One lesson international literacy day. International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day Literacy is a true celebration for humanity, which has made impressive progress in this area, bringing the number of literate people in the world to 4 billion. Literacy is a true celebration for humanity, which has made impressive progress in this area, bringing the number of literate people in the world to 4 billion.

International Literacy Day Despite notable successes in many countries, more than 860 million adults remain illiterate and more than 100 million children are out of school. Despite notable successes in many countries, more than 860 million adults remain illiterate and more than 100 million children are out of school.

International Literacy Day There is a clear need for literacy programs that target groups of learners who need special attention, especially women and girls who are left outside school. There is a clear need to launch literacy programs that target groups of learners who require special attention, especially women and girls who are left outside the school door.


1. To contribute to the formation of the need and desire for knowledge.

2. Develop curiosity and interest in the processes and phenomena of a global scale.

Form of conducting: a journey across the map of the languages ​​of the world.

Preparatory work

1. Drawing up a map of the languages ​​of the world.

2. Compilation of the language tree "Languages ​​spoken in our family."

3. Search and preparation of statistics on the problem of the information and educational hour.

4. Preparing the script.

5. Composition "What would have happened on earth if there were no languages."

6. The class is divided into working groups: the first group is responsible for preparing a map of the world's languages; the second - for statistics on the topic "Literacy in the modern world"; the third - for preparing sketches for the information and educational hour.

Information hour progress

I. Main part

Classroom teacher. Good day! Zen is Kind! Zdaravenki boules! Gamarjoba! Salaam Aleikum!

It's great that I know how to say hello to people of different nations! Best of all, I know how to read and write!

Let's imagine for a moment what would happen on earth if people remained illiterate? Let's try to dream up. I ask you guys to submit your fantasy essays.

The guys read out their essays on this topic.

Classroom teacher... Yes, indeed, had it not been for literacy, humanity would simply have perished. Try to answer the question why was the International Literacy Day proclaimed?

Apprentice 1(from the second group, statisticians). The UN General Assembly has proclaimed the period commencing January 1, 2003 as the UN Literacy Decade.

Student 2. International Literacy Day, scheduled for September 8, was so named not only in honor of those who gave us all this greatest and most important invention for the life of all mankind - writing.

Apprentice 3... International Literacy Day is one of the international days celebrated in the United Nations system. Today, nearly four billion people on our planet can read and write.

Apprentice 4... Today, four out of five adults on the planet know literacy.

Student 5. In 1990, three out of four were like that, and in 1970 - about two out of three.

Apprentice 6... At this rate of literacy learning, by 2010, five out of six adults will be able to read and write.

Apprentice 7... However, illiteracy remains a major problem for the planet. The number of illiterates in the world is also constantly increasing.

Apprentice 8... If active measures are not taken, there will be 830 million illiterate adults in the world by 2010. Women still make up the majority among them.

Classroom teacher... The path to literacy, the path to the word is very long and difficult. To feel a word, you need to know how it appeared, the history of its growth. Many peoples exist on earth, each has its own language, its own culture. Nations try to preserve words in the language that are already outdated, give way to new words, and even the smallest peoples, small tribes carefully preserve their native word.

The ABC enters. This is a boy or a girl with letters sewn on clothes. The crown is made of letters (third group).


It is not enough to see the word. You must for sure

Know what kind of soil the word has,

How it grew and how it grew stronger,

And then find out - how it sounded,

What should swell and fill,

Before turning into a name,

In knowledge, in a name or a nickname, just ...

The beauty of the word is in the annals of growth ...

Student(from the first group). Who you are? Why did you come to us today?

ABC. Dear guys! I have come to you from time immemorial. I am the ABC, the basis of the word. I know that you live in the 21st century. And, of course, I know - and I am very saddened by this - that so many people on earth do not know literacy, cannot form words and write them.

What language do you speak?

Students name the languages ​​they speak at home.

ABC... Yes guys, it's great that you can speak many languages. But you live in Russia, where the majority speaks Russian. The Russian language belongs to the group of Slavic languages. And I would like to ask: what other languages ​​are Slavic languages?

Pupil(from the first group). Dear ABC! It’s very simple. Let's just turn to the map that we made with the whole class (goes to the map). Slavic languages ​​are divided into three groups.

East Slavic languages is Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian.

South Slavic languages- Bulgarian, Serbian, Macedonian, Croatian, Slovenian.

West Slavic languages- Polish, Czech, Slovak and Lusatian (in Germany).

Student. Actually, it would be interesting to know how many languages ​​there are on earth?

ABC. According to the most conservative estimates, there are only 3 to 5 thousand of them. Among them there are languages ​​with a "world name" - Russian, English, German, French, Spanish.

There are zonal languages ​​- they are spoken by people from different countries, but they are in the vicinity of each other - for example, Arabic or Chinese.

There are official or state languages ​​- Mongolian in Mongolia, Polish in Poland, Turkish in Turkey. There are countries where several languages ​​are official: in Kazakhstan - Kazakh and Russian, in Switzerland - German, French, Italian.

But most languages ​​do not have any official position - they are simply spoken ... One - 10 people, another 100, the third - half of the world ...

Student... Dear ABC! Can you tell me when the first alphabetic alphabet appeared?

ABC(shows a presentation). The first alphabet appeared among the ancient Greeks, in Phenicia. The Arabic script arose from the Phoenician alphabet. The Latin alphabet also emerged from the Greek language. Guys! Do you know the origin of the Russian alphabet?

Pupil. Certainly! The Russian, Cyrillic, alphabet was invented by two scientists-monks - brothers Cyril and Methodius. In 2013, the whole world will celebrate the 1150th anniversary of the creation of the first Slavic alphabet.

Student. Many scientists are inclined to think that Cyril created not only the Cyrillic alphabet, but also the Glagolitic alphabet. In the classic Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic - 43 letters. Glagolitic is a more complex alphabet.

Pupil... You forgot to say that the oldest Slavic books are written in Cyrillic. For example, the Ostromir Gospel, which was written by the clerk Gregory at the suggestion of the Novgorod mayor Ostromir.

Student... And I also heard that there is a language that is not spoken, but which can also help people communicate.

Pupil... Well, of course it's sign language. It is of great importance in people's lives.

ABC... Yes, and not just sign language. Sometimes the body movements of people can tell about where a person comes from. Don't believe me? See for yourself.

Children are invited to the stage (the third group) - representatives of different ethnic groups. In order to make it easier to prepare this episode in the script, children should have in their hands or on themselves one of the objects that symbolize this country. An American (cowboy) - a wide-brimmed hat, a Turk - an efesque hat, a Japanese robe, a Russian - a cap, an Indian (from North America) - a bandage with a feather.

ABC... Dear guests! We are glad to see you at our place. Unfortunately, we have so many guests that the seats in the hall are limited, so we suggest you sit on the floor. We have prepared comfortable seats for you on the floor.

The guys sit down. (You should discuss in advance how they should sit.)

ABC (addressing the audience). As you can see, our guests sat in their seats in completely different ways. Maybe someone can tell me which countries they represent? (Answers of children.)

ABC... So, our guests are representatives of various nations.

In Japan, people squat down.

North American Indians sit with one leg underneath them.

The Russians sit with their legs spread out to the sides.

Many peoples of the East sit cross-legged, sometimes we even call this pose "sit in Turkish".

The Americans sit with their legs crossed.

As you can see, even with the help of certain habits and postures, you can find out which peoples came to visit us. Although now the peoples have adopted the habits of each other.

Classroom teacher. Today, guys, we learned a lot about which languages ​​"live" on the world map. If a language lives, it means that the people who speak this language continue to live. It is very important that languages ​​do not disappear, that they continue to live and develop.

How more people will know their language well, learn and understand other languages, the stronger our friendship will be.

For this, people who study other languages ​​do a lot. These are scientists - geographers, linguists, travelers, who themselves knew many languages ​​and told the world about other languages. Maybe you will find out who it is?

