New Year's performances for children. The best New Year's fairy tales and skits - impromptu

In schools, on the eve of the New Year, holidays or concerts are traditionally held, in which both children and adults take part with pleasure. Of course, if you invite animators or order a performance by professional artists, it will be more spectacular and brighter, but performances staged on your own have a special charm and evoke a lot of emotions, both among the "artists" and the audience.

We offer a performance for schoolchildren of primary and secondary grades, the idea of ​​which was proposed by N. Ustinova, for which many thanks to her.

School play" new year adventure Santa Claus or the story of teleportation"- very musical and cheerful and, for sure, will create an excellent pre-holiday mood.

The performance "New Year's adventure of Santa Claus or the story of teleportation"


Santa Claus

Tangerines (good characters)


Nettle shoots: Krap and Rap (negative characters)



Chunga the Clever - chief of the Dum-Dum tribe

Changa-all-eat - the leader of the Nyam-Nyam tribe


Christmas trees - stage workers, help to "change" the scenery


Large plaques with inscriptions:

- Santa's house

- Antarctica

- Atlantic Ocean

- Africa


Sounds 1. Song of Santa Claus.mp3

At the forefront is the house of Santa Claus. There is a tear-off calendar on the wall. Santa Claus in a vest, felt boots. A fur coat hangs on a hanger, a staff stands nearby . Santa Claus, singing a song, tears off a sheet of the calendar and collects gifts in a bag. At the last moment, he adds tangerines to the bag and goes to the hanger to get dressed.

Barmaley appears from behind the scenes, Nettle sneaks behind him. While Santa Claus does not see, Barmaley adds a Barmaley toy to the bag, and Nettle throws a few dry leaves into the same place.

Santa Claus, ready to go, ties up the bag and leaves the house.

(Maybe "Santa Claus' car" or a taxi)


A lot of light, a Christmas tree on the stage, guests in the hall. Santa Claus appears.

Santa Claus:

How glad I am, dear ones, to see you here again,

The night becomes brighter from the radiance of your eyes!

A year has passed, you have matured, you have become adults completely,

And thank you for writing kind letters to me.

Let's celebrate the New Year's holiday together again,

And for boys and girls, I would like to wish:

Let all your plans be on your shoulder, and on the way - a fair wind,

May wishes come true, may children be happy.

Let the kids grow up to be our reliable replacement!

Congratulations, my dear girls and boys!

What are you all beautiful! Dressy, funny. You have really matured. And a lot for last year have learned. How do I know? There are almost no errors in your letters, which I read with pleasure. And what kind words you say!

What about savvy? Let's check?

Santa Claus makes riddles, the children answer in unison.

It has twelve months

They will easily fit.

Bring them all together

One word is... (year)

Decorated with toys

Balls and crackers -

Not a palm tree, not a pine

And the festive... (herringbone)

Been on the shelf for a whole year

And now it hangs on the tree.

This is not a flashlight

And glass... (ball)

The lights are flashing fast

They run from top to bottom.

This friendly team

It's called... (Garland)

On the beauty of the forest

Golden rain in a wave -

With a silver cord

Hanging down... (tinsel)

Clap and candy

Shoots like a gun!

It is clear to everyone: this .... (clapperboard)

We made a snowball

They made a hat on him

The nose was attached, and in an instant

It turned out... (Snowman)

Christmas tree with toys

Clowns with crackers.

All the people are having fun!

What holiday? (New Year)

Our windows with a white brush

He painted at night.

He dressed the field with snow,

Snow covered the garden.

Is it for the snow

We won't get used to

Can we hide our nose in a fur coat?

How do we get out

Let's shout:

Hi, ...! (Santa Claus)

Warm coat, bag,
felt boots and staff,
Beard and red nose
Here he is - Santa Claus.
Also, he is very kind.
Both cheerful and playful.
Grandpa's fur coat is not hot
We give our... (present).

Well done guys, made the old man happy! Now it's time for me to please you with gifts. Where is my big bag?

Santa Claus unties the bag, takes out the Barmaley doll and looks at it in bewilderment.

I wonder how he got here?

Looks into the bag again

I don't understand anything!

He shakes dry leaves out of it, with which two tangerines fall to the floor, trying to pick them up, Santa Claus drops his staff.

Lights go out, mystical sound, roar

Sounds 2. Magic sound.mp3


At the forefront (and if there is a stage, then in front of the stage, in the hall) Barmaley with the staff of Santa Claus. If there is no directional theater light, you can illuminate it with several flashlights.

Sounds 3. Barmaley's song.mp3

Barmaley: Now I'll show everyone who's in charge here! (shakes staff victoriously)

In the light of the lantern, two new figures appear - these are Nettle Shoots "Krap" and "Krepe"

Barmaley: And who are you?

Sounds 4. Song of nettle shoots

Nettle shoots appear:

Krap:- We are brothers - nettle shoots. I am Crap

Rap:- I'm Rap. We were still in the house of this nasty Frost following you.

Chorus: Take us with you, Barmaley, we also want to be in charge!

Barmaley: Well, really, pipes, there is only one chief here: I am Bloodthirsty! I am ruthless! I am an evil robber. I am Barmaley!

In the course of Barmaley's speech, the brothers droop, shrink, get scared ...

Barmaley: Well, okay, don't freak out. I see that you guys are what I need, such helpers will come in handy for me

(The brothers change at every word: straighten up, play muscles, smile)

Barmaley: Let's go to Africa, stir up some kind of anticyclone there, so that everything melts here and ... In short, the holiday must be spoiled. Or are we bandits?

Brothers in chorus: We're ready, boss!


On the stage, a sad Santa Claus sits on the floor and mutters

Santa Claus: What to do? Who threw this robber into my bag? The staff was stolen, you bastard! How can I light the tree now? What to do? What to do? How to return the staff?!!!

Tangerines run out

Tangerines in chorus: Santa Claus, we will help you! Get up quickly, you need to catch up with Barmaley!

Santa Claus: And who are you? Look, you are redheads! And how they smell on a festive)))

Tangerines(they say always together, taking turns, interrupting each other)

We are tangerines

We are tangerines

We fell out of the bag

And when the staff fell, we came to life!

We will help you

We really can help

Help Santa Claus get up. One of them picks up some object (gadget), which lies next to Santa Claus sitting on the floor.

Tangerines in chorus: We want a holiday!

Santa Claus: Oh, you are my fragrant beauties. It will not be easy to catch up with the robbers now: they also have a magic staff, they can be anywhere in a matter of minutes. We don't even know where to look for them!


We know!

We heard!

Santa Claus: Come on, come on, tell me, just don't talk. Let it be you. (Points to the 1st Tangerine, the second at this time examines the "gadget", which she picked up when she helped Santa Claus get up).

1st Tangerine: Barmaley is going to Africa! He wants no winter at all this year. He swung at the global cataclysm. Monster!

Santa Claus: Yes, the road to Africa is long. We can't catch up with him without Magic! Think, Santa Claus, think! Trouble can happen!

2nd Tangerine: What do you have, grandpa? ( Shows a gadget

Santa Claus: And this... Old man Hottabych gave this to me. (chuckles) He is an advanced user with us: his beard has become thin (God bless him!), so he protects it, but for his miracles new technology uses.

Oh, what's the point? I don't know much about these newfangled things!

1st Tangerine: And in vain, Santa Claus! The twenty-first century is a time of new opportunities. Now technology can sometimes replace a real Wizard!

Santa Claus: Well, yes?! And what can this thing do?

2nd Tangerine: This is the newest teleport! With it, you can travel to any point on Earth. Even the flying carpet and walking boots can't catch up with him.

Santa Claus: Well, well, well. And what do we do?

Santa Claus cheered up

2nd Tangerine: Now, I will fill in the word Africa here, and we will not have time to blink, as we will be transported to the hot continent.

Santa Claus: Here are miracles for you! Well done Mandarin! Let's hit the road. Just let's agree, we must carry out the operation quickly, and therefore put aside unnecessary talk! And then some chirping (looks at Tangerines) talk a lot. Remember, the guys are waiting for us!

(for tangerines): Ready?

Tangerines in chorus: Ready!

Santa Claus(referring to the 2nd Mandarinka): Go on, smart redhead!

Sounds 5. Sound of teleportation

Enters the stage Herringbone with Africa sign. Another one with a sign Antarctica catches up with her and whispers something in her ear. Heard only one word "FLIGHT!" "Africa" ​​runs across the stage, "Antarctica" passes behind her - a flock of penguins.


Sounds 6, Song of penguins.mp3

Dance of the Penguins

During the dance, he appears from behind the scenes with the Madarinkas. All three talk for a while in a whisper and very emotionally, and at the end of the dance, Santa Claus turns to the Penguins.

Santa Claus: Hello, dear inhabitants of Antarctica! We're a little lost here. Could you tell us how to get to Africa?

Penguins surround the heroes and animately flap their wings.

Sounds 7. Bird's hubbub.mp3

Santa Claus: I'm glad to see you too! I understand it's far. You just show us the direction, please, and then we'll figure it out.

The penguins, as if on command, form a formation and point to the opposite side of the stage.

Tangerines in chorus: Thanks penguins!

Santa Claus: Thank you dears and Happy New Year!

(referring to the 2nd Mandarinka) Well, come on, young navigator, turn on your apparatus!

Santa Claus and Mandarinka walk across the stage backstage. From there is heard voice of Santa Claus: Get ready, start!

Sounds 5. Sound of teleportation

Enters the stage Herringbone with Africa sign. Another one catches up with her, with a sign of the Atlantic Ocean and says:

"Run away quickly, it didn't work again. Now it's undershot!"

"Africa" ​​frustrated runs away.

The sign "Atlantic Ocean" slowly moves across the stage to the sound of the sea.

Sounds 8. Ocean Sound.mp3


Santa Claus: This is what we missed! I won't last long on this raft. You, Mandarinka, try to be quick.

1st Tangerine: And don't miss again!

Neptune comes up

Sounds 9. Vrungel's song about Neptune.mp3

Neptune: Well, answer: Who are they and where?

Santa Claus: Your All-Ocean Majesty! We are from Russia. Let me introduce myself - Santa Claus - Lord of blizzards and snowstorms, Master of ice and snow, Professor of frost science and cold love.

(during the conversation, the Tangerines are trying to deal with the Teleporter)

Neptune: Eh, wow! What did you forget here? Did you decide to freeze me? So it's still unknown who wins!

Santa Claus: What are you, what are you, Your naval Majesty! We are peaceful travelers, we are going to Africa, only we have lost our way.

Neptune:(grinning) Why is there not enough snow in Africa?

Santa Claus: Okay. I quickly. You see, we have a big holiday in our homeland - the New Year. As beloved as yours, Ocean Neptune Day.

Neptune:(interested) Oh well!

Santa Claus: So, Barmaley burst into our holiday and stole my Magic staff, and without it the holiday will not take place. It's like stealing your trident from you.

Neptune: Yes. Trouble. I know this Barmaley, he is still a robber!

Okay, I'm kind today. How can I help?

Santa Claus: Could you, Your Majesty, pacify the waves, otherwise we are afraid that our teleport will take us somewhere to the side again.

Neptune: Teleport you say? What kind of thing is this?

Santa Claus pleadingly looks at Neptune

Santa Claus: Forgive me generously, there is no time to explain, every minute counts!

Neptune: Okay, okay, I'll manage. Have a good trip!

Neptune disappears, as if diving into the abyss of water.

Santa Claus:(to tangerines) Well, how are you doing here? Got it? No more misses?

Tangerines in chorus: Now everything will work out. Exactly, exactly!

Santa Claus: Sure?

Tangerines in chorus: Absolutely!

Santa Claus: Then let's start! 3,2,1, let's go!

Happy walks across the stage Herringbone with Africa sign

Sounds 10. Africa.mp3


Near the backstage, the Tangerines are talking to Santa Claus, who is not visible.

1st Tangerine: Well, you sit here in the shade, grandfather, and we will look around.

Santa Claus: Okay, Tangerines, go. Just be careful and don't linger.

2nd Tangerine: Don't worry, we're coming soon!

Sounds 11. In every little child.mp3

On the stage Monkey. Madarinka run in

Tangerines: Hello Monkey!

Monkey: Who are you?

Tangerines in chorus: We are Tangerines!

Monkey: (scared) Oh talking fruit! Chur, me!

Tangerines: Don't worry, we won't hurt you! We need to help Santa Claus!

Monkey: (interested) And what is this fruit?

1st Tangerine: This is not a fruit, this is a kind magician!

2nd Tangerine: Barmaley stole his staff from him, and fled here to Africa.

The words are delivered: New Year, guys, gifts, home...

Monkey: I understood everything! I will help you.

1st Tangerine: Let's go back to Santa Claus first.

2nd Tangerine: We need him to come with us. Let's get back home as soon as possible.

Monkey and Tangerines run backstage.

1st Tangerine: Where is Santa Claus? The gift bag is here.

2nd Tangerine: Santa Claus, where are you?

Tangerines in chorus: Gone!

1st Tangerine: What to do?

2nd Tangerine: Where to looking for?

Tangerines in chorus:(to Monkey) All hope is on you!

Sounds 12. Whose traces.mp3

The monkey examines the tracks, and follows the tracks, leading the tangerines. After walking a couple of circles around the stage, the Monkey stops at the backstage, puts his finger to his lips, and points to the stage on which he appears Changa-all-eat with their bodyguards, who lead the bound Barmaley, the brothers Krap and Rap and Father Frost.

Changa-all-eat gestures for everyone to stop. Sits down on the ground, his nukers guard the captives.

Changa-all-eat: I am the leader of the Yum Yum tribe. I am not only strong, I am very inquisitive. Not only do I love to eat, I love to try new dishes. As one former French acquaintance said: "The leader of the Nyam-Nyam tribe - Changa-eat everything, a real gourmet" So I say, my tribe?

Aborigines: Yes, chief, yes!

Changa-all-eat: You came to us as uninvited guests, one might say smuggled, and therefore welcome to my dinner. I haven't eaten such pale faces in a long time. ( licks). Now I'm full, so sit quietly, I'll sleep. See you tonight.

The leader goes to bed. Calm music sounds. The guards begin to nod off.

Monkey and Tangerines appear.

Monkey: We run rather to Chunga Clever, he will tell you what to do.

The monkey and the Tangerines run away, the guards fall asleep.

Santa Claus turns to Barmaley.

Santa Claus: So tell me, please, well, you can’t live without villainy, but dirty tricks?

Barmaley: Because I am merciless, I am bloodthirsty, I am an evil robber...

Santa Claus: Yes, enough for you. If you were like that, would a street be named after you? (Turning to the brothers Krap and Rap) What didn't you know? In the city of Petersburg there is Barmaleev street.

Brothers in chorus: Traitor!

Barmaley: What are you? (averting eyes) I didn't know myself...

Santa Claus: (referring to nettle brothers) What about you? Do you cling to everyone, offend - burn?

Brothers in chorus: Nobody loves us!

Santa Claus: Not your truth! Go to any pharmacy - nettles take pride of place. From how many diseases it helps, how many people it saved. Oh, you are robbers!

Instead of being offended and angry, it would be better to free yourself, but return to the holiday.

Barmaley and the Nettle Brothers are trying to free themselves from the ropes. Useless.

Drums are heard in the distance. Changa-all-eat wakes up. Included Chunga Smart. Behind him are the Tangerines and the Monkey.

Chunga Smart: Hello, brother! The leader of the Dum-Dum tribe - Chunga the Smart welcomes you!

Changa-all-eat: And you brother - hello! What did you come with, brother?

Chunga Smart: I learned that all over the world - a big holiday today, the New Year is called. So I want to invite you, along with your fellow tribesmen, to a big feast. My people have prepared a lot of food. In addition, there will be different competitions. Come, brother, we will sing songs, we will beat drums, we will dance - we will arrange games around the fire.

What do you say, Chief Chang-eat-all?

Changa-all-eat: And what? I'm always ready to eat! When to come?

Chunga Smart: Yes, let's go together now. Just this...

I see your prisoners here under the sun have already melted. Maybe let them go for the holiday? New Year's (reads on paper) KA-NI-KU-LY long!

During this time, your dubious delicacies will completely deteriorate. Let yourself go on all four sides! There are also arrows in the quivers, which means that the booty will be rich.

Changa-all-eat: And that's right too! Take them here. Let's go already.

(To guards): Untie the old man and catch up.

Having unleashed Santa Claus, the natives leave. Tangerines hug Santa Claus and chatter with each other:


How are you, Santa Claus?

It was the Monkey who helped us, without it we would not have coped!

Santa Claus (hugs Monkey): Thank you, honey!

Monkey: I'll be right back! We must thank Chung Smart (runs away)

Santa Claus: And with these (nods at the robbers) what we are going to do?

1st Tangerine:(approaches Barmaley, takes the staff) And what to do with them? Let them stay here, maybe they will get better!

Krap: Forgive us!

2nd Tangerine: I don't believe them!

Rap: We won't do it again!

Barmaley: We understood everything, we understood everything!

Santa Claus: What did you understand?

Barmaley: You have to treat others the way you want to be treated!

Santa Claus: Well, what do we believe?

(Tangerines doubt)

Krap: We won't hurt anyone anymore!

Rap: Ches-word!

Santa Claus begins to untie the captives.

Prisoners in chorus: Take us with you, we want to celebrate!!!

The Monkey Returns

Monkey: Can I come with you? I'm still very young, I've never seen holidays!

Santa Claus: Not only is it possible, it is necessary! I wanted to invite you myself. And not just a guest, but an HONORARY guest.

It is not yet known how this fairy tale would have ended if it were not for your help.

So be you one of the symbols of the new year and every twelve years everyone will worship you!.

And now it's time to return!

And you, my dear assistants, Tangerines, and without my order, everyone called the symbols of the New Year holiday, and today I understood why, you are beautiful and smart!

Tangerines, get ready to teleport!

Tangerines: All attention! Let's start the countdown!

All participants in the scene consider: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Santa Claus: Start! Let's fly home!

Sounds 5. Sound of teleportation


Santa Claus: Here we are at home! Now you can light the Christmas tree. Help guys? Remember what to say?

Correct: "One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!"

The heroes of the fairy tale, together with the children, repeat the magic phrase, Santa Claus hits the floor with a staff. The tree sparkles with lights.

Sounds 11. In every little child - final.mp3

All the characters who took part in the. Bow, curtain.

Or the second version of the finale with a common animation

Santa Claus: Now you can lead a round dance. And do you like to dance? Santa Claus also loves to dance. Then, standing in our places, we will dance a wonderful Dedmorozovsky dance. Let's stretch the arms and legs a little more. Let's rehearse. I will show, and you repeat after me:

Sounds 13. Santa Morozovsky dance.

Text(if done under another musical accompaniment- look )

Scenario of the New Year's theatrical production

How little Baba Yaga celebrated the New Year

New Year's performance for children and their parents


Little Baba Yaga

A hut on chicken legs


Santa Claus

Snow Maiden

Choreographic team

Edge of the forest. Cat Bayun enters the stage.

cat Baiyun. Great day! There is no wind! Frosty! Breathe easy! Easy, easy, if only to enjoy the frosty freshness. So no. We must again amuse the child, come up with new entertainment!

Little Baba Yaga(enters the stage). Kitty, good morning!

cat Baiyun(unsatisfied). For some good, for some not so good!

Little Baba Yaga. What, didn't you sleep well?

cat Baiyun. If I also slept badly, then in general there would be no joys in life!

Little Baba Yaga. Why?

cat Baiyun. Yes, because! Grow up, you'll understand!

Little Baba Yaga. I wanted to help get you back in the mood.

Cat Baiyun. You just can't help me get my mood back.

Little Baba Yaga. Why? I already figured out what we're going to do today.

Cat Baiyun. Excuse me, madam, do weekends, holidays, vacations actually apply to cats or not? I've been a teacher for a whole year! Whole year!!! I want to go on vacation!

Little Baba Yaga. But it's New Year's Eve!

cat Baiyun. And what?

Little Baba Yaga. We need to decorate the tree! Santa Claus will come, he will bring a cart of gifts!

Cat Baiyun. He usually brings a lot of sweets and unnecessary toys, which I personally do not need at all.

Little Baba Yaga. Well, order him what you need.

cat Baiyun. You'd think he'd bring me raw fish.

Out of breath, the Hut on chicken legs runs out onto the stage.

cat Baiyun(with irony). Appeared?! How much can you sleep?

A hut on chicken legs(justified). Yesterday I ran with the baby, so today I overslept a little.

cat Baiyun. Overslept - pay up!

A hut on chicken legs. How?

cat Baiyun. I'll lie down a little, and you take the child.

A hut on chicken legs. And so I do it every day.

cat Baiyun. You are not alone! But you're late, so you're playing - I'm resting!

A hut on chicken legs. Okay, I agree.

Cat Baiyun. Still would!

A hut on chicken legs. What are we playing?

cat Baiyun. A very simple game.

Little Baba Yaga(happily). Hooray! Let's play!

Cat Baiyun. Baby come to me We will watch the game from the sidelines.

Little Baba Yaga. What is this game that should be watched and not played?

Cat Baiyun. Come, come to me, now you will see. (Ask the Hut on chicken legs.) Hut, is it ready?

A hut on chicken legs(doomed). Yes, I'm ready, I'm ready!

Cat Baiyun. Hut, hut...

A hut on chicken legs. Yes, I'm ready! I told you!

cat Baiyun(unsatisfied). Do not interrupt! Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, front to me!

A hut on chicken legs(snickers). Why should I turn around? That's how I stand!

Cat Baiyun. Sorry!

A hut on chicken legs. Well, what else can you say?

Cat Baiyun.

A hut on chicken legs. Why is this?

cat Baiyun(outraged). Listen, don't talk!

A hut on chicken legs. I won't, I won't.

Cat Baiyun. Hut, hut, turn your back to me, to the forest in front!

A creaking, groaning is heard, The hut on chicken legs turns.

Cat Baiyun. Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, front to me!

A hut on chicken legs(outraged). Why are you spinning me here, twisting me?

cat Baiyun. Don't get angry! turn around!

Again a creak, a groan. The hut on chicken legs turns. The sound of a jet plane is heard, Baba Yaga flies in on a broom across the entire auditorium.

Baba Yaga(vomits and thrashes, turns to the Cat). New Year's Eve is just around the corner!

He swings the broom in the direction of the Cat, who rises briskly.

Baba Yaga. No one can be left unattended! Let's start getting ready for the holidays! Bayun with the Hut, go pick a Christmas tree! Niece! Niece!

Little Baba Yaga(approaches Baba Yaga). Aunty, I can hear you.

Baba Yaga. That's good to hear. Clean up here and I'll get some rest. I'll be back in an hour and check.

Baba Yaga leaves the stage, looks around.

He sees how Little Baba Yaga took a broomstick and sweeps.

Baba Yaga. Niece, you are my grief!

Little Baba Yaga(objects). I'm not grief, I'm your joy, auntie.

Baba Yaga. Well, it does not matter. You tell me, who, who sweeps the aircraft?

Little Baba Yaga. But it's a pomelo.

Baba Yaga. First of all, this aircraft. Just take a broom!

Little Baba Yaga. Okay, auntie.

Cat Bayun and Hut on chicken legs appear on the stage, they are dragging a felled Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga(angrily). What have you done?

Cat Baiyun. So we found the tree.

A hut on chicken legs. Nice tree, fluffy.

Baba Yaga. It was fluffy and fragrant.

cat Baiyun. I don't understand what you are actually unhappy with?

Baba Yaga. I told you: choose a Christmas tree, not cut down a Christmas tree.

A hut on chicken legs. Well, okay - we'll throw this one away and let's go choose from those that are growing.

Baba Yaga. Hut, you're as old as me.

A hut on chicken legs. Yes Yes.

Baba Yaga. And when will you pick up your mind? When will wisdom come to you?

A hut on chicken legs. What again, mother, are you dissatisfied with?

Baba Yaga. But why throw away the Christmas tree if it has already been cut down. Put and dress up, and so that without tricks!

Cat Baiyun. We are not magicians to show tricks.

Baba Yaga. Don't hold back! I'm going to rest, there's a big deal ahead. And you are quiet here!

Baba Yaga leaves. Sounds light, like falling snow, music. Cat Bayun and Hut on Chicken Legs set up a Christmas tree, Little Baba Yaga sweeps the stage. The phonogram ends.

Cat Baiyun. All right, put up the tree. Who will decorate it now? I won't, thank you, I've done my job!

A hut on chicken legs. Should I work hard again?

Little Baba Yaga. Do not quarrel! Decorating the Christmas tree is so nice, I'll do it myself!

Cat Baiyun. You will not have time alone, helpers are needed!

Little Baba Yaga. Assistants, where can I get them?

cat Baiyun. Yes, they are sitting in the hall and staring with all their eyes!

Little Baba Yaga. How many to call?

A hut on chicken legs. You don't need more than three. Otherwise, they won’t leave a single needle for us from the Christmas tree.

Little Baba Yaga. There are many of them, how can you choose only three?

cat Baiyun. And you sit on a broomstick and fly around the hall! Whoever you like, put him in and bring him to our stage!

Little Baba Yaga sits on a broomstick. The sound of a jet plane is heard. Little Baba Yaga flies into the auditorium, selects three volunteers and brings them to the stage. The phonogram ends.

cat Baiyun. Hut, listen, bring toys for the Christmas tree!

A hut on chicken legs. Why me again?

cat Baiyun. Because you owe me a game since morning. I didn’t finish the game, Baba Yaga interfered, then bring the toys!

A hut on chicken legs. I'll bring it now!

The hut on chicken legs leaves and returns with a box of New Year's toys.

Cat Baiyun. We will decorate the Christmas tree, but will the audience be bored?

Little Baba Yaga. Why be bored?

Cat Baiyun. So they just stand and blink. You must take them!

Little Baba Yaga. I?! But as?

Cat Baiyun. Think about it, and I and I will control how the Christmas tree will be decorated.

Little Baba Yaga makes riddles for the audience, and the Hut on Chicken Legs and the Cat Bayun hold the “Dress the Christmas Tree” contest, all participants of which receive prizes.

Little Baba Yaga. Dear children and adults, now I will entertain you!

So that we don't get bored

Just don't stand here

I'll tell you riddles

That only require ingenuity!

Just pick a rhyme

And tell me the answer!

At the top of our tree

Which is almost under the ceiling,

Shines brightly with overflow

Tip with ... (star).

Colorful rain from heaven

Isn't that progress?

Multi-colored mugs -

It's just... (confetti).

On the fluffy branches of the Christmas tree,

Falling down hard

Like magic sparks

Round ones hang ... (balls).

New Year is always surprises for kids. And not only gifts under the Christmas tree. After all, children and the whole family can arrange a real holiday in the form of a small performance. Scenarios for them - in our material ...

Very soon New Year's holidays, gifts, fun. If you want to congratulate your family in an original way on this event, arrange a surprise for them in the form of a small performance that can be held at home, in a cozy home environment. He will give joy to all the family, and especially your children!

1. New Year's performance for children at home. Dance carnival in the forest (for children aged 2-4 years old)

You will need a Christmas tree, small gifts, sweets, balls with confetti inside, whatman paper or something depicting a snowball, animal masks, rope, small balls, felt-tip pens, cotton wool.

Any adult or older brother / sister can lead the holiday. The host asks the children to call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, but on the way they meet a lot of animals. And then riddles sound so that the children know who is who. The one who guesses some animal receives the corresponding mask. Then the children in animal masks begin to dance around the Christmas tree.

1. Until Santa Claus arrives, the presenter invites the kids to show what animals can do, for which he gives them small sweet gifts.
2. The next game where the kids have to collect bumps. Whoever scores the most, wins.
3. The host distributes plasticine and gives the task to make an assistant to Santa Claus - a Snowman. You need to put all the Snowmen on a shelf so that others can appreciate it.
4. Next competition for patient parents. Children are given balloons, inside of which there is confetti, and they cheerfully begin to burst them to the music.

And then, finally, the Snow Maiden appears with Santa Claus. Then the children dance, sing, have fun. Santa Claus gives the next task to the kids. He distributes felt-tip pens, and the Snow Maiden distributes balloons, on which the kids should depict Christmas trees.

Most importantly, you need to follow:

- so that calm and energetic games, dances and more alternate;
- you need to take a break with a sweet table once so that the children gain strength;
- prepare in advance musical material, video cartoons;
- it is desirable to spend a holiday either in the morning or in the evening;
- everything should happen for a short time, about an hour.

2. New Year's performance for children at home. Rescue of Santa Claus (for children aged 4-7 years)

The story is based on the fact that Santa Claus was kidnapped by Baba Yaga with Koshchei the Immortal. And you need to go on a journey to find them. To the cheerful music, everyone gets into the train and goes in search, moving throughout the apartment. Then we fly on a plane, and all the kids show the plane, hoot and shout merrily. We transfer to the tank, moving on our haunches and, ultimately, we ride on crabs, getting to the Christmas tree, on which many fruits are hung.

The host conducts the competition:
1. You need to eat any fruit hanging on the Christmas tree without the help of hands. Instead of fruits, you can hang sweets. And at the same time, the presenter comments that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are also now in a helpless state, imagine, they say, how difficult it is for them. You can also run this contest in a different way. Blindfold the players and give them sweets so they can guess what it is.

The one who wins gets a puzzle picture, from which a map should then be obtained, where the location of Santa Claus is indicated. Of course, the card must be prepared before the start of the holiday. It can be some beautiful forest or just a floor plan.
Finally, Santa Claus is saved. Everyone is having fun. Loud music sounds. Santa Claus gives gifts to everyone and dances with children.

3. New Year's performance for children at home. Screen tests (for children 7-10 years old)

The host informs everyone present that Santa Claus is a little late. He is busy filming a movie about New Year. And in order for Santa Claus to go to congratulate all the guys on the holiday, they need to find a replacement for the film. Everyone pulls out a piece of paper, where it is written what role he will have to perform. When the roles are distributed, the leader announces competitions:

1. Everyone is given an inflated balloon, and very much inflated, and they hide them under the players' clothes. The host still scatters a lot of balls around the room, and the one who collects the most balls without bursting his own will win. For more fun, you can include any New Year's song. As soon as the music is over, you can count the results.
2. The next one is the competition of the Snow Maidens. You need to choose a cheerful rhyme for the lines that the presenter will report. He can also either suggest or confuse.
3. Snow puffs. Before the start of the holiday, you need to make snowballs out of paper, on which, if expanded, the task is written. That's when the music plays, everyone plays snowballs, and as soon as the music ends, everyone has one ball in his hand, he unfolds it and completes the task. It can be such tasks: tell a verse, sing a song, dance, build a funny face and various others.
4. Snow bowling. Put on a chair plastic bottles to be knocked down with balls. Or you can just put a bucket or bowl and throw “snowballs” at them.

Make holidays for your children, surprise them. Spend every spare moment with them. Talk to them more to get to know them better. Because then it will be easier for you to help fulfill their childhood dreams. This applies not only to gifts, but also to the very atmosphere in the house. And if your children are of different ages, it doesn’t matter, come up with assorted contests and performances. Several different ones in one home holiday. Create mood not only for children, but also for yourself. A holiday without leaving home is wonderful!

Elena Smirnova
New Year's play script for children

Scenario of the New Year's performance for children.

music, on clapperboards dancing on stage.

1st cracker.

We are funny girls

We are girly girls!

2nd cracker.

We are girly girls

Cheerful crackers!

3rd Clapperboard.

Let's slam "once" -

And everyone is delighted!

4th cracker.

Let's slam "two" -

and what for we have a Christmas tree?

5th cracker.

Isn't a tree needed?

What will the kids say?

6th cracker.

And what a new year

Will he come to us without a Christmas tree?

7th cracker.

Santa Claus will come sad

He says we didn't expect him.

8th cracker.

And the Snow Maiden is a friend,

Run away like that little animal.

1st cracker.

And we will all stay

There is absolutely no holiday here!

2nd cracker.

So you, though a girlfriend,

But you fooled, Flapper!

4th Clapperboard (rejects as best he can).

Well, they attacked a girlfriend,

To the unfortunate Clapper!

5th cracker.

There is something to attack

So there is nothing to grumble!

6th cracker.

Okay, don't be sad

Better come join us!

The music is cut off. On the evil scene

Baba Yaga. Well, everyone! A miracle happened!

Goblin: The villains are here! You can defeat us

Kikimora. Tremble?

Goblin. Are you afraid?

Baba Yaga. There is nothing to run around them! Link them! Let's celebrate today! (Baba Yaga rubs her hands.)

Kikimora. Let's arrange such fireworks in the forest!

Goblin. We will remember all year long!

Clapperboard: Flappers Run! One by one they won't catch us!

Music sounds. The crackers scatter around the hall.

Baba Yaga. What? Riot!

Goblin. Do not hide from us!

Kikimora. We'll still get it!

Baba Yaga. What are you worth? Am I going to catch fireworks for you?

Goblin. Yes, and we are. we it. we are nothing.

Baba Yaga (evil). I see that you are nothing. who will catch?

Goblin. And should we?

Baba Yaga. Or maybe there is someone else here? I don't see anyone but you! Nobody! So let's collect the fugitives and on the rope!

kikimora A: So, you are.

Baba Yaga: Another one! What is it? You speak like a human being! Fu, you! Swamp scum!

Kikimora. So you swear!

Baba Yaga. What? Am I supposed to apply my efforts, all my witchcraft skills, in order to catch some crackers there? And what are you to do with Leshy you will? All you know is to eat and sleep! Get out! And so that all the crackers are found!

Goblin and Kikimora run around the hall looking for Flappers.

Baba Yaga. Well? Has everyone been caught?

Kikimora. I think everything is in place.

Baba Yaga (mimicking Kikimora). I think everything is in place! If no one counted them right away, how do we know if they are all there or not all? Okay, Goblin, just count these!

Goblin. I won't!

Baba Yaga. Why won't you?

Goblin (rumples). I won't and that's it!

Baba Yaga. Well, I'll show you, Goblin, now!

Baba Yaga. Well, you can't add these numbers, can you?

Goblin. I can put it together, but I don't know the answer.

Baba Yaga. Who do I live with? Who do I live with?

Goblin. Who do you live with? You live with us, with me and Kikimora.

Baba Yaga. Yes, I know what's wrong with you! Goblin, you better shut up!

Goblin. Well, okay, I'll shut up.

Baba Yaga. Kikimora, do you know how many Flappers we have?

Kikimora. Only seven crackers.

Baba Yaga. Well, that's good! Now let's take Khlopushek to the forest thicket! And you, Kikimora, on the way, count whether everything is in place!

Baba Yaga. Hear, Leshy?

Goblin. Well, I hear. What.

Baba Yaga. Yes, no more, dried morel! When asked, answer without your checks! Let's get on the harness!

Goblin. What strap?

Baba Yaga. You will drag the captives into the forest! Kikimora, my clever girl!

kikimora:I'm listening to.

Baba Yaga. Don't you listen! And also harness yourself to the strap!

kikimora:I! Am I in the webbing too? But how

Baba Yaga. That's how!

Kikimora. Why don't you help us?

Baba Yaga. No, honey! I will inspire you!

Soundtrack sounds.

Baba Yaga sings: “Eh! Let's go. " (Leave)

It sounds like a fun tune. a snowman and two snowballs appear.

snowman: Stop! We've arrived!

Look here guys! We came to them for a holiday to congratulate them on the New Year! I'm a rhyme on the way New Year's composed.

I am a funny snowman!

I ran straight to you:

Through the mountains, through the forest!

There was a special interest

To get to you on the Christmas tree,

Holiday fun to meet!

How I love the New Year

The kid will understand me! (to Snowballs.) Well, how did you like my poem?

1st Snowball. And not a word about us.

2nd Snowball. You are through the mountains, you are through the forest. He had an interest, you see.

1st Snowball. stay without friends!

2nd Snowball. How do you like this turn of events?

Snowman. And yet strange.

1st Snowball. What's strange?

Snowman. It's strange that I don't see Flappers anywhere.

1st Snowball. What shall we do?

2nd Snowball. And we won't do anything! Let's wait for the crackers themselves to appear.

Snowman. Oh, I'm afraid they won't! If they are not, then something happened to them!

1st Snowball. What can happen to them?

2nd Snowball. Girls are always late. And today is a holiday! They dress up

Flapper comes out of the hall, crying.

Snowman. Clapperboard! Why are you crying?

Clapperboard (sobbing). Ukraine. ukra.

Snowman. Flapper, honey! We can't understand anything! what's happened?

Clapperboard. We are preparing for the holiday

Baba Yaga, Goblin and Kikimora suddenly appeared. They caught everyone and took them to their forest.

Snowman. Usually Baba Yaga steals little ones. children to cook your own dinner. The children are whole. They stole only Khlopushek. Why?

Clapperboard. Baba Yaga said she wanted to make fireworks.

Snowman. Well, look! Give her fireworks!

Clapperboard: After the fireworks, Baba Yaga will throw all my girlfriends into the snow. they will deteriorate. And I will never see them again.

1st Snowball. Let's go to Baba Yaga!

Snowman. Where does Baba Yaga live?

I have never been to Baba Yaga.

Clapperboard. How will we find them then?

1st Snowball. Invented!

2nd Snowball. Stop jumping! Say what you think!

1st Snowball. We will find them by their tracks! They will be clearly visible in the snow.

leaving with scenes

hear the song “Eh! Let's go!" On the stage crackers appear with crackers

Baba Yaga. Ugh! Completely exhausted! On my broom, I would instantly get to the place! But unless you leave the captives unattended! You can only rely on yourself, and no one else! Yes, parasites! I leave the crackers to you! And to look into both eyes!

Goblin. Yes, have mercy on us! We're on our feet! The knees are buckling! All the bones are trembling! Togo, look right here, let's crash!

Baba Yaga. What a shame! Complain to me, the oldest of you! It's disgusting to watch!

Goblin. Yes, you do not look! Just let me rest!

Baba Yaga. Stop both! I don't have the strength to listen! There is less and less time before the holiday, and I still haven’t put myself in order! How long until the holiday?

Kikimora and Leshy. But we don't know!

Baba Yaga. I don't ask you! I turn to myself! I ran! Parasites! Idlers! They don't even let you prepare for the holidays! So that not a single cracker is lost!

kikimora (mimics). Parasites! Idlers! Is that us?

Goblin. Kikimora, shut up! It's boring without you!

Kikimora. He's sick! Goblin, my dear!

Goblin. Well, it's started!

Kikimora. And what started something? Nothing has started yet!

Goblin. Do you remember the last time you called me darling?

Kikimora. How can I remember?

Goblin. Of course, do you remember? It was a year ago when you asked me to keep watch over those last year's captives. So I'm not going to guard Khlopushek alone!

Kikimora. And why, tell me, why guard them together? Why waste the strength of two when one can rest?

Goblin. You speak correctly! So I'm going to rest! And you watch out here!

Kikimora. But why me?

Goblin. Do not want? I do not want either! Let's take care of both!

Kikimora. Then I propose a contest. Whoever counts correctly, he goes to rest!

Goblin. Well, young lady! you know i can't count

Kikimora. And I will teach you! Listen carefully and remember! I start - one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Remember?

Kikimora. start!

Kikimora. Remember?

Goblin. Seems to be yes!

Kikimora. Then let's start the competition! Whoever counts to seven and does not get lost, he won! I'm starting, by the way, you can once again remember and repeat everything with me! (To the audience.) Here is a rotten stump, he did not remember anything! So I will win!

kikimora: Attention! I'm starting! Once! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Now it's your turn! Start counting!

Goblin. Once! Two! Three! Again. once! Two! Three! I. seven!

Kikimora. Lost! I'm going to rest! And you will guard the Flappers!

Goblin. My poor head! My poor legs! Oh! My poor bones!

Kikimora. Howl! Let's better put the Flappers tighter to make it easier to guard!

Kikimora. Look at both! I went!

Kikimora leaves.

Goblin. Cunning. Still cheat. Hunt to sleep! I'll lie down a little. Flappers are tied, they won't run away. Yes, I can watch them lying down! (Lies down. Begins to snore.)

1st cracker. guys help! Let's pee together! Let's make a sound sleep on Leshy!

Goblin. Talk to me here! Quiet! And not a word! (Lays down again. Begins to snore.)

1st cracker. Guys, start yawning! Flappers, and you, too, yawn!

Everyone is yawning. Goblin falls asleep

Clapperboard). We are saved!

Clapperboard. Not yet! We're connected!

Clapperboard. We must believe that help will come!

music sounds

On the snowman ride out the scene, Snowballs and Flapper.

1st Clapperboard (waves hands). Quiet! Quiet! Quiet!

Snowman. Why it is so quiet?

3rd Clapperboard. Untie us quickly!

Snowman. Now!

1st cracker. What do we do?

8th cracker. Run, and as quickly as possible, while all the evil spirits of the forest are sleeping!

The alarm clock rings. Baba Yaga comes out, looks at the alarm clock.

Baba Yaga. I get it on time! Let's start the holiday! I'm ready to accept congratulations! Ready to enjoy the fireworks! (Stumbles over Leshy and falls.) Guard! Save! Help!

The goblin jumps up in fright, while inadvertently throwing off Baba Yaga. He also starts screaming.

Goblin. Who to save? Who to help?

Baba Yaga. Save me! Help me!

Goblin (looks around). And who are you?

Baba Yaga. Why are you shaking your head? Look down! I'm here!

Goblin. Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga. Yes I! I! Help me get up!

Goblin. Why are you lying here?

Baba Yaga). Am I lying? I? Who slept here? And prevent everyone from walking? Spread out! Fell apart! Where's the Flappers?

Goblin. Yes, everyone was here. where should they go? They are connected.

Baba Yaga. Then where are they? Where? Where, I ask you?

Goblin. Now I'll look!

Baba Yaga. Let's! Let's! Search! Search! I know you won't find it! I know! They ran away! Run away!

Goblin. Kikimora! The crackers are gone!

Kikimora. How did they disappear?

Baba Yaga. Parasites! Idlers! Everyone overslept! In pursuit! Now I'll just take a breath!

Goblin. Will we fly on the step?

Baba Yaga. What? Look, he needed my stupa! I'm on a broomstick, and you are on your own!

Goblin. For what two?

Baba Yaga. Explain to him what he will fly.

Kikimora. Leshy, shut up! We'll run after her! Let's run!

Goblin. Let's run? We won't catch up!

Baba Yaga. Catch up, darling, catch up! Just try not to catch up!

Goblin. But you will fly at the speed of an airplane!

Baba Yaga. And you run at the speed of an airplane! I should have slept less!

Goblin. Kikimora, goodbye!

Kikimora. What goodbye, we are immortal!

Goblin. Horrible!

Baba Yaga. Stop talking! Let's keep moving!

Kikimora. it wouldn't hurt to take a break!

Baba Yaga: I'll rest right now! Follow me!

On the stage Flapperboard and snowman. OH! Let's run!

Clapperboard. Stop! It's not fitting for us, Flappers, to hide behind other people's backs!

Weapon for battle!

Snowman. What weapon do you have?

Clapperboard. No time to tell! Now you will see for yourself!

evil spirits break in

Baba Yaga. Gotcha, doves? Thinking of running away? Hide? Bury yourself?

Clapperboard. Fire!

A volley of crackers.

Goblin. Oh oh oh! I don't see anything!

Baba Yaga. I don't see anything! Oh, mothers-fathers, what is this?

Kikimora. Leshy, where are you? Goblin! Do not leave me! I do not see anything!

Baba Yaga. clean our eyes! Don't want no more fireworks.

Snowman. Well, well, friends, we have overcome all adversity! And now all together, let's call Santa Claus!

Snowman. Let's shout together: "Santa Claus! Come!"

enters D.M.