How to make money growing broilers? Growing broilers as a business: drawing up a business plan and detailed calculations.

It is generally accepted that broilers are a specially bred meat breed of chickens. In fact, this is indeed an artificially bred meat breed, but not only chickens, but also ducks, turkeys, even rabbits. The main feature of broilers is the high growth of young animals.

Pure rearing of broilers is carried out in poultry farms. But if you buy hatching eggs or chickens, breeding can be quite organized at home.

Business Options

This business can be implemented in several ways. The amount of capital investment depends on what your business plan will be based on. The first method involves the purchase of day-old chickens, and the second - the purchase of eggs and sequential breeding of broilers. From the point of view of purchase prices, it is more profitable to buy eggs, since they are half the price. But in this case, the purchase of an incubator must be included in the business plan. In addition, not all eggs will hatch into chicks during the rearing process. Practice shows that the second method is suitable for those who are planning a long-term business.

In addition, by choosing the second option, you can sell day old chicks to those who have chosen the first option. There are various modifications of incubators for breeding broilers. A small business can get by with a machine for 30 eggs, and for industrial production it is also offered for 16 thousand. But it is important to remember that broilers grow very quickly and after a batch of hatched chickens, you will soon have to look for a room for almost adult chickens.

Choosing chickens for breeding

If you decide to build a business on purchased chickens, you need to be able to choose them correctly. Healthy chickens have the following characteristics:

  • bright color;
  • complete goiter;
  • mobile;
  • big soft belly;
  • lively clear eyes;
  • clean;
  • straight paws;
  • clean ass.

For raising chickens for meat, it does not matter what gender they are. It is important to take care of their reliable transportation. Usually they are transported in a small cardboard box of 30 pieces.

Grow room

Breeding broilers at home is carried out using the floor method of keeping. Chicks are kept indoors at night and taken outside during the day. But if the number of future chickens is in the hundreds, it is better to equip a barn with them in advance. Its height should correspond to the height of a person; inside it is necessary to carry out heating, ventilation, and a lighting system. During rearing, it is necessary to monitor the behavior of the chicks. If they open their beaks, they are hot; if they sit close to each other, they are cold. The first five days the air temperature should be 24-26 ° C. Then it gradually decreases. Growing monthly chickens is carried out at a temperature of 11-19 o C.

Ventilation should be good, but drafts should be avoided. Bright light is installed only above the feeders and drinkers. In the rest of the territory, it should be muted. Broiler perches are not installed.

Next to the barn, it is necessary to equip a covered canopy, on which the sun shines for about half a day. The floor of the shed and the barn is poured with cement with broken glass, and covered with straw on top. The canopy is fenced with a fine mesh, and the ventilation holes are closed with it. Thus, access to the poultry house is closed to predators, sparrows, rats, which can not only infect, but also eat the chicks themselves.

Broiler nutrition

You should not count on the fact that a broiler business can be built on purchased feed. And even more so you can not buy cheap food. Most of it consists of husks or chaff, on which it is impossible to breed chickens. And young chickens need to be fed often so that they do not remain hungry.

The first three days they are given shit, oatmeal, millet, eggs. Then, little by little, they begin to add legumes, wheatgrass, sow thistle, wood lice, nettles, onions, corn, and cottage cheese. Remember that raising chickens requires the mandatory introduction of protein into their diet: meat waste, fish, whey, milk powder, earthworms, meal, snails and more. Up to 20% of cereals can be replaced by potatoes, but it can only be introduced from 20 days of age. Mineral supplements (bone meal, chalk, shells), as well as trivitamins, should be added to the feed. From the age of 5 days, wet food is added to the chicks at a rate of 2-3 g per chicken per day. From the very first days they are given fine gravel.

Chickens up to 5 days old should receive about 15 grams of feed per day. Gradually, its number increases. Young monthly chickens should be fed already at 115 g per carcass. Feeders should be washed and disinfected once every 3-5 days. For prevention, potassium permanganate is added to the water for chickens.

