corner with mirrors. Also, the organization of this business assumes that the client can come by appointment and choose an outfit in a designer format. At the same time, the cost of such a clothing option will be affordable, which creates a significant demand for purchase. Such a store will appeal to those citizens who dream of making affordable purchases, while they are afraid to buy online due to the lack of the opportunity to try on and study the offered items in more detail. In fact, we are talking about either a small store where you can find the right product at an affordable price, try it on, touch it and choose. Or about the opportunity to purchase such goods at home.

Of course, you need to remember that in standard chic boutiques, designer items simply cannot have an affordable price. The thing is that the seller has to spend a significant amount of money on renting premises of a fairly significant size, repairing, purchasing equipment, and paying the labor of a specialist seller. It is these factors that form a fairly significant amount of additional costs that the entrepreneur includes in the cost of the finished product. Accordingly, in such a boutique, in any case, the price of a designer item will be very high, and many will simply not be able to afford such an acquisition. As for the showroom, the entrepreneur in this case significantly reduces his expenses, since he does not rent premises and does not spend a significant amount of money on setting up business activities, which helps reduce the level of expenses that are included in the markup.

For potential customers, this option of cooperation will actually be extremely beneficial. The thing is that a significant number of positive aspects are being formed, which should certainly be mentioned. Firstly, the sale of goods can be carried out directly at the seller's home, and the seller with a certain number of things you have previously selected can visit you. In any case, the home environment provokes the formation of more comfortable priorities for careful fitting. You will not be in a hurry, which means that you will be able to choose those product options that actually suit you completely. Secondly, it should be noted that there are no queues. In fact, the client significantly saves his time, as the seller directs all his attention to him, which forms a beneficial relationship. It should also be noted that this type of cooperation allows the client to make a profitable purchase of truly high-quality, stylish items that are not available in ordinary stores. Accordingly, we can confidently say that there will be demand for supply.

In fact, this business option actually allows you to get phenomenal development prospects. Nevertheless, in order to be successful and get everything that you really dreamed of, you need to competently approach the search for a supplier, evaluate all the advantages of this or that cooperation, and without fail carry out the process of drawing up a business format plan. Some entrepreneurs try not to take such actions, especially if they do not need to attract investors, partners, or take a loan. It seems that everything can be calculated at the right time, and there is simply no need to spend time doing unnecessary calculations and analysis. In fact, the process of drawing up a plan allows you to objectively assess your future advantages and opportunities, as well as competently approach the calculation of initial investments.

In this business, the most important thing is to carefully consider the issue of finding suppliers. The thing is that such things cannot be purchased in bulk. You will need to find channels for the supply of goods, and only in this way will you be able to open a showroom. If you open something similar to a showroom, but cannot provide unique designer items, then such a business will be unprofitable in advance.

Where should you start?

You must be fully aware of all the responsibilities that come with starting a business. You must understand that to make such sales, you will need maximum attention to the client, you will need to correctly choose stylish things, describe their advantages, and know all their features and nuances. Accordingly, it becomes clear that in order to form success, all implementation activities are best carried out independently. Since it will be truly difficult to find a seller who will competently carry out all the necessary actions that relate to the provision of goods to the client. Among other things, we recommend a standard plan for starting and subsequent business development:

  • Drawing up a business plan. The main and initial stage of any business is precisely the preparation of a plan, on the basis of which you will be able to correctly and competently approach the implementation of the goal in the future. Here it is very important to evaluate all the advantages of the business, immediately choose the likely options for cooperation, try to analyze all the initial and monthly expenses, as well as carry out a preliminary calculation of the income that can be generated. If you are going to take out a loan or attract investors in order to get a more substantial initial investment, you will certainly need to draw up this plan in accordance with all established rules;
  • Line of business. In the planning process, the direction of the business is chosen. You need to clearly define what kind of things you will sell - clothes, accessories or shoes. The thing is that you must be clearly aware that these acquisitions will require certain investments from you. It is for this reason that you need to clearly distinguish which options for directions will be available to you;
  • Be sure to work out the structure of ordering goods and finding reliable suppliers. That is, you must understand that you need to give preference only to those suppliers who will provide you with affordable prices, a guarantee of quality and a refund if necessary. At the same time, it is very important that the speed of delivery is also significant. Most often, such things are ordered in China or Korea. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the speed of delivery in this case will be up to one month. You can also purchase specialized databases of intermediary suppliers from whom you can purchase such goods on the basis of very favorable conditions;
  • Create an assortment. Experienced experts recommend not to rush to open such a showroom with only 10-15 items on hand. The thing is that it is very important to provide a wide range of products. But, if you prefer elite options, for example, fur items, then in this case you can limit yourself to 10 options at the initial stage. This will be enough for the client to have the opportunity to make a competent choice;
  • The right choice of product groups. In the process of choosing goods, be sure to evaluate the possibility of making the maximum margin. That is, choose those products that are not created for mass consumption. Remember that they must certainly look very expensive and respectable. That is, you need to choose just such a product for which buyers will not be sorry to give a significant amount of money;
  • Organization of implementation. Remember that it is best to complete the process of setting up a room for trying on and reviewing things at home, and to carry out the process of attracting customers through social networks. In fact, you significantly save your money. At the same time, you can provide a range of your goods through social networks and visit with the client's things. Both options eliminate significant rental costs and allow customers to gain the prospect of significant comfort;
  • Councils and recommendations. It should also be said that in order to achieve your goals, namely, to attract the maximum number of potential customers, you will certainly need to competently approach the issue of organizing interaction with customers. You must have the most up-to-date knowledge of fashion trends, you must be able to competently and correctly give advice on the choice of fabric, accessories, etc .;
  • We draw your attention to the fact that at the initial stages of doing business, you may not register an enterprise, especially if you will carry out all the implementation activities at home. If things go well, then you will certainly need to rent a small commercial space and organize a certain fitting room there, you will also have to carry out the state registration process.

