Business plan for the production of electronic components for cars. Business idea: how to open a car parts store


Dear Colleagues!

Some objective information

Over the past few years, the volume of the online trading market in Russia has shown an annual increase of 20% to 30%, depending on the economic situation in a given period, and in 2015 exceeded the mark of 600 billion rubles. According to forecasts of various experts, in Russia in the near future, namely 5-7 years, the growth of the online trading market will remain at 30%.
The share of sales of auto parts via the Internet is 10% of the total volume, with an annual average increase of 30% and is in fourth place in the overall structure of the online trading market.

Among other things, this increase is due to the increasing reluctance of buyers to spend personal time searching for the necessary spare parts by visiting regular retail “brick and mortar” stores, which is relevant not only for large cities with a million population, but also for medium-sized cities.

Considering the above, it becomes obvious that the future belongs to online trading and organizing your own business selling auto parts through an online store looks more than promising.

Where to begin

We decide: we are developing a project for opening a small regional online store selling auto parts with a planned monthly turnover of five hundred thousand to 1 million rubles. At the very beginning, it is necessary to break the entire business project into components, try to describe them in detail, determine the costs, and at the end, calculate the entire economics of this project. To make the calculations realistic, in this example we will focus on the city “N” with a population of 500 thousand people.

We highlight the main components of the project:



3. Organizational and legal form of the enterprise, taxation, accounting.

4. Online store: organization, content, promotion.

5. Location of the point of issue and communication.

6. Store software.

7. Personnel: wages and work schedule.

8. Organization of document flow in the store.

9. Store economics calculator.

1. Selection of main directions for sales development

The main operating principle of many start-up online stores is to supply any spare parts to customers to order. We also suggest following this scheme, however, at the same time, the main emphasis should be on a specific group of goods, brand or make/makes of cars.

Alternatively, you can choose body parts, maintenance parts, batteries and other large parts as your main focus. This is primarily due to the high profitability of these product groups, as well as the fairly voluminous information base prepared in the Zaptrade system, in the form of ready-made specialized catalogs.

These catalogs, if properly configured and optimized for the desired search queries, will constantly bring customer traffic from the Internet to your website. How to do this will be described later.

Calculation example

with the same markup of 30%

Profit (not net) is 450 rubles with a markup of 30%.

We make a profit of 90 rubles
with the same markup of 30%

The example shows that with the same markup on different groups of goods, the output is different income, which in the first case is 5 times greater. When starting an online store, you should pay attention to the priority of highly profitable goods. That is, it is necessary to position and configure your future online store, as well as select suppliers based on this principle. In the future, you will be able to expand your assortment with less profitable product groups, but at the very beginning you need to choose the most profitable areas for your business, which will be your “locomotive”.

For example, in the city “N” or in the nearest city, from where you can quickly and cheaply deliver goods to “N”, there is a large dealer in body hardware and batteries with its own regularly replenished warehouse. This means that it is worth considering the option of promoting his product through a future online store, while receiving more income, and without leaving the trade of other products and brands. Having a warehouse in the city of “N” will give you the opportunity to quickly deliver the necessary goods to the client of the future online store.

Thus, the sales development priority list would look like this:

1. Selecting the main directions for sales development.

2. Spare parts suppliers: selection, selection criteria.

3. Other spare parts for foreign cars.

In the future, from the third point it will be possible to develop other product groups, for example “Spare parts for maintenance”

Determine the “locomotive” product groups (taking into account the characteristics of your region) for the progressive development of the future online store and arrange them in order of priority, depending on your region.

2. Spare parts suppliers: selection, selection criteria

The topic of this paragraph flows smoothly from the previous one. In most cities with a population of 500 thousand or more, there are likely to be large or medium-sized wholesale companies selling auto parts. If there are none, you should look in neighboring regional centers. A large list of suppliers broken down by city can be found here:

Taking into account the development directions chosen in the previous paragraph, first of all it is necessary to find a supplier with its own warehouse in your city, which will provide the future online store with fast delivery of “locomotive” goods. The ideal situation would be if there were 2 similar suppliers of spare parts.

In addition to regional suppliers, it is necessary to identify two large federal suppliers, such as Emex, Autodoс, Mikado, etc., who have a well-developed intercity network of representative offices, branches and franchises. The essence of these suppliers is that they will completely fill the remaining niche for the supply of spare parts for other product groups and categories.

Thus, three suppliers will be enough for a startup: 1 regional (2 are possible) and 2 federal. It is important to understand that it is better to purchase spare parts from one supplier per month for fifty thousand rubles, than from ten of them for five thousand rubles: all ten of you will raise the selling price in the future.

Supplier selection criteria

We highlight three criteria for selecting suppliers:

Price Typically, each supplier has its own discount matrix, tied to the volume of product purchases by customers. Your task is to find a supplier who meets new partners halfway and provides the maximum discount for a certain period (from 3 to 6 months) to stimulate development.

Delivery Currently, most suppliers deliver goods to their customers to the address they specify, and this does not affect the cost of the ordered goods. That is, suppliers are welcomed whose delivery of goods to their wholesale client is free.

Return of goods There is such a term - illiquid goods. In our case, this term refers to a spare part that was mistakenly ordered from a supplier by you or your manager, or for some reason was not suitable for your client. Such spare parts are stored in the store, freezing part of the working capital. Thus, it is very desirable that the contract with the supplier includes a clause for the return of such goods, at least minus any discount. For example, you ordered a spare part from a supplier for 1000 rubles, it did not suit your client and the supplier is ready to take this spare part back from you, but minus a 15% discount. Thus, you will be returned 850 rubles, which can be used to purchase liquid goods and cover losses when returning the goods to the supplier.

If for some reason you are unable to return the frozen spare part back to the supplier, then you can always use the Multiwarehouse service in the Auto Parts Sellers Club This service is precisely intended for the sale of illiquid remnants of the auto parts warehouse among Club members.


When choosing a taxation regime, we are guided by the fact that you have an online store with a retail space (a point of ordering and issuing goods), which means we fall under a special tax regime - UTII in any regions of Russia except Moscow. In the capital, only the simplified taxation system (USN) and KSNO are allowed. That is, it is assumed that you have retail trade at the point of delivery using an online store as a showcase of goods.

You should know that there are two permitted taxation systems:

1. KSNO - classic taxation system using 18% VAT (Not suitable for retail trade)

2. STS is a simplified taxation system.

The simplified tax system can be applied in two versions: % of income received or % of the difference between income and expenses, but not less than 1%. (interest rates may vary in different regions, please check with local regulations)

  • 6% of the tax base is paid, which is all income received to the entrepreneur’s current account.

This type of taxation is not beneficial for the trade in auto parts, since the percentage of turnover will significantly reduce the profit on the product, and therefore the income of the enterprise.

Example: The turnover for the sale of auto parts for the month amounted to 260,000 rubles with a 30% markup. The tax will be 260,000 * 6% = 15,600 rubles, which will be 26% of the markup itself of 60,000 rubles. This is a lot.

  • 15% of the tax base is paid, which is the difference between the income and expenses* of the enterprise, but not less than 1% of turnover.

Thus, with a monthly turnover of 260,000 rubles, the minimum tax will be 2,600 rubles. If we assume that the cost of purchasing goods amounted to 70% of revenue, namely 200,000 rubles, then the taxable difference will be 60,000 rubles. The tax will be 60,000*15% = 9,000 rubles. However, you need to know that the list of expenses that reduce the tax base under the simplified tax system of 15% (income minus expenses) is limited to a certain list.

In our case, the following types of expenses are allowed: costs of renting premises, wages of employees, taxes from the Payroll Fund, expenses for accounting, legal services, office, advertising.

All expenses must be paid and documented.

When organizing a business selling auto parts at retail, you should take into account that real orders through an online store with payment through payment systems connected to your website will, at best, account for 20% of the total turnover. All other payments will be made directly in store in cash or through bank terminals if you set them up. This is primarily due to customer distrust in the newly opened store. There is nothing you can do about it; a reputation as a reliable store can only be earned over time.

Thus, from a monthly turnover of 260,000 rubles from the previous example, the estimated share of non-cash payments will be 20%, namely 52,000 rubles. With an estimated markup of 30%, the cost of purchasing spare parts will be 40,000 rubles, and the margin, accordingly, will be 12,000 rubles.

Tax base calculation:

Costs for purchasing goods: 40,000 rubles

Rent of an online store: 10,000 rubles

Rent of retail space: 10,000 rubles

Internet: 2,000 rubles

Telephony: 1,500 rubles

Even these expenses amount to 63,500 rubles, which exceeds the income from trade by bank transfer 63,500 - 52,000 rubles = 11,500 rubles. This means that the tax under this tax regime will be 52,000 rubles x 1% = 520 rubles.

The use of one or another system is MANDATORY; the choice is made at the time of registration of an individual entrepreneur. Individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system maintain a “Book of Income and Expenses,” which reflects the income and expenses of the entrepreneur. The book is usually kept by the accounting department. However, it is possible that there is no activity falling under the simplified tax system (all payments are made in cash directly in the store), then the individual entrepreneur pays taxes only based on the application of the special UTII regime.

UTII is a special tax regime that is additional to one of the two described above. UTII is registered by submitting a corresponding notification to the Federal Tax Service at the place of business of the store, point of issue, within 5 days from the date of commencement of activity.

The UTII regime is the most profitable of all existing ones, since it depends only on the size of the retail space and the number of employees, if their number does not exceed 100 people. Among other things, you do not need to install a cash register (KKM), but you are required to issue a sales receipt to the buyer upon request. Thus, with a retail area of ​​5-10 m, UTII will be 1000 - 1900 rubles per month.

In this case, when submitting an application to open an individual entrepreneur, you must indicate the taxation regime
STS - (income minus expenses), and when starting trading activities, submit an application to register an additional type of taxation - UTII. That is, your company will combine two taxation regimes: UTII + simplified tax system (income minus expenses). The first mode is suitable for trading for cash directly in a store or point of issue, and the second will come in handy when non-cash payments from clients to the individual entrepreneur’s current account appear through payment systems connected to the online store.

Attention: trade in motor oils is not covered by UTII, as this is an excisable product. Motor oils are sold only in case of operation under the simplified tax system or KSNO.

Rentable area 30m2, sales area size 5 sq.m.

UTII = Basic profitability x Physical indicator x K1 x K2 x 15%

The basic profitability established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for 2015-2016 for retail trade is
1,800 rubles per month for 1 unit of physical indicator.
Physical indicator, in this case, sales floor area = 5m 2(actual area is taken)
The inflation coefficient in 2016 is set at K1 = 1,798
Retail trade coefficient in Ulyanovsk K2 = 0,39
(K2 is calculated based on the data in the regulations on UTII of each region)

UTII = 1800 x 5 x 1.798 x 0.39 x 15%

Total: 946.65 rubles per month

Addition: For each region, the amount of UTII may differ; this is regulated by the regulatory act of the corresponding subject of the federation. The deadline for paying UTII is the 25th day of the month following the reporting month

The final tax payment for a month with an estimated turnover of 260,000 rubles with double taxation and excluding taxes from the Payroll Fund will be: UTII = 946.65 rubles
STS-15% = 520 rubles
Total: 946.65 + 520 = 1,466.65 rubles


At some point in organizing a business, any beginning entrepreneur will be faced with the question of maintaining the accounting records of his company. It is necessary to determine who will calculate taxes and contributions, as well as employee salaries, hire and fire company employees, generate and send reports, and much more.

Some people decide to control this process themselves in order to save costs, others decide to hire an accountant, and some outsource their accounting to freelancers or third-party organizations.

The popularity of the latter option for accounting is gaining momentum every year. At the same time, serious companies have already appeared with a solid track record of existing clients and affordable tariffs for providing accounting services remotely via an Internet service.

For our part, we recommend that you turn your attention to an online company providing accounting services - My Business

The company “My Business” was founded in 2009, and currently provides a full range of accounting services from quick and free assistance in registering your company with the tax authorities, to maintaining tax, personnel and accounting records, as well as filing reports. In 2011, the company entered the TOP 5 most promising business areas, according to Expert Online. She received awards and was noted by other authoritative publications. In 2016, it remains one of the market leaders in terms of the number of regular users, which is growing rapidly. 24-hour technical support for the service, a training group and consulting on accounting issues will not allow you to be left alone with either the accounting department or the service itself.

To open a business for the retail sale of auto parts through an online store with a stationary point of delivery of goods, we will need to open an individual entrepreneur with the choice of a taxation system - simplified tax system (income minus expenses) and registration of a special regime - UTII. This will allow you to significantly save on tax payments.

It is best to outsource accounting. It is only important that the contract with the accounting company stipulates the latter’s responsibility for all accounting operations carried out by it.

4. Online store: organization, content, promotion

So, approaching this stage, you have already chosen the direction of development, decided on suppliers of goods and entered into contracts with them, registered a company and chosen a taxation system, while resolving the issue of accounting. Now we need to organize the work of the enterprise’s main sales tool – an online store on the Zaptrade system platform.

Currently, Zaptrade offers a turnkey solution, a full-fledged online store for the online sale of auto parts and accessories.

Main features of the system:

  • Search in graphical online catalogs of spare parts for cars from domestic and foreign manufacturers, as well as search for spare parts by article number in connected supplier databases.
  • Automatic loading of your own spare parts balances into the online store database, as well as automatic display of balances at the warehouses of your suppliers with a markup you customize.
  • Wide range of opportunities for website management: design builder, website optimization settings for website promotion in search engines, integration with 1C and other accounting programs, setting up discounts and markups for clients, preparation of shipping and release documentation.
  • Convenient functionality for clients: personal account, order and payment history, ability to track current orders, various payment systems for goods, online communication with a personal manager.
  • Simplicity in the manager’s work with the client: the ability to quickly process orders, generate invoices for payment to the client, process customer payments, place goods on the website.
  • Accounting and statistics of payments, orders and registrations, a system for analyzing user requests.

And many, many other useful features.

Selection and purchase of a domain name

Any website starts with a domain name, which you need to select for your online store on a specialized resource -
Domain price from 590 rubles.

What needs to be done on the site in chronological order

The specified sequence of working with the site is described in detail by the specialists of our company in the relevant instructions. All the material in them is presented in an accessible form for users who do not even have basic knowledge about creating their own online store and promoting it on the Internet. All this useful information becomes available to our clients after they make their first payment.

We recommend that you carefully read these instructions so that in the future you can build the correct algorithm for working with your website, without involving specialized specialists and, as a result, save on your costs.
If you are not going to take care of your website yourself, but want to entrust it to one of your employees or outsource it to a specialist, then our instructions will give you the knowledge that will allow you to correctly assign tasks to employees in setting up and optimizing the site.

Based on the fact that at the initial stage the entrepreneur himself will be involved in setting up the main sales tool - an online store, we will calculate the expected initial costs.

Texts for the site

It is important to understand: Optimized texts (or “content”) will be necessary regardless of what platform your site is built on. All content will be analyzed by search robots and if it best matches user requests, your site is more likely to be shown in search results above competitors' sites.

Pages you need text for:

  • Standard menu pages:
    home page, search by number, search by catalog, payment, delivery, contacts.
  • Main product pages:
    body manual, batteries.
  • Pages of the built-in catalog by brand for the selection of spare parts for passenger cars:
    We can start by taking the 10 most popular car brands out of the 48 available. (Example page -

Total: 18 website pages.

Writing one text optimized for search engines with a volume of 2000 characters costs approximately 500 rubles. Perhaps you can find a copywriter cheaper, or decide to write these texts for your website yourself in order to save money. You can search for a copywriter to write optimized texts on these resources:,

All costs for launching an online auto parts store

Total: from 14,590 rubles

An online store based on the Zaptrade platform is a powerful tool for attracting customer traffic from the network, which will be useful for both beginning entrepreneurs and companies planning to expand their business. It is important to take a responsible approach to organizing and setting up your online store to improve its position in search engines. This will give you an edge over your competitors and significantly increase your sales.

5. Location of the point of issue and communication

To choose the location of the store, or rather the point of receiving orders and issuing goods, you should be guided primarily by the fact that your store window is located on the Internet, from where you will receive the bulk of customers. This means that when choosing a premises, the main criterion should be the accessibility of the entrance so that the client can easily reach by car or public transport to place an order or pick up goods.

Since we have an online store, the location of the pickup point is not necessarily on the first (red) line - this significantly saves rent. Placement in the basement with direct access to the street is allowed.

The size of the premises may not exceed 20 square meters, of which 5 square meters will need to be allocated for retail space, the rest will be divided into a work area for managers and a storage area.

One of the most important issues when choosing a store location is the availability of reliable high-speed Internet or the ability to connect it. This is due to the specifics of your business, primarily related to the Internet, and secondly, the store will need to install IP telephony, which also depends on the speed of the network connection.

The rent for such premises will be about 500 rubles per 1 sq.m. If you take a room of 20 square meters, then the subscription fee will be 10,000 rubles per month. We must immediately take into account that the vast majority of landlords also require a security deposit in the amount of one month’s rent. This deposit is returned by the landlord after termination of the lease agreement if he has no claims against the tenant. That is, you need to prepare 20,000 rubles for payment.

Shop furniture

You can select furniture for your store on resources for selling goods. That is, we recommend looking for used furniture and equipment for your store. Since at the startup stage there is no need to overpay extra money, it would be better to use it to promote your brand.

The simplest option is used. Store furnishings with prices taken from trade offers include:

1. Desktops for managers – 2 pieces *1000 rubles = 2000 rubles

2. Bedside tables for managers' desks – 2 pieces * 500 rubles = 1000 rubles

3. Shelf for documents – 1 piece * 1000 rubles = 1000 rubles

4. Wardrobe or clothes hanger – 1 piece*1500 = 1500 RUR

5. Chairs for managers – 2 pieces * 500 rubles = 1000 rubles

6. Chairs for visitors – 2 pieces * 250 rubles = 500 rubles

7. Table for a printer or MFP – 1 piece*1000 rubles = 1000 rubles

8. Racks for goods (2000x1500x510) – 3 pieces*500 rubles = 1500 rubles

TOTAL: 10,500 rubles

Office equipment and computers

In principle, computers and office equipment can also be purchased used. True, unlike furniture, there is a risk of breakage. However, the difference in price between used and new office equipment is such that it covers all the risks associated with its possible failure.

An approximate list of necessary equipment in the store:

1. Computers, monitors, mouse+keyboard sets – 2 pieces*15,000 rubles = 30,000 rubles

2. Multifunctional device – 1 piece *5,000 rubles = 5,000 rubles

3. Wi-Fi router – 1 piece*1,000 rubles = 1,000 rubles

4. IP gateway for telephony – 1 piece*2000 rubles = 2,000 rubles

5. Radiotelephone – 2 pieces*1,000 rubles = 2,000 rubles

6. Cables and connectors and other materials approximately 1,000 rubles

TOTAL: 41,000 rubles


The choice of provider and the cost of services depends on the region in which the store is planned to open. In addition, Internet tariffs are very different for individuals and legal entities, and several times. The main criterion is a stable connection. Therefore, when choosing a provider, it is better to pay attention to the quality of the services provided than to the cost.
The cost of Internet services for a legal entity with an unlimited tariff and a speed of 2 Mb/s averages 2,000 rubles per month.
This speed is quite enough for working on the network, as well as using telephony.

IP telephony

When organizing an online store selling auto parts, you must also understand that out of the entire mass of potential buyers who will visit your site in order to find the right spare part, only a few will place an order on their own. The overwhelming number of customers will be looking for ways to contact your store to clarify any details regarding delivery times, costs, payment terms and other nuances. In addition to the use of a service advisor, email and other electronic means of communication, telephone communication will always come first.

We recommend installing IP telephony for communication with a virtual PBX. Tariffs for communication services are usually cheaper than for mobile phones, and many useful services are added, such as recording telephone conversations, caller ID, call sequence settings, answering machine and much more. In addition, if you change the location of the store or the point of delivery, you can quickly transfer all telephony while maintaining the phone numbers promoted on the site.

The average cost of communication services via IP telephony is no more than 1500 rubles per month.

Signage and opening hours

Any store needs a sign that will help the buyer find it. The simplest and most effective sign option is a polycarbonate or metal base with a film attached. The cost of such a sign with a size of 1500x500 mm will cost approximately 1500 rubles.

In addition, you must order a store or pick-up point operating schedule, which should be posted on its door. Manufacturing cost in the area 500 rubles.

It is mandatory for all stores to have an information board in the most accessible place of the store, where the following should be presented:

  • address and telephone number of authorities providing consumer protection
  • book of reviews and suggestions
  • federal law "On consumer protection"
  • copy of the organization's TIN
  • copy of OGRN

The cost of manufacturing such a board is about 2000 rubles.

TOTAL: 4,000 rubles

All costs for the point of delivery of goods of an online auto parts store

Total: 79,000 rubles. Prices may vary in your area.

We are looking for a location for the order pick-up point in such a way that it is convenient for the client to get there by any type of transport. The area is enough 20 m 2. The store premises must be within the access area of ​​a reliable Internet provider. All furniture and equipment can be picked up used on trading platforms so as not to overpay for new ones. Be sure to equip the store with a sign and work schedule.

6. Auto Parts Store Software

For computers in the store you will need licensed software. This primarily concerns the Windows operating system. Of course, you may be lucky and when buying used computers you will come across copies with a pre-installed operating system. If this does not happen, then it is better to spend money and buy two licensed copies at any computer store. The fines for using pirated software for commercial purposes are incredible, so we don’t recommend taking risks in this case.

Software selection

Cost of Windows 10 OS – 6900 rubles as of May 2016.
That is, for 2 computers you will need to spend 13,800 rubles. These OSs already come with a built-in antivirus, which is quite enough to keep your computer safe at work.

The free, open source office suite Apache OpenOffice is suitable for working with tables and printed documents.

There is another option to install the free Linux operating system, which will certainly save money, but there may be some compatibility problems with other applications and programs that you are going to use.

