Wedding agency as a business. How to open a wedding agency from scratch

A wedding is a key moment in the life cycle of any person. Therefore, every couple dreams of celebrating their marriage with taste and on a grand scale.

Today, along with the traditional wedding, staged weddings are actively held, requiring clear planning and proper organization. Also, do not forget about the rituals that must be contained in any wedding ceremony: the ransom of the bride, the release of pigeons, the ignition of the family hearth.

It is clear that this event is associated with a lot of trouble, time and labor costs. Organization of a wedding requires great responsibility and a sober look, which is exactly what the newlyweds lack.

You always want the wedding to be perfect, on a grand scale, with the participation of artists, toastmasters and attendants. Due to this Nowadays there is a great demand for professional wedding planning services..

How to start creating your own business?

Wedding agencies take care of all the arrangements for the wedding:

  1. prepare the room
  2. receive guests
  3. provide a cultural and entertainment program and a number of other services.

And the most pleasant thing is for the newlyweds and their families to enjoy and celebrate this unforgettable day without any worries.

Even a beginner understands that it is difficult for an unprepared person to successfully cope with such a volume of tasks. In order to bring the preparation of weddings to the level of a professional and profitable business, it is necessary to draw up a business plan.

Market analysis

In the market of large cities, there are a lot of companies providing services for organizing weddings.

Specialized agencies dealing only with weddings are very rare. Operating companies provide a wide range of services for birthday parties, matinees, costume performances, parties and corporate events.

This approach will maximize profits in the conditions of seasonal weddings., especially in small towns (end of spring - mid-autumn, with peaks in June and September). To organize a business, you will need insignificant funds, which will pay off very quickly.

The attractiveness of this business is growing from year to year, which brings new “players” into this area. The competition is strong, however, new entrepreneurs will easily find their place under the sun.

If you rely only on weddings, then more than 500,000 events take place in Russia every year. Analysts say that the wedding business will be in demand for many years to come.


To open a wedding agency no need to purchase licenses or special permits.

It is enough to pass state registration and obtain a certificate of a private entrepreneur or LLC. The choice of a specific form of registration and tax regime remains with the entrepreneur.

It must be remembered that if the company will provide services to legal entities (corporate holidays, etc.), then the registration form "LLC" is indispensable.

The registration process of a legal entity takes up to 2 weeks. The cost of funds will be about 10,000 rubles (including the costs of opening a bank account and ordering a print).


The entrepreneur will need a place where he will meet with clients. The office, which is the hallmark of the company, must be located in a respectable area:

  1. The room should be modern renovated and all communications carried out.
  2. When choosing a room for an office, one should proceed from the principle of optimal price and quality.
  3. You can place it in a room from 20 sq.m.

You don’t need your own premises to hold celebrations - in practice, it is rented from contractors.

Agencies arrange weddings in various places (indoors or outdoors), it all depends on the requirements of the client and the imagination of specialists.

The venue of the celebration plays a key role and directly affects the image of the company. A businessman must first agree with the owners of prestigious restaurants and the city municipality (in the case of outdoor weddings).

Having established contacts with the owners of establishments, the entrepreneur will be able to book them in advance and do without unnecessary incidents during the wedding season.

Furniture and equipment

For a complete workflow the room should have the following equipment:

  1. A set of office furniture: a coffee table, a sofa, an armchair, chairs and computer tables - 50,000 rubles.
  2. Computer - 15,000 rubles.
  3. Laptop - 20,000 rubles.
  4. Demonstration equipment (projector, whiteboards, etc.) - 20,000 rubles.
  5. Color printer - 6,000 rubles.
  6. Scanner and copier - 10,000 rubles.

Total for office equipment and furniture - 121,000 rubles.

It is one thing to hold a quality event, and another thing to capture and leave a memory for future generations. Any wedding is accompanied by filming, but the result does not always meet expectations.

Shooting requires professional equipment.:

  1. Camcorder
  2. Camera
  3. Crane, rails and other accessories.

Such equipment will cost at least 100,000 rubles.

Organization Features

The main feature of the "wedding" business is that there are practically no companies operating in a narrow specialization on the market. The wedding season begins in May and ends with the onset of cold weather in October.

Expanding the spheres of "influence" is a necessary step towards the successful functioning of the agency.

What mistakes should be avoided when opening a wedding agency, see the video:


The agency can provide both complex services and organize part of the events (at the discretion of the customer).

Aspiring entrepreneurs can provide the following range of services:

  1. Organization of weddings, birthdays, matinees, graduations and turnkey parties.
  2. Organization of stag and hen parties.
  3. Decoration of premises.
  4. Registration and provision of wedding transport.
  5. Production and distribution of invitations.
  6. Check-out.
  7. Shooting a celebration.
  8. Costumed performances and musical accompaniment.
  9. Honeymoon organization

The final list of services provided depends on the imagination of the entrepreneur.

Personnel Requirements

For an entrepreneur who decides to engage in this activity, it is not enough to be a responsible and organized person. Also it is important to have creative inclinations and gather a team that can solve problems of any level.

Due to the fact that the agency provides a full range of services and "hands over" a wedding event, many specialists from different fields will be needed.

The issue of the efficiency of labor resources can be solved by dividing all personnel into 2 groups - full-time and hired employees.

Full-time (permanent) employees, constituting the main backbone of the company:

  1. Director– contacts with contractors, business management and development, financial accounting, advertising and marketing.
  2. Project and Client Relations Manager- Writing scripts and communicating with clients.
  3. Professional designer.

The main requirements for full-time staff are: experience in the field, deep professional knowledge, communication skills and presentability.

Hired employees or third-party entrepreneurs(organizations) that are direct executors. In the process of work, the wedding agency will resort to the following services:

  1. Car rental and registration.
  2. Costume rental
  3. Stylist
  4. Florist
  5. Decorator
  6. Establishment rental
  7. Purchase of products, cakes and alcohol.
  8. Tamada, variety artists and actors.
  9. Transportation of participants.
  10. Registry office on departure and so on.

It is they who will bring ideas to life, therefore the agency should be scrupulous about the selection of contractors and third-party personnel because their image and prestige depend on it.


The following have proven to be effective in practice. ways to promote a wedding company:

  1. Media announcements- women's glossy magazines and newspapers.
  2. Create your own website and promotion through social networks.
  3. Portfolio creation which will help you attract customers.

Since the beginning of its existence, the company must actively promote its own name both through the media and through companies that are directly related to the process of organizing weddings.

Financial calculations

Investment costs - 251,000 rubles.

  1. State registration - 10,000 rubles.
  2. Furniture and office equipment - 121,000 rubles.
  3. Filming equipment - 100,000 rubles.
  4. Website development - 20,000 rubles.

Current expenses - 95,000 rubles.

  1. Renting an office space - 20,000 rubles.
  2. The salary of the main staff is 45,000 rubles.
  3. Utility and communication expenses - 10,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising, content and promotion of the site - 10,000 rubles.
  5. Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Revenue -320,000 rubles (4 weddings for 80,000 rubles)


Marketing agencies conducting research on the wedding market have found that the average bill for 1 wedding is 80,000 - 100,000 rubles. With the right advertising policy, the agency will be able to organize at least 4 wedding events per month.

Profitability - 128,000 rubles.

The average margin, which is practiced in existing wedding agencies, is 40% of the revenue. In the wedding season, to increase profits, you need to increase advertising costs and offer discounts.

Net profit - 33,000 rubles per month.

As can be seen from the calculations, without taking into account the profit from the provision of secondary services, business payback will be achieved within 8 months.