Let's say right away that today there are many different forms of business, and there are also a lot of taxation options. In fact, you need to study all the data provided in order to competently approach the issue of choosing the form of business and the system that will require minimum payments from you.

Drawing up a business plan

As you already understood, it is imperative to carry out the procedure for drawing up a plan, if only for the reason that at the moment it is in this way that you can correctly calculate all possible negative points. You can also assess the level of competition and calculate the amount that you will need to invest in the purchase of goods.

At the same time, keep in mind that in this situation, the business plan will be more analytical, since there will not be so much data on expenses.

Total information

  • We define the form of business. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a detailed study of all the data on what registration options exist and what benefits they provide. If you do not immediately register, you should still include this information in the plan for further development;
  • Choice of taxation system. In this situation, you need to study the information on the issue in great detail in order to choose a tax payment system that will be beneficial in your particular case;
  • Competitive analysis is carried out and it is indicated exactly what advantages you can provide to your potential customers;
  • A group of goods is defined. Moreover, in this case, you can bring data from social surveys, as well as data from customer opinions, which will help justify the choice of certain goods;
  • The structure of business organization from the point of view of goods procurement is described. That is, you indicate in the plan how you will carry out the process of acquiring goods, with which suppliers you will cooperate, etc.;
  • It indicates the form of ownership of the premises where the fitting and storage of things will be carried out. If you do everything at home, you will still make an additional calculation of expenses if you rent the premises;
  • Point out ways to advertise your business.

Cost calculation

  • Experienced specialists indicate that the amount of the initial investment for the purchase of goods is one million rubles;
  • Additional expenses per month - up to 20 thousand rubles to create ideal conditions for clients at home;
  • Transportation costs - up to 20 thousand rubles, if you carry out the process of delivering goods to the client's home.

Basically, here is a basic list of expenses that an aspiring entrepreneur will face. You should also take into account that at the moment it is very important to correctly and correctly approach the issue of product distribution and customer search. You can carry out all actions through social networks, where you will attract new and new customers on your own. And you can carry out the process of opening an Internet resource, and use the services of specialists for popularization. In this case, the creation of a high-quality resource and the assistance of professionals in filling and promoting it will cost you up to 50 thousand rubles.

Estimated Profit

First of all, let's say that this business in our country is considered relatively new, and according to statistics, it can be determined that the average level of net income from such a business is at least 30 thousand rubles per month. If you first carry out the process of advertising your services, and you can also competently organize interaction with customers, then you can make about five sales a day, which will generate earnings in the amount of 20 thousand rubles during the day. Gradually, you will gain experience and achieve more significant income.


It is very important that your potential customers receive from you a wide range of truly fashionable and at the same time exclusive items. It is these things that can become an undeniable basis for updating your business.

Here is a rough business plan with calculations that you can use as a basis for starting your own business. In fact, the only investment you will face is an investment in the purchase of a product. In this situation, you must understand that customers will only buy what they have the opportunity to touch, see, and try on. So, the option of a business with an advance payment for goods is not suitable.

Business Features

Business has a lot of features that should definitely be mentioned:

  • You can not rent a room that will later be used as the basis for doing business. In fact, you can significantly save money by providing the services of a kind of fitting room at home. At the same time, if the business becomes successful, such a fitting room can be rented in a commercial premises or organized in a rented apartment;
  • You can choose not to go through the process of registering your business, and this will also be a significant savings aspect. Remember that potential customers are unlikely to check your registration documents, for them the most important thing is a quality, stylish product;
  • You can carry out all the implementation steps yourself, which also becomes an undeniably important cost savings item. In fact, you, as the head of the business, will carry out all the actions for selling and communicating with the client, which means that you will be able to adapt to any situation as competently as possible and exclude all negative aspects;
  • Ability to search for clients through social networks. You can also get the prospect of saving on finding clients. You can not invest in advertising on the Internet, but try to add fashionistas and fashionistas to your friends on your own. So, you can even more significantly reduce the estimated costs, which will allow you to achieve significant profits in the future;
  • Keep in mind that a fairly significant number of suppliers have appeared, which allows you to quickly find cooperation options that will actually be completely profitable and will become the basis for business development.

That is, there are many features of a business that determine its uniqueness in relation to other ideas. We recommend that you do not register your entrepreneurial business until you can reach more than 150 potential and regular customers. In fact, this is the number of customers who will make the required number of purchases. What will help you in the future to become an official way of earning. It is best to carry out the process of registration of an individual enterprise. In addition, keep in mind that you can get prospects for active development only if you provide your potential customers with truly high-quality goods. For this reason, carefully evaluate the range provided and the terms of cooperation with certain suppliers.

Do not forget that the absence of official registration has a significant disadvantage in that you do not receive the necessary guarantees in cooperation with the supplier, since you cannot sign a formal cooperation agreement. Also, you are unlikely to be able to make bulk purchases. Among other things, there will always be a risk of getting a fine for illegal business activities from the tax authority. These are the main disadvantages that showroom businessmen will have to face.

How to find suppliers?

  • You can independently visit specialized markets, which are organized on the basis of shopping centers. In such sales, you can purchase goods at a discount of up to seventy percent;
  • You can use the options of cooperation directly with factories. In this situation, you can purchase lots of goods, at the same time, it should be borne in mind that such purchases require significant investments, official registration, and the resulting batch will have low personality parameters, because such things already, even you will be presented in a fairly significant assortment;
  • Work with factories under the individual order. This option is considered one of the most rational, especially if you are just starting your business. You can, in fact, order entire collections of models to suit your individual requirements. At the same time, keep in mind that it will take at least two months to produce a batch of goods for your order;
  • You can turn your attention to wholesale warehouses that sell fashionable clothes with significant discounts;
  • An excellent option for creating an assortment of goods is the purchase of Chinese options on specialized fashion sites. Firstly, this option allows you to find original and stylish models. Secondly, you will be able to get the benefits of purchasing a substantial consignment of goods at affordable prices;
  • Acquisition of supplier base. Today, there are quite a few databases that have already been worked out, in which a list of all suppliers is formed that can be used in the process of organizing and developing a showroom.

Sales organization

The advantage of a business is that you can sell goods without leaving your home. In fact, the client examines the product on your page on the social network and pre-negotiates with you the time when you can accept it for fitting. In this way, you can plan your day optimally, knowing exactly how much time you will spend on a client. Among other things, this structure of trying on things has a lot of advantages. For example, a client receives attentive service from you. You carry out the provision of all models for the desired size. The client has the opportunity to measure everything, try, touch and make his choice. Nobody rushes him, which means that purchases will be truly rational and profitable.

Keep in mind that the very room that you organize as a fitting room needs to be made comfortable enough. It should have mirrors and a fitting room so that the client can carry out the process of trying on the necessary products in comfortable conditions. Immediately arrange a sofa or several armchairs, provide magazines with fashion trends, so that the client can be sure that you offer him the best. You can also treat the buyer to tea and chat with him about something. These friendships form an aspect of trust that becomes a decisive factor in the acquisition decision process. A competent sales organization is the basis of your success. Accordingly, it is best to carry out all implementation actions independently. We also recommend watching an interesting video on this issue.

In this material:

The question of how to open a clothing showroom is asked by those who have at least a little understanding or connection with the fashion industry. This concept came to us from the West and literally means “demonstration room”. Traditionally, branded clothing or shoes are displayed in such premises. Wholesale buyers or representatives of retail chains can study the presented products in detail in order to order their mass production in the future.

Quite often, showroom owners try to circumvent the law and open such an establishment illegally. There is no point in taking risks, because sooner or later such a business will be discovered by the relevant authorities, and its owner will have to suffer quite serious penalties. Before opening a show room, you should register your business. If you plan to sell finished retail products, then the entrepreneurial activity is registered as a small trading business. If the main activity is the sale of goods in small and large wholesale, then it is better to register as a limited liability company. For those planning retail trade, it is worth choosing the individual entrepreneur format. Depending on the chosen format, all work on maintaining documentation and relationships with suppliers is structured.

It is important to remember that all products that will be displayed on display will require certificates. If the list of goods contains products from imported manufacturers, then the document folder should also be supplemented with customs declarations.

Is it profitable to open a showroom in our country?

How to open a clothing showroom? As practice shows, this business niche in our country is not fully occupied. Therefore, for those who want to try their hand at this activity, they just need to add a little knowledge and make some efforts so that the business brings the expected benefits. Research in this area has shown that the popularity of showrooms today is growing exponentially. This method of selling clothes and shoes makes it possible to very successfully demonstrate fashion collections and the latest news from the fashion world to interested parties. The positive aspect of such a business is that any model you like can always be ordered wholesale or retail.