Choosing a program for running a trade and warehouse

The most common software products for warehouse and trade accounting are solutions from the 1C company. The company produces a large number of accounting programs for various business sectors. There is also a program for the business of selling auto parts - 1C: Retail. This company has a well-developed franchise network, so you can certainly find their representatives in your city to clarify information about the products offered. The Zaptrade company has developed a module for its system that allows you to configure the synchronization of the online store and the 1C programs that our clients use.

The cost of purchasing a specialized package for retail trade in auto parts will be approximately 26,000 rubles, in addition, it will be necessary to provide for the costs of hiring an administrator to service this program for outsourcing, which will cost you from 5000 rubles per month.

There is another way, which, in our opinion, is the most attractive for organizing a business selling auto parts through an online store - this is the use of online solutions for maintaining inventory records. There are already enough offers on the Internet from companies offering a cloud service that includes retail trade, working with a client base, maintaining warehouse records, controlling finances and printing documents. The cost of such services in the optimal tariff may not exceed 1000 rubles per month without any initial usage fees.

The most budget-friendly option is to use the capabilities of the Zaptrade system itself, which also provides functionality for working with the client base, client orders, maintaining financial control, as well as printing closing documents for the client and accounting department. All this is included in a single subscription fee and is available to any client from the very beginning of using the Zaptrade engine for their online store selling auto parts. The company's specialists will advise you in more detail about these system capabilities.


Catalogs for selecting spare parts for work

To correctly select spare parts for clients, as well as to check incoming orders in the online store, it will be necessary to use professional original catalogs for the selection of spare parts for foreign cars.

Many companies that are easy to find on the Internet are developing these solutions. They provide remote access to a collection of catalogs, which usually have a current update point and provide the most accurate data when searching for the original article number of the required part.

Access is usually provided for a subscription fee, which is about 1,500 rubles per month for one workplace.

The Zaptrade system includes solutions for the selection of auto parts within the framework of a monthly subscription fee, as well as catalogs for the selection of original and non-original spare parts from Laximo, which are connected additionally for a fee.

The store must have licensed versions of operating systems and other software installed. Office programs for work can be found in free versions. As for warehouse accounting and working with clients, at the initial stage we recommend using the capabilities of the Zaptrade system; they are quite enough to control the work of one online store with a point of delivery of goods. As sales and profitability of the enterprise grow, it will be possible to think about switching to specialized accounting software, such as cloud services or trade and warehouse solutions from 1C. It is imperative to choose a solution with professional catalogs for selecting auto parts for your store.

7. Personnel: wages and work schedule

Selection of hired personnel is the most important and responsible part of organizing a business selling auto parts for foreign cars. Usually a group of like-minded people decide to open a business and are ready to work in their own enterprise as salespeople, warehouse workers, and so on. Often a group of like-minded people consists of two people. Here we will take the option when an entrepreneur, who is also the owner of a store (also works as a manager and storekeeper), hires an auto parts seller to help him.

Of course, at the first stage, when there are either no clients at all, or there are so many of them that the entrepreneur is able to serve them himself, there is no point in taking on someone else. The fact is that you will either have to simply pay the employee’s salary from your starting budget for some time, since there is no profit yet, or the employee will quit very quickly without seeing an opportunity to earn money.

A decision to hire a salesperson must be made upon reaching a monthly turnover of 500,000 rubles with an average markup on goods of 25%. A new employee will allow you, among other things, to devote more time to developing your main tool for attracting customers - an online store.

It must be taken into account that in order to be hired, you need a specialist who will immediately get involved in the process and begin to bring profit to the company.

Criteria for selecting a seller for a store:

  • Automotive or just technical education is desirable, as well as good knowledge of the structure of cars.
  • Ability to use electronic catalogs for selecting spare parts for various foreign-made vehicles.
  • Experience in this field of activity is desirable, especially in your region, as the candidate will already have an idea of ​​how to work with local suppliers and clients.
  • Age. Pay attention to candidates over the age of 40. This is due to the fact that at this age people are more responsible and diligent and you can rely on them, provided, of course, without bad habits that can negatively affect your business. When posting a vacancy, it is prohibited to set an age due to discrimination considerations, so our statement is advisory in nature, based on personal experience in organizing a similar business.
  • Having a car is welcome, as you may want to introduce a service for delivering goods to the client and you can offer your salesperson to take this direction as a part-time job after hours.

Criteria for selecting a seller in the store:

Unfortunately, finding a seller who fully meets the specified criteria will be very difficult, but possible. The main thing is not to become a forge of personnel for other enterprises. This is when inexperienced candidates come to you, you teach them everything, they get the necessary practice and go to work in other companies. It may be worth considering regulating such options by introducing special conditions in the employment contract with the future employee. You need to clarify this issue with your lawyers. In any case, if you like the candidate, we first recommend concluding a contract with him for 2 months, in the form of a probationary period. During this time, it will be clear what it is and whether it is suitable for your business.

Seller motivation

In determining the motivation of the seller, one must be guided by the fact that one average seller can freely sell 500,000 rubles worth of spare parts at retail. That is, his work includes consulting clients, selecting spare parts, placing an order for a client, ordering goods and interacting with the supplier for delivery, posting, issuing to the client, as well as conducting financial transactions with the client.

When hiring a salesperson, you can motivate him by offering a payment scheme: salary + percentage of sales. In this case, the salary should be included in the percentage component, but be fixed based on the results of work for the month. The most optimal motivational percentage for development will be 4%, with a salary of 10,000 rubles.

In the future, it will be necessary to set sales plans for each month to the seller and make the motivation percentage floating, depending on the execution of planned indicators. For example, if the plan is fulfilled by 90%, the percentage will be 3.5%, if the plan is exceeded by 10%, the percentage will be 4.5%. This will give sellers an additional incentive to increase sales. In this case, it is advisable to put forward real plans, agreed upon in advance with the sellers.

Do not forget that from each salary of the seller, your accounting department will need to calculate and make all kinds of social and pension contributions to various state funds in an amount amounting to about 33% of the total amount of payments.

Store opening hours

The store's work schedule for the first time is suitable to cover weekdays, from 9 am to 7 pm, and you can also take Saturday as a duty day, from 10 am to 2 pm. This will be quite enough. In the future, as turnover, income, and store staff grow, it will be necessary to strive to achieve a daily work schedule from 9 to 20.

It is important to take into account that the online store will give you the opportunity to extend the “working day” of your store almost around the clock, since customer requests in the online store on the Zaptrade platform are accepted automatically, the main thing is not to forget to process them.

8. Organization of document flow in an auto parts store

When organizing trade in an auto parts store, an important factor is the correctness and accuracy of documentation. The package of documents that will need to be exchanged with clients and suppliers is not that large, so we recommend that you immediately establish document flow so that order in your documents becomes a good habit. For each type of document, it is necessary to create a separate folder, which will be located in the store, so that you can at any time update the history of trade relations with both the client and the suppliers of the goods.

What documents do you need to keep for yourself:

1. A customer’s order with his signature, printed from the Zaptrade online store database.

2. A sales receipt with the signature of the client (if this is an individual) under the lines that the goods were received on time and on time, and also that the client has no complaints. It is formed from the database of the online store of the Zaptrade system.

3. Consignment note TORG-12 (if the client is a legal entity) with the client’s signature on receipt of the goods with the seal of his organization, or with the attachment of a power of attorney for the client as a representative of the organization. It is formed from the database of the online store of the Zaptrade system.

