Marketing research and marketing solutions. Abstract: Marketing research

We live in a market economy. Whether we like it or not, the strategy of any enterprise is based on a correct understanding and application in practice of the laws of the market. Whether you are just starting your business or have been in business for many years, market research is an essential part of your job. After all, products produced but not sold on the market, no matter how good they are, do not bring benefits (profits), neither to you nor to society.

The study, analysis and processing of information about the state of the market, in a certain area, is called marketing research. Such studies are carried out by specialized companies, marketing services of large organizations and holdings, or they are done by “amateur specialists”. Both the fate of a small boutique in a shopping center and the effectiveness of multibillion-dollar investments depend on the correctness, completeness and objectivity of such works. No serious company in the world makes even tactical (not to mention strategic) decisions without analyzing the market, marketing prospects for a new product or improving technology.

Goals of marketing research

Market research, depending on the tasks, can have a different focus. This includes the search for new areas of activity, expanding the range of goods and services, tracking competitors, and so on. If we talk about the global goal, then it is one - to expand sales and increase profits. But there are a lot of directions aimed at achieving this ultimate goal. There are several main areas:

  • search and analysis of problems in a specific market segment;
  • description of the situation on the market, which has the character of current information;
  • forecast of market development trends in the future;
  • testing the market in order to choose between different strategies of action;
  • analysis of new scientific and technological trends that can significantly affect the market;
  • analysis of related areas of activity in order to identify the possibility of new products (services) that affect the market.

Significant differences have studies of internal and external nature.

A huge role is played by marketing research in determining the directions of investment in the scientific and technical sphere. These investments are very expensive, long-term, and, if successful, can lead to a revolutionary breakthrough. As an example understandable today to everyone, we can cite the situation in the mid-80s of the last century in the image fixation market. In other words, photographs.

In the mid-80s, there were opportunities for a significant improvement in the quality of images in traditional (film) photography, while digital technologies were still “in diapers” and could not compete in the market in terms of any technical and economic indicators. As you know, the forecast errors of a number of companies in this area led to their collapse over the next 20-25 years.

What Marketers Research (Objects)

Consumers of products / services have different requirements for the proposed product. These are not only quantitative and qualitative technical and economic indicators that can be expressed in numbers. A huge role is played by tastes, traditions (religious and cultural), climate or age categories of consumers. Identification of the motives that guide buyers when choosing a product is also the most important subject of study.

So, for example, one of the well-known European manufacturers of wall tiles managed to significantly expand sales in Iran and Pakistan, focusing on a range of colors that gravitate towards green. The reason is simple - green is one of the favorite colors of Islam.

We should not forget that the producers themselves can directly influence and shape the tastes and preferences of the target audience. This goal is served by direct and indirect advertising, PR actions, the formation of new needs. The word "imposition" has a negative connotation, but, nevertheless, it is the most important element of the struggle for the consumer, stimulating consumption.

The object of marketing research can be, for example, the logistics system of competitors, which helps to reduce costs in the supply of goods and services. And to what truly tectonic shifts in the beverage market the creation of new types of packaging has led, there is no need to speak.

The most important, if not the main, object of research are end users, that is, you and me. This is the most "difficult" object. For its study, the entire arsenal of sociology and consumer psychology is involved. Most often, the most important element of such a study is a survey of target (focus) consumer groups. Here, a correctly compiled questionnaire and the conscientiousness of the persons conducting the surveys play a very important role.

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A huge (and common) mistake is to include head-on questions in a survey program. For example, “what color of the knife handle do you prefer - black, white, and so on.” The respondent must directly (or better indirectly) answer the most important questions:

  • what does he need;
  • when and how often he is interested in this product / service (season, vacation, trips, and so on);
  • what characteristics of the product / service are important to him and which he pays attention to in the first place;
  • where he prefers to buy goods (specialized store, supermarket or Internet);
  • whether he buys for himself, relatives or as a gift to friends and so on.

Naturally, a marketing research plan is always focused on a specific goal, answering clearly posed questions. Let's look at some specific examples.

Market research

Work on studying the market, its structure and development trends is one of the most demanded requests from manufacturers. In a number of areas, marketing research (ready-made examples) can be obtained from specialized consulting firms that specialize in various fields. This is the most budgetary, but not always optimal, way.

Whether you want to open a restaurant, make shoes or make cars, you need answers to a number of questions, including the following:

  • total market volume today and in the near/long term;
  • regional (geographical) distribution of consumers;
  • the level of competition in this market segment, the main manufacturers, their share and, if possible, their plans for the future;
  • the most demanded price categories of goods/services, price dynamics, the impact on them of the emergence of new players;
  • the impact of advertising on the market and the strategy of activity in this area.

It is very difficult to give an example of market research that would have a universal character. The dependence of specific content on the nature of the product/service is extremely high. In addition, good works of this kind are very voluminous and occupy hundreds of pages.

We will give a characteristic structure of the report on the study of the market for household appliances. The report includes the following sections:

  • a general part that specifies the subject of the study, for example, only washing machines or electric heaters;
  • the structure of the market in the ordered region (the world as a whole, the country or its separate part);
  • market volume (in general, by price categories, quality characteristics, and so on);
  • market development trends;
  • information about competitors, their production capacities, technologies, development prospects;
  • trends in the development of alternative technologies, such as boilers using renewable energy sources.

Product research and marketing

Such studies are most often performed jointly, as they are strongly interconnected. Very often, such work is carried out as part of an internal analysis of the market situation. As an example, let's take a company that manufactures detergents. At the same time, consumers of products are both households and industry.

A comparative analysis of our own products and those offered by competitors allows you to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, find new market niches.

Here, one should not overestimate the dynamics of changes in sales within the company, but make a comparative analysis in conjunction with general market trends. If your dynamics differ from the general one, then understanding the reasons for this state of affairs allows you, sometimes, to open up new perspectives and trends.

Conducting marketing research is the most important component of the analytical function of marketing. The absence of such studies is fraught with the most adverse consequences for the manufacturer.

Marketing research involves the systematic collection, processing and analysis of data on those aspects of the company's marketing activities, within which certain decisions should be made, as well as an analysis of the components of the external environment that affect the company's marketing activities.

However, the main attention in marketing research is paid to market aspects: assessing the state and trends (conjuncture) of market development, researching consumer behavior, analyzing the activities of competitors, suppliers, intermediaries, studying the marketing mix, including product range management, pricing and developing a pricing strategy, forming distribution channels products and targeted use of incentives.

Foreign firms most often conduct marketing research in the following areas: identifying potential market opportunities and studying its characteristics, analyzing product sales problems and business trends, studying competitors' products, studying market reaction to a new product, studying pricing policy, determining the share and territory of sales of goods , forecasting market development parameters.

Carrying out marketing research and making thoughtful marketing decisions based on their results suggests the need to single out the macro- and micro-environment of marketing as an object of research. The macro environment is, as mentioned in Chapter 1, the part of a firm's marketing environment that it cannot control and regulate; because of this, the company must adapt its marketing policy to the elements of the macro environment: demographic, economic, social, political, scientific and technical, natural factors that affect the market and through it directly to the company.

The marketing microenvironment is a part of the marketing environment that includes individuals and legal entities (consumers, suppliers, intermediaries, competitors), as well as market factors that directly affect the firm's marketing activities. The firm can influence the elements of the microenvironment based on its goals and objectives, and under certain conditions, exercise limited control over them.

In contrast to the external uncontrolled environment, the internal (intra-company) environment is controlled by the company, i.e. its management and marketing staff. Decisions made by the top management of the firm relate to the scope of its activities, the overall goals of the firm, the role of marketing and other entrepreneurial activities, and corporate culture. Factors determined by marketing are the choice of target markets, marketing goals, marketing organization, marketing structures, management of these activities.

Purposefulness in conducting marketing research, and most importantly, the degree of practical use of their results, mainly depends on the presence of a well-thought-out marketing strategy of the company, marketing programs - this allows you to set not only clear goals, but also the necessary funds for a specified period and methods for achieving them. Under such conditions, there is not only a constant need to study the most acute and urgent problems, but also the order, depth and scale of their study are predetermined, and, consequently, the need for appropriate staff of researchers and analysts, material and financial resources.

The available foreign and Russian experience suggests that the most expensive marketing research is incomparable with the size of losses and unproductive costs resulting from an ill-considered entry into the market with products that only partially meet its requirements or do not meet them at all, entering the wrong markets and in bad timing.

The accumulated experience of the market activities of Russian producers shows that without marketing research it is currently impossible to correctly solve the problem of sales, not only in the external, but also in the domestic market. Such studies make it possible to find the most promising target markets, optimize the range of products sold and adapt them in time to changing market (consumer) requirements, increase the efficiency of production and marketing activities, improve forms and methods of implementation, etc.

3.1. Principles and conceptual approaches to conducting marketing research

On fig. 3.1 shows the basic principles that should guide the conduct of marketing research - consistency, complexity, objectivity, economy, regularity, efficiency, accuracy, thoroughness. Each of these principles is important in itself, but taken together and in interaction, they allow the preparation of such marketing research that can become a reliable basis for making well-reasoned, thoughtful management decisions.

Based on the position in the market, the nature of the goals and tasks to be solved, the given strategy of action, the management of any enterprise-producer is forced to decide what marketing research and in what sequence to conduct, what human and financial resources to use, what can be done on its own, what research is more profitable to order external performers, etc. In order to save human and financial resources and at the same time get the highest results from marketing research, a conceptual vision of this problem for the future is necessary.

The development of such a concept will allow not only to clarify the entire problem of marketing research of the company in all its complexity and multidimensionality, which is important, but also, more importantly, to outline ways to solve it in the most rational way. The scheme for developing such a concept is shown in fig. 3.2.

Rice. 3.1. Basic principles of conducting marketing research

When conducting complex and large-scale marketing research, it is advisable to develop a research concept, giving it a detailed definition of the problem, ways and means of solving it in the most effective way. On the basis of such a concept, it is possible to develop a research project, a method for conducting it, formulate tasks, collect, process and analyze information, prepare proposals and recommendations. On fig. 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 show the process of conducting marketing research in its various manifestations.

Rice. 3.2. Structure and sequence of the marketing research process (See: Golubkov E.I. "Marketing: strategies, plans, structures." - M., 1995.)

Rice. 3.3. The concept of conducting marketing research

Rice. 3.4. The process of conducting market research

Rice. 3.5. Typical scheme for a phased marketing research

3.2. Methods and procedures of marketing research

The methods of conducting marketing research are inextricably linked with the methodological foundations of marketing, which, in turn, are based on general scientific, analytical and prognostic methods, as well as methodological approaches and techniques borrowed from many fields of knowledge (Fig. 3.6).

Research methods in marketing are conditioned by the necessity and obligatory nature and complexity of the analysis of any market situation, any of its constituent components associated with the most diverse factors.

These principles of consistency and complexity in conducting marketing research are based on the fact that when studying the external environment, primarily the market and its parameters, it is necessary to take into account not only information about the state of the internal environment of the company (enterprise), but also the strategic marketing goals and intentions of the company - only then the conducted research is of a marketing nature; otherwise, it is just market research, competitors, innovation factors, etc.

According to the International Code of Practice for Marketing Research (adopted by the International Chamber of Commerce and ESO MAP in 1974), marketing research must be carried out in accordance with generally accepted principles of fair competition, as well as in accordance with standards based on generally accepted scientific principles.

Based on this provision, the researcher should:

  • be objective and not influence the interpretation of fixed factors;
  • indicate the degree of error of their data;
  • be a creative person, determine new directions of search, use the most modern methods;
  • do research systematically to take into account the ongoing changes.

As for the actual methods, rules and procedures of marketing research, taking into account the above schemes and tables (Fig. 3.6-3.13 and Table 3.1-3.4), the following should be noted.

Methods for selecting sets of research objects involve solving three main problems: the selection of the general population, the definition of the sampling method, and the determination of the sample size.

Population(GS) should be limited, since a full study is usually very expensive, and often simply impossible. In addition, sample analysis can be even more accurate (due to the reduction of systematic errors).

Sample(Figure 3.10) is done in such a way as to represent a representative illustration of the HS. This is an indispensable condition under which, based on the characteristics of the sample, it is possible to draw correct conclusions about the HS. Conducting data collection is usually accompanied by errors - random and systematic. Random errors appear only in selective research; since they do not bias the characteristics of the sample in one direction, the magnitude of such errors can be estimated. Systematic errors arise due to the influence of non-random factors (inaccurate allocation of HS, sampling flaws, errors in the development of questionnaires, counting errors, insincerity of respondents).

Methods for obtaining data. The methods of obtaining data in marketing include survey, observation, automatic data recording (Table 3.2). The choice of method depends on the purpose, the trait being studied, and the bearer of this trait (person, object).

Polling is finding out the positions of people or obtaining information from them on a certain issue. In marketing, a survey is the most common and most important form of data collection, either verbally or in writing. Oral and telephone surveys are called "interviews". In a written survey, participants receive questionnaires, which they fill out and send to the destination.

Observation is a way of obtaining information that:

  • corresponds to the specific purpose of the study;
  • characterized by planning and systematic;
  • is the basis for generalizing judgments;
  • subject to constant monitoring for reliability and accuracy.

Advantages of observation over survey:

  • independence from the desire of the object to cooperate, from its ability to verbally express the essence of the matter;
  • greater objectivity;
  • perception of the unconscious behavior of the object (for example, when choosing a product on the shelves in a store);
  • the ability to take into account the surrounding situation, including when observing with the help of instruments.

Possible disadvantages of observation:

  • the difficulty of ensuring representativeness;
  • subjectivity of perception, selectivity of observation;
  • the effect of observation (the behavior of the object may be unnatural during open observation).

An experiment is a study that establishes the effect of changing one (or more) independent variable on one (or more) dependent variable. Significant features of the experiment:

  • isolated changes (individual values ​​vary by the researcher, others are constant);
  • active intervention of the researcher in the process of data change;
  • verification of causal relationships (for example, the impact of a brand name on the implementation of a product).

Experiments are divided into laboratory (conducted in an artificial environment) and field (conducted in real conditions). When conducting an experiment, at least two problems usually arise: to what extent changes in the dependent variable can be attributed to independent ones; how suitable are the results of the experiment for other environmental conditions (representativeness of the experiment).

The dynamics of market trends, its conjuncture is constantly changing and developing. This fully applies to individual parameters and elements of the market. Because of this, a single study of the market, for example, when selling a product, is clearly not enough. The necessary information can be obtained by repeatedly polling the interested group of buyers at specified intervals or by monitoring sales in a specific group of stores.

This method of studying the market is called "panels" (Fig. 3.12).

Data analysis. Statistical methods of data analysis are used to compact them, identify relationships, dependencies and structures. Their classification is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • the number of simultaneously analyzed variables — simple and multivariate methods;
  • the purpose of the analysis is descriptive and inductive methods;
  • scaling level of variables;
  • division of variables into dependent and independent methods of dependency analysis and methods of analysis of relationships.

Descriptive one-factor methods are:

  • frequency distribution (representation on a graph or in a table);
  • graphical representation of the distribution of a variable (for example, using a histogram);
  • statistical indicators - arithmetic mean, median, variation, variance.

Inductive one-factor methods are designed to check the conformity of the characteristics of the sample with the characteristics of the HS. They are divided into parametric tests, designed to test hypotheses about unknown characteristics of the HS, and non-parametric tests, designed to test hypotheses about the distribution of the HS. This method is used to formulate hypotheses, select a test, establish the level of significance, determine the critical level of the tested characteristic from the table, calculate the actual value of the test, compare and interpret.

Two- and multi-factor methods of dependency analysis help to determine what relationship exists between price reduction and product sales, whether there is a relationship between a person's nationality and the choice of shoe style, etc.

Regression analysis- a statistical method of data analysis in determining the dependence of one variable on one (simple regression) or several (multivariate regression) independent variables.

Variational analysis is designed to test the degree of influence of a change in independent variables on dependent ones.

Discriminant Analysis allows you to separate predefined groups of objects using a combination of independent variables and thereby explain the differences between groups. The method also makes it possible to assign a new object to a specific group based on its characteristics.

Factor analysis is designed to study the relationships between variables in order to reduce the number of influencing factors to the most significant ones.

cluster analysis allows you to divide the set of objects into separate relatively homogeneous groups.

Multidimensional scaling makes it possible to obtain a spatial display of the relationships that exist between objects.

The possibility of applying one or another type of analysis depends on the level of scaling of the independent and dependent variables. The choice of a certain method is determined not only by the nature and direction of relationships between variables, the level of scaling, but mainly by the problem being solved. In table. 3.4 shows what methods can be used to solve typical marketing research problems.

Rice. 3.6. System of research methods in marketing See: Solovyov B.A. "Marketing". - M., 1993.

Rice. 3.7. Types of marketing research corresponding to the main activities of the company

Rice. 3.8. Collection of primary information for marketing research

Table 3.1. Types of marketing research conducted by American firms (1983; %)
Type of research Percentage of consumer goods manufacturers conducting this type of research (143 surveyed) Share of manufacturers of industrial products conducting this type of research (124 surveyed)
Short-term (up to 1 year) forecasting 96 94
Long-term (more than 1 year) forecasting 96 94
Measuring Market Potential 99 99
Sales analysis 98 99
Perception of new products and their potential 89 73
Packaging study: design or physical characteristics 91 61
Study of distribution channels 89 83
Examining Sales Costs 83 73
Using discounts, coupons, samples, special offers when promoting 86 60
Pricing Analysis 91 90
Environmental impact analysis 37 35
Advertising effectiveness analysis 86 67
Table 3.2. Ways to collect information in marketing
Method Definition Forms Economic example Benefits and problems
1. Primary research Collection of data as it occurs
Observation Systematic coverage of circumstances perceived by the senses without affecting the object of observation Field and laboratory, personal, with the participation of the observer and without his participation Observation of consumer behavior in the store or in front of the windows Often more objective and accurate than a survey. Many facts are unobservable. Costs are high
Interview Survey of market participants and experts Written, verbal, telephone Collecting data on consumer habits, researching the image of brands and firms, researching motivation Exploration of imperceptible circumstances (e.g. motives), interview reliability. Influence of the interviewer, representativeness of the sample
Panel Repetitive collection of data from the same group at regular intervals Trade, consumer Constant monitoring of sales stock in a group of stores Revealing development over time
Experiment Study of the influence of one factor on another while controlling extraneous factors Field, laboratory Market Test, Product Research, Advertising Research Possibility of separate observation of the influence of variables. Control of the situation, realism of conditions. Spending time and money
2. Secondary research Processing existing data Market share analysis using accounting data and external statistics Low cost, fast. Incomplete and outdated data

Rice. 3.9. Advantages and disadvantages of collected primary data Table 3.3. Advantages and disadvantages of questioning by phone, mail and in person with the interviewee




A personal meeting

Information Accuracy

Time factor

Organizational Complexity

Possible length of the questionnaire


Adaptability to the personality of the respondent

Other requirements

  • When scheduling interviews, take into account the time it takes to dial a phone number.
  • Consider using interviewers' home phones.
  • A simple form of a question.
  • Detailed printed instructions.
  • No open questions.
  • Encouragement of the respondent, some kind of souvenir enclosed in the letter.
  • As a rule, it requires the interviewer to have detailed knowledge of the issues under discussion/industry specifics.
  • Convenient ability to use various visual aids.
  • - a clear disadvantage

    - clear advantage

    - advantage and disadvantage are balanced

    Rice. 3.10. Sample types

    Explanation for fig. 3.10.

    Non-random sampling methods include:

    random sample - respondents are not selected on the basis of a plan, but randomly; the method is simple and cheap, but inaccurate and has low representativeness;

    typical sample - survey of a few typical elements of the general population (GS); for this, it is necessary to have data on the features that determine the typicality of elements;

    concentration method - only the most significant and important elements of the HS are subjected to research;

    quota method - distribution of certain features (gender, age) in the HS.

    The following types of sampling are random:

    simple sample - lottery type, using random numbers, etc.;

    group sampling - division of the HS into separate groups, within each of which a random sample is then carried out;

    method "flower beds" - selection units consist of groups of elements; a prerequisite for the application of the method is the possibility of such a separation of the HS; from the set of "flower beds" several are selected, which are then fully investigated;

    multistage sampling - is carried out several times in a row, and the sample unit of the previous stage is a set of units of the subsequent stage.

    Rice. 3.11. Main Types of Sampling Procedures in Marketing Research

    Rice. 3.12. Panel Views

    Explanation for fig. 3.12.

    Under the panel, as already mentioned, we mean a survey of a group of buyers at regular intervals using a certain set of questions. The main features of the panel:

    • constancy of the subject and topic of research;
    • repetition of data collection at regular intervals;
    • a constant (with certain exceptions) set of objects of study - households, trade enterprises, industrial consumers, etc.

    The consumer panel is based on a survey. Panel participants receive questionnaires from the organization conducting the study, which they must periodically fill out, indicating, as a rule, the type, packaging, manufacturer, date, cost, quantity and place of purchase of the goods. Using the consumer panel, you can get the following information:

    Rice. 3.13. Determination of areas of market research, including the study of facts and opinions

    • the amount of goods bought by the family;
    • the amount of cash costs;
    • market share controlled by major manufacturers;
    • preferred prices, types of goods, types of packaging, types of retailers;
    • Differences in the behavior of consumers belonging to different social strata, living in regions and cities of different sizes;
    • social analysis of "loyalty to the brand", changing brands, the effectiveness of various marketing measures.
    Table 3.4. Application areas of analysis methods

    A typical question

    Regression analysis

    1. How will sales volume change if advertising costs are reduced by ...%?

    2. What will be the price of the product next year?

    3. How does the volume of investment in the automotive industry affect the demand for steel (non-ferrous metals, etc.)?

    Variational analysis

    1. Does the type of packaging affect the sales volume?

    3. Does the choice of marketing form affect the amount of sales?

    Discriminant Analysis

    1. By what signs can smokers and non-smokers be identified?

    2. What are the most significant features that can be used to identify successful sales employees and unsuccessful ones?

    Factor analysis

    1. Can the many factors that car buyers think are important be reduced to a small number?

    2. How can you characterize the various brands of cars given these factors?

    cluster analysis

    1. Can customers be divided into groups according to their needs?

    2. Are there different categories of newspaper readers?

    3. Can voters be classified in terms of their interest in politics?

    Multidimensional scaling

    1. To what extent does the product match the consumer's idea of ​​an ideal product?

    2. What is the consumer image?

    3. Has the attitude of consumers towards the product changed over a certain period?

    3.3. Objects of marketing research

    As follows from Fig. 3.14-3.17 and tab. 3.5, 3.6, the objects of marketing research can be various objects, problems, situations, which, based on the classification criteria, can be divided into such broad categories as objects of the macro- and micro-level of the external environment and objects of study of the internal environment of the commodity producer (in other words, controlled by the firm-commodity producer or beyond its control). Another criterion may be the degree of importance of the objects of study, which may be different in different firms. The third criterion may be the priority of the order of the objects under study, which also differs significantly, but exists as an objective need, "corrected" by a subjective factor - the views of the leadership.

    With all the variety of objects of marketing research, the central place among them is occupied by market objects - the commodity market as a whole, its individual components and parameters (customers, competitors, suppliers, intermediaries, prices, capacity, development dynamics, structure, geographical location, etc.).

    Market research as such - the most common direction of marketing research. Without information about the market, it is almost impossible to make the right policy decisions on issues such as target market selection, sales volume determination, forecasting and programming of market activities.

    Objects of market research - conjuncture, trends and prospects for the development of the market; market capacity, its dynamics, structure, market geography, level of competition, barriers to entry and exit, opportunities and risks are studied. The main results of market research are forecasts of its development, identification of key success factors in the future. The most effective ways of implementing a competitive policy in the developed market and the possibility of entering new markets are established.

    Consumer research makes it possible to determine all aspects of their behavior and preferences. The object of the study is individual consumers, families, households, consumer organizations; the subject of research is the motivations of consumer behavior and the factors that determine them; the structure, the size of consumption, the degree of satisfaction of demand, and the trends in its behavior are studied. The purpose of the study is consumer segmentation and selection of target market segments.

    At competitor research the main task is to obtain data that provides a competitive advantage in the market and find opportunities for cooperation with potential competitors. The main aspects of the activities of competitors, their advantages and disadvantages, production, scientific, technical, marketing potential, financial, organizational capabilities are investigated. The result is the choice of the most advantageous position in the market compared to a competitor (competitors), the determination of optimal strategies for action in a competitive market.

    Study of intermediary structures allows for a well-founded policy of physical distribution and marketing, and therefore sustainable activities in selected markets.

    We study not only commercial intermediaries and their capabilities, but also advertising, insurance, legal, financial, freight forwarding, consulting and other companies (organizations), i.e. the entire marketing infrastructure of the marketplace to take full advantage of its capabilities.

    the main goal product research- determination of the compliance of the technical, economic and qualitative characteristics of goods on the market with the requirements and demands of consumers, the degree of competitiveness of these goods. Product research is at the same time the study of consumers, their desires, preferences, their degree of satisfaction with the qualities of the product.

    Consumer properties of analogue products that are competitors, the nature of consumer reaction to new products, assortment, packaging, level of service, prospective consumer requirements - all these are objects of research, the results of which allow the company to refine its assortment taking into account customer requirements, solve the problem of competitiveness of goods, develop new products and calculate their life cycle, modify existing products, improve packaging, carry out patent protection.

    Price research makes it possible to determine the level and ratio of prices that will maximize the benefits of the company. Possible main objects of research are the costs of creation, production and marketing (their calculation), the reaction of consumers to product prices (demand elasticity), the impact of competition from other firms and their products (comparative analysis). All this allows you to choose the most advantageous cost/price and price/profit ratios.

    Research of the distribution and marketing system has the task of determining the most effective ways and means of promoting goods from the producer to the consumer. The objects of study are distribution channels, intermediaries, sellers, forms and methods of distribution, distribution costs, their structure and dynamics. Also analyzed are the function and characteristics of the activities of wholesalers and retailers, its strengths and weaknesses, the nature of relationships with suppliers and consumers. The result of the research is to obtain the possibility of increasing the company's sales, optimizing stocks, rationalizing distribution channels, more efficient use of sales forms and methods.

    Sales promotion research aims to identify the most effective means of stimulating the sale of goods, improving the company's image on the market, and increasing the effectiveness of advertising. The objects of research are the motivations of the behavior of suppliers, intermediaries, buyers; reaction of the consumer public; advertising effectiveness; relationships with buyers. The result of the research is the possibility of developing relationships with the public, buyers, intermediaries; formation of a positive attitude towards the company, its products; improvement of methods for generating consumer demand, influencing suppliers and intermediaries, making fuller use of the possibilities of the communication system, including advertising.

    Of course, the study of objects of the market environment should be closely linked with the study of the internal environment of the company in order to determine the real potential of its competitiveness by comparing the relevant factors (objects of study) of the external and internal environment. Only in this way it is possible to determine what needs to be done to more fully adapt the enterprise to changing environmental conditions.

    Rice. 3.14. Objects of marketing research at macro and micro levels

    Rice. 3.15. The structure of conjuncture-forming market factors as an object of analysis

    Rice. 3.16. Studied parameters of the main market objects

    Table 3.5. Objects of analysis of marketing research conducted by US companies (according to a survey of 798 companies)
    Research type In % of the total number of respondents

    Research on the motivation of actions

    Sample studies

    Economics and General Studies

    Study of business operations

    Exploring the Acquisition Process

    Study of the location of factories and warehouses

    Study of export and international activities

    Study of the company's personnel

    Management Information System

    Pricing Study

    Long-term forecasting (over 1 year)

    Short-term forecasting (up to 1 year)

    Studying business trends

    Study on the issues of common responsibility of companies

    The study of the "right of the consumer to truthful information"

    Economic Impact Study

    Studying issues of social significance

    Study of legal restrictions on advertising and promotion

    Market and sales research

    Study of sales promotion issues (premiums, coupons, sampling, etc.)

    Testing goods in various markets, checking stocks

    The study of the relationship "sales / demand"

    Conducting consumer discussions

    Study of distribution channels

    Establishment of sales quotas and geographical distribution of sales

    Sales analysis

    Measuring Market Opportunities

    Market share analysis

    Determination of market characteristics

    Product study

    Research of packaging, design and physical characteristics of the product

    Perception of the product and its potential

    Testing existing products

    Studying the competitiveness of a product

    Rice. 3.17. Assessment of production and market opportunities of the enterprise

    Table 3.6. The procedure for conducting marketing research by a commodity producer, depending on the object

    Objects of study


    Performers - head units (departments)


    1. Technical level and quality of their products

    Obtaining on the basis of a comparison of the objective characteristics of products

    Chief designer

    quality, marketing

    2. Technical level of technological processes

    Obtaining by comparison an objective assessment of the level of technology

    Chief technologist

    quality, marketing

    3. Technical level of production

    Evaluation based on comparisons of production improvement requirements


    quality, marketing

    4. Organization of work

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the structure and functions of enterprise management


    Planning, legal, financial

    5. Suppliers

    Evaluation of the quality of work of suppliers


    Technical control, quality, legal, logistics

    6. Developers

    Evaluation of the work of developers

    Chief designer

    quality, marketing

    7. Intermediaries

    Evaluation of the work of intermediaries


    8. Sales markets

    Assessment of market opportunities and requirements


    9. Economic results of the enterprise

    Preparation of proposals to improve the efficiency of the enterprise


    Planning, legal, marketing, logistics

    In a strict sense, marketing research is any research activity that meets the needs of marketing. That is, marketing research involves the collection and analysis of data that is required for marketing activities. Marketing research is the beginning and logical conclusion of any cycle of the enterprise's marketing activities. Marketing research is necessary to reduce the uncertainty that always accompanies marketing decisions.

    Of course, "solid" definitions from books by respected authors are much more significant than the above explanation. Therefore, for connoisseurs, we give the classic definition of F. Kotler: “Marketing research is a systematic collection and objective recording, classification, analysis and presentation of data related to behavior, needs, attitudes, opinions, motivations, etc. individuals, enterprises, public institutions in the context of their entrepreneurial, economic, social, everyday activities”.

    How is marketing research different from market research?

    Marketing research can provide information on a variety of aspects related to the market. However, market research should not be confused with market research. Marketing research is a more general concept that includes market research, consumer research, competitor research, and so on.

    Is marketing research necessary?

    Of course they are. In fact, almost every company, to one degree or another, is engaged in marketing research, studying the market in which it operates. Of course, not always "objectively" and even more so "systematically". Nevertheless, the collection of information about the state and prospects of the market, about competitors (assortment, prices, marketing policy) and consumers (behavior and preferences), at least in the simplest, intuitive form, is carried out by almost all market participants. There is no need to prove that the completeness and relevance of marketing information to a large extent determine the success of the company in the market.

    Effective decisions cannot be based on intuition or simple reasoning. Without marketing planning, companies cannot achieve a sustainable advantage in their markets. Without marketing research, it is impossible to make effective strategic decisions in the field of marketing.

    What does marketing research allow?

    Marketing research allows:

    • make more informed management decisions;
    • better understand the needs and preferences of customers;
    • assess the market prospects of products;
    • evaluate and improve the effectiveness of a campaign to promote goods / services;
    • choose the most effective means of promoting goods/services;
    • determine your strengths and weaknesses in relation to competitors;
    • develop effective ways to counter competitors.

    Why is the importance of marketing information increasing?

    In recent years, a number of factors have emerged that increase the importance of marketing information:

    • the marketing environment is changing very dynamically;
    • more and more companies operate in remote markets;
    • Consumers are becoming more sophisticated and discriminating.

    Market participants need timely, clear and verified marketing information. Therefore, marketing research must be carried out professionally and thoughtfully at all stages, from the choice of the type of marketing research to the methods of data processing and the form of presentation of the results.

    Who conducts market research?

    Many large manufacturing companies have marketing departments that promote goods and services on the market and collect marketing information (about the market, competitors, etc.). However, there are also specialized companies that conduct market research. The main advantage of an independent marketing agency in comparison with the marketing department of a company is its objectivity and professionalism.

    Most regional companies do without serious market research, or prefer to conduct market research on their own. This choice has both positive and negative sides. In any case, a decision must be made carefully, having determined the objectives and scope of the planned study.

    Market research is the most common area of ​​marketing research. As many experts note, without market research, it is impossible to systematically collect, analyze and compare the array of information necessary for important decisions that are related to functioning in the market, market selection, establishing sales volume, planning and forecasting market activities.

    The objects of market research are the trends and processes of market development, which include an analysis of the modification of economic, demographic, scientific and technical, legislative, environmental and other factors. In addition, market research is designed to study the structure and geography of the market, its dynamics, capacity, market barriers, the state of competition, market conditions, risks and opportunities.

    The main results of market research can be:

    Forecasts of market development, assessment of market trends, identification of key success factors;

    Establishment of the most effective methods for implementing competition policy in the market;

    Potential to conquer new markets;

    Market segmentation. In other words, it is the choice of target markets and / or market niches.

    Macrosystem analysis designed to study changes in environmental conditions. The latter, although it does not have a direct connection with the market in which the company operates, but also has an equal impact on all firms that are engaged in this market.

    Study of the internal environment of the company aims to establish the real level of competitiveness of the enterprise as a result of the analysis and comparison of the relevant factors of the internal and external environment. The study of strengths and weaknesses aims to identify strengths and weaknesses in relation to its main competitors. This makes it possible to answer questions about what needs to be done in order for the functioning of the company to be fully adapted to dynamically changing environmental factors.

    Enterprise potential analysis aims to verify the resources of the enterprise, as well as their suitability for the implementation of strategic directions of activity.

    Consumer research allows you to establish and study the entire set of motivating factors that influence consumers when choosing goods (for example: social status, income, education, gender and age characteristics).

    The objects of research can be private consumers, households, families, organizations.

    The subject of marketing research is:

    Motivation of consumer behavior in market conditions, as well as factors determining it;

    The structure of consumption, product offer, trends in demand for goods are analyzed and carefully studied;

    The analysis of processes and conditions for satisfying consumer requests is carried out.

    The purpose of this study is consumer segmentation, as well as the choice of target market segments.

    Competitor research is called obtaining the necessary information that would provide a competitive advantage in the market, as well as help find ways to effectively cooperate with potential competitors. For this purpose, an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors is carried out, a study of their market share is carried out, as well as the reaction of consumers to competitors' marketing activities (such as improving the consumer properties of the product, pricing features, trademarks, features of an advertising campaign, ways of service development). In addition to the above, a thorough analysis of the material, financial, labor potential of competitors is carried out.

    The result of these studies is the choice of means and ways to achieve the most advantageous position in the market relative to competitors, finding active and passive strategies for securing their price advantage, or the advantage provided by the higher quality of the goods offered.

    Exploring possible intermediaries, with which the firm will be able to "be present" in the preferred markets, as a rule, a thorough study of the firm's market structure is carried out. In addition to trade, commercial or other intermediaries, the company must also have a correct understanding of its other “assistants”: advertising, freight forwarding, legal, insurance, financial, consulting and other firms and organizations, which together create a marketing market infrastructure.

    Product research is referred to as finding the conformity of the quality of goods and their technical and economic indicators to the needs and requirements of buyers present in this market, as well as an analysis of their competitiveness. Commodity research provides an opportunity to acquire the most complete and valuable data from the consumer's point of view on the consumer properties of the product (reliability, design, ergonomics, price, after-sales service, functionality), as well as some data for the formation of optimal arguments for an advertising campaign, the choice of the most suitable resellers.

    Thus, the objects of research are the consumer qualities of competing and analogue products, the reaction of buyers of these new products, the assortment, the level of service, packaging, product compliance with legislative norms and rules, and prospective consumer requirements.

    Thanks to the results of the study, the company has the opportunity to form its own product range, which would best meet the requirements of customers. Marketing research makes it possible to:

    Increase the competitiveness of the product offer;

    Establish strategic directions of activity, depending on the current stage of the "life cycle" of goods;

    Develop new products;

    Modify existing products;

    Develop a unique corporate identity, improve labeling, establish patent protection methods.

    Price research allows you to determine such a ratio and price level, which could make it possible to maximize the level of profit at minimal cost.

    The objects of research in this context are:

    Expenses for the development, manufacture and marketing of goods;

    Studying the level of influence of competition (comparison of consumer and technical-economic and parameters of similar goods produced by other firms);

    The reaction of consumers to a change in the price of a good (that is, the elasticity of demand).

    The results of the conducted research make it possible to choose the most effective ratio of "price-profit" (the so-called external conditions) and "costs-prices" (production costs or internal conditions) .

    Merchandising and sales research aims to determine the most effective ways, means and methods of bringing the product to the end consumer as quickly as possible.

    Here, the main objects of study are trade channels and intermediaries, sellers, methods and forms of sale, distribution costs. These studies also include an analysis of the functions and features of the functioning of various types of wholesale and retail firms, the determination of their strengths and weaknesses and the characteristics of the nature of their interaction with manufacturers. This information makes it possible to determine the potential for increasing the company's turnover, optimize inventory as much as possible, develop clear criteria for choosing effective channels for promoting goods, and develop effective methods and techniques for selling goods to target consumers.

    Research of the advertising incentive system and marketing is also one of the most important points of marketing research. This study is designed to identify how you can optimally stimulate the sale of goods, increase the credibility of the manufacturer of goods in the market, and successfully conduct advertising campaigns and promotions.

    The objects of this study are: the behavior of suppliers, buyers, intermediaries, the effectiveness of promotional activities, contacts with buyers.

    The results of the conducted research make it possible to:

    Develop an effective public relations policy;

    To form a favorable attitude towards the company and its products;

    Establish methods for the formation of consumer demand;

    Maximize the effectiveness of communications, in particular advertising.

    Comparison of expected and actual results from the carried out promotional activities;

    In addition to the above, this study provides an opportunity to make decisions on the activation of promotional activities, the search for new means of influencing the target consumer audience.

    It is worth noting that measures to enhance the promotion of goods on the market include not only advertising, but also other aspects of marketing policy. They can be, in particular, studies of the effectiveness of ongoing competitions, bonuses, discounts, awards, etc., etc.

    Forms of marketing research can also be divided into primary and secondary.

    Primary marketing research includes:

    Survey. Interrogations can be oral, written, and also telephone;

    Observation (systematic study of circumstances without affecting the object of study). They are divided into field, laboratory, and personal.

    Experiment. There are field and laboratory.

    - panel (repeated data collection from one group at certain equal time intervals). There are consumer, trade and service panels.

    Secondary marketing research is an analysis of an actual marketing problem according to the information collected or already published. This type of research is used for strategic marketing planning.

    Marketing research includes the collection, processing, storage of information about phenomena and processes of interest to marketing, analysis of the collected information, and obtaining theoretically substantiated conclusions. Thus, the purpose of marketing research is to create an information and analytical base for making marketing decisions.

    Marketing research is an integral part of the marketing information system, which includes subsystems of internal reporting, marketing intelligence, information analysis and marketing research. When conducting marketing research, the following principles must be observed:

    Scientific character - explanation and prediction of the studied market phenomena and processes on the basis of scientific positions and objective data, identification of patterns in the development of these phenomena and processes;

    Consistency - the allocation of individual structural elements that make up the phenomenon, the discovery of hierarchical relationships and mutual subordination;

    Complexity - the study of phenomena and processes in their entirety, interconnection and development;

    Reliability - obtaining adequate data by ensuring the scientific principles of their collection and processing;

    Objectivity - taking into account the possible errors of the meter of a particular phenomenon;

    Efficiency - achievement of the set goals, commensuration of results with costs.

    Marketing research is a complex, hierarchically structured process that unfolds sequentially in time and includes the following main stages: development of a general research concept; concretization and development of research methodology; collection, processing and storage of information; analysis, modeling and forecasting of the studied processes; assessment of the effectiveness of marketing research.