New business ideas. Worm breeding business plan

In fishing, both artificial and natural types of baits are used. Regardless of the season and fishing method, the worm is not inferior to artificial bait. It is not always possible to buy the necessary worm in the store, and the price of such a purchase can be too high.

Breeding worms at home is not a very difficult task, it is enough to have the necessary information.

Rules and features of breeding

Varieties and characteristics of worms:

The most popular in the field of worm breeding is the "prospector". This is a representative of one of the species of Californian red worms. It differs from its counterparts in a high level of productivity and fertility. He has a well-developed instinct for self-preservation. At low temperatures, the "prospector" burrows to a safe depth. The breeding temperature range is from +8 to +29 °C. An adult is capable of producing about 1,500 worms per year. The worm is unpretentious in food, quickly gets used to a different type of food. Resistant to many types of diseases.

The California red worm is easy to grow at home. He is less prolific than his fellows. On average, 400 new individuals appear per year. An adult worm reaches 8 cm in length, with a weight of 1 g. Like the "prospector", the main advantage is the speed of biomass production. The resulting biohumus has saturated enzymes, the maximum amount of microelements and active substances. Comfortable conditions for the successful life of the red worm will be a temperature of 15-25 degrees and a relative humidity of the habitat of 60%. In such conditions, he is able to live for about 16 years. The disadvantages of the Californian worm include pickiness in the choice of food, increased thermophilicity and the negative impact of direct sunlight.

The advantage of common earthworms is their good adaptation to the environment. This type of worm is considered a universal bait - more than a dozen different types of fish bite perfectly on it. The length of the grown worm reaches 15-30 cm, specimens that have reached 40 cm are often found. The main disadvantages are low life expectancy (up to 4 years), passivity in reproduction. Despite the shortcomings, earthworms are unpretentious in nutrition and have a fairly active growth.

The flour worm is the larva of the beetle. It tolerates temperature extremes and has a high reproduction rate at home. For development, a comfortable temperature is considered to be 28 degrees, while the humidity should not fall below 50%. In the choice of food, they are not whimsical.

This worm is a favorite delicacy of many fish. The yellow liquid inside it has a specific smell that drives the fish crazy. These worms are similar in appearance to red ones. The difference lies in the conditions of detention. To create a habitat, you need: sawdust, manure, rotten hay or straw, black soil, wet leaves. All this is mixed and well pressed. The greater the soil pressure, the more comfortable the worms live there. They have no preferences for temperature and high humidity.

In the selection, there are also specially bred worms for fishing - This type of worm breeds sluggishly, but it has a very fleshy body structure. Care on them has certain difficulties associated with the constant maintenance of increased optimal living conditions.

Worms feeding

Worms feed on rotten or dead plant remains. In their diet, it is recommended to add potato peels, stale bread, cabbage leaves, banana skin, kefir diluted with water, grass, rotting straw, the remains of the thick of used tea or coffee, chicken droppings, manure, boiled vegetables.

It is forbidden to add the following ingredients to the food of worms:

  • meat-containing waste;
  • citrus peel;
  • eggs;
  • fermented milk products (the acidity of the environment increases);
  • fresh manure (gives off destructive heat up to 70 ° C).

Before serving food, it is well ground in a meat grinder. The composition of the feed must be constant. When changing nutrition, individuals must undergo adaptation for several weeks.

Putting a new serving of food is necessary 2-3 times a month. It all depends on the temperature regime - the warmer, the more often and more worms eat food. Remember, too much food will ferment the soil, making it more acidic.

Worms for breeding

Worms are more often purchased at pet stores, the Internet, and fishing stores. When making a purchase, you should pay special attention to their appearance and general condition. They should be active and solid color.

How to increase the catch of fish?

For 7 years of active passion for fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Biting activator. This pheromone additive lures fish the most in cold and warm water. .
  2. Raise gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for the particular type of tackle.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Settlement technology and rules for caring for worms

You can breed worms not only in the village or in the country. Any place without noise and excess vibration is suitable for this: in an apartment on a balcony or a “dark” room, in a garage, in a garden or other utility room. The main condition is the observance of the optimal temperature regime and sufficient humidity (70%). Unpleasant odors can be avoided by sprinkling the feed with earth or biohumus.

To breed worms at home, you need to buy a vermicomposter or make a worm hive with your own hands. This design is a plastic or wooden box (box), about 40 cm high. Breeding containers must have ventilation holes.

Holes are drilled in the top of the box or lid. The structure is installed at a slight slope so that through a hole drilled in the bottom to drain the worms formed during the life of the worms. An old refrigerator can act as a worm. It is placed with the doors up, pre-drilling holes.

If there is no desire to make a worm, you can purchase a ready-made special product for growing worms - a vermicomposter. It is made in the form of two plastic boxes, installed one on top of the other. Both have holes for ventilation and special slots at the bottom. A tap is mounted in the lower drawer, located on legs. It is used to drain the resulting vermicai.

After preparing the soil mixture, for 2-3 days a deepening is made in it and the first tenants are settled in the wormhole. After evenly distribute the soil and cover with a lid. Feed is added two days after settlement.

To know the required level of soil acidity, we make a trial settlement in a smaller container. For breeding worms, the optimal acidity of the soil sweep will fluctuate in the range of 6.6-7.7 pH. With more acidity, the worms begin to die. Reduce its level by adding eggshells, chalk or limestone to the soil. To increase the acidity, sawdust, straw or plant remains are used.

If within a week the surface of the substrate is clean, and the worms are actively mobile, then the colonization was successful.

Worms are fed every 1.5-2 weeks. The food is applied evenly to the entire surface of the box with a thickness of 5-7 cm. Under favorable conditions, the worms multiply very quickly, so it is necessary to have pre-prepared worm nests for relocation. Monitor humidity constantly. The watering procedure is carried out with warm (room temperature +24 ° C) water, using a watering can with small holes.

With a substrate layer of more than 20 cm, loosening is necessary to enrich the soil with oxygen. Mixing is carried out with a special fork or other tool with rounded ends. This procedure should be carried out twice a week.

As a result of the activity of the worms, the soil, which is located in the box, is divided into three zones. The top layer contains nutrients. The layer in the middle is used by adults for housing. All the products of their active processing are collected in the lower layer, which is why it is so important. This layer grows over time. After 3-4 months, the worms are transplanted into a new container, along with a small part of the substrate of the lower layer. And the process starts all over again.

Reproduction of worms

A new generation of worms emerge from cocoons. One female can lay only one cocoon per week. A month later, newborn worms appear. An average of 20 worms hatch from a cocoon. In two months, they grow to the size of an adult. During the year, the worm lays up to 24 cocoons. During the growth period, the worms actively feed, so you will have to feed more often.

Comfortable conditions for reproduction: temperature in the range from +20 to +24 degrees, humidity 70%. It is desirable to keep different types of worms in separate boxes.

  1. It is better to cover the bottom of the box with a mesh, so it is more convenient to weed out biohumus.
  2. In one wormhole, you can keep earthworms and red worms together.
  3. Cow dung becomes suitable for nutrition only after 6 months.
  4. The resulting biohumus is effectively used for fertilizing strawberries, vegetables in the greenhouse and indoor plants.
  5. Some types of worms are used to obtain medicines.

Breeding worms as a business is a great way to generate income without serious financial outlays. Starting capital is minimal, equipment is simple. The technology of growing worms at home does not require special knowledge and skills.

For those who decide to start a business, selling worms is a great way to make a profit with a small start-up capital. High profitability and steady demand will ensure the prosperity of your vermifarm. Learn the features of this process, invest some money and get a stable income.

Is there a demand for who are the buyers of the worms?

Before opening a vermi farm (the so-called place for breeding worms), study who will need your products. Creeping Workers provides several valuable products that can be sold:

  • actual living worms;
  • biohumus (fertilizer);
  • worm tea (vermichay).

For soil fertilization

Valuable organic fertilizer - vermicompost is in demand both by summer residents and large farms. Biohumus increases soil fertility, enriches it with useful substances.

Start small. Use the humus yourself and sell it to your neighbors in the country. The expansion of production will allow reaching more reputable customers.

For fishing

It's rare these days to find a fisherman who spends time looking for worms for an upcoming fishing trip, digging up the soil. Most prefer to come and buy bait from fishing shops. The life expectancy of worms is long, the demand is stable. One individual can be sold for 2 rubles. How many worms do you need for fishing? Minimum 30 pieces. You will sell several packages per day. The conclusion is obvious.

To the pet store

Birds, fish and other inhabitants of the pet store are constantly in need of live food. Worms will be taken from you with great pleasure.

For fish farms

Fish farm owners need a lot of live food. The high nutritional value of worms explains the need for vermifarm products.

For plant nutrition

worm tea- a unique product that allows you to increase the yield of fruit and vegetable crops by more than 2 times. Those who will also become your customers. The waste product of the worms is collected in a container. Natural fertilizer can be used for indoor plants and for open and closed ground (in greenhouses).

About the production of biohumus and its demand is described in this video:

Technology Fundamentals

The scheme is this:

  • Preparing the habitat of your "pets".
  • Purchase of breeding stock, consisting of adults, fry and cocoons of worms.
  • Settlement of the family in the prepared "house".
  • Processing of compost by worms and turning the latter into biohumus after a certain period of time.
  • Reproduction of worms.
  • Collection of fertile layer, worm tea, live specimens for sale.
  • Adding a new layer of nutrient bedding that serves as food for worms.
  • The process starts over.

Nuances and secrets in the process of breeding worms

Consider the characteristics of the life of worms. Your task is to create comfortable conditions for their life and reproduction. A quiet, calm place without vibrations and noises will help to achieve good results.

The soil

It is not enough just to fill the box with earth, populate the worms and wait for their rapid reproduction. The soil in which they live can be divided into three zones:

  • Upper layer- food place. You will need soil enriched with nutrients and organic residues;
  • middle layer- the space where the bulk of individuals live;
  • bottom layer- the most valuable. It accumulates products of soil processing and derivatives of vital activity: biohumus and worm tea.


Observe the temperature regime in the room. The optimum air temperature is from + 15С ... + 25С. There is a species of worms that breed well at a temperature of + 8C ... + 30C.

Room area

Please note: worms multiply rapidly. Think about whether you can increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe vermi farm. Prepare a sufficient number of new "houses" for transplanting individuals.


Year-round worm farming will require good distribution channels. Study the market and potential buyers in your area, city, village. Focus on indicators: a stable family, having wintered in good conditions, will increase by almost 10 times!

Basic conditions for breeding worms - what is needed for this business

Study each item carefully. Creating a home vermifarm is quite simple. The advice of specialists and experienced farmers will help you.

Even some pensioners are planning to open a business on breeding Californian worms, the main thing is to study the technology and put it into practice, as described in this video:

What room can be used, requirements for it

Suitable for any heated room with normal humidity:

  • garage;
  • cellar;
  • attic;
  • economic outbuilding.

The air temperature should not drop below +4C. The worms will hibernate. At temperatures above + 36C, individuals will die.

What types of worms are best to use and why

Various types of worms are suitable for a home worm farm. Pay attention to popular varieties.

common earthworm

Local worms, well adapted to their habitat, are used because of their rapid adaptation to the conditions of a closed farm in their native soil. Reproduction will start faster. The disadvantage is that the vital activity is lower than that of the stronger "pedigreed" species.

California red worm (CRW)

Popular look. When buying, make sure that the individuals are mobile and red. The breeding stock should be from 1500 individuals or more. For 1 cubic meter of soil, from 1 to 3 families will be required.

Quickly multiplies, gives high-quality biohumus. Not picky about food. It does not tolerate temperatures below + 10C.

Worm Prospector

Direct competitor of the well-known California counterpart. High activity, the ability to process feed qualitatively, and a rapid increase in biomass distinguish the Prospector species.

It tolerates temperatures from + 9C to + 28C. From 1000 kg of substrate, biohumus yield reaches 60%.

Give preference to industrial types of worms: HRC or Prospector. Productivity is higher than that of an ordinary earthworm.

What equipment will be needed

To organize a small home vermifarm, you will need a minimum amount of equipment and inventory:

  • scales;
  • sieve for sifting;
  • wheelbarrow;
  • bucket;
  • shovel;
  • pitchfork;
  • devices that measure the acidity of the soil and its temperature;
  • room thermometer;
  • shelving.

Make the main emphasis on the proper arrangement of piles, pits or boxes for growing worms and preparing compost.

What container and in what cases it is better to use

Where to place newly acquired individuals and where to deposit new families? At home, several types of nurseries are used:

  • wooden box

Size: 1m x 2m x 0.5m. Boards - from 25 mm thick. Holes in the bottom will ensure the outflow of valuable liquid. To collect it, the box is installed with a slight slope. Below you need a pallet for collecting vermicai. The lid is made of plywood and knocked down boards with holes for ventilation.

  • old refrigerator

All "insides" are removed, the chamber is installed with the door up. Need holes for ventilation in the door and walls. Be sure to install the "house" at an angle on the bars.

  • Cardboard box

An excellent option to get started. Cardboard nursery box dimensions: 400 mm x 300 mm. Eco-friendly material breathes well. The worms feed on pieces of cardboard. The box is damp and thinner - bring a new one.

  • Plastic container

There are many varieties: from a large flower pot to a high-quality plastic container of large sizes. Prerequisite: air access, otherwise the worms will suffocate in too wet soil. Drill holes in the walls and lid. Place a basin or tray to collect the vermicelli.

  • Special vermicomposter

The most convenient and expensive option for worm breeding equipment. Most small entrepreneurs use simpler homemade options.

How does a vermicomposter work?

Which soil is better to use and why

The activity of individuals, their reproduction and the rate of processing of organic waste depend on the quality of the soil.

Follow the rules:

  • cover half of the container with a layer of humus. You can add some shredded cardboard;
  • moisten the mixture. Humidity should not exceed 70-80%;
  • after 2-3 days, make several indentations in the soil, populate the worms with part of the soil in which they lived before transplanting into the box;
  • gently level, moisten the soil. Cover the "house" with cardboard;
  • wait a couple of days;
  • after successful acclimatization, you can feed.

Always test populate in a small container. Place 50 to 100 individuals in the substrate. After a day, check if they are alive. This way you will know if the acidity of the soil suits your pets.

Optimal score:

  • from 6.5 to 7.5 pH.

Several dead worms are a signal for a change in acidity.

To help improve your scores:

  • sawdust or straw;
  • tops of plants.

To reduce acidity are suitable:

  • ordinary chalk;
  • crushed shell;
  • limestone.

What and how to feed worms

All types of worms do not have special requirements for food. The value of worms is that they speed up the processing of waste rotting on your site in a compost pile for 1.5 - 2 years, several times. Biohumus for sale and grown worms can be collected every 4-6 weeks.

Basic feeding rules

Worms feed on decaying and dead plant debris.


  • meat waste;
  • citrus. Increase acidity;
  • undiluted kefir. Increases the level of soil acidity, which leads to the appearance of mold;
  • whole peel of vegetables or fruits, cores (freeze or mince peels to destroy cell walls);
  • fresh manure. The rotting substance releases a large amount of heat. The temperature will rise to 70C, the worms will die.
  • plant residues: cabbage leaves, potato peels, banana peels, boiled vegetables;
  • food waste;
  • stale bread, pastries;
  • tea leaves and coffee grounds;
  • eggshell powder;
  • water with which you rinsed a jar of sour cream or kefir;
  • grass, leaves, straw;
  • fermented manure (cow, horse), chicken droppings. Important: Few nutrients remain in very old manure.

A new portion of food is added after everything is eaten. Excess food waste leads to increased acidity and fermentation in the soil.

What packaging options can be used to transfer worms to customers

Products are packaged in:

  • dense plastic bags measuring 150mm x 100mm with holes for the breathing of worms. Store at a temperature approaching the lower mark. So the worms will be less mobile. A sufficient layer of soil is required. Convenient for fishing shops or individual fishermen;
  • cardboard boxes. The weight of the box is within 8 kg. A sufficient layer of substrate is required. Transportation of uterine families is well tolerated. The transfer method is suitable for large consignments of goods.

Please note that you must send the buyer a broodstock consisting of cocoons, fry and adults.

Worms implementation options

Use all channels to attract potential buyers. People need to learn as much as possible about your products.

How to sell:

  • direct sales method. Go with the goods and offer them to “everything for fishing” stores, pet stores, familiar fishermen, country neighbors, and farmers. Vermichay is willingly taken by amateur flower growers and avid summer residents.
  • Placement of advertising on the Internet: on free bulletin boards like Avito, in social networks, on a farming or fishing site. Perhaps you have your own website? Use this site too.

Estimated estimated business profitability

Breeding worms as a business is a profitable investment. From 2 cubic meters of nursery for a year of successful work, you can get up to 15-20 thousand individuals for sale and about a ton of biohumus. Only 2 rubles for 1 unit - and you already have 40 thousand rubles. Add the cost of biohumus and vermicai.

Given the small initial investment, the break-even point will be passed quickly -

For those who decide to grow worms for sale, it would be wise to start with a small home farm in an old refrigerator or wooden box.

Having fully mastered the technology, having studied the nuances of the case in practice, having “recruited” clients, you will be able to expand and organize a vermifarm on an industrial scale. More substantial investments are required. At this stage, you can prepare a business plan for breeding worms in order to optimize processes and attract additional funds for development.

A home mini-farm will allow you to make enough capital to open a serious production.

Now you know that worm farming as a business is profitable for you and good for the environment. Learn the technology, establish distribution channels - and your business will flourish.

Discussion (20 )

    Hello, I am going to start this business with minimal costs (One mother seed) and further development. I have been studying this issue for a long time, and your article is very good, but I can’t find anywhere information about how much manure (cattle) should lie down in time before urea comes out and how to speed up this process. I would be very grateful if you help or tell me the necessary literature on which you can prepare in more detail and correctly !!!

    I didn't know that worms could hibernate in sub-zero temperatures. In our city, many people sell worms right along the highway when we go to visit another city. And not only in summer. It can be seen that this is very profitable, and the hassle is minimal, especially in summer. My husband sometimes buys from me, mostly in autumn and winter. And in the summer he digs.

    It's a good thing. First of all, the restoration of ecology, the restoration of the humus layer of the soil. Mother Earth will be healthy and grace to humanity. In a good scenario and a competent alignment of forces, the sweat of labor will shed like a golden rain.

    Subject to the availability of a personal subsidiary plot, it is enough to invest no more than 50 thousand rubles in a home business for breeding worms. The main costs will be spent on the purchase of breeding stock and the manufacture of boxes with substance for the winter maintenance of worms. Also, depending on the scale of production, it is necessary to have an appropriate forage base. Otherwise, the business will not be profitable.

    I'm on retirement. Tired of traveling on shifts! Maybe also start breeding worms? My son came up with an idea today. How can I not know! Maybe try?

    I breed worms in the basement of my house. Started with a small volume. First, a tray near a paid lake - not far from my village. Now there is already a circle of its customers. It's a good addition to your pension. Many fishermen come to the house for bait. Especially in winter and early spring, the demand is good.

    By the way, I have also been doing this business for 5 years already, breeding worms for fishing, in my summer cottage. The business is excellent, there are no investments, only time is naturally needed. I also keep a tent in the market to sell worms, they sell very well! We already have our own clientele.

    Yes, business is specific. It’s good if there is a steady demand for such products, and you need to live at least in a private house. This is definitely an amateur, although there will certainly be a demand for such exotics.

    I could not get past this topic, because I remember a real example from the late 90s, when our friend was able to unwind in this business and rise from scratch. Now he is already a seasoned businessman. And then it was an ordinary teacher of labor at a vocational school, then state employees were not paid salaries for several months, and even then, if they were waiting for payments, then these were pennies. On which you can't feed your family. And he decided to engage in the cultivation of worms, and right in our vocational school, in the back room. The director was aware, but turned a blind eye to it, then everyone survived as best they could.
    I remember how we all walked and looked at these worms, if I'm not mistaken, they were red Californian (I remember exactly that they were not the usual earthworms). The men teased our businessman, the women farted and turned up their noses. But nevertheless, everything was borrowed from him until paycheck to paycheck, since the profit from this business was obvious, he sold it to pet stores, gardeners, fishermen, he didn’t break the price, and they willingly took it from him.
    And he was busy with them, as with small children. And he constantly monitored the temperature, set the boxes with the material at different levels, observed the ventilation modes. There was once a tragedy that derailed his business - they told him that it was necessary to add eggshells to the ground for food. Only they didn’t specify that it should be finely ground, just into flour. And he threw it into the ground just mashed, the worms simply cut themselves when they moved in the soil. This is now a lot of information on the Internet, and such mistakes can be avoided, but then our businessman collected information bit by bit from the same amateur businessmen in magazines and calling them up around the country.
    What I am leading to is that this business is really profitable, the sales market is huge and wide, there would be a desire. But you should not rank it as one of the easy and fast payback, there are risks, as in any business.
    But, something that does not require a huge start-up capital and is even a pensioner's strength is obvious.

    Even the idea of ​​earning money by breeding worms would not have crossed my mind. I read the whole article, everything turned out to be more than real. But I don’t think that there will be a constant stable income from this occupation, so you can do it as a hobby, in your free time or for pensioners in order to earn extra money and not sit idle. By the way, I think it’s better to breed worms in the city, because in order to sell “finished” products it’s better to have regular customers who are unlikely to go to your village for a jar of worms. But still, the income from this may well be, and if you wish, you can carefully study all the points and nuances and try to make money on it.

    A very interesting business.
    Low cost, simple and cost effective.
    The pitfall of this business, I think, will be the sale of products in Russia.
    I understood from the article that everything is happening in Latvia.
    But what about our 35 degree frosts (I live in the northwest)?
    Thank you very much for your valuable information.

    It seemed to me that there was nothing to do in our small town, all the ideas had already been sorted out, but what unexpected ways there are, and you really need to think of such a simple solution! We need to think carefully about this, of course, some pitfalls will come up, but I think everything is completely solvable. The main thing is that no one is doing such a thing with us yet, so we need to hurry. As they say, everything ingenious is simple!

The worm breeding business is characterized by a high level of profitability and low capital costs. Among other things, you can even do this at home or in an apartment (having allocated only one room).

In addition to the fact that the worms themselves are a product of sale, they can provide additional income as fertilizer and worm tea, which significantly accelerate the development of plants.

This idea will be especially interesting as an additional business for gardeners and gardeners, poultry and fish farmers. This production will perfectly complement agribusiness with useful humus, and poultry and fish farms will be supplied with useful complementary foods at cost.

Advantages of a business idea with minimal investment

The business case for worm farming at home is based on the clear benefits of a profitable business with minimal investment.

Advantages of breeding worms:

  1. The simplicity of the equipment used.
  2. High reproduction rate.
  3. The presence of a high level of demand, as well as ample opportunities to open new outlets.
  4. Insignificant flow costs for care and feeding.
  5. Wastelessness of production.

In just one year, an entrepreneur can get more than fifteen thousand individuals and up to one ton of fertilizer (with a nursery size of 2 m2). Having made simple calculations, you can see that the net profit from the sale of 15 thousand individuals will be about $ 700. In addition, the profitability of this business can be increased by selling the collected tons of worm tea and humus. In today's economic situation, the profitability of breeding worms for the production of humus reaches 145%, which is an excellent indicator for such a low initial cost.

What worms are best for breeding?

For breeding worms as a business, you can use any kind of them. The most popular and cost-effective are the types below.


Seems to be a key competitor to California red worms. Prospector is distinguished by its high ability to quickly convert biomass into fertilizers. Characterized by high activity. One of the advantages of breeding this species is its high resistance to temperature extremes, it is able to withstand from +9 to +30 degrees.


It is characterized by a high level of adaptation to the environment, which makes it an excellent tool for making a profit even in a city apartment. The only drawback of this type of worm is its low reproductive activity, which, however, can be compensated experimentally.

California (red) worm

Efficient and profitable home breeding of Californian red worms requires the maintenance of (at least) three families, each of which is a thousand individuals. This species is characterized by whimsical food (requires special food). It reacts sharply to temperature: the room should not be below +10. A distinctive advantage is high-quality humus.


This type of worm was specially bred by farmers as bait when fishing. Despite the low level of reproduction rate and life expectancy, dendrobena are quite large and fleshy. Also, the cocoons of the worm are able to withstand temperatures up to -18 degrees, after which they are hatched at a positive temperature level. Excellent for soil improvement and as a result, may be of interest to companies engaged in agricultural activities.


The advantages of this type of worm lie in the distinctive characteristics for vermicultivation. Previously served as the basis for breeding species such as Prospector and Red California Worm. On the basis of the dung worm, a new population can be developed, characterized by greater voracity, growth and reproduction rate, depending on the needs of buyers.

flour worm

Like the others, this type does not require any specialized knowledge and significant capital to build a profitable business process. It is characterized by a high reproduction rate and resistance to temperature extremes.

Helpful advice! It is worth noting that the natural habitat of one species of worms can be detrimental to other species. For example, if an earthworm and a dung worm live together, then the earthworm dies. Since the waste products of the dung worm are toxic to others. The maintenance of all types separately will reinsure the business against losses.

Conditions for breeding worms

Worms care consists of the following items:

  • loosening the soil;
  • support of the required temperature range;
  • timely feeding;
  • watering the soil.

Almost all types of worms do not impose special conditions for feeding. The temperature level, as mentioned above, should not fall below +9 degrees and rise above +30. Worms love moisture, but don't overdo it. The soil moisture level should not exceed 85%.

After the population has grown, the "extra" individuals should be moved to another container. Otherwise, the worms will stop breeding. Also, after raising the level of compost in the soil with worms, it is necessary to loosen. In the vast majority of cases, this is not more than twice a week. Proper and timely loosening of the soil allows you to provide insects with the necessary access to oxygen, which favorably affects the rate of their reproduction.

Ways to sell finished products

The worm breeding business has a wide range of marketing opportunities. For example, after reaching a sufficient number of individuals, you can safely establish contacts with various pet stores, as well as fish farms. Moreover, the geography of the sale of finished products is not limited solely to their own city of residence. With the help of the Internet, you can find websites of pet stores in other cities. Recently, an online store has been an effective way to promote products sold.

Another, no less important method is direct marketing in the markets of cities. One package of worms (thirty individuals) will cost an average of $ 1-1.5.

As for humus and worm tea, this is an indispensable fertilizer for many gardeners and summer residents. By setting the average market price, you can quickly build up a significant customer base of retail buyers. More details can be found in this video.

Profitable activity on worms on the scale of small businesses in our country is at an early stage. This is due to the specifics of the direction and the limited circle of the target audience. Worms and their waste products are not essential goods. The business can be lucrative if the beginner draws up a proper worm farming business plan and learns the basics of how worm farming works.

For clarity, we suggest studying our example in order to understand how to prepare a business plan for breeding worms with calculations.


Breeding worms involves different scenarios for the development of events:

  • You can sell the livestock itself as feed, bait, for breeding in other farms.
  • Realization of the product of vital activity of worms (biohumus). The fertilizer is recognized as the most environmentally friendly and is in demand among farms, private gardeners. You can offer the product to intermediaries or open your own outlets to make big profits.

For a novice entrepreneur with a small start-up capital and no experience in trading, the preferred option is to sell the product to partners working with a specific consumer.

Our project is aimed at a person who lives in a rural area and has a free land plot or a room for placing special containers with worms. The option of renting an area is possible, but this involves more costs than the option with a personal subsidiary plot or garden plot.

A small worm farm will operate year-round. It is necessary to provide a comfortable temperature and humidity in a special hangar. The option of wintering in the cellar will not be able to bring the desired turnover due to limited space. The best option is to build a structure that will eliminate seasonal difficulties.

Main parameters of the project

Type of activity: animal husbandry, breeding of worms for further sale and obtaining biohumus.

OKVED: 01.49.7 "Cultivation of other animals, including earthworms on farms."

Location of the worm farm: a village in the countryside. The property has a land allotment on which special equipment will be placed. You need to build a hangar. An affordable and quick option for a room for breeding worms can be a polycarbonate greenhouse. You will need heating and lighting equipment. Plumbing is also necessary to maintain the humidity of the environment in which the worms live.

Regulatory form of activity: IP focused on agriculture.

Taxation: ESHN.


Daily, irregular work hours. Shipment of products from 08:00 to 19:00 on weekdays.

Service list

  • Breeding of various types of worms for sale in live weight to trade organizations.
  • Sale of worms to private buyers in a small volume.
  • Sale of fertilizer obtained in the process of life of pets.
  • Cultivation of special types of worms for pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies.
  • Sale of worms to farms engaged in crop production, poultry farming, fish breeding.
  • Cultivation of worms according to individual requests from terrariums, zoos, nurseries, where invertebrates are the main food for animals, birds, reptiles.

Starting funds

Even a small vermifarm requires certain investments at the initial stage. Funds are needed to purchase the first batch of animals, special containers, feed, and equipping the premises.

Serious equipment, as is the case with poultry, pigs, dairy farms, is not needed. Worms can breed and grow even in open ground. The conditions of our climate and pests do not allow such a business to be carried out all year round. And also the inhabitants of the soil will be difficult to collect and track their numbers. Requires a fenced area or boxes with a side up to 35 cm high. We will reflect the estimated investments in the table:

The amount of investment can be lower if you buy not vermicomposters, but ordinary boxes. Wooden containers are easy to assemble from improvised materials. The cost of a container will be significantly lower than that of a composter. Savings can reach 150 thousand rubles or more. No need to skimp on accommodation and food. The activity of worms and the further profitability of the economy depend on these indicators.

Frames are not needed

The specifics of the activities of the worm farm are so simple that it is not worth "inflating" the staff. The business owner can independently cope with all the stages alone. Helpers will be needed when the opportunity for expansion arises.

The farmer must monitor the indoor climate, lay the next portion of feed several times a week and water the compost with clean water without any impurities.

Salary and employee fund contributions are excluded. The entrepreneur only needs to pay contributions for himself and comply with the deadlines for paying taxes to the state budget. The income of the entrepreneur is the profit received from the turnover. What contributions does the IP make, we will reflect in the table:

Items of expenses of individual entrepreneurs in funds Amount, rub.
Pension fund for yourself 19 357
MHIF for itself 3 797
Total 23 154

Income taxes will be reflected in the material part of the business plan.

Project start time

The peak of consumer activity for worms or fertilizer occurs in the spring season. By this time, the businessman must equip the vermifarm to obtain the first "harvest". In winter, invertebrates reduce their activity and hibernate. But with the correct organization of the conditions of existence, pets will retain their activity. Experienced vermifarmers recommend starting in business in the fall, gradually acquiring clients. By spring, the first result will be received.

If distribution channels are found before the worm farm is up and running, there is the possibility of small batches of orders from autumn. There should be no delays in meeting calendar deadlines.

Benefits of the project for the owner

To assess the profitability of a business idea, it is necessary to understand how much revenue the farmer will receive after the sale of worms and biohumus. Profitability is determined by the number of contracts that an individual entrepreneur can conclude before receiving the first "harvest".

Worms need time to reproduce, grow and process waste into bio-fertilizer.

The products will be sold wholesale to large customers and retail to private buyers. In the table, we indicate the cost of goods and the sales plan for the year:

It is possible that there will be more sales or the cost of goods will increase. But for calculating profitability and payback periods, we take the annual income of a worm farm in the amount of 510 thousand rubles.

Now let's calculate the possible costs and derive the amount of net profit for the year. In the table, we will enter the cost indicators for utility costs, food, advertising, updating worm species, and consumables.

If we divide the income by 12 months, then the average monthly revenue was 30 thousand rubles. The amount of investment in the project will be 414 thousand rubles. In 14-16 months, worm farming will reach self-sufficiency and begin to generate net income. The profitability of a worm farm can be 300% if properly organized.


A business in the field of worm breeding can bring a certain income to the owner. For solid capital, a large number of wards and appropriate areas are required. Worm farming can be an additional activity for an existing agrarian who grows vegetables in greenhouses and has a free area. Business is also relevant for people who have income, but who want to increase it. Then it makes sense to write your business plan for breeding worms and look for distribution channels.

If you are an avid fisherman or farmer, then you probably had to think more than once about where to get worms. It would be very convenient if they were always at hand when you need to go fishing or take care of a good harvest. Therefore, you should think about breeding worms right at home. By the way, this idea can grow into a real business. Just imagine how many people need raincoats. Customers will gladly pay any money for them. Therefore, if you get a mini-farm for breeding worms at home, you can make a fortune.

The specificity of this type of activity is that you do not have to create any special conditions. When growing these unusual inhabitants of the farm, you will not even need to spend money on food. Food for raincoats can serve as:

  • fallen leaves;
  • hay;
  • food waste.

Worms feel great at a temperature of +15 ... +20 degrees Celsius, so you don’t have to do anything to ensure a comfortable temperature for the worms. The only thing you need to make sure that the humidity is about 80%.

Please note that not all individuals are amenable to successful breeding at home. For example, you are unlikely to be able to breed earthworms. If you still want to get them at home, pay special attention to the prospector worm and the Californian worm. These are ideal options for breeding worms at home. When choosing between these two types need to look at their performance which is very important for business. The “prospector” worm reproduces much faster. For one year, an adult can produce 400-500 offspring. Such an indicator cannot be surpassed by any worm.

The worm breeding business will be especially successful and profitable under the following conditions:

  • the owner of a mini-farm for growing worms also has an agricultural business;
  • he uses vermicompost, produced not without the participation of these animals, to care for his own plantation;
  • the businessman sells fertilizer and worms to other planters as well as fishing enthusiasts.

Collection of worms for breeding

If you decide to start growing worms at home, immediately select the individuals that you plan to breed. They can be dug up in the forested area. Inhabitants of this zone easily get used to the farm and will not experience discomfort. This is due to the fact that the worm, in the conditions of its habitual habitat, is constantly located in the territory, the size of which does not exceed 2 square meters. m.

Collecting earthworms is not difficult at all. To do this, you need to dig a shallow hole. Rotten leaves, fruit and vegetable waste should be placed in it (just do not use garlic, onions and citrus fruits). Then the hole must be covered with cardboard or a wooden board. Literally in a week it will be possible to start collecting potential inhabitants of the farm, who will gladly settle in this place. It is better to carry them along with the soil to make the process of adaptation to a new environment much easier.

Rules for breeding unusual pets at home

When growing worms, we recommend that you follow these rules:

  • The nursery area should be at least 1 sq. m per 1000 adults;
  • pets should not be kept at a temperature of less than +4 degrees;
  • it is necessary to use a container with a depth of more than 30 cm. It can be made of wood, plastic or cardboard.

When growing a small number of pets, it is better to use a cardboard or wooden container. If it is planned to grow a large number of individuals, preference should be given to a plastic container with a huge number of holes necessary for the full movement of air. By the way, this particular container is the easiest to clean, so it is used for long-term storage of animals.

Pay attention to what is best air exchange is carried out in a cardboard container but it's too unreliable. This design is too influenced by the environment. She'll get wet easily. If this happens, then in order to transfer the inhabitants of the container to a new environment, you will simply need to place the damp box in a normal one.

Features of the nutrition of the inhabitants of the farm

If you do not know how to breed a worm at home, this information is for you. It is very important not only to create good living conditions, but also to provide good nutrition. To feed the raincoat, you can use:

Please note that manure used for feeding must be must be rotten and not fresh. This is due to the presence of huge amounts of ammonia in fresh manure, which can be harmful to pets. The ammonia environment does not contain oxygen, so sometimes it can lead to the death of individuals.

When breeding insects It is not recommended to frequently feed pets fish, meat and dairy waste. Also, refrain from salty foods. The inhabitants of the farm, grown for fishing, will not benefit much from canned cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage.

Feed your pets once a week. To do this, grind food and put it on the surface of the earth. The layer of feed can reach 10 cm.

For two to three months, the inhabitants of the farm lay cocoons in the soil, from which new earthworms subsequently hatch. About 5-20 worms can form from one cocoon, and such cocoons are deposited daily. The last laying usually takes place in July. The first babies are born at the end of August. As a result, by October they will already be fully grown.

In order for earthworms to develop normally, they need to add compost with humus twice a month, just keep in mind that the thickness of such a layer should not exceed 10 cm. As a result of the natural process of digestion biohumus will be obtained from such a fertilizer, which will spill out through the slatted bottom of the box that contains the worms. This is an invaluable product that can be used to fertilize the garden, which will lead to a significant increase in yield. Literally in one season, you can get a layer of fertilizer with a thickness of 20-30 cm.

The next breeding cycle of worms can begin in the spring. Then most of the adults should be spread over the land, leaving only a small number of raincoats for further reproduction.

Breeding worms is a great opportunity not only to increase the yield on your own plot, but also to earn a lot of money by selling your pets to other farmers and fishermen. This does not require the creation of any special conditions. It is enough to allocate a large box of soil for the inhabitants of your farm, provide good humidity there and feed the pets with food waste once a week.