A wedding is one of the most touching events in life. From early childhood, girls dream of putting on a luxurious dress and saying the cherished “yes”. Newlyweds strive to make their special day unique and memorable. Therefore, many couples preparing for the celebration turn to a wedding agency. A wedding is also one of the most expensive events. Many entrepreneurs are faced with the question of how to open a wedding agency from scratch. Despite the beauty of such a process, this business is not much different from others; it requires careful planning and organization.

It’s worth starting with a list of services that clients who contact such an agency expect to receive.

  • Creating a wedding concept (theme).
  • Careful planning and calculation of the wedding budget.
  • Selection of necessary performers and options for providing wedding services:
  • location for an outdoor ceremony;
  • banquet venue;
  • photo and video shooting;
  • decor, floristry and wedding printing;
  • host, show program and musical arrangement of the celebration;
  • transport.
  • Wedding day coordination.
  • Assisting the bride throughout the entire preparation period. From help in choosing a dress to psychological support.


The first step towards the successful implementation of the idea of ​​​​how to open a wedding bureau will be identifying the target audience. The buyers of such services will be couples who want to save their time, money and nerves in the long process of planning and preparing for the celebration. Clients can be grouped by the amount of expenses for the celebration:

Economy – weddings with a budget up to $3000:

  • Pros: such couples do not immediately recognize a novice organizer. An office, hired personnel, and an officially registered business will not be required.
  • Cons: Couples in this category turn out to be the most demanding clients. They will control every step of the organizer and save on the most necessary things.

Medium – weddings with costs from $3,000–$10,000:

  • Pros: good income, not too demanding attitude towards the organizer, opportunity to show your taste and creativity.
  • Cons: in most cases, you will need an office, assistants, a portfolio or the gift of persuasion.

Premium – celebrations with expenses from $10,000:

  • Pros: high income, opportunity to create an excellent portfolio and receive recommendations for future orders.
  • Cons: ready-made portfolio, good office, hired staff, officially registered business, recommendations required.

First steps

Starting a wedding business from scratch requires good preparation and thorough market research. Collect information about your competitors, which can be found on websites, magazines, city information or wedding portals. Experienced players in the relevant market advise personally visiting several ceremonial bureaus, familiarizing yourself with the method of customer service and presentation of information in already established companies.

The next step will be getting to know the contractors. By taking the time to study locations, restaurants, the work of photographers, decorators, florists and other performers, you can be one step ahead of the bride who is just starting to prepare for the wedding. A personal acquaintance will be useful for a novice organizer and will allow him to collect the necessary demonstration material. After analyzing the data, it is worth developing a commercial proposal that should fully disclose the essence, quantity and quality of the services provided.

Having collected information about wedding fashion trends and sketched out a catalog with concepts, you can go in search of clients.

Marketing and promotion

When searching for clients, it is important to properly manage your advertising campaign budget. The wedding business carries a whole baggage of traditional promotion methods.

  • Internet advertising. You should start by creating a branded website that will introduce the client to the services of this agency, give an idea of ​​upcoming expenses, and tell you what organizing and planning a wedding day is. A business card website with search engine optimization will cost $500. It is necessary to create pages for the wedding organization on social networks, offering promotions and discounts to future newlyweds. Posting on specialized Internet portals of the city will be useful.
  • Polygraphy. Distributing leaflets and business cards near registry offices has become a traditional method to promote the wedding business. Young couples who have just submitted an application, upon leaving the “wedding palace”, receive full information about the wedding services of the city.
  • Advertising in specialized print media. A high-quality article in a wedding magazine will help you gain a foothold in the market and interest potential customers.
  • Wedding exhibitions are a great place to present your business, identify competitors, meet contractors, and find clients.


The wedding business is simple in paperwork. It is enough to register an individual entrepreneur and obtain a tax payer certificate.

Office and equipment

The room for meetings with clients will become the calling card of the wedding establishment. The office can be small, 30–40 square meters, but should be located in the city center. The bright interior design and comfortable atmosphere will be a plus. For furniture, you will need 2-3 tables with chairs for employees, a sofa for clients, and a wardrobe. To set up workplaces, you need to purchase computers, a printer, and telephones.


For the successful functioning of a wedding business, you will need 2-3 managers, whose responsibilities include conducting and organizing negotiations with clients, searching for contractors, developing a wedding concept, maintaining pages on social networks, planning and coordinating the special day. Maintaining documentation and submitting reports should be outsourced to an accountant.


To calculate the return on investment and payback of the project, it is necessary to summarize the starting investments and operating costs:

  • individual entrepreneur registration – $50;
  • website – $300;
  • office furniture – $500;
  • office equipment – ​​$1200.

Total: $2050.

  • staff salary – $600;
  • office rent and utilities – $400;
  • advertising – $300;
  • communication services – $50.

Total: $1350.

The income of the wedding organization is 10% of the celebration budget. The average wedding is for 50 people and costs $3,500. Therefore, the break-even point is reached when serving 4 weddings per month. Experienced organizers claim that the average load in the first year of operation is 6 celebrations per month. With such a volume, the payback of the project is achieved in 3 months, but given the seasonality of this business, it can be increased to six months.

  • Step by step opening plan
  • What documents are needed to open a wedding agency?
  • Business technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Today, the holiday services market is increasingly attracting budding entrepreneurs. This is explained by the stable demand for such services and the low entrance ticket to business. You can open a wedding agency for just a few thousand dollars. The average profitability of a wedding agency is estimated at 50%.

The main services provided by wedding agencies:

  • Rental and sale of wedding dresses;
  • Decoration of the banquet hall;
  • Photo and video shooting;
  • Horse carriage rental;
  • Pigeons;
  • Fireworks and fire show;
  • Chocolate and wine fountains;
  • Car rental, including retro;
  • Car decoration;
  • Outdoor weddings;
  • Toastmasters and DJs;
  • Bridal makeup artist;
  • Rental of men's suits and tuxedos;
  • Wedding cakes;
  • Bridal bouquet;
  • Themed bride price, etc.

As we see, the number of services that a wedding agency can provide is truly impressive. We should also highlight the popularity of destination wedding services. Today, more than half of couples prefer to get engaged in a more unique setting (a motor ship, a forested area), with the involvement of actors and directors.

How much money is needed to open a wedding agency?

To open an agency it is not necessary to make large investments. Today, salons start “small”. For example, they rent out wedding dresses, sell wedding paraphernalia, and decorate the hall for celebrations. Usually, only $5,000 - $6,000 is enough to start such a business. As the agency's income and popularity grow, expensive services such as car rental can be included.

How to choose staff for a wedding agency

Wedding agencies, as a rule, do not have a large staff. The main employees are the administrator (director), customer service managers and accountant. The entire range of performers, including photographers, makeup artists, screenwriters, etc. they simply cooperate with the agency and provide the newlyweds with appropriate services. Developing a base of highly qualified specialists (musicians, florists, photographers, etc.) is the most important stage in creating a wedding agency. You need to be able to not only find good performers, it is also important to agree on an acceptable price that will suit all parties to the contract.

How much can you earn by starting this business?

The income of a wedding agency is not difficult to calculate. So, to organize one “average” wedding, funds from 50 thousand rubles and more are spent, not counting the banquet. The main wedding season starts from May and ends in October. As a rule, at this time the services of a wedding agency are booked several months in advance. Of course, it still takes time to promote the business, since the new agency must prove itself in the market.

The most effective methods of advertising a wedding agency, along with banners, flyers, booklets and radio, is still word of mouth. And such advertising, as a rule, works great depending on the quality of services provided by the agency.

Speaking of competition, despite the large number of companies providing services to newlyweds, there is still enough work for everyone. The holiday services market is still ready to accept new players due to stable demand for such services. Moreover, experts say that this market is very promising and the demand for more expensive celebrations is expected to increase in the near future.

Do I need permission to open a wedding agency?

For the legal functioning of a wedding agency, it is necessary to register individual entrepreneurship(IP) or limited liability company(OOO). Registering an individual entrepreneur is much simpler and cheaper than opening an LLC, but legal entities have more opportunities. In general, each OPF has its pros and cons.

What taxation system to choose for this business

As tax systems you can choose between UTII and simplified tax system (6% of revenue or 15% of profit). It is necessary to make a preliminary calculation of the potential revenue and profit of your agency in order to understand which system is more profitable to use. The size of UTII depends on the region of business, since local authorities can set the “mitigating” coefficient k2 at their discretion.

To meet with clients you will have to rent a small office, from 10 m2. Also, as a business card, you need to have a website and a group on social media. networks.

Step by step opening plan

To open a wedding agency, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The main disadvantage of an individual entrepreneur is that he is prohibited from working with legal entities. Next we need:

  • rent or purchase premises;
  • Based on the scope of service provision, you will need to purchase the necessary equipment and related inventory;
  • conduct an advertising campaign to attract customers.

What equipment to choose for a wedding agency

The choice of equipment for a wedding salon directly depends on the services it will provide to its clients. In particular, you will need to purchase:

  • necessary attributes for decorating vehicles and wedding hall;
  • material for making wedding invitations and necessary equipment;
  • photo and video equipment;
  • if the services include the services of makeup artists, hairdressers, stylists, then the necessary equipment for their work will be required;
  • office furniture and technical equipment (computer, printer, scanner, copier, etc.);
  • demonstration equipment (display boards, projector...), etc.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering a wedding salon?

When registering a wedding agency, you will need to indicate several codes in accordance with OKVED:

  • other entertainment and entertainment activities - code No. 92.3;
  • other activities related to the organization of entertainment and recreation - code No92.7;
  • activities in the field of photography, which includes its implementation at weddings - code No. 74.81;
  • provision of other services - code No. 74.84;
  • provision of other individual services - code No. 93.05.

In the last decade, the popularity of wedding agencies has been growing, organizing wedding events and making the holiday solemn, freeing up a lot of time for newlyweds and performing their work professionally. The relevance of this business idea allows the owner to intensively develop in this area and receive excellent profits. To launch, you need a business plan for a wedding agency, the main points of which we will point out in this article.

Project Summary

It is better to open a wedding agency in large cities of the country due to the high level of demand. In small towns these services are much less attractive. But in the metropolis, in addition to high demand, there is also high competition. It can only be overcome by offering quality services and acquiring a base of clients who will recommend the agency to their friends.

Standard and non-standard services of a wedding agency:

  • Organization of an original marriage proposal (a proposal during a date on the roof, in a restaurant, in a hot air balloon, at a concert of your favorite artist, during a flash mob).
  • Helping clients decide on the date of painting and the entire event (not on a religious holiday, before or after Lent, or, conversely, the event is not during the hottest season).
  • Organization of on-site marriage registration and selection of the ideal venue. There is an increasing demand for outdoor weddings: on the seashore, against the backdrop of a green landscape and lawn, or right in a restaurant.
  • Help in choosing a restaurant, wedding table menu.
  • Decoration: hall decoration, aero design, wedding car decoration.
  • Selection and design of the wedding cake (preparation and transportation to the banquet).
  • Choosing the style of the event (theme party, color scheme).
  • Work on the clothing style of the newlyweds (a unique style, inimitable and fashionable, is offered, purchase or tailoring of a suit and dress in the same style).
  • Hairstyles for newlyweds and close relatives, as well as services of a cosmetologist and florist.
  • Creation of films and romantic stories for presentation at events.
  • Photo session and video shooting.

These are typical services of a marriage agency. One of the features of working in this market is the formation of unique offers that competitors do not have. In many ways, such offers will be the flagship that will lead your business to success.

Activity registration

To open an agency and launch a wedding business, you must register as an individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified tax system (income). To do this, you need to submit documents to the local tax authority, pay a fee and within a week receive a document that will give you the opportunity to engage in business related to organizing wedding events.

The registration fee will not exceed 3 thousand rubles, but they should also be taken into account when calculating the business plan and initial expenses.

Agency office

It does not matter at all where the agency’s office will be located, since only the formal conclusion of the contract and consultation with clients will take place there. It is enough to rent a small room of up to 30 square meters. m to accommodate company employees and offices for receiving customers.

Since the wedding agency will operate in a large city, you can rent premises both on the outskirts of the city and in a residential area. The rent should not exceed 30-40 thousand rubles per month. In the first months, you can work remotely, and meet with clients in a cafe to discuss the terms of cooperation and present services, which will have a positive impact on profitability, and investments will be minimal. However, to increase the client base and prestige of the agency, renting an office in a public place will be necessary when the agency’s profitability and profits increase.

After signing the lease agreement, you will have to invest money in cosmetic renovations so that clients feel comfortable and feel the festive atmosphere. This will have a beneficial effect on the desire to sign a cooperation agreement. For cosmetic repairs 40 sq. m you need to allocate approximately 50 thousand rubles (change of floor and wall coverings, entrance doors and wedding-style decor: banners with happy newlyweds, beautiful textiles, etc.). It is recommended to rent an office for a long term and sign a corresponding lease agreement. In this case, it is worth paying for 2 months at once. The amount will be about 100,000 rubles.

Risks and Opportunities

Before you start attracting clients and launching a business idea, you need to analyze your competitors, pricing policy, offers in a given market and, of course, risks and threats that should be foreseen in advance and solutions to potential problems should be thought through.

Possible risks:

  • High level of competition.
  • Limited or primitive selection of wedding services.
  • Wrong approach to customers – decrease in brand loyalty.
  • Financial restrictions (after all, organizing an event requires a lot of equipment and other materials).
  • Low or high pricing policy.
  • Unskilled personnel.

You can always fight high competition using non-standard methods: aggressive marketing, creative service offers, PR events, and most importantly, qualitative analysis of the target audience. It is important to understand what clients want to see and what they expect when contacting a wedding agency, what are the weaknesses and strengths of similar firms, and how your organization can improve.

Standard criteria for choosing a wedding agency:

  • Popularity of the agency (on the Internet, word of mouth).
  • Possibility to view portfolio (video and photo reports from previous events).
  • The organizer has a non-standard approach to solving complex issues and an individual approach to customer requests.
  • Pricing policy adequate to the level of services provided.
  • Individual approach to the client.

The limited and standard nature of wedding services can be a problem for the development of this type of business. The proposal package must include creative proposals that competitors do not offer. And they need to be updated periodically, coming up with something new.

The concept of “incorrect approach to clients” means the unprofessionalism of the client search manager and the organizer himself, because the service should also be sold. The moment of initial consultation is key, since it is this moment that pushes the client to order or, conversely, pushes him away. The organizer must show maximum attention and be inspired by the task. He is obliged to inspire customers and help them make decisions. Only such an organizer will find his place in this market.


To launch the agency, it is necessary to hire employees who will help fully manage the business process. Experienced wedding event organizers are a priority. However, finding such ones will not be easy. But professionals in their field will be able to increase the popularity of the agency and even bring their own clients. Approximate staffing in the table:

It is advisable to choose assistants with a car, since there is a need for the organizer or customer to quickly move around the city. A taxi may fail. The entrepreneur himself takes care of accounting and promotion issues.

An important factor will be the contractor base that begins to build before you launch and will continue to build throughout the life of your agency. These are florists, photographers, videographers, DJs and performers, car owners. Moreover, you need to be ready to quickly find a special contractor: for example, the bride dreams of the groom coming for her with a motorcade. You must be able to fulfill any whim. Special requests and money cost special things.

A professional organizer will be the “trump card”, the “pearl” of your wedding agency. As soon as demand increases to the point where one organizer is fully occupied, you should immediately find a second specialist. Since the organizer’s share in the salary fund is quite large, it is logical that it will be more profitable for you to start if you initially perform these functions yourself.

Purchase of equipment

First of all, for the agency to operate, it is necessary to furnish the employees’ workplaces with furniture and equipment. The office will need furniture and computers for the manager, administrator, and client search manager. For the office you will need the following:

Name Sum Quantity total amount
Desk 4 000 4 16 000
Armchairs for workers 1500 4 6 000
Armchairs for clients 1000 4 4 000
Cabinets for materials 1000 4 4000
Document rack 5000 2 10 000
Laptop 20 000 4 80 000
wi-fi router 2 000 1 2 000
Refrigerator (mini) 10 000 1 10 000
Microwave 4000 1 4 000
Electric kettle 1500 1 15 000
MFP 9 000 1 9 000
Total 160 000

In addition to workplaces, the wedding salon should also provide an area for guests. The reception area should have a small sofa, a hanger for coats, and a coffee table. The cost of furniture for the reception area will additionally require about 26,000 rubles. Equipment necessary for a wedding can be rented if necessary. There is no need to purchase everything initially.

Marketing and Advertising

In a large city, business requires a serious marketing approach to image formation. The choice of a wedding agency in 90% of cases depends on its positive image. Nobody wants to risk such a solemn event, therefore, they mainly choose wedding organizers based on recommendations from friends, reviews on the Internet, or a strong advertising campaign that guarantees the best result. Clients are especially inspired by the example of a wedding of acquaintances or friends that they attended. Therefore, every wedding must be completed 110%, because among the guests there may be your future clients.

We also recommend getting to know the administrators of restaurants and cafes in the city and agreeing on advertising their services to those who plan to order a wedding banquet. For the referred client, the administrator receives a percentage of the order or a fixed amount.

You should also add a monthly marketing expense item:

The success of the agency at the first stage depends on the feasibility of investments and marketing. But you will get a long-lasting effect only by creating a positive status for each client. Remember that each of them can bring at least one more. But the dissatisfied one will deprive at least four.

Income and expenses


The purpose of the business plan is to determine the return on investment, calculate the approximate payback period for investments, determine starting and monthly expenses and profitability of services.

Start-up costs consist of:

The amount to start is quite acceptable, so you may not need to take out a loan from a bank if you have your own funds. Monthly costs are also worth considering at the very beginning. They will consist of:


Since the development and profitability of a wedding salon, first of all, depend on its image and fame, reaching a stable level is expected no earlier than in 2-3 months, up to 6 months. This period can be shortened if the business owner has his own base. For example, if he previously worked as an organizer in another agency or was involved in organizing wedding events as a private host.

One organizer is able to hold 1 wedding in 1-2 days. The average bill for the services of a wedding planner in the province is 10,000 rubles. In the capital it is at the level of 50 thousand rubles. The upper threshold is practically unlimited, it all depends on the complexity.

We will calculate a typical event with a limited wedding budget for Moscow. One package includes the most common services of similar agencies.

Service Sum Agency Commission
Leading 20 000 (10/90) 18 000
Dancers (3 numbers) 5 000 1000
Sound Engineer (DJ) 10 000, 2000
Photographer 20 000 6 000
videographer 30 000 4 000
Florist (2 bouquets) 6 000 1200
Fireworks 25 000 5 000
Style of the hall and wedding car (assistants) + aero design 15 000 15 000
Rent a wedding car and evening bus for guests 30 000 6 000
Wedding cake (pastry chef) + delivery 10 000 1 000 + 500
Total 42 200

Thus, a typical wedding in Moscow can bring from 40-45 thousand rubles to 100-150 thousand. In a provincial city, the profitability is approximately half that.