When thinking about how to open your own showroom, you should pay attention to the following important points:

  1. Choosing a place for the presentation. Choosing a room for a showroom should take into account your goals. In some cases, a rented small apartment will do. As a rule, in this case, the format of the enterprise is the selection of high-quality clothing and shoes for online stores.
  2. If the scale of the business involves wholesale sales to large clients, then the premises should be selected in accordance with the developed business plan.
  3. Interior of the exhibition space. The size of the room is not as important as its interior. In this case, of course, you need to show imagination and creativity. With a unique idea for decorating the interior of a showroom, even a relatively cheap room can be turned into a stylish, interesting place for presentation, in which the items on display will look like a million dollars.

In practice, showrooms are designed in 2 variations:

  1. Practical small room or storage area. This option is suitable for those who offer goods to fill online stores. As a rule, clothes of several sizes are displayed on display, from which the client chooses the one he needs.
  2. Author's design of the exhibition area. For example, it is good to display handmade knitted products in rooms stylized as a grandmother’s room. You can also organize an exhibition of folk art.

Regardless of how the room is furnished, it is important that it contains comfortable chairs and small tables. It will be convenient for them to negotiate and sign the necessary papers. The buyer should not only be interested in your showroom, but also comfortable.

Recruitment and search for suppliers

Depending on the volume of business, the number of employees can vary from 1-2 people to a dozen. The minimum is a merchandiser and a salesperson. In terms of personnel selection, it is worth paying attention to colleagues in China. For them, the client is sacred. The salon employee will do everything possible to ensure that the client leaves satisfied and with pleasant impressions. Not only a pleasant and comfortable interior, soft lighting and music are used. Smiles, compliments and every kind of treatment make visiting the showroom unforgettable. The client is determined to make a profitable offer. This is exactly what the showroom employees are trying to achieve.

When starting such a business, it is important to understand that if unqualified employees work, then business activity is doomed to failure. For a business to be successful and profitable, managers simply must have business conversation skills, be sociable, friendly and attractive. It is important that they perfectly know all the nuances of the goods on display. Ideally, the business should be organized in such a way that several people work in the exhibition hall at once, who, in the event of an influx of customers, could answer the questions of each of the guests.

The general trend of the showroom is special conditions for the profitable sale of goods. It is very important for an entrepreneur not to make a mistake in choosing the products that he puts up for sale. Before opening his own showroom, the initiator of the idea must decide whether he wants to focus on quickly selling and advertised items or whether he will offer those goods that are not so successfully sold through other markets. Traditionally, clothing showrooms purchase goods from China or Europe that are not of very high quality. By doing their own promotion and presenting the product from a favorable angle, showroom owners offer it to domestic buyers.

Important components of success are a proven supplier and an established sales channel for products.

Advertising activity

Without advertising, it is difficult to talk about big profits. It's good if your business is advertised on television. In this case, the maximum number of potential clients will know about you. If not, then you need to think about where advertising your business would be appropriate. For example, exclusive designer items will be appreciated by fashionistas who understand stylish exclusive models. Inexpensive items are successfully sold in online stores, where middle-income clients happily buy them. Advertising through social networks or the word-of-mouth method works successfully here. Experience and quality are the best advertisement. If things have an acceptable price and quality, then soon customers themselves will line up to conclude a deal with you.

Before you start spending money, it would be a good idea to draw up a detailed business plan for organizing a showroom. When compiling it, you need to focus on the finances that you are willing to invest in the business.

Order a business plan

Investments: Investments 400,000 - 2,000,000 ₽

NIKI FILINI has been working since 2013, we specialize in selling youth clothing. We are focused on selling sweatshirts, t-shirts, hats, accessories and many other products. 31 franchise partners are already working with us. Franchisee partners grow and help each other. Our goal this year is to open more than 69 franchise stores. We…

Investments: Investments from 700,000 rubles.

Amorem is a Russian brand that has been on the market since 2012. Amorem is jewelry with meaning, created to inspire our customers to be themselves and live authentic lives, reminding them that true happiness lies in simple things, and love is the natural desire of every soul. Product advantages: fixed price; fast shipment from the warehouse; quick adaptation...

Investments: from RUB 3,500,000.

The Ecomotors group of companies has been producing and selling electric vehicles and alternative energy products since 2007. As of 2014, we are the largest in the electric vehicle sales market in Russia. In 2011, several dozen electric vehicles and buses were sold, in 2012 there was an almost twofold increase in sales, 2013 was marked by a significant expansion of the geography of sales and product…

Investments: 150,000 - 500,000 rubles.

Areas of activity of the company: Own Russian production of heated floors under the EnergyEco brand; Sales of energy-efficient systems products: heat pumps, solar collectors, storage tanks, heated floors, cooling and heating systems for rooms without radiators; Alternative energy: geo-, solar-, bio-; Heating and cooling of spaces and premises based on energy efficient technologies. Our line includes systems: solar panels and solar collectors; thermal...

Investments: 350,000 - 550,000 rubles.

The SAROS DESIGN company is a manufacturing and trading enterprise, one of the leaders in the segment of production and installation of suspended ceilings, successfully operating on the market since 1992. The enterprises of the SAROS DESIGN group are located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Novosibirsk, Yaroslavl, Kyiv, Narva, Stuttgart. SAROS DESIGN is a company known all over the world. SAROS DESIGN ceilings installed in the Olympic swimming pool in…

How to open your own show room - detailed planning: selection of suppliers, 3 competitive advantages, how to advertise correctly, basic financial calculations.

Capital investments in a show room: from 500,000 rubles.
Business payback: from 3-4 months.

The answer to the question is how to open a clothing showroom, it’s worth starting by explaining what this name even means?

And how do show rooms differ from regular stores?

It is worth noting that this term has different meanings in world practice and in Russia.

In Western countries, showrooms are rooms that are organized during fashion shows.

In them, designers arrange a mini-presentation of the collection, and future purchasing partners can see the assortment and even touch it.

Direct sales do not take place in such rooms, but cooperation agreements are concluded.

In Russia and Ukraine, show rooms are radically different from their European “colleagues”.

Only the atmosphere of a certain closeness, elitism, belonging to special circles of society, connoisseurs, is preserved.

The rest is still the same.

However, they differ from the ones we are used to in their products (usually unique goods, in small quantities), design, and presentation of the trading process itself.

Let's take a closer look at whether the show room will bring profit and how to open it.

We conduct marketing analysis before opening your clothing showroom

Trade is an area of ​​entrepreneurship in which competition always reigns.

Therefore, the success of the enterprise will greatly depend on how profitable a niche you can choose.

You cannot sell “for everyone” even the most varied goods.

It is necessary to identify your target audience, draw up a portrait of it, and determine its wishes.

Show rooms are a specific type of store that is visited by a special audience.

If you are interested in how to open your own showroom of clothing from exclusive brands in a metropolis, the target audience may look like this:

Competitive advantages of the show room

To prevent competition from becoming fatal for a show room, first of all, there should not be more than 3-4 organizations competitors (for a small town or area in a metropolis).

If there are more firms, it will be too difficult for a newcomer to take his place.

Calculations may even indicate that it would be inappropriate to invest effort in moving towards such a situation.

But even if there are quite a few competitors, you cannot discount them.

You must highlight your competitive advantages.

These factors will force people to go to your showroom.

Exclusive rangeThe format of the showroom itself implies the presence of exclusive goods. But those who move in the fashion world know that some brands are more elite and less affordable than others. Analyze what your customers need and do not lose that very atmosphere of secrecy and exclusivity.
Delivery serviceOften in show rooms you can dress from head to toe, because the assortment includes shoes, clothes, and accessories. But not every buyer wants to carry shopping bags in their hands. So the delivery service will definitely be in demand. This is also useful when customers buy an item as a gift or choose it in your online store without visiting the show room itself. Typically, the volume of such sales is not large enough to conclude an agreement with a separate courier service. Delivery can be carried out by the store owner himself or by sellers for an additional fee.
Individual approachIt is worth emphasizing once again that show rooms (if we consider the term in the classical sense) are the backstage of fashion, a gathering place for people “on trend.” Although the format has been modified in Russian-speaking countries, customers still expect a special approach. Select qualified salespeople who will work individually with each visitor. Regardless of how he is dressed, what he plans to buy, and even if it is obvious that the person is not your target audience. Often these are the visitors who leave the largest sums in the store.

What documents are needed to open a show room?

In order to engage in entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to go through the procedure of registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Many showroom owners don’t see the point in this and work underground.

It is worth noting that this may be justified for small online stores and private closed show rooms.

If you want to open a showroom alone, it’s enough.

But remember that in this case you are responsible to the extent of your personal property.

And if you register an LLC, the risk remains within the authorized capital.

However, you will face much more hassle with registration and accounting.

The choice between these two options is yours.

It remains to remind you what disadvantages await you if you open a show room without documents:

  • not all suppliers agree to enter into transactions with those entrepreneurs who do not have registration;
  • even if the supplier agrees to conclude an agreement, he has no right to sell the goods at wholesale prices;
  • you will not be able to officially register staff for work, which is not welcomed by professionals;
  • In addition, dissatisfied partners, clients or employees may “convey” information about your illegal activities to the tax office, and this is fraught with big problems.

The money that you will save on registering an individual entrepreneur is absolutely not commensurate with the consequences that await unregistered entrepreneurs.

What advertising should you use before and after opening?

“You can have everything you can think about all the time.”
Brian Tracy

Although show rooms have a certain “patina” of secrecy, they can be advertised like regular stores.

Is it worth making a greater bias towards the fashionable representatives of the city.

There are several options for how to promote a show room from the moment it opens:

If you do everything correctly, hire qualified people, create a comfortable atmosphere in the store, the main advertising will be word of mouth.

It will bring at least 70% of new clients to you.

Necessary equipment

Unlike a regular clothing store, a show room can be located almost anywhere.

