How to come up with a company name? How to come up with a good name for a company? Short name for the organization.

Have you decided to open your own company? Take care to choose a good name for her. Without a name, you will not be registered with the tax authorities and the pension fund, you will not be able to open your own account, sign various contracts and conduct business activities. But how to come up with a company name and what should it be? You should think about the name in advance before you go to register with the licensing authorities. It should be euphonious, short and memorable, attracting customers, not scaring them away. Don't know how to choose the right name? Let's look at this moment.

Key principles

The local tax office can register almost any company name. But you shouldn’t take the first word or expression that comes to mind - think carefully about the name of your company and try to make it reflect its essence.

The name of the company should reflect its essence

Observe the following rules:

  1. The name should resonate with the type of activity of the company.
  2. It should be easy to read, simple and memorable.
  3. The big plus is originality. Research registries in your city to find something unique. Enter the name in an Internet search engine - the fewer pages found for your query, the better.
  4. Try to avoid ambiguity and word play: the simpler and more positive, the better.

Note: often the tax authorities do not register a company with a name that is already active in the city. You should ensure that the name is unique.

Why is it important

Most people select companies either based on reviews from friends/acquaintances, or by finding them on the Internet. A sonorous, beautiful, memorable name is attractive and sets you up for positivity and communication. Think for yourself who you would contact - the Leader company or PishPromBytDostavka. The leader will be immediately remembered, it will be easy to find her on the Internet, recommend her to friends and write down her number in the phone book.

But when choosing a name, you should be careful. People often make the mistake of naming their businesses controversial names. For example, the Gorgon beauty salon or the Atlantis travel agency are not the most reasonable decisions precisely because the name has a hidden meaning that negates the successful activities of the company.

Explore the market

When writing a business plan, you will likely conduct market research and draw a portrait of your client. Focus on it, but don't overdo it. If most of your customers are teenagers and young people, then you can use some slang word (for example, Bomb store). But such a name will probably not appeal to older people who are poorly versed in modern trends.

The company name should be simple and memorable

Also try to tie the name to what you will be doing. For example, the name “Cheap workwear” immediately determines the type of your activity and the company’s pricing policy. It will be of interest to a wide range of workers who use workwear, as well as management who are looking for interesting offers for their production. But the name “Inexpensive luxury mink fur coats” will, on the contrary, scatter your audience. Those looking for an elite mink will not want to go to an inexpensive store for the general public, and those who need inexpensive fur coats will immediately reject your option because of the eliteness.

Get attached to the activity

People often choose fancy company names that have nothing to do with their job profile. But this is not so bad - there are situations when the name misleads the client and creates a large flow of non-target audiences. For example, you sell optical sights and night vision devices for hunting. Your company is called “Sharp Eye”. Most visitors will think that you can buy contact lenses, glasses, or, in extreme cases, spotting scopes and binoculars, but not NVGs.

Note: if you can’t link the name to the activity, then take a neutral, expressive name. This is a good option for large and small companies.

The more original, the more clients

If you take some banal name, for example, the Aphrodite beauty salon, then you simply will not be found in search engines or directories, since there will be a huge number of the same salons in all regions of our country. Try to choose something unique - this way you will quickly be found on the Internet, and you can easily rise to the TOP without major investments.

Read also: How to earn money for an apartment without an apartment and good income

Only positive emotions

How to name a company so that it is successful, profitable and attracts customers? Try to evoke positive emotions with her name. Avoid negativity and controversial situations. For example, the Nif-Nif cafe will evoke associations with a children's fairy tale for some, and a pigsty for others. The Garden of Eden clothing store is also not the best choice, because in Paradise, according to legend, everyone wore Adam and Eve costumes.

Come up with a few options and experiment with them by discussing with friends and colleagues

It is also not recommended to call the business by your first or last name. At the very least, play with it somehow to get an interesting name. For example, the owner Vladislav Dorn decided to open his own travel agency and name it after his name. In this case, the name “Lord of the Roads” would be a good alternative. But the hairdressing salon “Lana” has a right to exist, since the name here is quite abstract. Another reason not to name the company by your own name is the possible sale of it in the future. It is unlikely that the new owner will want to manage a company named after someone unknown.

Simplicity and Memorability

The simpler the name, the easier it is to remember. Don't overload your clients with unnecessary information. For example, you decide to open a confectionery shop. You can call it “Delicious cupcakes with raisins from Valya,” but this name is unlikely to be popular. But “Funny Marmalades” will certainly be remembered and will attract many new visitors with children.

Come up with a few names and “test” them with your friends. Give them a name, find out what associations it evokes. Carry out the same experiments with children - they may give you unexpected results.

