How to install a coffee machine. Coffee machines for business: how to make money selling coffee from vending machines

Coffee is one of the most popular tonic drinks, the love for which unites many people around the world. Few of us can imagine starting the day without a cup of aromatic and invigorating Arabica. Coffee helps you wake up in the morning, cheer up during your lunch break, take your mind off the usual hustle and bustle and enjoy a rich and subtle taste.

Due to the fact that no other drink can replicate the taste of natural coffee, and therefore compete with it, its preparation and sale seems to be quite a profitable activity. Coffee can be offered in cafes and bars, shops and pavilions, you can even organize a coffee shop on wheels - all this requires considerable financial investment and labor costs. Business on coffee machines is the easiest, and at the same time, very profitable option for making money on such a popular drink. However, even such a seemingly simple business requires some preparation and planning.

The advantages of vending - selling goods using special automated systems - over traditional trade are obvious, which is why it has become so widespread throughout the world. In our country, this area is still poorly developed, especially in small cities. Therefore, for those who are planning to open their own business, coffee machines, as one of the vending options in conditions of moderate (and in some regions low or completely absent) competition, can serve as an excellent start to an entrepreneurial career.

Advantages of such a business:

  • relatively small investments at the start;
  • no need for large retail space (for 1 machine, a space of 1 sq. m is enough), therefore, the opportunity to save on rent;
  • no working personnel are needed - the entrepreneur can perform administrative functions independently;
  • no advertising is needed, you just need to choose the right place to place the device;
  • mobility - the machine can be moved if necessary;
  • high profitability of the coffee machine and quick return on investment.

Among the disadvantages of coffee vending, one can only highlight the risk of suffering losses due to a hacking attempt, since street vending machines often attract the attention of intruders. If the coffee machine is located on the territory of a guarded store or office, then there is no risk.

Having noted the main features of a business idea, let’s talk about how to implement it with maximum benefit.

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How to set up a coffee vending business

Coffee machines as a business will bring good revenue only if you choose a suitable location for their installation. Therefore, it is advisable to start implementing this commercial idea by searching for a site. In this case, it is worth relying on your own observations, data from population surveys, as well as reviews from entrepreneurs who are already engaged in coffee vending machines as a business.

As practice shows, the following placement locations are the most effective:

  • airports and train stations, waiting rooms;
  • clinics and hospitals;
  • places where young people gather - colleges, technical schools, universities, cinemas, etc.;
  • shopping, business and entertainment establishments;
  • parking lots and car parks;
  • markets;
  • rest areas for motorists, so-called truckers.

At the same time as deciding on the location, you should consider choosing the coffee machine itself.

Important! When looking for a device, read reviews online, find out whether there are service centers of the manufacturers in question in your city. Pay attention to the price, functionality, loading capabilities and warranty period of the coffee machine.

You can start a business with one vending machine, then as you develop and reach self-sufficiency, you can expand your activities by installing several machines at once in the busiest places. If your financial capabilities do not allow you to buy the device, consider renting.

Business documents

When considering coffee machines as a business, it is important to understand that any business activity is subject to mandatory state registration. To engage in trading on an official basis, you should collect a package of documents and contact the tax service.

Coffee vending can be implemented using any organizational and legal form of activity. In other words, you have the right to decide for yourself. If you act independently and plan to start a business by installing one or two machines, then the optimal choice would be the one available on our website. With its help, you can quickly and easily go through all the necessary procedures.

Important! include a statement in the established form P21001, in which you must indicate the code for the type of planned economic activity. For business on coffee machines, you should indicate 47.99.2 - “Activities for trading through machines.”

In addition to the State Certificate. registration as an individual entrepreneur, you will also need a rental agreement for a place to place the machine.

Important! Some novice entrepreneurs install vending machines based on oral agreements with the owner. However, this option is extremely undesirable, since in this case the lessor can at any time, without any approval, increase the fee or completely stop cooperation and demand that your equipment be removed from the rented area. To avoid troubles, enter into a written agreement that specifies the obligations of the parties, the payment procedure and responsibilities.

