Electronic platform Auction tender center - a fusion of advantages and convenience for customers. Electronic trading platforms Auction tender center electronic platform bankruptcy

In the last decade, electronic trading platforms have become widespread, thanks to which it is possible to buy real estate of bankrupts, put up for sale at the most attractive price, as well as gain access to the most attractive commercial tenders and procurement opportunities based on healthy competition. The Auction Tender Center also offers the purchase of commercial real estate and land plots at a cost affordable for most clients, the sale of debtors' property.


To get full access to all the company's services, you will need to register as a customer or a buyer and certify it with your electronic signature. Within a few days, the system will confirm the accuracy of the data you offer and you will be able to fully use all the capabilities of the online resource. Otherwise, registration does not require any significant effort.

Applications for participation in the auction

You can submit applications for participation in the auction within the agreed time frame and offer an acceptable cost of the lot. The bidding is absolutely transparent, and the winner is the one who offered the highest value of the object of sale.

Advantages of using the services of the Auction Tender Center

By participating in the activities of the Auction Tender Center, you will always be aware of new offers, quotes, and electronic trading... Also, you can always familiarize yourself with new analytics all applications received. You will always have full information about the largest players on the market, you will be able to save significant time and resources - all applications are constantly updated, offers for the purchase of commercial and other real estate are updated around the clock. All questions that arise can be easily resolved with the help of the consumer support center. Cooperation with this electronic trading platform is mutually beneficial for both buyers. and customers who post their offers.

An electronic trading platform (ETP) is an Internet portal that implements the interaction between the seller and the buyer (at all stages of the transaction) through electronic communication channels. At the same time, all processes related to the receipt, analysis and processing of information concerning all participants in the tender are automated, that is, its preparation, installation of lots, acceptance of bids and holding electronic auctions.

The following users of the electronic platform can take part in the electronic auction:

  • Customer, that is, a buyer who wants to purchase any goods and services and places an order for their purchase;
  • The supplier, that is, someone who intends to sell their goods and services through electronic trading.

The principle of operation of an electronic platform is similar to the work of a tender in reality: the customer places his proposal for the performance of a specific type of work, and the suppliers seek to receive this order, offering their terms of execution and prices.

Procedure for working with an electronic trading platform

  1. Obtaining an electronic signature (ES) at the Certification Center.
  2. Registration on the electronic trading platform.
  3. Placing an order by the Customer detailing all the conditions for its execution and setting the date for electronic trading. The Supplier joins the auction for a specific application;
  4. End of trading. After electronic trading completed, the winner gets the right to fulfill the order, with all obligations under it.

What are electronic trading platforms?

All electronic trading platforms can be divided into several types:

  • ETP for government orders
  • ETP in a bankruptcy case
  • ETP for the sale of seized property
  • ETP for commercial enterprises and organizations
  • Individual systems
  • Information Systems

Electronic trading platforms for placing government orders

Electronic trading platforms for placing government orders are an Internet space for conducting electronic auctions and tenders regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for government and municipal needs". Such sites were selected under a special procedure of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation. Such ETPs include: ZakazRF (zakazrf.ru), EETP (www.roseltorg.ru), RTS-tender (www.rts-tender.ru) , Sberbank - AST (sberbank-ast.ru).

Electronic trading platforms for bankruptcy cases and the sale of seized property

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the auction in bankruptcy cases and the sale of seized property, regulated Federal laws"On insolvency (bankruptcy)" and "On enforcement proceedings". On the electronic platforms performing these auctions, the sale of property is carried out, including real estate, valuable papers, property rights and other values ​​of bankrupt enterprises or debtors - individuals.

Commercial electronic trading platforms

Commercial electronic trading platforms conduct tenders, as the name implies, for any Customers and Suppliers - commercial enterprises and organizations. Their number is much larger than those sites that are used to place government orders. Commercial sites can be both federal, for example, "All-Russian Electronic Trading Platform", and regional (Auctions Of the Far East, Baltic electronic platform). In addition, individual sites differ in flexible conditions, for example, to participate in them, it will be enough just to register with a username and password.

Among all Russian sites organizing tenders, one should be highlighted - the auction tender center. He is engaged in the sale of property that the state received from debtors, as well as goods and services that were mortgaged by the owners and not redeemed.

This center functions as an internet portal. Anyone can take part in its work. It became the first platform for the sale of the property of enterprises that declared themselves bankrupt. The site began its work in the winter of 2010 and immediately demonstrated its relevance in the tender market. Ministry economic development acknowledged this shopping center suitable for tenders and auctions.

Advantages of the electronic platform "Auction Tender Center"

This trading platform has convenient and flexible functionality, which makes it possible to significantly improve the conditions labor activity all tenderers. With the help of a huge set of payment instruments, it is possible to prevent possible infringement of the rights of trading participants: they can all count on keeping private data and gaining convenient access to the trading platform.

The system is organized in such a way that all tenders are held transparently, information about the holding of certain trading auctions is brought to the attention of all participants in the system. If desired, representatives of those organizations that have not previously worked with such a bidding system and are not very familiar with it can participate in the tender. Especially for beginners, the portal has consultants who are able to answer any question as soon as possible.

"Auction Tender Center" is a platform that is distinguished by high-quality service and ease of use.

Through the center passes great amount trading lots, for each of them you can get the most complete information by simply clicking on it. After receiving the data, a representative of the enterprise will be able to analyze the information and understand whether the organization should participate in this competition or not.

Additional site functionality

In addition to posting information about tenders, auctions and auctions, this portal has a large number of additional functions. In particular, it is in the ATC that bidders can order a design that allows entrepreneurial activity on the Internet. At the moment, this procedure is paid, in the future it is planned to stop charging money for its implementation.

Also, the portal contains a large number of materials related to modern legislation and closely related to the tendering process. Everyone can get acquainted with them in a special section. The material is presented quite intelligibly, with its help, entrepreneurs will be able to resolve some of the questions that arise in them in the process of preparing for the auction.

Unlike a large number of free tender sites, ATC charges its users a fee for holding auctions. Potential tender winners will not have to pay anything: all monetary responsibility will lie with the customers, who will need to contribute:

  • a fixed part (funds that the operator will take for himself, regardless of whether the auction took place or not),
  • the progressive part (if the bargaining takes place).

V auction center Usually, lots are found that have remained ownerless due to the bankruptcy of the former owner, who was forced to mortgage the property in order to somehow make ends meet. Before submitting an application, a potential tender participant must perform all the necessary calculations and analyze whether he can cope with the received enterprise and bring it first to the break-even point, and then to profit. If the applicant is not sure that he will be able to return the organization to its former level, and even the consultations of the specialists to whom he turns for help do not help, it is not worth taking up the tender. Otherwise, there is a huge risk of going bankrupt and losing a lot of money.