According to this table, you can trace the growth dynamics of chickens depending on nutrition:

daysLive weight, gFeed intake, gTotal feed intake, gWater consumption, gTotal water consumption, g
0 40
1 53 13 13 21 21
2 64 16 29 27 48
3 78 19 48 32 80
4 95 22 70 37 117
5 116 25 95 42 159
6 139 27 122 46 205
7 164 29 151 49 254
8 193 32 183 54 308
9 225 37 220 62 370
10 261 41 261 70 440
11 299 46 307 79 519
12 341 52 359 88 607
13 386 58 417 99 706
14 434 63 480 108 804
15 486 70 550 119 933
16 540 75 625 128 1061
17 598 82 707 139 1200
18 658 87 794 148 1348
19 720 93 887 159 1507
20 784 98 985 166 1673
21 849 104 1089 177 1850
22 915 110 1199 187 2037
23 983 115 1314 195 2232
24 1053 119 1433 203 2435
25 1124 124 1557 211 2646
26 1197 129 1686 219 2865
27 1273 133 1819 226 3091
28 1350 138 1957 235 3326
29 1429 142 2099 242 3568
30 1509 146 2245 249 3817
31 1590 151 2396 257 4074
32 1673 156 2552 265 4339
33 1756 159 2711 271 4610
34 1840 165 2876 281 4891
35 1925 168 3044 285 5176
36 2011 174 3218 296 5472
37 2098 177 3395 301 5773
38 2186 181 3576 307 6080
39 2273 184 3760 313 6393
40 2358 187 3947 318 6711

Causes of disease and death

Many refuse to breed broilers at home due to the high mortality of poultry. But if you follow all the requirements for its breeding, losses can be minimized.

Most often, day old chicks die when the owner simply does not know how to choose them and buys a lot of weak chicks. Sometimes birds are not fed up, which also affects their growth and health. The first signs of illness in chickens are:

  • pale scallops;
  • dirty cesspool:
  • dirty plumage;
  • disheveledness.

To prevent poultry diseases when breeding at home, it is necessary to exclude its contact with adult chickens, strangers, and comply with all sanitary standards. At the first signs of illness, the bird should be isolated and given a solution of potassium permanganate to drink. If the disease is confirmed, contact your veterinarian.

Broiler slaughter

Finish breeding broilers at home for meat by about two months of age. At this age, they weigh about 2 kg. But it is important not only to properly raise a bird, but also to score it correctly. At home, they simply cut off their heads with an ax, immediately dip them into a bucket of boiling water and immediately pluck them. With this technology, the feather cover is removed in a couple of minutes. Then the carcass is ground and gutted.

Profit calculation

A broiler breeding plan will be incomplete without cost and payback calculations. Purchase material cost:

  • egg - 10 rubles;
  • daily chicken - 20-30 rubles;
  • adult broiler - about 200 rubles, depending on weight.

The number of incubations per season is 8-10 periods. 28 thousand day old broiler chickens can be sold for 756 thousand rubles. At the same time, the cost of buying eggs will amount to 280 thousand rubles. As a result, net profit is obtained in the amount of 476 thousand rubles. That is, for the season, the profit will be approximately 4.5 million rubles.

The cost plan should include the cost of electricity, taxes, and other expenses. And also about 7% of defective eggs. In this case, income can be reduced to 3 million rubles.

There are many directions in the field of agriculture - entrepreneurs can choose a business "for every taste and budget." And one of the most profitable niches is the cultivation of broilers at home for meat. This is quite justified - the costs are low, the investments pay off soon, no special knowledge is required, the sales market in each region of our country is impressive. Great option for beginner farmers!

Broilers are not a separate breed of birds. This is a hybrid bred from roosters of meat breeds and hens of meat and egg breeds, which is characterized by rapid growth and unpretentiousness in content. Broilers reach their commercial weight within 1-1.5 months after hatching from the egg.

Our business valuation:

Starting investment - from 20,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 5/10.

It is better to breed broilers for meat, and not for eggs, and for breeding. The fact is that the selection of this type of chicken is a very laborious task - a beginner definitely cannot cope. Many features of growing and mating individuals make the task almost impossible in "handicraft" conditions - you need special equipment, feeding and a certain number of chickens of different breeds. And the broilers themselves will not give healthy offspring with the same indicators of weight gain and meat quality. Refuse this idea right away - the profitability will be very low. We have another goal - to build a profitable business! Leave plans for the sale of chickens from eggs for later.

Anyone can start their own poultry farm. But it will be especially profitable for those who have their own land - then the variable costs of doing business will be minimal. Of course, you won’t be able to immediately become the owner of a giant poultry farm, but why not start small! What points will be included in the business plan for growing broilers for meat?

Do I need to register my poultry farm?

The need to register a business will depend on the size of the business. If your plans do not include cooperation with wholesalers of chicken meat, then the farm may not be registered - the products will still be sold to friends and acquaintances. Since the birds grow quickly, many start growing broilers in the country in the summer, and close to the fall, stop activities until next year. A good part-time job if you spend a lot of time on a country site in the summer season.

Growing broiler chickens at home to sell meat to retail customers will not bring enough profit. A more profitable business is a poultry farm with up to a hundred heads of chickens.

If you decide to organize a larger poultry farm, then you still have to officially register the activity - wholesale buyers of chicken meat will not cooperate without concluding an agreement. The LLC form will do.

Growing broilers as a business will require regular receipt of veterinary certificates confirming the quality of the finished product. Large companies will only accept meat if they have certificates! Carcasses are examined by SES specialists before being sent to customers. And if all quality indicators correspond to the norm, you will be issued a certificate.

But branding products for a small farm is unlikely to be required. This option is necessary if the industrial cultivation of meat broilers is planned for the supply of large consignments of goods. In this case, the carcasses are packed in individual packaging, which must contain the company logo - customers will remember the trademark.

Preparing a chicken coop for keeping birds

In your business plan for growing broilers at home, be sure to include a paragraph on choosing the best way to raise poultry. There are 2 technologies in total:

  • Keeping in a chicken coop. This is an outdoor broiler farm. In this case, all chickens will live in the same "house". The poultry house will have to be prepared in advance, which will cost money. The method is good because the chickens will be spacious here - they themselves will choose perches for themselves and will freely “walk” around the room.
  • content in cells. Cellular rearing of chicks has only one drawback - it will be necessary to maintain a constant temperature regime in the enclosures (30-35 ˚С). The technique will significantly save space and is perfect for a "dacha" business, when it is not possible to build a separate chicken coop - the cages can be placed in a warm shed. As practice shows, growing broilers in cages when organizing a business may require more finance at the start - it will be necessary to purchase the enclosures themselves.

All methods of breeding broilers today have a place to be. Considering the available options, choose the best one in a particular case.

One of the advantages of breeding broiler chickens is the ability to refuse walking birds. Individuals in the first weeks of life only do what they eat food. And after a couple of months they can already be slaughtered for meat and put on sale. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chicken coop and cages is determined from such calculations - 10-12 birds will perfectly “get along” per 1 m2.

For breeding broilers, any free room on the site is suitable. You can use the "unnecessary" barn or garage. To run a business in the summer, you don’t even need to insulate the chicken coop. But if it is planned to continue activities in the winter, thermal insulation measures will have to be taken.

Individuals will not get sick, and you will meet the growing time if you provide the chicks in the hen house with optimal conditions for growth and weight gain. The rules are:

  • On the floor (this also applies to cages) there should be a bedding of straw or sawdust.
  • The general light is dim. Light up your eating areas.
  • Electricity will be required to install heating and lighting systems.
  • Next to the chicken coop, it will be useful to stretch the net dug into the ground - this way you can prevent rodents from entering the barn.
  • Build perches (do it yourself to save money).
  • Good ventilation is needed, but it is important to avoid drafts - chickens can get sick.

How to equip a chicken coop?

Complex expensive equipment for growing broilers will be required only if a poultry farm is organized - conveyors, climate control, air purification systems, refrigerators and freezers, grain grinders, cages, industrial incubators. To equip a large enterprise, impressive start-up costs may be required.

And all the necessary conditions for growing broiler chickens in a small poultry house can be provided with simple "stock":

  • heaters,
  • infrared lamps,
  • feeders and drinkers,
  • thermometer.

Everything you need can be bought "with hands" - in this case, you can easily meet even 5,000 rubles. Not as big an investment as in many other agricultural areas.

Purchase of chickens for rearing

Growing broiler chickens can be done by buying eggs or chickens.

Eggs are much cheaper, but then you have to buy an expensive incubator. However, these costs will pay off in the long run. Having chosen just such a technique, look for a reliable farmer who sells only high-quality eggs - there is a high risk of acquiring defective ones, from which chickens will never hatch. Modern technologies make it possible to incubate eggs, but this process is fraught with many difficulties - the rules for "ripening" are quite strict. And the home incubators offered by suppliers sometimes do not cope with the tasks.

Growing broilers for meat is much "safer" to conduct, provided that you buy week-old chicks. Many farmers buy one-day-old chickens - also a good option, but they often get sick due to weak immunity. Before you buy chickens, evaluate their appearance. Healthy individuals:

  • with clean feathers
  • with a blank look,
  • react to extraneous sounds and light,
  • run fast,
  • with a soft belly.

A one-day-old chicken costs about 30-60 rubles / piece. Depending on the available space in the coop, buy 20-50 chicks at once. As a result, you will spend from 600 rubles on the purchase of "young animals". In the future, you will get much more from meat sales!

What feed do chickens need?

Make sure that you have a supply of feed for growing broilers in advance. Chickens gain weight so quickly only due to intensive feeding. In order to save money, you can cook food for your "pets" yourself. Many farmers also buy balanced factory feeds.

It is not possible to make an accurate calculation of the required amount of feed - it all depends on the number of individuals, the chosen technology for their cultivation, and the diet.

Only a balanced diet will allow the chicks to quickly get stronger and actively gain weight. For 1.5-2 months of life, individuals go through 3 age periods, in each of which the feeding of broiler chickens will be different. Pay close attention to these rules, because by the time of slaughter, the birds may lose weight. Overeating, however, also does not threaten anything good. Recommendations are:

  • Pre-launch period (age - up to 4 days) - corn, barley, millet, dry milk mixtures, soybean meal. The norm is 10-12 g of food per chicken.
  • Starting period (age - up to 30 days) - yeast, corn, fresh herbs, chalk, shells, milk powder, fishmeal. The norm is 90-120 g of food per chicken.
  • Finishing period (age - up to 60 days) - cake, corn, grass, fish and meat meal, yeast, wheat. The norm is 140-160 g per chicken.

Growing without compound feed is quite possible if you purchase all the necessary ingredients for the preparation of nutrient mixtures. Birds should have constant access to their feeders, so make all the “blanks” in advance. The purchase of special feeds and vitamin complexes for faster growth can ultimately increase the cost of finished products. On an industrial scale, this will not be very noticeable, but for a frequent farmer this is an ill-advised risk. The technology of growing broilers does not prohibit feeding already grown individuals with leftovers from the table. But such a diet should not become permanent - only as "supplements" and a small reduction in feed costs.

Make sure that there is always water in the drinking bowls!

Growing and feeding broiler chickens will be mastered by everyone. The technology is simple, but a lot will have to be learned by trial and error. If possible, first talk with experienced entrepreneurs in this area - so you can learn a lot of useful points that will help in business.

Broiler Care Rules

Caring for broiler chickens is of great importance - and this despite the fact that they do not live long. Include a feeding plan in the business project. If you realize that you can’t do it alone, it’s better to hire an auxiliary worker to help you. After all, in addition to feeding, you also need to monitor the cleanliness in the chicken coop. The matter is quite troublesome.

Growing Ross broilers and their other subspecies includes the following rules for caring for individuals:

  • For chicks, it is necessary to provide a temperature of at least 30 ˚С in the chicken coop. As the chickens gain weight, a decrease in temperature is acceptable. Keep the specimens at 11-19˚C by the time of slaughter.
  • It is better not to take the chicks out for a walk. Cages and coop space are the best conditions for keeping broilers.
  • It’s great if the veterinarian examines the chickens during this period.
  • Cage equipment and chicken coop floors need regular cleaning. A layer of sawdust or straw will be gradually compacted. Update it by pouring a new portion of the material.

Farmers, even beginners, rarely have any problems running a small farm. Broilers are characterized by good survival and low susceptibility to disease.

In production, a special workshop is used for slaughtering animals. In a suburban area, the process will have to be carried out directly on the street or in the chicken coop itself. It is important to supply quality products to the market, and therefore, pay special attention to the presentation of carcasses - slaughter must be carried out with a sharp tool so that there is no damage to the skin. Feathers are removed from the bird, the carcass is then scorched and gutted.

Sales of finished products

Growing Cobb broilers and their other subspecies, if all the rules of care are followed, will bring the entrepreneur a high income.

You will spend no more than 20,000 rubles on organizing a small farm. But this is when you have your own suburban area and an empty barn. Can't boast of such "wealth"? Then more investments will be required - up to 500,000 rubles. To save money, do not buy new floor equipment - you can get by with used equipment.

The specific profit will depend on the size of the farm. The average wholesale cost of 1 carcass of a broiler chicken is 80-120 rubles / kg. And this despite the fact that you bought chickens for only 30 rubles / pc. The weight of a carcass ready for sale is 1.5-2 kg. This means that from the sale of 50 birds you will receive at least 10,000 rubles. But you can breed a lot of such birds! As soon as you sell this batch of broilers, you can buy the next one - this way the farm will bring a steady income. And if you are not limited in any way in free space, replenishment of the chicken coop can be done with greater frequency!

Sell ​​not only meat, but also "by-products" - chicken manure, feathers, heads and offal.