The average monthly income will be: 42,200 x 10 weddings = 422,000.

422 000 – 235 000 = 187 000.

Then we calculate taxes:

422,000 x 0.06 = 25,320.

Net profit will be: 187,000 – 25,320 = 161,680 rubles per month.

Profitability: (161,680 / 235,000) x 100 = 68.8%.

In the future, it is quite possible to increase the profitability of the enterprise to 100%. This is possible when reaching the level of providing expensive exclusive services and working with the highest stratum of society. Our business plan for a wedding agency with calculations will help you plan such an enterprise yourself, according to your own conditions.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult for young entrepreneurs to squeeze into any serious niche. You need to act quickly and decisively so as not to miss your chance. Especially when it comes to organizing weddings as a business. Where to start and how to succeed in this wonderful and feminine way of earning money? You will learn all the useful information after reading our article.


So, if you decide to open a wedding business, then first of all you should decide on the basic services that the so-called wedding agency will provide. The choice here is quite wide:

  • rental and sale of dresses;
  • selection of restaurant and wedding menu;
  • wedding decoration;
  • ordering and decorating a car;
  • registration or ordering a bouquet;
  • organization of an outdoor ceremony;
  • selection of toastmaster, DJ, artists;
  • printing and sending invitations;
  • ordering a photographer and video shooting;
  • fireworks, chocolate fountains and other services.

All these events together, as a rule, are called “turnkey wedding organization”, i.e. a kind of all inclusive for clients who do not have the time or desire to prepare on their own. However, most often the organization of a celebration as a business is identified with the decoration of the hall. Perhaps you need to start with this, and only then take on all the other tasks little by little.

Premises and staff

Organizing weddings is considered a business without large investments, since in essence you are an intermediary between customers and performers. In any case, you cannot do without a stylish small office of 10-20 sq.m. Clients must understand that they are dealing with a serious company. It is advisable to rent or purchase premises in the city center, in areas with high traffic. A good option would be to rent on the first floors of a large business center.

As for personnel, you will need one or two assistants in the role of account managers and a visiting accountant. You will have to collaborate with photographers, makeup artists, fashion designers, artists, florists and designers, and this is one of the most difficult moments in this business. It is necessary to develop a base of the best specialists who will set their prices for services. Your task is to agree on the amount with the wedding customer, taking into account the markup for organizing your celebration.

Of course, to open a business organizing weddings, you cannot do without registration. You can register your activities as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Each option has its pros and cons. An individual entrepreneur is easier and cheaper to get, while an LLC enjoys greater trust among customers and performers. In addition, such registration is preferable if you cooperate with legal entities.

We count profits

How much can you earn from organizing a wedding business? First, let's calculate one-time and monthly expenses. So, you will have to spend about 150,000 rubles on the purchase of furniture and office renovation, registration and advertising (website creation, signage, business cards, etc.). These are one-time startup costs. Every month you will need to allocate funds for renting premises, staff salaries and advertising of the agency. You will allocate approximately 100,000 rubles for all this.

As for income, it should be noted that the payback of the wedding business is about 3-12 months, profitability is 50%. In this case, everything will depend on what time of year you open the business. Remember that the peak of weddings occurs in the summer - early autumn, the most unfavorable time is winter. For organizing wedding events you can claim 10% of the total amount. Let’s assume that you organize 5 weddings a month for 300,000 rubles, from these celebrations you can get 150,000 rubles. We subtract monthly expenses and get 50,000 rubles of net profit.

Wedding agency business plan you can download from our partners!

Now you know the basic information about where to start and how to succeed in organizing weddings as a business. Remember that this is an interesting, but very responsible job. Customers trust one of the most important events in their lives in your hands. Seeing gratitude in the eyes of the newlyweds is the most valuable thing, so don’t let them down!

Finally, we suggest you watch the video about the success story of a wedding planner:
