Breeding animals at home. Pet Breeding Business Ideas

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Breeding animals at home- a profitable area for entrepreneurs. Not only experienced businessmen, but also beginners can work in it. This is ideal for rural residents (including exotic options used at home). Starting your own business does not require serious investments, and the money invested will quickly pay off.

How to start your own animal breeding business?

The most difficult thing is to properly organize a place for keeping animals. Living in the village will allow you to quickly solve this problem. It will not be possible to do without registering your own enterprise. The following options are available here:

  1. IP opening. This format is suitable for small households.
  2. LLC registration. This option is worth choosing for those who already have or plan to expand their own farm. The format is suitable for entrepreneurs who raise pigs, rabbits, chickens and other livestock.

Official registration of your own business will require obtaining a number of papers. For example, you can sell meat, eggs only if you have a sanitary certificate. Without it, legal entities will not even start cooperation.

Consider the most popular and interesting business ideas in the field of animal breeding.

Own pig farm can bring really good income. But to implement this idea, serious efforts will be required - which is only worth caring for these animals. For the business to be successful, you must follow the following rules:

  • to keep pigs, you need to build a barn;
  • in the diet of animals, there must be food rich in vitamins and trace elements (otherwise, weight gain will slow down greatly);
  • constant monitoring of the state of health (you will have to contact the veterinarian for vaccination and examination of livestock);
  • cleanliness will help to avoid high mortality of animals.

You can start small - 10 pigs will be enough. Already 4 months after their purchase, you can make a profit by selling meat, lard and even skins.

It is important to choose the right growing technology. If the starting capital is not large, then you can stop at cold content. But this option will slow down the growth of animals. There are other ways to cut costs. For example, independently engage in the creation of drinkers, feeders.

Many farms decide to organize their own sheep breeding business for a reason. These animals are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, low mortality rates. And income from their breeding can be obtained quickly and easily.

Sheep allow you to earn income from the sale of wool and fur (weaving factories are ready to buy them for a high price), milk (you can sell it to local residents, make cheese from it). Sheep meat will also be easy to sell. It is bought by public catering establishments - restaurants, snack bars, barbecue houses, cafes.

Significant profits can be obtained with a fairly large scale of breeding. Of course, the income will be from 10 goals, but it will not be so tangible.

Success will largely depend on the correct selection of feed. Sheep need to be walked, so you need to think about the pasture in advance.

The profitability of such a business varies from 10 to 30%. The larger the livestock, the more profit the entrepreneur will receive.

Chicken breeding

The chicken farming business is one of the most common household formats. This is largely due to the high demand for products - people are used to eating meat and eggs. The dietary properties of this bird also attract customers. You can work in the following areas:

  • sale of meat;
  • sale of eggs;
  • breeding with subsequent sale of livestock.

But there is quite a lot of competition in this area. Of particular danger are large poultry farms that provide shops and supermarkets with products. An entrepreneur can make the main competitive advantages of his products freshness, growing chickens without various additives and injections that accelerate growth.

You can't do without building your own farm. It is not necessary to purchase feeders and drinkers - all this can be done with your own hands, especially if the livestock is small. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition, maintenance and health. Vaccination will help to avoid high mortality of chickens.

The profitability of such an economy can reach 100%. No less interesting would be the idea of ​​breeding quails, turkeys and geese. You can do them in parallel.

The idea of ​​raising rabbits is unusual for many rural entrepreneurs. But such a business format is really capable of bringing tangible profits. Even five females per year can increase the number at times. This will allow selling more than 200 kilograms of meat, 100 skins in the first year.

Rabbit business is considered one of the simplest and most affordable formats. These animals are unpretentious, they quickly gain weight. For content it is better to use cages. It is not necessary to buy them at exorbitant prices, you can make yourself or turn to the villagers. They will not only do the job cheaper, but also give advice.

Rabbits need to be vaccinated on time to prevent common diseases from developing in them.

You can sell not only meat (which, by the way, is in demand among women for their children due to its high usefulness and dietary properties), but also animal skins - their shoe factories use them to make shoes. Even the ventricles, paws and ears can be realized.

Within six months, you can pay off a large rabbit farm and reach a profitability of 30%.