Additionally, you will need the following documents:

  • certificates for the device itself, as well as for all products that will be sold with its help and for accessories (cups);
  • information about the product (place on the machine itself);
  • information about what actions the buyer must take in order to purchase the desired product, as well as what needs to be done if the device does not dispense the product (place it on the machine itself);
  • information about the seller - name, location, operating mode (place on the machine);
  • waste removal agreement (if this obligation is not assigned to the lessor under the agreement);
  • honey. book of the employee servicing the coffee machine (if you plan to carry out the activity yourself, then your personal medical book).

It may take from 1 to 2 weeks to prepare all the necessary documents. Next, let's look at a brief business plan for a coffee machine.

How much profit can you get from a coffee machine - calculations for a business plan

To find out how much profit a coffee machine brings, you need to draw up a business plan, which indicates the amount of necessary starting and operating expenses, as well as the amount of potential income. When planning your own coffee vending, you can use the following approximate data.

Composition of expenses

Start-up costs:

  • preparation of documents and conclusion of necessary agreements – 3,000 rubles;
  • purchase of one coffee machine – 200,000 rubles. – the average price of a machine with modes for preparing 16 types of hot drinks, including coffee, tea, chocolate, as well as the ability to sell snacks, built-in bill and coin acceptors and a terminal for paying with bank cards;
  • delivery and installation of the device – 2,000 rubles;
  • formation of inventory (5 kg of coffee of different varieties, 2 kg of cream, 3 kg of tea and 2 kg of chocolate) – 2,400 rubles. – the average price of professional ingredients for coffee vending is 200 rubles. for 1 kg;
  • purchase of related products (600 cups and 600 stirrers) – 1140 rubles. at a price of 1.4 rubles. for 1 glass and 0.5 rub. for 1 stirrer;
  • purchase of sugar, water and snacks – 3,000 rubles.

If you sum up all these expense items, you get about 212,000 rubles.

Current costs include:


Amount, rub./month.

replenishment of inventory and consumables

electricity payment

machine maintenance costs

taxes and fees *


* - For the information of businessmen, for retail trade through vending machines you can choose one of the special tax regimes, which will greatly simplify interaction with the Federal Tax Service and allow you to save on payments.

One of the preferred options is to use . In this case, the tax will be 15% of the imputed income. The amount of the latter can be calculated using the following formula:

basic profitability (4,500 rubles) * number of machines (in our case 1) * deflator coefficient (1.798) * adjustment factor (national average - 1) = 8,091 rubles.

Calculating 15% of this amount, we get about 1,214 rubles. This will be the tax amount per month. In addition, individual entrepreneurs are obliged to make contributions for themselves to extra-budgetary funds in the total amount of 23,153.33 rubles. per year (works out to almost 1,930 rubles/month).

Income planning

How much does a coffee machine bring in per month? Let's make an approximate calculation.

The average selling price of one serving of coffee is 35-40 rubles, tea – 25 rubles, chocolate – 30 rubles. If an entrepreneur manages to find a good place to place a machine with high traffic, then he can sell from 50 to 100 servings of hot drinks per day.

Thus, monthly income can vary from 35,000 to 120,000 rubles. depending on workload and demand for specific drinks. Let's add about 5,000 rubles to this. for the sale of snacks.

To determine the profit from a coffee machine, you should subtract the amount of expenses from the amount of income. It turns out that even with the minimum income from our example – 40,000 rubles, the entrepreneur’s profit will be more than 27,000 rubles. Consequently, it will be possible to fully recoup the investment in installing one machine in 7-8 months of work.

How to influence work efficiency

The sale of ready-made coffee using vending machines, despite its specific features, is still a typical business, and therefore is subject to all its laws. This type of activity, like any other, is also subject to business risks, such as competition, drop in demand, downtime due to breakdowns, etc.

However, an attentive and responsible attitude will overcome most of the existing threats.

So, in order to increase competitiveness, you should regularly monitor the prices of your closest competitors and quickly respond to changes. In addition, the machine must be kept perfectly clean and regularly serviced to avoid unwanted breakdowns.

An excellent solution would be to organize a place to relax next to the coffee machine, if the rental conditions allow - this could be a small sofa or several armchairs (if the device is located inside the building), as well as a table and chairs (if the machine is located outside). All these simple measures will allow you to form a base of regular customers, who, as a rule, bring the majority of the profit.

Where to put the coffee machine?

Anyone who has ever thought about installing coffee machine wondered this question. There are several factors influencing the installation of the machine:

Thirst. Every time you leave after training, what do you want most? Of course, something to drink, and then He caught my eye - coffee machine. And when it comes to thirst, it doesn’t matter how much coffee costs, 10 or 50 rubles. We think for the first time about the question “ Where to put the coffee machine?».

Expectation. Coffee machine should be in a building where people are waiting for some service or waiting for someone, where people can buy coffee because they are thirsty, but simply to make the wait more pleasant. We think a second time about “Where to put coffee machine?”, we begin to sift out the unnecessary.

Patency. This factor doesn't have that much of an impact. A good place to install the device is also a place with a lot of passersby. After all, you never know what you want at a given moment. We think for the third time “Where to put coffee machine?”, good thoughts should already appear.

Consistency. People must have money to buy coffee. The likelihood of buying coffee from a coffee machine will be much higher in the traffic police building than in a free clinic in your area.

Youth. Young people are very fond of coffee machines for their speed, simplicity and convenience, and they are one of the main buyers in the vending business.

Light. Purity. Visibility. Every time I install a new coffee machine, I pay attention to these factors, because who wants to go to a dirty, dark corner and buy something else.

Based on all these factors, we get the answer to the question “Where to put coffee machine" - install coffee machine most profitable in: universities, colleges, government buildings (traffic police, tax service, Rosregistration), shopping centers, gyms and fitness centers, car services, train stations, private clinics.

This is just a small list of where you can install a coffee machine. If you are delayed somewhere in line, then ask yourself the question: “Where to put the coffee machine?”, Ask others: “And if there was a coffee machine here, would you buy coffee in it?” and the client himself will answer you Yes or No. You need to approach the place for installing the device very seriously, because your future profit depends on it.

Which places are the most profitable?
As you understand, these are points with a large crowd of people, as well as places where people have 15-30-60-120 minutes of free time.
Everyone knows standard places like the railway station, the traffic police, the tax office (and other state institutions), large offices, shopping centers, universities and hospitals. As a rule, these places are already occupied. We will talk about the less popular places to install your device, while the most profitable ones.

So, where to put the coffee machine? Go:
- anti-cafes, where there are many young people, where people study / have a good time / communicate;
- teachers' lounges in schools, when teachers have a free minute or two;
- fire Department;
- beauty salons, this also includes antenatal clinics, beauty salons, spa salons;
- reading rooms;
- car wash/hotel halls;
- veterinary clinics;
- children's clubs/sections while parents are expecting a child;
- places for conferences;
- fitness centers, when people come out of aerobic classes, yoga classes or other sports activities;
- coworking spaces, with a constant influx of freelancers, designers and programmers.

Main advice: read newspapers and follow the news of your city to monitor new opened buildings, shops, offices and so on. Having noticed the place first, you can safely go to the landlord and agree on what place in his building where to put the coffee machine.
If a building or premises has just opened, you will probably have the opportunity to install a machine for free.

Where to start and what should you know?
Once you have chosen where to put the coffee machine, you can go to the landlord, who usually already has a lease agreement. If not, our specialists will help you draw up an agreement.
The average rental cost for a vending machine will be 1000-3000 rubles. Of course, if you decide to be located in a large shopping center, you will pay 2-5 times more.

By the way, to conclude a successful deal, it makes sense to bring an image of a coffee machine in the desired interior to the first meeting with the landlord, having previously photographed your future place. This way, the landlord will be able to clearly see that your device fits very well into its surroundings and occupies a small area.

Remember that coffee machines are devices that have electronic filling, so you will need to supply water and electricity to your machine, or only electricity if a water tank is already built into the coffee machine. A sofa or chair next to your coffee machine will allow you to further increase the profit from the machine.

Bottom line: you should choose the location for your coffee maker very carefully. Hurry is out of place here. While you are deciding where to put the coffee machine, find out - what kind of traffic does the chosen place have? Ask if there will be a demand for coffee? How busy will people be - will they be able to wait for the coffee to be prepared?

Dear friends, we hope that you have discovered a few useful things for yourself with the help of our article. You will find even more interesting information on our blog. We wish you success in choosing a place for your device and the prosperity of your business!

According to expert research, in 2012, every Russian had 300 grams of coffee a year, an American 900 grams of coffee a year, and every inhabitant in the Scandinavian countries - 3 kg of coffee a year. Russia has always been considered a "tea" country, while Europeans are more "coffee lovers". However, the popularity of natural grain coffee in our country is growing every year. And as experts predict, in 2014, coffee consumption by Russians will increase by more than 6 times and amount to almost 2 kilograms of coffee per year.

Residents of large cities are increasingly enjoying using coffee vending machines, whereas just a few years ago they often aroused suspicion. Now many consumers fully understand that coffee in it is no worse than in a restaurant or in a specialized coffee shop, but a drink in a vending machine costs less. And if there is a desire to intercept a glass of coffee and there is no desire to stay too long, then it is easier and better to buy a drink in a vending machine. Than overpaying in a coffee shop for service and wasting time waiting.

But, even despite the fact that coffee consumption in our country is growing, it is necessary to install a coffee machine carefully choosing a point so that it brings full return to the owner of the vending machine. Where are coffee machines installed? Here is an example of theoretical installation locations.

1. Malls - Contrary to popular belief, malls are not "gold mines" and rents are higher there than elsewhere. It all depends on many factors. When installing the device in a shopping center, you need to understand who your consumer will be. It is not worth counting on the fact that the main share of customers will be store employees.

If chain stores are located in the shopping center, then the sellers in them work according to a clear schedule and the administration will not welcome any absences from your machine. Especially drinking coffee and walking around the building. In addition, where there are networks, and hence a large number of visitors, usually high rental prices.

If this is a shopping center where small individual entrepreneurs rent premises, then perhaps they can become your clients, but not a fact. Such a point should be considered from all sides - whether landlords provide a room for food, if cheap catering points, etc. Many shopping centers have special rooms for tenants, with kettles, where they can bring their lunch and have a snack.

Basically, when installing a coffee machine in a shopping center, they rely on visitors to the center. But in this case, it is necessary to take into account the presence of inexpensive cafes in the shopping center and other outlets that provide visitors with food and drinks. In any case, the vending machine is best placed near the waiting area, where there are shops, or near the entrance. Shopping mall parking lots are also a good place.

2. Universities, colleges - are rightfully considered one of the most highly profitable places. But they also apply to high-problem points. If students start throwing glasses around the building, the administration of the university often tries to simply get rid of the vending machine. Also, students often deliberately try to break the vending machine. Income in educational institutions is usually high, but the equipment can also be damaged.

3. Office centers, indoor markets and fairs, enterprises, municipal institutions. This category can also include tax departments, traffic police, driving schools, city halls, etc. This is a fairly large category of points where there is constantly traffic of visitors and directly people working in the building. In this case, you will not consider every point. It is necessary to evaluate on the spot (traffic to the people, waiting, etc.).

When installing the device at such points, they are guided both by visitors and employees. For example, there may be no visitors at the plant, but the machine is placed near the rest rooms for workers. Or, in the traffic police, the inspectors themselves may not use the coffee machine, but visitors will be happy to use it. Also, swimming pools and large libraries, fitness centers, car services, car centers, etc. can be considered as possible installation points.

4. Railway and bus stations, transport hubs - are considered good points, but only if they are large transport hubs. The city itself may not be big, but if it is a transfer hub, where people spend time waiting, then the vending machine may well be profitable for its owner. However, vending machines installed at transport hubs are also classified as a risk group, as are vending machines in universities.

Also promising points include parks and recreation areas, bus stops, metro crossings, taxi ranks, medical facilities, large city hairdressers, etc. In general, it is impossible to recommend a controlled point for a coffee machine as a kind of panacea. In one place, a vending machine installed in an office center can be profitable, but in another, also installed in a similar center, it cannot. There are approximate landmarks where vending machines are most often installed. But any place must be analyzed. In addition, having put a vending machine in a certain place for testing, it is necessary to withstand three months, and only then draw conclusions. Since it takes time for people to get used to the vending machine and learn how to use it.

Conventionally, places for vending machines are divided into two categories

1. Where the audience is constantly changing (train stations, parks, etc.)

2. Points with a permanent clientele (office centers, universities, etc.)

Vending machines must be installed in a conspicuous place, they cannot be placed in nooks, dark corridors or where doors will cover them, and you should not install the device near a series of shop windows. The device must be placed in a clean place, not near garbage cans, smokers, etc., a bucket is placed under the used glasses under the machine.

Our morning most often begins with a cup of aromatic coffee, which always accompanies us during lunch at the office, walking in the park, waiting at the airport or train station thanks to coffee machines. Wherever we are, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee will always lead us to a cafe or coffee machine. Recently, coffee machines are increasingly found in universities, business centers, shopping centers, railway stations, airports and many other places. And as you may have guessed, you can make money from your favorite drink.

Who wants to become successful and make money.

Coffee machines, snack machines, mechanical machines with chewing gum and toys, selling tickets or newspapers through machines - all this is business - entrepreneurial activity without the participation of a seller - vending. For some, it may immediately seem incredibly profitable and at the same time uncomplicated. But this is a wrong view. Vending will require your ingenuity, patience, you will need a good level of communication, with certain skills you have, small investments are possible at the initial stage, but in return you will receive a stable and quite pleasant profit. After all, your goal is to earn good money while providing people with convenience and pleasure. Reviews about the business with coffee machines are positive, but you should not focus only on coffee machines, any business requires development.

Vending - from English “to trade through machines.”

This income was invented a long time ago. Due to the fact that coffee machines are more common, this business is quite successful. You can read real reviews about coffee machines and equipment manufacturers at. The payback on equipment varies and it all depends on you. Many people love coffee; business expenses are relatively low. With the right approach, you have the opportunity to earn a good income.

Coffee machines, snack machines, mechanical machines - modern business

Even entrepreneurs with no experience can start their own business trading using special equipment. You can verify this by reading the vending forum. Those who are looking for where to invest funds can consider this type of business. It is important to think through and correctly calculate your actions - then the profit will not be long in coming.

Key points for beginners:

  • The machine must be located in a crowded, frequently visited place: bus station, airport, clinic, salon, government agencies, universities, shopping centers.
  • much depends on the rent requested by the owner of the premises: this is one of the most expensive items, because 1 sq. m is enough for equipment. m area;
  • In no case should you skimp on quality and ingredients: it is important that customers enjoy using the services of your coffee machine;
  • If you are technically savvy, then at the first stage it is possible to save on personnel. Having reached the point of development of more than 10-20 machines, you can hire a service specialist, this makes business on coffee machines profitable; reviews from businessmen indicate that the starting number of machines should be at least ten, only then can you see your profit and the effect of the business.

Do I need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC?

It all depends on you and your capabilities. If you want to try and you have a friend or acquaintance who is willing to help you get started, then you can sign a contract for it and see how this business works. Well, you should understand that coffee machines are a business and you will need official registration in the future. Now it is very easy to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC using the State Services portal or just contact the MFC. Licensing for this activity is not provided, which is an additional advantage; a hygienic certificate for equipment is not required. It is usually included with the purchased device.

What “ingredients” are needed to get started?

The main expense item is not only taxes and rent, but also the filling of coffee machines - ingredients. You must understand that going to the store and buying ingredients there will not work. Even if you find something, you can’t use them other than grain. They are not intended for use in coffee machines due to their production technology. Owner reviews advise purchasing ingredients only from specialized companies that supply ingredients and consumables for the vending business. It is important! Coffee and other components of drinks that can be bought in vending machines are prepared in a special way, and their sticking and caking are completely excluded. In addition, the raw material does not absorb foreign odors, dissolves easily and well, which makes the drink taste great.

