What do you need to open an internet cafe? Is the internet cafe business still alive? How to open an Internet cafe yourself

How to open a computer club - we offer a step-by-step business plan + 8 clear steps to open your project.

Capital investment in an online club: RUB 863,000.
Payback period according to the business plan: 12 months.

How much time do you spend on the Internet?

The information network attracts more and more people; it has become an integral part of our lives.

Your own computer club is a real way to turn an expense item for millions of people into a source of income for you.

The main document that will help in this direction is computer club business plan.

Let's look at the features of the business and the main points that you need to pay attention to.

Most likely, you think that the Internet is present in every home.

How can you get a consumer sitting in a comfortable chair to get up and go to such an establishment?

But a real entrepreneur must look at things deeper, delve into the essence of things.

The Internet is a network.

It allows huge masses of people who have common interests, problems, values, and hobbies to be in close communication.

Let's turn to sociology: a group of people with common interests strives to unite - this is a fact.

The idea of ​​opening a computer club is to provide such an opportunity for people to gather in one place.

The entrepreneur gives joy to the guests, and keeps the income for himself.

What list of documents is included in the computer club business plan?

The first step you should take when opening your own computer business is to properly register the enterprise.

To register a Limited Liability Company, certain conditions are required:

    The presence of one or more founders.

    They can be both individuals and legal entities.

    Initial capital (minimum 10,000 rubles).

    The amount can be contributed either in money or property.

    Initially, you can deposit 5,000 rubles, and then, within 12 months, deposit the rest of the amount.

    It is necessary to draw up a charter.

    This document is mandatory and is often developed based on the sample, simply by changing the necessary data.

After fulfilling all the conditions specified above, the second stage begins - assembling a package of documents for registering a computer business.

The list of necessary documentation in order to open a computer club is given in the form of a table:

DocumentDesign method
Confirmation of the uniqueness of the club nameContact Rospatent
Confirmation of business locationInterregional inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for centralized data processing.
Memorandum of associationTo be drawn up by a notary before the LLC charter is drawn up
Data on the size of the initial investmentAn extract from the relevant bank, with the exact amount of investment
The decision to open an LLCApply according to the instructions posted on the website of the Federal Tax Service
Details of the bank where the company's account is opened.Statement from the relevant bank

Only after collecting all the necessary documents and placing the enterprise in the register of the federal tax service, the process of opening a computer club can be completed.

If you have difficulties registering a business, it is better to seek help from an experienced lawyer.

He will be able to organize the process properly.

Costs for resolving issues of this kind will cost from 10,000 rubles. (it all depends on the experience of the lawyer and the office he represents).

Marketing analysis for a computer club business plan

1. Analysis of the target audience.

At the second stage of designing a business plan, you need to clearly define the target audience of the club that you decide to open.

Any establishment works for the consumer, blindly - this is the key to project failure.

Who might be the target audience of the computer club?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand one important detail - now it is impossible to attract visitors simply by having powerful computers and uninterrupted Internet access.

Most potential guests have a computer at home; they do not need to visit such establishments.

Below is a diagram that opens the reader’s eyes to how many percent of the adult population of Russia are aware of the existence of the Internet and actively use all its resources

The diagram shows the percentage of the total population of Russia.

The computer club will be located in a city where approximately 80% of residents constantly encounter and use the Internet.

After analyzing this information, we will determine the main target audience based on the possible purposes of visiting the computer club.

The main goal of the modern visitor is team battles in popular games (World of Tanks, Total War, Dota 2, etc.).

We determine the age of a standard visitor – 14–26 years old, i.e. these are schoolchildren, students or simply working people who are interested in spending time together in a computer club.

Also, we cannot discard that small percentage of guests whose goal is stable Internet access.

Let's look at future visitors to our club more clearly:

2. List of competitive advantages.

When drawing up a business plan for a computer club, we must focus on the return on investment of the enterprise and constant income.

The goal is to determine why the consumer should choose our establishment and how it compares favorably with competitors’ establishments.

Creating competitive advantages in practice turns out to be a very difficult task.

To solve it, a deep analysis of the properties of the product is required; in our case, the computer club itself can be called a product.

Let's list its properties:

  • Quality of Internet services.
    High speed and uninterrupted network access.
  • Level of technical equipment.
    The quality of computers in the club, technical indicators that allow them to demonstrate the best performance.
  • Location of the computer establishment.
  • Staff.
    Ability to provide quality service.
  • Convenience of the client's workplace.
  • Quality of food, drinks.
  • Interior design solution.
  • Atmosphere.

Having determined the properties of a computer club, we will determine its advantages.

In practice, the most significant qualities for visitors turned out to be comfort and compliance with the pricing policy for the services offered.

For a business to make money, you need to try to design all the exceptional qualities in the early stages.

Marketing does not forgive mistakes!

When developing a business plan, you should be based on the idea of ​​​​maximizing all the qualities of the enterprise, achieving maximum competitive advantages.

Promotion methods or how to open a computer club and attract more people to it?

Advertising an enterprise guarantees an increase in the flow of customers; more guests mean more money.

Let's set a marketing task in the business plan - it is necessary to attract as many city residents as possible to the club.

The correct formulation of the problem is very important, because now we understand that the audience of visitors is limited to residents of the city, and perhaps even a small area where the club is located.

Taking into account the specifics of the establishment, we suggest considering the most localized promotion approaches.

Their list and implementation is demonstrated below:

    Publications in the local press.

    We are ready to declare to all skeptics that the press will never go back to the distant past, even printed forms of publications do not lose popularity.

    Publications on local Internet resources.

    It is logical to promote a computer club on the Internet.

    Word of mouth radio.

    For a small sum, city residents are ready to disseminate any information.

    Loyalty programs.

    Example: provide a discount to people of retirement age.

    In this way, you can achieve public favor and respect for business.

    Don't lose touch with consumers.

    Maintain contact with them, congratulate them on significant events, showing attention has the same effect - only in your direction.


    Create such an atmosphere of the establishment that the guest would like to return to you and bring a couple of friends.

    You can win over customers by writing a positive review on a local forum.

When designing a business plan for a computer club, you need to pay attention to quality marketing.

Choosing a room for a computer club

A computer club should be opened in a densely populated residential area of ​​the city.

Why is this decision correct?

Our target audience for the business plan is students and schoolchildren, i.e. the time of greatest activity is reduced to 16.00 - 23.00 (after school or work).

This is the very moment when this contingent confidently walks towards their home (few students live in the center).

The first factor provoked the emergence of the second - the close location to home is very convenient (remember the competitive advantages!).

The rental price is significantly lower, which will reduce costs.

    Room characteristics

    A computer club is an establishment where clients work with technology, i.e. we need to pay attention to fire safety, climate control, high-quality electricity, access or the possibility of placing the technical equipment of a high-speed network distribution point.

    Cost of rental services

    Renting a room for a computer club of 50 sq.m will cost approximately 23,000 - 24,000 rubles. (the cost can range from 10,000 to 40,000 rubles).

Selection of equipment for a computer club

Minimum equipment checklist for 15 workplaces (+ administrator position) according to the business plan:
(1 piece/rub.)
(total rub.)
Total: 706,000 rub.
PC (full build)
16 33 000 528 000
Computer desk
16 6 000 96 000
Office chair
16 4 500 72 000
Access Point (Full Assembly)
1 10 000 10 000

Recruitment of personnel for the club

The staff is the soul of the establishment; if everything is in order with the service in your club, customers will return again and again.

Let's make a list of required employees:


    If you are going to work around the clock, you will need several people for this position.

    System Administrator.

    A very important employee who is directly responsible for the operation of the equipment.


    Working with a cash register also requires a separate person; calculating taxes and payments is a very painstaking task.

    Security guard.

    When there is so much equipment in an establishment, without descriptions it is obvious why a security guard will be needed.

The minimum wage in Russia is 7,500 rubles, i.e. We expect that employees will receive an average of 15,000 - 18,000 rubles. per month.

Don't forget about taxes: for each employee you will have to pay about 15% of his income.

Using simple mathematical operations, we calculate the total amount: ~ 73,000 rubles.

The video shows an example of setting up a computer club:

Financial section of a computer club business plan

“If you set out for your goal and stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​that barks at you, you will never reach your goal.”
Fedor Dostoevsky

Let's calculate how much money we need to open a computer club.

It is necessary to take into account the rental of premises, inspections of sanitation stations, costs of equipment and employee salaries.

By excluding technical equipment and replacing it with technical support, running a business will cost 127,000 rubles.

To determine the payback period after opening, let’s calculate the club’s daily income.

When the hall is loaded with 10 people for 24 hours and the cost per hour is 30 rubles. per person, it turns out to be 216,000 per month.

Let's subtract the amount of the monthly investment: in total we have 89,000 rubles.

In this article, we answered the question, how to open a computer club.

The payback period for the project was 12 months.

With careful design and dedication in establishing a business, the project is sure to be successful.

Are you ready to devote a year of your life to realizing your dream?

Take action, entrepreneurship requires good ideas and quick decisions, don't miss your chance.

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Despite the fact that today there are computers with Internet access in almost every home, Internet cafes do not lose their popularity. If you develop a business project for such an establishment correctly, it will flourish and bring good profits. This line of activity is of interest to many enterprising people who want to ensure a stable income without large investments. Anyone can open an Internet cafe from scratch. The most important thing is the desire to work and develop your business.

Where to begin?

As mentioned above, anyone can become the owner of an Internet cafe. To do this, you do not need to be fluent in IT technologies or understand computers.

Beginning businessmen who have entrepreneurial abilities can choose the right premises, hire staff and solve all organizational issues. But in order to purchase and install computer equipment, you should hire experienced specialists in this field. If you don’t know how to open an Internet cafe, seek help from professionals who will help you implement your plan step by step.

Business registration

First of all, you need to determine the organizational and legal form of the enterprise. In order to open a small establishment, it is enough to register a private entrepreneur. To implement a larger-scale project, you need to open an LLC.

In any case, you will have to obtain permits from the fire inspectorate and the SES, since you will be selling food and drinks to your customers.

Premises for rent

In order for a cafe offering Internet services to generate good profits, it is necessary to find a suitable location for it. The attendance of the establishment largely depends on this.

Before choosing a premises, determine the main category of your regular customers and calculate their travel routes. At the point of their intersection, you need to open a 24-hour Internet cafe. Visit this place on weekends and weekdays to adjust your estimates.

The best options:

  • City center;
  • Areas in which hotels, universities or clubs are located;
  • sleeping areas of the city.

If we talk about the premises itself, its area should be chosen depending on what services you are going to offer to your clients. According to experts, there is no point in opening a small outlet, since dozens of similar establishments can be found in every city. An internet cafe business will become profitable only if you offer a variety of services to your customers.


The Internet club should have 20-30 computers installed. Three of them must have scanners connected. In addition, a minibar should be equipped to offer clients a variety of snacks and drinks.

List of main services:

  • Internet access;
  • Use of application programs;
  • Scanning and printing texts;
  • Copying information to digital media.

Internet cafes are a fairly promising business. The bulk of visitors to such establishments are young people. Competition in this area is constantly growing, so before opening an online club, carefully analyze the market situation, and also familiarize yourself with the pricing policies of other establishments. We recommend that you read.

Staff workers

If the business plan for an internet cafe involves round-the-clock operation, you need to hire approximately 10 people per shift to serve customers:
  • Director;
  • Managers;
  • IT specialists;
  • Copy center worker;
  • Bartender;
  • Security guard;
  • Computer games specialist;
  • Service staff.

The selection of personnel must be taken seriously and responsibly. They are trained if necessary. This type of work can be easily done by students. To avoid staff turnover, employees should be rewarded with bonuses and allowed to move up the career ladder.


It is better to rent the premises for an internet cafe. This will cost you several thousand dollars. Instead of computers, you can purchase laptops. This equipment is cheaper, so you can save a lot of money.

In addition, you need to purchase furniture and interior items. Also buy several universal chargers for mobile devices. Customers who forgot to charge their gadget at home will be very grateful to you.

If we talk about food and drinks, their range will be small, so you won’t have to spend a lot of money on purchasing these goods. To accurately calculate how much it costs to open an Internet cafe, you need to work for at least a month, since many expenses appear in the process of activity.


The income of such an establishment does not depend on the number of computers installed in the room, but on their occupancy and rental cost. Occupancy is the time paid for by visitors. On average, you need to pay 30 rubles for one hour of rental. The cost of Internet traffic is 2–3 rubles per MB.

Internet clubs can be legal or illegal. In such establishments, all software and games must be licensed, and each computer must have its own separate box. The cost of licensed products is quite high, so novice entrepreneurs open illegal computer rooms, which pay for themselves in a short period of time. Free Internet cafes that install computers to attract new customers are very popular. Profits in such establishments are made from the sale of food and drinks.

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Provider selection

The main problem of all Internet club owners is the choice of provider. Unfortunately, today it is quite difficult to find a strategic partner who will offer high-quality communications at affordable prices. Most likely, you will encounter two or three operators who dictate their terms. Therefore, before opening an Internet cafe in a small town, carefully consider whether it will be busy enough to cover all monthly expenses and make a profit.


To attract new customers to your establishment, you need to conduct large-scale advertising campaigns. To do this, you can use newspapers, advertising in the subway, banners, etc. A bright, memorable sign will bring up to 30% of visitors to the Internet cafe.

Large computer clubs are constantly expanding the range of their services. You can use any offers that may interest customers.


Before opening an online cafe, restaurant or business, you need to draw up a business plan and roughly calculate the profit and profitability of the establishment. In each region, the cost of provider services, rent and utilities is different, so determining profitability is not so easy.

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According to some reports, opening an Internet cafe requires about 30-40 thousand dollars in start-up funds. The main investments are the purchase of computers, Internet connection and minor repairs (design) of the premises. The return on investment, according to various estimates, ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 years...

Due to the ban on gambling throughout the country that came into force in 2008, establishments with slot machines began to open like mushrooms after rain under the guise of Internet cafes. This began to greatly hinder those who opened a truly legal business providing Internet access services (due to increased inspections by regulatory authorities).

However, successful projects in this area are not uncommon. For example, in the city of Krasnodar there are over 40 Internet cafes. These are mainly chain establishments (3 points per entrepreneur). And if in the capital and large cities the niche is practically occupied, then in cities with a population of less than 500 thousand people there is room for such a business to develop.

What is an Internet cafe?

What is an Internet cafe? As a rule, this is an establishment where you can go online, drink coffee and cookies, and chat in a cozy atmosphere with friends and acquaintances. However, payment for services in different cafes may differ. For example, an entrance fee may be charged (100 - 200 rubles), but the Internet can be used as much as you like. Or payment is taken for the hours spent on the computer. Some establishments operate on the anti-cafe principle, that is, payment is taken for the time spent in the establishment, but all services, including the bar, can be used absolutely free (although the price tag in such cafes is slightly higher).

Choosing a location to open an Internet cafe

Where to open an internet cafe? For these purposes, it is better to choose a more or less passable place. It is better if it is a premises near schools, colleges, technical schools, universities or student dormitories. Since the lion's share of clients are young people aged 16 to 30 years.

Other good places to locate an establishment are tourist areas. In the modern world, young people are so accustomed to the Internet that they need it almost as much as they need food and clothing. And when arriving in another city or even country, they experience difficulty accessing the Internet, especially since not everyone takes a computer with them.

As for the requirements for the premises, to open a cafe you will need an area of ​​at least 100 m2. Please note one very important point. According to SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03, at least 4.5 square meters must be allocated per workplace in the premises of cultural and entertainment institutions. meters. It follows that on an area of ​​100 m2 you can place about 15 computer places, plus some area needs to be allocated for a bar counter, an administrator’s place, a restroom, an entrance room and a wardrobe. As you understand, 100 m2 no longer looks like such a large area; ideally, an Internet cafe should have 30 - 50 computers, especially in large cities. Which will require renting premises of 200 - 250 m2 and high fixed costs for the use of such areas (from 150 thousand rubles per month).

Internet cafes do not have their own kitchen, so food, drinks and snacks for the bar are purchased externally. In order to reach a monthly profit of 100 thousand rubles, a cafe with 30 seats must be visited by about 3,000 people per month or 100 people per day. Provided that an hour of work on a computer costs 40 rubles, and the average daily occupancy of the establishment is 60%.

What equipment to choose for an internet cafe

If you buy a color printer, scanner, copier, then you can provide the corresponding services for printing documents, scanning, photocopying, printing business cards and photographs. This is especially true if the cafe is located next to a university. It makes sense to make the establishment itself open around the clock, since some clients prefer to play computer games at night.

Often people who are far from computer technology come to an Internet cafe, but they need to send an email, print a text or a photo. Such services can be provided to such clients for a fee.

What documents are needed to open an Internet cafe?

No licenses are required to carry out such activities. The only clarification is that software licenses are required if they are installed on computers (microsoft office, photoshop and others). However, you can often get by with standard, free software products.

What OKVED code should I indicate when registering an Internet cafe?

To start your activity, you just need to register individual entrepreneurship at your local tax office. When filling out the application, indicate OKVED 64.2 “Activities in the field of telecommunications.”

Which taxation system to choose for an internet cafe

The tax system most often chosen for internet cafes is the simplified taxation system, 6% of revenue or 15% of profit. This tax regime exempts from payment of income tax, VAT and property tax. However, with the simplified tax system, it is necessary to install a cash register and submit quarterly declarations.


To service a cafe, it is enough to attract two operators, possibly from among the same students, as well as one system administrator and part-time cashier. To motivate work, you can set wages in the form of a small salary (5 - 6 thousand rubles) plus a percentage of the establishment’s revenue. Thus, employees will be interested in serving as many visitors as possible.

There are different ways to promote an Internet cafe. Carrying out all kinds of promotions and discounts helps to increase popularity. For example, discounts for schoolchildren of 50%. You can offer a cumulative system of discounts and subscriptions. It wouldn’t hurt to create your own group on social networks—nowadays all young people “hang out” there.

Step-by-step plan for opening an internet cafe

  1. Rent of premises with an area of ​​at least 100 sq. m. It is ideal when the establishment is divided into zones: the main hall, a cafe and the administrator’s place of work. The premises must have a sanitary area and household premises.
  2. Purchase of equipment, furniture, inventory. It is worth noting that a feature of computer technology is the rapid loss of relevance. That is why it will have to be upgraded from time to time.
  3. Registration of an Internet cafe, legalization of activities.
  4. Hiring workers (if necessary).
  5. Conducting an advertising campaign. The main audience of the Internet cafe is students and schoolchildren. Therefore, it is advisable to place announcements about the launch of an establishment on Internet sites with the target audience.
  6. Launch of an internet cafe.

In large cities, establishments that specialize in providing the population with the opportunity to use the Internet are increasingly appearing. Such cafes bring considerable profit if their work is competently and clearly structured.

If you want to create your own Internet cafe, first decide on its style and atmosphere. You may want your establishment to be associated with a multifunctional center, where you can not only access the Internet, but also use the services of a service center (printing and scanning documents, recording information on flash cards, etc.). Once you have determined the concept of the cafe, try to stick to it when working on opening it.
You cannot choose a location for a future establishment based solely on the availability of funds. The decisive factors should be factors that relate to the potential clientele: average income, place of study or work, preferred leisure time. It will be nice if you take a map of the city and mark its most important points on it: universities and institutes, railway stations, clubs, theaters and cinemas, hotels, metro stations. Using a diagram, try to determine exactly how citizens move around the city. Those places where travel routes intersect most often are the most promising for opening a cafe in them. Visit these places several times (on weekdays and weekends, in the morning and in the evening), this will help you adjust your calculations. Also take a closer look at shopping centers where you can rent premises for a very reasonable amount.

Have you chosen a place? Great, now it's time to buy equipment. It will be much better if you purchase computers from different manufacturers. New products appear on the computer market quite often, so you need to constantly be aware of what is currently being produced. Remember that every computer must have a warranty period. This is very important because you are unlikely to be able to maintain a base from which to carry out routine operational repairs.

Your main audience consists of people from 16 to 40 years old, most of whom mainly work on the Internet at night. Therefore, it is important that your cafe is open 24/7. If your establishment has about 60 computers, then you will need 35-40 workers to service them. In this case, it is best to work in three shifts of eight hours. You will need another shift, a backup, who will always be able to come to work if necessary.

Each shift consists of eight to ten people, which include: a shift foreman, a manager, an IT specialist (preferably two), cafe workers (waiters, bartenders), instructors for inexperienced users, service center employees, security and other personnel.

A personal approach to each client can be an excellent reason to visit your cafe. In particular, your advantage may be the availability of special free courses for inexperienced users, the allocation of a special area for smokers, etc. Take care of all the little things that at first glance seem unnecessary to you, and then customers will want to visit your establishment again.

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Interest in online business is only increasing every year. More and more people are absorbed in cyberspace, so this field of activity is profitable and relevant.


First of all, you need to decide on the concept of your internet cafe. Consider your idea carefully, especially if you don’t want to limit yourself to one cafe, but are planning to open a whole chain. An Internet cafe is a multifunctional place: there should be a room with computers, an entertainment area - a place where the client can calmly drink a cup of coffee or a glass of juice, a service center where information found on the Internet can be recorded on digital media, printed, copied or scan.

Choose a suitable room, but do not be guided by immediate opportunities and desires. Walk around the city, observe where and in what places young people gather, draw up a small diagram that will indicate the locations of residential areas, cafes, cinemas, institutes, and other entertainment and academic institutions. Based on this, already plan where to open an Internet cafe.

Buy decent computers - not the most expensive, but not old machines either. Equipment should be updated at least once a year. When purchasing computers, be sure to agree with your supplier about service and, if possible, an additional warranty.

Open a 24/7 internet cafe. As a rule, such establishments are aimed at the age group from 16 to 30 years old, that is, schoolchildren, students, young professionals who do not like to limit themselves on time. For example, students study during the day, work part-time in the evening, and leave the writing of term papers and essays for the night. Schoolchildren play computer games online at night. So be patient and get ready for sleepless nights.

Hire students - this group of the population almost always and everywhere tries to earn extra money. The young staff is ambitious but accommodating. Through various rewards and incentives, you can optimize the performance of your employees.

Don't overprice your services. If possible, ask about prices in similar establishments and set yours in the approximate range. Since the focus is on young people, a flexible system of discounts and bonuses can be applied.

Video on the topic

Modern life cannot be imagined without a computer. Partially, the computer began to be replaced by portable devices: phones, tablets, players, etc. But sometimes there is a need to use a personal computer, but there is none nearby. In this case, you can find the nearest Internet connection and use any available computer.

Since such services are in high demand, opening an Internet cafe is an excellent business idea.

Firstly, the flawless operation of all computers. Every computer should have headphones and a webcam, because many people come to contact friends or relatives on Skype.

Secondly, high-speed Internet. If the Internet speed is low, no client will be able to communicate, transfer “heavy” files, or even play online games.

Thirdly, it is also recommended to bring soft drinks and arrange for the preparation of fast food, since visitors often spend several hours at the computer and, naturally, they will want to eat. By selling drinks and fast food, you can earn additional income.

Naturally, the business needs to be registered. Therefore, study all the legal aspects of starting a business in your region. Choose the best taxation option, hire an accountant to keep records.

As mentioned above, the main difficulty in opening an Internet cafe is purchasing premises. If you solve this issue, then everything else is easy to organize. Good luck in your business!