It does not necessarily have to have high traffic, because there are practically no casual visitors in such establishments.

People will come to you purposefully.

This means that even getting to the other end of the city will not be a problem for them.

However, the presence of public transport stops nearby and a place to park a car will be a definite plus.

Much more attention should be paid to the interior design of the outlet.

Total:120 000 rubles
Clothes hangers (racks) – 2 pcs.
2 000
Mirrors: floor – 1 pc. and wall - 2 pcs.
An additional mirror should be installed near the counter with hats, if they are in stock.
1 000
Fitting booth - 1 pc.
1 000
Mannequin – 1-2 pcs. (depending on the capacity of the trading floor)
1 200
Showcases or open shelves - 5 pcs.
15 000
Cash register and card payment terminal
45 000
Table or counter of the seller - 1 pc.
10 000
Safe – 1 pc.
45 000

How to find suppliers to open a clothing showroom?

One of the features of showrooms is that in such a store the buyer can dress from head to toe.

Therefore, entrepreneurs need to carefully consider the assortment.

There are several vendor options:

    In simple words – the remnants of fashion collections that were presented some time ago.

    You can purchase unsold items with discounts of up to 70%!

    The downside of this option is that often unsold models and sizes remain unsold.

    Factory production (finished products and pre-order).

    To cooperate with factories, you must have some documents permitting such activities.

    You should also be prepared for the fact that cooperation with manufacturers involves small and large wholesale.

    Wholesale warehouses.

    As the name suggests, these places sell things exclusively in bulk.

    At the same time, they offer an impressive 60-70% discount on products.

    Chinese suppliers.

    If you are interested in how to open a showroom, consider the well-known pitfall of this option.

    Yes, the prices for products from “famous brands” from Chinese manufacturers are really tempting.

    However, you will have to answer to your customers for its quality.

Which personnel to choose?

Usually the amount of work in a showroom is small enough that you can get by with a very modest staff.

Often at the start, only the organizer himself takes care of all the affairs.

But in the future it is difficult to do without assistants.

A salesperson in a showroom must have an understanding of fashion, be able to select suitable items for the client, and carry on a conversation about brands and trends.

In addition, like an employee of any other store, a salesperson in a show room must speak politely and competently, treat all visitors with respect, and have excellent knowledge of the assortment of the outlet.

The main task of the staff is to create a comfortable environment that everyone will want to return to.

Hire employees on your own, appoint a trial period.

Each mistake of the seller will be a serious minus to the reputation of the store.

And this should not be allowed!

For a showroom, include in financial calculations not only the salary amount, but also future bonuses, bonuses, and work schedule.

How much does it cost to open your own clothing showroom?

How much it will cost you to open a show room depends on many factors: will you rent an office, where will it be located, what product will you sell and where will it be delivered from?

These are just some of the factors that can affect the final amount.

Let's consider what capital and regular investments will be required to open a clothing showroom in a city with a large population.

Capital investments

Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total:RUB 500,000
Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC1 000
Purchase of equipment, furniture120 000
Site creationfrom 3,000 to 60,000
Domain and hosting15 000 – 20 000
Website promotion on the Internet15 000 – 20 000
Creating a corporate logo1 500
Formation of commodity stock300 000

Regular investments

In addition to investing in opening a show room, you also need to invest a certain amount monthly.

It’s worth keeping this in mind and putting the necessary reserves into your “financial airbag.”

Otherwise, you may encounter a common problem: a company opens, operates successfully for six months or a year, and closes because it runs out of money for financing, and full payback has not yet occurred.

In the video, a successful designer shares his experience of opening a clothing showroom:

Payback and profitability of a clothing showroom

The average markup in the trade sector is 20-200%.

For such unique products as goods in a show room, the markup can be 100-150%.

This will create a competitive advantage over other retail outlets and recoup the show room in a short time.

With the investments calculated above, the store can be repaid in less than six months.

In the future, it is worth investing in expanding the range and opening new outlets.

How to open a clothing showroom and accessories?

As you already understood, everything is not as difficult as you might imagine.

The basis of such a specific outlet is an original assortment, qualified employees and the creation of a customer base.

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As a rule, for all girls, buying clothes is tantamount to taking a “miracle pill” for a bad mood or troubles. And also, this is a great way to just have fun and relieve stress from the whirlwinds of everyday life. Do not forget: every woman is a unique creation, in which, in addition to femininity and style, there is another desire - the pursuit of savings. Therefore, girls are looking for stores where they can buy good, high-quality, inexpensive things. It is these motives that push the fair sex to visit the show room. The showroom is a great option to find what you need!

A women's clothing show room is a store where original or designer items are sold, but their difference from designer luxury branded models is only in price.

Why are these stores so popular? How to open a show room? What are the subtleties inherent in the opening of such an institution? All these questions often concern those who want to open their own successful business, but do not know how to implement this. All these issues will be analyzed below.