What we need to refuel the device:

  • Coffee beans;
  • tea drink (tea extract) or jelly;
  • dry milk or cream;
  • hot chocolate (depending on the type of machine);
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • disposable cups;
  • stirrers.

For maintenance, we will need to purchase detergents and disinfectants to clean equipment, which will have to be brought into a marketable condition either through our own efforts or by hired personnel.

Business plan

How to start a coffee vending business? First of all, you need to study. Find out which equipment is preferable to work on. Do you have a company in your city that supplies ingredients and coffee machines? Based on the information collected, make a plan on how to start a business (coffee machines). Reviews indicate that this business should under no circumstances be started in partnership. In order to see profit in the shortest possible time, you will need to purchase five to ten coffee machines, and for this you need a certain starting capital. Check out the selection.

Reviews: How long does it take for vending on coffee machines to pay for itself?

The profitability of a business depends on the cost of equipment, components (payment systems and additional options), the amount of rent, taxes and salaries of staff and, of course, the number of cups prepared per day. Today, the cost of one 165 ml glass is about 10-12 rubles. It is advisable to sell finished products for at least 30 rubles and it is better to focus on cafes and divide the cost of the cup in half. Profit can be made provided that the machine produces from 20 to 50 cups per day, that is, high traffic at the location of the coffee machine must be supported by good quality of the product, so that customers strive to drink the next portion of coffee from this machine. With such indicators and compliance with all the conditions for good business practices (operating condition of the device, high-quality water and components, favorable combination of price and quality of products), investments in this business will pay off in a period of 24 months or more. You should not believe what equipment sellers write on their websites. A lot of factors are not taken into account and you need to understand that the success of your coffee machine business depends only on you. Yes, there are rare cases when a coffee machine paid for itself in 3-6 months. The location of the machine played a role there, for example, a university or a large train station or airport, lack of competition, and weather conditions.

Risks in vending.

Every business has risks. On the vendors' forum, entrepreneurs write reviews about whether it is worth installing in such a place or not. Colleagues share their failures and warn other vendor entrepreneurs not to waste their time. It is very important to take into account traffic - no people - no sales - no profit! For example: weekends and holidays in factories, offices, universities are downtime. Risk of machine breakdown. This is the most important point. You simply must know how the machine works and what important components it has. This risk can be minimized by having a small warehouse of spare parts, and thanks to the vendor forum, you can quickly get advice on repairs. And you need to understand that buying new equipment in Moscow does not mean that under warranty you will be quickly repaired in Vladivostok; you need to take a step or two to calculate the possible probabilities of breakdowns and purchase everything in a timely manner.

The coffee vending business is a vending business and is the most profitable in this area. It involves making money from selling coffee and tea. To open a business, it is enough to purchase a special machine, the ingredients for it and find a place to install the machine. According to experts, the profitability of a business with proper organization reaches 140-150%.

Registration and documents

To start a business, it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur. No additional permissions are required to install machines.

You may also need:

  • Space rental agreement.
  • Quality certificates from coffee and consumables manufacturers.
  • Permission from the SES if you are installing a machine in a hospital or educational institution.

Equipment selection

Your income will come exclusively from the coffee machine. Your profit largely depends on how correctly it is chosen. If it breaks frequently or is designed for a small number of servings, then you will lose your money, as well as customers.

To begin with, it is advisable to purchase one new good coffee machine; a little later, when you learn how to service it yourself and eliminate minor breakdowns, you can purchase several more used ones.

Before purchasing a device, it is advisable to read the instructions for its maintenance and clarify all points of interest to you from the seller.

When buying a car, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Is there a service center nearby that services machines from this manufacturer?
  2. Is the equipment of the machine suitable for installation outdoors or only for a protected area?
  3. Warranty terms and conditions. It is advisable that the warranty period be at least 3 years. Also check the cost of servicing the device after the warranty period has expired.
  4. The maximum load of the machine - how many servings it is designed for. It is desirable that from refueling to refueling the machine can dispense at least 300 servings. In this case, it will be enough for you to check it once every two to three days.

