We are opening a beauty salon. Business plan for opening a beauty salon - step-by-step instructions How to open a beauty studio from scratch

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are attracted to the salon business. In the course of developing his plan, they often face questions: how to open a beauty salon, where to start and how much money is needed, where to look for masters, how to make a big profit. But first things first. Let's start with the main points - opening the establishment and organizing its work.

The head of her own salon - this is the dream of many representatives of the fair sex

As in any business, it all starts with analyzing the service market and identifying the basic needs of potential clients. Where to start to open a beauty salon:

  1. choose a good place for it - passable and popular, noticeable to others, so that there are no similar salons nearby, with convenient entrance and entry from the roadway;
  2. determine the concept of the establishment - visit potential competitors, find out how they are doing, adopt their techniques, conduct research into solvency and services that clients need;
  3. obtain all the necessary permits and purchase the necessary equipment, and then begin searching for craftsmen and advertising.

Where to start opening a beauty salon?

Let's dwell on the nuances of how to properly open a beauty salon from scratch:

  • if you rent premises in a business center, take care of signage inside and outside, you may not rent the first floors, but you should be easy to find;
  • to open in a residential building - ask the residents for permission, record it in writing, place the entrance on the other side of the yard;
  • when choosing a place in a shopping center, consider the number of people who visit it; to attract them you will need marketing tricks;
  • mid-level establishments are relevant for residential areas, hair salons are an economy option - for markets, train stations, college campuses, business class and luxury - for the city center.

To start any business you need to study a lot of theoretical foundations and practical tips.

And a few more tips on how to open a beauty salon from scratch:

  1. determine the range of services - their level and class, how many craftsmen will be needed for them;
  2. if you are a beginner, it’s better not to think about the prestige, VIP or luxury levels, unless you have a well-known brand or a famous master in mind;
  3. establishments with a high standard are distinguished by high-quality and inexpensive service, elite cosmetics and the presence of highly qualified professionals;
  4. luxury uses unique techniques, prestige - expensive equipment and finishing, VIP - an individual approach to each client;
  5. The economy option is characterized by inexpensive services of a hairdresser and manicurist, some cosmetic procedures, simple repairs and cheap equipment, affordable cosmetics and a low level of staff qualifications;
  6. business class has a wide range of services with a higher price than a simple hairdressing salon, better repairs and equipment compared to it, worthy specialists working on cosmetics of famous brands.

How much money do you need to open a beauty salon?

To answer the question of how much it costs to open a beauty salon from scratch, you need to calculate the total costs of organizing this business. Based on them, the profitability of the idea and its profit are assessed.

Using the example of a budget hairdresser, let’s calculate how much money is needed to open a beauty salon:

  • simple repairs will cost at least 150,000 rubles;
  • furniture and tools - hair dryers, sinks, cabinets and chairs, etc. - that's another 250,000;
  • cosmetics and consumables for 2 months - 150,000 - 200,000;
  • advertising and promotion - approximately 30,000 - 50,000;
  • salary to employees, depending on revenue - about 50,000;
  • tax administration, accountant - 10,000.

Every serious business requires a certain starting capital

In total, this turns out to be about 800,000 rubles, which need to be recouped. If we take the minimum cost of a haircut as 350 rubles. and the popularity of the establishment - it is visited by about 20 people a day, revenue will vary from 4,000 to 10,000. With a seven-day schedule, this is about 120 thousand per month, which can cover the investment in two and a half years. For an elite salon, the amount will increase approximately three times, but it will also pay off faster due to higher prices.

What documents are needed to open a beauty salon?

The establishment must be registered with a number of authorities and authorities, including not only the SES and fire service, but also the district administration. In the future, they will monitor your work.

Here is a list of what documents are needed to open a beauty salon:

  1. the main paper is the technical passport of the premises, it is issued by the BTI;
  2. for the sanitary and epidemiological station - medical records for each employee, logs of cleaning and sterilization, operation of bactericidal lamps, accounting of disinfectants, contracts with the laundry, agreements on garbage removal and medical examinations, a passport for ventilation;
  3. to the fire technical supervision - an evacuation plan and actions in the event of a fire, an order appointing someone responsible for safety, a briefing log and documents for the alarm system and the conclusion of firefighters.

There is a special list of documents required for business registration, established by law.

What should be the room?

The first thing you need to open a beauty salon is a premises that meets the recommendations of the SES:

  • it has a separate entrance and ventilation, not shared with residential apartments, water supply and sewerage;
  • is located in a non-residential building and is not located in the basement - it could be a former apartment;
  • corresponds to a size of at least 14 square meters for the main hall and 7 square meters for other rooms;
  • divided into zones - reception, men's and women's halls, storage room, disposal warehouse, locker room, shower and toilet;
  • The walls are not decorated with paper wallpaper, each workplace is illuminated by at least 40 lux.

One of the most important points in the matter is the choice of location for the salon.

Equipment and consumables

Organizing a workspace is impossible without furniture and special equipment. Here is a short list of the equipment you need to open a beauty salon:

  1. for the hairdresser - a swivel chair for the client and another one combined with a sink, a large mirror, shelves and racks for tools, a boiler;
  2. for manicure - a table and seats for the master and the visitor, hand baths, an autoclave for sterilization, a lamp for drying gel polish;
  3. for cosmetic procedures - a special couch and chair, cabinets and a refrigerator for cosmetics, mirrors with shelves and lighting, equipment, sinks with cold and hot water;
  4. linen - towels, negligees and aprons in three sets for each - one for a shift, the second for work, the third for washing, or their disposable analogues;
  5. uniform - the introduction of a uniform for staff is necessary to support the working mood and corporate image, but it remains an optional attribute.

To save money, equipment can be purchased used in good condition.

All equipment and materials used must have permits, certificates, and warranty service agreements. The purchase should be made taking into account the list of services provided, the number of specialists and the expected flow of clients per shift.

Don’t forget about cleaning and disinfectants, a first aid kit, shampoos and liquids for coloring and curling, and little things like disposable gloves and napkins.

Personnel requirements

There are no strict educational requirements for employees if they perform simple household cosmetic and hairdressing services. If you are not interested in qualifications and diplomas, then you yourself will have to monitor the quality of the work performed.

Another thing concerns a cosmetologist; he must have a specialization in therapeutic cosmetology or nursing in this area. Then the specialist will be able to perform peelings and tattooing, hardware and anti-aging procedures, and do medical makeup.

In addition to the craftsmen, you will need the following employees:

  1. administrator, client manager, seller for the sale of cosmetics;
  2. cleaner, storekeeper, security guard and accountant.

Personnel are the face and hands of the business - so you should hire experienced professionals

Everyone must have medical records.

How to attract your first clients?

You can attract your first visitors in one of four ways, but it’s better to use them all at once:

  • colorful, beautiful booklets - deliver them to the mailboxes of nearby houses;
  • a sign on the outside of the building - the name should be visible from afar;
  • free electronic directories - add your establishment to 2GIS and 4Geo;
  • announcement on local radio or TV - launch a video with the opening or promotion on the air.

Beauty salon advertising

Further development of the client base operates according to the “word of mouth” scheme. Your first visitors will help you if they like the services provided. Service should operate on the principle that the customer is always right. Then the person will not only want to come again, but will also recommend the place to his friends and colleagues.

How to open your own beauty salon: business plan

To successfully work and manage all calculations, a clear plan is needed. Then you can evaluate your profit and see which aspects require special attention.

A business plan on how to open your own beauty salon so that it is profitable looks like this:

  1. active advertising campaign;
  2. proper marketing of the establishment;
  3. control over all business processes;
  4. qualified craftsmen professionals;
  5. high level of customer service;
  6. quality equipment and cosmetics.

To ensure that your establishment does not operate at a loss, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • in the first months the expenses will not pay for themselves, the work will be at a loss;
  • the net profit from each service is at least 30%;
  • after six months, regular customers make up 60% of all visitors;
  • sales of cosmetic products bring in 20% of income;
  • employee salaries are considered to be 10% of sales and 30% of the cost of their work;
  • at the initial stage, fees are charged regardless of the staff workload;
  • the administrator is rewarded with a bonus of 1% of the establishment’s total income;
  • if the output of one of the foremen drops, it is necessary to check whether he has a conflict with the administrator, or whether he is working for himself;
  • the norms of expenses per visitor are strictly observed, in order to avoid the substitution of expensive drugs for cheap ones or their theft;
  • Daily records of consumables and services provided are maintained.

