Breeding fish in the pond. Beneficial or not? Farming fish at home as a business

* Calculations use average data for Russia

4 000 000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

From 4 years old




The fishery industry is of great interest to entrepreneurs. This direction is in demand and promising, although it requires considerable investments and is associated with certain risks. Both natural and artificial (pond) reservoirs are suitable for fish farming. They grow domesticated fish and their hybrids.

Pond fish farming, which is discussed in this article, is the cultivation of fish using intensive technologies and is characterized by a high degree of use of all components of the forage base of reservoirs, plus additional feed. The main goals of pond fish farming are natural and artificial breeding of fish, selection and breeding work and acclimatization of new fish species.

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The main expenses in this business are related to the organization of a reservoir, which should be at least 1-1.5 hectares in area, its maintenance and the cost of buying feed. However, in addition to funds, you need to have good knowledge in this area. Mistakes that beginners often make are fraught with serious consequences.

Artificial reservoir for breeding and keeping fish

Reservoirs used for water supply to livestock farms, irrigation of plots, watering of livestock, etc. are suitable for breeding fish. In addition, separate reservoirs - fish ponds - can be built for these purposes. The first option in most cases is suitable as an additional source of income and increase the profitability of livestock farming. The second option can become an independent type of profitable business. The main feature of a fish pond, which distinguishes it from natural reservoirs, is the ability to control all biological processes occurring in it - from growing fish to breeding food.

You need to start this difficult business by finding a place for a pond in which fish will be kept and bred, or a place for it. It doesn't matter if you are planning to build a new pond or rehabilitate a destroyed pond, a pond used for fish farming needs to meet a few basic requirements.

These requirements apply to both its location and the characteristics of the reservoir itself. In the first case, pay attention to the presence of developed infrastructure near your future fish farm. Be sure to have access roads and settlements nearby. As mentioned above, the minimum area of ​​your pond should be at least one hectare. However, one should not go to the other extreme: a large pond is much more difficult to maintain, expensive to maintain, and its fish productivity is noticeably lower than small ponds.

Artificial reservoirs are built in two main ways: using dams or by digging. The choice of one or another method depends on the terrain, soil characteristics, source of water supply and other factors. Experts consider the most suitable reservoir, formed with the help of an artificial dam on a flowing source (spring or stream). In this case, it will be easier to organize water exchange. Also quite a profitable option is the arrangement of a dam for spring and rain water. With heavy movement of such waters, it will be possible to simply install the dam in the right place.

But digging a reservoir "from scratch" is the most costly option. If you prefer it, then carefully choose the site for its construction, taking into account the structure of the soil and the composition of the water. Sandy and marshy soils in this case will not work, or you will have to make an artificial bed for a reservoir from monolithic or precast concrete. The first option is more expensive, and the second requires additional sealing of the seams.

However, regardless of the type of reservoir, its bottom should be as flat as possible. In the presence of holes and low places at the bottom of the pond, waterlogging of the soil occurs, which can be detrimental to fish. A fish pit should be provided in the center of the reservoir near the spillway, which will allow you to quickly catch the inhabitants of the pond and drain the reservoir for the winter. Please note: wintering of fish is possible only in ponds with running water. It is most advantageous to supply water to the pond by gravity through pipes or channels. The use of a pump significantly increases the cost of the entire project.

It is best to make a drain pond. If you can drain and refill the pond, it will allow you to catch fish and regularly clean the bottom of the pond from silt. Release ponds are more convenient, give a greater increase in fish and are less prone to waterlogging. When choosing or arranging a reservoir, pay attention to the territory adjacent to it.

Shrubs, trees, stumps, snags growing near the shore of the pond must be uprooted, otherwise in the future they may contribute to its silting and overgrowing. It is desirable that keys, groundwater outlets or springs are located nearby. If there are such sources, it is recommended to clear them, thus ensuring a natural flow of water into your pond.

Types of ponds suitable for fish farming

There are several main types of ponds, which differ in their location. The most common are the so-called non-flowing or low-flowing ravine ponds, which are located on gently sloping ravines or dry hollows. Such household ponds are small in area (from 0.5 hectares with a depth of up to 1.5 meters) and are used for water supply, bathing, irrigation, etc. Due to their shallow depth, the water in such ponds quickly warms up in the sun.

They are suitable for breeding carp, tench, pike perch, crucian carp and other fish species. If you have chosen just such a pond for your fish farm, then its preliminary preparation for launching fish will consist in cleaning the bottom of the reservoir from silt, installing a bottom outlet and catching weed fish.

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Less commonly, forest and park ponds are used for fish farming, as they require a lot of preparatory work before launching fish. First, they need to be drained (at least for one or two years), cleaned of silt, snags and stumps, and a bottom spillway installed.

Reservoir ponds, as a rule, have a vast water area - from several tens to hundreds of hectares, and are used to irrigate fields. If such a pond is planned to be used for breeding fish, then experts advise paying special attention to cleaning and leveling the bottom. In such areas, you can breed carp, carp, pike perch, bream, trout, sterlet, whitefish, etc.

Peat ponds-quarries are formed after the development of peat. Their area is several hundred thousand hectares. However, due to the large number of snags, stumps, earth embankments, pits, etc., catching fish in such ponds is very difficult. On the other hand, if there are enough funds to prepare and fill a quarry pond with water, the “productivity” of such a fish farm, even with extensive cultivation, can be from a couple of centners of fish per 1 hectare of water area per year.

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So, no matter where your pond is located, it may require a whole range of expensive preparatory work: drainage (to drain a non-draining pond, water is pumped out), bottom cleaning, removal of stumps, branches, leveling of the bottom and slopes, arrangement of supply and descent channels water, filling the pond with water.

Basic water requirements

The quality of the water in your pond is of key importance. Of course, there are some fish species that survive in polluted and oxygen-depleted water, but it is better to spend time and money on organizing a suitable environment so that the fish do not just survive, but grow well, gain weight and reproduce quickly.

The quality of water in a reservoir is determined, first of all, by the oxygen contained in it, which is consumed by fish during respiration. The lack of oxygen negatively affects all the life processes of the fish and can lead to its death. In natural reservoirs, water is saturated with oxygen from the air under the influence of wind and temperature changes. A large amount of oxygen is also released by aquatic plants. The recommended oxygen content in the pond is 5-7 mg per liter of water.

When the oxygen content in the water drops to 0.3-0.5 mg per liter, the fish dies. In winter, due to the formation of ice cover on the water and the cessation of oxygen release by plants in stagnant water bodies, the oxygen content drops sharply, therefore, in the cold season, it is necessary to carry out additional aeration of the water.

In addition to oxygen, other gases dissolve in water, including methane, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide. The content of free carbon dioxide in an amount of more than 10-20 mg per liter can also have a detrimental effect on fish. In order to avoid the formation of harmful gases in the water, it is necessary to regularly clean the pond from excess silt and aquatic vegetation. For the same purposes, the soil is drained and mineralized, peaty areas are poured with lime and excess vegetation is burned.

In addition to the oxygen content of water, its reaction is also of great importance, which can be acidic (pH less than 7), alkaline (pH above 7) and neutral (pH = 7). To reduce the acidity of water, lime is added to it or lime filters are installed on the sources. For the full development of any organisms in water, various minerals are needed - potassium, calcium and other salts, phosphorus and nitrogen compounds.

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In the natural environment, salts come from the soil, dissolving in water. In addition, the enrichment of water with minerals occurs during the decomposition and mineralization of silt deposits into two reservoirs. In artificially created reservoirs, one cannot do without organic and mineral fertilizers, which enrich the water with all the necessary minerals.

Iron in fresh water is usually found in the form of oxide salts. If the reservoir is supplied with water from a spring, then it may contain salts of ferrous iron, which, when converted to oxide, absorbs a large amount of oxygen, forming iron oxide hydrate. The latter can accumulate on the gills of fish in the form of a brown coating, making breathing difficult. This is especially harmful when the acidity of the water is high. On the other hand, plant and animal organisms cannot do without iron at all. To reduce the iron content in water, the water is additionally aerated, since oxygen leads to the oxidation of iron and to its precipitation.

In fish farms, it is extremely important to regularly analyze the water in the reservoir, paying attention to the following parameters: temperature, acidity, oxygen content, hydrogen sulfide and minerals. In some cases (primarily in winter), such measurements must be taken daily. Before stocking a reservoir, experts advise conducting a water analysis in a hydrochemical laboratory. Such laboratories are at SES and Vodokanal. There are also independent laboratories that perform more advanced analysis, which is more preferable.

Features of fish breeding

The choice of certain groups of fish depends, first of all, on the state of the reservoir. According to the conditions of keeping, all types of fish that are suitable for pond breeding can be divided into heat-loving and cold-loving. Heat-loving fish feel good in well-warmed stagnant water. They are not so demanding on the oxygen content. This group of fish includes representatives of the carp family. Cold-loving species, on the contrary, need clean, cool water with a high oxygen content. These fish are suitable for breeding in water bodies that feed on springs or underground sources.

For pond fish farming, carp, carp, crucian carp, tench, pike, pike perch, grass carp, and silver carp are most suitable. In the northern regions, trout, whitefish, and peled can also be grown in artificial reservoirs. To maintain the microclimate of the reservoir, it is recommended to keep several species in one reservoir at once. If you do not have experience in the field of fish farming, be sure to consult with specialists at the planning stage about the composition of the fish being launched.

Beginners often make the mistake of introducing certain species into the pond that can harm other fish (for example, dwarf catfish, Amur chebachok, etc.). If fish farming is only an additional source of your income, then low-value fish species can also be kept in the reservoir - both small (minnow, gallian, top) and weed fish species (roach, ruff, perch). However, if the former do not interfere with the breeding of commercial species (except that they occupy free space), and even serve as additional food for predatory fish, then weed species simply take food from valuable fish species.

Most fish farm owners prefer carp and trout. Carp are unpretentious and survive well in most water bodies. Trout is more demanding on the conditions and quality of water, however, with slightly higher costs for its maintenance, the retail price of this fish is 3-3.5 times higher! On the other hand, carp breeding does not require much experience. If you decide to engage in trout, you will have to seek help from a qualified specialist. A one-year-old fry (in the case of carps) or a two-year-old fry (trout and some other species) is suitable for populating the pond, as it takes root well and is large enough so that predatory fish do not eat it.

Rules for feeding fish in artificial breeding

With a natural content in the pond, unpretentious fish species have enough natural food, which includes insects, aquatic vegetation, bloodworms (mosquito larvae) and small crustaceans (cyclops, daphnia), but you should not count on high performance with such a content. In the case of artificial breeding in a "densely populated" pond, the fish is supplemented with meal, cake, bran, compound feed for birds or pigs, which is mixed with water to the consistency of the dough. Properly selected feed can increase the natural weight gain of fish up to five times. True, in this case they become the main item of expenditure for the fish industry. They account for up to 60% of all costs.

Top dressing begins in May, when the water temperature reaches 12-15 ° C, and this temperature will last at least half a day. During this period, they give no more than 7% of the total amount of feed calculated for the growing season. It is recommended to feed the fish twice a day (the most favorable time is at 12-13 and at 18 o'clock). It is best to determine in advance the place for the location of the so-called "stern tables".

The latter are square trays made of heavy wood or stainless metal measuring 50 by 50 cm and sides 4-5 cm high. A hole is made in the center of the feeder for a pole. Tables are raised to the surface with a fishing line. A pond of one hectare will require at least four feed tables. These devices help to reduce the consumption of pelleted feed. At first, food is given in small portions so that the fish get used to the feeders, and at a certain signal (ringing a bell or clapping a hand in the water).

Regularly monitor how the fish eat food. You can estimate the amount of food eaten 40-60 minutes after feeding. Do not give large amounts of food at once. On average, the daily norm of food for carp is 1.5-3% of the estimated weight of all fish in the reservoir, depending on the water temperature (the lower it is, the less food).

A new portion can be added only after the fish have eaten the previous one. Residues of food that the fish have not eaten must be removed from the feeders every 2-3 days in order to avoid pollution of the reservoir. When the oxygen content in the water drops to 2 mg per liter, the usual portion of food should be halved. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of feed during preventive treatment of the reservoir, transplanting and transporting fish: when stressed, their food reaction is inhibited.

Do not save on feed: it should always be fresh (the shelf life of any feed does not exceed six months from the date of manufacture), stored properly (in a dark, dry and well-ventilated area). Compliance with these simple rules will avoid many problems associated with pool pollution, which entails the appearance of various fish diseases.

Features of the fish farming business

If you are not a specialist in the field of fish farming, then it is best to start such a business with a small pond with carps. The optimum water temperature for carps is 20-27°C with an oxygen content of 5-7 mg/l. If the temperature drops to 14°C or lower, then the fish eat less and do not gain weight. At a water temperature of 7°C, carps stop feeding and become inactive. Under favorable conditions, carp weight gain can reach 7-8 grams per day. Sexual maturity occurs at 3-5 years. Carp spawns in spring, laying eggs on vegetation in shallow areas of the reservoir. Fry appear on average in five days.

The production cycle of fish breeding lasts two years. By this age, the weight of one carp is 300-800 grams. And by the age of three, the weight of a male can reach 1-2 kg. The weight gain of carp is greatly influenced by the quality of water, feed, conditions of detention, as well as climate. Carp and other types of fish are best bred in the southern regions of our country.

Fish farming is a profitable business with an average profit margin of 15%. However, it requires a lot of investment. Most of the funds will go to the arrangement of the reservoir (from 3 million rubles in the best case), the purchase of feed (4 kg of feed is required to obtain a carp weight gain of 1 kg) and fry.

Of course, you can grow fish on natural food - the so-called extensive method. But in this case, no more than 0.3-0.4 tons of fish can be obtained from 1 ha, while with additional feeding, the productivity can be up to 1.2 tons per 1 hectare per year. When using a high level of intensive rearing in cages, which involves frequent feeding of fish, high stocking density and the creation of additional conditions for productive breeding in reservoirs (constant aeration and liming of the reservoir), up to 5-6 tons of fish products per hectare can be obtained.

True, in this case, the cost of feed will increase even more. In the high-intensity rearing method, a high-protein nutritious feed is used with a protein content of at least 26-28% and fat - 6-7%. The average price of food for carp is 8-9 rubles per kilogram. High-protein nutritious food will cost twenty percent more.

For growing trout, experts advise using European-made feed at a price of about 0.9-1 euro per kilogram. Although such feed is produced in our country, but so far only a couple of enterprises. However, cheap compound feeds practically do not affect the taste of trout meat, but with such nutrition it has a light color. Domestic consumers are accustomed to the fact that trout meat is red, and special feed additives obtained from krill give it such a bright shade.

It would seem that the high cost of feed for trout makes its breeding economically unprofitable. However, the high cost of feed is offset by their lower consumption and the high cost of meat. If you need to spend about 4 kg of feed per 1 kg of carp weight gain, then in the case of trout, the consumption will be only 1 kg per 1 kg of weight gain. Ultimately, the costs of growing one kilogram of carp and trout are approximately equal - about 35-38 and 40-45 rubles per kilogram in the first and second cases, respectively.

Income and expenses of pond fish farming

When calculating the costs, also take into account the costs of processing all necessary documents. Before building a reservoir, you will need to order its project from a design organization that has a license to carry out such activities, and go through all the approvals, as in the construction of a real estate object, obtain permits from environmental organizations, etc.

The productivity of large fish farms is up to 1000 tons of live fish per year. They make a profit from the sale of fry to small fish farms, the organization of paid fishing and fish processing (canning, smoking, etc.). Small fish farms choose 1-2 main directions. And one of the leading ones is often the organization of fishing

You can't count on a quick payback in this business. The largest demand on the market is for large fish. For carp, the optimal weight is 1.2-1.5 kg, and for trout - about 1 kg. The cycle of growing carp is three years, trout - half a year less. According to experts, the payback period for a small farm is four years.

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Today, many specialists involved in the fish farming industry are confident that the fish business is a promising sector of the economy. If all the necessary conditions for the successful development of the population are provided, it is possible to organize the supply of fish at the state level. Now farming fish at home as a business is very popular, not even on a national scale, but to ensure high personal profits.

Previously, growing fish in artificially created reservoirs was considered a popular way. But poachers interfered with the natural development and reproduction of young animals. Therefore, private business relocated mainly to mini-farms built at home.

For the successful development of the fishing business and its prosperity, it is not enough just to invest the necessary amount of money in it, build a pool or organize a reservoir, buy equipment and start the fish. Every novice fish farmer should familiarize himself with the basics of breeding and keeping various fish species in accordance with established standards.

Growing fish at home for beginners involves following steps such as:

  • arrangement of a home farm;
  • providing the economy with the necessary equipment;
  • choice of breed and purchase of fish;
  • purchase of feed;
  • compliance with the rules of feeding and maintenance;
  • search for places of sale;
  • taking into account all possible risks in doing business;
  • documenting.

How to start home fish farming from scratch

Water remains an indispensable condition for ensuring the life of a private fishery. The liquid must be of high quality, which has an impact on the health of fry and adult fish.

To provide fish with this important resource, it is necessary:

1. Create an artificial reservoir

To ensure this stage, it will be useful to contact the Epidemiological Surveillance, so that specialists can conduct the necessary analyzes of the aquatic environment and give valuable advice on improving its quality, if necessary. With low water quality, it will be enough to clean the pond or aerate.

2. Determination of water quality

The well-being of the fish depends on this parameter. In order for living creatures not to get sick, water must have such characteristics as:

  • appropriate proportion of salts;
  • various temperature regimes;
  • optimal pH level;
  • the required content of bacteria in it;
  • general transparency;
  • the right amount of minerals;
  • color properties;
  • proportions of gaseous substances dissolved in water.

All indicators are subject to certain standards. If they fit into them, then problems with keeping fish will not arise.

3. Launch fry

Each breed of fish needs to provide optimal conditions for keeping, including a suitable temperature regime. Therefore, you should ask about this in advance.

Some species live comfortably in cold water, including carp, crucian carp, sterlet, catfish, grass carp, silver carp, salmon, and trout. There are also breeds that ideally live and breed in warm water, not lower than 20 degrees.

4. Process of growing fish

When organizing a home mini-farm or a large farm, you need to know the main stages of fish life. They include spawning, the appearance of fry, the passage of the wintering phase, the growth process and the final stage - feeding. Their accounting helps to separate each stage and create a step-by-step plan for the growth of the young replenishment and the old generation. It is desirable that a separate reservoir or pool be equipped for each period.

Experienced fish farmers know how to breed fish from fry caviar. This requires a separate pool, where the hatched fry are transplanted. In the process of growing, when they reach the desired age, they should be moved to another special reservoir, necessary for gaining mass. When the new generation finally gains strength, its health will no longer be afraid of external factors, then it is moved to a feeding reservoir. For the wintering period, the fish are placed in special wintering ponds, where suitable conditions have been created for the fish to live comfortably.

You should always monitor the quality of the water in the pond, its purity and oxygen saturation. It is necessary to check the water for the presence of methane and hydrogen sulfide - these substances should be absent. The presence of aquatic plants in water bodies will have a good effect on the health of fish, which will allow young organisms to be saturated with essential trace elements and minerals.

5. Feeding

At each age, the fish needs certain feed additives. For fry, supplements will be required to increase immunity in the form of therapeutic stress feed. They help fish overcome diseases and develop immunity to them.

Tanks for breeding fish

Preparation of equipment for business

Since it will be difficult to grow high-quality and healthy fish with only one pond or pool, it is necessary to provide your future business and fisheries with the necessary equipment.

Each body of water needs mandatory purification, which will help provide a gravity filter. Its installation does not take much time, it is quite simple. The cost of such a device is in the region of 5 thousand rubles. It allows not only to purify water from pollution, but also to eliminate harmful microorganisms that are the cause of the formation of mud and flowering of water.

For an artificially created reservoir, you will need a compressor apparatus. But its cost will be 2 times more expensive than that of a gravity filter. It will also prevent water blooms by using sterilizers with ultraviolet diodes.

It is most convenient to pump out liquid from an artificially created reservoir using a hydraulic pump. An alternative option is to create your own apparatus from tubes. When using such equipment, underground mines will fill the pond. In specialized stores, you need to buy feeders and various fishing equipment. You also need to take care of the availability of drainage equipment.

Separately, it is necessary to equip the reservoir for the future fish offspring with everything necessary. To do this, you need a closed water supply installation, which includes the following components:

  • pool;
  • biological and mechanical water purification systems;
  • pumping stations for supplying clean liquid;
  • denitrification plants;
  • acidity control system;
  • heat generators;
  • installations for liquid enrichment with oxygen.

Depending on the scale of the pool or reservoir, as well as the variety of living creatures that live there, different equipment capacities are selected.

Species of fish for breeding

The ideal varieties of fish, which are often used in private business, as well as for breeding for industrial purposes, are:

  • trout;
  • carp;
  • perch;
  • crucian carp;
  • other species of the carp family.

It is advisable for every novice entrepreneur to choose a specific breed and stock up on relevant literature in order to learn how to breed, how to grow, how to keep one or another variety.

Novice businessmen planning to breed several fish species at the same time should be aware that they need to be combined so that they can naturally get along with each other. For example, perches are predatory fish; they cannot be kept together with young animals, since they will simply eat newborn fish.

Cyprinids are an unpretentious breed, they will feed on cereals, grains, beans, consume larvae and, with particular pleasure, eat compound feed, corn or peas. Quite unpretentious in content, carp fish will cost much less on the market than, for example, trout. But it will be difficult for beginner fish farmers to start their activities with the same trout, as it requires professional care.

Ways to sell finished products, providing additional income

When planning any type of business, you should think in advance about all possible ways to sell finished products and think about additional sources of income.

In the fishing business, accepting a low price is beneficial. In order to quickly ensure the sale of products, one should not inflate prices, especially at the beginning of work. Do not forget that fish is a perishable product. Therefore, you should think in advance about finding suitable 3-4 points that will be ready to accept products for sale.

The main supplies of fish products are provided by foreign companies, and, accordingly, the price of such products is significantly overstated. If you get in touch personally with the owners of shops and grocery stores, they will gladly agree to sell good quality products from domestic production and private entrepreneurs at a more affordable cost.

Places where you can offer fish products:

  • local markets of the city or regional;
  • supermarket chains;
  • public institutions;
  • fast food places;
  • online stores - rather quickly gaining popularity places for the sale of almost any goods;
  • personal outlets.

It will be very convenient for the fish business to set up not only the process of keeping and breeding individuals, but also to ensure the sale of products. To do this, private entrepreneurs organize their own points of sale, where they supply products.

To keep the fish business afloat, it needs constant investment. They can be provided by attracting regular customers. As an additional income, you can organize paid fishing if it is a large artificial reservoir. To do this, it is necessary to provide convenient and comfortable places for fishing, passages and paths, equip a reservoir with bridges and paths. It is also necessary to take care of the timely mowing of the grass, fence the territory and hire watchmen.

Another option is to rent boats if the size of the reservoir is significant. Selling related products, such as fishing equipment, may also be appropriate.

Benefits and risks of the fishing business

The advantage of the fish business is that it generates income even at times when prices for finished products in the markets fall. The main thing is to be able to bring it to the official and legal level when organizing a business. When performing these tasks, there will always be difficulties, among which:

  • difficulties of an administrative nature - if it is the lease of a pond or reservoir, then this must be agreed with local governments. The process is bureaucratic. If the vending reservoir is endowed with the status of a natural monument, then it will not be possible to rent it;
  • fish is a perishable product, therefore it has a short shelf life, which is not always beneficial for entrepreneurs who have not had time to find good sales outlets;
  • impact of infectious diseases – fisheries are susceptible to infection by common diseases. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the health of the population three times a month. For this, control individuals are captured with subsequent testing. If a disease is detected, it is necessary to purchase additional medicated feed containing antibiotics or immunoprotectors.

The process of starting your own business

From a formal point of view, the opening of a fish farm involves the registration of an organization, the purchase of all necessary equipment, the lease of a reservoir, the establishment of a population and the conclusion of contracts for the sale of finished products. The required documents for company registration are determined by the type of ownership. You can register an enterprise as an LLC, as an individual entrepreneur or as a peasant farm.

Now farming fish at home as a business is very popular and is a promising branch of the economy.

Fish products are always in demand among the population, although not every person has time to relax with a fishing rod. It is much faster to buy fish in the market or in a specialized store, especially since the assortment is always diverse. Breeding fish is a great idea for fishing enthusiasts.

Features of activity, profitability

Each type of fish needs its own conditions. The most unpretentious for growing is carp. With a suitable temperature regime and timely feeding, these individuals quickly reach the desired size and acquire a full-fledged presentation.

But in addition to regular and timely nutrition, it is also necessary to take into account the features that exist in the fish family. For example, the composition of food for feeding a particular species of fish at the time of spawning varies significantly. For fry, a completely different composition is needed than for fish in adulthood. Only with the right selection of nutrition, depending on the type of fish, you can achieve maximum profitability results.

A properly formulated diet stimulates not only the growth of fish, but also the quality of reproduction. Ignoring all the principles of proper nutrition, fish can be subjected to various diseases. And the mass destruction of goods will lead the business to losses.

Proper business organization gives a predictable and good income.

At the first stage of doing business, you should purchase a batch of fry. The price category depends on the type of fish and its age. The smallest fish is much more expensive than the grown-up fry. For example, if an entrepreneur plans to buy trout fry, it will cost him 350 rubles or more per kilogram.

When fry are purchased, the percentage of their loss should be taken into account, it is equal to 10 units of the total weight of the goods. The weight of a live adult fish reaches up to 700–800 grams, taking into account the fact that it grows for about two years. Realization of live fish at a price of 140–180 rubles per kilogram.

Professional farmers of the fishing industry, instead of fry, buy already inseminated caviar. This type of product has certain advantages for an established business process. But for beginners, in the absence of experience, this option is not suitable.

Under the condition of constant entrepreneurship, the cultivation of fish in reservoirs should be supplemented with other related activities that generate income. For example, to organize fishing for money with the rental of gear and equipment for fishing. Also near the reservoir you can put campsites with rental of fishing accessories.

This idea will work when the object of fishing is located on the territory of the settlement or near it. Such additional income will bring the business another 10% of the revenue from the fishery.

From this we can conclude that fish farming in artificial reservoirs as a business has every chance of success and a steady income.

A business will be profitable if you write a business plan that takes into account costs and profits, taking into account all stages, from breeding to selling fish products.

Home fish farming from scratch

For the cultivation of any kind of fish, the most important condition is the water space. Not only the rapid growth of fish, but also further offspring depends on high-quality water. Before starting a business from scratch, a future entrepreneur needs to conduct a complete analysis of the water in a reservoir, pool, lake or pond. The quality of water must fully comply with the standards for the full settlement of new residents.

Specialists from the epidemiological surveillance will take the necessary water samples and give a full consultation on its purification. If the water quality does not meet the established standards, cleaning the reservoir and aerating it will create a favorable habitat for fish.

For profitable fish farming at home, you need to calculate the costs and future profits. The project estimate will clarify the picture of upcoming costs and planned income. As a basis, you need to take the approximate amount of the calculation, for example, carp will serve as a model:

  • buying a small fish (fry) - about 8,000 - 10,000 rubles;
  • monthly fee for maintenance personnel - approximately 25,000–35,000 rubles;
  • a mixture of feed for individuals and medicinal components - 8,000 rubles.
  • additional costs for maintenance, cleaning of the reservoir and its improvement - approximately 20,000 rubles.

The cost of maintaining one medium-sized reservoir or pool will be about 61,000 - 73,000 rubles.

The natural income from the sale of carp is 110,000 rubles. From this it follows that the net profit, after deducting expenses, is 37,000 rubles or more.

Important: take into account the fact that in the future the entrepreneur will not need to buy fry, so the costs will be reduced by half - by 50%. The presence of its own lake and high-quality water supply is an excellent environment for the reproduction of fish in a natural way.

It follows from this that carp breeding at home as a business is quite a great idea, but there is one drawback - a long payback time.

Documents for company registration

A future entrepreneur should register his farm as an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

This will require the following documents:

  1. Application form of a private person for registration of an enterprise (farm).
  2. A written statement from the entrepreneur about the creation of an IP.
  3. Receipt of payment of state duty.
  4. A copy of the taxpayer identification code.
  5. A copy of the passport and its original.

Very important: You should pay special attention to filling out all the listed documents. An entrepreneur may be denied registration of documents if the relevant authority reveals hidden information, inaccuracies in the data provided or in the page numbers.

To open a fish farm, you need to obtain permission from the epidemiology committee by passing a veterinary examination. Also, when renting a territory, documents on environmental safety for the environment should be provided.

Farming fish at home as a business

Home fish farming is a profitable idea for thoughtful income generation. For those people who love fishing and leisurely recreation, raising fish in pools is a great business. But don't expect a quick refund.

Count on the growth of your start-up capital in three years. That is how long it will take to talk about the profitability of fish farming. In many ways, future profits depend on the serious approach of the entrepreneur to the idea itself.

Choosing a place and creating a reservoir

When choosing a place for a future reservoir, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • depth, volume and area of ​​the selected object;
  • temperature indicator of water and acidity of the inhabited environment;
  • the remoteness of the settlement and a convenient road from it to the reservoir;
  • safety of transportation of fish products.

Important: Each species of fish needs a certain range of temperatures. For example, for carp, it is enough to choose a temperature regime in the range of 24–25 0 С, for trout - up to 19 0 С.

Large-scale reservoirs must have a suitable hydrochemical composition and have a precisely selected temperature regime. To adjust the water parameters in the pool, it is necessary to use filtering and disinfecting units.

Oxygen generators must be in good working order. The presence of flora in the reservoir is a good condition for fish. Cleaning the bottom of excess algae and silt accumulations is a mandatory procedure for caring for a reservoir.

Ponds are divided into types:

  • beam,
  • channel,
  • floodplain.

The price of each type depends on its design and additional features.

Fry rearing equipment

Reservoirs for growing small fish are divided according to their qualifications. There are 4 types of reservoirs:

  • foraging,
  • nursery,
  • spawning,
  • wintering.

Pools for breeding fish can also be installed in your backyard. For these purposes, utility rooms with specially created conditions are suitable.

Maintenance of an artificial reservoir requires an installed system of closed water supply. In an artificial environment, fry are created as close to natural living conditions as possible. In the created environment, the growth of individuals occurs faster, excluding the wintering period.

The components of a closed water supply system include:

  • mechanical filtration system;
  • biological filtration system;
  • pumps for water purification;
  • pool;
  • acidity adjustment generator;
  • generators for oxygen saturation of water.

Equipment should be calculated taking into account the number of individuals living in the reservoir, their type and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pool or pond. An artificial reservoir or a natural one is also taken into account.

Pond equipment

The main equipment for reservoirs is considered to be a gravity filter. Its function is water purification. The amount of technical equipment should be chosen depending on the fish species and their size. For beginner entrepreneurs, it is better to turn to specialists on the issue of equipment. Full advice on the technical characteristics and advantages of the equipment can be given by its manufacturers.

There are many courses and seminars on the topic of fish farming, so it would be nice for beginners to get additional knowledge. The development of fish farming in Russia is set at the state level, and the necessary information can be found in expanded form.

The nuances of feeding

The quality of nutrition of aquatic inhabitants depends on their species, growth and development characteristics, and environmental conditions. Feed mixture for fish has a difference in the set of ingredients and useful substances. Each variety has its own diet. This rule applies to young and large individuals. After all, what is useful for fry is not always suitable for adult fish.

Important: the energy requirement of fish is low, so it is important not to overfeed them.

The purchase of fish feed is the main cost item in a business plan. For normal life and development of fish, it is important to buy only high-quality food. Protein food is especially useful for inhabitants of reservoirs.

For general information: with normal feeding there is a chance to get 0.5 tons of fish products per year, with enhanced feeding - three times more, given the total pond area of ​​​​1 hectare.

For rational feeding of fish, the following components are needed:

  • amino acids to support appetite and growth (important for fry);
  • enzyme preparations for the rapid assimilation and breakdown of food;
  • vegetable fats for healthy offspring;
  • krill and meat and bone meal;
  • cereal mixtures enriched with vitamin B;
  • feed mixture to maintain immunity;
  • powdered milk for young individuals.

Without exception, all fish species are suitable forage containing cereals and legumes.

Feeding occurs several times throughout the day at one selected time and in one place. It is not bad to equip the lake with convenient feeders or trays for feed mixtures, and equip the place for feeding with bells to convene fish schools.


It is difficult for any entrepreneur to organize his business alone. In the process, you need to hire assistants - an administrator for fish farming or an equipment specialist. Positions for the organization of fisheries:

  1. Fish breeding consultant.
  2. Accountant for maintaining documentation of expenses, income, sales of products.
  3. Enterprise administrator.
  4. Operators of the water supply system and generators.
  5. Pond maintenance workers.

Given the amount of income and production volumes, each entrepreneur can regulate the number of hired personnel.

Fish farming is considered profitable if this type of production generates income and is not costly. The investment will pay off quickly if you grow hardy fish. Perfect for trout and carp.

Important: each reservoir or artificial pool must be equipped with a water drain system.

Growing costs should include all cost items:

  • for the purchase of fry;
  • payment of salaries to service personnel;
  • purchase of feed;
  • insurance premiums;
  • fare;
  • unforeseen expenses for various needs.

Sales of products and additional sources of income

The rapid sale of products depends on the established prices. It is important to find regular customers and sell them a quality product.

Shop owners gladly agree to cooperate with farms, highly appreciating the quality of their products and favorable prices.

Suitable for selling fish:

  1. The shops.
  2. Public catering establishments.
  3. Supermarkets.
  4. Special fish points in the markets.
  5. Personal fish shop.

Many entrepreneurs in the fish business are looking for additional sources of income. Owning a fish farm as a business can be an excellent source for attracting regular customers. The main thing is to equip the place near the reservoir with comfortable ladders, bridges, paths, fences, tables and benches.

On the territory of the fish farm, you can organize:

  • paid fishing;
  • rental of fishing rods and tackle;
  • sale of freshly caught fish on the spot;
  • boat rental;
  • cooking fish on the grill or fire.

These additional benefits will regularly increase the income of the entrepreneur.

What is the best fish to breed?

To obtain a regular profit on a large scale, you need to choose fish species that are suitable for breeding in an artificial environment. Particularly popular types include:

  • trout,
  • carp,
  • perch,
  • carp,
  • other types of cyprinids.

A rather unpretentious fish, but a special technology is used to grow it. Food for nutrition is suitable only for expensive varieties. Saving on cheap feed will lead to an unpresentable appearance of the product, namely, valuable trout meat will become white, not red. Regular consumers are well versed in the shades of fish, and this means that the entrepreneur has every chance to scare away his own customers with his actions. The white color of the meat is obtained as a result of the use of feed additives in the diet.

Versatile fish as rearing. Carp does not require expensive feed, but it needs to create comfortable conditions in the pond. The water must be heated to a temperature of +25 0 C, and the depth of the pond should be more than 2 meters. Harmful impurities in the water are excluded. To grow, for example, 2 tons of carp per year, you need an area of ​​​​a reservoir of about 1 hectare. Under favorable conditions, you can get great benefits. It is safe to say that raising fish in pools as a business is not too costly for an entrepreneur with proper income regulation.

This type of fish adapts perfectly in clean water. Differs in both special voracity and fertility. It grows up to 5 centimeters every year. Perch should not be brought into waters with more valuable fish, because they are able to absorb caviar and fry. It is optimal to keep perches together with low-value fish, then they will be beneficial. Intensive growth is observed in the first years, over time, individuals grow up to 25 centimeters. In pools or ponds, fish feel great if there is a lot of algae.

There are two types of carp - gold and silver. The second type is suitable for quick breeding. Carp are rapidly gaining weight and are unpretentious in maintenance. Their taste and nutritional qualities can compete with carp. The cultivation technology is identical to that of the carp family. In addition, crucian carp is unpretentious to feed and easily adapts to winter conditions. For start-up entrepreneurs, growing crucian carp will bring good profits.

Other cyprinids

Carp breeding requires technical skills, and specialized literature in this matter will only help. So that the fish do not conflict with each other, try to select them correctly by species.

Important: perches can eat fry and hunt for caviar.

Fish of the carp family can eat compound feed, legumes, grains, corn, peas. In the summer, they eat often and a lot in order to stock up on fat for the winter period.

Benefits and risks of the fishing business

Every business has its rewarding and risky side. But even with a decrease in market prices for fish products, the profit will be obvious. So, when buying a carp worth 70 rubles per kilogram, the profitability will exceed 10%.

Possessing a certain skill, you can breed fish in your summer cottage - in a pool, lake or pond. Connoisseurs of fish dishes prefer environmentally friendly products grown on farmland.

Farming fish in artificial reservoirs as a business attracts many entrepreneurs. Fish farms are able to bring good profits, however, they require not small capital investments. The state actively supports such projects, as food production ensures the country's food security.

Starting investments: from 850 000 rubles The number of employees: 3
Planned income per month: from 350 000 rubles Market competition: low
Estimated monthly expenses: from 170 000 rubles Payback: from two years

Fish farming as a business is accessible even to a beginner. The advantage of fish farming is that it does not depend on seasonal and weather conditions and is practically not subject to risks.

Fish farming as a business involves one of the following farming methods:

  1. Cage breeding in rivers and reservoirs is suitable for growing large fish species.
  2. Basin farming is best used for the production of salmon, pike, perch or carp.
  3. Breeding in tubs or barrels is suitable for beginner businessmen with a modest start-up capital. Breeding fish at home as a business brings the first profit, which can become a source of fish production development.

Trout and carp are in stable demand on the market. These are unpretentious species in the process of growing, in addition, they are less susceptible to various diseases than others, and quickly gain weight.

Silver carp are also often grown under artificial conditions. This is due to its ability to quickly gain weight, it is unpretentious, and also gets along well, for example, with carp.

Tench cultivation is not very popular with farmers. At the same time, it has excellent taste characteristics, is resistant to various diseases, actively grows and is undemanding to itself in the process of growing.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

Breeding fish in artificial reservoirs requires the following steps.

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

This area of ​​activity is characterized by particular difficulties in paperwork to get started. Business legalization can take about a year.

  • Private entrepreneurship must be registered in the form of an individual entrepreneur or an LLC is suitable.
  • It will be necessary to obtain permission from the veterinary control and the sanitary and epidemiological station to operate the farm.
  • To arrange a lease of a reservoir, you will have to collect a fairly large package of various documents and spend a lot of personal time. The organization of artificial pools simplifies this process.
  • A scientific and biological justification must be obtained before the release of fry into the reservoir.

Aspiring entrepreneurs who decide to open a fish farming business can seek advice from professional specialists.

Stage 2 - finding a room

As a rule, novice entrepreneurs are advised to rent a ready-made pond at the start of their activities.

The main requirements for the reservoir:

  1. The optimum depth of the pond is at least 1.5 meters.
  2. The bottom should not be muddy or contain peat impurities.
  3. Vegetation should be in the reservoirs.
  4. Along the coast it is desirable that there are shrubs and trees. They will provide shade.
  5. Water quality must comply with current regulations.

Since the care of large ponds requires a substantial amount of money, beginners should limit themselves to small ponds. The optimal size is 30–50 sq.m.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

  • Artificial water supply is carried out using a drainage system with a pump (from 10 thousand rubles).
  • Filters (from 80 thousand rubles).
  • Compressor for saturating water with oxygen (from 80 thousand rubles).
  • An ultraviolet sterilizer prevents water from blooming (from 60 thousand rubles).
  • Other equipment. Its set depends on the type of fish farming method, its scale and types of farmed individuals.

Stage 4 - recruitment

To successfully breed fish, you will need qualified personnel. At the initial stage, you need to hire a livestock specialist, as well as several auxiliary workers. In the future, you should hire a sales manager.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

Sales of the bulk of products can be organized through chain stores, hypermarkets and restaurants. In addition, a branded website of the company should be created, informing buyers about the products of the farm. A new fish farming business requires special measures to promote products. At the initial stage, advertising on the Internet (contextual and banner on thematic sites) and local newspapers is suitable.

Financial plan

If you are planning to organize a small fish farm, then your starting costs (from 850 thousand rubles) will consist of:

  • the cost of renting a pond for the year ahead (from 300 thousand rubles);
  • purchases of fry (from 30 thousand rubles);
  • purchases of feed (from 50 thousand rubles);
  • marketing expenses (from 50 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of equipment and inventory (from 250 thousand rubles);
  • other expenses (from 70 thousand rubles).

Monthly expenses include the cost of:

  • feed (from 40 thousand rubles);
  • new fry (from 20 thousand rubles);
  • salary of employees (from 70 thousand rubles);
  • salary accruals (from 20 thousand rubles);
  • other expenses (from 20 thousand rubles).

It should be remembered that you can get the first profit only in a year or two, when the fish grows and becomes marketable. The size of the fish will depend on the breeding plan.

Possible risks

This business is associated with the following risks:

  1. In winter, the fish lose weight.
  2. The risk of destruction or reduction of the fish population due to non-compliance with the technology of rearing, malnutrition and disease of individuals.
  3. Force majeure circumstances.