Location selection

It’s worth starting a business by choosing a suitable place to install the device. This should not just be a building in which there are more people, but a place where people have to spend a lot of time. In addition, it is advisable that there are no canteens, buffets or other coffee machines nearby.

As practice shows, the most successful options are:

  • shopping and entertainment centers;
  • universities, colleges, schools, where there are always a lot of students and pupils;
  • beauty salons, gyms;
  • clinics and hospitals;
  • car dealerships;
  • airports and train stations;
  • libraries and information centers;
  • markets and stops, metro;
  • a cultural center where clubs and activities for children are held.

Please note that profit depends on the choice of location. If the machine does not make a profit for several months, it needs to be moved to another location.

An area of ​​1 square meter is sufficient to install the device. In some cases, a little more space may be required - up to 2 square meters, depending on the size of the machine. There should also be some free space around the machine so that several people can stand near it.

Please note that it is advisable to install a waste basket near the machine. Otherwise, a person may refuse to purchase only because he has nowhere to throw away the used glass.

Ingredients for the coffee machine

The selection of ingredients must be approached carefully, since the number of buyers will depend on the quality of the product. This is due to the fact that most buyers are regular visitors to the building where the coffee machine is located.

Please note that the products must match your brand of machine, otherwise the taste of the resulting drink may differ significantly.

To begin with, it is advisable to use the specified recommendations for preparing coffee, indicated in the instructions for the machine. In the future, you can improve the recipes somewhat.

To operate the machine you need to purchase:

  • coffee – both instant and natural;
  • tea – one or two varieties are enough;
  • sugar;
  • cream – dry or granulated;
  • drinking water;
  • powdered milk;
  • cocoa or chocolate;
  • drinkware - cups and stirrers.

Please note that water is poured into the reservoir in the device.

When choosing a supplier, you need to purchase a batch of the product and try drinks made from it. It is not recommended to take samples, as the taste of coffee prepared from a sample may differ significantly from that prepared from purchased ingredients.

Estimated expenses and income

Let's consider a sample business plan for installing one coffee machine.


  1. Buying a machine gun. The cost of the car depends on the manufacturer and ranges from 130,000 to 330,000 rubles.
  2. Rent of premises – 500-1,000 rubles per month.
  3. Payment for electricity per month is 3,000-5,000 rubles.
  4. Ingredients for a month – 16,000 rubles.
  5. Cups – 700 rubles.
  6. Maintenance – 2,000 rubles.

Total costs for one car: 354,700 rubles.


  1. On average, the cost of one drink is 3 rubles.
  2. The markup on drinks in this business segment starts at 250%.
  3. The average price of a check is 11 rubles.
  4. On average, with high traffic, 70 cups of drink can be purchased per day.
  5. Thus, the income per day will be 770 rubles. Per month – 23,100 rubles.

The average payback of a machine is from 1 year to 1.5 years.


How can you achieve more income when running a business?

  1. Within a month or two, you should evaluate the profitability of the business and purchase several more machines for installation in other locations. It is advisable to install at least 5 machines.
  2. Install coffee machines in different places. For example, if one is installed at a university, then it is better to install the second in a clinic or entertainment center. Please note that in the summer the demand for coffee is much lower, and in educational institutions it tends to zero, since the main buyers are students and are at home.
  3. Pay attention to the appearance of the machine. Clean it periodically. Few people will approach a dirty, stained car.
  4. If you have the means, install a snack machine nearby. This way you will not only increase the demand for coffee, but you will also be able to earn additional money from your new machine.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • A small retail area for installing the device.
  • Low rental costs.
  • Machines of this type are less likely to break down.


  • Looters and vandalism.
  • High risk of incorrectly chosen location.
  • High competition.

Video: Business review of coffee machines

How much can you earn from a coffee machine? How to build a business in this segment? What to pay attention to? You can get answers to these and many other questions from this short video:

The coffee machine business is considered one of the most profitable. With the right approach to starting a business, its profitability can be up to 140-150%, and the machine will begin to generate income within 4-6 months after installation.