Fish is in great demand among the population. That is why the business in this direction is considered very promising. The level of profitability can reach 50%. You don't need to invest heavily to start your own business. You need to work according to the following plan:

  1. search for a reservoir (it can be a natural or artificial pond);
  2. studying the features of growing fish (it is better to decide what kind of fish to grow even earlier);
  3. development of distribution channels (so that during the active growth of fish, the entrepreneur does not panic looking for buyers).

Fish farming is objectively considered a seasonal business. In the cold season, water bodies freeze, and there is no talk of active growth of individuals. But in warm weather, the fish multiply, grow rapidly. The entrepreneur himself can also contribute to growth by conducting timely cleaning of the reservoir, selecting varieties of feed with useful microelements and additives.

Most often, entrepreneurs decide to breed carp, sturgeon, sterlet, trout or silver carp. Be sure to take into account the amount of initial capital.

Ostriches for Russia are exotic. But their breeding can allow you to make tangible profits. Fortunately, it will not be difficult to find buyers for meat and eggs. Moreover, in recent years, the demand for such products has been growing. But most often it is bought by wealthy citizens.

The greatest profit in this area can be obtained by selling young animals. But breeding requires serious knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is better to start small. This option will eliminate the need to collect a large number of documents, certificates.

It is better to buy small chicks and raise them for the subsequent sale of meat. Ostriches reach sufficient weight in about a year or a little less. Therefore, breeding these animals will not pay off immediately.

The disadvantage of this business is the high probability of losing part of the livestock due to severe weather conditions and epidemics. In Russia, it makes sense to breed ostriches of the following breeds:

  • South African;
  • Australian emu;
  • South American nandu.

Chinchillas are another type of exotic animal. Although today it is increasingly possible to meet breeders of these cute creatures. The idea of ​​​​breeding them is interesting in that special conditions are not needed for breeding chinchillas. Animals are famous for their unpretentiousness. They eat little, are resistant to external conditions. All this makes it possible to start a business with a minimum investment.

In total, there are about 20 farms in Russia that breed chinchillas. It is better for a novice entrepreneur to start with a small livestock. This will allow him to get acquainted with animals, learn about the features of breeding. Only then should you think about increasing the population.

The main value of the chinchilla is its fur. It is considered the warmest and densest.

During its life (about 20 years), a chinchilla is capable of producing several dozen offspring. It will be most effective to keep females and males separately from each other.

The idea of ​​a snail farm is very unusual for Russians. But such a business format can bring good income. Demand for products is provided only by 65%. Therefore, it will be easy for an entrepreneur to occupy his niche in the market.

It is better to buy young animals in European countries (Poland is actively breeding these animals, so it is best to make a purchase there) or in the Crimea, Adygea. It will be important to choose the right kind of snails. You can get advice and recommendations from breeders.

Snails do not require special care. The main thing is to protect them from the effects of insects and provide them with food.

Crayfish are a delicacy for many Russians. Catching them in natural conditions is inefficient due to slow growth and a small number of populations. Therefore, the format of artificial rearing of these individuals is a promising format for breeding. The following breeding methods can be used:

  • in natural reservoirs;
  • in artificial reservoirs;
  • in aquariums.

The first two options have a pronounced seasonality. In the cold season, crayfish significantly slow down their growth, then there can be no talk of any impressive profit. But the aquarium format will allow you to actively make a profit all year round.

There are many types of cancers. The entrepreneur should pay special attention to this. The format and conditions of breeding, the composition of useful trace elements that will need to be included in the diet will depend on this.

Bull breeding

Breeding bulls for the subsequent sale of meat is an idea that can bring tangible income. The bottom line is the purchase of calves and their subsequent cultivation. Meat will be in demand among the population because of its excellent taste, natural products.

For starters, 10-15 goals will be enough. And already from the first profit, you can buy a new batch of calves, invest in the construction of stalls.

It is important to choose the right breed. It is best to focus on fast-growing ones, as they will accelerate the return on investment and allow you to get the maximum profit.

It is necessary to make sure in advance that the selected breed is suitable for growing in a particular region - weather conditions can seriously affect the growth rate and health of individuals.

In the Russian regions, bulls of the following breeds are usually bred:

  • Simmental;
  • Kazakh white-headed;
  • charolais;
  • Hereford.

For food, feed and fresh grass will be required. The livestock needs to be shown to the veterinarian from time to time, to vaccinate them. Then it will be possible to exclude the likelihood of diseases and high mortality.

