Business plan for fish breeding (on the example of the Tambov region). How to turn fish farming into a profitable business

Fishing in our country is exactly the niche that makes sense to occupy, because this direction is not yet actively developed..

Meanwhile, more and more people prefer fish over the meat of birds and mammals. Partly because fish meat is dietary, partly because of moral reasons - the number of vegetarians in the world is increasing every year.

The cost of fish in our country, in comparison with other countries, is quite expensive - this is due to the cold climate and the corresponding difficulties in breeding.

Someone does not want to accept live fish, someone pays for the goods only after the sale - these the nuances must be reflected in the resume when drawing up a business plan for growing fish.

How to organize a home fish farm?

It is worth noting that breeding fish is not at all as easy as it seems at first glance. Some breeders admit that this is even more troublesome than raising pigs or poultry.

Unpretentious, at first glance, creatures, in fact, require constant care and attention, control of water temperature, proper feeding and monitoring of the ecosystem of the reservoir as a whole. It is necessary to regularly check the health status of individual fish, because a viral disease can quickly spread to the entire pond.

First of all, it is preferable for this business to have established points of sale. Practice shows that problems with buyers in the fishing business occur very often, especially when it comes to chain stores.

If you decide to seriously plunge into this area, you should be prepared for a large investment of time and effort. Neglect in relation to these small factors will lead to sad consequences.

Perhaps it makes sense to hire an assistant or run a business with the whole family.

Is it beneficial? An example of financial calculations for a start.

In the next one, we will look at what kind of service industry ideas are suitable for starting a small business in rural areas?

We will address the issue of the difficulties of breeding decorative rabbits at. Which direction is the most promising?

Arrangement of a reservoir

  • To create a fish farm, many prefer rent a pond.
    This is really advantageous, since, in addition to direct breeding, it can be used as a paid fishing space. But at home, this is not always possible.
  • As a less costly alternative frequently used swimming pools.
    They are good because they are equipped with devices for adjusting water temperature, oxygen levels and other indicators. And in general, it is much more convenient to watch fish in them: you can track emerging diseases, protect the “baby” from attacks by predators.
  • The third option is creating your own small ponds in the garden.
    This path is attractive because it is easy to plant plants in such a reservoir, which will later serve as food for fish. In this case, there is no need to constantly take care of the feed and calculate its quantity. The arrangement of the pond, moreover, is more economical - after all, the cost of pools is quite noticeable.

The issue of feeding is of fundamental importance, since overfeeding fish is harmful not only for their development - the remains of rotting food in the reservoir do not contribute to a favorable microclimate of the entire ecosystem.

To equip a reservoir on the site, it is necessary to dig a pit and provide a bottom layer. To do this, alternate clay, asbestos, expanded clay and sand. You can also use concrete as a coating, and pour the soil on top.

The only inconvenience of an artificial pond: it is advisable to plant plants at least three months before the appearance of fish in it to form the desired ecosystem. Otherwise, with an earlier launch of the inhabitants, for some time you will have to feed them yourself. In winter, it is better to clear the pond of vegetation.

The disadvantage of natural reservoirs is that the water there often does not warm up enough, and when the fish is cold, it stops gaining weight, and the food is wasted. Swimming pools can solve this problem almost completely.

Choice of direction

It depends on many factors: the region, climatic features, the interests of buyers, etc.

What kind of fish to choose for business is up to you:

  • Carp is considered one of the most profitable breeds for breeding - it is not too whimsical, and the meat of this fish has an unusual taste.
  • Trout on the market is valued three times higher, however, more effort will be required from you: this fish is unusually fastidious in care.
  • Other species are also bred - tench, sturgeon, pike, etc.

The demand is mainly for the first two varieties of fish. When choosing, you also need to remember - the larger the fish, the more it is in demand in the market, and the higher your future profit.

However, it is worth remembering that it is not always possible to keep fish of different colors in the same reservoir: these creatures have their own hierarchy, and it is better to avoid collisions if possible.

Is it profitable to engage in this branch of animal husbandry?

While ensuring normal growth, well-established sales and active sales, fish farming business can be very profitable.

But to achieve such a result in the current conditions is not too easy for several reasons:

  • Compared to the 90s, the demand for fish in Russia has fallen markedly, many people cannot afford to buy it.
  • Another a significant minus - a fairly long payback.
    Fish grow extremely slowly, and some species even throughout their lives. Carp take three years to reach their maximum weight, trout two and a half years. Not every breeder is willing to wait that long, so some buy "young animals", although this is much more expensive than buying fry, but here you have to choose.
  • The “capriciousness” of the fish is also important.
    For example, carp can be fed very well on special ready-made mixtures, but the taste of meat will leave much to be desired.

To make the fish tasty, it needs a lot of attention and a special diet.

Fish may lose its taste, including due to improper maintenance during transportation. In this case, the buyer has the right to return the entire batch, declaring it a "marriage".

On the other hand, the high fecundity of fish and excellent profitability with well-established channels can compensate for all shortcomings.

Farm equipment

If you decide to breed fish in pools, for this you will need a room with an area of ​​​​50 sq.m. It should be well heated, be equipped with electricity and running water.

You can use tanks of different depths: many small pools (about 1 m deep) or several deep ones. But it should be borne in mind that the larger the volume of "dwelling" for fish, the more power you need to operate the equipment.

To equip the pools you need the following:

  • Pumps for pumping water;
  • Filters that purify water from microbes and contaminants;
  • oxygen generators;
  • Thermometers and other devices for monitoring temperature, water level, etc.;
  • Incubator. If it is available, you will be able to buy not fry, but caviar, and breed offspring on your own, so you can save a lot.

At the very beginning of the activity, it is better to try to save on technology - for example, use not inflatable pools, but plastic containers, or even self-made ones.

Already in the future, after the project pays off, you can think about more expensive equipment: special pools, automatic feeding systems, etc.

According to experienced entrepreneurs, significantly increases business profitability using fish breeding modules. In this case, fry are grown in special containers equipped with tap systems for collecting and draining water, aeration, filtration and UV sterilization.

See the video about the experience of using production fish breeding modules for organizing a sturgeon breeding business:

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After watching the video for this article, you will learn about the features of organizing a mink breeding nursery.

Sample financial plan

Provided that you organize a small home farm that does not use outside labor and keep costs to a minimum, you can get the following business plan:

  • Fry - 300-500 rubles per kg.
    When deciding on the number of fry, keep in mind that approximately 10% will die, and only 30% will be able to gain full weight. Accordingly, if conditions permit, it is better to buy as much as possible.
  • Pool for growing fish - from 4 thousand rubles per piece;
  • Equipment for swimming pools - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • Compound feed for fish - from 10 thousand rubles per ton.

With maximum savings at the initial stage, you can meet 100 thousand rubles.

It is important to remember that trying to save on fry and, for example, catching them in a pond is not a good idea. There is a high risk that the fish will be sick.

In the future, also possible unforeseen costs should be taken into account e.g. for treatment.

The average market value of a kilogram of fish is 200 rubles.

By purchasing fry for 15 thousand rubles, you can get a ton of meat per year from one cubic meter of water, leaving t how to annual profit of 200 thousand rubles.

The business is profitable, but we should not forget about its long payback period. However, the wait is worth it in order to subsequently regularly receive stable profits.

Breeding fish in a pond is a profitable and profitable business, for the organization of which, the owner will need to determine the most suitable type of fish, the method of breeding and the features of keeping the fish. Profit and benefits from this type of business will be obvious, subject to all the subtleties of the business plan.

Pond fish farming (PR) is one of the most ancient types of economic activity. The ultimate goal of this production is fish of various varieties and various products from it.

The main types of pond fish farming

Currently, PR is divided into two main types. The first type is called warm water, and the second cold water. The difference between them lies in the fact that in the first case, certain types of fish are used, which require a relatively warm aquatic environment for normal physiological development. Such representatives include grass carp, carp, silver carp, crucian carp, pike perch, catfish and pike. The second category includes trout, peled and vendace. The cultivation of these species of freshwater fish is not only in the difference in temperature conditions, but also in hydrochemistry, as well as in the level of oxygenation.

According to the cycle of the process, pond farms are divided into:

  1. Full system.
  2. Foraging.

A full-system farm includes the entire growth cycle of fish from fry to adult marketable individuals. Breeding farms also grow offspring. Fish nurseries are engaged in the cultivation of fish seed mixtures: larvae, fry and fingerlings. In rare cases, fish are grown up to two years. Feeding fish farms raise adult table fish.

Depending on the duration, fish farms are divided into farms with:

  1. One year turnover.
  2. Biennial turnover.
  3. Three year turnover.

The name depends on how long it takes to grow a mature individual from a fry. By purpose, all ponds are divided into:

  1. Water supply.
  2. Head.
  3. Warming.

4 Settling ponds.

Types of reservoirs for breeding

A developed pond economy provides for the presence of several reservoirs for different needs and seasons.

The first and one of the most important ponds is spawning. For this type of reservoirs, the highest requirements are put forward for the device and maintenance. It should be located in a non-marshy zone with young vegetation and favorable conditions for spawning, hatching of eggs and development of larvae.

After the fry pond, the fish are released into the nursery pond. There is feeding and maturation of young underyearlings. For convenience, they are located next to the winter quarters.

Another important factor in any successful fish farm is a wintering pond. Often during wintering, the main loss of fish occurs. Lack of oxygen and unfavorable temperature conditions can cause a pestilence of all useful ichthyoflora. The depth of the pond should not exceed 1.5 meters. A water supply source is installed nearby in a peat-free zone.

The main role of feeding ponds is the cultivation of a marketable species. Their sizes are larger in comparison with others, as they require more freedom for adults. An area of ​​up to 150 hectares is recommended. A larger volume did not justify itself, as it complicates the control of all links in the growth of fish. The productivity of small pits is somewhat higher due to the better conditions for the development of the forage base.

The design of ponds should provide for complete drainage. Producers before the spawning period require separate keeping in the summer mother areas. Arrangement and size should be carefully coordinated to obtain high-quality offspring. Compliance with sanitary standards is provided by quarantine water tanks. They are located at a certain distance from the main ones and are kept for launching, infected offspring or replacement young. Water in such tanks is strictly shown to be disinfected before draining. To store table fish, cages are used, which involve short-term use for the autumn period before sale.

The dimensions of the ponds have very clear scales and relationships with each other. The ratio depends on the breed and intensification in fish production.

How to write a fish farm business plan?

If you decide to reproduce and sell freshwater in a home pond or organize lake fish farming, the first question that a novice fish farmer needs to answer is what kind of freshwater to grow. This is a key part of production. It is necessary to study all the features of the species of fish that are planned to be bred very carefully and carefully. It is necessary to learn all the features, possible diseases, annual growth cycles. It is more expedient to choose the most unpretentious and popular breeds. Carp and trout are the first contenders to choose from. Of course, if you have the opportunity, you can grow both types, but for starters, it is recommended to learn the basics.

Carp is one of the most unpretentious of the ichthyofauna of our region. It is easy and cost effective to grow. However, trout costs about three times as much to sell, and the chances of getting the maximum profit from selling this type of fish are much higher. But for this production it will be necessary to recruit an experienced fish farmer. You choose! Since the risks and difficulties are also to be dealt with personally by the newly minted fish farmer. The attractiveness of this enterprise has increased, as all fish farms have been transferred to the general agricultural tax. It is the only financial burden and excludes VAT and other taxes.

Where is the “coziest” place for fish?

Good survival and decent offspring depend on the microclimate of the water body. Indicators such as pH, oxygenation and annual temperature must be maintained at an optimal level. The microclimate of the reservoir directly affects the profit.

Before stocking the pond, you need to evaluate the above and many other parameters. The so-called "fish-breeding-biological justification" will answer the main questions. This is a list of indicators of the hydrochemistry and microclimate of the pond, as well as recommendations for the care, nutrition and maintenance of fish. The survey, on the basis of which the RBO is done, should be carried out by specialists from specialized institutions.

Comparison of temperature regimes for breeding trout and carp

Trout will grow favorably at an average temperature of 16 to 19°C. Increasing the temperature to 24 degrees Celsius threatens the risk of losing all the fish. Reproduction and nutrition will definitely stop and lead to a decrease in body weight gain. It is better to use quarries with a depth of 10-15 meters, in which, even in the hot season of the southern regions, the temperature at the bottom is not higher than 14-15 ° C.

Carp is more unpretentious. Enough to clean the pond of pollutants. The temperature comfortable for the growth and feeding of carp is 24-25°C. It is enough to dig the pond to a depth of 1.5 meters. At this depth, the forage base develops well, which increases the economic effect. Another recommendation for the construction of a katlavan is its dimensions. The larger it is, the less temperature fluctuations and the more stable the microclimate.

Taking into account the zoning of Russia and choosing a water body with an unpretentious breed, it is possible to make a successful start and make the economy profitable. The common misconception that it is enough to put the fry into the pond and it will grow up on its own has bankrupted many start-up Russian businessmen. Only a well-thought-out business plan and a lot of consultations with experts in the field of fish farming will help you not to lose money and desire. Fish farming is a whole science and requires a thorough approach.

Fish "diet": what kind of food to choose?

Food will be the main expense of any fishery. It is possible to grow carp on a natural feed basis, but the productivity will be more than 10 times lower. Experts recommend using high-protein baits with high multiplicity! Although the cost of purchasing feed will be up to 60% of your costs, they will allow you to collect up to 20 centners of carp per hectare of water area. When evaluating the market and bulk purchases, you can buy feed for 8-10 rubles / kg.

Trout will require better feed at a price of at least 60-70 rubles/kg. Compound feeds have a specific composition that makes trout meat red. When using low-quality food, the meat will be white, which will reduce the marketing appeal of the fish. Trout has a very high digestibility of bait products. To grow 1 kg of carp meat, you need to spend up to 3 kg of the mixture, for trout this figure is 3 times lower.

It is very important to be careful not to overfeed the fish. In addition, excess feed additives can spoil the optimal microclimate in which the fish resides.

What to pay attention to?

The main risk in fisheries is epidemics. The main ones include:

It is advisable to carry out monthly preventive catching for inspection of fish. If she is sick, it is better to immediately transfer her to a quarantine container and invite a veterinarian.

The main negative in this business is duration. The growth rate of individuals to commercial, both carp and trout, takes 2.5 - 3 years. Carp growth ends in autumn, when the peak of sales is determined. For the best commercial effect, the method of overexposure and sale at a later date is used. This allows a good increase in profitability, but also to lose up to 15% of live material.

Economic expediency

Landing trout will cost 300-400 rubles / kg, 10% must be laid on the sea of ​​fry. After 2 years and 6 months, you can get fish at 800 grams per individual. It can be sold at 120-200 rubles / kg.

Planting material for carp costs from 70 to 140 rubles/kg. For three years, you can grow carp weighing 1 kg. If we take as an example the cultivation of carp in the amount of 50 tons and its sale at a low wholesale price of 60 rubles per 1 kg, then the profit will be about 33,000 rubles.

Risks can offset even high profitability. Therefore, it is worth diversifying. This is the method of overexposure, the purchase of marketable carcasses in other regions at a low price, the sale of weed fish, rearing in warm springs at the state district power station, paid fishing, etc. For example, commercial fishing can give up to 5% profit. Experienced professionals are good at reducing risks and have developed many ways. High competition and significant imports create many obstacles in the domestic market in the sale of fish, so you should also protect yourself in this matter.

Farming fish in pools as a business is a good idea for aspiring entrepreneurs. Technologically, the "fish" business is not a particularly troublesome task, promising a quick return on investment with the right approach.

In the article we will consider: the concept of fish breeding in artificial reservoirs, a business plan for fisheries, the registration procedure, methods of fish breeding.

When assessing the practical value of the concept, consider whether you would use a similar product or service. If so, the concept is viable and realistic, otherwise, it's best not to start.

The productivity of a business idea is usually combined with the following factors:

  • absolute novelty;
  • product upgrades;
  • a market free from competition;
  • new ways of delivering goods;
  • a deep degree of integration, when a product is produced and sold by one company.

Breeding fish at home as a business corresponds to the listed categories and is interesting for entrepreneurs.

When building a business concept, decide on fish breeding options:

  1. Natural conditions (pond).

Pool - for trout, carp, bream, perch, pike.

  1. Cages - for large fish.
  2. Barrels, baths with artificial air supply - for small fish.

Explore the potential of each option, technical aspects, costs, etc.

When creating a business plan for raising fish in a pond or pool, consider:

  • time and stages of the project;
  • cost of equipment;
  • the number of workers;
  • advertising strategy, etc.

The advantage of the fish breeding business is the stable profitability of the enterprise, when even in crisis situations the profit does not fall below 10%.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, commercial fish farming, the opening of a fish farm is an entrepreneurial activity, with corresponding consequences: payment of taxes, control of state bodies, responsibility for the safety of production and the quality of finished products. Accordingly, it is necessary to start promoting the idea: breeding fish in a RAS as a business, you need to register an enterprise in the status of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and receive documents.

  1. From the creation of a concept and a business plan for breeding fish.
  2. Registration of a peasant farm.
  3. Construction (purchase) of the pool.
  4. Purchases of young stock and stocking.

If the number of products supplied to the market does not exceed 1-2 tons per year, it is not necessary to register as an entrepreneur. The produce is sold as surplus from household farming.

Fish breeding enterprises are registered: in the form of an individual entrepreneurship (IP) or a limited liability company (LLC). Both options allow you to use a simplified taxation system, avoiding filling out additional documents.

To register a business you will need:

  • statement;
  • receipt of payment of the fee;
  • copy of passport and TIN.

In the application, indicate the required OKVED codes. For fishing and fish farming - OKVED 2.03.

You will also need permission from the SES and, probably, a medical and biological conclusion on the state of the water in the pool (reservoir).

Those wishing to rent a reservoir, according to the business plan for growing fish, should take into account that, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. submit an application to the regional branch of the Federal Agency for Fisheries.

According to economists, fish breeding in recirculating water supply systems is profitable, no less profitable, compared to fish farming in natural reservoirs, but RAS also has a number of advantages.

This is the opportunity:

  1. Constant control of the situation.
  2. year-round cycle.

At the same time, fish farming in artificial conditions is a business that requires serious investments for: the purchase of a pumping station, payment for electricity, costs for filtration and the creation of treatment facilities, etc.

The plus of the fish farming business is profitability, profitability: 20-40% and a constant demand for products, subject to good quality.

To make a profit, you need:

  • reliable distribution channel;
  • means for transporting products over long distances.

The advantages of the project include:

  1. Adjustment and reduction of costs, according to the current situation.
  2. Accelerating the growth of young animals, when using progressive feeding methods.

Disadvantages: a long payback period for fish farming (2-2.5 years), possible difficulties with marketing (seasonal demand), limited opportunities for storing and transporting products in summer, diseases and mass death of fish.

Having reached a certain level of "promoted" business, you can think about buying a franchise for further work "under the guise" of a well-known brand.

The quality of equipment for growing fish has a positive effect on production productivity.

Under artificial conditions, fish are bred in plastic (concrete) pools, when equipped with equipment, closed water supply installations are obtained. The task of RAS is to create an artificial environment for breeding and rearing fish.

Having chosen equipment for a fish farm, having bought a plastic pool, the entrepreneur solves the main problem of where to breed fish: there is no need to rent or build a pond, it is enough to install pools in a suitable place and equip them according to technical requirements.

Pools are made from:

  • fiberglass;
  • polypropylene;
  • become;
  • film-frame method.

The density of placing fish in the pool can reach 400-900 kg / kb. m.

Technologically, RAS are multifunctional and differ from each other according to their purpose. The best option for beginners - typical, easy-to-service mini-installations.

Additional equipment, filtration system and pumps, for artificial and natural reservoirs, pools:

  1. Gravitational biofilter for water purification.
  2. Compressors for saturation of water with oxygen.
  3. UV sterilizers to prevent water bloom.
  4. Hydraulic pump.
  5. Pipes for supply and drainage of water with a drain cock and a plug, etc.

When arranging a facility for keeping fish, consider the possibilities of natural light. It is good if the sun illuminates the pool until 10.00, and from 11.00 to 15.00 the surface of the water will be in partial shade. The norm of ultraviolet radiation for fish is 5 hours of sunlight per day.

Water is taken from nearby rivers or underground wells. Chlorinated tap water is not suitable.

Automatic feeding equipment and ozonizers

Automatic feeders - devices for compliance with the feeding regime, moreover, they allow you to save on the use of hired labor. Maintenance time for feeders - 10-15 minutes. in a day.


  • savings in feed consumption when using a dispenser;
  • control of feeding volumes;
  • time control.

Manufacturers of automatic feeders offer entrepreneurs various options: for ornamental ponds, cages, RAS, etc.

The principle of operation - the pendulum mechanism is activated by the touch of the fish to the rod, the dispenser is triggered, a portion of the feed enters the feeder.

Ozonizers clean pools by generating ozone and disinfecting water without the use of chemicals, as well as:

  • remove organic matter and mineral impurities;
  • localize water bloom and unpleasant odor;
  • saturate with oxygen.

The ozonation method is economical and effective: the fish in the pools are healthy, and the meat is tasty and odorless.

Fry rearing equipment

When buying carp fry, take care of a special pool designed for keeping, feeding and caring for the young.

Living conditions in "fry" pools must meet the needs of the species in the natural environment, therefore, when breeding and rearing young animals, recirculating water supply systems that accelerate growth are used. The use of a fry pool saves water significantly and protects the livestock from diseases.

A significant role in the organization of fish farming is played by the choice of fish species.

Basic selection criteria:

  1. Omnivorous.
  2. Unpretentiousness to conditions.
  3. Accelerated growth and weight gain.
  4. Disease resistance.
  5. popularity in the market.

We advise you to start with species that are in constant demand among buyers, for example, from growing carp in pools or a pond, besides, breeding carp in a pond as a business is technologically simple and not too expensive.

Having gained experience in breeding carp, you can move on to more expensive breeds - salmon. Growing trout or sturgeon in a RAS is not easy, but the result is worth it, the breeds are not cheap, and the fish tastes great.

A decent choice for beginners is a fast growing and gaining weight silver carp. Individual specimens of silver carp reach 1 m in length and 30 kg. weight.

Tench also deserves attention. The fish is tasty, unpretentious, resistant to diseases, easily tolerates a lack of oxygen.

Breeding fish in closed water systems is an expensive but effective method.

To use this technology, you will need:

  • room (hangar) from 30 sq. m;
  • pools (plastic, concrete, metal);
  • water purification and circulation system.

For the functioning of the RAS, electricity, running water, a drain system, and heating will be required.

Fry for RAS are bought at fish farms. The average weight of a copy is 3-5 gr.

Feeding for fry is selected based on the developed feeding technologies, changing the types of feed as the young grow and gain weight. Feed the fish from dosing feeders, sprinkling food several times a day.

Advantages of the method: increase in the survival of fry due to environmental cleanliness, circulation and purification of water, compliance with the temperature regime.

Disadvantages - serious costs for the organization of production, so it is better to start fish farming on the basis of a natural or artificial reservoir.

Given the level of costs when using RAS, this technology is appropriate to use when breeding expensive delicacy fish species - sturgeon and salmon.

Practice shows that additional feeding of fish increases the growth and weight of the livestock more productively than the natural base.

To create the right feeding regimen, take into account the physiological characteristics and nutritional needs of the species.

The feed is chosen based on the presence of the components necessary for the growth of fish:

  1. Squirrels. Primary element of metabolism. The protein content in the feed is 30-60%. Protein is especially important for fry during a period of intensive growth.
  2. Fats. Main source of energy. Lack of fat slows down growth, and leads to the development of pathologies. The need for fats in fish ranges from 0.5-1%.
  3. Carbohydrates. Contained in feed containing fiber. The need for carbohydrates varies depending on the type of fish. So in eel and carp, excess fiber inhibits growth and increases fat content.
  4. Minerals. Separate components (calcium, phosphorus, etc.) are obtained by the fish from the water, the missing ones are supplied with feed. Mineral deficiency affects growth, and in a critical situation leads to the development of diseases and to the death of the population.
  5. Vitamins. The core element of chemical reactions. Each vitamin is responsible for a separate process: metabolism, skeletal condition, fertilization, digestion of proteins and carbohydrates.

The diet is supplemented with premixes (active dietary supplements) and enzymes to improve feed absorption.

A balanced diet combines food of plant and animal origin:

  • cereals;
  • bran;
  • legumes;
  • cake;
  • fish, bone, krill meal.

A characteristic feature of growing fish in the pool is a full cycle of artificial nutrition, which is selected based on age and species.

Promotion of products on the market

Fish farming is considered a risky type of business, primarily due to difficulties with the supply of finished products and the seasonality of demand. The peak of deliveries of fresh fish producers to the market falls on autumn, the price falls, competition grows, it is difficult to sell finished products.

If we talk about the year-round sale of products in shops and supermarkets, this is also not without problems.

To provide the goods to the buyer, the fish must get into the aquarium, which is far from being available everywhere. Shopping malls are reluctant to install aquariums due to additional costs for equipment, cleaning, etc., which means that establishing long-term partnerships with supermarkets is a problematic task.

It remains to rely on your own outlets and look for additional sources of income: if fresh fish cannot be sold in full, organize a smokehouse or make canned food.

For commercial activities in the market, you will need to register an entrepreneurial activity or an LLC that complies with OKVED codes:

  1. 22 - breeding of freshwater fish, algae, arthropods.
  2. 21 - breeding and keeping of marine fish, shellfish, etc.

If the fish industry is engaged in both, indicate the code in the application: 03.2- fish farming.

Breeding fish for commercial purposes in pools and specially equipped ponds is cost-effective. At the same time, when organizing production, take into account and prevent risks in the sale and storage of products, you need to take care of transportation, use additional ways to earn money.

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The sale of food products is the most profitable business.

Breeding sturgeon fish is an excellent alternative to traditional livestock industries.

Sturgeon fish grown in artificial reservoirs is distinguished by its environmental friendliness and excellent taste.

The peculiarity of growing is that the fish does not require special care and is quite capable of surviving in fresh water.

Hence the conclusion that fish farming at home as a business is easy to manage and incredibly profitable, you just have to follow a certain plan.

Features of activity

Sturgeon breeding as a business has a number of its own characteristics:

  • Extensive market. You can realize the fruits of your activity anywhere, for example, in a restaurant, in the market, in shops, in the production of conservation.
  • Absence of competitors. In our country, only a few farmers are engaged in the cultivation of fish, and many residents do not even know about this way of doing business.
  • The main advantage is the low start-up costs.
  • No knowledge of fish breeding is required, everyone can start from scratch, all skills come with time. At the initial stage, it is enough to read some literature on care and feeding; you can find answers to all questions on the Internet.
  • You do not need to hire staff, you can cope with the work yourself, it will take only 3-4 hours a day.
  • There is no need to create special conditions for the sturgeon, it is unpretentious and can live in artificial reservoirs, moreover, it does not require special feed.
  • Unlike livestock, the sturgeon is not exposed to deadly diseases; if the rules of feeding are followed correctly, there will be no problems with its health.
  • The payback period of the business will be approximately 7 months.


You can grow sturgeons at home or in a pond. To do this, you need a reservoir, you can artificial.

Pond cultivation should begin with preparation, or rather, its cleaning.

To do this, a layer of lime is placed on the bottom of the reservoir, which is first filled with water, then washed.

It is worth holding this event two weeks before placing fry in the pond.

It is best to place fry in the summer at night. For breeding, a separate small pond should be equipped.

When the fish grows to medium size, it should be placed separately. New fry can then be returned back.

For a comfortable existence of fish in the pond, there should be algae and any other greenery, preferably the presence of insects and mollusks.

The second option is to grow fish in the pool.

At the initial stage, it will be enough to purchase an ordinary plastic pool with a depth of 1 m and a diameter of 1.5 m. About 1000 kg of sturgeon can be grown in such a container.

In addition to the main pool, a sorting tank is required, where eggs and fry will be placed, weighing up to 5 grams.

To grow sturgeon in a pool, several important conditions must be met.

First, the water must be clean and changed regularly. Secondly, the comfortable water temperature is from +2 to +27⁰C, for breeding - from +17 to +22⁰C.


For any living organism, high-quality nutritious nutrition is required, health depends on it.

For feeding the sturgeon, you can use any fish food. The main thing is that they contain a sufficient amount of nutrients, namely crude protein, crude fat, fiber, micro and macro elements.

But food for adults cannot be fed to fry.

Feeding 4 times a day for an adult, fry - 6 times.

This should be done at the same time, otherwise the fish may refuse to eat due to stress.

The better and more complete the food, the greater the weight of the individual and the better the taste.

Care and breeding

The most pressing question is: where to start the activity after the preparation is completed.

To begin with, buy fry, then grow them correctly, that is, follow the basic rules of care and feeding.

If the fish is kept in the pool, then it is necessary to change the water regularly.

You can use running tap water. But it should be pre-filtered, for this a simple carbon filter is suitable.

Change the water approximately every three days. To do this, drain a small amount of water, only about 15%, and replace it with fresh water.

At the initial stage, it is extremely difficult to breed fry in the pool, especially for an inexperienced entrepreneur.

Sturgeon fish breeds begin to spawn only at the age of 6. If there is no experience in caring for fish, you can get a certain percentage of mortality of individuals. It is better to acquire individuals on farms.

Issue price

A financial plan excites all aspiring entrepreneurs. This question depends on many factors.

In addition to the cost of pools or pond equipment, the purchase of fry is required.

The minimum cost of one individual starts from 12 rubles. To begin with, you will have to purchase 1800 individuals, their total weight after growing up will be 1 ton. Accordingly, the purchase will have to spend at least 21,600 rubles.

It is also worth considering the cost of electricity and water, the total cost of resources will be approximately 28,000 rubles, plus the cost of feed - 70,000 rubles.

The cost of one sturgeon will be 120 rubles. And the market price per kilogram of sturgeon starts from 500 rubles or more.

With this plan, the proceeds from the sale will be 380 rubles per kilogram, and 380,000 rubles per ton. This is the amount of net proceeds minus the cost of selling sturgeon at the lowest price.

Thus, fish farming is a tasty and profitable business. If you invest in this business a maximum of funds and your own strength, you can deploy a large-scale enterprise.

Sturgeon meat and caviar are highly valued; it is quite easy to find buyers for the products.

Breeding fish at home as a business has many advantages; only minor financial costs and some free time are required from its owner.

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Today in Russia there are a large number of unclaimed reservoirs, from which you can make a real fish farm. Fish farming is perhaps one of the few areas of agriculture that is least exposed to the risk of adverse weather conditions. Thanks to this, the profitability of carp breeding remains at the level of 20%.

The most difficult thing in organizing such a business are administrative barriers. It is not so easy to get a pond for rent. You need to go through a series of approvals, paperwork and competitive bidding for the right to rent a specific reservoir. It is necessary to contact the local administration on the issue of renting a water body.

It is important to know that not every body of water can be rented. The restriction under the law is imposed, first of all, on reservoirs with the status of a natural monument. It is also difficult to rent ponds that are located near summer cottages and cities, as complaints from the population against the tenant will go immediately.

When choosing a reservoir for breeding fish, you should pay attention to its area, depth and type of bottom. Thus, a pond (lake) with an area of ​​20 to 100 hectares is considered optimal in size. This will allow both carp to breed and provide paid fishing services. If the reservoir is smaller, then it will not be possible to grow large volumes of marketable fish, and even more so to serve fishermen.

If the lease of a pond is used exclusively for paid fishing services, then the distance to the nearest large cities is important. Large settlements and cities should be located within a radius of no more than 50 km. In this case, it is important to take care of the availability of good access roads to the reservoir.

The carp pond must be equipped with a weir system. For this, a special outpost or sluice is built, which serves to lock the water in the leading ditch and control the depth level in the pond. The lock is necessary not only for the outflow of water, but also for catching marketable fish. Many fish farm ponds are built on this principle.

The depth of the reservoir should be from 1.5 m, otherwise the fish will not overwinter. The bottom of the reservoir should be silty and soft. The optimal temperature for the growth and reproduction of carp is from 14 to 24 degrees. Carp feeds only in the warm season, and in winter it hibernates and does not eat anything.

It is impossible not to say about the methods of feeding cyprinids. There are two main ways of growing carp - extensive and intensive. With an extensive rearing method, carp feed only on natural food that is in the reservoir. This method can only be used in large reservoirs. The growth and development of carp directly depends on the natural food supply. The main advantage of this method is the low cost of carp maintenance (more precisely, their complete absence). The main disadvantage is the low growth rate of the fish.

An intensive method of growing cyprinids involves the creation of a system for feeding fish with a rich food supply. Fish with this method are fed at least 2 times a day. As a rule, planting material is acquired in early spring, and in autumn fish are caught. Thanks to multiple feeding and maintaining a high density, it is possible to obtain up to 6 t/ha of marketable carp. The disadvantage of this method is high feed costs. But they are more than paid off by the speed of fish growth and the rapid turnover of invested funds.

Stocking with cyprinids should be done at the rate of 250 kg of fish per 1 ha of pond area. The fish grows very fast. In general, carp is considered one of the most unpretentious, which cannot be said about trout or sturgeon. For example, 10 tons of carp in three years will turn into 100 tons - the mass will increase 10 times! Carp is also distinguished by its fertility. One fish is capable of producing from 200 to 300 thousand eggs, from which tens of thousands of individuals will turn out.

After stocking with carp, a small part of predatory fish - pike or pike perch - should be put into the reservoir. This is done in order to knock out weedy fish from the reservoir, such as bleak, ruff and topfish. You need to be careful not to let a lot of predators in, otherwise they will eat the carp fry. Therefore, it is recommended to stock carp fry from the age of 1 year. The predator eats them much less. In this case, the survival rate of the fry will be at least 80%.

According to experts, the amount of investment in a business depends on the area of ​​the reservoir and the businessman's ambitions. Thus, a fish farm with an area of ​​100 hectares of water will cost about $80,000. The main costs include construction work (creation of the relief of the reservoir, construction of locks, etc.) and the purchase of fry. The cost of carp fry, weighing 100-150 grams, starts from 70 rubles / kg. In order to stock a pond with an area of ​​100 hectares, it will take about 1.5 million rubles to buy fry.

The cost of growing fish in an intensive way is 40 rubles/kg. And the wholesale price is about 60 rubles / kg. The profit of a businessman grows many times if the fish is sold in a living state - in special vehicles that deliver live carp to retail outlets. In this case, the selling price of fish is at least 90-100 rubles/kg. Marginal income per kilogram is 50-60 rubles.

From each hectare you can get up to 1.5-2 tons of marketable fish. Income from a reservoir with an area of ​​100 hectares, minus wages and taxes, can reach 4-5 million rubles a year.

In addition to selling fish, paid fishing services can be additional income. The cost of such pleasure in the Moscow region starts from 500 rubles per person. And in the "elite" ponds stocked with sturgeon, trout, grass carp and silver carp, the cost of a ticket is at least 1,500 rubles per person. In order for the fishermen to know the measure, a limit on the catch of fish is set. For example, over 5 kg of catch, each subsequent kilogram will be paid, depending on the type of fish. If the caught fish is smaller than the set size (25 cm), it is released back into the lake.

Fishing spots should be equipped so that the distance between fishermen is at least 50 m. Interest in fishing in this case will be much higher. If investments allow, then a good solution would be the construction of summer houses for vacationers, a shop, a kitchen, a fishing house, a toilet. The fisherman's shop sells fishing tackle, bait and top dressing. These are all in high demand. The presence of a summer kitchen with a chef allows you to take orders from those who want to taste their own catch.

If you also build a beach, then the fishermen will come with their whole families, which will only increase the income of the entrepreneur. However, you need to make sure that the rest does not interfere with the main process of fishing. Therefore, the beach should be at a respectful distance from fishing spots - at least 100m.

The construction of such infrastructure justifies itself well not only near large cities and metropolitan areas. Residents of the periphery and small towns are also willing to pay for such a service. There are still not enough picturesque and well-groomed places in our country, and the demand for outdoor activities is growing every year.

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

To open your carp, you need to pay special attention to the place where the fish are bred. For carp, a piece pond or pond is suitable. Preliminarily, it is advisable to monitor and analyze the activities of competitors, to establish relations with points of sale. You can not do without a well-defined business project, taking into account the preliminary costs and expected profit. The profitability of the business in the early stages will depend on this. Having ennobled the reservoir and the surrounding area, you can begin to purchase the necessary equipment, fry and food for them.

How much can you earn

Before moving on to profits, let's look at costs. If you grow carp in a natural reservoir, then the main expenses are associated with the purchase of feed, about 20 rubles per 1 kg. For a small fish farm, it will take up to 5,000 rubles per month. Buying fry: 100 pieces = 400 rubles. To this should be added the cost of equipment, transportation costs, insurance premiums, etc. It takes 2-3 years for a carp to reach its selling weight. Thus, there is no need to expect quick profits. You can sell fish at a price of 80-100 rubles per kg. An additional income channel is paid fishing, along with the rental of fishing rods / boats, paid parking and other equipment. The profitability of the business, taking into account a well-established sales market, is at the level of 10%. The resulting profit can be used not only to expand the business, but also to acquire profitable assets. There are many possibilities for this, for example, investment in tenement houses. This is a time-tested method that works.

How much money do you need to start a business

Start-up costs for such a business depend on the method of breeding. If you create an artificial reservoir with a closed water supply device, you will need up to half a million rubles, and in some cases more. Carp breeding in natural reservoirs will significantly reduce this figure, approximately 10-20 times.

Which equipment to choose

To run a carp farming business effectively, you will need to purchase fishing rods, boats, camping tents and other equipment for paid fishing.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

To register a business, you must specify OKVED Code 03.2 - Fish farming.

What documents are needed to open

A novice businessman will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, which will require a passport, a copy of the IND code and a receipt for payment of the state fee. It is worth paying attention to the grants that exist in Russia from the Ministry of Agriculture. When registering which, there is a chance to receive a significant start-up capital or half of the funds invested in the business.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

For doing business, the best option would be to tax the peasant, farm, economy with a loss of 6% of profits.

Do I need permission to open

It is obligatory for stocking a reservoir to obtain a special veterinary certificate, which is issued by the epidemiological committee. Also, the lease of the territory from the state will require a few more additional papers related to maintaining cleanliness and environmental safety. Thinking about making a quick income or dreaming of owning your own home? Mortgage seems unaffordable? Find out about the mortgage recipient's mistakes and how how to do it right. Do not lose your nerves and money by giving the bank more than 10 years.