Business test: The subordinate did not complete the task on time. Warcraft: Dungeon Finder How to properly build employee management

Each leader is faced with a situation where an employee (subordinate) does not complete the task on time (on time). Working with employees is always a complex multifaceted process in which it is impossible to be guided only by logic or job description, or intuition, it is necessary to use them in combination. So how to build employee management in this situation? How to behave as a leader? Punish an employee? Take away parts wages? Just ignore? I propose to disassemble various options and their consequences of the decision of the head on this issue.

How to properly build employee management?

Perhaps you will need:

Leader situation. Imagine the situation:the subordinate for the second time did not complete your task on time, although he promised and gave his word that this would not happen again. You are faced with a dilemma, how to do it right:

So, the behavior of the employee clearly does not meet the requirements of management. What decision will you make? What are the consequences after it?

a) I will wait until this task is completed, and then I will speak sternly in private, warning for the last time.

You are playing for time, the situation will not resolve itself. You can wait forever. Remember that at this moment such resources as human, financial, equipment and the most precious thing - time are irretrievably spent. You deliberately drive the organization into losses. Working with employees of the organization, in this case, comes down to the lack of authority of the leader, which is completely unacceptable.

b) Without waiting for the task to be completed, I will talk with him about the reasons for the repeated breakdown, and I will achieve the task.

You are right in choosing an employee management strategy. At the same time, we recommend asking the following question to the subordinate: “What do you need for this task to be completed in .... minutes (hours)? Question: "Why didn't you complete the task?" is initially utopian, tk. he expects from the position of a subordinate and he already has thirty-three excuses on this topic. It doesn’t matter to the modern leader why “No” (the task was not completed), it is important for him what was done to ensure that the “Yes” was timely (the task was completed).

c) I will consult with an experienced worker, informal leader my team, how to deal with the violator. If there is no such employee, I will bring the issue of the employee’s indiscipline to a team meeting.

A fairly common decision is to consult with an experienced worker of the team under your control. At this moment, you consider that you are actually enlisting his support, i.e. You are sure that in the future he will assume voluntary responsibility for coordinating the work of your subordinates and will be responsible for the behavior of the company's employees. This is an illusion. In reality, you automatically put an end to your authority in the minds of employees, which means that your further orders will not be taken seriously by them.

Submit a question about employee behavior general meeting, i.e. to arrange a "demonstrative execution" - this is the prerogative of the last century, today it is not relevant. Having humiliated the honor and dignity of a person, you lose him as a thinking unit and push him to resign of his own free will.

d) Without waiting for the task to be completed, I will transfer the issue of punishing the employee to the decision of the “superior manager”. In the future, I will increase control over his work.

In fact, you have relieved yourself of responsibility for resolving an ordinary situation that is directly included in the circle of your official duties. Any employee must be competent within the scope of their duties. Your action confirmed the fact of non-compliance with the position being filled. We recommend that your immediate supervisor remove you from your leadership position.

To get in line

Step 1) Open.

You can either press the “i” button on your keyboard, or you can click on the icon (the green eye symbol in the navigation bar that used to be used for)

Step 2) Choose your role in the group

The available roles are Tank, Healer, or Damage (Damaging), denoted by the symbols of the shield, red cross, and sword, respectively. If your character can perform several functions, you will be asked to choose which one you prefer for this dungeon. Also, you can choose all the roles at once, if you think that your specialization and equipment will allow you to fulfill them. Keep in mind that in a dungeon with this group you will only perform one function. She will be selected automatically based on the requirements of the group, so don't choose roles you can't handle.

Also, if you think you have enough experience to explain the intricacies of the dungeon and guide others through it, you can check the green flag symbol. During the formation process, the system will try to distribute at least one experienced player to each group in order to put them at the head of the group. If there are no experienced players in the group, or there are more than one, the system will automatically select the most experienced player, based on a comparison of various parameters, such as equipment, completed tasks, achievements, etc. The character portrait of such a player will be marked with the same green flag symbol. This does not give any additional advantages over the rest of the group (they cannot single-handedly decide who should leave the group or put marks on targets) and at any time they can transfer leadership to any member of the group using the function.

Step 3) Dungeon Selection

You can queue up for a random dungeon or choose from a list of dungeons available for your level. The default is set, however you can easily switch to a list of specific dungeons by selecting from the drop down list. If you wish to queue up in a dungeon for a certain level, check the appropriate category. There are limits on the number of specific dungeons you can queue for, however you cannot queue for a specific and random dungeon at the same time.

Step 4) To get in line.

To queue up for a selected or random dungeon, press the button.

Get in line as a group

Step 1) Group Leader: Open up.

While all party members can still view the list of dungeons, only the party leader can select and queue for a dungeon.