Student. He studied the languages ​​and customs of the peoples of Oceania, taught them to read and write. Moreover, he left a grateful memory of himself - he fought against colonialism, for the Papuans of New Guinea to have their own, independent state and their own state language. Many years ago it was ridiculed. But the day came when a flag flew over a small building in the town of Port Moresby with the image bird of paradise... It was the day of the proclamation of a new state - the Republic of Papua New Guinea.

This Russian man, who helped the Papuans find their statehood and consolidate their language as the state one, is remembered and honored. Holidays are held in his honor; in this state, on the main square, there is a monument to a Russian who helped fight for literacy and equality of the Papuans of New Guinea.

Students are called: Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklukho-Maclay.

Pupil. I would like to present books that can tell a lot about Miklouho-Maclay's journey. Here you will find not only interesting stories about the languages ​​of peoples, but also about the life, customs and traditions of other peoples. These are the books:

Chumachenko L. Man from the Moon;

Tynyanova L.N. A friend from afar: The story of the traveler N.N. Miklouho-Maclay;

Putilov B.N. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay: Traveler. Scientist. Humanist.

ABC. Let's love the language and rejoice that we can communicate with the whole world through language. Let's help ourselves and those who would like to know many languages. After all, the language lives when it is spoken.

I suggest you guys play a little game. There are so many different names in our class. They start with different letters. Let's collect all these letters and try to compose a bouquet of words from them dedicated to our conversation.

The guys are doing the job. Words are attached with magnets on the board. For example, the words "letter", "word", "letter", etc. from the names:

G rigory;

R Oman;

A lina;

M aria;

O privilege;

T atyana;

A nna.

Classroom teacher... So our journey has come to an end. But we have new meetings and new journeys ahead of us in the world of the word, in the world of the language. So I would like all people on earth to be able to communicate, talk to each other, write to each other and rejoice that such an amazing invention lives on earth - the WORD!

II. Summing up, announcing the topic of the next information and educational hour

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3 slide

Statistics Despite notable successes in many countries, over 860 million adults remain illiterate and over 100 million children are out of school. Countless children, young people and adults in school or other educational programs fall short of the level required to be considered literate in today's increasingly complex world. Fewer than 50 countries provide universal access to primary education... About 20% of the world's adult population is illiterate.

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Why is it important to be literate? Literacy is one of the human rights, a means of expanding personal freedoms and opportunities, as well as a tool for the development of individual human potential and society as a whole. Further education opportunities are also determined by the level of literacy. Literacy is at the core of basic education for all, it is a prerequisite to eradicate poverty, curb population growth, achieve gender equality and ensure sustainable development, peace and democracy. Education for All (EFA) is about literacy and there are good reasons for that. A quality basic education provides students with the skills they need in later life and for further learning. Parents who are literate are more likely to send their children to school. A literate person has more opportunities to receive continuous, continuing education, and literate societies have better mechanisms for adapting to emerging development problems.

6 slide

GRAMOTA, GRAMATA w. the ability to read and write; sometimes only the first, the ability to read. The people say: know literacy. || The name is grammatical. every royal letter, writing of the sovereign person; now rescript; || certificate for awarding a person or community of rights, possessions, awards, distinctions. || The people call every letter or note, and even every piece of paper, gramma or gramma. Live in silence, and write grammars for us. He writes grammars, but asks for memos. Learning literacy is always useful. The letter is firm, but the language is lisping. For old memory, that for grammar. On reading and writing, I stopped short, the figure was not given. And he himself is not happy about the fact that literacy is a lot. Diploma is not a plow. Living literacy, oral speech. Dead gramata (fortress) is not given free. Gramatitsa, gramatin (k) and g. sowing. paper. Graduate M. -nitsa literate m. -chitsa f. literacy m. literacy, literacy w. literacy vol. or a competent adj. who knows literacy, can read, or read and write; the first is called semi-literate, little or poorly literate; but not at all able: illiterate or illiterate. A literate, literate also a literacy teacher. Be literate, not a plowman, not a worker. Take grammar school, will begin to disassemble the holidays. More literate people, fewer fools. Don't be literate, be remembered. Nowadays there are many literate, but few well-fed. People are illiterate, and we eat written gingerbread. Literate, illiterate. Trade educates the peasant, forces him to learn to read and write: little by little everyone becomes literate, becoming literate. Grammar science, knowledge to speak and write correctly; a collection of language rules established by custom and in the order set forth. Grammatical, ‑ tic, ‑ vertical, consistent with grammar; generally related to her. Grammatical, grammatical grammatical correctness. Grammar, grammarist m. Versed in this science, compiler of grammars.

Classroom hour for students in grades 1-4. International Literacy Day

Lyapina Vera Valerievna teacher primary grades MBOU School number 47 city district Samara
Description: This material can be used by primary and secondary teachers to conduct extracurricular activities dedicated to International Day the spread of literacy.
Target: Acquaintance of children with this holiday.
- to acquaint children with the holiday "Literacy Day";
-to promote development oral speech children, the ability to clearly answer the questions posed;
- to contribute to the formation of the need and desire for knowledge.
- to develop curiosity and interest in the processes and phenomena of a global scale.

Class hour

International Literacy Day has been celebrated by UNESCO since 1966 on 8 September. It is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in many countries of the world.
The society is making every effort to spread literacy in the world. Today we are giving a lesson dedicated to this date.
Guess the riddle:
They sow with a feather
They reap with their eyes.
The head is eaten.
Digesting with memory.
What does it mean to you to be literate?
(Answers of children)
1 reader
There is a literacy day in the world.
So, we will meet him.
He is dear to us, very much,
This day is the most important.

There is no need to doubt this.
Everyone needs literacy.
You can't sign without her,
This subtlety is so important!

We wish everyone in the world
The mountain rules are to be explored.
Let the knowledge become wider.
Time to open the book!
2 reader
On International Literacy Day
I am not too lazy to wish you the best:
To replenish the vocabulary,
They did not forget about their literacy!
Congratulations on literacy day!
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
To have to face
With intelligent people!
3 reader
So that speech is always pleasant
To make it sound neat
And for the best to happen -
So that people of their knowledge

We always tried to multiply
After all, it is not difficult for us to do this -
You just need to read more,
Develop both speech and reason!

On the holiday of literacy now
We wish you not to make mistakes
Not in words, not in deeds in life,
Well, your knowledge needs to be broadened!

1 reader
What could be more important in the world in the world,
How - to communicate with loved ones?
Even children will understand the words
After all, the rules of the vaults are still within our power.

No, the literate will not run out,
Even though the mistakes are surprising to everyone.

You can smile on this holiday.
We can overpower this nut.

We congratulate everyone on this holiday.
We wish you literacy - a whole feast!
We wish that, akin to the buds in a vase,
She could fill our world.

2 reader
They study letters at school,
At school, the rules are bison.
This is important, everyone knows.
There is no need to hide your eyes.

Congratulations on this holiday.
We are in a hurry to admit:
This rule is immortal!
We must conquer the mountains!
3 reader
We wish on the day instructed:
Do not let the words scare you.
The power of our literacy
As usual, right here!
1 reader
In an electronic letter, or in a regular
It’s indecent to make mistakes!
So that everyone remembers these rules
There is a literacy day on our planet!
Happy this holiday, I congratulate everyone
I wish to write without mistakes with all my heart!
2 reader
Let the text be typed and written with a pen
By the rules, not just how you hear it!
Without a certificate, my friends, yes-yes-yes,
I tell you for sure - nowhere.
3 reader
Everyone wants to be literate and wants to learn.
In this matter, it is very important not to be lazy at all.
And then all the doors are just for you!
Fate will smile tenderly, affectionately.
Anything you want, just don't be lazy
Life itself will offer you everything on a silver platter.
Continue the proverbs about literacy
Choose a book (as you choose a friend.)
Literacy study - (always useful.)
Gold is mined from the earth, (and knowledge from books.)

The world is illuminated by the sun, (and the world is by knowledge.)
The illiterate is like the blind, (and the book opens its eyes.)
Good book- (best friend.)

And without which it is impossible to become literate?
What will help us to overcome illiteracy? Guess riddles.
Jackdaws flew into the field
And sat down in the snow ...
I will begin to study at school -
I can figure them out.

What kind of water is good for the literate?

On the ABC page -
Thirty-three heroes.
Everyone knows a literate.

The wall is big and important
The house is multi-storey.
We are on the ground floor
All tenants have already been read.

The wise men settled
Glazed palaces, in silence alone
They reveal secrets to me.

Itself is silent
A hundred friends can teach.
1 reader
It is terribly interesting to read:
You can sit, lie
And - without leaving the place -
Through the eyes of the book RUN!
Yes Yes! Read - WALKS WITH EYES:
By the hand with my mother, then - by yourself.
Walking is a trifle
Don't be afraid to take the first step!
Stumbled once
And suddenly you
Read four letters in a row
And you go, go, go -
And read the first word!
From word to word - as over bumps -
Run fun along the lines ...
And so learn to read -
How to run
How to fly!
I know soon on the page
You will flutter like birds ...
After all, it is immense and great
Like the sky -
the world of magical books!
A big problem facing the world. This is the fight against illiteracy. In many countries, 860 million adults remain illiterate and more than 100 million children are out of school.
Literacy is the degree of a person's proficiency in writing and reading in their native language. Traditionally, the word "literate" means a person who can read and write or only read in any language. People who can only read are also called "semi-literate." Why is it important to be literate?
And many children and adults attend school, but they cannot be called literate. Since in the modern world, computer literacy has become no less important than writing and reading.
Literacy Day has become one of the most important in schools and universities in Russia. Quizzes, Olympiads, KVN in various subjects are arranged for students, because literacy is not only the ability to write, count and read correctly. It is a whole set of knowledge and skills in various scientific fields that help a person to be successful. ... People will be drawn to such a personality. And now you have a choice: to make every effort to reach this height or remain the one whose words will be laughed at. And remember that the main thing on the path to light is self-development and self-education.
I suggest you show your literacy level.
Try to fix errors:

For the words from the left column, you need to select the corresponding words from the right column

Explain the meaning of phraseological units

3 reader
Let the letter corrects mistakes
And don't stop teaching her
Who learns, he learns a lot,
And it will be easier for us to live in Russia.
Work punctuation and more often
Sit down at a book in the evening, read,
May your life be more varied
Only knowledge, do not be afraid - absorb.

Presentation on the topic: International Literacy Day

Elena Antipova
Literacy Day presentation

“The history of the mind presents two main epochs: the invention of letters and typography; all others were a consequence of them. Reading and writing open up to a person new world... "N. M. Karamzin

international literacy day, which was declared in 1966 by UNESCO, is celebrated on 8 September. It was in this day in 1965 in Tehran inaugurated international Conference ministers of education, whose main theme was the elimination of illiteracy.

The purpose of the creation of this holiday is to urge society to intensify efforts to disseminate literacy.

Today more than 860 million people remain illiterate; more than 100 million children are out of school; many children, youth and adults who have completed school and other educational programs in the conditions of the modern world, do not correspond to the level necessary for them to be considered literate.

right: Lie down!

"Don't take off your coat!"

right: COAT (not inclined)

New coat. Autumn, rain, umbrellas around - it's time to put on a finger .... We are going to the store under an umbrella with my mother for a finger ... .That's the end of the whole pantyhose - I'm wearing a new finger .... Oh, what a beauty: five pockets at the fingers! And when I grow up, I will give my brother a finger….

“Don't take this one! Labuda! Millet! ”“ Take this: a valuable thing. There alone gives soot! "

"This is a terribly powerful book!"

In Russia, as part of the celebration of the International Day literacy in large cities, dictations and tests in the Russian language are held among schoolchildren and students. Anyone can take part in the dictation to check their level literacy.

We carry out an action "Check your literacy

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