Stuffing is omental graphite. gland sealing rings Gland packing trg 102 with characteristics

Packings are made of thermoexpanded TRG graphite, expanded fluoroplastic (PTFE yarn), high and low temperature carbon fiber and aramid (Kevlar) yarn. Packings are made both from the above materials and from various combinations of these fibers with various additives and impregnations.

Advantages of TRG packings over traditional packings.

In conventional braided packings (based on asbestos, linen, synthetic and other threads), there are possible leakage paths between the fibers. However, the woven graphite fiber packing under pressure of the stuffing box cover forms a homogeneous mass and no leakage occurs. In this way, leaks are controlled with significantly lower tightening forces, which contributes to a longer packing life. Graphite has a significantly higher thermal conductivity (40....100 W/m*K) than traditional packing materials (for example, asbestos has 0.1...0.3 W/m*K), due to which In the pump chambers, heat is efficiently dissipated - the amount of leakage required to remove heat is minimized.

Graphite has an extremely low coefficient of friction, around 0.05. This figure is significantly lower than that of many fibers used for the manufacture of packings. For comparison, the coefficient of friction of asbestos is 0.5. Thanks to the use of graphite packing in stuffing box seals, heat generation is drastically reduced and it is possible to reduce the energy consumption of pumps.

Gland packings made of woven thermoexpanded graphite - TRG are self-lubricating. To replace a worn layer of material, a layer of exactly the same material is exposed, and not a layer of, for example, dry abrasive asbestos. This drastically increases packing life and also reduces shaft/bushing wear.


Thermally expanded graphite - TRG has a very low coefficient of friction on steel compared to asbestos:

Packings from TRG at temperatures up to 650°C almost do not lose volume and mass with time, especially in the closed volume of the stuffing box, and a small (less than 6%) mass loss due to the burning out of the polymer binder is compensated by high elastic deformations of the material, while asbestos-containing seals lose mass as a result of chemical composition changes even in vacuum. In addition, TRG packings do not lose their sealing properties in the temperature range from -200 to +200°C during the entire service life. Asbestos packings inevitably harden and their sealing characteristics deteriorate. Thus, when using packings from TRG, there is no need for regular tightening of the stuffing box.

Unlike the material of asbestos and fibrous packings, TRG is practically impervious to liquids and gases. The excellent compressibility of the material ensures the tightest possible contact with the surface of the shaft or stem and between the threads in the weave. This allows not only to ensure the tightness of the assembly, but also to reduce the amount of packing used to 4 - 6 rings, instead of 8 - 10 asbestos-containing rings.

TRG packings are universal, as they have high chemical resistance to almost all media, with the exception of strong oxidizing agents.

Due to the elastic properties of the material, TRG packings transfer well the pressure from the bottom box to the surface of the shaft or rod. The lateral pressure value is 60 . 70% of the axial, while for asbestos-containing packings this value does not exceed 30%. That is, to ensure the same contact pressure on the sealing surfaces, at least half the tightening force is required.

The thermal conductivity of TRG 100 ... 150 W/m K is significantly higher than the thermal conductivity of asbestos and fluoroplastic, which does not exceed 0.3 W/m K and 2.4 W/m K, respectively, which ensures efficient heat removal from the friction zone and allows operate pumps without overheating even in the absence of leaks necessary for cooling when using asbestos-containing and fluoroplastic packings.

non-abrasive media, as well as other similar equipment in the chemical, petrochemical, oil refining and oil industries, energy, as well as in public utilities pipelines, in the practice of cold and hot domestic and drinking water supply, land reclamation and the food industry.

Medium: Steam and superheated steam, water, oil and oil products, chemical media.

  • Omental packing "Carboflex -101" (MS-101)

    Manufactured from flexible woven graphite fiber with corrosion inhibitor.

    Designed to seal the shafts of high-speed pumps with minimal leakage of the working fluid for cooling.

  • Omental packing "Carboflex -105" (MS-105)

    Made of flexible woven graphite fiber with glass fiber and corrosion inhibitor.Impregnated with a suspension of polytetrafluoroethylene (fluoroplastic).Designed to seal the shafts of centrifugal and plunger pumps with minimal leakage of the working fluid for cooling.

  • Omental packing "Carboflex-131" (MS-131)

    Manufactured from filaments of flexible thermally expanded graphite, reinforced with inconel wire with a corrosion inhibitor. It has high hydraulic resistance and allows reliable sealing of liquids with high fluidity and gases.

  • Omental packing "Carboflex-161" (MS-161)

    Manufactured from flexible woven graphite fiber reinforced with high quality carbon fiber with corrosion inhibitor. Designed for sealing shafts of centrifugal pumps with minimal leakage of the working fluid for cooling, as well as stuffing box fittings.

  • Omental packing "Carboflex-250" (MS-250)

    Stuffing box packing is made of high-strength low-temperature carbon fiber impregnated with fluoroplastic suspension. The packing is designed for sealing shafts of centrifugal and plunger pumps.

  • Omental packing "Carboflex-500" (MS-500)

    Braided packing made of expanded fluoroplast fibers (PTFE). Square packing designed for use in fittings. Woven from 100% polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) fibers.

  • Omental packing "Carboflex-510" (MS-510)

    Braided packing made of fibers of expanded graphite-filled fluoroplast (PTFE). It is designed for sealing stuffing box chambers of pumps pumping solutions of acids and alkalis and other aggressive media.

Low prices. Quality. New generation asbestos-free seals. Tightness of 100% during all term of operation. Wide operating range: the whole range of working environments, including aggressive ones; temperature from "-200" to "+800" degrees Celsius; pressure up to 50 MPa (500 kgf / cm2). Does not fade at high temperatures. Doesn't dry out. During operation in operating and standby modes - 100% tightness.

Gland graphite packing TRG is woven from threads in the form of a bundle of square (rectangular) section. Depending on the operating conditions (working medium, temperature, pressure, speed, etc.), graphite stuffing box packing is woven from TRG graphite threads, which are reinforced with various materials. Asbestos-free gland packings are also made from other materials: fluoroplastic threads, carbon threads, acrylic threads, bast threads, cotton threads, threads from other sealing materials and their combinations.
Appointment of stuffing box packing.
Stuffing box packing is used for sealing movable and fixed joints of pipelines, fittings, pumps, mixers, autoclaves, compressors and other units used in all industries, from the oil and gas production / processing industry to the nuclear and food industries.
Workspace: water, steam, superheated steam, gases (including liquefied), oil, oil products, chemicals, aggressive chemicals.
Working temperature: from "minus 200" to "plus 800" degrees Celsius.
Operating pressure: up to 50 MPa (500 kgf / cm2).
Properties of stuffing box graphite TRG:
- Chemical resistance (inertness to various aggressive environments);
- Radiation resistance;
- Heat resistance;
- Tightness;
- Strength-Elasticity-Elasticity (increase in overhaul life of equipment);
- Low coefficient of friction (significant reduction in wear of moving parts of equipment);
- Not susceptibility to aging (does not shrink during storage and operation);
- Environmental Safety.
Standard sizes of stuffing box graphite TRG:
- section dimensions - from 3x3 mm to 50x50 mm;
- density - from 1.3g/cm3 up to 1.9g/cm3
Assortment of stuffing box graphite TRG:
- from threads of thermally expanded TRG graphite of high purity;
- from threads of thermoexpanded graphite TRG, reinforced:
* cotton thread,
* fiberglass,
* glass fiber reinforced with inconel wire,
* fiberglass braided with inconel wire,
* cotton thread impregnated with fluoroplastic suspension,
* glass fiber impregnated with fluoroplastic suspension.


LLC PKP "MITO" offers to supply products made of thermally expanded graphite (TEG). All sealing materials have certificates of conformity, passports

TRG seals: foil, sealing tape, gasket material, gaskets, gland rings (more than 300 standard sizes), graphite monofilaments and braided packings.


Withstand high pressures, temperatures up to -240 to +560 °C in contact with air or steam and up to + 2000 °C in an inert atmosphere or vacuum, operating pressure up to 40 MPa

Resistant to thermal cycling;

Chemically inert in most aggressive environments;

Do not age, do not lose their elastic properties and plasticity over time;

Plastic, but do not flow into the gap;

Environmentally friendly, do not contain asbestos and other hazardous substances;

Impervious to gases and liquids;

Have a low coefficient of friction;

Soft, do not wear out rods and shafts of fittings and pumps.

LLC PKP "MITO" supplies:

Braided gland packing TRG TU 2573-002-12058737-2000

Designed for sealing pumps, valves, mixers and other moving joints in the following media: superheated steam, oil, heavy and light oil products, gaseous and liquefied hydrocarbons, acids, alkalis, salt melts and solutions, organic substances (phenols, ethers, amines, etc.). ), liquid and gaseous oxygen. Made from TRG thread. Widely used for sealing stuffing boxes of centrifugal and plunger pumps. It is produced with a cross section from 4x4 mm to 32x32 mm with a density of 0.8-1.3 g/cm, reinforced with lavsan thread, brass or stainless wire. To reduce friction, the packing can be impregnated with fluoroplastic.

Working conditions of stuffing box packings:

*complete with closing gland rings made of TRG

Graphite foil TRG TU 5728-003-93978201-2008

It is made from the best natural high-purity coarse-grained graphite according to the technology developed and patented by the company's specialists on automated lines. Does not contain asbestos and other binders.

Flat sealing gaskets TU 5728-006-93978201-2008

Manufactured types, manufacturing methods, designs of gaskets and their dimensions are determined in accordance with the Guiding document "Sealing gaskets from thermally expanded graphite, operated up to 20 MPa and 600 °C, developed by IrkutskNIIKhimmash".

Gland rings TRG TU 5728-001-93978201-2008

Designed for sealing valve stems, shafts of centrifugal pumps and similar equipment in the chemical, oil refining, energy and other industries.

Due to the extremely low coefficient of friction, they are used as plain bearings.

Sealing tape TU 5728-012-93978201-2007

It is made from rolled foil GF-1 and GF-3 by cutting on disk shears. Standard dimensions (width), mm: 6.1; 6.5; 12; 15; 17; 21; 27; 30; 32; 40; 65 in reels up to 150 m. Three types of tapes are produced: smooth, corrugated, reinforced threaded .

Graphite gasket material TU 5728-004-93978201-2007

Non-reinforced and reinforced GPM are produced.

Examples of using:

production of flat gaskets for flanged joints,

sealing of pressure vessels and apparatuses,

sealing of internal combustion engines.

Non-reinforced graphite interlining material is graphite board 0.8-4.6 mm thick, made either with or without a binder. Supplied in sheets 1000x1000, 1500x1500.

Reinforced graphite gasket material TU 2577-004-12058737-2002 is made from graphite foil or cardboard by joint rolling with a smooth or perforated reinforcing component 0.15-0.20 mm thick. Reinforcement is carbon steel, stainless steel or aluminium. It is possible to manufacture a single-piece gasket with a width of 1000 mm and a thickness of up to 2 mm, consisting of a single layer of graphite, the mechanical characteristics of the material guarantee its trouble-free operation when sealing media with pressures up to 20 MPa.

The stuffing box is a simple and effective device for sealing fixed and moving joints. Glands are widely used in pipelines, in transport, in the installation of cable penetrations, in hydraulic presses, pumps, and chemical apparatuses. In the simplest case, oiled hemp can be used, but modern industry produces special stuffing box packings.

The stuffing box filled with packing is tightened with bolts and nuts, and the connection is reliably sealed, leakage of the working medium or penetration of corrosive substances is excluded. The performance of many critical units depends on the correct choice of stuffing box packing.