It is almost impossible for a newcomer to the salon business to avoid all possible risks. On the Internet you can find both positive and negative reviews on how to open a beauty salon from scratch, they boil down to the following problems:

  1. where to purchase equipment - attract special suppliers;
  2. searching for employees - hire two specialists who can provide a list of services to the establishment, then recruit a staff of young masters from students in special schools;
  3. obtaining permission to open - contact a lawyer or a company that collects the necessary documents for government agencies;
  4. franchising - you can acquire the right to bear the name of a well-promoted brand, then it will do advertising and cover part of your costs, but then you will strictly follow the instructions of the main salon without the right to have your own vote.

So. You have firmly decided to become the owner of a popular business and write a sample beauty salon business plan to start with. Before proceeding with targeted financial investments, you should dwell on the problem of the demand for business in your region and answer the question: for whom?

Beauty Salon Business Plan Development: Market Analysis

Beauty Salon Business Plan: Collection of Documents

The list of documents for opening a beauty salon contains the following items.

Title documents

  • Registration documents (on ownership, charter);
  • Lease agreement (if any).

SES conclusion

  • Technical documentation for the premises;
  • Assortment list;
  • Agreement with the organization for the removal of garbage and hair;
  • Contract for washing peignoirs, towels * ;
  • Documents for sterilizers;
  • Agreement for disinfestation, disinfection, sanitary passport;
  • Contract for the maintenance of the exhaust ventilation system;

In addition, a sample business plan for a beauty salon should indicate the need for the following list of documents:

  • Conclusion to work from the fire inspection;
  • Permission to carry out activities from the administration of the settlement;
  • Permission to carry out trade in related products (from the administration and SES);
  • Agreement with the Housing Office for maintenance (electrical wiring, water supply, etc.);
  • Agreement with the organization for the maintenance of the cash register;
  • HR documentation package;
  • Certificate of conformity * ;

(*) - issued on a voluntary basis and if necessary;

List of personnel documents

Documentation on personnel records includes several packages.

  1. Accounting documentation (payments, payroll calculations, etc.).
  2. Personnel accounting.
  3. Internal acts establishing the interaction of employees, the procedure for work and maintenance.

The list of documentation must necessarily contain the personal files of each employee, their work records, financial liability agreements, a training log, work schedules, vacations, etc.

Important : For lack of documents, the labor inspectorate has the right to impose a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles, or to suspend the activities of the organization for 90 days.

The location of the beauty salon plays an important role. But even more scrupulously it is necessary to approach the design of the salon itself.

Some organizational moments of opening a beauty salon

A detailed business plan for a beauty salon contains the following key points:

The choice of the position of the salon

The determining factor for successful business is the location of the enterprise. It is desirable that the salon is located on a busy street, with high traffic, convenient parking. Another condition is the absence of a number of competing structures. All of the above refers to a standard set of factors that affect revenue volumes. Often consider the option of locating the salon inside a shopping or office center.

Premises requirements

The premises must comply with:

  • First of all - the norms of SES;
  • Secondly, the style and purpose of the organization - a beauty salon.

Outside equipment requirements

It is desirable to have:

  • Showcase windows;
  • Protection against precipitation in the form of a visor at the entrance to the salon;
  • Placement of pillars, advertising signs near the salon;

Required conditions:

  • Central entrance from the street;
  • Location on the 1st floor. The exception is salons located in shopping (office) centers where there are escalators or elevators. In this case, the placement of a colorful sign is possible on the facade of the building;

It is unacceptable to equip the entrance to the salon through a common courtyard.

Technical requirements

  • Minimum area - 100 m 2;
  • Ceiling height - min. 3 m, not including finishing;
  • Ability to connect units operating from 220V and from 380V;
  • At least one emergency exit;
  • The presence of a vestibule in the room in case of installation of a thermal curtain in cold weather;

Engineering systems

  • Possibility of water supply to each room of the cabin (for this, it is necessary to provide for a margin of at least 30 cm in height or a basement, which will allow communication to be carried out in the floor);
  • Separately mounted ventilation duct;

Salon equipment

Consider the option of opening a casual class beauty salon for 20 clients. Before deciding on the equipment, it is necessary to designate a list of services that the service will provide. A detailed beauty salon business plan contains the following list, recommended for elephants of this class:

  1. Hair care (equipment for cutting, styling and coloring).
  2. Pedicure and manicure (equipment for the care of feet and hands).
  3. Cosmetic services and related equipment.
  4. Full body skin care services (solarium, massage equipment).
  5. Creation of the client's image, a unique image (specialized equipment).