Remember the laws

The law clearly regulates the requirements for company names, so be sure to carefully study this section. Let's figure out how to name a company so that it is successful. The list of title requirements is as follows:

  1. All foreign names in official papers and in advertising must be written only in Russian letters. That is, when coming up with an English name, think about how it will look in transcription. Foreign letters can only be used in the abbreviated name.
  2. The name includes the form of ownership of the company. That is, you can be called “Nimfa” LLC for short, but officially you will be a limited liability company “Nimfa”.
  3. The company name should not contain the names of countries or official names of government agencies. You will not be able to name the company “Form for the FSB”, “Lawyers from the GPU” or “Beer from the Czech Republic”.
  4. Brands of well-known companies cannot be used. You will not be able to register the company “Apple Laptops” or “Voronezh Sprite”.
  5. It is not allowed to use names that offend the feelings of believers or certain categories of citizens.

Note: you can register two names for a company - one official, the other a short one. This will allow you to significantly expand the company's capabilities.

Brevity is the sister of talent, the simpler the name, the more clients will remember it

For example, your company’s official name is “Irkutsk Specialist Management Company”, or “IFUS” for short. IFUS is an interesting and memorable name that will appear in advertising and colloquial language, and in official documents there will be a full decoding of this name.

The name of the organization is indicated in the constituent documents. The Civil Code does not contain any instructions on what the company should be called, except for some restrictions, which we will discuss below. The main thing is to indicate the organizational and legal form. Also, the constituent documents must contain the full name of the organization and an abbreviated name (if any).

The latter is not at all a mandatory condition for registration. You can get by with one, but this often makes bureaucratic work difficult. In addition, the abbreviated name of the organization can significantly save the budget. We will examine these questions in more detail in this article.


The name of the organization is the name, the name of the company, which is submitted to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE). “Whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail” - time-tested wisdom. Today, there are highly specialized specialists in the field of naming (assistance in finding the optimal name) and branding (creating a recognizable image). We will touch upon the legal aspect of this concept and analyze how changing the name of an organization affects future activities.

Mandatory use of words in the name

We have already noted above that the Civil Code does not contain any regulations or requirements for creating a memorable name for an enterprise. However, there are certain areas of activity in which certain words are required:

  1. The word “Bank” or “Non-bank credit organization” is required for financial institutions.
  2. Insurance organizations are required to use terms that are related to their activities, for example, “mutual insurance”, “insurance broker”.
  3. Non-profit organizations are required to indicate the legal status and nature of their activities, for example, “Charitable Foundation”, “Public Religious Organization”, etc.

By the same logic, the name of an organization that will mislead consumers is prohibited. Similar examples include the words “microfinance organization”, “pawnshop”, “exchange” for companies that are in no way connected with that activity.


Abbreviated names are usually used in those organizations that are required to include certain words. This significantly increases the full name. Difficulties arise related to the production of signs, forms, seals, etc. Also, long names are difficult for consumers to perceive, and it is difficult to create a recognizable brand. The Civil Code does not prohibit the parallel use of an abbreviated name in everyday activities.

Name of organization: sample

So, there are two names that can be used in the law. The first must fully comply with all points of the Civil Code, for example, Limited Liability Company "Primorsky Les", Non-profit organization "Decent Future". We agree that such long names will create difficulties in widespread work. Abbreviated names may look like this: LLC "Primorsky Forest", NGO "Decent Future". It is also allowed to have an additional name in English, in the language of indigenous and small peoples of Russia.

What cannot be used in official names

It is legally prohibited to include in the corporate name of an organization:

  • Full or abbreviated name of government authorities, regulatory organizations, law enforcement agencies.
  • Official names of states, international, interstate and intergovernmental organizations.
  • Names that contradict moral norms, generally accepted norms, public interests, and principles of reasonableness.

The last point is subjective. There are many different debates and opinions on this matter. However, common sense prevails in them, and we do not see inscriptions on store windows that evoke negative associations in us. Of course, there are always dissatisfied people, but these are purely individual cases, they are not expressed en masse.

As for the official names of states, there is some misunderstanding here: is it possible to use the name “Russia” or “Russian Federation”?

The name of our country is allowed only by permission. Its procedure is established by the Government.

Right to exclusive use

The state is fighting unfair competition at the legislative level. Sometimes dishonest entrepreneurs use an already familiar brand for their own purposes: they name their companies similarly. Legally this is prohibited. Identical or similar names are not allowed. The exception is various areas of activity: for example, two companies with the same name “Peresvet”. The first sells electronics, the second sells food. Such a case will not contradict the law, since there is no competition between firms.

If two companies have the same name and sell similar goods or services, then the one that was registered first in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities has the right of exclusive use. For the second, negative consequences may occur: compensation for losses associated with unlawful use. In addition, she is obliged to rename her enterprise. We'll tell you more about this later.

Who decides on renaming

Changing the name of an organization is mandatory by decision of the competent governing body. The procedure does not depend on the reason for which it occurs. The court does not have the right to rename the enterprise itself. He can only oblige the competent governing bodies to change the sign. The procedure is determined by the relevant federal law depending on the organizational and legal nature. For example, the functioning of a joint stock company is regulated by federal law dated December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint Stock Companies.” A meeting of shareholders is held. This is where the decision is made.

Changing the name of an organization: sample order

Suppose a certain company sued its competitor with a similar name. The local arbitration court satisfied the filed claim. Now a competitor who also has a similar name is obliged to change it in the near future. The legal procedure for such actions is regulated by Federal Law No. 14 of 02/08/1998 - Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies”. A constituent meeting is convened, at which a decision on renaming is made. After this, the manager issues an order that contains approximately the following:

“Based on the entry made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the renaming of the Limited Liability Company... (name) to the Limited Liability Company... (name, number of the certificate of entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities series... No. ..., issued by the Interdistrict Inspectorate Federal Tax Service of Russia No.... for... region... date) I order:

  1. Use a new name.
  2. The head of the HR department (full name) must make changes to employment contracts, books, and personnel records.
  3. The Deputy Director (full name) must produce new letterheads, seals, stamps provided for by the current office management instructions; notify all existing counterparties about changes in the company in accordance with current legislation.
  4. The Deputy Director for Economic Affairs (full name) order a new sign for the Company and install it by... (date).
  5. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

Renaming procedure

Changing the name of a business is a difficult process. In practice, large companies resort to it extremely rarely, due to serious circumstances. To rename you need to do the following:

  • change the constituent documents;
  • re-register with new documents in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • change all seals, forms, contracts, including employment contracts;
  • publish the necessary local documents, etc.

After renaming, it is imperative to notify all partners and contractors by official letters. If the balance sheet of an enterprise includes vehicles, real estate, trademarks, patented inventions, etc., everything will also have to be re-registered. Those who have encountered this know how difficult it is, for example, to obtain a patent for a brand in Rosreestr.

The name of the company is an indispensable part of its image. A correctly chosen name helps you find the right clients, helps you take a place in the market and differentiate yourself from competitors. The ideal name should be original, but not shocking, interesting, but not too complex, easy to remember and easy to pronounce.

When choosing a name for your company, consider:

  • the scope of the company's activities;
  • characteristics of the clientele;
  • fashion trends;
  • opportunities for development;
  • competitive environment.

The right name should attract a potential client. It’s very bad if the company’s name is constantly confused with competitors or simply forgotten. It is desirable that the scope of the company’s activities is immediately clear from the name.

It is important to take into account all the nuances. A good name should be euphonious and look beautiful on a sign, in booklets, on labels. Think about how you will use it in advertising: television, print, virtual.

Too long phrases can become a problem when promoting a company. Please note that some letters (zh, š) do not look good in the headings of magazines and booklets.

A correctly chosen name should not mislead the consumer. It is advisable that it is not consonant with the names of other companies. In some cases, such consonance may be perceived as plagiarism. Before registering, it is recommended to check the chosen name in the state registry.

Names are subject to fashion. For example, pompous names with the inclusion of foreign words, popular in the 90s, are no longer relevant. Abbreviations and names made up of the names of the founders are also unpopular.

You can read how to register an LLC yourself and what documents are required for this

How to choose a name for a company and who to contact?

Often such naming is accompanied by the choice of a logo, corporate colors, and the formulation of the company’s mission. This method has only one drawback - the high price.

Marketing research can also help in selection. They are ordered from agencies or carried out independently. This method is convenient if a company enters an established market with an already formed pool of consumers.

Sometimes success is brought by random names that have nothing to do with the company’s field of activity. But such examples should be considered as exceptions. By calling the company “Pear” you are unlikely to be able to repeat the success of Apple.

Company name: examples, list for various business areas

When choosing names, consider the positive or negative experiences of other entrepreneurs. Interesting ideas can be gleaned simply by flipping through a telephone directory. Such a mini-research will not only help you choose something interesting for yourself, but will also explain what trends are relevant in a particular market.

How to come up with a name for construction companies: examples and creative options

Construction companies in the minds of consumers should be associated with reliability, stability, and quality. Therefore, simple, clear, easy-to-remember names are quite appropriate: “Cement”, “Zhilishchnik”, “MasterDom”.

It is advisable to use words that are not too long; combinations of several syllables and abbreviations are appropriate: “ZhilDorEkspedit”, “StroySib”. The names of construction companies may include the names of materials, tools, and various types of buildings: “Cottage”, “StroyTown”.

Two-word names are less common in this market, which can make a company stand out from its competitors. For example, the name “Beautiful Homes” is suitable for builders of economy-class housing, and “Suburban Space” is suitable for companies specializing in suburban real estate.

A successful name for a furniture company: examples and easy-to-remember options

The furniture market is very wide. It is desirable that the name clearly indicates the specialization of a particular company. This will help attract your target audience. Choose simple, interesting, easy-to-remember names that can be used in advertising.

For companies specializing in expensive furniture, the names “Trianon”, “Versailles”, “Provence”, “Fashion House”, “Interior” are suitable. A company that sells upholstered furniture could use the name “Divanchik,” and a center that sells kitchens could be called “Kitchens of the World.”

However, a name indicating a narrow product group may interfere with expansion. It will be difficult for the consumer to understand that the Nashi Doors store sells not only doors, but also orthopedic mattresses and beds.

A successful name can favorably distinguish a company from competitors, make it recognizable and memorable. Support your big name with appropriate level of services, competent staff and reasonable prices.

The name of a company or firm: how to come up with and what to consider when choosing, which names attract more customers and help promote the business? The answers to these and other questions are contained in the following video:

It is impossible to register a company without a name. It will also not be possible to open a bank account, enter an invoice or conclude a contract. The name of the company is an important component of the image and success of the business. It should be easy to remember, evoke only positive emotions from customers and partners, and also have a resource for the development of a separate brand. In the future, the LLC name will work for the owner, providing a certain level of income.

The name largely determines the prospects for business development. Some entrepreneurs take a lot of time and effort to get ahead, while others are lucky. There are statistics of positive changes in the financial condition of the company after changing the name. The LLC name should become a strong marketing tool. Experienced specialists have long developed the principles and rules for compiling the optimal name of the enterprise.

But do not rush to choose a name or use the first one that comes to mind. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of a word in a person's life. Many will remember the words of Captain Vrungel: "As you call the ship, so it will sail." The second part of the article provides important information on the energy of words. It is described how to choose the right company name so that it reflects the scope of activities and contributes to prosperity.

How to name a brand

The term "brand" comes from the Old Norse word "fire", which means a successful trade or service. A brand is a high-quality product with a good reputation, which is known to a wide range of consumers and is able to create a holistic image of the product in the minds of people. It has a unique name and symbolism. Any goods and services can be a brand: product, design, service, sign, etc.

If there are no plans to expand the business, for example, opening a small store in a small town, there are fewer requirements for the name, which allows you to follow the general rules. You can interview prospective clients about the name or offer to choose it from a list compiled by the owner.

Successful businessmen spare no expense to create and promote brands, the rights to which will become a source of income. A memorable logo and a good name guarantee the company's success and prosperity in a highly competitive market. A beautiful name should be a commercial offer, be based on a positive image of the product and offer unique opportunities to meet consumer requirements.

A good LLC name can save you time when you expand your business significantly.

Basic principles for choosing a name

The brand is not a product, and its name should not be a description of the characteristics and essence of the product. It should highlight an important difference between the product and its competitors.

The name should express the value of the company, create and maintain a connection between the product and the consumer. Almost any name can be a successful brand if you make efforts to unify it. For example, Marlboro - reflects the area, Coca-Cola - composition. The name should be associated with the specifics of the product and focused on further development, regardless of the commodity situation.

  1. You should not give a direct description of the product - the name should highlight, not describe. To disclose the characteristics of the product, advertising, marketing are used, the repetition of information in the title will be redundant. A descriptive title will limit marketing opportunities when copies of the product appear from competitors. In the future, the trade name may turn out to be a generic product. A striking example is the name of the first antibiotics with penicillin - Terramycine, Vibramycine. Modern drugs are produced under patented brands - Tagamet, Zantac.
  2. A successful name may not reflect the characteristics of the product at all. This highlights its uniqueness for a long time (Apple).
  3. The name should take into account the time factor and remain unique for a long period. Unfortunate examples include Radiola, which in Latin means "warmth", but in reality this household appliance is not based on heating. Sport 2000 is a reference to a year that may look old-fashioned in the future. EuropAssitance - binding to the region, which prevents it from spreading to other continents. Silhouette (silhouette) began to promote yogurt for the health of the body, not weight loss. This principle is especially important for medium-sized businesses.
  4. The name should provide perspective development in the international market. For example, the American brand CGE is often confused with rival GE; Nike is not eligible for registration in a number of Arab countries.

Recently, the following methods of creating a brand name have been especially popular:

  • syllables or letters from the names (surnames) of the founders;
  • surname + prefix K °, off;
  • display in the part of the name of the subject of the product without direct mention (water, sea - Aqualor, Morenasal, Dolphin, Aquamaris).