Types of gland packings

  • Asbestos and non-asbestos (containing cotton or other fibers).
  • Dry (graphitized and clean) and impregnated - fat, graphite-adhesive compounds, fluoroplastic suspension are used for impregnation.
  • Section shape: square, rectangular, round.
  • According to the method of manufacture: wicker, twisted, rolled.
  • According to the structure of weaving (braided): with a single-layer, multi-layer and through core, reinforced (brass wire).
Gland packings are supplied in coils weighing 9-25 kg.

Classification of gland packings

Fibrous and combined packings are standardized in Russia according to GOST 5152-84. They differ primarily in the presence of asbestos in the composition. Its presence is indicated by the letter "A" in the product abbreviation. In asbestos-containing gland packings, there is a core made of glass roving or rubber, brass wire. For impregnation, an oil extract, a fatty anti-friction composition, a suspension of fluoroplastic with graphite, talc or mica are used. The packing can be graphitized, rubberized. A separate category is PAFS polypropylene packing with an asbestos core impregnated with fluoroplastic and mica.

Asbestos-free gland packings are woven from bast fibers, fluoroplast, fluorolon, cotton materials, carbon threads. Graphitization, impregnation with a suspension of fluoroplast, a fatty antifriction composition are used. Rolled up rubberized cotton packings are available, optionally with a rubber core.

Such an abundance of brands of stuffing box packings allows you to choose the most suitable option for these operating conditions. GOST determines for each brand the permissible temperature limits, pressure, sliding speed, pH of the medium. It is indicated in which units and assemblies packing can be used - fittings, fixed connections, centrifugal and piston pumps, plunger pumps, hydraulic presses, stern tube sealing devices.

The working medium for various brands of gland packing can be air, water vapor, nitrogen, inert gases, drinking and process water, sea water, organic substances, petroleum products, ammonia (gaseous and liquid), alkalis and acids, ammonium carbon salts.

Gland packings made of thermally expanded graphite

TRG packings have advantages over traditional ones. Braided graphite fiber in the stuffing box under pressure forms a homogeneous mass, there is no leakage of the working medium between the fibers. Less effort is required when tightening the stuffing box, which prolongs its life. Graphite conducts heat well and dissipates it efficiently. The coefficient of friction of graphite is very low, which reduces heat generation and consumption of electrical energy in pumps.

TRG packings are self-lubricating. The worn layer of material is replaced by the same. This reduces wear on bushings and shafts. Expanded graphite packings do not require additional lubrication. Over time, TRG-packings almost do not lose weight and volume at temperatures up to +650ºС, do not harden. A small loss of mass during the burnout of the polymer binder is compensated by the elastic deformation of the material. There is no need to regularly tighten the gland. TRG packings are chemically resistant in almost all environments, except for strong oxidizing agents.

TU 5728-001-93978201-2008

Benefits of rings based on TRG
reliability. Tightness. Availability.

Extruded gland rings made of thermally expanded graphite are a widely recognized and affordable solution for sealing stuffing box assemblies in shut-off and control valves. Due to the unique sealing properties of TRG, they provide guaranteed high reliability and service life of the sealing unit for 10,000 cycles at a medium pressure of up to 40 MPa. Excellent compressibility of the material ensures the tightest possible contact with the rod surface. This allows not only to ensure the tightness of the assembly, but also to reduce the amount of packing used to 4 - 6 rings, instead of 8 - 10 asbestos-containing rings.

High operating temperature.

TRG rings at temperatures up to 650 ° C almost do not lose volume and mass over time, especially in the closed volume of the stuffing box, while asbestos-containing seals lose mass and volume as a result of a change in chemical composition even in a vacuum, which leads to weakening of the tightening and loss tightness.

property stability.

TRG does not lose its sealing properties in the temperature range from - 200 to 650 ° C during the entire period of operation. Asbestos packings inevitably harden and their sealing characteristics deteriorate. Large and non-decreasing with time elastic deformations of the TRG allow maintaining tightness during multiple thermal cycles without additional maintenance. TRG rings ensure the tightness of fittings for 10,000 cycles.

density stability.

Density deviation from nominal value of TRG rings is no more than ±0.02 g/cm 3 . Since the rigidity and strength of the rings directly depend on the density of the material, the minimum variation in the density of the rings makes it possible to obtain stuffing box packs with the most uniform properties. The installation of such seals is greatly facilitated by the fact that the compression of the rings to the required specific load can be performed with great accuracy according to the amount of shrinkage of the package, without the use of measuring keys, while tightening according to the amount of shrinkage for a package with a difference in density is even ± 0.1 g / cm 3 can lead to an error of one and a half times when determining the allowable pressure of the sealed medium.

Low clamping force.

TRG rings, due to the elastic properties of the material, transmit pressure well from the bottom box to the surface of the shaft or rod. The value of the lateral pressure is 80 ÷ 90% of the axial pressure, while for asbestos-containing packings this value does not exceed 30%. That is, to ensure the same contact pressure on the sealing surfaces, at least half the tightening force is required.

High chemical resistance.

TRG gland rings are universal, as they have high chemical resistance to almost all media, with the exception of strong oxidizing agents.

No corrosion.

TRG rings do not cause corrosion in contact with metal at parameters up to +560C and 40 MPa.

Various designs and manufacturing methods.

Types, manufacturing methods, designs of gaskets and their dimensions are determined in accordance with the Guiding document “Stuffing box seals from thermally expanded graphite for fittings and pipelines (up to 40 MPa and 600 ° C)”, developed by OAO IrkutskNIIKhimmash, which provides for the manufacture of rings of various designs.

Gland rings TRG are designed for sealing fittings, pipelines and similar equipment in the chemical, oil refining, energy and other industries.

If, during the repair of equipment, only partial disassembly is performed, and the possibility of pressing sealing rings from thermally expanded graphite is difficult, because rings are not split, it is recommended to independently, directly on the site, make split rings from pieces of gland packing based on TRG, brand NG-100 or NG-200, depending on the operating conditions, and install them in the stuffing box. Such a replacement allows you to completely restore the tightness of the assembly.

Order designation example:

ring 21-V-B-112x87x12 GF-2

sealing ring TRG, ( 21 ) equipped with an end flat protective ring ( V)twisted, ( B) with a density of 1.5-1.7 g / cm 3, ( 112x87x12) outer diameter 112 mm.-
inner diameter 87 mm. - height 12 mm., ( GF-2) made of foil grade GF-200 (ash content not more than 0.5%):

TRG ring selection table.

Preparation method


Manufacturing technology

The size of the outer diameter of the ring, mm






g/cm 3


Pressing from wound graphite tape
Without protective rings

Sealing of valve rods and pump shafts at P y ≤ 6.3 MPa and T ≤ 560°C

Sealing of valve rods and pump shafts at P y ≤ 10 MPa and T ≤ 560°С

Sealing of valve stems, sealing of “body-cover” joints at P y ≤ 25 MPa and T ≤ 560°С

Closing rings in the set of seals for valve rods and pump shafts at P y ≤ 40 MPa and T ≤ 560°С

With end flat protective ring

With end U-shaped protective ring

Closing pre-extreme rings in the set of valve stem seals at P y ≤ 40 MPa and T ≤ 600°C

With angled L-shaped protective rings of various positions

Sealing of “cover-body” joints of fittings and high-pressure apparatuses, fixed and slow-moving joints operating under pressure P y ≤ 40 MPa and T ≤ 600°C


Pressing a package of alternating glued layers of graphite and stainless foil

Closing rings in the set of valve stem seals at P y ≤ 40 MPa and T ≤ 560°C

Note: protective and reinforcing rings are made of stainless steel foil grades 12X18H1OT, 12X18H9.08X18H10.10X17H13M3T according to GOST 4968, 0.16÷0.3 mm thick.

Foil brand

Degree of purity
Foil TRG