A complete list of equipment, including hairdresser equipment, furniture, number of mirrors, chairs, etc. contains a ready-made business plan for a beauty elephant.

Personnel requirements

In addition to the head, the beauty salon for 20 persons includes the following staff:

  1. Salon manager with a combination of the work of an accountant, who purchases materials, equipment, inventory and household materials. In other words, the organizer and business manager who maintains all financial reporting. These types of work can be performed by one person in our case with a small salon. When opening a large structure, it is necessary to delimit responsibilities into several units.
  2. Hairdresser-universal (2 people for the service of the female half, 2 people for the men's room).
  3. Cosmetologist with a combination of the work of a makeup artist, consultant. (1 unit).
  4. Make-up artist with a combination of the work of a make-up artist, stylist, cosmetics consultant. (1 unit).
  5. Manicure-pedicure master (at the initial stage we took one unit, if the number of clients increases, we can take on one additional master).
  6. Masseur, combined with the work of a spa therapist, chiropractor.
  • Spa business plan.

Financial calculations

An example of a business plan for a beauty salon, in addition to organizational aspects, should contain some calculations and figures that ensure the theoretical prospects and profitability of the enterprise.

The calculation of profits for enterprises of this direction and scale is calculated based on an analysis of the activities of similar structures. As a rule, a beauty salon in rare cases is loaded by more than 50%, and we will proceed from this.


  • Room rental - 50 thousand rubles. monthly (in case of purchase - at a time from 2 million rubles);
  • Equipment - 1 million rubles;
  • Repair, design of the premises from 1 million rubles.
  • Related costs 500 thousand rubles;
  • Salary of hired personnel - 1200 thousand rubles. annually.

Total: 5700 000 rub.


With a planned capacity of 20 people, taking into account the incomplete workload, the income of the beauty salon will be 400 thousand rubles. monthly.

Total: 4 million 800 thousand rubles. per year, (when buying a room).

Summary : when analyzing a business plan for opening a beauty salon, it is obvious that the payback of the enterprise comes after a maximum of 1.5 years. Therefore, a beauty salon, subject to all the subtleties, conditions and formalities, is a very profitable investment. Yes! And do not forget to give the salon a sonorous original name, it is better to coordinate this moment with a psychologist. Good luck!

Opening your own beauty salon is not easy, but interesting

Are you thinking about the idea of ​​“how to open a beauty salon from scratch”? Then this article is for you.

Open a beauty salon, where to start?

With the right organization. To open, you will need documents for business activities, permits from the SES and fire supervision.

Do you want to provide therapeutic treatments? An appropriate license is required. This applies to body wraps, mesotherapy, massage, and botox.

Employees must have medical records and undergo regular medical examinations.

Sign a recycling agreement for syringes, needles, hair and tanning lamps.

Types of beauty salons

Before you open your own beauty salon, you must be clear about your goals. Are you dreaming of a small family business? We are opening a cosmetology office based on a hairdressing salon with a set of standard services. It will provide a stable income throughout the year. The main clients are neighbors in the neighborhood.

Do you want to provide exclusive services? Middle class salon. Your clients are middle class. More costs and better levels of service are required. The work is seasonal: peaks in the pre-holiday weeks in early spring and mid-winter. The prices are higher than the basic ones, but they require highly qualified staff and knowledge in modern style.

  • Read: How to open a hairdresser?

You shouldn’t immediately think about how to open an “elite class” beauty salon. This is an opportunity for “promoted” brands or famous “star” stylists. In salons of this level, the client pays for other values: the prestige of the establishment, the creation of an image and mood. The salon owner will need to bear the costs of maintaining the image. Everything must be the best: equipment, craftsmen, materials.

If we consider the business in dynamics, the following should be mentioned. If you are opening a beauty salon from scratch, start with the basics. In a couple of years, cover all areas with a network of such salons. Then it makes sense to open a couple of mid-level salons. By this time, the craftsmen will have achieved the required qualifications, and funds will appear to purchase the best equipment and rent in a “cool” business center. If there are a lot of rich people and “stars” in your city, then these salons will create the basis for opening a top-class beauty salon.

Location selection

There are several common points for all beauty salons.

  1. Separate entrance.
  2. It is prohibited to be located in a semi-basement or basement.
  3. If a beauty salon is opened in a residential building, residents must give their written consent.
  4. Availability of all communications, including air conditioning.
  5. The first workplace requires at least 14 sq. m of area, for each other - no less than 7 sq. m. m.
  6. All sanitation and hygiene requirements must be observed.
  7. The room has demarcated zones:
    • reception,
    • work room,
    • rooms for disposal and sterilization,
    • materials storage warehouse,
    • shower and changing room for staff.
  8. If you are renting a premises, make sure that the owner does not want to go into such a business. Otherwise, when moving, clients will habitually go to the old address, which will give him an advantage for starting a business.

To open a middle-class beauty salon, you need to locate it in the city center in a business center or in a popular supermarket. Advertising costs are higher, but the level of work of the salon masters can quickly reduce them. The “golden rule” of the salon business: “The master himself brings his clients! ".

Choosing a location for an elite beauty salon is also important. His clients will be wealthy people for whom atmosphere and style are more important. Therefore, it is better where there are many other elite establishments: hotels, casinos, boutiques and clubs.

Professional staff, new equipment and reasonable prices will quickly make your salon popular

Equipment, tools and consumables

The set differs in the number of services provided in the beauty salon. To equip the salon you will need:

  • swivel lift chairs for clients;
  • mirrors with stands for each master;
  • trolleys;
  • ultraviolet sterilizer (desktop version);
  • baskets for dirty laundry;
  • sink with chair;
  • electric water heater;
  • dryers with armchairs;
  • infrared device for some types of coloring and curling;
  • devices for certain cosmetology services;
  • sinks with water;
  • tool cabinets;
  • refrigerator for medications;
  • set of linen (3 sets for each master: 2 towels, a set of napkins, peignoir). They must be sterilized and processed in a timely manner.

Tools and consumables

Experienced hairdressers usually have the following set of tools:

  • 4 things. different combs;
  • 3 pcs. different straight scissors;
  • hair clipper;
  • 3 pcs. different brushes;
  • 2 pcs. different thinning scissors;
  • straight razor;
  • electric tongs of 2 types;
  • container and brush for hair coloring;

Consumables include:

  • shampoos,
  • hair coloring liquids,
  • balms and liquids for hair treatment;
  • liquids for curling and hair styling.

Few entrepreneurs decide to open a beauty salon from scratch, but this business area is one of the fastest growing segments. Of course, such an establishment requires quite serious investments, but the profit from it will be tangible.

To avoid incurring losses, a businessman must develop a detailed business plan before opening. It will help you evaluate opportunities and choose the right strategy.

An entrepreneur needs to decide on the list of services provided. Hairdressers, manicurists, pedicurists, cosmetologists, and massage therapists can work in the beauty salon. The more services and jobs there are, the more initial investment will be required.

The level of costs also depends on the class of the beauty salon. There are 3 types. Each of them has special characteristics.

Economy class

Business Class

Premium class


Simple haircuts, hair coloring, hairstyles, manicure, pedicure.

In addition to the services provided in economy class salons, there are hair care services, solariums, cosmetology and massage rooms. Makeup artists also work.

Creating a holistic image. Other services are added to the services provided in economy and business class establishments - aromatherapy, figure correction, hardware cosmetology.


In residential areas of the city.

In large shopping centers and shopping centers, business centers, prestigious areas of the city.

In large cities with large populations. In the most prestigious areas of the city or in the very center.


The appearance of such establishments is very modest, they spend very little on advertising, and use inexpensive cosmetics.

Much attention is paid to interior design. For this purpose, famous designers are invited. Employees use professional equipment and very high-quality consumables.


Low cost of services provided, accessibility to a large number of the population.

High level of service, variety of services provided and their high quality.

Very high level of service, availability of all necessary amenities (including parking, a special area for special clients).

Congestion level

Initial cost amount

Up to 1,000,000 rubles.

From 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.

From 3,000,000 to 10,000,000 rubles.

Premium beauty salons open infrequently, and the other two varieties can be found in almost any city. The entrepreneur himself must decide which format to choose. He must evaluate whether it is profitable to open a beauty salon of the chosen type in a particular city, and whether he has enough funds to bring the idea to life.

Finding a suitable room

Step-by-step instructions for opening your own beauty salon begin with choosing the appropriate format. Only after this the entrepreneur should look for appropriate premises. The level of profit will depend on the location of the salon. Important factors to pay attention to are:

  • dense population and traffic of the area (especially important for economy class cabins);
  • transport and pedestrian accessibility;
  • presence of competitors nearby.
  1. workplaces (one must have at least 5 m2);
  2. reception (where clients will wait their turn) - from 6 m2;
  3. laundry - no less than 9 m2;
  4. a special room for staff (where they will rest, have lunch, change clothes) - at least 6 m 2.

There are a number of other requirements that must also be met:

  • There must be a special room in the beauty salon where instruments will be disinfected and sterilized (it must have a sink with running hot and cold water);
  • The co-location of rooms intended for pedicure, tattooing, piercing, cosmetic and massage procedures is unacceptable; each must be in a separate room;
  • but a pedicure and manicure room can be combined if these services are provided by one specialist;
  • in one room you can place a dressing room, a waiting room and a place for lunch (the latter is allowed if no more than 10 people work in the beauty salon at the same time).

The total area of ​​the required premises should not be less than 50 m2. And for luxury beauty salons this figure increases at least 2 times.

But even if an entrepreneur has found, as it seems to him, the ideal premises, it is not worth renting it right away. To begin with, it is better to make sure that all higher authorities will give permission to conduct activities in the chosen establishment. Otherwise, the entrepreneur will suffer losses, and then will again look for suitable premises.

It is better to choose landlords who are ready to enter into a lease agreement immediately for a long period. This will reduce the likelihood of having to move to a new place in the near future, and therefore eliminate the need to incur additional costs.

Collection of necessary documents

Not all entrepreneurs know what it takes to open a beauty salon. But this is one of the most important questions. First you will have to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If you plan to open a large establishment, then it is better to go with the second option. It will not be possible to do without indicating OKVED codes. Without them, legal activities are impossible. In this case, the following codes may be needed:

  • 93.02 - “Provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons”;
  • 93.04 - “Physical and recreational activities.”

Working with hair and nails is associated with possible damage to the skin and the introduction of various infections (including syphilis, HIV and hepatitis). That is why the functioning of beauty salons is regulated by a number of serious regulations. The required documents (regardless of the type of salon) include:

  1. conclusion of the SES on the compliance of the premises with the requirements prescribed in SanPiN;
  2. paper from the Ministry of Emergency Situations confirming that all fire safety rules have been complied with in the cabin;
  3. permission to operate from the local municipality.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs who want to open their own beauty salon are interested in whether they need a license to operate? Everything here will depend on the list of services provided. If it is limited to cutting, hair coloring, manicure and pedicure, then you will not need to obtain a license. But those institutions where medical services are provided are subject to much more serious requirements. We are talking about cosmetic procedures, massage, piercing, tattooing and peeling. If a beauty salon provides at least one of the listed services, then working without a license will be illegal.

Disputes regarding the need to obtain a license are also associated with solariums. In fact, you don’t need to get a license, but there is one important nuance. If the equipment passport contains the wording “medical equipment product,” then it will also be mandatory to obtain a license.

Obtaining a license is regulated by a number of regulations. To become its owner, an entrepreneur must fulfill a number of requirements:

  1. the equipment used must be registered with Roszdravnadzor and certified;
  2. maintenance of the equipment used must be carried out by a company that has a license to do so;
  3. the organization must have a provision regulating safety rules and prescribing the quality of the services provided;
  4. employees providing services subject to licensing must have appropriate certificates and medical education.

When obtaining a license, there are requirements for the education and work experience of the entrepreneur or head of the enterprise, depending on the type of organization.

Necessary equipment

The work of a beauty salon is impossible without special equipment. Moreover, it must be certified, as well as the materials used in the work. The minimum list of equipment for the simplest beauty salon is as follows:

  • armchairs;
  • sinks;
  • tables;
  • hair dryers;
  • tools (tweezers, scissors, curling irons, hair dryers).

If the establishment provides massage, you will need a special table, essential oils, and creams. The makeup artist will need consumables, brushes, and blenders. A cosmetology office will require special equipment.

It is the purchase of the necessary equipment that will become the most significant cost item. To purchase everything you need for an economy class cabin you need at least 150,000 rubles.


The number of employees and their specialization will depend on the scale of the beauty salon and the list of services provided. In addition to hairdressers, makeup artists, cosmetologists, administrators will be required. They will register clients, meet them, and inform them about the work of the salon. It won't be possible without cleaners. An elite establishment will additionally require security guards and laundresses.

To encourage employees to do quality work, it is worth offering them a form of remuneration “salary +%”. This applies to masters.

A dermatovenerologist, who must have a specialization in “therapeutic cosmetology,” must work as a cosmetologist. If an employee has a secondary medical education, then in addition he will have to obtain a certificate of “cosmetology nurse” and a diploma of “cosmetology nursing.”

Absolutely all employees of the enterprise must have health certificates and undergo a timely medical examination once a year.

Beauty salon promotion

  • Signboard. It should be bright, beautiful, attractive and understandable. You definitely need to come up with a catchy and memorable name for your beauty salon.
  • Registration in electronic directories. Such a service will not require any investment, but it can attract additional clients. You need to register in the 2GIS and 4GEO directories.
  • Distribution of leaflets and booklets. This can be done near the establishment. Additionally, leaflets can be distributed to nearby houses, and advertisements can be posted on entrances.
  • Advertising on local television. But this option is more suitable for elite establishments.

Additionally, you should think about creating your own website or group on social networks. All this will bring an additional flow of customers. Contextual advertising will also help increase the number of visitors.

Financial results

Any entrepreneur organizes his own business to make a profit. No wonder he's interested how much does it cost to open a beauty salon from scratch, how soon can it pay off? You will need starting capital of at least 500,000 - 900,000 rubles. The cost includes not only the purchase of equipment, but also the renovation of the premises, the purchase of furniture, consumables, and an advertising campaign.

It will be possible to return the invested funds in approximately 1 year. For small salons, the payback period may be slightly shorter.

The income of a salon can reach several million rubles a month if it is a fashionable establishment with a large turnover. But a small enterprise will generate net income of about 70,000 - 150,000 rubles.

At first glance, it seems that opening a beauty salon from scratch is a fairly simple matter. All you need is capital and desire. But, in reality, this cannot be done, because you need not only desire, but also knowledge, an understanding of what you need to learn, as well as diligence. There are cases when this type of enterprise pays off within the first year of operation. To achieve this result, you need to know how to properly organize your business.

First, try to decide on a business model. It could be:

  1. Business Class;
  2. economy option;
  3. VIP class.

In the first version of the establishment, a fairly wide range of cosmetology services can be offered. To do this, you will need highly qualified employees, high-quality equipment, good premises (appearance, comfort, placement).

But in the second case, they offer very inexpensive hairdressing services, manicures and several basic cosmetic procedures. The finishing of the premises is inexpensive, the level of qualification of the personnel is low, the equipment and means used are cheap.

And, of course, VIP class with a high level of service, expensive equipment, designer interior, elite care products and a very wide range of cosmetic and image services.

Required documents

At the first stage, you decide on the organizational and legal form - LLC or individual entrepreneur. On the second, you classify future services so that you can then choose the right OKAVED codes. On the third, choose a taxation option (UTI is better here).

After this you can move on to the fourth stage, i.e. to determine the requirements for equipment and premises. If we are talking about the standards of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, then in relation to beauty salons they are as follows:

  1. Ban on paper wallpaper;
  2. no accommodation in the basement: you can rent an apartment that has been converted into non-residential premises;
  3. isolated ventilation systems: isolated from both public buildings and residential premises;
  4. availability of water supply and sewerage in the building.

Each equipment and material must have passports and certificates. You must also have warranty agreements for the equipment. And all devices used must be approved by the Ministry of Health.

To open a beauty salon from scratch, you need to obtain a medical license, a report from the fire service and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

Selecting a room

If you are not going to offer a very wide range of services, then you can choose premises in one of the residential areas of the city. Such an establishment is usually aimed at clients with an average level of income. At the same time, the pricing policy fully corresponds to the level of services provided.

The higher the image of a beauty salon, the closer it should be located to the city center, near metro stations, on busy streets and squares.


How to open a beauty salon? You definitely need to take care of purchasing equipment to provide services. Think about what kind of offices will be in the room? In addition to dryers, chairs, manicure sets and mirrors, you need to purchase a number of necessary tools.

  • Cosmetology equipment: hardware cosmetology (phototherapy, scrubber, RF-lifting, etc.), vacuum-roller apparatus for figure correction and equipment for infrared therapy, sterilizers and hair removal (wax, laser, photo), lamps, couches and chairs.
  • Hairdressing equipment : dryers, chairs, sinks, mirrors, hair dryers, curling irons, scissors, combs.
  • Manicure and pedicure equipment : manicure and pedicure devices, hoods, sterilizers, baths, carts, special chairs and lamps.


While finding a hairdresser is quite easy, finding a good hairdresser is not an easy task. Even if you can't find a professional with experience, you can simply hire someone with a desire to learn. Such an employee will attend courses to improve skills, receive various qualifications and certificates - all to provide high-quality services.

A cosmetologist is a drematovenerologist whose specialization is “therapeutic cosmetology.” This place can also be taken by a specialist who has a diploma of secondary medical education with training in “Nursing in cosmetology”.

All employees must have medical records, and they must also comply with the hygiene requirements and standards of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. The head of the enterprise must have a higher medical education.

How much does it cost to open a beauty salon?

The approximate amount for starting your own business is 5,000,000 rubles, if the rental period for the area is 100 m2? valid for at least 5 years:

  • Renovation of the premises - $400 per 1 m2;
  • equipment – ​​300,000 rubles;
  • salary – 33% of total income.

There are examples when an entrepreneur managed to invest in smaller amounts. But, this is only possible if you rent equipment and the premises have already been renovated.


Therapeutic cosmetology is considered one of the types of medical activities, which means it is not subject to VAT. But this does not apply to cosmetic procedures.

Services performed in the salon are considered household services and are subject to the taxation system. As we said above, this is UTII. This option greatly simplifies bookkeeping. But the medical services provided are suitable for both the simplified and general taxation systems.

What are the risks?

There are several main risks. The first concerns the fierce and great competition in the modern services market. You are not opening an ordinary hairdresser, but rather a beauty salon, so this plays a big role. So, before choosing a premises, analyze the situation in the city area: are there similar establishments nearby, what services do they offer, how long have they been operating, how much does the service cost. Then, against the general background, make the right decisions.

The second risk is market instability. Experts say that such a business is quite risky from the point of view that due to improper preparation at the initial stages, you can close it after just six months of work. Even experienced salons can find it difficult to stay afloat if better offers appear.

To the third group Risks include high staff turnover: everyone is looking for a better place. If you managed to hire good specialists, keep them in your workplace with incentive bonuses, bonuses, stable days off, etc. Then they will literally hold on to their seats.

Fourth danger zone– narrow range of services. This can be a winning or losing decision. It is known that the most profitable manipulations with appearance are always carried out only by doctors. If your establishment operates in one direction, it can generate more profit, but, nevertheless, many clients will look for a place where they will be offered services like yours, and a number of additional ones - all in one place to save time.

And the last, fifth group is the seasonality of demand for services. During the spring period, demand for a number of body care procedures is highest. In summer - pedicure and manicure. In the fall - hair and facial skin care, and in the winter - solarium.

How much can you earn?

The amounts directly depend on the range of services offered. But, in any case, full payback will not occur earlier than six months after opening. Approximate monthly income is from $10,000, taking into account the fact that there will be at least 100 clients.

Now that how to open a beauty salon is not such a big secret, feel free to get down to business. Calculate all sorts of nuances and pitfalls to make the enterprise a success. Good luck!

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RKO in Tinkoff Bank. Open an account

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More about the current account

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