The space, which may also be called a studio or a store, displays for sale designer items whose work is unknown or little known to the public. At the same time, the quality of tailoring of things, as well as the material used for them, allows you to make a statement and arouse the interest of the buyer. A good influx of customers into show rooms, and as a result - subsequent recognition of clothing by the general public - allow young designers to become famous. Later, when fame comes, these designers will be able to open boutiques with their name, charging high prices for things. An alternative to designer items can be simply exclusive items from China or the USA.

Today, stars, as well as famous personalities, decide to open their own studio. To do this, they first advertise products through social networks (groups) where there are millions of subscribers. The question “how to open a show room” is easily solved by ordinary people. First you need to decide what category of products will be sold.

What would a showroom look like? There are many options. This:

  1. A studio room in which samples of goods from one or different manufacturers are presented for wholesale purchase.
  2. A studio space where a little-known designer offers ready-made or made-to-order exclusive clothing.
  3. A room where an assortment of goods from different manufacturers for retail trade is collected.

The third option is the most popular in Russia, let’s consider it in detail .

How to open your own fashion show room from scratch - step by step steps

The first step is to register the activity. It is divided into several stages:

  • documents are collected - this is a TIN, an identity card with its copies, an application for registration and taxation is written, the state duty is paid;
  • OKVED code is selected;
  • an application for the opening of activities is being prepared for the tax authorities.

The second step is the technical part. Consists of the following steps:

  1. They are looking for a convenient location for the studio that they are going to open.
  2. All equipment is purchased.
  3. Suppliers are selected.
  4. Studio workers are selected (if necessary).
  5. Advertising is being carried out.

Selection of premises and equipment for the studio

You won’t be able to see a large influx of customers when opening a business right away, since you first need to open a store, after which you need to form an audience of customers. An exception may be a rented boutique inside a supermarket. In our case, friends and acquaintances on social networks will know that you are going to open a salon.

Note. A show room is a profitable business, but when opening such a store, you need to think about the premises. The best option for such a business might be a studio apartment, a small room or a small house. Today, after reading advertisements for rental housing, you can find different options. The worst option may be a room in your own apartment dedicated to business.

Renovation and design should give the room a certain style. It is better to use light, calm tones, hang lamps (lanterns), and also, of course, paintings.

At a professional level, you need to think about the combination of walls and floors. Since the clients of the salon will be demanding people with refined taste, it is necessary to understand that the effective design of the salon will encourage the client to visit it again, as well as recommend it to their friends. Those who are planning to open a women's clothing showroom need to remember this.

The presence of comfortable, and most importantly, beautiful furniture is one of the main points of setting up a show room. Before opening, you need to install coffee tables with armchairs selected in style, display cases - hangers, comfortable fitting rooms with mirrors.

A calm melody and a delicate scent will add a pleasant atmosphere to the studio. An important factor is the ideal cleanliness of the room.

What, how, where to sell?

Regarding the assortment, several issues must be resolved:

  1. Where to buy things.
  2. Variety of assortment.
  3. How to hang and arrange goods.

Where to buy products

Since a show room is a business that is associated with the purchase of things, you need to first search for suppliers.

Today there are several options for purchasing goods at wholesale and retail prices.

The first option is online stores. Typically, such stores most often sell Chinese items, which can be used to make a 100% increase. If you don’t have an accurate idea of ​​the quality of goods in different stores, you will have to make several purchases from different suppliers to understand which store is better to give preference to.

Note. Chinese things can have different quality. Today, many Russian stores sell high-quality goods from China that are reasonably priced. However, it is important to remember that wealthy clients are unlikely to visit such a clothing showroom.

The second option is American sites. Many American websites offer discount items from popular brands. Of course, the models will be last year’s, but the brand, quality, and price will attract a respectable buyer.

The third option is outlets. This concept refers to retail outlets that sell last year’s goods, discounted by 70%. The purchase of such goods must be carried out independently, thoughtfully, selecting the necessary products.

The fifth option is factories for tailoring things. Garment factories carry out tailoring according to catalogs, but can also work according to requests, which can be sent remotely. Their products are of good quality, but most importantly - affordable wholesale prices. The only negative is that the manufacturer sets its own minimum cash wholesale price, which allows you to purchase goods.

Variety of assortment

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

The most ideal option that anyone who has decided to open a women's clothing showroom can use is a variety of items with a matching accessory.

So, when buying a blouse, the client should be able to choose a skirt or trousers to match it. And at the same time, a scarf, beads, a handbag, shoes. Among such a variety, the client finds several things, which means he will no longer look for things in other stores. The owner receives a large profit from the amount of goods sold.

Note. The store’s assortment must constantly change, as fashion makes its own adjustments. Unfashionable things will not be in demand.

How to properly post a product

Even the simplest, most inconspicuous wardrobe items can attract the client's attention. To do this, you need to make sure that it is clean and ironed. Most should hang in a visible place on hangers.

The buyer must have good access to the product in order to touch it and look at it well.

You need to ensure that the goods are always beautifully laid out. It is better to display new arrivals on mannequins at the entrance.

Recruiting staff for a show room is an important nuance that should not be neglected

Answering the question “how to open a show room clothes“- a counter question arises: “who will work there”?

The owner of the show room can easily work alone. But he will succeed only if he is well versed in fashion trends. He must also have certain design knowledge, know the rules for combining colors, fabrics, and shapes. It’s great if he knows how to combine even incongruous things. Self-confidence and the ability to serve clients beautifully (to choose clothes that will hide all the flaws of the figure and highlight the advantages) will allow such a person to boldly open a show room and work there alone.

Attention! How to start your own business by opening a show room, if the key problem for the store owner is lack of taste in clothes? There is a way out here too - you just need to find a partner who knows this business from “a” to “z”. As a rule, a designer can easily cope with this role.

Advertising is an effective engine of trade

Opening your studio should begin with its presentation. This event must be significant. This means that interested, wealthy people are invited to the opening of the show room, they are served at the highest level, in order to gain respect. Later, they will tell their acquaintances or friends about you.

You can build your customer base through social networks, among various forums, inviting people to buy your things. In groups on your page, you need to post information about the product, its new arrivals, and discounts. For advertising, you can use SMS mailing, or send mailings by e-mail. This will also help the business become stronger.

What does a business plan for opening a showroom look like?

An approximate calculation of the costs that anyone who wants to open their own clothing showroom will face consists of several points:

  • to legalize trade you will need 5 thousand rubles, of which the state duty will be 800 rubles;
  • the starting purchase is approximately 100 thousand;
  • renting a room for one month is about 40 thousand rubles (by the way, this is an important point that is often forgotten);
  • repair work (if necessary) will amount to 100 thousand, this amount may be less, its size will depend on the condition of the rented area;
  • the purchase of furniture is about 50 thousand rubles.

In the case where the purchase of goods will be carried out independently, the costs must include the cost of travel, as well as hotel accommodation - this is 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, to launch your studio, you need initial capital. This is about 400 thousand rubles.

Business Profitability

Considering that a wealthy client spends 15–45 thousand in one month to expand his wardrobe, plus five new clients on recommendation, the income of the show room will be quite a decent amount.

To summarize: what are the subtleties and features of the show room?

The key problem with showrooms is the misunderstanding of this business.

Some believe that a show room is an exhibition of things for the purpose of wholesale purchases, others associate it with the work of fashion designers, and others believe that a show room is a store in a shopping center or somewhere in a house on a crowded street. By the way, if you want to open a regular clothing store, read the useful material in this article:

The second and quite common problem of this business is the quality and manufacturer of the goods. Thus, it is not uncommon for Chinese copies to be passed off as branded originals. Wealthy people who understand quality quickly detect deception, and low-income buyers do not spend a large sum on expanding their wardrobe. Therefore, in this situation, the showroom owner risks losing his business.

Hence the conclusion: things intended for wealthy buyers must meet their needs.

If the business is going well, the number of showroom clients is gradually increasing, then you should not limit yourself to what you have achieved. The owners of the studio have every chance to create a large store.

Considering this type of business, it becomes clear: a show room is an activity that is guaranteed to bring profit. But the income that a fashion show room will bring will be good only if the business is run by a person who has a sense of fashion and has an “entrepreneurial spirit.” Risk is not always a noble cause, so before investing money you need to “measure seven times and then cut.”

Selling clothes is always profitable, because everyone wants to dress fashionably, beautifully, and feel comfortable at any time of the year. In order for customers to always come to your store or retail outlet, you need to regularly update your assortment, attract them with promotions and favorable price offers. This will help you purchasing clothes wholesale from warehouse at the best prices.

Why is it profitable to buy clothes in a warehouse?

When choosing a supplier, you should primarily be interested in three main points:

  1. range;
  2. quality;
  3. price.

Ours cooperates with the largest manufacturers in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and China, who sew the most fashionable and current models from modern fabrics. Factory-made items undergo multi-stage quality control, so there is no doubt that this product is sewn carefully, according to good patterns, from high-quality material. We target a wide range of customers, so we purchase a wide variety of models of all sizes. Whatever demographic your store is aimed at, you will find what you need with us.

We are confident that we purchase high-quality goods from manufacturers, but our specialists still check every item. We value your time, so we don’t want you to waste it by not returning defective items and prevent this unpleasant situation from occurring.

Purchasing clothes wholesale from a warehouse sole supplier- this is reality. We have no additional markups, since we work with suppliers directly. In addition, we often make profitable offers for our customers: promotions, discounts, sale of stock clothing. Thanks to the convenient mobile application that we developed especially for you, you can track new arrivals at any time and have time to take advantage of hot offers.

Undoubted quality at an affordable price

Online store of wholesale prices Amorce is the purchase of clothing in bulk from a warehouse for showroom in Moscow. If you are in another city, then this is not a problem. We offer delivery by mail and transport companies to any region of Russia. When placing an order, discuss all the details with our manager.