4. If the client wishes to return the spare part he received for any reason, then he must receive an application for a refund for the product he is returning, indicating the reason for the return. This application is written by hand in free form with the obligatory indication of the client’s passport data. To simplify the procedure, we recommend preparing return forms for customers and keeping a certain amount in the store.

5. Invoices and invoices for the receipt of goods from your suppliers with the obligatory signature of a representative of your organization upon receipt of the goods.

6. Agreements with your auto parts suppliers.

Please note that in the buyer's order you must specify the terms of delivery of spare parts to the customer's order, which the latter must read and sign.

Like any retail entrepreneur, you will encounter customers who are not entirely conscientious about the transaction between you for the supply of auto parts. That is, they will try to return parts brought to order by your company without good reason, even despite their own mistakes in selecting spare parts. These parts can rarely be returned to your supplier, or they can be returned, but at a certain discount, which in any case is a direct loss for the enterprise. At the same time, the legislation will always be on the buyer’s side, without taking into account the possible losses of the store. To avoid such developments in working with a client, we offer you a possible option for the terms of delivery of auto parts to order, developed by Zaptrade lawyers.

The main essence of this offer is that the retail store is not in the full sense a Seller of goods, but only provides a service to the client. Although this offer contains many references to the regulatory framework that governs legal relations in the field of retail sales, with the correct formation of the legal position, in the event of a dispute, it is possible to neutralize some of the risks associated with the return of goods. For example, if it is possible to convey to the judge the idea that this is a service and not a product, then the consumer has the right to make claims only on the quality of the service provided, for example, why we did not meet the deadline or brought the wrong part when the consumer ordered a different one, that is, this there will be good reasons. And in the pre-trial period it will be possible to convey to the consumer that the store only provides a service, being, in fact, his representative and provides him with purchase and delivery services.

Delivery conditions

Delivery conditions:
1. The information below is an offer (hereinafter referred to as the Offer) on behalf of the individual entrepreneur/LLC ______________, hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, to any legal entity or individual, hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, to conclude an “Agreement” on the terms set out below.
2. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the conditions set out below are accepted and the order is paid, the legal entity or individual who accepts this offer (payment of the order amount) becomes the Customer in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation acceptance offer is tantamount to concluding a contract on the terms set out in the offer.
3. The Contractor provides the Customer with the service of placing an order from professional suppliers of car parts, components and accessories according to catalog numbers (hereinafter referred to as parts), and the Customer undertakes to pay for the Contractor’s services.
Taking into account the provisions of Article 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” services mean the performance of certain actions for a fee or the implementation of certain activities on the instructions of a citizen to satisfy personal and household needs. According to Order No. 160 of May 20, 1998, of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Antimonopoly Policy and Entrepreneurship Support.
When placing an order, the Customer undertakes to provide complete data necessary for the provision of services by the Contractor:
- In case of placing an order in the absence of a catalog number, the Customer undertakes to provide the VIN code, engine model, production date, copy of the vehicle's title
- In case of placing an order using catalog numbers, the Customer undertakes to provide the name of the part, as well as its number.
By this clause, the Contractor informs the Customer that the provision of erroneous, incomplete data entails the impossibility of the Contractor to fulfill its obligations, an inadequate result of the service provided, as well as the impossibility of completing it on time. (Article 36 of Federal Law No. 2300-1 of February 7, 1992 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, as well as paragraph 30 of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1997 No. 918 “On approval of the rules for the sale of goods based on samples”).
In turn, the Contractor is responsible for the compliance of the parts with the vehicle, the details of which are specified in this order.
REMEMBER! The information in the registration certificate (in particular, the year of manufacture, identification number, engine number) may not correspond to reality. NOTE! Parts options for Europe, Asia and the USA may vary significantly. DO NOT ALLOW the installation, assembly and adjustment of parts by organizations and specialists who do not have a license to provide specialized auto repair services. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to agree with the Contractor on the terms of service for the parts sold and your car.
4. The start date for the execution of the service begins to be calculated from the day the Contractor receives the necessary data, samples for placing an order, as well as payment for the Contractor’s services. If the Customer does not make the agreed payment, does not provide complete data for placing an order, or does not provide a sample of the part, if this is necessary for the execution of the order, then this Agreement is not considered concluded.
5. The service execution period ranges from 1 to 60 working days, depending on the availability of parts in the supplier’s warehouse. In case of an increase in the specified period due to the fault of the supplier/manufacturer, a different deadline for the execution of the service is agreed upon with the Customer in advance or the amount of prepayment for the Contractor's services is returned (clause 25 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1997 No. 918 “On approval of the rules for the sale of goods based on samples”). minus the actual expenses incurred by the Contractor related to the fulfillment of obligations under this agreement (Article 32 of Federal Law No. 2300-1 of February 7, 1992 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, as well as paragraph 22 of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1997 No. 918 “On approval of the rules for the sale of goods based on samples”).
6. When placing an order, the declared cost of services is preliminary. While maintaining the cost of the Contractor's services, the cost of parts may be changed by suppliers (Article 37 of Federal Law No. 2300-1 of February 7, 1992 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”). In this case, the Contractor negotiates the price with the Customer.
7. All approvals and additions can be agreed upon in advance by telephone or by e-mail in addition to this order. After preliminary approval and payment for the Contractor's services, all additions are drawn up in writing, certified by the Customer's signature and sent to the Contractor's address: ________________________________, in accordance with Article 165.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
8. Claims regarding deficiencies in the service provided are accepted within 14 days from the date of execution of the order, receipt by the Customer of the ordered parts (Article 29 of Federal Law No. 2300-1 of February 7, 1992 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”).
9. The storage period for parts received as part of a completed order is 1 calendar month of receipt of the part. After the specified period, the order is canceled, and the parts go on retail sale, and the Contractor’s costs and expenses are reimbursed from the funds paid by the Customer, and the remainder of the amount is transferred to the Customer.

Details for payment of the order amount:_________________________________________

Nowadays, almost everyone wants to have their own business - albeit a small one, but one that guarantees profit. The idea of ​​​​opening a car parts store is definitely a “hooray!” will be accepted by experienced drivers and those who are simply well versed in the mechanisms of the car. Purchasing parts for sale is a delicate matter, so not every car service owner is able to purchase high-quality spare parts at good wholesale prices. But all this comes later. First, you need to figure out how relevant this business is, how to build a store and how to manage it competently.

Rules for the sale of auto parts: is it profitable?

It's no secret that the demand for Russian auto parts is quite large; car owners constantly need to keep their cars in working condition by replacing certain old parts with new ones. Even in times of severe crisis, when the business of large businessmen collapsed, from which others also suffered, stores specializing in the sale of automobile parts did not remain without profit and practically did not feel a lack of funds. This can be explained by the fact that at that time people did not have enough money to buy a new car, so even those who were not going to do this in the conditions of the previous economy had to repair the old one.

However, for starters, it would be nice to find out what the trade in car parts is and learn about all the intricacies of this type of activity.

It is worth knowing that the general name “trade of auto parts” has a much wider field of activity (if we talk about truly successful salons). This is the sale of not only components and assemblies, but also the sale of various consumables and a number of related automotive products.

The owner of an auto parts store can purchase goods both directly from the plant that produces them, and from manufacturers who have no connection with the factories. Of course, the first option is much more reliable, and you should not prefer the second just because of a small difference in price. After all, if the parts are supplied to the store directly from the factory, you, as a distributor, will have the opportunity to control production, and this means confidence in quality.

We will talk about what type of purchase you should choose, but it is also worth remembering that production facilities themselves set a number of requirements for the distributor. For example, you will not be able to purchase and sell UAZ auto parts if your store has less than three years of experience. And the total cost of all goods must be at least 10,000,000 rubles. At the start of the opening, it will definitely not be possible to meet such requirements, and therefore it is worth looking for another supplier.

The payback period for a store is no more than 1-1.5 years (it’s difficult to say an exact figure, since too much depends on the profitability of the enterprise where you will purchase goods, the number of similar salons selling auto parts in your city, and so on). You can calculate a more or less accurate payback period by drawing up a business plan for selling auto parts, without which it is almost impossible to open a store of this specialization. You can use a previously drawn up business plan for any currently profitable salon, if you can get the appropriate calculations.

Example of a successful business

The Avtolandia online store has been successfully operating since 2012. The franchising program was launched in April 2014. Since the opening, the franchise has started operating in 25 cities in Russia and Kazakhstan. The Autolandia franchise has already established itself as generating a stable income.

The advantage of this company is that it is in this online store that the buyer can always find the necessary information about the product and read numerous truthful customer reviews.

Having decided to start your own business in the trading field of sales of car alarms, radar detectors and video recorders, you will not find a more attractive offer than this.

In order to start working under the Autolandia franchise, you do not need large financial investments; you can work no more than 2-3 hours a day and do not require special knowledge.

Economic indicators are impressive. Already in the first year of opening your own enterprise, you can have about 250-300 thousand rubles in profit.

All those who join the large and friendly team gain invaluable experience in this field. For work, the company will provide all the necessary documents, which will include information about the product and suppliers.

An online store means freedom of movement, the absence of sellers and cashiers, managers and consultants. The franchisee will take into account all your wishes and help you organize your business.

The mentor is ready to pass on his experience and best practices to everyone who wants to achieve success. The main thing is not to be afraid, try and you will succeed.

Franchise business "Autoreality" as an alternative to a regular store

By purchasing the Autoreality franchise, a person will be able to develop his business selling auto parts and accessories for foreign cars. It will be enough for him to invest a minimum of only 95 thousand rubles in this promising business.

The franchisor, in turn, will help the newly-minted businessman launch his turnkey business, and also promises lifelong support for such a business. A person who has purchased an Autoreality franchise will begin to make a profit from the first days of operation of his ready-made website for the sale of spare parts for foreign cars. To do this, he doesn’t even need business experience.

In addition, the businessman will pay a royalty to his franchisor in the amount of five percent of the profit only starting from the third month of the site’s operation.

It is important to note that expert-level specialists will work on search engine optimization of a website operating under the Autoreality franchise. This will allow you to promote your site to the TOP in a short time (3-4 months) and, accordingly, increase your customer base several times.

Auto parts for Russian cars or foreign cars?

Those who plan to open an auto parts store often face the question: “should we focus on selling parts for foreign cars or spare parts for Russian cars?” . It depends on what kind of cars there are more in your city - such statistics can be found on the Internet. If their number differs insignificantly, it is better to give preference to parts from Russian manufacturers. This is especially true for those who are going to cooperate with the plant directly.

It is much easier to control production within the country of residence than that located abroad. Be sure to consider these aspects when creating a business plan for an auto parts store.

What spare parts are in high demand?

Not long ago, statistics were calculated in Russia, the essence of which was to determine the most popular auto parts that are in great demand. We provide you with this ranking by degree of decline in popularity:

  • Mitsubishi;
  • Audi;
  • Lexus;
  • Suzuki
  • Hyundai.

Statistics may be somewhat inaccurate (again, a lot depends on the area you live), but in general, parts for these machines are popular in Russia. You can create a store that will specialize in selling parts only for a specific car brand - this is relevant if you manage to correctly calculate which spare parts are in short supply in your area and establish close cooperation with the supplier. In this case, the option of working with an intermediary is not considered, because you will need to find out about all the intricacies of work and production in general, and the intermediary definitely does not have such information.

Store space

In order to open an auto parts store, you need to buy or rent premises located in a residential area of ​​the city (the general calculations given below assume the purchase of premises). If in the future you plan to expand the scale of sales, increase the assortment, that is, develop the activity of the store, choose the size of the premises with a reserve.

The minimum area for a store should be about 100 square meters. It is also necessary that there be water supply, electricity, sewerage and, of course, heat. Since the line of business is the sale of spare parts, it means that near your salon, and for now just near the newly acquired building, there must be a place to park at least five to seven cars. When choosing a premises, be sure to pay attention to the fact that there are no similar stores nearby - competition on the first steps of your activity is of no use to you.

It is better to choose a room that has more than three rooms. One of them should be equipped as a warehouse, the second as a retail space, and all the rest will be utility rooms. It would be great if there was a gas station nearby—the sales of such salons, as a rule, are one and a half to two times higher than those of others.

In order for your store to develop normally, you should register with the Federal Tax Service as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. After registration you will need to collect:

  • fire service permit;
  • permission from the sanitary service;
  • documentation for the right of territorial property management.

In the case of renting premises, most of the permits must be held by the landlord.

If you decide to rent a building, you must carefully and carefully study the terms of the contract that will need to be signed with the owners.

Pay attention to the clause about the possibility of increasing the rent and study the terms of the increase, and also take a look at who is responsible for paying for utilities.

A mandatory clause in such an agreement should be an indication of penalties for non-compliance with the rules of the agreement, if there are specific nuances, or for early termination of the contract. Don't forget to ask about the possibility of extending the lease - it's better if you have guarantees. Because in the future a situation may arise that you advertise your salon, it will gain popularity, and the lease will expire, and you will be required to immediately vacate the building.

Trade equipment for an auto parts store

The store, of course, requires equipment. Need to purchase:

  • showcases;
  • shelves;
  • boxes and other containers for storing auto parts;
  • cash machine;
  • shells;
  • tables.

And a lot of other things are required for normal operation. You will be aware of this as you work.

How to find auto parts suppliers?

Finding large suppliers of auto parts is not a matter of one week. Consider all possible options, contact production, collect as much information as possible about each of them. Analyze your competitor base - there is no point in competing with well-known chain stores.

The largest suppliers of auto parts in Russia are easier to find - they are more popular and have fewer requirements than those that produce parts for foreign cars.


Well-chosen staff is half the success. After all, it is these people who will present the parts; the potential client’s opinion about the spare parts that he came to purchase largely depends on them. Therefore, choosing personnel is a delicate matter that requires some effort. We have compiledlist of qualities that a good salesperson should havein the auto parts showroom.

  • Professionalism - you can’t live without it. A person must be able to qualitatively inform a potential buyer about everything that may interest him. It is best if the staff is not only trained according to the standard, but also has a couple of stories from personal experience that they can deftly use when working with clients.
  • Experience is an important point. It’s good if the person working in your salon has extensive experience working with large chain stores specializing in the sale of components and assemblies. This way, you won’t have to teach him the specifics of sales, which, by the way, not every novice entrepreneur understands.
  • Ability to speak. Even if an employee of your store is simply a top-level connoisseur of car technology, if he stands quietly on the sidelines and waits for someone to ask him a question, you should not expect success. People who can speak well will bring you much more profit and give your store a good reputation. Moreover, the ability to speak does not mean the ability to talk well about a particular product, but it means to inform as clearly and specifically as possible about the properties of the product, provide data on the quality of production and good cost, and it is also the ability to speak first. Don’t think that consultants who approach potential clients themselves seem intrusive and annoying. The right approach is sure to be successful.

As general advice, I would like to say that it would be better if the salary of a sales consultant is not just on a permanent basis. Let the amount of payments depend on sales - this will be a wonderful incentive for work.

At first, supervise the work of your subordinates. And over time, arrange sudden checks so that they do not relax and continue to work efficiently and with dedication.

Marketing and advertising of an auto parts store

Let's talk about advertising and marketing. Some stores (this applies not only to this type of activity) begin to take regular advertising from the Internet right from the start: they copy images found by a search engine, print texts found on some website. Such stores, as a rule, quickly become bankrupt. Why? The fact is that buyers find the same pictures and the same texts on the Internet, see that this information is not specifically about your service - in other words, they consider your salon frivolous and incapable of selling worthy goods.

There is no need to spare money on promotion. Marketing is the key to success. Don’t be lazy to take a photo of your store, capture something that will indicate the quality of services. Hiring a person to write good and professional texts on a topic is very, very easy these days. There must be a short description for each product; Of course, it will be great if the description is complete and long, but the writing costs will be quite high, since a lot of texts will be required. The main thing is to highlight in the description the main advantages of each part purchased in your salon.

Advertising distribution is also an important aspect. Advertising posts on the World Wide Web will help the store double or even triple its popularity. Hire promoters, that is, people who, for a certain amount, will distribute leaflets with your slogans and contacts. It is a mistake to think that this method of promotion is not effective, and that a person will throw the received advertisement into the nearest trash bin. Of course, there will be some, but the work of a promoter is an art. Therefore, if you manage to find a professional in this field, it will be very great.

How much will it cost to open a store?

In order to successfully open an auto parts store, which will become relevant in a short time, and the goods in it will be in great demand, you need to have a start-up capital of about one and a half million rubles. If you are able to properly organize the work process, purchase of goods, etc., then your monthly revenue will be about a million. But we mentioned that payback takes longer, and this is due to the fact that in your activities certain nuances will certainly arise that are impossible to calculate, and you will also need to pay for the work of staff, spend considerable sums on promotion and advertising campaigns.

The main costs will be the following:

  • expenses for purchasing or renting premises;
  • store equipment;
  • staff salaries;
  • purchase of goods;
  • advertising campaign;
  • taxes.

Make sure that your capital is enough for all of the above items, because the lack of money at the initial stage is a more than significant problem. For the rest, a clear action plan that you need to follow relentlessly will help you. Good luck!

The story of an aspiring entrepreneur about the development of an unoccupied niche in the field of auto parts trading. A young and ambitious entrepreneur has organized an activity for the delivery of auto parts throughout the city and is already planning to expand.


I’m giving you a business idea on how you can make money by having your own car and a constant source of communication with Internet access.

It all started with the fact that, after graduating from university, I could not find a decent job in my specialty “ Cars and automotive industry". The most I was offered was a job in a car service center. At the same time, for some reason, neither my diploma nor my work experience (I studied by correspondence) impressed employers: there were no corresponding vacancies. After two months of unsuccessful searching, I decided: I'll work for myself, but precisely in my specialty - in vain, did I spend six years studying?

The first thing I started with was studying the needs of motorists in our city. These are the problems with purchasing spare parts that arise among private owners, taxi drivers and small car repair shops. I found out one paradoxical thing: despite the fact that we have a rich market for spare parts for all passenger cars - both domestic and foreign cars - the need for them is still very urgent. And the point is not that there are not enough of them, but that sometimes they are needed here and now, and not in a hypothetical two weeks.

The car broke down on the way, I urgently need to replace some small part - where can I get it? You can, of course, go to the nearest store or car market - but you can’t leave your car on the road? You can call a tow truck - but this is time-consuming and expensive. Another example: a foreign car was brought to a car service center or a private workshop for repairs; it urgently needs to be repaired, but the repairman does not have the necessary spare part on hand at the moment - what to do? In general, I realized that situations in our city of millions, when people urgently need one or another auto part, quite a lot.

By that time I already had my own car, not new, but brought to perfect condition through my efforts. In order to be always in touch with potential clients, I assumed to use an iPhone with an Internet connection. Before going to the Registration Chamber to draw up documents for individual entrepreneurship, I analyzed wholesale and retail prices in car stores in the city.

Organization of activities

Contacted major dealer companies, found out that an officially registered individual entrepreneur has the opportunity to enter into an agreement for the purchase of automobile parts and auto cosmetics at manufacturer prices. My calculations showed that the difference between wholesale and retail prices for auto parts is on average 15-20%. I added 20% for delivery to the estimated profit from the price difference - it turned out to be a rather attractive figure. Even taking into account the costs of gasoline, cellular communications and taxes, the profit promised to be good.

After carefully studying all the pros and cons, I decided to open my own business. in the Reg Chamber, advertised in several local newspapers and on free classifieds websites. Along the way, I scrolled through a dozen thematic forums and offered my services there too. I left several channels for communication: home and mobile phone numbers, email address, ICQ number and Skype contact.

We didn't have to wait long for clients: the very next day I received two orders, which took me only three hours to complete. Then the calls and messages became regular, I was on orders almost from morning until late evening, earning over a thousand rubles a day. In addition to spare parts, customers often ordered car cosmetics, realizing that it was more profitable to purchase everything they needed at once, without wasting time on trips to car stores - after all, they only paid for the call, regardless of the volume of the order.

I came across a variety of people - from ordinary taxi drivers and retired private owners to respectable executives and businessmen. There were often orders from small car services. I really liked this work, because, in addition to good earnings, every day I heard words of gratitude from people completely unknown to me. We got to know one of them more closely when I helped him change a broken headlight.

Having learned that I had a diploma as an auto specialist, he offered me a job in the company he headed. And I was very surprised when I refused, answering that I love my business and in the near future I plan to involve my younger brother and a couple of friends in it: it is becoming difficult to cope with the growing number of orders alone. Indeed, why look for good things and work “for someone else” when I have my own profitable business that brings me not only income, but also pleasure?

The owner of a car parts store must have a thorough understanding of the trade, car designs and manufacturers. Without the proper knowledge, you will have to attract highly paid specialists to work, but you still will not be able to assess the level of their work - this is a big expense and the risk of being deceived. Work for at least 2-3 years in a car parts store or car service center, learn all aspects of running this business. Working in the automotive industry will allow you to study demand and establish relationships with suppliers.

Draw up a competent business plan, taking into account even the smallest costs. Plan every step of organizing the store’s activities, try to foresee all the risks and think in advance about ways to minimize them.

Main risks

The auto parts market is highly competitive and you will have to work hard to succeed. Your store must have advantages. In a big city, this may be a narrow specialization in spare parts from certain manufacturers. In a small town you can assemble an assortment of the most popular spare parts and focus on high service.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open an auto parts store”


There are no strict restrictions on choosing an area for an auto parts store. Experience shows that with a popular assortment, excellent service and reasonable pricing policy, a store becomes popular regardless of location. You should not choose central areas at the start because of the high cost of rent. You can look for premises in business, residential areas, near a market or a large shopping center. Your clients are motorists; it is important to have parking for at least 5-6 cars and convenient access to the building in which the store will be located. The most important criterion is the absence of competitors’ stores nearby.

The minimum area of ​​the room must be 60 square meters. When choosing an area, you must take into account the expected range and dimensions of spare parts. When concluding a contract, pay attention to the following conditions:

  1. Lease term, possibility of purchase and extension of the contract.
  2. A clear separation of utility bills and the direct cost of rent.

To obtain permission to use a premises for commercial purposes, it must meet not only your requirements, but also the standards of the supervisory authorities:

  1. Sufficient area.
  2. Opportunities to equip a spacious and comfortable sales area, utility room and warehouse.
  3. Reliable power supply, sewerage and water, heating.

Find out the fire inspection requirements in advance and take them into account when choosing a room.


To get a good overview of the store’s assortment, you need to purchase special furniture for the sales area:

  • Racks, racks, display cases.
  • Cash desks and machines.
  • Computer.

Be sure to go online to the store. Also, experienced auto parts store owners recommend purchasing special software that makes working with catalogs much easier. You will be able to systematize each item by assigning a unique number to the spare parts and indicating analogues from other manufacturers. Such programs help to connect all document flow, significantly simplify the work of maintaining records, drawing up applications to suppliers and the general organization of store activities.

The total cost of furniture, equipment and software for a small store is about $5,000.

Also, transport is required to deliver goods to the store - you should not rely on delivery from suppliers. The car can also be used to deliver spare parts to customers - such a need will arise regularly.


Particular attention and exactingness should be shown in choosing sellers. Experience and perfect knowledge of the characteristics of car brands and manufacturers, the structure of the car and spare parts is a necessary condition. Highly qualified salespeople who know how to work with clients will provide you with decent sales and an increase in the number of regular customers. Don’t skimp on paying such people - offer them a decent salary with a full benefits package and a reasonable percentage of sales.

At first, the owner can manage the affairs of the store, but in the future you will need a director or senior salesperson. Working with suppliers is a significant and time-consuming process. A purchasing manager is essential if you plan to grow your store and increase sales. It is unrealistic to collect the entire assortment in one room. Requests from motorists asking to find a part that is out of stock will be a regular occurrence. As a rule, the fight for a new client is won by the store that was able to quickly find and supply the buyer with the necessary spare parts.

A specialized outsourcing company or a part-time accountant can keep financial records for a small store. You can also hire someone to clean the premises on an hourly basis. It makes sense to enter into an agreement with a security organization.

Documents and licenses

The operation of a spare parts store is not subject to licensing. After collecting the necessary package of documents, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax office.

An individual entrepreneur is registered with minimal time and a package of documents, and is subject to preferential tax treatment. But you have the right to work only with individuals.

Forming an LLC is a longer and more complex process. Registration of this type of business is recommended for those who plan to supply spare parts to legal entities: large car depots, transport companies, taxi services. Also, the LLC provides opportunities for expanding its activities and creating a network of stores.

The presence of full-time employees requires registration with the employment service, social insurance and other non-profit organizations.


The main advantage that will provide an auto parts store with customers and decent profitability is the speed of delivery and the quality of goods. Work actively to find suppliers, offer them favorable terms of cooperation. Try to provide multiple suppliers for each product group.

Look for access to official distributors of manufacturers - this will ensure the quality of the goods. Such cooperation will be an additional bonus and a powerful marketing ploy for the store. You have every right to indicate the logos of the manufacturers you work with on the sign and in store advertising. Motorists who are tired of low-quality fakes will definitely appreciate the opportunity to purchase original spare parts.

Without a website through which customers can order the necessary part with delivery, the store cannot expect success. Using specialized software, you can clearly divide the entire assortment by manufacturer, section, number each position and make it easier for site visitors to find the right part. If you can organize the constant availability of declared items and prompt delivery of goods, the store’s popularity and profit growth are guaranteed.

A bright sign, banners and advertising stands in any place with a large concentration of motorists will be useful. Regularly post advertisements in local media, on forums and online platforms for car enthusiasts. Sooner or later, a car owner is faced with the need to look for an auto parts store. As a rule, several retail outlets or services are called and the choice is made on the store with the best service and cost.

Enter into partnerships with car services and transport companies. You will not be able to reach a high level of sales by working only with individuals. Wholesale buyers always bring more profitable orders.


To start a small auto parts store you need about $40,000. The markup on goods ranges from 35 to 110%. Considering the current costs of salaries, taxes, rent and other deductions, the need to expand the range and additional costs for the development of the store, return on investment and return on investment should be expected in 10-11 months.

If you are able to foresee all the risks in the process of drawing up a business plan, establish partnerships with suppliers and the work of store employees, in a year you will be able to begin expanding and creating a network.

Many people wonder what business to start? Especially if you live in a small town. We decided to write one idea, which was implemented as an experiment and showed a decent result.


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Home business idea with minimal investment

Let us immediately clarify that a small team on our site produced a certain product, which will be discussed below, and was successfully sold. Naturally, they did not begin production on a regular basis. Just curiosity.

Also, to be completely honest with you, we would like to add that all the necessary equipment was provided to us by our friends. But this does not mean that you need to spend a large amount on its purchase; you can simply contact specialized companies and use their services. Until you save up the money to purchase it.

Why did we decide to title the article home business idea? Yes, because everything can really be done at home, now you will see for yourself. By the way, the niche is practically not filled, or rather, it is filled with ordinary stampings, but not with exclusive ones.


The essence of the idea is simple: to produce exclusive spare parts for scale models of cars, tanks, airplanes, special equipment, etc. What's new here, you ask, how many of them are on sale. There are several pieces for each model.

Yes, indeed all this is true, but it turns out that this is not enough. Let's give a simple example: let's take a 1/24 scale set - BMW E30, the set includes standard bumpers, wheels, body, interior, etc. But anyone who knows about cars knows that while this famous German model was being produced, it came with several types of body kits , wheels, headlights. All this was divided by year of production, taking into account restyled options.

So, manufacturers of plastic kits (KITS) cannot do all this because of production costs. Therefore, the most popular spare parts for models are cast. And collectors and modelers would like to see other options.

It is also necessary to take into account that plastic parts constantly break during assembly, especially for beginners. Therefore, they have a choice: buy a new set for several thousand or look for spare parts from their comrades. Few people offer to make to order, and the prices are high.

That's why home business idea, consists precisely in the manufacture of such things. Additionally, you can print decals, which constantly deteriorate, especially in older kits.

Personally, in our experiment we made a front bumper for a Ford model, 1/24 scale. They printed it on a 3D printer and sold it on one of the forums dedicated to modeling. The profit was almost 200 rubles, bought on the same day.

Business Equipment

For full work you will need:

  • zD printer;
  • jet printer;
  • printer consumables;
  • computer.

But the best thing is that at the initial stage you can get by with one computer. Who will make the layout, who will print the product, you can easily find all this on the Internet. For example, you can make a mock-up of a bumper for 500 rubles, print it for 200 rubles, and sell it for 900-1000 rubles with delivery. Moreover, using epoxy resin or liquid plastic you can very cheaply reproduce a product by making a copy of it.

Naturally, if you have a printer, you will seriously increase your profits. At least the original layouts will be available for pennies.

How to find a sales market?

Here we will look at a specific example of how such things are sold. After all, any home business idea requires the sale of its products. The first thing you should pay attention to is the Ebay auction. Here is a successful one, which produces spare parts for large-scale cars. A person sells 60-70 items per month, and not the best ones, and he has little choice. This is only a small part of what can be done; the assortment can realistically be increased at least 10 times. Show imagination.

It is also worth paying attention to forums and thematic online stores where you can offer your services.


We did not set out to write a business plan, but we clearly demonstrated the direction in which you can go. If you use your imagination, you can create an entire production and a good customer base.