Step 2) Group leader: Choose your role in the group

Your leader at this stage chooses a role for himself in the group. (Keep in mind that the option to choose yourself as a skilled player is not available when you queue up as a group)

Step 3) Party leader: Dungeon selection.

After the group leader has chosen a role for himself, he decides which dungeon to queue for. Everything is done in the same way as when joining the queue alone, with only one difference: the button will now be called

step 5) Group members: Choose your roles in the group

As soon as your group leader decides on his role in the group, a pop-up window will appear for each member of the group. It offers to confirm the choice of your role by clicking on or; the choice of the dungeon is made by the leader. Your group will not be able to join the queue until all players have confirmed their roles by clicking on.

Note: The completed groups of five that are used to queue up function much the same as normal groups, with the difference that such groups will have the opportunity to receive daily rewards for randomized dungeons and access to the teleportation system to dungeons. However, features and benefits such as the Kick Voting System and the buff (described below) will not be available for this type of group.

Leave the queue

You can leave the queue at any time at your discretion by going to and pressing the button. This will allow you to get out of all the queues in which you stood.

Requirements to enter the dungeon

Each dungeon has a minimum and maximum character level limit. This gap is indicated by numbers and is displayed to the right of the dungeon name in the list. If you do not match the level, this dungeon will not be available for selection.

Some dungeons require additional conditions to enter, such as a completed quest, a key, or, in the case of Wrath of the Lich King heroic raid dungeons, a minimum gear level. If you match the level, but some of the additional conditions are not met, then a lock symbol will appear in place for a tick. If you hover your mouse pointer over it, you can see exactly which requirement was not met.

The group leader will also see the same symbol if someone from his group does not meet any of the requirements of this dungeon, and when hovering over with the pointer, it will be written which requirement and who did not meet it.

Random Dungeons

If you can't decide which dungeon to queue for, you can rely on fate and queue for a random dungeon. To do this, select or from the drop-down menu and then click or. A random dungeon will be selected automatically, taking into account all level requirements and additional conditions.

The first random dungeon completed that day is an analogue of the daily task and you will receive a certain reward for it. For example, completing a random Lich King (Heroic) dungeon will reward you with two Emblems of Ice, and completing a random Lich King dungeon will reward you with two Emblems of Triumph. After you get two Emblems of Ice for the first Lich King (Heroic) random dungeon you complete, you will receive two Emblems of Triumph for each subsequent dungeon in addition to those you get as loot from the bosses. Lower-level characters will receive rewards at the appropriate levels for completing World of Warcraft Classic and World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusadeо dungeons, however, in their case, rewards will only be given once a day. You can always find out what rewards and for which dungeon is given by looking at the description text in the window.

These randomized dungeons will replace the daily heroic quests. NPCs that offered these quests will now offer weekly raid quests.

Article 740

1. Under a building contract, the contractor undertakes, within the time period established by the contract, to build a certain facility on the instructions of the customer or to perform other construction works, and the customer undertakes to create for the contractor the necessary conditions to perform the work, accept their result and pay the stipulated price.
2. A construction contract is concluded for the construction or reconstruction of an enterprise, building (including a residential building), structure or other object, as well as for the performance of installation, commissioning and other works inextricably linked with the object under construction. The rules on a building contract also apply to work on overhaul buildings and structures, unless otherwise provided by the contract.
In cases stipulated by the contract, the contractor assumes the obligation to ensure the operation of the object after its acceptance by the customer within the period specified in the contract.

Article 743. Technical documentation and estimate

1. The contractor is obliged to carry out construction and work related to it in accordance with the technical documentation that determines the scope, content of work and other requirements for them, and with an estimate that determines the price of work.
Unless otherwise specified in the construction contract, it is assumed that the contractor is obliged to perform all the work specified in technical documentation and in the estimate.
2. The construction contract must determine the composition and content of the technical documentation, and it must also provide for which of the parties and within what time period must provide the relevant documentation.
3. The contractor, who discovered during the construction works not taken into account in the technical documentation and, therefore, the need to carry out additional work and an increase in the estimated cost of construction, is obliged to inform the customer about this.
If the customer does not receive a response to his message within ten days, unless the law or the construction contract provides for a different period for this, the contractor is obliged to suspend the relevant work with the attribution of losses caused by downtime to the customer's account. The customer is released from compensation for these losses if he proves that there is no need for additional work.
4. A contractor who has not fulfilled the obligation established by paragraph 3 of this article shall be deprived of the right to demand payment from the customer for additional work performed by him and compensation for the losses caused by this, unless he proves the need for immediate action in the interests of the customer, in particular due to the fact that the suspension of work could lead to the death or damage of the construction site.
5. If the customer agrees to carry out and pay for additional work, the contractor has the right to refuse to perform them only in cases where they are not included in the scope professional activity contractor or cannot be performed by the contractor for reasons beyond his control.

You broke the deadlines that were given for the implementation of an important project. The boss is annoyed and wonders how this could happen. Recruiters comment on the answers of the subordinate.

- “The task is almost completed, there are very minor details left”
1. Not a bad answer, because a specific explanation is given. Although, of course, a good employee is obliged to keep the boss up to date on the details and inform in advance if something cannot be completed on time.
2. A good explanation that should be clarified: exactly how much work was done, how it was done, what details were left. Need specifics. At the same time it would be necessary to stipulate the reasons for the situation.
3. The subordinate at least tried. But the leader needs to explain to the subordinate that The assigned task must be completed one hundred percent.

- “There was an emergency, and I had to restore all the information”
1. I would not rate such an explanation, because this answer is just a statement of fact. If an emergency occurs, the employee is not to blame. And if an employee tells a lie, it is always easy to check.
2. Logical answer. Force majeure happens to everyone. In addition, what is important, the employee did not refuse to work, but restored all the data.
3. Alas, this happens. If this is an isolated case, then the boss will have to put up with it. If this happens frequently, the manager should pay attention to improving the reliability of IT systems and teach subordinates to work with backups.

- "I did not calculate the effort and thought I could handle it"
1. As a leader, I liked this answer. In this situation, it is first of all important for me whether the justification corresponds to reality. We all fail to get the job done on time. The main thing is that the answer is honest. Sometimes it's better to say, "Yes, I failed." No need to lie and give arguments that are not related to the essence of the matter.
2. Predictable error is a good learning opportunity. An employee who understands why he did not cope with the task will not misfire the next time.
3. The subordinate demonstrates an understanding of the importance of deadlines and quality, but was not quite ready professionally. The boss should pay more attention professional development employee.

- "I did my best"
1. The answer is similar to the truth. The employee admits that he made every effort. Such an explanation would suit me perfectly.
2. The answer is honest, and that's good. However, the employee admits his own weakness. Perhaps he should look for another, more low position?
3. The employee does not know his capabilities. The manager in relation to this employee needs to make sure that the person is able and ready to perform the task.

“No one in the department could do it better than me.”
1. Who was given the task: the employee personally or the entire department? If this was the responsibility of the department, why does the manager ask the answer from only one employee? And if the task was received by one person, then why does he refer to others? So far there are more questions than answers.
2. The subordinate demonstrates the desire to complete the task at a high level. If this is true, then the boss should better plan the work in time and, perhaps, allocate more time for it.

- "You didn't give me the right resources»
1. This is not an explanation. Everything needed could have been taken care of before the question was asked by the manager.
2. Where was the employee before? You are a specialist, these are your responsibilities, and you should form a work plan yourself. The boss should not relentlessly follow his subordinates and understand all the intricacies of the work of a specialist. Taking the task and not completing it, the employee brings not only the boss, but the entire department, partners, customers, and even the company.

- "You gave me an impossible task"
1. Yes, indeed, tasks are difficult to achieve, but it was worth thinking about the fact that the task is impossible and informing the boss in advance. When an employee, after the fact, reproaches the manager for the complexity of the task, this is not an argument.
2. An ugly answer. First, if the assignment is really difficult, why did you take it? Either complete the task, or negotiate possible problems in advance. The manager will think: why do I need an employee who cannot cope with the task? The employee signs for his own helplessness.
3. The subordinate had to discuss the feasibility of the task at the very beginning, when setting the task by the manager. And the manager, stipulating the conditions, was obliged to make sure that the subordinate was able to complete the task on time.

Comment from FrenchToast06

This can be done on normal mode or heroic mode.

Comment from adorabella

So I didn't wait and dropped the quest - figured it was a bug. Was going to go back into the souls and grab it..only, yep, go back in and she's not offering it. Any ideas how to pick it up again? Complete first instance again?

Comment from rainifirestar

I accidentally dropped this quest. Anyone know if it can be picked up again?

Comment from droodcarrey

The level requirement is 78.

Comment from Velrorr

Lol spelling fail. Blizz spelled "entrance" wrong. =P

Comment from kahluadog

What Continant is it in I have a? mark (finished Quest) to turn in and I have had it for months. symbol. That does not help me I need to know where it is so i can turn in the Quest. Please

Comment from Taraezor

Well to get the Lady to reappear I just took a pot-shot (lightning Bolt) at Scourgelord Tyrannus flying above and then back up towards the entry portal to be safe/sure. Tyrannus, gutless soul he is, just flew away! The scripted event then proceeds, you turn in the feeder quest Shadows of Tormented Souls and pick up the new quest The way to the citadel .

At i365 as an Enhancement Shammy it is very soloable. I took a conservative approach. So long as you are not reckless in attracting mobs while you do the gathering quest I suspect you could really speed through this dungeon.

As always applies when soloing Northrend content, whack the bosses hard and fast so as to avoid needing to worry about any mechanics, spawns after a while, etc.