Summing up

Animal breeding is a profitable format with high profitability. But work in this area will require not only special knowledge, but also perseverance, a willingness to constantly care for farmed individuals.

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Animals have been domesticated since they were tamed. People are engaged in breeding pets, pursuing different goals. For some, this is an exciting hobby, while for others it is a profitable business. What methods of breeding animals exist, how to keep them at home, read the article. You will learn a lot of useful information.

In the household, a person has been breeding animals since ancient times. Some - to obtain meat, milk, raw materials, and others - for faster movement or transportation of goods.

Breeding of farm animals is carried out in households and on farms. For this, horses, rabbits, cows, pigs, sheep, goats and others are raised.

rabbit breeding

namely rabbits, it is easy to grow. They do not need a special room, free range and pasture. Foraging does not take much time, as their main food is hay and grasses, which grow everywhere. Rabbits feed on yarrow, dandelion, chickweed, and plantain.

Animals are divided into meat, down and fur. For breeding at home, the meat type is better suited, since meat and fur can be used. You should choose healthy rabbits with a strong body and a shiny coat. The eyes, ears and nose of animals must be clean. Healthy babies are mobile, their ears stick out. The best time to buy rabbits is during the summer when they are old enough to spend the winter outdoors.

Rabbits are kept in cages that can be placed in a barn, on the street, under a canopy or shade from trees. For babies, the cage should consist of two parts: in one - a shelter, in the other - a paddock. Rabbits of different sexes are placed in different cages, as their readiness for childbearing begins early, as soon as the animals reach the age of three months. It is not advisable to mate animals before the age of six months: the development of young rabbits will stop, and the offspring will turn out to be weak. The readiness of males for mating is year-round, and females - only during estrus. In one year, an adult female has up to five births, each with about eighteen babies. The best females, about eight individuals, and one male are left for breeding.

To increase the weight of the animals should be well fed. Their diet should not only consist of grass. You should regularly add some fresh vegetables, fruits, berries. Rabbits feed on leaves and stems of raspberries, lilacs, and black currants. So that the greenery is all year round, it is harvested in the fall.

If the care and feeding of the animals is good, there will be no problems with breeding and rearing. But if the cells are not treated properly, the food is constantly rotten, overwhelmed by rats and other insects, rabbits can get sick. The content of a large number of animals in one cage leads to bad consequences. They may get hurt. Wintering on the street during severe frosts leads to frostbite, and in the rain - to a cold.

horse breeding

Breeding and maintenance of animals, such as horses, is carried out in two ways: herd and stable. In the latter case, stalls are attached to the stables, in which manure is removed daily. Mandatory disinfection of the stables is carried out monthly. An unscheduled procedure is carried out as needed, when the formation of horses by sex is completed, when there is an urgent need to get rid of rodents and insects.

Horses should not be fattened before the mating procedure, as the offspring from obese animals will not be good. The stallion must be in good physical shape, for which he should be provided with good nutrition, but not fattened.

Mating is carried out in the spring, the best time is March-July. Healthy mares of three years of age are allowed to this process. The mating of horses is carried out during the mare's estrus. Signs of this phenomenon are restlessness and excessive excitement, constant neighing and attraction to stallions. The mare becomes in the appropriate position. This period is characterized by viscous secretions of yellow or transparent.

Horse nutrition

Breeding animals involves feeding them. The horse is a very neat animal in everything. Feed should be of good quality, not frozen, rotten or moldy. If a horse is given cold water, it will develop abdominal cramps, so the water must be warm. It should be given before feeding, 30-50 minutes before. Nutrition must be balanced.

In addition to grass and hay, horses eat vegetables, berries, and fruits. They need lump salt, vitamins and minerals. Horses need to be fed three to four times a day, and watered much more often. During the winter cold, the main food in the diet is hay from meadow grasses and cereals. It is better not to give straw, it is rough and has few nutrients. In the warm season, the horse eats fresh grass.

Horse care

impossible without regular good care. Horses must be shod and constantly monitor the condition of the hooves and horseshoes. Animals need bathing. This hygiene procedure is mandatory. It should be carried out weekly, once is enough. Frequent bathing can lead to skin disease. After water procedures, the horse must be wiped and warmed in the sun.

Cleaning of the mane and the entire skin is carried out at the end of each race. The horse must have individual care products. It should be remembered: it is unacceptable to feed and clean the animal at the same time.

goat breeding

Animal breeding is carried out to obtain meat, milk and fluff. Depending on the desired goal, choose the appropriate breed. Goats are unpretentious and profitable animals for breeding in the household. Goats do not have to be kept in warm sheds; they also spend the winter in uninsulated rooms with a harsh climate.

The benefits of goats are as follows: their milk is superior to cow's in the content of nutrients, and their meat is lamb. Warm clothes are knitted from fluff, and sheepskin coats are sewn from the skins of young animals.

For breeding, healthy animals are needed: one goat for twenty-five - fifty goats. The producer should have high productivity and no family ties with queens. Goats mature early, they are ready for childbearing at five to seven months. But it is better to have them when they are eighteen months old. The offspring will be healthier. During sexual hunting, goats behave restlessly, often bleat, wag their tail, and more. Before the mating season, the animals are well fed. Downy breeds of queens stop milking.

Half a month before the birth of the kids, the room in which the goats are kept is put in order: it is cleaned, bleached, insulated, drafts are eliminated, and the bedding is changed. Just before the birth, the goat is very worried: it lies down, then it gets up, the udder grows and so on. A healthy queen kittens on her own. Usually one or two kids are born.

Goat nutrition

Depending on the period of detention, the number of feedings is different. In the stall period, goats are fed four times a day, and in the grazing period - two. The main food of the summer is free pasture grass. In addition, concentrates, root vegetables, vegetables and dry hay are added to the daily diet. In winter, when animals are kept in stalls, food should be diversified. Salt, sprigs dried in advance are added to the summer diet. It is imperative to maintain a drinking regime: they give water three times when animals are kept in a stall regime and once in a pasture regime.


To obtain a good result, animal breeding requires proper care. To do this, the room must always be dry and clean. The floor is covered with straw, peat or brick, depending on the flooring material. In the barn you need to place sunbeds for sleeping animals. They should be lined with straw only for kids. Goats need hoof trimming. This is done as needed.

Ukrainian farmers, tired of endless unpredictable government initiatives to support the agricultural sector, relying on their own ingenuity and foreign partners, are beginning to master the breeding of unusual animals. Enterprises have been set up to grow red fish, fur-bearing animals, deer, grape snails, mussels, and even soil worms. At the same time, unlike their Western counterparts, domestic farmers are largely forced to look for original ways to sell their products. Not many compatriots prefer exotic food, and European and Asian manufacturers of leather and fur clothes buy raw materials in warm countries because of their lower cost. Nevertheless, in the case of establishing contacts with Western processors, the profitability of an unusual farm can reach sky-high 300%.

toothy gifts

Ukrainian livestock breeders often offer their products as an original gift to a business partner. For example, it is for presents to respected people that they buy crocodiles from the Kharkov veterinarian Karina Zhemchuzhnaya. According to the business woman, more than one thousand crocodiles live in Ukraine, and about a dozen small farms are engaged in breeding reptiles. “Over the years of our activity, we have sold more than one hundred caimans. Photographers are interested in them, they are purchased for exhibitions and at home. But most of the crocodiles were bought as a high-status corporate gift for a top manager,” says Karina Zhemchuzhnaya. The price of a small reptile (20–30 cm) starts at $150. It should be noted that in the capital a similar product costs $250-600.

Like some Western colleagues, with the help of breeding reptiles, Mrs. Zhemchuzhnaya solved the problem of disposing of waste from her own poultry farm - most of it is fed to crocodiles. The main part of the expenses (UAH 3.5-4 thousand per month) falls on the heating of the enclosure. “It is no secret that foreign crocodile farms generate income primarily through the sale of skins. However, for me this type of business is not acceptable for ethical reasons,” says Ms. Zhemchuzhnaya.

According to the expert's calculations, the organization of a crocodile farm requires a ready-made food base and at least $50,000 - this amount will cost the acquisition of a dozen individuals and the arrangement of a room with a pool. It will take at least 10 years for the further development of the enterprise. World experience shows that a colony of 900–1000 individuals is necessary for profitable operation. In Ukraine, no one has yet dared to do this. About a dozen small crocodile farms in our country are focused on selling reptiles as exotic animals. However, the organization of even a small enterprise could become a bait for tourists, at least, ostrich farms that are less exotic for Ukrainians are already included in many tourist routes.

And the crisis came

In the early 2000s The Ukrainian media reported that another businessman, tempted by exorbitant prices for snails in France, decided to start growing gastropods. However, attempts to organize a full-fledged snail farm in Ukraine have not yet been successful.

Kiev businessman Konstantin Fedchenko, together with partners, tried to equip the production of shellfish in the Crimea. “None of us was involved in snail breeding, so a lot had to come by trial and error. However, the main problem is the lack of full-fledged demand for grape snails in Ukraine itself. The few restaurants involved in its preparation offer very low prices. We tried to establish contacts with Western companies, but the crisis began, and we had to freeze the project,” Konstantin complains.

Entrepreneur Alexander Ignatiev from Kovel warns that it will not be possible to manage with small investments when establishing a snail farm: “Logically, one could start with a small production, gradually understand the specifics of the business, then increase turnover and try to enter the European market. However, our fellow citizens, following national traditions, absolutely do not perceive the snail as food. Therefore, you cannot rely on the local market, you must immediately focus on Europe.” According to his calculations, when entering the French or Italian market, breeding snails can bring 150% profitability. However, in this case, the purchase of shock freezing chambers, containers for transporting products, and other necessary equipment may require EUR 300-400 thousand or more.

In turn, Konstantin Fedchenko believes that it is possible to try your luck with shellfish in Ukraine by working on 1-3 hectares, and preferably 7 hectares of land, having a capital of at least $10-15 thousand. Orientation to the European market, according to the expert, involves an increase of the indicated amounts by several tens of times and a possible profitability of 300%. The entrepreneur is convinced that the flourishing of the snail business in Ukraine is not far off, this is evidenced by the demand for products from Europeans and the success of snail breeders in Eastern Europe.

soft gold

However, many Ukrainians prefer to breed more "responsive" animals than crocodiles or snails. For example, there are many businesses that grow chinchillas for fur, ornamental sales, and even as an ingredient in exotic restaurants. Dnipropetrovsk businessman Mykola Migashko specifies that the basis for breeding a chinchilla tribe - an adult family consisting of one male and four females - in Ukraine will cost $900-1000. The Internet is filled with information about the possibilities of creating a highly profitable chinchilla farm based on one or two families, but Mr. Migashko believes that entering the market with less than 200 families (800 individuals) is not reasonable. The money spent on the purchase of animals and the arrangement of the farm can be returned in a year and a half to two years.

In general, chinchilla breeding in Ukraine is a promising type of business. With all the necessary documentation and large volumes of high-quality fur, it is possible to establish business contacts with Western partners and achieve 100% profitability. “The algorithm of the farm is very simple: females give birth to 1–3 cubs a year, of which individuals with fur flaws or problematic colors are sold to pet stores (a one-month-old male costs 200–250 UAH, a female costs 250–300 UAH). The rest of the females are left for breeding work, and the males at the age of 7–9 months are sent for slaughter. On average, the maintenance of an individual from birth to slaughter takes 80–100 UAH. A high-quality raw skin of an animal costs $20-40, dressed - $50-70. Chinchilla meat is readily purchased by a local Chinese restaurant - a hundred slaughtered animals gives 20 kg of a dietary product,” says Mr. Migashko. Nevertheless, according to the expert, the chinchilla business cannot be called easy - animals bred for fur require attention to care and nutrition. Inexperienced farmers at first lose 20% or more of their young.

One of the exotic types of business developing in Ukraine is the cultivation of mink. In 2009, according to Ivan Prisyazhnyuk, director of Agro-Gold, about 400,000 Ukrainian mink skins were sold. Vladimir Prudenko, an entrepreneur from the Odessa region, started breeding ferrets and minks on his farm back in the late 1990s. “I started this business with 21 females and 3 males, but after a year my colony increased to 120 individuals. On average, one female per year gives birth to 5 cubs, the skins of which can be sold in Ukraine at a price of 200-250 UAH. If the fur is of high quality and in large volumes, then you can try to enter the western fur market - they pay EUR 35–50 for the skin. Although, it should be noted that the fur from the post-Soviet countries, as a rule, loses in quality to Western analogues and is priced 30–40% lower,” says Mr. Prudenko.

Given the reduction in the number of fur farms in Europe, it is difficult to overestimate the prospects for the development of industrial mink breeding in Ukraine. The main task of those who want to make money on fur is to create a high-quality tribe, the skins of which can withstand competition in foreign markets

Breeding animals at home is becoming a profitable and common type of own business. To organize a profitable household, it is necessary to have sufficient space and initial capital, to have the necessary knowledge in the field of animal husbandry.

A comparative analysis of the conditions for breeding a species, its demand, and payback periods will help an entrepreneur determine the profitability of an enterprise. When choosing which animals to grow on your home farm, you need to take into account the available free space, the amount of initial capital and the ability to organize comfortable conditions for the reproduction of the species.

Different types of animals, birds, fish and even insects can become a profitable business when breeding them at home, if you follow certain rules:

  1. Purchase young animals in the required quantity and from reliable suppliers;
  2. Preliminarily study the issues of breeding the species;
  3. Prepare the premises by creating all the necessary conditions;
  4. Use high-quality feed, monitor the health of animals;
  5. Determine the sales market, find regular customers.

Which animals are better and more profitable to breed depends on the location of the mini-farm, natural and climatic conditions, the demand for the species and the preferences of the entrepreneur himself.

View:The cost of an individual for breeding, rub / pieceTiming of reproductionPaybackseasonalitySales marketProfitability, rub/year
(explanations in the text)
Fish100 - 150 Caviar - after 6 years, grown individuals for sale 7 - 9 months.10 - 12 monthsSummer autumnFrom 300 000
crayfish50 - 120 10 - 12 months2 - 3 yearsAll year roundFrom 130 000
Poultry (chickens, turkeys)150 - 300 6 - 8 months10 - 12 monthsAll year roundGrocery markets, shops, wholesale organizationsFrom 150 000
rabbitsfrom 2008 -12 months8 - 10 monthsAll year roundCafes, restaurants, grocery storesFrom 300 000
Pigsfrom 150010 - 12 months2 yearsAll year roundGrocery markets, shops, wholesale organizationsFrom 500 000
Worms (bloodworm)50 - 80 rub/kg2 - 3 months3 - 5 monthsAutumn, winter, springFish farmers, fish farms, fishing shopsFrom 300 000

Sturgeon, sterlet, game fish

Growing fish at home is beneficial if there is sufficient space on which artificial reservoirs can be arranged. The minimum area of ​​the pool is 3 meters in diameter, depth 1 - 1.5 meters.

At the initial stage, you will need:

  • Several containers for growing fry, each 2 - 2.5 cubic meters;
  • Heated room for breeding sturgeon at home;
  • Generator providing uninterrupted power supply to the farm;
  • Water pump connected to a well or well;
  • Automatic feeders that ensure timely and even distribution of feed;
  • Compressor for saturation of water with oxygen.

In addition to the cost of equipment, investments will be required in the purchase of feed, payment for electricity, and the cost of buying fry. The minimum number of purchased young animals is 1000 pieces, a smaller number will be unprofitable.

Breeding sturgeon fish is especially profitable when an entrepreneur uses all options for making a profit. Sturgeon is grown for sale in grocery stores, restaurants and cafes. The second option to increase business profitability is to breed females for caviar, which is considered a delicacy and brings maximum profit. And the third option for profit is sturgeon breeding for the purpose of further sale of fry in industrial volumes.

Home-made products will always have an advantage over factory-made ones. That is why for people who live in villages or have their own plot of land, raising animals for sale is. However, first you need to figure out which animals are profitable to breed for business.

Rabbit meat is a dietary product that is especially valued in the diet of children and those who suffer from food allergies. In addition, it is very well absorbed and quite tasty. When breeding rabbits, you can also get by selling their skins.

A small initial investment is required. To open a farm for a thousand rabbit heads, you need a plot of less than six acres. You can also save if you make drinking bowls, cages and feeders for animals yourself.

Before opening a farm, you need to choose the form of registration of your farm, usually it is either the status of an individual entrepreneur, or running a personal subsidiary plot. If there is a prospect of selling meat and skins to acquaintances or at agricultural fairs, then it is better to choose the latter option, since then it will be possible not to pay taxes. However, to maximize profits, by increasing the options for selling products, the first option is more profitable.

The best system for keeping rabbits is shed, which automates almost the entire process. It consists of two rows of cells under one roof. The passage between the cells is filled with concrete, and if they are placed in several tiers, you can save space.

Important points:

  1. Before you start building a rabbit farm, you need to find out from the local administration the requirements, for example, how far from the settlement it should be, otherwise you will have to pay a fine.
  2. The breeding male and brood rabbits should have separate cages, the rest can accommodate young animals, but no more than eight individuals together.
  3. Mating occurs every three months, feeding rabbits for at least two. Thus, if there are 14 females, then about 300 new individuals can be obtained per year. For a thousand, respectively, three sheds are needed.
  4. For feeding, it is optimal to choose compound feed, all components of which are selected by experts based on the maximum nutritional value. In summer, you can additionally feed with fresh grass from pastures, and in winter with hay. Pregnant rabbits are best fed with vitamin and mineral supplements.

To summarize, to start a rabbit breeding business you will need:

  • (leased or owned)
  • farm documentation
  • construction of a shed, cages and storm drain system
  • : drinkers, feeders, forage equipment
  • rabbits for breeding (40-45 heads)
  • wages of workers for building a farm

The list of fixed costs for the maintenance of the farm includes feed and veterinary care. Thus, with the content of 15 rabbit cells, of which 14 females will require about 126,000 rubles for food, 12,600 for a veterinarian. At the same time, the income from the sale of meat per year will be about half a million rubles, taking into account expenses, about 30,000 thousand rubles every month.

Business plan for cattle breeding

To start a business for breeding medium and large cattle, you can get a subsidy from the Ministry of Agriculture as part of the support for start-up farmers, but even in this case, you will need to invest personal funds. The main direction will be the sale of meat both to wholesale organizations and at agricultural fairs.

The first stages will be the search for a land plot and the reconstruction or construction of a premises, the creation of feed stocks, the purchase of young animals and the selection of personnel. It is also necessary as a peasant farm. Income tax in this case will be 6%.

The technology involves the cultivation of six-month-old calves up to the age of 1.5 years. Usually by this time they weigh about a thousand kilograms. To do this, you need a corral (calves spend most of their time outdoors) and food: silage, root crops, haylage, compound feed and green fodder. The total for growing one individual is usually twenty thousand rubles.

It should be taken into account that the main competitors will be larger complexes of agricultural products. Although today the demand for high-quality cattle meat is very high, so there will be no problems with sales.

Potential annual income for one bull is 42,000 rubles. The amount is based on the fact that one individual can get 250 kilograms of meat, and the wholesale price is 170 rubles per kilogram.

  • ensuring constant access of animals to clean water
  • well-equipped room without drafts
  • vaccination against diseases
  • dry and clean floor

A medium-sized farm usually requires 4-5 employees, whose duties include: slaughtering, purchasing feed and accounting.

Poultry farming business plan

One of the most profitable areas is breeding chickens. They grow quickly and start laying eggs as early as five months old. Some breeds can do this all year round if the house temperature and light are maintained.

Before you start, you need to calculate all the costs and your own capabilities. A lot of space is not required to build a poultry house, so chickens are bred even in cities. If there are plans to expand the economy, then it’s better, this will greatly facilitate the receipt of various permits and certificates, but you will have to pay taxes on profits.

There are two types of keeping chickens: in cages and floor, but the first is rarely used for growing laying hens. Egg quality is affected by how active the birds are and how often they are outdoors. In addition, cells will have to be bought and cleaned.

You can build a bird house yourself or buy a ready-made one. The first option is, of course, more economical. You can build from slate, boards or gas silicate blocks. The latter material is more expensive than the rest, but it will last longer. The temperature in the house should not be lower than 2 degrees and not higher than 27.

Among the costs, of course, you need to take into account the purchase of feed. Chickens need compound feed, and adult birds need grass, potatoes, food waste. It is useful to include vitamins, chalk and eggshells in the diet.

And the costs should be taken into account that on average one chicken costs 100 rubles, one chicken eats 35 kilograms of feed per year. Thus, when managing a farm for 40 chickens per year, you will need to spend 20,000 rubles. Domestic eggs cost an average of 70 rubles per dozen, from 40 hens you can get 1,200 dozen eggs a year, which means that you can get at least 60,000 rubles a year in a year.

Business plan for breeding exotic animals

Recently, it has become popular to keep exotic animals at home, so their breeding is quite. However, in order for the animal not to die and be born healthy, their maintenance and cultivation will require special conditions and knowledge. There are several areas of this business: