Bullet journal: The perfect way to keep a diary. Why do you really need a diary and how to keep it right

To become a successful moneymaker, you need to make plans and record the work done, and this cannot be done without a diary. In this article I will tell you about the rules of keeping a diary that I use myself.

Of course, there are such techniques that allow you to properly plan your activities and, as a result, complete all the planned tasks. My rules will suit everyone - a businessman, a student, a man and a woman.

How to keep a diary: rules

First rule. Any diary should be kept every day. It would seem that there is nothing difficult to regularly write down your plans and constantly make notes, but for many this seems an almost impossible task and a very difficult test. It is thanks to constant planning that the upbringing of organization and the fight against laziness takes place.

Turn on your willpower and do not let yourself relax, no matter how much you would like to postpone the summing up of some day, but you need to gather your strength and do it. We don't miss a single day of running, that's right!

Second rule. A notepad should always be at hand, no matter where you are. This helps to write down new tasks, reflections and thoughts in time. It helps to always achieve your goals and not forget about anything. Notepad can be in electronic format e.g. on a smartphone or tablet.

Third rule. Tasks must be in a clear form. Any entry in the diary should carry a clear order of actions. If there are doubts about whether you should do something or not, then it is better to write it down in drafts. A work plan should be structured, clear and understandable.

Fourth rule. Set time limits for certain tasks. Only by knowing exactly how much time you need to complete a specific task, you can properly plan your day and perform much more than planned. But it is worth considering the time for a break when you can chat with friends, relatives. And it is also necessary to insert unscheduled blocks into the plan, very often unscheduled cases appear, the boss asked to do something unexpectedly, or something happened to relatives. And with unscheduled blocks, even such situations will be planned in your diary.

Fifth Rule. To properly keep your notes, you need to choose the most important goals from the entire list and try to designate them using some kind of icons, circles or asterisks. Less important things are also worth highlighting, such as reviewing the news or reading useful literature. Important things should be done in the morning first. You can also make lists A - B - C, where "A" is the most important tasks, "B" is the second most important, and then "C" is the least significant.

Sixth rule. Be sure to exercise control over your records and analyze the tasks assigned. If it was not possible to complete important tasks during the day, then it is necessary to transfer them to the next day in the diary. At the end of the day, an analysis of the work performed is carried out and a new to-do list is compiled for tomorrow. Below is an analysis of useful work for today and total time spent on it. Such a report in front of your person helps you see how much you have done on the current day and properly tune in to the next, if you understand that you cheated today.

Seventh rule. We have already talked about what is more correct to put in your plan in the first half of the day, but you also need to plan some pleasant things, for example, please yourself with something in the morning, or give yourself rewards after you managed to close two important bulk business. If you keep only working moments in the diary, then you will soon get bored with this whole thing and you will abandon planning. Enjoy yourself and put it into the plan.

Keep an electronic or paper diary?

Many people ask this question, there is no definite answer. For example, I write on paper much longer than I type on the keyboard, so the electronic version is more convenient for me. It is also more convenient because you can edit as much as you like, in paper versions you have to cross out everything, which is not very convenient and aesthetically pleasing. But when you need to quickly write something down, plain paper with a pen is more convenient.

Sometimes I myself get confused when there are notes on paper, on a smartphone, tablet and computer. Ideally, all this should be synchronized, but paper with electronic media cannot be synchronized a priori. I have to rewrite the whole thing in one place, I have a computer, since typing on a smartphone is not very convenient for me.

However, I could not resist and bought a paper diary of Gleb Orkhangelsky, interesting thing, it takes into account all the points that I described in the article, suitable for men, women, students, in general, everyone, watch the video:

That's all my basic rules for keeping a diary are known to you, even a schoolboy can put them into practice. Try to use them in your work to make your day much more productive. But be aware that this general rules, there is no clear secret to the correct keeping of the diary. Try, experiment, in general, work out schemes that are convenient for you. Good luck!

In the comments, please tell us if you keep a diary and what methods do you use?

During the day, you accumulate a lot of things, and many of them you forget to do. In order to prevent this from happening again, we recommend starting a diary. Thanks to him, you will always do what you have planned for the day.

Diary Benefits:

  • Now you will not forget about both important and secondary matters.
  • If you need the information you need, you just open the right page from the last week or month.
  • You will learn how to properly plan your day.
  • You will become disciplined and you will develop a good habit.
  • You will strive to achieve your goals and objectives, because now they will always be before your eyes.

Have you ever had a diary? In this case, you must definitely learn how to use it correctly. It depends on this how you plan your day and whether you will be able to complete all the most important things. He will be yours personal assistant and after 1-2 weeks you just can't live without it! Now you do not need to memorize everything, just make a note in a notebook.

Step 1. First of all, you need to buy it. In order for you to want to fill it, choose an interesting design that uplifts your mood. The main condition is that you like the notebook. If its design annoys you, you will immediately throw it away and definitely not take notes in it.

Step 2 Notepad layout. In order to make every day unique and memorable, make small sketches in the corner of each sheet or just glue the stickers. You can also use colored markers.

Step 3 Distribution of cases. Things are important and not so important. Those that need to be done first, write down at the very top positions for a specific day or week. Secondary - on the bottom lines.

Also, at the beginning of the month and week, it would not hurt to put down the most important things that you must have time to do. You can fill out the diary in the morning, before you start doing things. You can also do it the day before, in the evening, and in the morning just open a notebook and start your day.

Step 4. Phone numbers are an important section that should also be in the diary. You should not trust them only to the mobile, because it can be lost or broken. Be sure to write down important numbers in a notebook, select a few pages for this at the beginning or end of the diary.

Useful tips for keeping a diary:

  • Only you should fill it out, never trust it to someone else
  • In order not to look for the desired page for half an hour, make or buy a cardboard bookmark
  • Write down important things as soon as you remember them, because in half an hour you can forget the necessary information
  • When your diary is over and you need to start a new one, copy all the important information into it.
  • Aphorisms. In order to be more erudite, we recommend that you write down 1 saying per day on each page. This is a great way to learn something new.
  • Circle important goals and objectives with a red marker, secondary ones with green or blue, if desired.
  • In order not to be late and have time to do everything, put down next to each task a certain period of time that you are ready to allocate for its implementation.
  • Correct the plan, if there are any changes - add notes on the bottom lines.
  • At the end of each week and month, note which of the tasks you did not manage to complete and why. Prioritize them and complete them in the coming days.
  • Plan smart. If you plan too many things for the day, you may not have time to complete them. That is why we advise you to plan things wisely, distribute tasks wisely.
  • It's okay if you're a little behind on time. Throughout the day, various events and unforeseen situations occur, so you can slightly deviate from the original plan.

Thanks to the diary, you will notice that your life has changed dramatically - you will become much more responsible and efficient. The changes will affect both your work and personal life - after all, you will go to success in small steps.

How to keep a diary: video

Here you will see how to properly keep your diary and what you should pay attention to when planning your day.

Buy a diary or journal. This is only necessary if you don't already have it. If you want to keep a diary, buy a pretty journal or you can use a spiral notebook. Look for them at a bookstore or grocery store in the books or school supplies section. Think about how you are going to decorate the diary when you buy it. Also consider size, shape and color.

Decorate the cover. Do it to your liking. The diary should reflect your personality! Draw something, write your name and/or write "My Diary/Journal". Decorate with stickers or something similar, you can even spray perfume to give your diary a special scent.

  • On the first page, you should write something in case you lose or forget your diary somewhere, to notify those who find it that it is your diary, ask them to return it to you and kindly ask them not to look at your personal records. Write down: name, address Email and phone number, but never do not write your address.
  • On the front page, you can also write a little about yourself, such as: age, interests, favorite food, colors, music, TV show, and friend. In the future, it will remind you of who you were.
  • Don't forget to write. Write in a diary or personal journal regularly, but it doesn't have to be done every day. When something unusual or exciting happens, write about it. If you feel too tired to write, be sure to do so the next day. These are special days and feelings that should be written about.

    Take care of him. Keep your diary/journal close at hand for most of the day so you don't forget it at home, at school, in the park, etc. Carry it in your bag or something, and don't forget a pen so you can write when you get bored. It is also very good to write down ideas, poems, songs and make drawings. Having your own diary will allow your creativity to flourish and keep you from getting bored throughout the day.

    Have an idea for a diary or journal idea. The idea is pretty simple: write down whatever you want! What happened today, how you feel, ideas, poems, stories, whatever. It's all yours! Also, diaries can be helpful for getting out of anger. You can also use a journal to make useful notes about some of your interests, such as the animals you have seen, where, when, and under what circumstances. Frequently writing about anything will give you the opportunity to not lose sight of a situation that may be useful.

    Not everyone thought about how to keep diaries, although this question is often asked by people who count every minute, namely business people. After all, in order to be successful, you need to be able to correctly allocate your time, while not forgetting about your family and self-development. Even if you are a creative person, the diary will help you find a free window for art and relaxation. Well, athletes often live according to a schedule: sleep, meals, training - everything is strictly on schedule. So how do you keep a diary?

    “Only the transition from dreaming and planning to action proves the seriousness of your intentions. Don’t be one of those indecisive people who are constantly running around with different ideas, but never implement any of them.”

    Sergei Yarushin

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    The diary is a wonderful tool, the maintenance of which allows you to spend more efficiently. own time, eliminates the need to contain a large amount of information in the head, and can also turn into a real full-fledged hobby which you will enjoy every day.

    Types of diaries

    There are two main types of diaries: dated and undated.

    A dated diary is designed to rigidly structure your own time, and allows you to solve a large number of tasks with a high degree efficiency through proper time planning and use of personal resources.

    Undated diaries are designed for those who are not particularly busy with planning and do not like some kind of rigid framework and restrictions. The undated diary has no temporary positions, which means that you can use it in a satisfied form at your own discretion. This version is most often used by people of an artistic orientation or teenagers. Both of these options can be a really rewarding and fun addition to your business.

    Choosing an organizer

    To properly keep a diary, first of all, what you should pay attention to is a sample of the appearance of your paper assistant. Of course, everyone has their own sample of an ideal diary, as well as the concept of how beautiful it is to keep it. The appearance of this little book should encourage you to take it in your hands more often and make some notes, so that in the end, develop the habit of a network diary.

    If you are all a fan of paper pages, or you enjoy scheduling your time without relying on templates and giving free rein to creativity, then you should think not only about how to fill out a diary, but also how to arrange it.

    You should not choose a large size diary, because compactness is an important factor. Sometimes you will have to take it with you in a backpack or bag, in which case the large size will only get in the way. In addition, you always want to leave a bulky thing at home, while a small notebook will always be an indispensable companion and keeper of your time and ideas.

    The diary should be made of good enough paper, not fading and not too soft. Do not forget that this is your constant companion, and he should please the eye at least a year later.

    Of course, you can just buy a beautiful leather-bound diary, or even make it to order, but if you create it yourself, it will certainly catch your eye more often. Of course, depending on age and gender, your organizer may look completely different, but this will be your unique interpretation. Such diaries reflect the inner world of their owner, revealing his best sides.

    Glider design

    A great way to dilute the seriousness of everyday life, and just to cheer yourself up once again is to spread notes with useful tips, or wishes. If your loved ones leave such notes, finding them every day will be a pleasant association of filling the organizer.

    For girls, the very design of the diary can become an exciting activity, a model of harmony and design talents. Moreover, what should be in the diary of every girl is a specially allocated time just for herself, because a girl, being among many things, should still remain feminine and unique.

    You can use beads, embroidery, decoupage to design title pages. With a little creativity, filling out such a diary in the future will be especially pleasant. If a teenage girl has to keep a diary, then appearance can be a manifestation of youthful hobbies, diligent selection of design and personal preferences.

    Of course, if a boy keeps a diary, or a busy man, the choice almost always falls in the direction of minimalism. This design is not distracting and is aimed purely at practical use.

    Adult women also often simply do not have time for sentimental design of the organizer. And here it doesn’t matter at all whether a business woman is in front of you, or an ordinary housewife. Women who essentially work from home have no more time than office workers. The organizer will help such ladies to write down the list of products, household chores, notify when to pick up the child from school.

    By the way, the organizer, softly upholstered in leather, ceases to be just a functional booklet and turns into a stylish and necessary accessory. Such a gift will be valuable for both men and women. And having provided it with a memorable signature, you will make a gift as close to your heart as possible.

    Electronic or paper diary?

    If you are a fan modern technologies, or have long preferred electronic records to pen and paper, then how to use the diary can be confusing. In fact, the way out is incredibly simple: many companies have long developed applications that will help you competently plan your day. Moreover, such a diary does not need additional space, it easily fits in a phone, tablet, or laptop.

    Also, the advantages of the electronic version can be event reminders, easy editing of files, adding multimedia information. Using such a program, the options for what can be done in the diary expand significantly: from shopping planning to business plan strategy.

    What to fill in the diary?

    If we talk about the internal content of the diary, then there are certain rules on how to manage your glider as efficiently as possible.

    The main rule of how to fill out a diary is to be honest with yourself. Of course you can plan great amount affairs, but will it be useful if you do not have time to complete even half?

    Trying to enter as many points as possible, we are trying to optimize, fill the day with important things and not forget anything. But in the end, this leads to an overload of the day, the inability to distinguish really important things from routine.

    If you are honest with yourself, then even after writing a list of 20-30 cases, after analyzing them, you can understand which are important and which are not. For example, going to an important meeting, you will naturally drink coffee on the way, as this is part of your daily ritual. In this case, the automatic action does not need to be reminded and simply clogs the horizon, not allowing you to focus on the most important (for example, preparing for this very meeting).

    How to prioritize?

    Always highlight the most important things. If you have just started flying a glider, you will automatically add something extra. In this case, take the extra time to point out the things that, if not done, will not affect the achievement of the final result. You must learn to understand what you need to focus on, and what things you can sacrifice.

    “Remember that every minute you spend on planning saves ten minutes of your work.”

    Brian Tracy

    By the way, some time is also needed in order to learn to understand what things are really important. To do this, think about urgent matters, matters that can be postponed, as well as their degree of importance to you personally. To use the diary correctly, arrange the tasks in this order:

    • urgent and important matters (pay bills);
    • urgent unimportant things (wash the dishes);
    • non-urgent important matters (write a chapter for a diploma);
    • non-urgent unimportant things (think about it, is it worth doing them at all?).

    By deleting a certain number of non-urgent and non-important cases, you will have free time that you can use properly. And also, having figured out what should be the most important in the diary, there will be no confusion in the arrangement of cases.

    It is better to highlight the most significant events and dates with a colored marker so as not to miss them for sure. Ideally, in order to use the diary as conveniently as possible, you should use it for different type records with different markings. For example, for memorable dates, you can use an orange marker, and for business meetings - green.

    To develop the habit of keeping a diary, you must make sure to write every day. Postponing over and over again, you should understand that in this way you are postponing your dream, leaving it along with doing things for later.

    If there is no desire at all, or thoughts appear that you can postpone the recording until tomorrow, just remember your goal and that by returning to your old life without planning, you certainly won’t gain anything positive.

    In order not to lose particularly important information, set aside a few pages (possibly at the end of the diary) for entries that should always be at hand, or leave a bookmark in those places that are most often used.

    It is much better to set fewer goals and achieve them than to take on overwork. Also, having fully completed all the tasks (even if there are few of them), you will receive greater moral satisfaction from completing the assigned tasks. Leaving even a small amount of things to do, you will go to bed with a feeling of incompleteness, which, deposited in the subconscious, will slowly undermine self-confidence.

    In order not to stretch the execution of the points for the whole day, set a time frame that you will not go beyond. It is better to do fewer things with greater efficiency, thereby properly allocating time.

    You can make it a rule to cross off tasks that have already been completed. This will help to see the amount of work done, and in addition, it will give pleasure from crossing out lines.

    Make planning in your diary a healthy habit

    At the end of the day, make a habit of reviewing what you've done, even if something doesn't work out. By taking into account all the missteps, the next time you fill out the diary, you will be able to better determine the time spent and prioritize.

    “The only obstacle to the realization of our plans for tomorrow can be our today's doubts.”

    Franklin Roosevelt

    When distributing plans, break the diary into the first and second parts of the day. Try to do the most unpleasant and hard work immediately, without putting it off for later. In any case, having done some work, there will be a desire to take a break and postpone actions that require maximum concentration.

    Be sure to take a break for yourself, do not forget about a small break after busy hours. Only by restoring your strength, the following actions will be as effective as possible.

    Also don't forget to reward yourself with small nice things. For example, to go to your favorite boutique on the way from a successfully held conference, or just get an five to eat ice cream.

    “Planning without action is a dream. Action without planning is a nightmare.”

    Japanese proverb

    Of course, you can plan all week at once, but only highly organized people who have some experience in the distribution of cases can do this. Ideally, you need to fill out the diary in the evening, allocating a certain time for this. By turning filling out your personal organizer into a pleasant ritual, you will be happy to return to it again and again, thus creating a habit.

    If you started a diary to come to some specific purpose, break it down by day and say it every day, especially in the morning. This will improve your motivation and make your goals clearer and the path to achieving them easier and more enjoyable.

    Let keeping a diary be a new hobby for you that will help you in life. And don't forget:

    “Dreams are plans realized on time.”

    Natalia Grace

    During the day, you accumulate a lot of things, and many of them you forget to do. In order to prevent this from happening again, we recommend starting a diary. Thanks to him, you will always do what you have planned for the day.

    Diary Benefits:

    • Now you will not forget about both important and secondary matters.
    • If you need the information you need, you just open the right page from the last week or month.
    • You will learn how to properly plan your day.
    • You will become disciplined and you will develop a good habit.
    • You will strive to achieve your goals and objectives, because now they will always be before your eyes.

    Have you ever had a diary? In this case, you must definitely learn how to use it correctly. It depends on this how you plan your day and whether you will be able to complete all the most important things. He will become your personal assistant and in 1-2 weeks you simply cannot live without him! Now you do not need to memorize everything, just make a note in a notebook.

    Step 1. First of all, you need to buy it. In order for you to want to fill it, choose an interesting design that uplifts your mood. The main condition is that you like the notebook. If its design annoys you, you will immediately throw it away and definitely not take notes in it.

    Step 2 Notepad layout. In order to make every day unique and memorable, make small sketches in the corner of each sheet or just glue the stickers. You can also use colored markers.

    Step 3 Distribution of cases. Things are important and not so important. Those that need to be done first, write down at the very top positions for a specific day or week. Secondary - on the bottom lines.

    Also, at the beginning of the month and week, it would not hurt to put down the most important things that you must have time to do. You can fill out the diary in the morning, before you start doing things. You can also do it the day before, in the evening, and in the morning just open a notebook and start your day.

    Step 4. Phone numbers are an important section that should also be in the diary. You should not trust them only to the mobile, because it can be lost or broken. Be sure to write down important numbers in a notebook, select a few pages for this at the beginning or end of the diary.

    Useful tips for keeping a diary:

    • Only you should fill it out, never trust it to someone else
    • In order not to look for the desired page for half an hour, make or buy a cardboard bookmark
    • Write down important things as soon as you remember them, because in half an hour you can forget the necessary information
    • When your diary is over and you need to start a new one, copy all the important information into it.
    • Aphorisms. In order to be more erudite, we recommend that you write down 1 saying per day on each page. This is a great way to learn something new.
    • Circle important goals and objectives with a red marker, secondary ones with green or blue, if desired.
    • In order not to be late and have time to do everything, put down next to each task a certain period of time that you are ready to allocate for its implementation.
    • Correct the plan, if there are any changes - add notes on the bottom lines.
    • At the end of each week and month, note which of the tasks you did not manage to complete and why. Prioritize them and complete them in the coming days.
    • Plan smart. If you plan too many things for the day, you may not have time to complete them. That is why we advise you to plan things wisely, distribute tasks wisely.
    • It's okay if you're a little behind on time. Throughout the day, various events and unforeseen situations occur, so you can slightly deviate from the original plan.

    Thanks to the diary, you will notice that your life has changed dramatically - you will become much more responsible and efficient. The changes will affect both your work and personal life - after all, you will go to success in small steps.

    How to keep a diary: video

    Here you will see how to properly keep your diary and what you should pay attention to when planning your day.

    To become a successful moneymaker, you need to make plans and record the work done, and this cannot be done without a diary. In this article I will tell you about the rules of keeping a diary that I use myself.

    Of course, there are such techniques that allow you to properly plan your activities and, as a result, complete all the planned tasks. My rules will suit everyone - a businessman, a student, a man and a woman.

    How to keep a diary: rules

    First rule. Any diary should be kept every day. It would seem that there is nothing difficult to regularly write down your plans and constantly make notes, but for many this seems an almost impossible task and a very difficult test. It is thanks to constant planning that the upbringing of organization and the fight against laziness takes place.

    Turn on your willpower and do not let yourself relax, no matter how much you would like to postpone the summing up of some day, but you need to gather your strength and do it. We don't miss a single day of running, that's right!

    Second rule. A notepad should always be at hand, no matter where you are. This helps to write down new tasks, reflections and thoughts in time. It helps to always achieve your goals and not forget about anything. Notepad can also be in, for example, on a smartphone or tablet.

    Third rule. Tasks must be in a clear form. Any entry in the diary should carry a clear order of actions. If there are doubts about whether you should do something or not, then it is better to write it down in drafts. A work plan should be structured, clear and understandable.

    Fourth rule. Set time limits for certain tasks. Only by knowing exactly how much time you need to complete a specific task, you can properly plan your day and perform much more than planned. But it is worth considering the time for a break when you can chat with friends, relatives. And it is also necessary to insert unscheduled blocks into the plan, very often unscheduled cases appear, the boss asked to do something unexpectedly, or something happened to relatives. And with unscheduled blocks, even such situations will be planned in your diary.

    Fifth rule. To properly keep your notes, you need to choose the most important goals from the entire list and try to designate them using some kind of icons, circles or asterisks. Less important things are also worth highlighting, such as reviewing the news or reading useful literature. Important things should be done in the morning first. You can also make lists A - B - C, where "A" is the most important tasks, "B" is the second most important, and then "C" is the least important.

    Sixth rule. Be sure to exercise control over your records and analyze the tasks assigned. If it was not possible to complete important tasks during the day, then it is necessary to transfer them to the next day in the diary. At the end of the day, an analysis of the work performed is carried out and a new to-do list is compiled for tomorrow. Below is an analysis of useful work for today and the total time spent on it. Such a report in front of your person helps you see how much you have done on the current day and properly tune in to the next, if you understand that you cheated today.

    Seventh rule. We have already talked about what is more correct to put in your plan in the first half of the day, but you also need to plan some pleasant things, for example, please yourself with something in the morning, or give yourself rewards after you managed to close two important bulk business. If you keep only working moments in the diary, then you will soon get bored with this whole thing and you will abandon planning. Enjoy yourself and put it into the plan.

    Keep an electronic or paper diary?

    Many people ask this question, there is no definite answer. For example, I write on paper much longer than I type on the keyboard, so the electronic version is more convenient for me. It is also more convenient because you can edit as much as you like, in paper versions you have to cross out everything, which is not very convenient and aesthetically pleasing. But when you need to quickly write something down, plain paper with a pen is more convenient.

    Sometimes I myself get confused when there are notes on paper, on a smartphone, tablet and computer. Ideally, all this should be synchronized, but paper with electronic media cannot be synchronized a priori. I have to rewrite the whole thing in one place, I have a computer, since typing on a smartphone is not very convenient for me.

    However, I could not resist and bought Gleb Orkhangelsky's paper diary, an interesting thing, it takes into account all the points that I described in the article, it will suit men, women, students, in general, everyone, watch the video:

    That's all my basic rules for keeping a diary are known to you, even a schoolboy can put them into practice. Try to use them in your work to make your day much more productive. But keep in mind that these are general rules, there is no unambiguous secret to the correct keeping of the diary. Try, experiment, in general, work out schemes that are convenient for you. Good luck!

    In the comments, please tell us if you keep a diary and what methods do you use?


    First you need to choose the right quality diary. It does not matter at all what it will be like outside: in leather binding or hard paper cover, with color pages or plain white ones, A4 or A5 format. Most importantly, the pages should contain dates and days of the week, as well as time intervals. It is better if 2 pages are allocated for each day: one for planning by the hour, the other for notes.

    The diary got its name for a reason. It needs to be done every day. Write down tasks and plans as they arise. For example, if you were invited to a wedding 3 months later, write it down a week before the planned event. You will not plan for the weekend, remembering the celebration. Don't forget to remind yourself of this event 3-4 weeks in advance by marking "buy a gift and an outfit" in your diary. During the day, also keep a diary at hand, you may need to write down important information or plan some business.

    Formulate tasks specifically, breaking large ones into smaller ones. It is not enough to write "room renovation". Schedule wallpapering one day, buying new furniture the next, and so on. Write down the most unpleasant or difficult tasks for the morning hours. By constantly postponing them to the evening, there is a high probability that they will remain unfulfilled. Assign each task a level of importance. For example, if you absolutely need to negotiate with a client, put the number 1 in front of this entry. If the trip to visit can wait, mark it with the number 3. Try to do the most important things first.

    On the Notes page, make notes that will help you complete your tasks. These can be phone numbers to call, addresses and work schedules of organizations, amounts of money to be paid, etc. Sum up the results of the day every evening. Cross off or check off those tasks that have been successfully completed. Move to another day what you couldn't do. Do not plan too much for the day, calculate your strength.

    How can a journal help you become more successful? As you take notes and plan your activities, you subconsciously make a promise to yourself that you will do them. You may need to overcome your laziness and forgetfulness at first, but after a couple of months of regular journaling, you will notice progress. To make it easier for you to get involved in a new rhythm of life at first, set yourself a goal: to complete 3 tasks. After 1-2 weeks - complete 5 tasks. Increase the pace, trying to carry out everything planned for the day.

    The diary is an integral part of the life of many schoolchildren, students, businessmen, and indeed, people of any age and profession. To properly keep a diary, you need to specifically know for what purposes we use it. The instructions below will help you figure it out.

    How to keep a diary - types of diaries and the purpose of their maintenance

    There are several types of journaling for different people and purposes:

    • School diary (the purpose is to record the events of everyday life without any specific purpose).
    • Business diary (the purpose is to record upcoming cases).
    • Target diary (goal - recording goals for the short or long term, their analysis).

    How to keep a diary - a school diary

    Many of the children during their school years keep a diary. There are practically no rules for this, write whatever you want. Despite this, the diary will take on a more structured and pleasant look if you write down only the most memorable impressions and important events in it. Before each note, it is desirable to indicate the date of the event.

    How to keep a business diary

    The business diary is mainly intended for businessmen, managers, marketers and people of similar professions. Keeping a business diary has many subtleties. by the most in a rational way keeping a diary is Time management (management of your time). Time management is the ability to allocate your time as efficiently and rationally as possible. Before you start keeping a business diary, you need to set yourself up for a strict daily routine.

    Basic principles of time management:

    Decide on the time you will devote to work, for example, from 10:00 am to 20:00 pm.

    Arrange all planned tasks according to the level of importance and urgency. There are 4 types of cases:

    • Important and urgent.
    • Important, but not urgent.
    • Not important, but urgent.
    • Not important and not urgent.

    Accordingly, important and urgent matters are performed in the first place, as they are of the highest priority. After completing all the important and urgent tasks scheduled for the day, proceed to the non-important but urgent tasks (such as consulting an employee subordinate to you and other routine tasks that require attention). Then - important, but not urgent, and only then, if there is time, devote it to unimportant and not urgent matters. For greater certainty, the day before going to work, donate half an hour to compiling a diary exactly on the principle of time management.
    If some tasks remain unfulfilled, start the next day with their completion so that there are no tails and gaps.

    How to keep a target diary

    Keeping a target diary is quite an interesting process. All goals written in the diary must comply with the so-called SMART principle (Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon, Realistic, Time-based). This means that the goals must be specific (succinctly, briefly and clearly indicate the essence of the goal set), measurable (specific numbers or indicators must be set to be achieved), achievable (goals must be realistic), meaningful (really necessary, not banal), limited in time (specific deadlines for achieving the goal should be indicated).

    An example of a good SMART goal:

    This is an example of a main goal, which also needs to be broken down into several smaller goals that are necessary to complete it:

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    The diary is an important component of success modern man. By learning how to lead it correctly, you will save your time, become more self-confident, and will have time to do much more.

    You will need:

    What is a diary for?

    A diary should always be in your briefcase or purse to help plan the day, get the job done.

    It is needed for:

    1. Businessmen, always busy people.
    2. Those who are engaged in independent business and manage their own schedule (manicurists, masseuses, tutors).
    3. For young mothers who do not have time.
    4. For uncollected, a little lazy, forgetful personalities.
    5. For those who are looking for a job or earn extra money.
    6. For people who have lost faith in themselves and their abilities.

    In other words, the diary will help you organize your thoughts and time. If it is not enough, you can plan the day so that you can do everything. And vice versa, if there is a lot of it (for example, among pensioners), it can be used “wisely”, fill the free space with business, thereby feeling important and necessary.

    Having a neat diary filled out will raise your status in front of employers, colleagues or relatives. After all, this item indicates that you are a purposeful, active person and value your time.

    For people who work with people, time tracking and diaries are an integral part of life. You can’t do without a notebook, otherwise you can lose customers and credibility.

    Every successful man You just have to have a diary. If you don’t know where to start yet, are confused in life, buy a beautiful notebook, the one that you like. Start keeping records in it. Read in a week or two - you will probably understand what you are doing wrong, you will have new goals, previously invisible horizons will open.

    The diary is a kind of step towards success. If you absolutely do not need it, get it for the sake of experiment and make sure that it will positively change your life!

    5 principles of keeping a diary

    To make the notebook really useful, you should learn how to fill it out correctly.

    • Lead every day

    The diary should be opened and worked with every day. Try to make entries in this book, not even missing weekends. In addition to working moments, plan household chores, self-care, going to friends or relatives. With the help of these "reminders" you will be able to do more, complete those tasks for which there was not enough time before. In addition, keeping a diary every day is the dynamics of your work and life.

    It is not necessary to keep a diary only in some cases: when you are sick and are on vacation. You can afford a little break in your thoughts and emotional stress. But even during the period of illness, the diary is useful for recording medications, the schedule for taking them, symptoms, so that next time you have this useful information at hand. And on vacation, devote a few pages to describing your feelings and impressions. During these periods, you can not plan your day and allow yourself to relax.

    • He must always be there

    This does not mean that you need to go to the toilet with your diary or keep it with you during dinner. But try to always have it at hand so that, if necessary, you can immediately update your schedule, write down important news, or remind yourself of upcoming events. Take it to meetings, important negotiations, interviews, meetings.

    • Write down elementary tasks

    You must enter everything in a notebook. Include lunch with dinner, visiting friends and cafes, reading books and phone calls. Especially if you find it difficult to allocate time. If you give yourself 20 minutes for lunch, 10 minutes to call a friend, and half an hour to buy a new dress, then most likely you will do everything in time and do even more than you planned. Do not be afraid that it looks funny or ridiculous, but this way you will see the plan for the day more clearly and clearly.

    If you find it difficult to make time for yourself, you are depressed and have completely forgotten about the joys for the soul, write a five-minute coffee break or a walk into your busy schedule.

    • Rank tasks

    All tasks are divided into main and secondary. You can separate two parts of the page: on one write important tasks, on the second - not so much, or mark each task according to the degree of importance. It’s even better to write down all significant things and do them first.

    If the schedule is constantly changing, new items appear throughout the day, underline the most important of them with a bright marker. Always try to complete the main tasks, do not put them off and make notes about the work done.

    • Analyze the plan

    You should not write 100 cases at once for one day, so you will not have time for anything at all. Review your plan for the week. You will immediately understand what the error is. Especially if you cross out all the completed tasks. If you see that there are too many tasks, reduce their number. Give yourself some rest or give up unimportant things.

    Reviewing the plan is a great way to help yourself figure out problems with time and assessing your capabilities. Be honest with yourself and everything will work out!

    Where to begin

    The hardest part of this process is making the first recording. Then everything will go according to the knurled pattern. To make the diary your assistant, you should:

    1. Choose a diary that best describes you. You should like it, but if you are going to show it to business partners, take it to meetings and carry it with you all the time, buy a beautiful, but discreet, with a neutral pattern (nature, abstraction). Any diary is suitable for your own use, the main thing is that it pleases you.
    2. Buy diaries in specialty stationery stores. There you can choose the most suitable and high-quality.
    3. Diaries can be purchased with or without dates. Focus on your schedule and needs. If you are a busy person all the time, you need a calendar; for creative, somewhat chaotic people, a notepad without dates is fine.
    4. Prepare a set of pens with different inks, as well as bright markers (light green, orange, pink). So it will be easier for you to highlight something important, you can write down things for every day with different pens.
    5. Start journaling on Monday. This will streamline it a bit from the start.
    6. First, try to write down your typical day. Remember, you also need to learn how to keep a diary. Over time, it will turn out easily and naturally.
    7. If it’s difficult for yourself, go to trainings or business courses, they will definitely teach you how to properly keep a diary.

    Do not put off the first recording - perhaps it will become the starting point of your new life!

    But make sure that it does not fall into the wrong hands, if you do not want your experiences and thoughts to become public.

    A personal diary can be kept every day or as desired. This is your intimate, where only you are allowed to enter.

    How to keep a food and weight loss diary

    A very important "document" with which you will understand your body better. In this diary write:

    • daily weight;
    • diet for every day;
    • calorie content of meals;
    • summary after each week;
    • how much they ate, down to a gram.

    Never be cunning, be honest with yourself, do not reduce the numbers.

    Before losing weight, start a diary and describe your original menu. At the end of losing weight, describe the new diet. Write down your daily routine in such a diary.

    How to keep a workout diary

    This is the diary that separates the beginner from the pro. In this diary you should write:

    • The weight with which you started your workout.
    • Weight after each week, workout, day (as you see fit).
    • What weight do you lift in class, your progress in training.
    • How much the volume of muscles has increased or the waist, hips, arms have decreased.
    • The number of exercises, approaches performed during the training; how long did you practice.
    • Well-being, sensations after playing sports.

    Your workout diary is just a way to keep track of your exercise and weight. Don't go to the gym just to make another record and then brag about it.

    How to start an online diary

    Diaries on the Internet are very popular. They help to find friends, learn something, ask for advice.