Name ideas can be found on specialized sites that generate lists of suitable names for free. You can also use the paid services of agencies - naming, which will select a creative name that brings good luck.

What name will bring good luck to LLC?

When choosing a name for a company, the reaction and emotions of potential consumers of the product are taken into account. It must be clear to the target audience. To make sure the name is successful, you can conduct a survey among future customers.

Naming specialists have deduced several important rules:

  • The names in the list should be simple, pleasant and not misleading to consumers (Vityaz florist shop, Elena Prekrasnaya restaurant are inappropriate).
  • It is not necessary that the name reflect information about the product. The main thing is that it should be easy to pronounce and evoke positive emotions.
  • It is not recommended to tie the name to a geographical location. This will allow you to quickly expand your business in the future without renaming.
  • If there are foreign words in the name, their meaning and interpretation should be clarified. Chevy Nova was renamed for the South American auto market, as it literally translated "does not go."
  1. Use of full names and surnames. When selling a company, problems arise or negative personal associations may form among consumers.
  2. Use words of complex form or with a negative meaning.
  3. Apply templates, hackneyed phrases.
  4. The Civil Code prohibits the use of full or abbreviated names of the state, authorities and local self-government, public associations, contrary to the principles of morality and humanity.

The use of the words "Russian Federation", "Russia" and derivative words requires a special permit and an additional state duty (10-50 thousand rubles) is paid.

The name of a company that does not plan large-scale development may indicate the type of activity (production or installation of air conditioners - "Breeze"). A sense of proportion is important. Hard-to-remember or pronounceable names will not bring good luck in business: Moskavtotransservis, Stroypromconsult. But a draft beer store can be safely called with the definition of product characteristics.

Directions for creating successful company names

A consonant name indicating the type of activity will be an ideal option for companies with great prospects. It should consist of 1-2 simple words. Consistency with well-known brands will negatively affect profits and may lead to litigation for copyright infringement.

It is important to understand that Omsk Furniture will not be in demand in Moscow. The name must be legible in the common languages ​​of the world. Words should at least remotely indicate the activities of the LLC - the consumer must understand what is offered to him.

An abbreviation would not be the best option for a name, as it confuses potential customers and depersonalizes the company. However, there is an exception to all rules: BMW (Bavarian Motor Works).

Owners initials

The first option for the name is always the initials of the owners. The option is good if a person is respected and famous among others.

The names of the owners or their initials are popular companies: TM "Mersedes", "Honda", "Tinokov". We can recall the well-known company "Siemens", founded by Werner van Siemens and "Phillips" - the name of the founders of the business.


A good option might be a fusion of two words or an acronym from the first sounds. The Lego global company comes from the Danish phrase leg godt - "play well". Additionally, the name is translated from Latin as "collect". The brand name was created by a non-professional, but its popularity is growing every year.

A good example would be FaceBook. The method is convenient for quickly creating a name. StroyGrand is a universal name that is easy to remember.

Sports shoe manufacturer Adidas is named after the owner of the company, Adolf Dassler.

Good examples of names indicating the location of the company are ZIL (Likhachev Plant), KamAZ (Kama Automobile Plant).

Often the names are boring and unattractive to customers. A creative name promotes the brand.

Fictional and historical characters

Beautiful names of companies that have earned worldwide recognition were sometimes named after mythical or historical characters. A striking example is "Canon" - the modified name of the Buddhist deity Kwanon. The owners of Blue Ribbon Sports have changed their name to Nike Inc in honor of the Greek goddess of victory.

There are also firms on the Russian market named after famous characters - Napoleon, Lincoln. Many brands have turned out to be a tool of popularity for their developers. Successful brands have made their owners into legends.

Associations and the environment

History knows successful variants of the name with a word that describes a natural phenomenon or an abstract concept that evokes associations with the company's product. "Hyundai" is translated as "modernity", and "Samsung" - "3 stars".

This category can conditionally include the name according to Feng Shui, which provides for a harmonious combination of symbols with a positive meaning. There is a limit on the number of letters - no more than 5. The last must be a vowel. A good example would be the Sony brand. The name comes from the Latin sonus - "sound", and in English it sounds like sunny - "sunny". However, in Japanese, sonny is a loss. This was the main reason for the rejection of one letter n in the middle of the word.

Transport company name examples

A successful transport company must have a beautiful name that stands out from the competition. English words can be used:

  • artway - art + road;
  • arrive - arrive;

It is allowed to combine the initials of co-owners or part of their surnames. The name of the company should sound easy: Azimu, AvtoTrans, VestOl, TransLogistic, Rota Leasing, Inteltrans, TransAlyans. When creating a unique name for an LLC, you can work in the following areas:

  • connect prefixes (auto-, trans-) and part of the name (AlRosa, RusAl);
  • associations with speed, transportation, road (Trajectory, Fast transportation);
  • resort to metaphors or play around with words (Avis is a bird);
  • use derivative words from "express", "trance", "speed";
  • apply abbreviations (BNK - Quickly, Reliably, Qualitatively);
  • neologism is a new word.

Whatever activity the company is engaged in, its name should be easy to pronounce and quickly remembered, be harmonious, not have multiple interpretations, exclude floating stress and negative associations in pronunciation, and cause pleasant visualizations.

Construction company name

The name of the construction company should form a sense of trust, reliability and comfort (UyutDom, Domstroy). Similarities with competing firms and their abbreviations should be excluded as much as possible.

The name of the LLC in this area can display the profile of the proposed work (StroyMaster, GarantElit, StreamHouse). You can try to beat the profile word: build - Build-ka, StroyMig, PoStroy. Today there are names with prefixes (Derwold & Co).

A large number of new construction companies in the network does not negate the importance of the name and the principles of its compilation.

Law firm name

A good lawyer must be reliable, inspire confidence and trust in clients. Similar requirements apply to law firms. The name should not be long, which prevents quick memorization ("Right").

The owners often combine their names in Russian or a foreign language: Yukov, Spencer and Kaufmann, SayenkoKharenko. A foreign basis can be used in the slogan: Avellum - A (the first letter of the Greek alphabet) + vellum (parchment for legislative acts).

  • use no more than 3 words;
  • the search should begin with Russian words, then Latin ones;
  • neologisms should be deciphered in the company's slogan to indicate the scope of activity;
  • the abbreviation of the name of several words should be harmonious;
  • avoid legal terms - trite and hackneyed;
  • do not use a common name to avoid difficulties in registering a trademark.

The name of a law firm should reflect the professionalism, personal values ​​of employees and owners. Particular attention is paid to the color scheme and graphic design of the unique logo.

Furniture company name

The product of a company in this field of activity should evoke a sense of style, leadership, luxury, and comfort. When choosing a name, the following methods are used:

  • use georeferencing: Eden;
  • beat foreign words: glass (glass) - Sanglass;
  • basis "furniture": Mebelink, MebelStil;
  • highlighting the scope of activities: Soft lines, Interior;
  • emphasis on positive associations: Formula of Comfort, Residence;
  • add prefixes or symbols: Prima-M, Glebov and Co.;
  • beat the words: Furniture, Mebelius;
  • foreign basis: MebelStyle;
  • use a first or last name: Furniture from Ivanov.

Name of the accounting company

The name should indicate solidity, inspire trust and positive emotions. It is strictly forbidden to play with humorous names (AccountingConsultingAudit - BUKA). With the name, the type of activity and the seriousness of the organization should be clear: ExpertPlus, Glafbuh, guarantor, Balance, Accountant, Your accountant. It is allowed to beat foreign words: TaxOff, Account (account).

Modern names often contain abbreviations (Accounting Statements Tax Returns - BOND), parts of the names of the owners in an euphonious form.

How to come up with a monetary name for an LLC, taking into account the energy of words

Each letter has a digital analogue, the vibration of which it obeys. This is clearly seen in the table.

To determine the energy of the name, the digital names of the letters are combined until a common number is obtained. For a clear example, let's analyze the name "Elite":

4 (E) + 4 (L) + 1 (I) + 2 (T) + 1 (A) = 12

After a miscalculation, you can proceed to decipher the name:

  • UNIT - the beginning of the beginnings. It brings good luck to companies that bring new and unusual products to market. The names are suitable for innovative developments, new technologies. The new brand will be easy to promote, it will win the trust and support of consumers. The star patron of the unit is considered the Sun, which symbolizes courage and power.
  • TWO is suitable for organizations whose mission is to take care of people (kindergarten, school, clinic). The figure is favorable for cleaning companies, landscaping companies (landscaping, gardening), hairdressing, manicure, etc. The patron of the deuce is the Moon, filled with femininity and sophistication.
  • TROIKA improves the well-being of businesses in the entertainment sector: restaurants, bowling alleys, cinemas, children's play centers, attractions, cultural centers, etc. Helps in the production and supply of food: cafes, pizzerias. Troika will ensure the success of the acting studio, advertising agencies, and design studios. Her patron is Jupiter, the merging of opposites, their interaction and union. Thus, the name will carry balance and perfection.
  • FOUR - the number of large companies, a symbol of the birth of organized matter and creation. Will bring profit and success to agricultural, forestry, woodworking organizations. Many successful metallurgical and engineering plants have a name consonant with the four. It is ideal for design bureau, construction firms. The protector will be Uranus, stable and manageable.
  • FIVE has favorable energy for companies in the field of recreation and sports: a fishing and sports shop, a fitness club, SPA, baths and saunas, sanatoriums. Will contribute to the active development of tourism organizations and guides. Will bring profit to the salon of cars or spare parts for them. The patron is Mercury, leading to change and perfection.
  • SIX is ideal for creative or artistic activities (artists, art salon). Good energy for an antique shop, selling flowers and souvenirs. Everything that can decorate a house and bring comfort to its owner (furniture, decor salons) will be among them. Success is guaranteed to beauty salons, clothing, cosmetologists, medical centers. Venus will help in development. Six reflects the ideal of human perfection.

  • SEVEN - elite. It is favorable for expensive shops and elite clubs, companies with unusual and expensive products. Suitable for travel companies with exotic resorts or unusual forms of recreation. The star patron will be Neptune, symbolizing the spiritual and cultural basis of things.
  • EIGHT - the patron of large financial companies with a large cash flow. Brings good luck to banks, accounting and audit companies. Saturn will help, combining the ultimate materialism and infinity.
  • NINE will help charitable organizations, private educational organizations. Suitable for psychological rehabilitation centers and practicing psychologists. The patron is Mars, the end of the old and the beginning of the new.

So, before opening any business, you need to calculate everything, both literally and figuratively.

Examples of successful titles

To see the importance of the energy component, consider a few examples of successful companies:

  • Sberbank - 1+2+6+9+2+1+6+3=30 3+0=3;
  • Ochakovo - 7+7+1+3+7+3+7=35 3+5=8;
  • Russian Sea - 3;
  • Euroset - 1;
  • Megaphone - 6;
  • Tape - 1;
  • Gazprom - 8;
  • Yandex - 9;
  • Pharma - 2;
  • Magnet - 1.

If the name is chosen taking into account the laws of numerology, then the success of the company is ensured, they should not be neglected. Use the recommendations above and calculate the chosen name options.

Any successful business does not fully function without a beautiful name. Its definition is a complex task that requires taking into account many nuances. Regardless of the field of activity, the name of an LLC should be simple, harmonious and evoke positive associations. The name of the company should make people want to cooperate with it.

Be sure to take into account the scale of the business: it is inappropriate to call large companies fairy-tale characters or words in a diminutive form. An excellent option would be an associative word.

If you can’t choose a beautiful name on your own, then you can contact agencies specializing in naming. For their services, specialists may require up to 30 thousand rubles. A free source of ideas will be sites with name generators that will give you a list of suitable names.

Remember that the name determines the marketing policy and product promotion on the market.

The question of what to name an LLC is a very serious one. To put it simply, how the ship is named determines how it will sail.

More specifically, the LLC name refers to a marketing tool, and there are known cases of changes in the financial condition of an organization after changing its name.

In addition, the company’s business card – its name – should evoke positive associations and impressions among consumers and others. Especially if customers are not yet familiar with the company.

Gone are the days when all stores had the same signs; in times of competition, choosing a company name requires a special approach.

Basic rules for choosing an LLC name

How to choose the name of a firm or company based on the laws of the Russian Federation?

The Civil Code, Article 1473, Part 4 confirms that a legal entity must choose an individual name reflected in the main documents of a commercial organization. It must be registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

There are also certain rules that explain how to choose an organization name. Violation of the conditions for selecting a name may result in refusal of registration in the register.

Rules for forming the name of a legal entity:

  1. There must be a reflection of the organizational and legal form, for example, CJSC or LLC.
  2. If it is made up of Latin, English or any foreign words, there should be a version of the name in Russian.
  3. There is a limitation on phrases with parts “Mos” or “Ros”, which are derivatives of “Moscow” or “Russia”. Permission is required to use them.
  4. There should be no overlap with the names of various departments, law enforcement agencies and ministries.

The LLC sign should be memorable and loud. It is desirable that it be related to the organization's profile.

Note: invented phrases must be based on Federal Law No. 14 of the Civil Code, adopted on February 8, 1998, which describes the requirements for limited liability companies.

What can you name the company?

How to come up with an interesting, memorable name? Even clients will be happy with a simple and pleasant name for the organization; it will serve as an advertising tool.

How to choose the right brand name?

An easy to pronounce sign that evokes positive emotions can:

  1. Be related to the product, but do not describe it.
  2. Consist of the owner's surname and the prefix K+, or his name. Although it is possible that in the future a situation may arise when it is necessary to change your last name or first name. Among the well-known ones, there is the Mercedes concern, which bears the name of the owner’s daughter.
  3. Display the concept of the organization, for example, “Windows - home”.
  4. Be an abbreviation of initials or objects, for example, "OiD" means "windows and doors."
  5. Be original through the use of sonorous foreign words, such as “Corporation” or “Promotion”.
  6. Include characters from history or Greek myth, such as the Perseus pool.
  7. Be composed according to Feng Shui, harmoniously combining symbols and positive meaning.

Names that bring good luck should not have a time frame; they are aimed at the future prosperity of the organization. For example, “Sport – 2001” will not be relevant in 2018.

It is worth noting: Don't look for a list of available titles. If the name matches the one already listed in the Unified Register, your organization will have a different registration number. Therefore, call your company whatever you want, but within reasonable limits.

What is it prohibited to call an LLC?

The main condition that must be observed when choosing a designation for an organization is the inadmissibility of designations that violate the principles of morality, public interests and humanity.

Prohibited use:

  • patented names, there cannot be a second “Adidas”;
  • full or abbreviated names of any state;
  • names of bodies related to state power at any level;
  • profanity, slang, obscene words;
  • complex words and words that have a negative meaning;
  • hackneyed phrases and templates;
  • full or abbreviated names of public associations and international organizations.

Please note: If you want to add the particle “Ros” or “Mos” to the name, you must obtain permission from the Interdepartmental Commission, where you will need to pay a state fee of up to 50 thousand rubles.

Permission to use the words “Russia” or “Ros” is obtained if:

  • the organization has representative offices in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, occupying half of the country;
  • the organization is considered a major taxpayer, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • the company plays a leading role in the market for a particular product.

The use of the word “Moscow” is justified by Decree of the Government of the capital No. 147, issued on March 27, 2015. It discusses the order in which the state symbols of the capital can be used.

Violation of certain rules for compiling a name threatens legal claims and lawsuits, which may result in bans on this name and financial losses.

Examples of beautiful company names

Creative LLC names can be obtained from naming agencies, which can be contacted online. The options they offer can be very different, the main thing is that they are happy.

And specialists select them in any way they like, sometimes simply alphabetically. For example, listing beautiful words starting with the letter “A”.

However, their services will not be free.


Brand names for construction companies can be justified by the reliability, trust and competitive ability of the organization.

Options for names of construction companies:

  • "Uyutdom";
  • "Your home";
  • "Build House Service";
  • “By Build” and others.

Here you need to be very careful. Clients are unlikely to believe that the builders of Mig Dom Stroya can build, for example, a medical center with high quality and on time.


Objects of trade need to be decorated with memorable and accurate signs, rich, reflecting the type of activity of trading companies:

  • assortment of purchases – “Books”, “Stockings”;
  • scale of display of goods - “Store”, “Bazaar”;
  • product quality – “Budget”, “Extra”;
  • the relevance of types of purchases - “Second Hand”, “Fashion”;
  • gender and age characteristics of buyers - “Fashionist”, “Cavalier”, “Madame”.


Transportation company brands must stand out from competitors.

Their names can be:

  • using English words, for example, artway - translated as “road with art”;
  • combining the initials or part of the owner’s surname with the prefix “trans” or “auto”, for example, “AlexTrans”;
  • with the association of transportation, roads, speed, for example, “Trajectory”;
  • using the abbreviation BNK, which stands for Speed, Reliability, Quality.

Examples of names of companies engaged in cargo transportation are “Avtotrans”, “Transservice”.

For taxis they often use “Mustang”, “Fast and Furious”.

The prefix “Auto” is widely used, for example, “Favorite Auto”.

Furniture organizations

The names of furniture enterprises can be justified:

  • creation of luxury furniture - “Vip Style”, “Elite Style”;
  • production of furniture of certain styles - “House Empire”, “Barroco - Style”;
  • using cool popular words - “Stool”, “Papa Carlo”;
  • the presence of style and luxury - “Furniture Style”, “Prima - M”.

Law firms

Such organizations have weighty and unshakable names: “Partner”, “Advisor”, “Themis”. Such brands create the impression that the company’s employees are highly qualified and capable of resolving any legal issue. The best of them achieve high goals.


Brands in tourism depend on the specialization of the company.

For a beach holiday, the following are suitable: “Sea Breeze” and “Sunny Beach”.

If there are excursion trips - “Oasis”, “Columbus”, “Traveler”. The prefixes “Cruise”, “Travel”, “Line” and “Tour” are common.

Neutral names are given to companies with diversified businesses, those that do not cling to any profile. For example, a historical name or the name of a mythical hero.

If you do not consider yourself a generator of ideas, and cannot come up with an original and successful name for your company, then re-read the article and the answer will come by itself. Good luck!

Watch the video, which gives practical advice on how best to name an LLC: